(a) The following definitions apply to this section:
(1) A Utility is any company that operates wholesale and/or retail oil and gas pipelines, or any company that provides electric power or telephone service and is regulated by New York State's Public Service Commission or the New York Power Authority.
(2) A right-of-way is a fixed, integrated network of aboveground or underground conveyances, including land structures, fixed equipment, and other appurtenances, controlled or owned by a Utility, and used for the purpose of conveying its products or services to customers.
(3) A remote location is a location in New York State within a Utility's right-of-way network that is not permanently staffed.
(4) A Utility's central collection facility (UCCF) is a Utility-owned facility within the Utility's right-of-way network to which hazardous waste, generated by the Utility at remote locations within the same right-of-way network, is brought.
(b) A UCCF designated pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section may consolidate hazardous waste (with the exception of mixed waste) generated by that Utility at its remote locations (and at that UCCF) for up to 90 days without a permit or without having interim status, provided that:
(1) The Utility complies with all applicable requirements for generators in 40 CFR part 262 (except Sec. 262.34 (d) through (f)) for hazardous waste generated at its remote locations and at the UCCF, including the manifest and pretransport requirements for all shipments greater than 100 kilograms sent from a remote location to a UCCF.
(2) The Utility transports the hazardous waste from the remote location to a UCCF immediately after collection of all hazardous waste at the remote location is complete or when the staff collecting the hazardous waste leave the remote location, whichever comes first.
(3) The Utility complies with all applicable requirements for transporters in 40 CFR part 263 for each shipment of hazardous waste greater than 100 kilograms which is sent from remote location to the UCCF, and all applicable Department of Transportation requirements.
(4)(i) The Utility complies with 40 CFR 262.34 (a) through (c), regardless of the total quantity of hazardous waste generated or consolidated at the UCCF per calendar month;
(i) The Utility complies with 40 CFR 262.34 (a) through (c), regardless of the total quantity of hazardous waste generated or consolidated at the UCCF per calendar month;
(ii) The Utility complies with 40 CFR 264.178; and
(iii) Secondary containment is provided for all liquid hazardous waste consolidated in containers if:
(A) The UCCF is consolidating 8,800 gallons or more of liquid hazardous waste, or
(B) The UCCF is consolidating 185 gallons or more of liquid hazardous waste and is located in an area designated by New York State that overlays a sole-source aquifer.
(5) The Utility submits a biennial report in accordance with 40 CFR 262.41 including all hazardous waste shipped from remote locations to the UCCF. This UCCF biennial report may be submitted in lieu of submitting a biennial report for each remote location. However, for hazardous waste generated at a particular remote location that exceeds 1000 kg per calendar month and that is not sent to the UCCF, the Utility must submit a separate biennial report.
(6) Waste generated at a remote location that is not sent to a UCCF is managed according to the requirements of parts 260 through 270 of this chapter.
(7) The Utility maintains records at the UCCF in accordance with all the recordkeeping requirements set forth in subpart D of 40 CFR part 262, including 40 CFR 262.40, and maintains records on any PCB test results for hazardous wastes brought to the facility from remote locations.
(8) The UCCF obtains an EPA identification number.
(9) The UCCF receives hazardous waste only from its remote location.
(10) The Utility reinvests at least one-third of the direct savings described in paragraph (h) of this section in one or more environmentally beneficial projects, such as remediation or pollution prevention, that are over and above existing legal requirements and that have not been initiated prior to the Utility's receipt of approval to consolidate hazardous waste pursuant to this section.
(c) Utilities seeking to have UCCFs designated under paragraph (e) of this section must comply with the following requirements:
(1) Any New York State Utility seeking approval to consolidate hazardous waste under this section must notify local governments and communities of the Utility's intent to designate specific UCCFs.
(2) In carrying out paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Utility must solicit public comment. In soliciting public comment, the Utility must use the notice method set forth in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, as well as at least two of the methods set forth in paragraphs (c)(2)(ii) through (vii) of this section. Each Utility must also notify by mail all parties who commented on the proposed rule for this XL project.
(i) A public notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the area in which each proposed UCCF is located;
(ii) A radio announcement in each affected community during peak listening hours;
(iii) Mailings to all citizens within a five-mile radius of proposed UCCF;
(iv) Well-publicized community meetings;
(v) Presentations to the local community board;
(vi) Placement of copies of this section and the Final Project Agreement that explains the regulatory relief outlined in this section in the local library nearest the proposed UCCF, and inclusion of the name and address of the library in the newspaper notice; and
(vii) Placement of copies of this section and the Final Project Agreement that explains the regulatory relief outlined in this section on the Utility's web site, and inclusion of the web site's address in the newspaper notice.
(3) All outreach efforts made under paragraph (c)(2) of this section shall be prepared in English (and any other language spoken by a large number of persons in the community of concern) and at a minimum shall include the following information:
(i) A brief description of the XL project, the intended new use of the facility, and a request for comments on the proposed UCCF.
(ii) The name, if any, and address of the proposed UCCF and its current status under the RCRA Subtitle C program.
(iii) The intended duration of use of the UCCF under the requirements of this section.
(iv) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of contact persons, representing the Utility, to whom questions or comments may be directed.
(v) Notification of when the comment period of no less than 30 days will close.
(4) Prior to the solicitation of public comment pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the Utility must submit copies of each notice, announcement or mailing directly to local governments and to EPA.
(5) At the close of the comment period, the Utility shall prepare a Responsiveness Package containing a summary of public outreach efforts, all comments and questions received as a result of its outreach efforts, and the Utility's written responses to all comments and questions. The Utility shall provide copies of its Responsiveness Package to any citizens that participated in the public notice process, local governments and EPA.
(d) Upon completion of the public notice procedures described in paragraph (c) of this section, the Utility must provide written notice to EPA of its intent to participate. The Notice of Intent must contain the following information:
(1) The name of the Utility, corporate address, and corporate mailing address, if different.
(2) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of a corporate-level contact person to whom communications and inquiries may be directed. This contact person may be changed by written notification to EPA.
(3) A list of the names, addresses, and EPA identification numbers, if applicable, of all Utility-owned facilities in New York State that are proposed UCCFs and the names and telephone numbers of a designated contact person at each facility.
(4) A summary of public outreach efforts undertaken pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.
(5) A commitment that one-third of the direct cost savings outlined in paragraph (h) of this section due to project participation will be reinvested in one or more environmentally beneficial projects which are over and above existing legal requirements and which have not been initiated prior to the Utility's receipt of approval to consolidate hazardous waste pursuant to this section.
(6) An acknowledgment that the signatory is personally familiar with the terms and conditions of this section and has the authority to obligate and does obligate the Utility to comply with all such terms and conditions. The Utility shall comply with the signatory requirements set forth in 40 CFR 270.11(a)(1).
(e) The procedures for designating UCCFs are as follows:
(1) Subject to paragraphs (e)(2) through (5) of this section, the Utility and specified UCCF shall receive approval to comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section upon the receipt of written acknowledgment from EPA that the Notice of Intent described in paragraph (d) of this section has been received and found to be complete and in compliance with all the requirements set forth in paragraph (d) of this section. This acknowledgment will state whether the UCCF has been designated under this section and any additional limitations which have been placed on the UCCF.
(2) Based on information provided and comments received during the public notice and comment period, EPA shall prepare a response to the comments received. The response to comments shall be attached to the acknowledgment described in paragraph (e)(1). Both the acknowledgment and the response to comments shall be sent to all persons who commented on the designation of the UCCF(s) that are the subject of the acknowledgment.
(3) Based on information provided and comments received during or after the public notice and comment period, designated UCCFs may be rejected for the proposed use, or, if EPA determines that acceptance for the proposed use under the conditions of paragraph (b) of this section may not fully protect human health and the environment based on the Utility's compliance history or other appropriate factors, the acknowledgment may impose conditions in addition to those in paragraph (b) of this section.
(4) If EPA determines that a site-specific informational public meeting is warranted prior to determining the acceptability of a designated UCCF, the acknowledgment will so state.
(5) Subsequent to any public meeting, EPA may reject or prohibit UCCFs from participating in this project based on information provided or comments received during or after the public notice process or based on a determination that acceptance for the proposed use under the conditions of paragraph (b) of this section may not fully protect human health and the environment based on the Utility's compliance history or other appropriate factors.
(f) At any time, a Utility may add or remove UCCF designations by complying with the following requirements:
(1) A Utility may notify EPA of its intent to designate additional UCCFs. Such a notification shall be submitted to, and processed by, EPA, in the manner indicated in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.
(2) To have one or more additional UCCFs designated, the Utility must comply with paragraph (c) of this section.
(3) A Utility can discontinue use of a facility as a UCCF by notifying EPA in writing.
(g) Each Utility that receives approval to consolidate hazardous waste pursuant to this section shall submit an Annual Progress Report with the following information for the preceding year:
(1) The number of remote locations statewide for which hazardous waste was handled in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) The total tonnage of each type of hazardous waste handled by each UCCF.
(3) The number of remote locations statewide from which 1,000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste were collected per calendar month.
(4) The number of remote locations statewide from which between 100 and 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste were collected per calendar month.
(5) An estimate of the monetary value, on a Utility-wide basis, of the direct savings realized by participation in this project. Direct savings at a minimum include those outlined in paragraph (h) of this section.
(6) Descriptions of the environmental compliance, remediation, or pollution prevention projects or activities into which the savings, described in paragraph (h) of this section, have been reinvested, with an estimate of the savings reinvested in each. Any such projects must consist of activities that are over and above existing legal requirements and that have not been initiated prior to the Utility's receipt of approval to consolidate hazardous waste pursuant to this section.
(7) The addresses and EPA identification numbers for all facilities that served as UCCFs for hazardous waste from remote locations.
(h) Utilities that receive approval to consolidate hazardous waste pursuant to this section must assess the direct savings realized as a result. Cost estimates shall include direct savings based on relief from any regulatory requirements, which the facility expects to be relieved from due to compliance with the provisions of this section including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Database management for each remote location as an individual generator;
(2) Biennial Report preparation costs; and/or
(3) Cost savings realized from consolidation of waste for economical shipment (including no longer shipping waste directly to a TSD from remote locations).
(i) If any UCCF or Utility that receives approval under this section fails to comply with any of the requirements of this section, EPA may terminate or suspend the UCCF's or Utility's participation. EPA will provide a UCCF or Utility with 15 days written notice of its intent to terminate or suspend participation. During this period, the UCCF will have the opportunity to come back into compliance or provide a written explanation as to why it was not in compliance with the terms of this section and how it will come back into compliance. If EPA then issues a written notice terminating or suspending participation, the Utility must take immediate action to come into compliance with all otherwise applicable federal requirements. EPA may also take enforcement action against a Utility for non-compliance with the provisions of this section.
(j) This section will expire on May 24, 2011. [64 FR 37636, July 12, 1999, as amended at 70 FR 29913, May 24, 2005; 71 FR 40272, July 14, 2006]