(a) Submission. (1) A State may, by submitting a State plan, request the Administrator to authorize the designated State agency to issue experimental use permits under section 5(f) of FIFRA.
(1) A State may, by submitting a State plan, request the Administrator to authorize the designated State agency to issue experimental use permits under section 5(f) of FIFRA.
(2) A State shall request authorization to issue experimental use permits by having the Governor or Chief Executive Officer or his designated agent submit a State plan in writing to the Administrator.
(b) Contents. A State plan shall include--
(1) A designation of the State agency responsible for the administration of the State experimental use permit program.
(2) An opinion of the State attorney general or the legal counsel of the designated State agency that the State has the requisite legal authorities as set forth in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, accompanied by copies of the applicable State laws and regulations.
(3) A description of procedures that the designated State agency will follow:
(i) To review experimental use permit applications, to ensure that experimental use permits will be issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of the authorization, FIFRA, and this subpart; and
(ii) To supervise use pursuant to the permits, and to ensure that permits are used in accordance with their terms and conditions, FIFRA, and this subpart.
(c) Criteria for EPA acceptance of State plan. (1) The Administrator shall grant authorization to issue experimental use permits if the State plan establishes that the designated State agency--
(1) The Administrator shall grant authorization to issue experimental use permits if the State plan establishes that the designated State agency--
(i) Has adequate legal authority under State law to implement the plan, including authority:
(A) To issue experimental use permits, subject to limitations necessary for the protection of public health and the environment;
(B) To supervise the use of a pesticide pursuant to an experimental use permit, as provided in Sec. 172.25(c);
(C) To deny an experimental use permit if it determines that a permit is not justified, or that the issuance of the permit would cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment;
(D) To amend or revoke an experimental use permit, if the designated State agency finds that:
(1) The terms and conditions of the permit are being violated, or are inadequate to avoid unreasonable adverse effects on the environment;
(2) Any required tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) has been revoked by EPA, or any exemption from the requirement for tolerance has been withdrawn by EPA; or
(3) A failure by the permittee or any cooperator to meet any other provision of FIFRA or this subpart has occurred;
(E) To enter, by consent or by warrant or by other legal means, in connection with an experimental use permit, a permittee's or cooperator's premises at reasonable times in order to sample or inspect any pesticides used or property treated, to inspect any equipment or records kept, or to observe any activities conducted, as necessary to enforce compliance with State law, the terms of the permit, and this subpart;
(F) To comply in all other respects with the requirements of this subpart, including labeling requirements; and
(ii) Utilizes procedures for the review of each permit which are adequate to ensure that the State program will be administered in accordance with the purposes of FIFRA and this subpart.
(2) After receiving a State plan, EPA shall publish a Federal Register notice announcing the fact and inviting interested parties to comment thereon.
(d) Approval, rejection, and revocation. (1) EPA shall approve or reject the State plan within 90 days after receipt of all information necessary for final review of the plan, including copies of effective statutes and regulations which satisfy the requirements of this subpart.
(1) EPA shall approve or reject the State plan within 90 days after receipt of all information necessary for final review of the plan, including copies of effective statutes and regulations which satisfy the requirements of this subpart.
(2) The Administrator may at any time revoke the authorization of a State to issue experimental use permits if he determines that the designated State agency has not complied with the requirements of this subpart or with the terms and conditions of such authorization. State experimental use permits issued prior to the revocation of authority shall remain valid until they expire or until three years from the date of revocation of the State's authority, whichever comes first, unless sooner revoked by EPA under Sec. 172.26(c) of this subpart.
(3) Notices of approval, rejection, and revocation shall be published in the Federal Register, as well as the basis for such approval, rejection, or revocation.
(4) Prior to rejecting or revoking authorization, the Administrator shall notify the State in writing of his intention to take such action, along with the basis for such action, and shall afford the State the opportunity for a hearing, and time to take corrective action.