In addition to the definitions set forth at 40 CFR 260.10, the following definitions apply to this subpart:
Consignee means the ultimate treatment, storage or disposal facility in a receiving country to which the hazardous waste will be sent.
EPA Acknowledgement of Consent means the cable sent to EPA from the U.S. Embassy in a receiving country that acknowledges the written consent of the receiving country to accept the hazardous waste and describes the terms and conditions of the receiving country's consent to the shipment.
Primary Exporter means any person who is required to originate the manifest for a shipment of hazardous waste in accordance with 40 CFR part 262, subpart B, or equivalent State provision, which specifies a treatment, storage, or disposal facility in a receiving country as the facility to which the hazardous waste will be sent and any intermediary arranging for the export.
Receiving country means a foreign country to which a hazardous waste is sent for the purpose of treatment, storage or disposal (except short-term storage incidental to transportation).
Transit country means any foreign country, other than a receiving country, through which a hazardous waste is transported. [53 FR 27164, July 19, 1988]