(a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, the following limitations establish the quantity or quality of pollutants or pollutant properties, controlled by this section, which may be discharged by a point source subject to the provisions of this subpart after application of the best available demonstrated control technology.
(1) Discharges of process generated waste water and mine dewatering discharges, shall not exceed the following limitations: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effluent limitations
Average of daily
Effluent characteristic Maximum values for 30
for any 1 consecutive days
day shall not
exceed--------------------------------------------------------------------------TSS....................................... 60 mg/l 30 mg/l.pH........................................ (\1\) (\1\)------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Within the range 6.0 to 9.0.
(b) Any overflow from facilities governed by this subpart shall not be subject to the limitations of paragraph (a) of this section if the facilities are designed, constructed and maintained to contain or treat the volume of waste water which would result from a 10-year 24-hour precipitation event. [43 FR 9810, Mar. 10, 1978]