Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 370  /  Sec. 370.14 How do I report mixtures containing hazardous chemicals?

(a) For a mixture containing a hazardous chemical, use the following table to determine if a reporting threshold is equaled or exceeded, and to determine how to report: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To determine if the threshold level for If the threshold level for

If your mixture contains a hazardous that hazardous chemical is equaled or that hazardous chemical is

(1) That is an EHS................... Determine the total quantity of the EHS Report the EHS component--

present throughout your facility at any submit an MSDS for the EHS

one time, by adding together the quantity (or include the EHS on the

present as a component in all mixtures list of chemicals submitted

and all other quantities of the EHS (you in lieu of the MSDSs), as

must include the quantity present in a provided under Sec.

mixture even if you are also counting the 370.30, and submit Tier I

quantity of that particular mixture (or Tier II) information for

toward the threshold level for that the EHS, as provided under

mixture). Sec. 370.40 or report the

mixture itself--submit an

MSDS for the mixture (or

include the mixture on the

list of chemicals submitted

in lieu of the MSDSs), as

provided under Sec.

370.30, and submit Tier I

(or Tier II) information for

the mixture, as provided

under Sec. 370.40.

If you report the mixture

itself, then provide the

total quantity of that

mixture.(2) That is not an EHS............... Determine either: The total quantity of Report the non-EHS hazardous

the hazardous chemical present throughout chemical component--submit

your facility at any one time by adding an MSDS for the non-EHS

together the quantity present as a hazardous chemical (or

component in all mixtures and all other include the non-EHS on the

quantities of the hazardous chemical (you list of chemicals submitted

must include the quantity present in a in lieu of the MSDSs), as

mixture even if you are also applying provided under Sec.

that particular mixture as a whole toward 370.30, and submit Tier I

the threshold level for that mixture) or (or Tier II) information for

the total quantity of that mixture the non-EHS hazardous

present throughout your facility at any chemical as provided under

one time. Sec. 370.40 or report the

mixture itself--submit an

MSDS for the mixture (or

include the mixture on the

list of chemicals submitted

in lieu of MSDSs), as

provided under Sec.

370.30, and submit Tier I

(or Tier II) information for

the mixture, as provided

under Sec. 370.40.

If you report the mixture

itself, then provide the

total quantity of that


(b) For each specific mixture, the reporting option used must be consistent for both MSDS and inventory reporting, unless it is not possible to do so. This means that if you report on a specific mixture as a whole for MSDS reporting, you must report on that mixture as a whole for inventory reporting too (unless it is not possible). MSDS reporting and inventory reporting are discussed in detail in subpart C of this part.

(c) To determine the quantity of an EHS or a non-EHS hazardous chemical component present in a mixture, multiply the concentration of the hazardous chemical component (in weight percent) by the weight of the mixture (in pounds). You do not have to count a hazardous chemical present in a mixture if the concentration is less than or equal to 1%, or less than or equal to 0.1% for a carcinogenic chemical.