(a) For laboratory waste sent from a laboratory to an on-site hazardous waste accumulation area, each University must evaluate the laboratory wastes to determine whether they are solid wastes under RCRA and, if so, determine pursuant to Sec. 262.11 (a) through (d) whether they are hazardous wastes, as soon as the laboratory wastes reach the University's Hazardous Waste Accumulation area(s). At this point each University must determine whether the laboratory waste will be reused or whether it must be managed as RCRA solid or hazardous waste.
(b) For laboratory waste that will be sent from a laboratory to a TSD facility permitted to handle the waste, each University must evaluate such laboratory wastes to determine whether they are solid wastes under RCRA and, if so, determine pursuant to Sec. 262.11 (a) through (d) whether they are hazardous wastes, prior to the 30-day deadline for removing dated laboratory waste from the laboratory.
(c) Laboratory waste that is determined to be hazardous waste is no longer subject to the provisions of this subpart and must be managed in accordance with all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Parts 260 through 270.