(a) What Department of Transportation (DOT) standards do my refillable containers have to meet under this part if my pesticide product is not a DOT hazardous material? (1) A pesticide product that does not meet the definition of a hazardous material in 49 CFR 171.8 must be packaged in a refillable container that, if portable, is designed, constructed, and marked to comply with the requirements of 49 CFR 173.4, 173.5, 173.6, 173.24, 173.24a, 173.24b, 173.28, 173.155, 173.203, 173.213, 173.240(c), 173.240(d), 173.241(c), 173.241(d), part 178, and part 180 that are applicable to a Packing Group III material, or, if subject to a special permit, according to the applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 107 subpart B. The requirements in this paragraph apply to the pesticide product as it is packaged for transportation in commerce.
(2) A refiller is not required to comply with 49 CFR 173.28(b)(2) for pesticide products that are not DOT hazardous materials if the refillable container to be reused complies with the refillable container regulations in this subpart and the refilling is done in compliance with the repackaging regulations in subpart D of this part.
(b) What DOT standards do my refillable containers have to meet under this part if my pesticide product is a DOT hazardous material? (1) If your pesticide product meets the definition of a hazardous material in 49 CFR 171.8, the DOT requires your pesticide product to be packaged according to 49 CFR parts 171-180 or, if subject to a special permit, according to the applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 107 subpart B.
(2) For the purposes of these regulations, a pesticide product that meets the definition of a hazardous material in 49 CFR 171.8 must be packaged in a refillable container that, if portable, is designed, constructed, and marked to comply with the requirements of 49 CFR parts 171-180 or, if subject to a special permit, according to the applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 107 subpart B. The requirements in this paragraph apply to the pesticide product as it is packaged for transportation in commerce.
(c) What will EPA do if DOT proposes to change any of the cross-referenced regulations? If the DOT proposes to change any of the regulations that are incorporated in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, EPA will provide notice of the proposed changes and an opportunity to comment in the Federal Register. Following notice and comment, EPA will take final action regarding whether or not to revise its rules, and the extent to which any such revision will correspond with revised DOT regulations.
(d) What standards for marking do my refillable containers have to meet? Each refillable container must be marked in a durable and clearly visible manner with a serial number or other identifying code that will distinguish the individual container from all other containers. Durable marking includes, but is not limited to, etching, embossing, ink jetting, stamping, heat stamping, mechanically attaching a plate, molding, and marking with durable ink. The serial number or other identifying code must be located on the outside part of the container except on a closure. Placement on the label or labeling is not sufficient unless the label is an integral, permanent part of or permanently stamped on the container.
(e) What standards for openings do my refillable containers have to meet? If your refillable container is a portable pesticide container that is designed to hold liquid pesticide formulations and is not a cylinder that complies with the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations in 49 CFR parts 171-180, each opening of the container other than a vent must have a one-way valve, a tamper-evident device or both. A one-way valve may be located in a device or system separate from the container if the device or system is the only reasonably foreseeable way to withdraw pesticide from the container. A vent must be designed to minimize the amount of material that could be introduced into the container through it.
(f) What standards do my stationary pesticide containers have to meet? If a stationary pesticide container designed to hold undivided quantities of pesticides equal to or greater than 500 gallons (1,890 liters) of liquid pesticide or equal to or greater than 4,000 pounds (1,818 kilograms) of dry pesticide is located at the refilling establishment of a refiller operating under written contract to you, the stationary pesticide container must meet the following standards:
(1) Except during a civil emergency or any unanticipated grave natural disaster or other natural phenomenon of an exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character, the effects of which could not have been prevented or avoided by the exercise of due care or foresight, each stationary pesticide container (for liquid and dry pesticides) and its appurtenances must meet both of the following standards:
(i) Each stationary pesticide container and its appurtenances must be resistant to extreme changes in temperature and constructed of materials that are adequately thick to not fail and that are resistant to corrosion, puncture, or cracking.
(ii) Each stationary pesticide container must be capable of withstanding all operating stresses, taking into account static heat, pressure buildup from pumps and compressors, and any other foreseeable mechanical stresses to which the container may be subjected in the course of operations.
(2) Each stationary container of liquid pesticides must meet all of the following standards:
(i) Each stationary container of liquid pesticides must be equipped with a vent or other device designed to relieve excess pressure, prevent losses by evaporation, and exclude precipitation.
(ii) External sight gauges, which are pesticide-containing hoses or tubes that run vertically along the exterior of the container from the top to the bottom, are prohibited on stationary containers of liquid pesticides.
(iii) Each connection on a stationary container of liquid pesticides that is below the normal liquid level must be equipped with a shutoff valve which is capable of being locked closed. A shutoff valve must be located within a secondary containment unit if one is required by subpart E of this part.
(g) Can I obtain a waiver from or a modification to any of the refillable container standards? Yes, it is possible for you to obtain a waiver from or a modification to some of the refillable container standards, as follows:
(1) EPA may waive or modify the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section regarding the DOT standards for pesticide products that are not DOT hazardous materials if EPA determines that an alternative (partial or modified) set of standards or pre-existing requirements achieves a level of safety that is at least equal to that specified in the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) EPA may waive or modify the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section regarding the DOT standards for pesticide products that are DOT hazardous materials if EPA determines that an alternative (partial or modified) set of standards or pre-existing requirements achieves a level of safety that is at least equal to that specified in the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section. EPA will modify or waive the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section only after consulting with DOT to ensure consistency with DOT regulations and exemptions.
(h) How do I obtain a waiver from or a modification to any of the refillable container standards? To obtain a waiver from or a modification to any of the refillable container standards, you must submit a written request for a waiver or a modification to the EPA to the following address: Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P); U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Ariel Rios Building; 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460. You cannot distribute or sell the pesticide product in a refillable container that does not comply with all of the refillable container standards unless and until EPA approves the request for the waiver or modification in writing. You must include two copies of the following information (which may be part of an application for registration or amended registration) with your written request:
(1) The name and address of the registrant; the date; and the name, title, signature, and phone number of the company official making the request.
(2) The name and EPA registration number of the pesticide product for which the waiver or modification is requested.
(3) A statement specifying the requirement or requirements from which you are requesting a waiver or a modification.
(4) A description of the refillable container or containers for which the waiver or modification is requested.
(5) Documentation or justification to demonstrate that the applicable waiver or modification criteria in paragraph (g) of this section are satisfied. [71 FR 47422, Aug. 16, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 64226, Oct. 29, 2008]