(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, this subpart applies to all research initiated on or after April 15, 2013 involving intentional exposure of a human subject to:
(1) Any substance if, at any time prior to initiating such research, any person who conducted or supported such research intended either to submit results of the research to EPA for consideration in connection with any action that may be performed by EPA under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S.C. 136-136y) or section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) (21 U.S.C. 346a), or to hold the results of the research for later inspection by EPA under FIFRA or section 408 of FFDCA; or
(2) A pesticide if, at any time prior to initiating such research, any person who conducted or supported such research intended either to submit results of the research to EPA for consideration in connection with any action that may be performed by EPA under any regulatory statute administered by EPA other than those statutes designated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or to hold the results of the research for later inspection by EPA under any regulatory statute administered by EPA other than those statutes designated in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(b) For purposes of determining a person's intent under paragraph (a) of this section, EPA may consider any available and relevant information. EPA must rebuttably presume the existence of intent if:
(1) The person or the person's agent has submitted or made available for inspection the results of such research to EPA; or
(2) The person is a member of a class of people who, or whose products or activities, are regulated by EPA and, at the time the research was initiated, the results of such research would be relevant to EPA's exercise of its regulatory authority with respect to that class of people, products, or activities.
(c) Unless otherwise required by the Administrator, research is exempt from this subpart if it involves only the collection or study of existing data, documents, records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens from previously conducted studies, and if these sources are publicly available or if the information is recorded by the investigator in such a manner that subjects cannot be identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects.
(d) The EPA Administrator retains final judgment as to whether a particular activity is covered by this subpart.
(e) Compliance with this subpart requires compliance with pertinent Federal laws or regulations which provide additional protections for human subjects.
(f) This subpart does not affect any State or local laws or regulations which may otherwise be applicable and which provide additional protections for human subjects. Reference to State or local laws in this subpart is intended to include the laws of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments.
(g) This subpart does not affect any foreign laws or regulations which may otherwise be applicable and which provide additional protections to human subjects of research. [71 FR 6168, Feb. 6, 2006, as amended at 78 FR 10543, Feb. 14, 2013]