(a) What information must I report about my nonrefillable containers? You are not required to report to EPA with information about your nonrefillable containers under the regulations in this subpart. You should refer to the reporting standards in part 159 of this chapter to determine if information on container failures or other incidents involving pesticide containers must be reported to EPA under FIFRA section 6(a)(2) (7 U.S.C. 136d(a)(2)).
(b) What recordkeeping do I have to do for my nonrefillable containers? For each pesticide product that is subject to Sec. Sec. 165.25 through 165.27 and is distributed or sold in nonrefillable containers, you must maintain the records listed in this section for as long as a nonrefillable container is used to distribute or sell the pesticide product and for 3 years after that. You must furnish these records for inspection and copying upon request by an employee of EPA or any entity designated by EPA, such as a State, another political subdivision or a Tribe. You must keep the following records:
(1) The name and EPA registration number of the pesticide product.
(2) A description of the nonrefillable container(s) in which the pesticide product is distributed or sold.
(3) At least one of the following records to document compliance with the requirement for closures in Sec. 165.25(d) for each nonrefillable container used to distribute or sell the pesticide product that must comply with Sec. 165.25(d):
(i) A letter or document from the container supplier that describes the closure.
(ii) A specification about the closure in the contract between the registrant or applicant and the container supplier.
(iii) A copy of EPA's approval of any non-standard closure.
(4) At least one of the following records pertaining to the container dispensing capability requirements in Sec. 165.25(e) for each nonrefillable container used to distribute or sell the pesticide product that must comply with Sec. 165.25(e):
(i) Test data or documentation demonstrating that the nonrefillable container meets the standards in Sec. 165.25(e) when it contains the pesticide product.
(ii) Test data or documentation demonstrating that a different nonrefillable container meets the standards in Sec. 165.25(e) when it contains the pesticide product or even a different pesticide product and a written explanation of why such data or documentation demonstrates that the container meets the standards in Sec. 165.25(e) for the pesticide product.
(iii) A copy of EPA's approval of a request for a waiver from the container dispensing requirement.
(5) At least one of the following records pertaining to the nonrefillable container residue removal requirement in Sec. 165.25(f) if the pesticide product is a suspension concentrate or if EPA specifically requests the records on a case-by-case basis:
(i) Test data showing that the nonrefillable container and pesticide formulation meet the standard in Sec. 165.25(f) .
(ii) Test data showing that a different nonrefillable container with the same or a different pesticide formulation meets the standard in Sec. 165.25(f), together with a written explanation of why such data demonstrate that the nonrefillable container and pesticide formulation meet the standard in Sec. 165.25(f).
(iii) A copy of EPA's approval of a request for a waiver from the residue removal standard requirement. [71 FR 47422, Aug. 16, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 64225, Oct. 29, 2008] Sec. Sec. 165.28-165.39 [Reserved]