(a) Quorum requirements. A quorum of the Board for the transaction of business shall consist of three Members; provided, however, that if the number of Board Members in office is fewer than three, a quorum shall consist of the number of Members in Office; and provided further that on any matter of business as to which the number of Members in office, minus the number of Members who have disqualified themselves from consideration of such matter is two, two Members shall constitute a quorum for purposes of such matter. Once a quorum is constituted, a simple majority of voting Members is required to approve an item of the Board's business. A tie vote results in no action.
(b) Voting. The Board votes on items of business in meetings conducted pursuant to the Government in the Sunshine Act. Alternatively, whenever a Member of the Board is of the opinion that joint deliberation among the members of the Board upon any matter at a meeting is unnecessary in light of the nature of the matter, impracticable, or would impede the orderly disposition of agency business, such matter may be disposed of by employing notation voting procedures. A written notation of the vote of each participating Board member shall be recorded by the General Counsel who shall retain it in the records of the Board.