The State shall have standards for hazardous waste management facilities which are equivalent to 40 CFR parts 264 and 266. These standards shall include:
(a) Technical standards for tanks, containers, waste piles, incineration, chemical, physical and biological treatment facilities, surface impoundments, landfills, and land treatment facilities;
(b) Financial responsibility during facility operation;
(c) Preparedness for and prevention of discharges or releases of hazardous waste; contingency plans and emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a discharge or release of hazardous waste;
(d) Closure and post-closure requirements including financial requirements to ensure that money will be available for closure and post-closure monitoring and maintenance;
(e) Groundwater monitoring;
(f) Security to prevent unauthorized access to the facility;
(g) Facility personnel training;
(h) Inspections, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. States that choose to receive electronic documents must include the requirements of 40 CFR Part 3--(Electronic reporting) in their Program (except that states that choose to receive electronic manifests and/or permit the use of electronic manifests must comply with paragraph (i) of this section);
(i) Compliance with the manifest system including the requirement that facility owners or operators return a signed copy of the manifest:
(1) To the generator to certify delivery of the hazardous waste shipment or to identify discrepancies; and
(2) To EPA's International Compliance Assurance Division program, at the address referenced in 40 CFR 264.71(a)(3) and 265.71(a)(3), to indicate the receipt of a shipment of hazardous waste imported into the U.S. from a foreign source.
(j) Other requirements to the extent that they are included in 40 CFR parts 264 and 266. [48 FR 14248, Apr. 1, 1983, as amended at 70 FR 10825, Mar. 4, 2005; 70 FR 59889, Oct. 13, 2005]