(a) Competence in the use and handling of pesticides by a private applicator will be determined by procedures set forth below. State standards must conform and be at least equal to those prescribed herein. As a minimum requirement for certification, a private applicator must show that he possesses a practical knowledge of the pest problems and pest control practices associated with his agricultural operations; proper storage, use, handling and disposal of the pesticides and containers; and his related legal responsibility. This practical knowledge includes ability to:
(1) Recognize common pests to be controlled and damage caused by them.
(2) Read and understand the label and labeling information--including the common name of pesticides he applied; pest(s) to be controlled, timing and methods of application; safety precautions; any pre-harvest or re-entry restrictions; and any specific disposal procedures.
(3) Apply pesticides in accordance with label instructions and warnings, including the ability to prepare the proper concentration of pesticide to be used under particular circumstances taking into account such factors as area to be covered, speed at which application equipment will be driven, and the quantity dispersed in a given period of operation.
(4) Recognize local environmental situations that must be considered during application to avoid contamination.
(5) Recognize poisoning symptoms and procedures to follow in case of a pesticide accident.
(b) Such competence of each private applicator shall be verified by the responsible State agency through the administration of a private applicator certification system which ensures that the private applicator is competent, based upon the standards set forth above, to use the restricted use pesticides under limitations of applicable State and Federal laws and regulations. A certification system shall employ a written or oral testing procedure, or such other equivalent system as may be approved as part of a State plan.
(1) In any case where a person, at the time of testing for certification, is unable to read a label, the responsible State agency may employ a testing procedure, previously approved by the Administrator, which can adequately assess the competence of such person with regard to all of the above standards. Certification must be related and limited to the use and handling of each individual pesticide for which he desires certification at any time. Therefore, the applicator will be authorized to use only the pesticide(s) for which he has demonstrated competence. A specific procedure is required for Sec. 171.5(a)(2) relating to label comprehension, with testing designed to assure his knowledge of the following:
(i) Understanding of the label and labeling information including those items indicated in that subsection.
(ii) Sources of advice and guidance necessary for the safe and proper use of each pesticide related to his certification.
(2) [Reserved]