* * * * *
(b)(1) * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A B Freshwater C Saltwater D Human health (10-6) risk for------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- carcinogens) For consumption of:
Criterion Criterion Criterion Criterion -------------------------------------
maximum continous maximum continious
Compound CAS number conc. conc. conc. conc. Water & organisms Organisms only
([micro]g/ ([micro]g/ ([micro]g/ ([micro]g/ ([micro]g/L) D1 ([micro]g/L) D2
L) \d\ B1 L) \d\ B2 L) \d\ C1 L) \d\ C2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* * * * * * *23. Chlorodibromomethane......................... 124481 ........... ........... ........... ........... \a c\ 0.41 \a c\ 34
* * * * * * *67. Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether.................. 108601 ........... ........... ........... ........... a1,400 \a t\ 170,000
* * * * * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Footnotes to table in paragraph (b)(1):* * * * * * *\a\ Criteria revised to reflect the Agency q1* or RfD, as contained in the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) as of October 1, 1996. The fish
tissue bioconcentration factor (BCF) from the 1980 documents was retained in each case.\c\ Criteria are based on carcinogenicity of 10-6 risk.\d\ Criteria Maximum Concentration (CMC) equals the highest concentration of a pollutant to which aquatic life can be exposed for a short period of time
without deleterious effects. Criteria Continuous Concentration (CCC) equals the highest concentration of a pollutant to which aquatic life can be
exposed for an extended period of time (4 days) without deleterious effects. [micro]g/L equals micrograms per liter.* * * * * * *\t\ These criteria were promulgated for specific waters in California in the NTR. The specific waters to which the NTR criteria apply include: Waters of
the State defined as bays and estuaries including San Francisco Bay upstream to and including Suisun Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; and
waters of the State defined as inland (i.e., all surface waters of the State not bays or estuaries or ocean) without a MUN use designation. This
section does not apply instead of the NTR for these criteria.
* * * * *