(a) If apparent noncompliance with the applicable regulations in subparts A through L of this part concerning the operation of an IRB is observed by an officer or employee of EPA or of any State duly designated by the Administrator during an inspection, EPA may send a letter describing the noncompliance to the IRB and to the parent institution. EPA will require that the IRB or the parent institution respond to this letter within a reasonable time period specified by EPA and describe the corrective actions that will be taken by the IRB, the institution, or both to achieve compliance with these regulations.
(b) On the basis of the IRB's or the institution's response, EPA may schedule a reinspection to confirm the adequacy of corrective actions. In addition, until the IRB or the parent institution takes appropriate corrective action, EPA may:
(1) Withhold approval of new studies subject to the requirements of this part that are conducted at the institution or reviewed by the IRB;
(2) Direct that no new subjects be added to ongoing studies subject to this part;
(3) Terminate ongoing studies subject to this part when doing so would not endanger the subjects; or
(4) When the apparent noncompliance creates a significant threat to the rights and welfare of human subjects, notify relevant State and Federal regulatory agencies and other parties with a direct interest of the deficiencies in the operation of the IRB.
(c) The parent institution is presumed to be responsible for the operation of an IRB, and EPA will ordinarily direct any administrative action under this subpart against the institution. However, depending on the evidence of responsibility for deficiencies, determined during the investigation, EPA may restrict its administrative actions to the IRB or to a component of the parent institution determined to be responsible for formal designation of the IRB. [71 FR 6168, Feb. 6, 2006, as amended at 78 FR 10544, Feb. 14, 2013]