A Critical Aquifer Protection Area is either:
(a) All or part of an area which was designated as a sole or principal source aquifer prior to June 19, 1986, and for which an areawide ground-water quality protection plan was approved, under section 208 of the Clean Water Act, prior to that date; or
(b) All or part of a major recharge area of a sole or principal source aquifer, designated before June 19, 1988, for which:
(1) The sole or principal source aquifer is particularly vulnerable to contamination due to the hydrogeologic characteristics of the unsaturated or saturated zone within the suggested critical aquifer protection area; and
(2) Contamination of the sole or principal source aquifer is reasonably likely to occur, unless a program to reduce or prevent such contamination is implemented; and
(3) In the absence of any program to reduce or prevent contamination, reasonably foreseeable contamination would result in significant cost, taking into account:
(i) The cost of replacing the drinking water supply from the sole or principal source aquifer, and
(ii) Other economic costs and environmental and social costs resulting from such contamination. [54 FR 6843, Feb. 14, 1989]