As used in this part:
(a) The general definitions and abbreviations in 40 CFR part 401 shall apply.
(b) ELWK (equivalent live weight killed) means the total weight of animals slaughtered at locations other than the slaughterhouse or packinghouse that processes the animals hides, blood, viscera or other renderable materials.
(c) Fecal coliform means the bacterial count, as determined by approved methods of analysis for Parameter 1 in Table 1A in 40 CFR 136.3.
(d) Finished product means the final fresh or frozen products resulting from the further processing as defined below of either whole or cut-up meat or poultry carcasses.
(e) Further processing means operations that utilize whole carcasses or cut-up meat or poultry products for the production of fresh or frozen products, and may include the following types of processing: Cutting and deboning, cooking, seasoning, smoking, canning, grinding, chopping, dicing, forming, breading, breaking, trimming, skinning, tenderizing, marinating, curing, pickling, extruding and/or linking.
(f) LWK (live weight killed) means the total weight of animals slaughtered.
(g) Meat means products derived from the slaughter and processing of cattle, calves, hogs, sheep and any meat that is not listed under the definition of poultry below.
(h) Packinghouse means a plant that both slaughters animals and subsequently processes carcasses into cured, smoked, canned or other prepared meat products.
(i) Poultry means products derived from the slaughter and processing of broilers, other young chickens, mature chickens, hens, turkeys, capons, geese, ducks, small game fowl such as quail or pheasants, and small game such as rabbits.
(j) Raw material means the basic input materials to a renderer composed of animal and poultry trimmings, bones, blood, meat scraps, dead animals, feathers and related usable by-products.
(k) Slaughterhouse means a facility that slaughters animals and has as its main product fresh meat as whole, half or quarter carcasses or small meat cuts.
(l) The approved methods of analysis for the following six parameters are found in Table 1B in 40 CFR 136.3. The nitrate/nitrite part of total nitrogen may also be measured by EPA Method 300.0 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 432.5).
(1) Ammonia (as N) means ammonia measured as nitrogen.
(2) BOD5 means 5-day biochemical oxygen demand.
(3) O&G; means total recoverable oil and grease.
(4) O&G; (as HEM) means total recoverable oil and grease measured as n-hexane extractable material.
(5) Total Nitrogen means the total of nitrate/nitrite and total Kjeldahl nitrogen.
(6) TSS means total suspended solids.