(a) Requirement. Human hazard and precautionary statements as required must appear together on the label or labeling under the general heading ``Precautionary Statements'' and under appropriate subheadings similar to ``Humans and Domestic Animals,'' ``Environmental Hazards'' (see subpart E of this part) and ``Physical or Chemical Hazards.'' The phrase ``and Domestic Animals'' may be omitted from the heading if domestic animals will not be exposed to the product.
(b) Content of statements. When data or other information show that an acute hazard may exist to humans or domestic animals, the label must bear precautionary statements describing the particular hazard, the route(s) of exposure and the precautions to be taken to avoid accident, injury or toxic effect or to mitigate the effect. The precautionary paragraph must be immediately preceded by the appropriate signal word.
(c) Typical precautionary statements. The table below presents typical hazard and precautionary statements. Specific statements pertaining to the hazards of the product and its uses must be approved by the Agency. With Agency approval, statements may be augmented to reflect the hazards and precautions associated with the product as diluted for use. Refer to Sec. 156.68(b) for requirements for use dilution statements.
Typical Human Hazard and Precautionary Statements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Systemic effects (oral, Sensitizer (There are
Toxicity Category dermal, inhalation Irritation effects no categories of
toxicity) (skin and eye) sensitization.)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Fatal (poisonous) if Corrosive, causes eye If product is a
swallowed [inhaled or and skin damage [or sensitizer: Prolonged
absorbed through skin irritation]. Do or frequently repeated
skin]. Do not breathe not get in eyes on skin contact may cause
vapor [dust or spray skin, or on clothing. allergic reactions in
mist]. Do not get in Wear goggles or face some individuals.
eyes, on skin, or on shield and rubber
clothing. [Front panel gloves when handling.
first aid statement Harmful or fatal if
required.] swallowed. [Front
panel first aid
statement required.]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II May be fatal if Causes eye [and skin]
swallowed, [inhaled or irritation. Do not get
absorbed through the in eyes, on skin, or
skin]. Do not breathe on clothing. Harmful
vapors [dust or spray if swallowed.
mist]. Do not get in [Appropriate first aid
eyes, on skin, or on statement required.]
clothing. [Appropriate
first aid statement
required.]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III Harmful if swallowed Avoid contact with
[inhaled or absorbed skin, eyes or
through the skin]. clothing.
Avoid breathing vapors
[dust or spray mist].
Avoid contact with
skin [eyes or
[Appropriate first aid
statement required.]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV No precautionary No precautionary
statements required statements required.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------