(a) The following definitions apply to this part:
Administrative Law Judge means an Administrative Law Judge appointed under 5 U.S.C. 3105.
Agency or EPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
CERCLA or the Act means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.
Claim means a demand in writing for a sum certain, which is presented to the Fund in accordance with CERCLA sections 111 and 112.
Claimant means any person who presents a claim to the Fund for reimbursement under CERCLA section 112(b)(1).
Claims Official means the Assistant Administrator or the Regional Administrator or his delegatee who makes the initial decision awarding or denying a claim in whole or in part.
Confidential business information or CBI means business information for which a person has made a ``business confidentiality claim'' as defined in 40 CFR 2.201(h) and in accordance with all applicable provisions in 40 CFR part 2, subpart B, except insofar as the Administrator has denied the claim pursuant to the procedures in 40 CFR part 2, subpart B.
Final order means the decision of the Review Officer which has become final in accordance with Sec. 305.4(a), or of the Presiding Officer, or in the case of a voluntary agreement (see Sec. 305.25) of the parties, disposing of all legal and factual matters presented in the Request for a Hearing. A final order made by the Review Officer or the Presiding Officer shall contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, as well as the reasons therefore, and an order for an award of a sum certain, or an explanation of why no award is granted. The final order may consist of one or more of the following documents: the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and order of the Review Officer or the Presiding Officer; a voluntary agreement; an accelerated order; or a default order, if the default order provides for dismissal of the Request for a Hearing with prejudice. A final order is the final administrative decision of the Agency and (with the exception of a voluntary agreement) is appealable to the Federal district court for the district where the release or threat of release took place.
Fund or Superfund means the Hazardous Substance Superfund established by section 9507 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Hearing means a hearing on the record open to the public and conducted under this part.
Hearing Clerk means the Hearing Clerk, A-110, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.
National Contingency Plan or NCP means the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan developed under section 311(c) of the Clean Water Act and revised pursuant to section 105 of CERCLA (40 CFR part 300).
Party means EPA or any person that participates in a proceeding under this part as a Requestor.
Preauthorization means EPA's prior approval to submit a claim against the Fund for necessary response costs incurred as a result of carrying out the NCP.
Presiding Officer means the Administrative Law Judge designated by the Chief Administrative Law Judge, or the Chief Administrative Law Judge himself, in the absence of such designation, to conduct a hearing pursuant to this part.
Proceeding means the entire process of review of a claim conducted pursuant to this part that is initiated by a Request for a Hearing. A hearing is part of a proceeding.
Request for a Hearing means a written notice requesting an administrative hearing of the total or partial denial of a claim by the Claims Official. Such hearing shall be governed by this part.
Requestor is the party who files a Request for a Hearing.
Review Officer means the EPA Administrator or his delegatee who is authorized to exercise all powers and duties prescribed or delegated under the Act or this part to him.
Voluntary agreement (see Sec. 305.25) means a written communication, signed by all the parties or their counsel or representatives, containing an order acceptable to both the Requestor and EPA. A voluntary agreement shall state that, for purposes of this proceeding, EPA consents to the award of a sum certain to the Requestor or such other consideration as the parties deem appropriate. A voluntary agreement is effective without approval of the Presiding Officer and is a final order as defined in this part.
(b) Terms defined in CERCLA or in 40 CFR part 300 and not defined in this part are used consistent with the meanings given in CERCLA or 40 CFR part 300.