(a) General. (1) The registrant of a pesticide product required to be in child-resistant packaging shall certify to the Agency that the package meets the standards of Sec. 157.32.
(1) The registrant of a pesticide product required to be in child-resistant packaging shall certify to the Agency that the package meets the standards of Sec. 157.32.
(2) Certification must be submitted with each application for new registration, if applicable. If the Agency determines, in accordance with Sec. 157.24(a)(1)(ii), (2)(ii), or (b)(4), that a currently registered product is required to be packaged in child-resistant packaging, a certification must be submitted within 6 months after the Agency finally notifies the registrant of the requirement.
(b) Contents of certification. The certification must contain the following information:
(1) The name and EPA registration number of the product to which the certification applies, the registrant's name and address, the date, and the name, title and signature of the company official making the certification.
(2) A statement that the packaging that is being used for the product will meet the standards of Sec. 157.32. The statement, ``I certify that the packaging that will be used for this product meets the standards of 40 CFR 157.32,'' will suffice for this purpose.