(a) Filing of documents. (1) The original and one copy of each document intended to be part of the record shall be filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk when the proceeding is before the Presiding Officer, or filed with the Clerk of the Board when the proceeding is before the Environmental Appeals Board. A document is filed when it is received by the appropriate Clerk. Documents filed in proceedings before the Environmental Appeals Board shall be sent to the Clerk of the Board either by U.S. Mail (except by U.S. Express Mail) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Appeals Board, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Mail Code 1103M, Washington, DC 20460-0001; or delivered by hand or courier (including deliveries by U.S. Express Mail or by a commercial delivery service) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Appeals Board, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., WJC East, Room 3332, Washington, DC 20004. The Presiding Officer or the Environmental Appeals Board may by order authorize facsimile or electronic filing, subject to any appropriate conditions and limitations.
(1) The original and one copy of each document intended to be part of the record shall be filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk when the proceeding is before the Presiding Officer, or filed with the Clerk of the Board when the proceeding is before the Environmental Appeals Board. A document is filed when it is received by the appropriate Clerk. Documents filed in proceedings before the Environmental Appeals Board shall be sent to the Clerk of the Board either by U.S. Mail (except by U.S. Express Mail) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Appeals Board, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Mail Code 1103M, Washington, DC 20460-0001; or delivered by hand or courier (including deliveries by U.S. Express Mail or by a commercial delivery service) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Appeals Board, 1201 Constitution Avenue NW., WJC East, Room 3332, Washington, DC 20004. The Presiding Officer or the Environmental Appeals Board may by order authorize facsimile or electronic filing, subject to any appropriate conditions and limitations.
(2) When the Presiding Officer corresponds directly with the parties, the original of the correspondence shall be filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk. Parties who correspond directly with the Presiding Officer shall file a copy of the correspondence with the Regional Hearing Clerk.
(3) A certificate of service shall accompany each document filed or served in the proceeding.
(b) Service of documents. A copy of each document filed in the proceeding shall be served on the Presiding Officer or the Environmental Appeals Board, and on each party.
(1) Service of complaint. (i) Complainant shall serve on respondent, or a representative authorized to receive service on respondent's behalf, a copy of the signed original of the complaint, together with a copy of these Consolidated Rules of Practice. Service shall be made personally, by certified mail with return receipt requested, or by any reliable commercial delivery service that provides written verification of delivery.
(i) Complainant shall serve on respondent, or a representative authorized to receive service on respondent's behalf, a copy of the signed original of the complaint, together with a copy of these Consolidated Rules of Practice. Service shall be made personally, by certified mail with return receipt requested, or by any reliable commercial delivery service that provides written verification of delivery.
(ii)(A) Where respondent is a domestic or foreign corporation, a partnership, or an unincorporated association which is subject to suit under a common name, complainant shall serve an officer, partner, a managing or general agent, or any other person authorized by appointment or by Federal or State law to receive service of process.
(A) Where respondent is a domestic or foreign corporation, a partnership, or an unincorporated association which is subject to suit under a common name, complainant shall serve an officer, partner, a managing or general agent, or any other person authorized by appointment or by Federal or State law to receive service of process.
(B) Where respondent is an agency of the United States complainant shall serve that agency as provided by that agency's regulations, or in the absence of controlling regulation, as otherwise permitted by law. Complainant should also provide a copy of the complaint to the senior executive official having responsibility for the overall operations of the geographical unit where the alleged violations arose. If the agency is a corporation, the complaint shall be served as prescribed in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section.
(C) Where respondent is a State or local unit of government, agency, department, corporation or other instrumentality, complainant shall serve the chief executive officer thereof, or as otherwise permitted by law. Where respondent is a State or local officer, complainant shall serve such officer.
(iii) Proof of service of the complaint shall be made by affidavit of the person making personal service, or by properly executed receipt. Such proof of service shall be filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk immediately upon completion of service.
(2) Service of filed documents other than the complaint, rulings, orders, and decisions. All filed documents other than the complaint, rulings, orders, and decisions shall be served personally, by first class mail (including certified mail, return receipt requested, Overnight Express and Priority Mail), or by any reliable commercial delivery service. The Presiding Officer or the Environmental Appeals Board may by order authorize facsimile or electronic service, subject to any appropriate conditions and limitations.
(c) Form of documents. (1) Except as provided in this section, or by order of the Presiding Officer or of the Environmental Appeals Board there are no specific requirements as to the form of documents.
(1) Except as provided in this section, or by order of the Presiding Officer or of the Environmental Appeals Board there are no specific requirements as to the form of documents.
(2) The first page of every filed document shall contain a caption identifying the respondent and the docket number. All legal briefs and legal memoranda greater than 20 pages in length (excluding attachments) shall contain a table of contents and a table of authorities with page references.
(3) The original of any filed document (other than exhibits) shall be signed by the party filing or by its attorney or other representative. The signature constitutes a representation by the signer that he has read the document, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the statements made therein are true, and that it is not interposed for delay.
(4) The first document filed by any person shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of an individual authorized to receive service relating to the proceeding. Parties shall promptly file any changes in this information with the Regional Hearing Clerk, and serve copies on the Presiding Officer and all parties to the proceeding. If a party fails to furnish such information and any changes thereto, service to the party's last known address shall satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section and Sec. 22.6.
(5) The Environmental Appeals Board or the Presiding Officer may exclude from the record any document which does not comply with this section. Written notice of such exclusion, stating the reasons therefor, shall be promptly given to the person submitting the document. Such person may amend and resubmit any excluded document upon motion granted by the Environmental Appeals Board or the Presiding Officer, as appropriate.
(d) Confidentiality of business information. (1) A person who wishes to assert a business confidentiality claim with regard to any information contained in any document to be filed in a proceeding under these Consolidated Rules of Practice shall assert such a claim in accordance with 40 CFR part 2 at the time that the document is filed. A document filed without a claim of business confidentiality shall be available to the public for inspection and copying.
(1) A person who wishes to assert a business confidentiality claim with regard to any information contained in any document to be filed in a proceeding under these Consolidated Rules of Practice shall assert such a claim in accordance with 40 CFR part 2 at the time that the document is filed. A document filed without a claim of business confidentiality shall be available to the public for inspection and copying.
(2) Two versions of any document which contains information claimed confidential shall be filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk:
(i) One version of the document shall contain the information claimed confidential. The cover page shall include the information required under paragraph (c)(2) of this section and the words ``Business Confidentiality Asserted''. The specific portion(s) alleged to be confidential shall be clearly identified within the document.
(ii) A second version of the document shall contain all information except the specific information claimed confidential, which shall be redacted and replaced with notes indicating the nature of the information redacted. The cover page shall state that information claimed confidential has been deleted and that a complete copy of the document containing the information claimed confidential has been filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk.
(3) Both versions of the document shall be served on the Presiding Officer and the complainant. Both versions of the document shall be served on any party, non-party participant, or representative thereof, authorized to receive the information claimed confidential by the person making the claim of confidentiality. Only the redacted version shall be served on persons not authorized to receive the confidential information.
(4) Only the second, redacted version shall be treated as public information. An EPA officer or employee may disclose information claimed confidential in accordance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section only as authorized under 40 CFR part 2. [64 FR 40176, July 23, 1999, as amended at 69 FR 77639, Dec. 28, 2004; 79 FR 65901, Nov. 6, 2014]