(a) Any State after the effective date of these regulations may submit to the Regional Administrator for his approval an application to conduct a program for issuing statements under this section.
(1) A State submission shall specify the organizational, legal, financial, and administrative resources and procedures that it believes will enable it to conduct the program.
(2) The State program shall constitute an equivalent effort to that required of EPA under this section.
(3) The State organization responsible for conducting the program should be the State water pollution control agency, as defined in section 502 of the Act.
(4) The State submission shall propose a procedure for adjudicating applicant appeals as provided under Sec. 21.9.
(5) The State submission shall identify any existing or potential conflicts of interest on the part of any personnel who will or may review or approve applications.
(i) A conflict of interest shall exist where the reviewing official is the spouse of or dependent (as defined in the Tax Code, 26 U.S.C. 152) of an owner, partner, or principal officer of the small business, or where he has or is receiving from the small business concern applicant 10 percent of gross personal income for a calendar year, except that it shall mean 50 percent gross personal income for a calendar year if the recipient is over 60 years of age and is receiving such portion pursuant to retirement, pension, or similar arrangements.
(ii) If the State is unable to provide alternative parties to review or approve any application subject to conflict of interest, the Regional Administrator shall review and approve the application.
(b) The Regional Administrator, within 60 days after such application, shall approve any State program that conforms to the requirements of this section. Any such approval shall be after sufficient notice has been provided to the Regional Director of SBA.
(c) If the Regional Administrator disapproves the application, he shall notify the State, in writing, of any deficiency in its application. A State may resubmit an amended application at any later time.
(d) Upon approval of a State submission, EPA will suspend all review of applications and issuance of statements for small businesses in that State, pending transferral. Provided, however, That in the event of a State conflict of interest as identified in Sec. 21.12(a)(4) of this section, EPA shall review the application and issue the statement.
(e) Any applications shall, if received by an EPA Regional Office, be forwarded promptly to the appropriate State for action pursuant to section 7(g)(2) of the Small Business Act and these regulations.
(f)(1) EPA will generally not review or approve individual statements issued by a State. However, SBA, upon receipt and review of a State approved statement may request the Regional Administrator of EPA to review the statement. The Regional Administrator, upon such request can further approve or disapprove the State issued statement, in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 21.5.
(1) EPA will generally not review or approve individual statements issued by a State. However, SBA, upon receipt and review of a State approved statement may request the Regional Administrator of EPA to review the statement. The Regional Administrator, upon such request can further approve or disapprove the State issued statement, in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 21.5.
(2) The Regional Administrator will periodically review State program performance. In the event of State program deficiencies the Regional Administrator will notify the State of such deficiencies.
(3) During that period that any State's program is classified as deficient, statements issued by a State shall also be sent to the Regional Administrator for review. The Regional Administrator shall notify the State, the applicant, and the SBA of any determination subsequently made, in accordance with Sec. 21.5, on any such statement.
(i) If within 60 days after notice of such deficiencies has been provided, the State has not taken corrective efforts, and if the deficiencies significantly affect the conduct of the program, the Regional Administrator, after sufficient notice has been provided to the Regional Director of SBA, shall withdraw the approval of the State program.
(ii) Any State whose program is withdrawn and whose deficiencies have been corrected may later reapply as provided in Sec. 21.12(a).
(g) Funds appropriated under section 106 of the Act may be utilized by a State agency authorized to receive such funds in conducting this program.