The following standards of performance establish the quantity or quality of pollutants or pollutant properties, controlled by this section, which may be discharged by a new source subject to the provisions of this subpart: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effluent limitations
Average of daily
Effluent characteristic Maximum values for 30
for any 1 consecutive days
day shall not
Metric units (kilograms per
1,000 kg of raw material
-------------BOD5...................................... 0.20 0.10TSS....................................... 0.20 .10pH........................................ (\1\) (\1\)
English units (pounds per
1,000 lb of raw material)
-------------BOD5...................................... 0.20 0.10TSS....................................... 0.20 .10pH........................................ (\1\) (\1\)------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Within the range 6.0 to 9.0. [39 FR 10864, Mar. 21, 1974, as amended at 41 FR 48737, Nov. 5, 1976]