As of revocation of the 1997 ozone NAAQS on April 6, 2015, as set forth in Sec. 50.10(c), the provisions of subpart AA shall replace the provisions of subpart X, Sec. Sec. 51.900 to 51.918, which cease to apply except for Sec. 51.907 for the anti-backsliding purposes of Sec. 51.1105(c)(2). See subpart X Sec. 51.919. [80 FR 12314, Mar. 6, 2015]
Sec. Appendixes A-K to Part 51 [Reserved]
Sec. Appendix L to Part 51--Example Regulations for Prevention of Air
Pollution Emergency Episodes
The example regulations presented herein reflect generally recognized ways of preventing air pollution from reaching levels that would cause imminent and substantial endangerment to the health of persons. States are required under subpart H to have emergency episodes plans but they are not required to adopt the regulations presented herein.
1.0 Air pollution emergency. This regulation is designed to prevent the excessive buildup of air pollutants during air pollution episodes, thereby preventing the occurrence of an emergency due to the effects of these pollutants on the health of persons.
1.1 Episode criteria. Conditions justifying the proclamation of an air pollution alert, air pollution warning, or air pollution emergency shall be deemed to exist whenever the Director determines that the accumulation of air pollutants in any place is attaining or has attained levels which could, if such levels are sustained or exceeded, lead to a substantial threat to the health of persons. In making this determination, the Director will be guided by the following criteria:
(a) Air Pollution Forecast: An internal watch by the Department of Air Pollution Control shall be actuated by a National Weather Service advisory that Atmospheric Stagnation Advisory is in effect or the equivalent local forecast of stagnant atmospheric condition.
(b) Alert: The Alert level is that concentration of pollutants at which first stage control actions is to begin. An Alert will be declared when any one of the following levels is reached at any monitoring site:SO2--800 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.3 p.p.m.), 24-hour average.PM10--350 [micro]g/m\3\, 24-hour average.CO--17 mg/m\3\ (15 p.p.m.), 8-hour average.Ozone (O2)=400 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.2 ppm)-hour average.NO2-1130 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.6 p.p.m.), 1-hour average, 282 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.15 p.p.m.), 24-hour average.
In addition to the levels listed for the above pollutants, meterological conditions are such that pollutant concentrations can be expected to remain at the above levels for twelve (12) or more hours or increase, or in the case of ozone, the situation is likely to reoccur within the next 24-hours unless control actions are taken.
(c) Warning: The warning level indicates that air quality is continuing to degrade and that additional control actions are necessary. A warning will be declared when any one of the following levels is reached at any monitoring site: SO2--1,600 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.6 p.p.m.), 24-hour average.PM10--420 [micro]g/m\3\, 24-hour average.CO--34 mg/m\3\ (30 p.p.m.), 8-hour average.Ozone (O3)--800 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.4 p.p.m.), 1-hour average.NO2--2,260 [micro]g/m\3\ (1.2 ppm)--1-hour average; 565 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.3 ppm), 24-hour average.
In addition to the levels listed for the above pollutants, meterological conditions are such that pollutant concentrations can be expected to remain at the above levels for twelve (12) or more hours or increase, or in the case of ozone, the situation is likely to reoccur within the next 24-hours unless control actions are taken.
(d) Emergency: The emergency level indicates that air quality is continuing to degrade toward a level of significant harm to the health of persons and that the most stringent control actions are necessary. An emergency will be declared when any one of the following levels is reached at any monitoring site: SO2--2,100 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.8 p.p.m.), 24-hour average.
PM10--500 [micro]g/m\3\, 24-hour average.CO--46 mg/m\3\ (40 p.p.m.), 8-hour average.Ozone (O3)--1,000 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.5 p.p.m.), 1-hour average.NO2-3,000 [micro]g/m\3\ (1.6 ppm), 1-hour average; 750 [micro]g/m\3\ (0.4 ppm), 24-hour average.
In addition to the levels listed for the above pollutants, meterological conditions are such that pollutant concentrations can be expected to remain at the above levels for twelve (12) or more hours or increase, or in the case of ozone, the situation is likely to reoccur within the next 24-hours unless control actions are taken.
(e) Termination: Once declared, any status reached by application of these criteria will remain in effect until the criteria for that level are no longer met. At such time, the next lower status will be assumed.
(a) Air Pollution Alert--When the Director declares an Air Pollution Alert, any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants as set forth in Table I shall take all Air Pollution Alert actions as required for such source of air pollutants and shall put into effect the preplanned abatement strategy for an Air Pollution Alert.
(b) Air Pollution Warning--When the Director declares an Air Pollution Warning, any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants as set forth in Table II shall take all Air Pollution Warning actions as required for such source of air pollutants and shall put into effect the preplanned abatement strategy for an Air Pollution Warning.
(c) Air Pollution Emergency--When the Director declares an Air Pollution Emergency, any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants as described in Table III shall take all Air Pollution Emergency actions as required for such source of air pollutants and shall put into effect the preplanned abatement strategy for an Air Pollution Emergency.
(d) When the Director determines that a specified criteria level has been reached at one or more monitoring sites solely because of emissions from a limited number of sources, he shall notify such source(s) that the preplanned abatement strategies of Tables I, II, and III or the standby plans are required, insofar as it applies to such source(s), and shall be put into effect until the criteria of the specified level are no longer met.
(a) Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants as set forth in Tables I-III shall prepare standby plans for reducing the emission of air pollutants during periods of an Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning, and Air Pollution Emergency. Standby plans shall be designed to reduce or eliminate emissions of air pollutants in accordance with the objectives set forth in Tables I-III which are made a part of this section.
(b) Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants not set forth under section 1.3(a) shall, when requested by the Director in writing, prepare standby plans for reducing the emission of air pollutants during periods of an Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning, and Air Pollution Emergency. Standby plans shall be designed to reduce or eliminate emissions of air pollutants in accordance with the objectives set forth in Tables I-III.
(c) Standby plans as required under section 1.3(a) and (b) shall be in writing and identify the sources of air pollutants, the approximate amount of reduction of pollutants and a brief description of the manner in which the reduction will be achieved during an Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning, and Air Pollution Emergency.
(d) During a condition of Air Pollution Alert, Air Pollution Warning, and Air Pollution Emergency, standby plans as required by this section shall be made available on the premises to any person authorized to enforce the provisions of applicable rules and regulations.
(e) Standby plans as required by this section shall be submitted to the Director upon request within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such request; such standby plans shall be subject to review and approval by the Director. If, in the opinion of the Director, a standby plan does not effectively carry out the objectives as set forth in Table I-III, the Director may disapprove it, state his reason for disapproval and order the preparation of an amended standby plan within the time period specified in the order.
Table I--Abatement Strategies Emission Reduction Plans alert level
Part A. General
1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse, or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid waste shall be limited to the hours between 12 noon and 4 p.m.
3. Persons operating fuel-burning equipment which required boiler lancing or soot blowing shall perform such operations only between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m.
4. Persons operating motor vehicles should eliminate all unnecessary operations.
Part B. Source curtailment
Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Alert Level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Source of air pollution Control action------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Coal or oil-fired electric a. Substantial reduction by
power generating facilities. utilization of fuels having low ash
and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.
c. Substantial reduction by
diverting electric power generation
to facilities outside of Alert
Area.2. Coal and oil-fired process a. Substantial reduction by
steam generating facilities. utilization of fuels having low ash
and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.
c. Substantial reduction of steam
load demands consistent with
continuing plant operations.3. Manufacturing industries of the a. Substantial reduction of air
following classifications: pollutants from manufacturing
Primary Metals Industry. operations by curtailing,
Petroleum Refining Operations. postponing, or deferring production
Chemical Industries. and all operations.
Mineral Processing Industries. b. Maximum reduction by deferring
Paper and Allied Products. trade waste disposal operations
Grain Industry. which emit solid particles, gas
vapors or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load
demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table II--Emission Reduction Plans
warning level
Part A. General
1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse, or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid waste or liquid waste shall be prohibited.
3. Persons operating fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing shall perform such operations only between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m.
4. Persons operating motor vehicles must reduce operations by the use of car pools and increased use of public transportation and elimination of unnecessary operation.
Part B. Source curtailment
Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Warning Level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Source of air pollution Control action------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Coal or oil-fired process steam a. Maximum reduction by utilization
generating facilities. of fuels having lowest ash and
sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.
c. Maximum reduction by diverting
electric power generation to
facilities outside of Warning Area.2. Oil and oil-fired process steam a. Maximum reduction by utilization
generating facilities. of fuels having the lowest
available ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.
c. Making ready for use a plan of
action to be taken if an emergency
develops.3. Manufacturing industries which a. Maximum reduction of air
require considerable lead time contaminants from manufacturing
for shut-down including the operations by, if necessary,
following classifications: assuming reasonable economic
Petroleum Refining. hardships by postponing production
Chemical Industries. and allied operation.
Primary Metals Industries. b. Maximum reduction by deferring
Glass Industries. trade waste disposal operations
Paper and Allied Products. which emit solid particles, gases,
vapors or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load
demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing or
soot blowing.4. Manufacturing industries a. Elimination of air pollutants
require relatively short lead from manufacturing operations by
times for shut-down including the ceasing, curtailing, postponing or
following classifications: deferring production and allied
Primary Metals Industries. operations to the extent possible
Chemical Industries. without causing injury to persons
Mineral Processing Industries. or damage to equipment.
Grain Industry. b. Elimination of air pollutants
from trade waste disposal processes
which emit solid particles, gases,
vapors or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load
demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing or
soot blowing.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table III--Emission Reduction Plans
emergency level
Part A. General
1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse, or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid or liquid waste shall be prohibited.
3. All places of employment described below shall immediately cease operations.
a. Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals.
b. All construction work except that which must proceed to avoid emergent physical harm.
c. All manufacturing establishments except those required to have in force an air pollution emergency plan.
d. All wholesale trade establishments; i.e., places of business primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers, or industrial, commercial, institutional or professional users, or to other wholesalers, or acting as agents in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to such persons or companies, except those engaged in the distribution of drugs, surgical supplies and food.
e. All offices of local, county and State government including authorities, joint meetings, and other public bodies excepting such agencies which are determined by the chief administrative officer of local, county, or State government, authorities, joint meetings and other public bodies to be vital for public safety and welfare and the enforcement of the provisions of this order.
f. All retail trade establishments except pharmacies, surgical supply distributors, and stores primarily engaged in the sale of food.
g. Banks, credit agencies other than banks, securities and commodities brokers, dealers, exchanges and services; offices of insurance carriers, agents and brokers, real estate offices.
h. Wholesale and retail laundries, laundry services and cleaning and dyeing establishments; photographic studios; beauty shops, barber shops, shoe repair shops.
i. Advertising offices; consumer credit reporting, adjustment and collection agencies; duplicating, addressing, blueprinting; photocopying, mailing, mailing list and stenographic services; equipment rental services, commercial testing laboratories.
j. Automobile repair, automobile services, garages.
k. Establishments rendering amusement and recreational services including motion picture theaters.
l. Elementary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, professional schools, junior colleges, vocational schools, and public and private libraries.
4. All commercial and manufacturing establishments not included in this order will institute such actions as will result in maximum reduction of air pollutants from their operation by ceasing, curtailing, or postponing operations which emit air pollutants to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.
5. The use of motor vehicles is prohibited except in emergencies with the approval of local or State police.
Part B. Source curtailment
Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Emergency Level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Source of air pollution Control action------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Coal or oil-fired electric a. Maximum reduction by utilization
power generating facilities. of fuels having lowest ash and
sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing or
soot blowing.
c. Maximum reduction by diverting
electric power generation to
facilities outside of Emergency
Area.2. Coal and oil-fired process a. Maximum reduction by reducing
steam generating facilities. heat and steam demands to absolute
necessities consistent with
preventing equipment damage.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing and
soot blowing.
c. Taking the action called for in
the emergency plan.3. Manufacturing industries of the a. Elimination of air pollutants
following classifications: from manufacturing operations by
Primary Metals Industries. ceasing, curtailing, postponing or
Petroleum Refining. deferring production and allied
Chemical Industries. operations to the extent possible
Mineral Processing Industries. without causing injury to persons
Grain Industry. or damage to equipment.
Paper and Allied Products. b. Elimination of air pollutants
from trade waste disposal processes
which emit solid particles, gases,
vapors or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load
demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day
(12 noon to 4 p.m.) atmospheric
turbulence for boiler lancing or
soot blowing.------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Secs. 110, 301(a), 313, 319, Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7410, 7601(a), 7613, 7619)) [36 FR 22398, Nov. 25, 1971; 36 FR 24002, Dec. 17, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 26312, Dec. 9, 1972; 40 FR 36333, Aug. 20, 1975; 41 FR 35676, Aug. 24, 1976; 44 FR 27570, May 10, 1979; 51 FR 40675, Nov. 7, 1986; 52 FR 24714, July 1, 1987]
Sec. Appendix M to Part 51--Recommended Test Methods for State
Implementation Plans Method 201--Determination of PM10 Emissions (Exhaust Gas Recycle Procedure).Method 201A--Determination of PM10 and PM2.5 Emissions From Stationary Sources (Constant Sampling Rate Procedure)Method 202--Dry Impinger Method for Determining Condensable Particulate Emissions From Stationary SourcesMethod 203A--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources for Time-Averaged Regulations.Method 203B--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources for Time-Exception Regulations.Method 203C--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources for Instantaneous Regulations.Method 204--Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure.Method 204A--Volatile Organic Compounds Content in Liquid Input Stream.Method 204B--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream.Method 204C--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream (Dilution Technique).Method 204D--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Uncaptured Stream from Temporary Total Enclosure.Method 204E--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Uncaptured Stream from Building Enclosure.Method 204F--Volatile Organic Compounds Content in Liquid Input Stream (Distillation Approach).Method 205--Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field Instrument CalibrationsMethod 207--Pre-Survey Procedure for Corn Wet-Milling Facility Emission Sources
1.0 Presented herein are recommended test methods for measuring air pollutantemanating from an emission source. They are provided for States to use in their plans to meet the requirements of subpart K--Source Surveillance.
2.0 The State may also choose to adopt other methods to meet the requirements of subpart K of this part, subject to the normal plan review process.
3.0 The State may also meet the requirements of subpart K of this part by adopting, again subject to the normal plan review process, any of the relevant methods in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60.
4.0 Quality Assurance Procedures. The performance testing shall include a test method performance audit (PA) during the performance test. The PAs consist of blind audit samples supplied by an accredited audit sample provider and analyzed during the performance test in order to provide a measure of test data bias. Gaseous audit samples are designed to audit the performance of the sampling system as well as the analytical system and must be collected by the sampling system during the compliance test just as the compliance samples are collected. If a liquid or solid audit sample is designed to audit the sampling system, it must also be collected by the sampling system during the compliance test. If multiple sampling systems or sampling trains are used during the compliance test for any of the test methods, the tester is only required to use one of the sampling systems per method to collect the audit sample. The audit sample must be analyzed by the same analyst using the same analytical reagents and analytical system and at the same time as the compliance samples. Retests are required when there is a failure to produce acceptable results for an audit sample. However, if the audit results do not affect the compliance or noncompliance status of the affected facility, the compliance authority may waive the reanalysis requirement, further audits, or retests and accept the results of the compliance test. Acceptance of the test results shall constitute a waiver of the reanalysis requirement, further audits, or retests. The compliance authority may also use the audit sample failure and the compliance test results as evidence to determine the compliance or noncompliance status of the affected facility. A blind audit sample is a sample whose value is known only to the sample provider and is not revealed to the tested facility until after it reports the measured value of the audit sample. For pollutants that exist in the gas phase at ambient temperature, the audit sample shall consist of an appropriate concentration of the pollutant in air or nitrogen that will be introduced into the sampling system of the test method at or near the same entry point as a sample from the emission source. If no gas phase audit samples are available, an acceptable alternative is a sample of the pollutant in the same matrix that would be produced when the sample is recovered from the sampling system as required by the test method. For samples that exist only in a liquid or solid form at ambient temperature, the audit sample shall consist of an appropriate concentration of the pollutant in the same matrix that would be produced when the sample is recovered from the sampling system as required by the test method. An accredited audit sample provider (AASP) is an organization that has been accredited to prepare audit samples by an independent, third party accrediting body.
a. The source owner, operator, or representative of the tested facility shall obtain an audit sample, if commercially available, from an AASP for each test method used for regulatory compliance purposes. No audit samples are required for the following test methods: Methods 3A and 3C of appendix A-3 of part 60, Methods 6C, 7E, 9, and 10 of appendix A-4 of part 60, Methods 18 and 19 of appendix A-6 of part 60, Methods 20, 22, and 25A of appendix A-7 of part 60, and Methods 303, 318, 320, and 321 of appendix A of part 63 of this chapter. If multiple sources at a single facility are tested during a compliance test event, only one audit sample is required for each method used during a compliance test. The compliance authority responsible for the compliance test may waive the requirement to include an audit sample if they believe that an audit sample is not necessary. ``Commercially available'' means that two or more independent AASPs have blind audit samples available for purchase. If the source owner, operator, or representative cannot find an audit sample for a specific method, the owner, operator, or representative shall consult the EPA Web site at the following URL,, to confirm whether there is a source that can supply an audit sample for that method. If the EPA Web site does not list an available audit sample at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the compliance test, the source owner, operator, or representative shall not be required to include an audit sample as part of the quality assurance program for the compliance test. When ordering an audit sample, the source owner, operator, or representative shall give the sample provider an estimate for the concentration of each pollutant that is emitted by the source or the estimated concentration of each pollutant based on the permitted level and the name, address, and phone number of the compliance authority. The source owner, operator, or representative shall report the results for the audit sample along with a summary of the emission test results for the audited pollutant to the compliance authority and shall report the results of the audit sample to the AASP. The source owner, operator, or representative shall make both reports at the same time and in the same manner or shall report to the compliance authority first and report to the AASP. If the method being audited is a method that allows the samples to be analyzed in the field, and the tester plans to analyze the samples in the field, the tester may analyze the audit samples prior to collecting the emission samples provided a representative of the compliance authority is present at the testing site. The tester may request and the compliance authority may grant a waiver to the requirement that a representative of the compliance authority must be present at the testing site during the field analysis of an audit sample. The source owner, operator, or representative may report the results of the audit sample to the compliance authority and then report the results of the audit sample to the AASP prior to collecting any emission samples. The test protocol and final test report shall document whether an audit sample was ordered and utilized and the pass/fail results as applicable.
b. An AASP shall have and shall prepare, analyze, and report the true value of audit samples in accordance with a written technical criteria document that describes how audit samples will be prepared and distributed in a manner that will ensure the integrity of the audit sample program. An acceptable technical criteria document shall contain standard operating procedures for all of the following operations:
1. Preparing the sample;
2. Confirming the true concentration of the sample;
3. Defining the acceptance limits for the results from a well qualified tester. This procedure must use well established statistical methods to analyze historical results from well qualified testers. The acceptance limits shall be set so that there is 95 percent confidence that 90 percent of well qualified labs will produce future results that are within the acceptance limit range;
4. Providing the opportunity for the compliance authority to comment on the selected concentration level for an audit sample;
5. Distributing the sample to the user in a manner that guarantees that the true value of the sample is unknown to the user;
6. Recording the measured concentration reported by the user and determining if the measured value is within acceptable limits;
7. Report the results from each audit sample in a timely manner to the compliance authority and to the source owner, operator, or representative by the AASP. The AASP shall make both reports at the same time and in the same manner or shall report to the compliance authority first and then report to the source owner, operator, or representative. The results shall include the name of the facility tested, the date on which the compliance test was conducted, the name of the company performing the sample collection, the name of the company that analyzed the compliance samples including the audit sample, the measured result for the audit sample, and whether the testing company passed or failed the audit. The AASP shall report the true value of the audit sample to the compliance authority. The AASP may report the true value to the source owner, operator, or representative if the AASP's operating plan ensures that no laboratory will receive the same audit sample twice.
8. Evaluating the acceptance limits of samples at least once every two years to determine in consultation with the voluntary consensus standard body if they should be changed;
9. Maintaining a database, accessible to the compliance authorities, of results from the audit that shall include the name of the facility tested, the date on which the compliance test was conducted, the name of the company performing the sample collection, the name of the company that analyzed the compliance samples including the audit sample, the measured result for the audit sample, the true value of the audit sample, the acceptance range for the measured value, and whether the testing company passed or failed the audit.
c. The accrediting body shall have a written technical criteria document that describes how it will ensure that the AASP is operating in accordance with the AASP technical criteria document that describes how audit samples are to be prepared and distributed. This document shall contain standard operating procedures for all of the following operations:
1. Checking audit samples to confirm their true value as reported by the AASP;
2. Performing technical systems audits of the AASP's facilities and operating procedures at least once every 2 years.
3. Providing standards for use by the voluntary consensus standard body to approve the accrediting body that will accredit the audit sample providers.
d. The technical criteria documents for the accredited sample providers and the accrediting body shall be developed through a public process guided by a voluntary consensus standards body (VCSB). The VCSB shall operate in accordance with the procedures and requirements in the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-119. A copy of Circular A-119 is available upon request by writing the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503, by calling (202) 395-6880 or by downloading online at The VCSB shall approve all accrediting bodies. The Administrator will review all technical criteria documents. If the technical criteria documents do not meet the minimum technical requirements in this Appendix M, paragraphs b. through d., the technical criteria documents are not acceptable and the proposed audit sample program is not capable of producing audit samples of sufficient quality to be used in a compliance test. All acceptable technical criteria documents shall be posted on the EPA Web site at the following URL,
Method 201--Determination of PM10 Emissions
(exhaust gas recycle procedure)
1. Applicability and Principle
1.1 Applicability. This method applies to the in-stack measurement of particulate matter (PM) emissions equal to or less than an aerodynamic diameter of nominally 10 [micro]m (PM10) from stationary sources. The EPA recognizes that condensible emissions not collected by an in-stack method are also PM10, and that emissions that contribute to ambient PM10 levels are the sum of condensible emissions and emissions measured by an in-stack PM10 method, such as this method or Method 201A. Therefore, for establishing source contributions to ambient levels of PM10, such as for emission inventory purposes, EPA suggests that source PM10 measurement include both in-stack PM10 and condensible emissions. Condensible missions may be measured by an impinger analysis in combination with this method.
1.2 Principle. A gas sample is isokinetically extracted from the source. An in-stack cyclone is used to separate PM greater than PM10, and an in-stack glass fiber filter is used to collect the PM10. To maintain isokinetic flow rate conditions at the tip of the probe and a constant flow rate through the cyclone, a clean, dried portion of the sample gas at stack temperature is recycled into the nozzle. The particulate mass is determined gravimetrically after removal of uncombined water.
2. Apparatus
Note: Method 5 as cited in this method refers to the method in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
2.1 Sampling Train. A schematic of the exhaust of the exhaust gas recycle (EGR) train is shown in Figure 1 of this method.
2.1.1 Nozzle with Recycle Attachment. Stainless steel (316 or equivalent) with a sharp tapered leading edge, and recycle attachment welded directly on the side of the nozzle (see schematic in Figure 2 of this method). The angle of the taper shall be on the outside. Use only straight sampling nozzles. ``Gooseneck'' or other nozzle extensions designed to turn the sample gas flow 90[deg], as in Method 5 are not acceptable. Locate a thermocouple in the recycle attachment to measure the temperature of the recycle gas as shown in Figure 3 of this method. The recycle attachment shall be made of stainless steel and shall be connected to the probe and nozzle with stainless steel fittings. Two nozzle sizes, e.g., 0.125 and 0.160 in., should be available to allow isokinetic sampling to be conducted over a range of flow rates. Calibrate each nozzle as described in Method 5, Section 5.1.
2.1.2 PM10 Sizer. Cyclone, meeting the specifications in Section 5.7 of this method.
2.1.3 Filter Holder. 63mm, stainless steel. An Andersen filter, part number SE274, has been found to be acceptable for the in-stack filter.
Note: Mention of trade names or specific products does not constitute endorsement by the Environmental Protection Agency.
2.1.4 Pitot Tube. Same as in Method 5, Section 2.1.3. Attach the pitot to the pitot lines with stainless steel fittings and to the cyclone in a configuration similar to that shown in Figure 3 of this method. The pitot lines shall be made of heat resistant material and attached to the probe with stainless steel fittings.
2.1.5 EGR Probe. Stainless steel, 15.9-mm (\5/8\-in.) ID tubing with a probe liner, stainless steel 9.53-mm (\3/8\-in.) ID stainless steel recycle tubing, two 6.35-mm (\1/4\-in.) ID stainless steel tubing for the pitot tube extensions, three thermocouple leads, and one power lead, all contained by stainless steel tubing with a diameter of approximately 51 mm (2.0 in.). Design considerations should include minimum weight construction materials sufficient for probe structural strength. Wrap the sample and recycle tubes with a heating tape to heat the sample and recycle gases to stack temperature.
2.1.6 Condenser. Same as in Method 5, Section 2.1.7.
2.1.7 Umbilical Connector. Flexible tubing with thermocouple and power leads of sufficient length to connect probe to meter and flow control console.
2.1.8 Vacuum Pump. Leak-tight, oil-less, noncontaminating, with an absolute filter, ``HEPA'' type, at the pump exit. A Gast Model 0522-V103 G18DX pump has been found to be satisfactory.
2.1.9 Meter and Flow Control Console. System consisting of a dry gas meter and calibrated orifice for measuring sample flow rate and capable of measuring volume to 2 percent, calibrated laminar flow elements (LFE's) or equivalent for measuring total and sample flow rates, probe heater control, and manometers and magnehelic gauges (as shown in Figures 4 and 5 of this method), or equivalent. Temperatures needed for calculations include stack, recycle, probe, dry gas meter, filter, and total flow. Flow measurements include velocity head ([Delta]p), orifice differential pressure ([Delta]H), total flow, recycle flow, and total back-pressure through the system.
2.1.10 Barometer. Same as in Method 5, Section 2.1.9.
2.1.11 Rubber Tubing. 6.35-mm (\1/4\-in.) ID flexible rubber tubing.
2.2 Sample Recovery.
2.2.1 Nozzle, Cyclone, and Filter Holder Brushes. Nylon bristle brushes property sized and shaped for cleaning the nozzle, cyclone, filter holder, and probe or probe liner, with stainless steel wire shafts and handles.
2.2.2 Wash Bottles, Glass Sample Storage Containers, Petri Dishes, Graduated Cylinder and Balance, Plastic Storage Containers, and Funnels. Same as Method 5, Sections 2.2.2 through 2.2.6 and 2.2.8, respectively.
2.3 Analysis. Same as in Method 5, Section 2.3.
3. Reagents
The reagents used in sampling, sample recovery, and analysis are the same as that specified in Method 5, Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3, respectively.
4. Procedure
4.1 Sampling. The complexity of this method is such that, in order to obtain reliable results, testers should be trained and experienced with the test procedures.
4.1.1 Pretest Preparation. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.1.1.
4.1.2 Preliminary Determinations. Same as Method 5, Section 4.1.2, except use the directions on nozzle size selection in this section. Use of the EGR method may require a minimum sampling port diameter of 0.2 m (6 in.). Also, the required maximum number of sample traverse points at any location shall be 12. The cyclone and filter holder must be in-stack or at stack temperature during sampling. The blockage effects of the EGR sampling assembly will be minimal if the cross-sectional area of the sampling assembly is 3 percent or less of the cross-sectional area of the duct and a pitot coefficient of 0.84 may be assigned to the pitot. If the cross-sectional area of the assembly is greater than 3 percent of the cross-sectional area of the duct, then either determine the pitot coefficient at sampling conditions or use a standard pitot with a known coefficient in a configuration with the EGR sampling assembly such that flow disturbances are minimized. Construct a setup of pressure drops for various [Delta]p's and temperatures. A computer is useful for these calculations. An example of the output of the EGR setup program is shown in Figure 6 of this method, and directions on its use are in section of this method. Computer programs, written in IBM BASIC computer language, to do these types of setup and reduction calculations for the EGR procedure, are available through the National Technical Information Services (NTIS), Accession number PB90-500000, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. The EGR setup program allows the tester to select the nozzle size based on anticipated average stack conditions and prints a setup sheet for field use. The amount of recycle through the nozzle should be between 10 and 80 percent. Inputs for the EGR setup program are stack temperature (minimum, maximum, and average), stack velocity (minimum, maximum, and average), atmospheric pressure, stack static pressure, meter box temperature, stack moisture, percent 02, and percent CO2 in the stack gas, pitot coefficient (Cp), orifice [Delta] H2, flow rate measurement calibration values [slope (m) and y-intercept (b) of the calibration curve], and the number of nozzles available and their diameters. A less rigorous calculation for the setup sheet can be done manually using the equations on the example worksheets in Figures 7, 8, and 9 of this method, or by a Hewlett-Packard HP41 calculator using the program provided in appendix D of the EGR operators manual, entitled Applications Guide for Source PM10 Exhaust Gas Recycle Sampling System. This calculation uses an approximation of the total flow rate and agrees within 1 percent of the exact solution for pressure drops at stack temperatures from 38 to 260 [deg]C (100 to 500 [deg]F) and stack moisture up to 50 percent. Also, the example worksheets use a constant stack temperature in the calculation, ingoring the complicated temperature dependence from all three pressure drop equations. Errors for this at stack temperatures 28 [deg]C (50 [deg]F) of the temperature used in the setup calculations are within 5 percent for flow rate and within 5 percent for cyclone cut size. The pressure upstream of the LFE's is assumed to be constant at 0.6 in. Hg in the EGR setup calculations. The setup sheet constructed using this procedure shall be similar to Figure 6 of this method. Inputs needed for the calculation are the same as for the setup computer except that stack velocities are not needed.
4.1.3 Preparation of Collection Train. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.1.3, except use the following directions to set up the train. Assemble the EGR sampling device, and attach it to probe as shown in Figure 3 of this method. If stack temperatures exceed 260 [deg]C (500 [deg]F), then assemble the EGR cyclone without the O-ring and reduce the vacuum requirement to 130 mm Hg (5.0 in. Hg) in the leak-check procedure in Section of this method. Connect the proble directly to the filter holder and condenser as in Method 5. Connect the condenser and probe to the meter and flow control console with the umbilical connector. Plug in the pump and attach pump lines to the meter and flow control console.
4.1.4 Leak-Check Procedure. The leak-check for the EGR Method consists of two parts: the sample-side and the recycle-side. The sample-side leak-check is required at the beginning of the run with the cyclone attached, and after the run with the cyclone removed. The cyclone is removed before the post-test leak-check to prevent any disturbance of the collected sample prior to analysis. The recycle-side leak-check tests the leak tight integrity of the recycle components and is required prior to the first test run and after each shipment. Pretest Leak-Check. A pretest leak-check of the entire sample-side, including the cyclone and nozzle, is required. Use the leak-check procedure in Section of this method to conduct a pretest leak-check. Leak-Checks During Sample Run. Same as in Method 5, Section Post-Test Leak-Check. A leak-check is required at the conclusion of each sampling run. Remove the cyclone before the leak-check to prevent the vacuum created by the cooling of the probe from disturbing the collected sample and use the following procedure to conduct a post-test leak-check. The sample-side leak-check is performed as follows: After removing the cyclone, seal the probe with a leak-tight stopper. Before starting pump, close the coarse total valve and both recycle valves, and open completely the sample back pressure valve and the fine total valve. After turning the pump on, partially open the coarse total valve slowly to prevent a surge in the manometer. Adjust the vacuum to at least 381 mm Hg (15.0 in. Hg) with the fine total valve. If the desired vacuum is exceeded, either leak-check at this higher vacuum or end the leak-check as shown below and start over.
Caution: Do not decrease the vacuum with any of the valves. This may cause a rupture of the filter.
Note: A lower vacuum may be used, provided that it is not exceeded during the test. Leak rates in excess of 0.00057 m\3\/min (0.020 ft\3\/min) are unacceptable. If the leak rate is too high, void the sampling run. To complete the leak-check, slowly remove the stopper from the nozzle until the vacuum is near zero, then immediately turn off the pump. This procedure sequence prevents a pressure surge in the manometer fluid and rupture of the filter. The recycle-side leak-check is performed as follows: Close the coarse and fine total valves and sample back pressure valve. Plug the sample inlet at the meter box. Turn on the power and the pump, close the recycle valves, and open the total flow valves. Adjust the total flow fine adjust valve until a vacuum of 25 inches of mercury is achieved. If the desired vacuum is exceeded, either leak-check at this higher vacuum, or end the leak-check and start over. Minimum acceptable leak rates are the same as for the sample-side. If the leak rate is too high, void the sampling run.
4.1.5 EGR Train Operation. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.1.5, except omit references to nomographs and recommendations about changing the filter assembly during a run. Record the data required on a data sheet such as the one shown in Figure 10 of this method. Make periodic checks of the manometer level and zero to ensure correct [Delta]H and [Delta]p values. An acceptable procedure for checking the zero is to equalize the pressure at both ends of the manometer by pulling off the tubing, allowing the fluid to equilibrate and, if necessary, to re-zero. Maintain the probe temperature to within 11 [deg]C (20 [deg]F) of stack temperature. The procedure for using the example EGR setup sheet is as follows: Obtain a stack velocity reading from the pitot manometer ([Delta]p), and find this value on the ordinate axis of the setup sheet. Find the stack temperature on the abscissa. Where these two values intersect are the differential pressures necessary to achieve isokineticity and 10 [micro]m cut size (interpolation may be necessary). The top three numbers are differential pressures (in. H2 O), and the bottom number is the percent recycle at these flow settings. Adjust the total flow rate valves, coarse and fine, to the sample value ([Delta]H) on the setup sheet, and the recycle flow rate valves, coarse and fine, to the recycle flow on the setup sheet. For startup of the EGR sample train, the following procedure is recommended. Preheat the cyclone in the stack for 30 minutes. Close both the sample and recycle coarse valves. Open the fine total, fine recycle, and sample back pressure valves halfway. Ensure that the nozzle is properly aligned with the sample stream. After noting the [Delta]p and stack temperature, select the appropriate [Delta]H and recycle from the EGR setup sheet. Start the pump and timing device simultaneously. Immediately open both the coarse total and the coarse recycle valves slowly to obtain the approximate desired values. Adjust both the fine total and the fine recycle valves to achieve more precisely the desired values. In the EGR flow system, adjustment of either valve will result in a change in both total and recycle flow rates, and a slight iteration between the total and recycle valves may be necessary. Because the sample back pressure valve controls the total flow rate through the system, it may be necessary to adjust this valve in order to obtain the correct flow rate.
Note: Isokinetic sampling and proper operation of the cyclone are not achieved unless the correct [Delta]H and recycle flow rates are maintained. During the test run, monitor the probe and filter temperatures periodically, and make adjustments as necessary to maintain the desired temperatures. If the sample loading is high, the filter may begin to blind or the cyclone may clog. The filter or the cyclone may be replaced during the sample run. Before changing the filter or cyclone, conduct a leak-check (Section of this method). The total particulate mass shall be the sum of all cyclone and the filter catch during the run. Monitor stack temperature and [Delta]p periodically, and make the necessary adjustments in sampling and recycle flow rates to maintain isokinetic sampling and the proper flow rate through the cyclone. At the end of the run, turn off the pump, close the coarse total valve, and record the final dry gas meter reading. Remove the probe from the stack, and conduct a post-test leak-check as outlined in Section of this method.
4.2 Sample Recovery. Allow the probe to cool. When the probe can be safely handled, wipe off all external PM adhering to the outside of the nozzle, cyclone, and nozzle attachment, and place a cap over the nozzle to prevent losing or gaining PM. Do not cap the nozzle tip tightly while the sampling train is cooling, as this action would create a vacuum in the filter holder. Disconnect the probe from the umbilical connector, and take the probe to the cleanup site. Sample recovery should be conducted in a dry indoor area or, if outside, in an area protected from wind and free of dust. Cap the ends of the impingers and carry them to the cleanup site. Inspect the components of the train prior to and during disassembly to note any abnormal conditions. Disconnect the pitot from the cyclone. Remove the cyclone from the probe. Recover the sample as follows:
4.2.1 Container Number 1 (Filter). The recovery shall be the same as that for Container Number 1 in Method 5, Section 4.2.
4.2.2 Container Number 2 (Cyclone or Large PM Catch). The cyclone must be disassembled and the nozzle removed in order to recover the large PM catch. Quantitatively recover the PM from the interior surfaces of the nozzle and the cyclone, excluding the ``turn around'' cup and the interior surfaces of the exit tube. The recovery shall be the same as that for Container Number 2 in Method 5, Section 4.2.
4.2.3 Container Number 3 (PM10). Quantitatively recover the PM from all of the surfaces from cyclone exit to the front half of the in-stack filter holder, including the ``turn around'' cup and the interior of the exit tube. The recovery shall be the same as that for Container Number 2 in Method 5, Section 4.2.
4.2.4 Container Number 4 (Silica Gel). Same as that for Container Number 3 in Method 5, Section 4.2.
4.2.5 Impinger Water. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.2, under ``Impinger Water.''
4.3 Analysis. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.3, except handle EGR Container Numbers 1 and 2 like Container Number 1 in Method 5, EGR Container Numbers 3, 4, and 5 like Container Number 3 in Method 5, and EGR Container Number 6 like Container Number 3 in Method 5. Use Figure 11 of this method to record the weights of PM collected.
4.4 Quality Control Procedures. Same as in Method 5, Section 4.4.
4.5 PM10 Emission Calculation and Acceptability of Results. Use the EGR reduction program or the procedures in section 6 of this method to calculate PM10 emissions and the criteria in section 6.7 of this method to determine the acceptability of the results.
5. Calibration
Maintain an accurate laboratory log of all calibrations.
5.1 Probe Nozzle. Same as in Method 5, Section 5.1.
5.2 Pitot Tube. Same as in Method 5, Section 5.2.
5.3 Meter and Flow Control Console.
5.3.1 Dry Gas Meter. Same as in Method 5, Section 5.3.
5.3.2 LFE Gauges. Calibrate the recycle, total, and inlet total LFE gauges with a manometer. Read and record flow rates at 10, 50, and 90 percent of full scale on the total and recycle pressure gauges. Read and record flow rates at 10, 20, and 30 percent of full scale on the inlet total LFE pressure gauge. Record the total and recycle readings to the nearest 0.3 mm (0.01 in.). Record the inlet total LFE readings to the nearest 3 mm (0.1 in.). Make three separate measurements at each setting and calculate the average. The maximum difference between the average pressure reading and the average manometer reading shall not exceed 1 mm (0.05 in.). If the differences exceed the limit specified, adjust or replace the pressure gauge. After each field use, check the calibration of the pressure gauges.
5.3.3 Total LFE. Same as the metering system in Method 5, Section 5.3.
5.3.4 Recycle LFE. Same as the metering system in Method 5, Section 5.3, except completely close both the coarse and fine recycle valves.
5.4 Probe Heater. Connect the probe to the meter and flow control console with the umbilical connector. Insert a thermocouple into the probe sample line approximately half the length of the probe sample line. Calibrate the probe heater at 66 [deg]C (150 [deg]F), 121 [deg]C (250 [deg]F), and 177 [deg]C (350 [deg]F). Turn on the power, and set the probe heater to the specified temperature. Allow the heater to equilibrate, and record the thermocouple temperature and the meter and flow control console temperature to the nearest 0.5 [deg]C (1 [deg]F). The two temperatures should agree within 5.5 [deg]C (10 [deg]F). If this agreement is not met, adjust or replace the probe heater controller.
5.5 Temperature Gauges. Connect all thermocouples, and let the meter and flow control console equilibrate to ambient temperature. All thermocouples shall agree to within 1.1 [deg]C (2.0 [deg]F) with a standard mercury-in-glass thermometer. Replace defective thermocouples.
5.6 Barometer. Calibrate against a standard mercury-in-glass barometer.
5.7 Probe Cyclone and Nozzle Combinations. The probe cyclone and nozzle combinations need not be calibrated if the cyclone meets the design specifications in Figure 12 of this method and the nozzle meets the design specifications in appendix B of the Application Guide for the Source PM\3\10 Exhaust Gas Recycle Sampling System, EPA/600/3-88-058. This document may be obtained from Roy Huntley at (919) 541-1060. If the nozzles do not meet the design specifications, then test the cyclone and nozzle combination for conformity with the performance specifications (PS's) in Table 1 of this method. The purpose of the PS tests is to determine if the cyclone's sharpness of cut meets minimum performance criteria. If the cyclone does not meet design specifications, then, in addition to the cyclone and nozzle combination conforming to the PS's, calibrate the cyclone and determine the relationship between flow rate, gas viscosity, and gas density. Use the procedures in Section 5.7.5 of this method to conduct PS tests and the procedures in Section 5.8 of this method to calibrate the cyclone. Conduct the PS tests in a wind tunnel described in Section 5.7.1 of this method and using a particle generation system described in Section 5.7.2 of this method. Use five particle sizes and three wind velocities as listed in Table 2 of this method. Perform a minimum of three replicate measurements of collection efficiency for each of the 15 conditions listed, for a minimum of 45 measurements.
5.7.1 Wind Tunnel. Perform calibration and PS tests in a wind tunnel (or equivalent test apparatus) capable of establishing and maintaining the required gas stream velocities within 10 percent.
5.7.2 Particle Generation System. The particle generation system shall be capable of producing solid monodispersed dye particles with the mass median aerodynamic diameters specified in Table 2 of this method. The particle size distribution verification should be performed on an integrated sample obtained during the sampling period of each test. An acceptable alternative is to verify the size distribution of samples obtained before and after each test, with both samples required to meet the diameter and monodispersity requirements for an acceptable test run. Establish the size of the solid dye particles delivered to the test section of the wind tunnel using the operating parameters of the particle generation system, and verify the size during the tests by microscopic examination of samples of the particles collected on a membrane filter. The particle size, as established by the operating parameters of the generation system, shall be within the tolerance specified in Table 2 of this method. The precision of the particle size verification technique shall be at least 0.5 [micro]m, and the particle size determined by the verification technique shall not differ by more than 10 percent from that established by the operating parameters of the particle generation system. Certify the monodispersity of the particles for each test either by microscopic inspection of collected particles on filters or by other suitable monitoring techniques such as an optical particle counter followed by a multichannel pulse height analyzer. If the proportion of multiplets and satellites in an aerosol exceeds 10 percent by mass, the particle generation system is unacceptable for purposes of this test. Multiplets are particles that are agglomerated, and satellites are particles that are smaller than the specified size range.
5.7.3 Schematic Drawings. Schematic drawings of the wind tunnel and blower system and other information showing complete procedural details of the test atmosphere generation, verification, and delivery techniques shall be furnished with calibration data to the reviewing agency.
5.7.4 Flow Rate Measurement. Determine the cyclone flow rates with a dry gas meter and a stopwatch, or a calibrated orifice system capable of measuring flow rates to within 2 percent.
5.7.5 Performance Specification Procedure. Establish the test particle generator operation and verify the particle size microscopically. If mondispersity is to be verified by measurements at the beginning and the end of the run rather than by an integrated sample, these measurements may be made at this time. The cyclone cut size (D50) is defined as the aerodynamic diameter of a particle having a 50 percent probability of penetration. Determine the required cyclone flow rate at which D50 is 10 [micro]m. A suggested procedure is to vary the cyclone flow rate while keeping a constant particle size of 10 [micro]m. Measure the PM collected in the cyclone (mc), exit tube (mt), and filter (mf). Compute the cyclone efficiency (Ec) as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.016 Perform three replicates and calculate the average cyclone efficiency as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.017 where E1, E2, and E3 are replicate measurements of Ec. Calculate the standard deviation ([sigma]) for the replicate measurements of Ec as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.018 if [sigma] exceeds 0.10, repeat the replicate runs. Using the cyclone flow rate that produces D50 for 10 [micro]m, measure the overall efficiency of the cyclone and nozzle, Eo, at the particle sizes and nominal gas velocities in Table 2 of this method using this following procedure. Set the air velocity in the wind tunnel to one of the nominal gas velocities from Table 2 of this method. Establish isokinetic sampling conditions and the correct flow rate through the sampler (cyclone and nozzle) using recycle capacity so that the D50 is 10 [micro]m. Sample long enough to obtain 5 percent precision on the total collected mass as determined by the precision and the sensitivity of the measuring technique. Determine separately the nozzle catch (mn), cyclone catch (mc), cyclone exit tube catch (mt), and collection filter catch (mf). Calculate the overall efficiency (Eo) as follows:
[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.019 Do three replicates for each combination of gas velocities and particle sizes in Table 2 of this method. Calculate Eo for each particle size following the procedures described in this section for determining efficiency. Calculate the standard deviation ([sigma]) for the replicate measurements. If [sigma] exceeds 0.10, repeat the replicate runs.
5.7.6 Criteria for Acceptance. For each of the three gas stream velocities, plot the average Eo as a function of particle size on Figure 13 of this method. Draw a smooth curve for each velocity through all particle sizes. The curve shall be within the banded region for all sizes, and the average Ec for a D50 for 10 [micro]m shall be 50 0.5 percent.
5.8 Cyclone Calibration Procedure. The purpose of this section is to develop the relationship between flow rate, gas viscosity, gas density, and D50. This procedure only needs to be done on those cyclones that do not meet the design specifications in Figure 12 of this method.
5.8.1 Calculate cyclone flow rate. Determine the flow rates and D50's for three different particle sizes between 5 [micro]m and 15 [micro]m, one of which shall be 10 [micro]m. All sizes must be within 0.5 [micro]m. For each size, use a different temperature within 60 [deg]C (108 [deg]F) of the temperature at which the cyclone is to be used and conduct triplicate runs. A suggested procedure is to keep the particle size constant and vary the flow rate. Some of the values obtained in the PS tests in Section 5.7.5 may be used. On log-log graph paper, plot the Reynolds number (Re) on the abscissa, and the square root of the Stokes 50 number [(STK50)\1/2\] on the ordinate for each temperature. Use the following equations:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.020 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.021 where: Qcyc = Cyclone flow rate cm\3\/sec.[rho] = Gas density, g/cm\3\.dcyc = Diameter of cyclone inlet, cm.[micro]cyc = Viscosity of gas through the cyclone, poise.D50 = Cyclone cut size, cm. Use a linear regression analysis to determine the slope (m), and the y-intercept (b). Use the following formula to determine Q, the cyclone flow rate required for a cut size of 10 [micro]m. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.069 where: Q = Cyclone flow rate for a cut size of 10 [micro]m, cm\3\/sec.Ts = Stack gas temperature, [deg]K,d = Diameter of nozzle, cm.K1 = 4.077x10-3.
5.8.2. Directions for Using Q. Refer to Section 5 of the EGR operators manual for directions in using this expression for Q in the setup calculations.
6. Calculations
6.1 The EGR data reduction calculations are performed by the EGR reduction computer program, which is written in IBM BASIC computer language and is available through NTIS, Accession number PB90-500000, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. Examples of program inputs and outputs are shown in Figure 14 of this method.
6.1.1 Calculations can also be done manually, as specified in Method 5, Sections 6.3 through 6.7, and 6.9 through 6.12, with the addition of the following:
6.1.2 Nomenclature.Bc = Moisture fraction of mixed cyclone gas, by volume,
dimensionless.C1 = Viscosity constant, 51.12 micropoise for [deg]K (51.05
micropoise for [deg] R).C2 = Viscosity constant, 0.372 micropoise/[deg]K (0.207
micropoise/[deg] R).C3 = Viscosity constant, 1.05x10-4 micropoise/
[deg]K\2\ (3.24x10-5 micropoise/[deg] R\2\).C4 = Viscosity constant, 53.147 micropoise/fraction
O2.C5 = Viscosity constant, 74.143 micropoise/fraction
H2 O.D50 = Diameter of particles having a 50 percent probability
of penetration, [micro]m.f02 = Stack gas fraction O2 by volume, dry basis.K1 = 0.3858 [deg]K/mm Hg (17.64 [deg] R/in. Hg).Mc = Wet molecular weight of mixed gas through the
PM10 cyclone, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole).Md = Dry molecular weight of stack gas, g/g-mole (lb/lb-
mole).Pbar = Barometer pressure at sampling site, mm Hg (in. Hg).Pin1 = Gauge pressure at inlet to total LFE, mm H2
O (in. H2 O).P3 = Absolute stack pressure, mm Hg (in. Hg).Q2 = Total cyclone flow rate at wet cyclone conditions, m\3\/
min (ft\3\/min).Qs(std) = Total cyclone flow rate at standard conditons,
dscm/min (dscf/min).Tm = Average temperature of dry gas meter, [deg]K ([deg]R).Ts = Average stack gas temperature, [deg]K ([deg]R).Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in gas sample (standard
conditions), scm (scf).XT = Total LFE linear calibration constant, m\3\/[(min)(mm
H2 O]) { ft\3\/[(min)(in. H2 O)]{time} .YT = Total LFE linear calibration constant, dscm/min (dscf/
min).[Delta] PT = Pressure differential across total LFE, mm
H2 O, (in. H2 O).[thetas] = Total sampling time, min.[micro]cyc = Viscosity of mixed cyclone gas, micropoise.[micro]LFE = Viscosity of gas laminar flow elements,
micropoise.[micro]std = Viscosity of standard air, 180.1 micropoise.
6.2 PM10 Particulate Weight. Determine the weight of PM10 by summing the weights obtained from Container Numbers 1 and 3, less the acetone blank.
6.3 Total Particulate Weight. Determine the particulate catch for PM greater than PM10 from the weight obtained from Container Number 2 less the acetone blank, and add it to the PM10 particulate weight.
6.4 PM10 Fraction. Determine the PM10 fraction of the total particulate weight by dividing the PM10 particulate weight by the total particulate weight.
6.5 Total Cyclone Flow Rate. The average flow rate at standard conditions is determined from the average pressure drop across the total LFE and is calculated as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.022
The flow rate, at actual cyclone conditions, is calculated as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.023
The flow rate, at actual cyclone conditions, is calculated as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.024
6.6 Aerodynamic Cut Size. Use the following procedure to determine the aerodynamic cut size (D50).
6.6.1 Determine the water fraction of the mixed gas through the cyclone by using the equation below.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.025
6.6.2 Calculate the cyclone gas viscosity as follows:[micro]cyc = C1 + C2 Ts +
C3 Ts2 + C4 f02 -
C5 Bc
6.6.3 Calculate the molecular weight on a wet basis of the cyclone gas as follows:Mc = Md(1 - Bc) + 18.0(Bc)
6.6.4 If the cyclone meets the design specification in Figure 12 of this method, calculate the actual D50 of the cyclone for the run as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.026 where [beta]1 = 0.1562.
6.6.5 If the cyclone does not meet the design specifications in Figure 12 of this method, then use the following equation to calculate D50.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC08NO91.027 where: m = Slope of the calibration curve obtained in Section 5.8.2.b = y-intercept of the calibration curve obtained in Section 5.8.2.
6.7 Acceptable Results. Acceptability of anisokinetic variation is the same as Method 5, Section 6.12.
6.7.1 If 9.0 [micro]m <=D50 <=11 [micro]m and 90 <=I <=110, the results are acceptable. If D50 is greater than 11 [micro]m, the Administrator may accept the results. If D50 is less than 9.0 [micro]m, reject the results and repeat the test.
7. Bibliography
1. Same as Bibliography in Method 5.
2. McCain, J.D., J.W. Ragland, and A.D. Williamson. Recommended Methodology for the Determination of Particles Size Distributions in Ducted Sources, Final Report. Prepared for the California Air Resources Board by Southern Research Institute. May 1986.
3. Farthing, W.E., S.S. Dawes, A.D. Williamson, J.D. McCain, R.S. Martin, and J.W. Ragland. Development of Sampling Methods for Source PM-10 Emissions. Southern Research Institute for the Environmental Protection Agency. April 1989.
4. Application Guide for the Source PM10 Exhaust Gas Recycle Sampling System, EPA/600/3-88-058.
CO2=.0%.........................................(LB/LB MOLE)
TEMPERATURE (F) DP(PTO)............ 150 161 172 183 194 206 217 2280.026.............. SAMPLE .49 .49 .48 .47 .46 .45 .45
TOTAL 1.90 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.93
RECYCLE 2.89 2.92 2.94 2.97 3.00 3.02 3.05
% RCL 61% 61% 62% 62% 63% 63% 63%
.031............... .58 .56 .55 .55 .55 .54 .53 .52
1.88 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.92
2.71 2.74 2.77 2.80 2.82 2.85 2.88 2.90
57% 57% 58% 58% 59% 59% 60% 60%
.035............... .67 .65 .64 .63 .62 .61 .670 .59
1.88 1.88 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.90 1.91 1.91
2.57 2.60 2.63 2.66 2.69 2.72 2.74 2.74
54% 55% 55% 56% 56% 57% 57% 57%
.039............... .75 .74 .72 .71 .70 .69 .67 .66
1.87 1.88 1.88 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.90 1.91
2.44 2.47 2.50 2.53 2.56 2.59 2.62 2.65
51% 52% 52% 53% 53% 54% 54% 55%
Figure 6. Example EGR setup sheet.
Barometric pressure, Pbar, in. Hg... = ------Stack static pressure, Pg, in. H2 O. = ------Average stack temperature, ts, = ------
[deg]F.Meter temperature, tm, [deg]F....... = ------Gas analysis:
%CO2.............................. = ------
%O2............................... = ------
%N2+%CO........................... = ------
Fraction moisture content, Bws.... = ------Calibration data:
Nozzle diameter, Dn in............ = ------
Pitot coefficient, Cp............. = ------
[Delta]H2, in. H2O................ = ------Molecular weight of stack gas, dry
(%CO2)+0.32 = lb/lb
(%N2+%CO)Molecular weight of stack gas, wet
Mw=Md (1-Bws)+18Bws............... = ------ lb/lb moleAbsolute stack pressure:
Ps=Pbar+(Pg/13.6) = ------ in. Hg
Desired meter orifice pressure ([Delta]H) for velocity head of stack gas
Figure 7. Example worksheet 1, meter orifice pressure head calculation. Barometric pressure, Pbar, in. Hg...... = ------Absolute stack pressure, Ps, in. Hg.... = ------Average stack temperature, Ts, [deg]R.. = ------Meter temperature, Tm, [deg]R.......... = ------Molecular weight of stack gas, wet = ------
basis, Md lb/lb mole.Pressure upstream of LFE, in. Hg....... = 0.6Gas analysis:
%O2.................................. = ------
Fraction moisture content, Bws....... = ------Calibration data:
Nozzle diameter, Dn, in.............. = ------
Pitot coefficient, Cp................ = ------
Total LFE calibration constant, Xt... = ------
Total LFE calibration constant, Tt... = ------Absolute pressure upstream of LFE:
PLFE=Pbar+0.6........................ = ------ in. HgViscosity of gas in total LFE:
[micro]LFE=152.418+0.2552 = ------
Tm+3.2355x10-5 Tm2+0.53147 (%O2).
Viscosity of dry stack gas:
[micro]d=152.418+0.2552 Ts+3.2355x10- = ------
5 Ts2+0.53147 (%O2).
Figure 8. Example worksheet 1, meter orifice pressure head calculation. Barometric pressure, Pbar, in. Hg...... = ------Absolute stack pressure, Ps, in. Hg.... = ------Average stack temperature, Ts, [deg]R.. = ------Meter temperature, Tm, [deg]R.......... = ------Molecular weight of stack gas, dry = ------
basis, Md lb/lb mole.Viscosity of LFE gas[micro]LFE,poise... = ------Absolute pressure upstream of LFE, = ------
PPLEin. Hg.Calibration data:......................
Nozzle diameter, Dn, in.............. = ------
Pitot coefficient, Cp................ = ------Recycle LFE calibration constant, Xt = ------Recycle LFE calibration constant, Yt = ------
Pressure head for recycle LFE:
Figure 9. Example worksheet 3, recycle LFE pressure head.
Plant___________________________________________________________________Date____________________________________________________________________Run no._________________________________________________________________Filter no.______________________________________________________________Amount liquid lost during transport_____________________________________Acetone blank volume, ml________________________________________________Acetone wash volume, ml (2)------(3)____________________________________Acetone blank conc., mg/mg (Equation 5-4, Method 5)_____________________ Acetone wash blank, mg (Equation 5-5, Method 5)_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weight of particulate
matter, mg
Container number --------------------------
Final Tare Weight
weight weight gain------------------------------------------------------------------------1............................................ ....... ....... .......3............................................ ....... ....... .......
Total...................................... ....... ....... .......
Less acetone blank......................... ....... ....... .......
Weight of PM10............................. ....... ....... .......2............................................ ....... ....... .......
Less acetone blank......................... ....... ....... .......
Total particulate weight................... ....... ....... .......
Figure 11. EGR method analysis sheet.
Table 1--Performance Specifications for Source PM10 Cyclones and Nozzle
Parameter Units Specification------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Collection efficiency........ Percent........... Such that
efficiency falls
within envelope
specified by
Section 5.7.6 and
Figure 13.2. Cyclone cut size (D50)....... [micro]m.......... 10 1 [micro]m
Table 2--Particle Sizes and Nominal Gas Velocities for Efficiency----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Target gas velocities (m/sec)
(a) Mass median aerodynamic diameter.
Emission Gas Recycle, Data Reduction, Version 3.4 MAY 1986
Test ID. Code: Chapel Hill 2.
Test Location: Baghouse Outlet.
Test Site: Chapel Hill.
Test Date: 10/20/86.
Operators(s): JB RH MH.
Entered Run Data Temperatures:
T(STK).............................. 251.0 F
T(RCL).............................. 259.0 F
T(LFE).............................. 81.0 F
T(DGM).............................. 76.0 FSystem Pressures:
DH(ORI)............................. 1.18 INWG
DP(TOT)............................. 1.91 INWG
P(INL).............................. 12.15 INWG
DP(RCL)............................. 2.21 INWG
DP(PTO)............................. 0.06 INWGMiscellanea:
P(BAR).............................. 29.99 INWG
DP(STK)............................. 0.10 INWG
V(DGM).............................. 13.744 FT3
TIME................................ 60.00 MIN
% CO2............................... 8.00
% O2................................ 20.00
NOZ (IN)............................ 0.2500
Water Content:
Estimate............................ 0.0%
Condenser........................... 7.0 ML
Column.............................. 0.0 GMRaw Masses:
Cyclone 1........................... 21.7 MG
Filter.............................. 11.7 MG
Impinger Residue.................... 0.0 MGBlank Values:
CYC Rinse........................... 0.0 MG
Filter Holder Rinse................. 0.0 MG
Filter Blank........................ 0.0 MG
Impinger Rinse...................... 0.0 MG
Calibration Values:
CP(PITOT)................................................ 0.840
DH@(ORI)................................................. 10.980
M(TOT LFE)............................................... 0.2298
B(TOT LFE)............................................... -.0058
M(RCL LFE)............................................... 0.0948
B(RCL LFE)............................................... -.0007
DGM GAMMA................................................ 0.9940
Reduced Data Stack Velocity (FT/SEC)........................................ 15.95Stack Gas Moisture (%)......................................... 2.4Sample Flow Rate (ACFM)........................................ 0.3104Total Flow Rate (ACFM)......................................... 0.5819Recycle Flow Rate (ACFM)....................................... 0.2760Percent Recycle................................................ 46.7Isokinetic Ratio (%)........................................... 95.1
------------------ (MG/DNCM) (GR/ACF) (GR/DCF) (LB/DSCF) (X
(UM) (% <) 1E6)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cyclone 1............................. 10.15 35.8 56.6 0.01794 0.02470 3.53701Backup Filter......................... ....... ....... 30.5 0.00968 0.01332 1.907Particulate Total..................... ....... ....... 87.2 0.02762 0.03802 5.444----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Figure 14. Example inputs and outputs of the EGR reduction program.
EMISSIONS FROM STATIONARY SOURCES (Constant Sampling Rate Procedure)
1.0 Scope and Applicability
1.1 Scope. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA or ``we'') developed this method to describe the procedures that the stack tester (``you'') must follow to measure filterable particulate matter (PM) emissions equal to or less than a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers (PM10) and 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5). This method can be used to measure coarse particles (i.e., the difference between the measured PM10 concentration and the measured PM2.5 concentration).
1.2 Applicability. This method addresses the equipment, preparation, and analysis necessary to measure filterable PM. You can use this method to measure filterable PM from stationary sources only. Filterable PM is collected in stack with this method (i.e., the method measures materials that are solid or liquid at stack conditions). If the gas filtration temperature exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then you may use the procedures in this method to measure only filterable PM (material that does not pass through a filter or a cyclone/filter combination). If the gas filtration temperature exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), and you must measure both the filterable and condensable (material that condenses after passing through a filter) components of total primary (direct) PM emissions to the atmosphere, then you must combine the procedures in this method with the procedures in Method 202 of appendix M to this part for measuring condensable PM. However, if the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then use of Method 202 of appendix M to this part is not required to measure total primary PM.
1.3 Responsibility. You are responsible for obtaining the equipment and supplies you will need to use this method. You must also develop your own procedures for following this method and any additional procedures to ensure accurate sampling and analytical measurements.
1.4 Additional Methods. To obtain results, you must have a thorough knowledge of the following test methods found in appendices A-1 through A-3 of 40 CFR part 60:
(a) Method 1--Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.
(b) Method 2--Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).
(c) Method 3--Gas analysis for the determination of dry molecular weight.
(d) Method 4--Determination of moisture content in stack gases.
(e) Method 5--Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources.
1.5 Limitations. You cannot use this method to measure emissions in which water droplets are present because the size separation of the water droplets may not be representative of the dry particle size released into the air. To measure filterable PM10 and PM2.5 in emissions where water droplets are known to exist, we recommend that you use Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60. Because of the temperature limit of the O-rings used in this sampling train, you must follow the procedures in Section 8.6.1 to test emissions from stack gas temperatures exceeding 205 [deg]C (400 [deg]F).
1.6 Conditions. You can use this method to obtain particle sizing at 10 micrometers and or 2.5 micrometers if you sample within 80 and 120 percent of isokinetic flow. You can also use this method to obtain total filterable particulate if you sample within 90 to 110 percent of isokinetic flow, the number of sampling points is the same as required by Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60 or Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, and the filter temperature is within an acceptable range for these methods. For Method 5, the acceptable range for the filter temperature is generally 120 [deg]C (248 [deg]F) unless a higher or lower temperature is specified. The acceptable range varies depending on the source, control technology and applicable rule or permit condition. To satisfy Method 5 criteria, you may need to remove the in-stack filter and use an out-of-stack filter and recover the PM in the probe between the PM2.5 particle sizer and the filter. In addition, to satisfy Method 5 and Method 17 criteria, you may need to sample from more than 12 traverse points. Be aware that this method determines in-stack PM10 and PM2.5 filterable emissions by sampling from a recommended maximum of 12 sample points, at a constant flow rate through the train (the constant flow is necessary to maintain the size cuts of the cyclones), and with a filter that is at the stack temperature. In contrast, Method 5 or Method 17 trains are operated isokinetically with varying flow rates through the train. Method 5 and Method 17 require sampling from as many as 24 sample points. Method 5 uses an out-of-stack filter that is maintained at a constant temperature of 120 [deg]C (248 [deg]F). Further, to use this method in place of Method 5 or Method 17, you must extend the sampling time so that you collect the minimum mass necessary for weighing each portion of this sampling train. Also, if you are using this method as an alternative to a test method specified in a regulatory requirement (e.g., a requirement to conduct a compliance or performance test), then you must receive approval from the authority that established the regulatory requirement before you conduct the test.
2.0 Summary of Method
2.1 Summary. To measure PM10 and PM2.5, extract a sample of gas at a predetermined constant flow rate through an in-stack sizing device. The particle-sizing device separates particles with nominal aerodynamic diameters of 10 micrometers and 2.5 micrometers. To minimize variations in the isokinetic sampling conditions, you must establish well-defined limits. After a sample is obtained, remove uncombined water from the particulate, then use gravimetric analysis to determine the particulate mass for each size fraction. The original method, as promulgated in 1990, has been changed by adding a PM2.5 cyclone downstream of the PM10 cyclone. Both cyclones were developed and evaluated as part of a conventional five-stage cascade cyclone train. The addition of a PM2.5 cyclone between the PM10 cyclone and the stack temperature filter in the sampling train supplements the measurement of PM10 with the measurement of PM2.5. Without the addition of the PM2.5 cyclone, the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train may be used to measure total and PM10 emissions. Likewise, with the exclusion of the PM10 cyclone, the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train may be used to measure total and PM2.5 emissions. Figure 1 of Section 17 presents the schematic of the sampling train configured with this change.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Condensable particulate matter (CPM) means material that is vapor phase at stack conditions, but condenses and/or reacts upon cooling and dilution in the ambient air to form solid or liquid PM immediately after discharge from the stack. Note that all CPM is assumed to be in the PM2.5 size fraction.
3.2 Constant weight means a difference of no more than 0.5 mg or one percent of total weight less tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive weighings, with no less than six hours of desiccation time between weighings.
3.3 Filterable particulate matter (PM) means particles that are emitted directly by a source as a solid or liquid at stack or release conditions and captured on the filter of a stack test train.
3.4 Primary particulate matter (PM) (also known as direct PM) means particles that enter the atmosphere as a direct emission from a stack or an open source. Primary PM has two components: Filterable PM and condensable PM. These two PM components have no upper particle size limit.
3.5 Primary PM2.5 (also known as direct PM2.5, total PM2.5, PM2.5, or combined filterable PM2.5 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. These solid particles are emitted directly from an air emissions source or activity, or are the gaseous or vaporous emissions from an air emissions source or activity that condense to form PM at ambient temperatures. Direct PM2.5 emissions include elemental carbon, directly emitted organic carbon, directly emitted sulfate, directly emitted nitrate, and other inorganic particles (including but not limited to crustal material, metals, and sea salt).
3.6 Primary PM10 (also known as direct PM10, total PM10, PM10, or the combination of filterable PM10 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 10 micrometers.
4.0 Interferences
You cannot use this method to measure emissions where water droplets are present because the size separation of the water droplets may not be representative of the dry particle size released into the air. Stacks with entrained moisture droplets may have water droplets larger than the cut sizes for the cyclones. These water droplets normally contain particles and dissolved solids that become PM10 and PM2.5 following evaporation of the water.
5.0 Safety
5.1 Disclaimer. Because the performance of this method may require the use of hazardous materials, operations, and equipment, you should develop a health and safety plan to ensure the safety of your employees who are on site conducting the particulate emission test. Your plan should conform with all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and Health Administration, and Department of Transportation regulatory requirements. Because of the unique situations at some facilities and because some facilities may have more stringent requirements than is required by State or federal laws, you may have to develop procedures to conform to the plant health and safety requirements.
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
Figure 2 of Section 17 shows details of the combined cyclone heads used in this method. The sampling train is the same as Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60 with the exception of the PM10 and PM2.5 sizing devices. The following sections describe the sampling train's primary design features in detail.
6.1 Filterable Particulate Sampling Train Components.
6.1.1 Nozzle. You must use stainless steel (316 or equivalent) or fluoropolymer-coated stainless steel nozzles with a sharp tapered leading edge. We recommend one of the 12 nozzles listed in Figure 3 of Section 17 because they meet design specifications when PM10 cyclones are used as part of the sampling train. We also recommend that you have a large number of nozzles in small diameter increments available to increase the likelihood of using a single nozzle for the entire traverse. We recommend one of the nozzles listed in Figure 4A or 4B of Section 17 because they meet design specifications when PM2.5 cyclones are used without PM10 cyclones as part of the sampling train.
6.1.2 PM10 and PM2.5 Sizing Device. Use stainless steel (316 or equivalent) or fluoropolymer-coated PM10 and PM2.5 sizing devices. You may use sizing devices constructed of high-temperature specialty metals such as Inconel, Hastelloy, or Haynes 230. (See also Section 8.6.1.) The sizing devices must be cyclones that meet the design specifications shown in Figures 3, 4A, 4B, 5, and 6 of Section 17. Use a caliper to verify that the dimensions of the PM10 and PM2.5 sizing devices are within 0.02 cm of the design specifications. Example suppliers of PM10 and PM2.5 sizing devices include the following:
(a) Environmental Supply Company, Inc., 2142 E. Geer Street, Durham, North Carolina 27704. Telephone No.: (919) 956-9688; Fax: (919) 682-0333.
(b) Apex Instruments, 204 Technology Park Lane, Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina 27526. Telephone No.: (919) 557-7300 (phone); Fax: (919) 557-7110. You may use alternative particle sizing devices if they meet the requirements in Development and Laboratory Evaluation of a Five-Stage Cyclone System, EPA-600/7-78-008 (
6.1.3 Filter Holder. Use a filter holder that is stainless steel (316 or equivalent). A heated glass filter holder may be substituted for the steel filter holder when filtration is performed out-of-stack. Commercial-size filter holders are available depending upon project requirements, including commercial stainless steel filter holders to support 25-, 47-, 63-, 76-, 90-, 101-, and 110-mm diameter filters. Commercial size filter holders contain a fluoropolymer O-ring, a stainless steel screen that supports the particulate filter, and a final fluoropolymer O-ring. Screw the assembly together and attach to the outlet of cyclone IV. The filter must not be compressed between the fluoropolymer O-ring and the filter housing.
6.1.4 Pitot Tube. You must use a pitot tube made of heat resistant tubing. Attach the pitot tube to the probe with stainless steel fittings. Follow the specifications for the pitot tube and its orientation to the inlet nozzle given in Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
6.1.5 Probe Extension and Liner. The probe extension must be glass- or fluoropolymer-lined. Follow the specifications in Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60. If the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then the probe may be constructed of stainless steel without a probe liner and the extension is not recovered as part of the PM.
6.1.6 Differential Pressure Gauge, Condensers, Metering Systems, Barometer, and Gas Density Determination Equipment. Follow the requirements in Sections through 6.1.3 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, as applicable.
6.2 Sample Recovery Equipment.
6.2.1 Filterable Particulate Recovery. Use the following equipment to quantitatively determine the amount of filterable PM recovered from the sampling train.
(a) Cyclone and filter holder brushes.
(b) Wash bottles. Two wash bottles are recommended. Any container material is acceptable, but wash bottles used for sample and blank recovery must not contribute more than 0.1 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements.
(c) Leak-proof sample containers. Containers used for sample and blank recovery must not contribute more than 0.05 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements.
(d) Petri dishes. For filter samples; glass or polyethylene, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.
(e) Graduated cylinders. To measure condensed water to within 1 ml or 0.5 g. Graduated cylinders must have subdivisions not greater than 2 ml.
(f) Plastic storage containers. Air-tight containers to store silica gel.
6.2.2 Analysis Equipment.
(a) Funnel. Glass or polyethylene, to aid in sample recovery.
(b) Rubber policeman. To aid in transfer of silica gel to container; not necessary if silica gel is weighed in the field.
(c) Analytical balance. Analytical balance capable of weighing at least 0.0001 g (0.1 mg).
(d) Balance. To determine the weight of the moisture in the sampling train components, use an analytical balance accurate to 0.5 g.
(e) Fluoropolymer beaker liners.
7.0 Reagents, Standards, and Sampling Media
7.1 Sample Collection. To collect a sample, you will need a filter and silica gel. You must also have water and crushed ice. These items must meet the following specifications.
7.1.1 Filter. Use a nonreactive, nondisintegrating glass fiber, quartz, or polymer filter that does not a have an organic binder. The filter must also have an efficiency of at least 99.95 percent (less than 0.05 percent penetration) on 0.3 micrometer dioctyl phthalate particles. You may use test data from the supplier's quality control program to document the PM filter efficiency.
7.1.2 Silica Gel. Use an indicating-type silica gel of 6 to 16 mesh. You must obtain approval from the regulatory authority that established the requirement to use this test method to use other types of desiccants (equivalent or better) before you use them. Allow the silica gel to dry for two hours at 175 [deg]C (350 [deg]F) if it is being reused. You do not have to dry new silica gel if the indicator shows the silica is active for moisture collection.
7.1.3 Crushed Ice. Obtain from the best readily available source.
7.1.4 Water. Use deionized, ultra-filtered water that contains 1.0 part per million by weight (1 milligram/liter) residual mass or less to recover and extract samples.
7.2 Sample Recovery and Analytical Reagents. You will need acetone and anhydrous calcium sulfate for the sample recovery and analysis. Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents must conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. If such specifications are not available, then use the best available grade. Additional information on each of these items is in the following paragraphs.
7.2.1 Acetone. Use acetone that is stored in a glass bottle. Do not use acetone from a metal container because it will likely produce a high residue in the laboratory and field reagent blanks. You must use acetone with blank values less than 1 part per million by weight residue. Analyze acetone blanks prior to field use to confirm low blank values. In no case shall a blank value of greater than 0.0001 percent (1 part per million by weight) of the weight of acetone used in sample recovery be subtracted from the sample weight (i.e., the maximum blank correction is 0.1 mg per 100 g of acetone used to recover samples).
7.2.2 Particulate Sample Desiccant. Use indicating-type anhydrous calcium sulfate to desiccate samples prior to weighing.
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
8.1 Qualifications. This is a complex test method. To obtain reliable results, you should be trained and experienced with in-stack filtration systems (such as cyclones, impactors, and thimbles) and impinger and moisture train systems.
8.2 Preparations. Follow the pretest preparation instructions in Section 8.1 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
8.3 Site Setup. You must complete the following to properly set up for this test:
(a) Determine the sampling site location and traverse points.
(b) Calculate probe/cyclone blockage.
(c) Verify the absence of cyclonic flow.
(d) Complete a preliminary velocity profile and select a nozzle(s) and sampling rate.
8.3.1 Sampling Site Location and Traverse Point Determination. Follow the standard procedures in Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60 to select the appropriate sampling site. Choose a location that maximizes the distance from upstream and downstream flow disturbances.
(a) Traverse points. The required maximum number of total traverse points at any location is 12, as shown in Figure 7 of Section 17. You must prevent the disturbance and capture of any solids accumulated on the inner wall surfaces by maintaining a 1-inch distance from the stack wall (0.5 inch for sampling locations less than 36.4 inches in diameter with the pitot tube and 32.4 inches without the pitot tube). During sampling, when the PM2.5 cyclone is used without the PM10, traverse points closest to the stack walls may not be reached because the inlet to a PM2.5 cyclone is located approximately 2.75 inches from the end of the cyclone. For these cases, you may collect samples using the procedures in Section of Method 1 of appendix A-3 to part 60. You must use the traverse point closest to the unreachable sampling points as replacement for the unreachable points. You must extend the sampling time at the replacement sampling point to include the duration of the unreachable traverse points.
(b) Round or rectangular duct or stack. If a duct or stack is round with two ports located 90[deg] apart, use six sampling points on each diameter. Use a 3x4 sampling point layout for rectangular ducts or stacks. Consult with the Administrator to receive approval for other layouts before you use them.
(c) Sampling ports. You must determine if the sampling ports can accommodate the in-stack cyclones used in this method. You may need larger diameter sampling ports than those used by Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60 or Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60 for total filterable particulate sampling. When you use nozzles smaller than 0.16 inch in diameter and either a PM10 or a combined PM10 and PM2.5 sampling apparatus, the sampling port diameter may need to be six inches in diameter to accommodate the entire apparatus because the conventional 4-inch diameter port may be too small due to the combined dimension of the PM10 cyclone and the nozzle extending from the cyclone, which will likely exceed the internal diameter of the port. A 4-inch port should be adequate for the single PM2.5 sampling apparatus. However, do not use the conventional 4-inch diameter port in any circumstances in which the combined dimension of the cyclone and the nozzle extending from the cyclone exceeds the internal diameter of the port. (Note: If the port nipple is short, you may be able to ``hook'' the sampling head through a smaller port into the duct or stack.)
8.3.2 Probe/Cyclone Blockage Calculations. Follow the procedures in the next two sections, as appropriate. Ducts with diameters greater than 36.4 inches. Based on commercially available cyclone assemblies for this procedure, ducts with diameters greater than 36.4 inches have blockage effects less than three percent, as illustrated in Figure 8 of Section 17. You must minimize the blockage effects of the combination of the in-stack nozzle/cyclones, pitot tube, and filter assembly that you use by keeping the cross-sectional area of the assembly at three percent or less of the cross-sectional area of the duct. Ducts with diameters between 25.7 and 36.4 inches. Ducts with diameters between 25.7 and 36.4 inches have blockage effects ranging from three to six percent, as illustrated in Figure 8 of Section 17. Therefore, when you conduct tests on these small ducts, you must adjust the observed velocity pressures for the estimated blockage factor whenever the combined sampling apparatus blocks more than three percent of the stack or duct (see Sections and on the probe blockage factor and the final adjusted velocity pressure, respectively). (Note: Valid sampling with the combined PM2.5/PM10 cyclones cannot be performed with this method if the average stack blockage from the sampling assembly is greater than six percent, i.e., the stack diameter is less than 26.5 inches.)
8.3.3 Cyclonic Flow. Do not use the combined cyclone sampling head at sampling locations subject to cyclonic flow. Also, you must follow procedures in Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60 to determine the presence or absence of cyclonic flow and then perform the following calculations:
(a) As per Section 11.4 of Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60, find and record the angle that has a null velocity pressure for each traverse point using an S-type pitot tube.
(b) Average the absolute values of the angles that have a null velocity pressure. Do not use the sampling location if the average absolute value exceeds 20[deg]. (Note: You can minimize the effects of cyclonic flow conditions by moving the sampling location, placing gas flow straighteners upstream of the sampling location, or applying a modified sampling approach as described in EPA Guideline Document GD-008, Particulate Emissions Sampling in Cyclonic Flow. You may need to obtain an alternate method approval from the regulatory authority that established the requirement to use this test method prior to using a modified sampling approach.)
8.3.4 Preliminary Velocity Profile. Conduct a preliminary velocity traverse by following Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60 velocity traverse procedures. The purpose of the preliminary velocity profile is to determine all of the following:
(a) The gas sampling rate for the combined probe/cyclone sampling head in order to meet the required particle size cut.
(b) The appropriate nozzle to maintain the required gas sampling rate for the velocity pressure range and isokinetic range. If the isokinetic range cannot be met (e.g., batch processes, extreme process flow or temperature variation), void the sample or use methods subject to the approval of the Administrator to correct the data. The acceptable variation from isokinetic sampling is 80 to 120 percent and no more than 100 21 percent (2 out of 12 or 5 out of 24) sampling points outside of this criteria.
(c) The necessary sampling duration to obtain sufficient particulate catch weights. Preliminary traverse. You must use an S-type pitot tube with a conventional thermocouple to conduct the traverse. Conduct the preliminary traverse as close as possible to the anticipated testing time on sources that are subject to hour-by-hour gas flow rate variations of approximately 20 percent and/or gas temperature variations of approximately 28 [deg]C ( 50 [deg]F). (Note: You should be aware that these variations can cause errors in the cyclone cut diameters and the isokinetic sampling velocities.) Velocity pressure range. Insert the S-type pitot tube at each traverse point and record the range of velocity pressures measured on data form in Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60. You will use this later to select the appropriate nozzle. Initial gas stream viscosity and molecular weight. Determine the average gas temperature, average gas oxygen content, average carbon dioxide content, and estimated moisture content. You will use this information to calculate the initial gas stream viscosity (Equation 3) and molecular weight (Equations 1 and 2). (Note: You must follow the instructions outlined in Method 4 of appendix A-3 to part 60 or Alternative Moisture Measurement Method Midget Impingers (ALT-008) to estimate the moisture content. You may use a wet bulb-dry bulb measurement or hand-held hygrometer measurement to estimate the moisture content of sources with gas temperatures less than 71 [deg]C (160 [deg]F).) Approximate PM concentration in the gas stream. Determine the approximate PM concentration for the PM2.5 and the PM2.5 to PM10 components of the gas stream through qualitative measurements or estimates from precious stack particulate emissions tests. Having an idea of the particulate concentration in the gas stream is not essential but will help you determine the appropriate sampling time to acquire sufficient PM weight for better accuracy at the source emission level. The collectible PM weight requirements depend primarily on the types of filter media and weighing capabilities that are available and needed to characterize the emissions. Estimate the collectible PM concentrations in the greater than 10 micrometer, less than or equal to 10 micrometers and greater than 2.5 micrometers, and less than or equal to 2.5 micrometer size ranges. Typical PM concentrations are listed in Table 1 of Section 17. Additionally, relevant sections of AP-42, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, may contain particle size distributions for processes characterized in those sections, and appendix B2 of AP-42 contains generalized particle size distributions for nine industrial process categories (e.g., stationary internal combustion engines firing gasoline or diesel fuel, calcining of aggregate or unprocessed ores). The generalized particle size distributions can be used if source-specific particle size distributions are unavailable. Appendix B2 of AP-42 also contains typical collection efficiencies of various particulate control devices and example calculations showing how to estimate uncontrolled total particulate emissions, uncontrolled size-specific emissions, and controlled size-specific particulate emissions. (
8.4 Pre-test Calculations. You must perform pre-test calculations to help select the appropriate gas sampling rate through cyclone I (PM10) and cyclone IV (PM2.5). Choosing the appropriate sampling rate will allow you to maintain the appropriate particle cut diameters based upon preliminary gas stream measurements, as specified in Table 2 of Section 17.
8.4.1 Gas Sampling Rate. The gas sampling rate is defined by the performance curves for both cyclones, as illustrated in Figure 10 of Section 17. You must use the calculations in Section 8.5 to achieve the appropriate cut size specification for each cyclone. The optimum gas sampling rate is the overlap zone defined as the range below the cyclone IV 2.25 micrometer curve down to the cyclone I 11.0 micrometer curve (area between the two dark, solid lines in Figure 10 of Section 17).
8.4.2 Choosing the Appropriate Sampling Rate. You must select a gas sampling rate in the middle of the overlap zone (discussed in Section 8.4.1), as illustrated in Figure 10 of Section 17, to maximize the acceptable tolerance for slight variations in flow characteristics at the sampling location. The overlap zone is also a weak function of the gas composition. (Note: The acceptable range is limited, especially for gas streams with temperatures less than approximately 100 [deg]F. At lower temperatures, it may be necessary to perform the PM10 and PM2.5 separately in order to meet the necessary particle size criteria shown in Table 2 of Section 17.)
8.5 Test Calculations. You must perform all of the calculations in Table 3 of Section 17 and the calculations described in Sections 8.5.1 through 8.5.5.
8.5.1 Assumed Reynolds Number. You must select an assumed Reynolds number (Nre) using Equation 10 and an estimated sampling rate or from prior experience under the stack conditions determined using Methods 1 through 4 to part 60. You will perform initial test calculations based on an assumed Nre for the test to be performed. You must verify the assumed Nre by substituting the sampling rate (Qs) calculated in Equation 7 into Equation 10. Then use Table 5 of Section 17 to determine if the Nre used in Equation 5 was correct.
8.5.2 Final Sampling Rate. Recalculate the final Qs if the assumed Nre used in your initial calculation is not correct. Use Equation 7 to recalculate the optimum Qs.
8.5.3 Meter Box [Delta]H. Use Equation 11 to calculate the meter box orifice pressure drop ([Delta]H) after you calculate the optimum sampling rate and confirm the Nre. (Note: The stack gas temperature may vary during the test, which could affect the sampling rate. If the stack gas temperature varies, you must make slight adjustments in the meter box [Delta]H to maintain the correct constant cut diameters. Therefore, use Equation 11 to recalculate the [Delta]H values for 50 [deg]F above and below the stack temperature measured during the preliminary traverse (see Section, and document this information in Table 4 of Section 17.)
8.5.4 Choosing a Sampling Nozzle. Select one or more nozzle sizes to provide for near isokinetic sampling rate (see Section 1.6). This will also minimize an isokinetic sampling error for the particles at each point. First calculate the mean stack gas velocity (vs) using Equation 13. See Section 8.7.2 for information on correcting for blockage and use of different pitot tube coefficients. Then use Equation 14 to calculate the diameter (D) of a nozzle that provides for isokinetic sampling at the mean vs at flow Qs. From the available nozzles one size smaller and one size larger than this diameter, D, select the most appropriate nozzle. Perform the following steps for the selected nozzle. Minimum/maximum nozzle/stack velocity ratio. Use Equation 15 to determine the velocity of gas in the nozzle. Use Equation 16 to calculate the minimum nozzle/stack velocity ratio (Rmin). Use Equation 17 to calculate the maximum nozzle/stack velocity ratio (Rmax). Minimum gas velocity. Use Equation 18 to calculate the minimum gas velocity (vmin) if Rmin is an imaginary number (negative value under the square root function) or if Rmin is less than 0.5. Use Equation 19 to calculate vmin if Rmin is =0.5. Maximum stack velocity. Use Equation 20 to calculate the maximum stack velocity (vmax) if Rmax is less than 1.5. Use Equation 21 to calculate the stack velocity if Rmax is =1.5. Conversion of gas velocities to velocity pressure. Use Equation 22 to convert vmin to minimum velocity pressure, [Delta]pmin. Use Equation 23 to convert vmax to maximum velocity pressure, [Delta]pmax. Comparison to observed velocity pressures. Compare minimum and maximum velocity pressures with the observed velocity pressures at all traverse points during the preliminary test (see Section
8.5.5 Optimum Sampling Nozzle. The nozzle you selected is appropriate if all the observed velocity pressures during the preliminary test fall within the range of the [Delta]pmin and [Delta]pmax. Make sure the following requirements are met then follow the procedures in Sections and
(a) Choose an optimum nozzle that provides for isokinetic sampling conditions as close to 100 percent as possible. This is prudent because even if there are slight variations in the gas flow rate, gas temperature, or gas composition during the actual test, you have the maximum assurance of satisfying the isokinetic criteria. Generally, one of the two candidate nozzles selected will be closer to optimum (see Section 8.5.4).
(b) When testing is for PM2.5 only, you are allowed a 16 percent failure rate, rounded to the nearest whole number, of sampling points that are outside the range of the [Delta]pmin and [Delta]pmax. If the coarse fraction for PM10 determination is included, you are allowed only an eight percent failure rate of the sampling points, rounded to the nearest whole number, outside the [Delta]pmin and [Delta]pmax. Precheck. Visually check the selected nozzle for dents before use. Attach the pre-selected nozzle. Screw the pre-selected nozzle onto the main body of cyclone I using fluoropolymer tape. Use a union and cascade adaptor to connect the cyclone IV inlet to the outlet of cyclone I (see Figure 2 of Section 17).
8.6 Sampling Train Preparation. A schematic of the sampling train used in this method is shown in Figure 1 of Section 17. First, assemble the train and complete the leak check on the combined cyclone sampling head and pitot tube. Use the following procedures to prepare the sampling train. (Note: Do not contaminate the sampling train during preparation and assembly. Keep all openings, where contamination can occur, covered until just prior to assembly or until sampling is about to begin.)
8.6.1 Sampling Head and Pitot Tube. Assemble the combined cyclone train. The O-rings used in the train have a temperature limit of approximately 205 [deg]C (400 [deg]F). Use cyclones with stainless steel sealing rings for stack temperatures above 205 [deg]C (400 [deg]F) up to 260 [deg]C (500 [deg]F). You must also keep the nozzle covered to protect it from nicks and scratches. This method may not be suitable for sources with stack gas temperatures exceeding 260 [deg]C (500 [deg]F) because the threads of the cyclone components may gall or seize, thus preventing the recovery of the collected PM and rendering the cyclone unusable for subsequent use. You may use stainless steel cyclone assemblies constructed with bolt-together rather than screw-together assemblies at temperatures up to 538 [deg]C (1,000 [deg]F). You must use ``break-away'' or expendable stainless steel bolts that can be over-torqued and broken if necessary to release cyclone closures, thus allowing you to recover PM without damaging the cyclone flanges or contaminating the samples. You may need to use specialty metals to achieve reliable particulate mass measurements above 538 [deg]C (1,000 [deg]F). The method can be used at temperatures up to 1,371 [deg]C (2,500 [deg]F) using specially constructed high-temperature stainless steel alloys (Hastelloy or Haynes 230) with bolt-together closures using break-away bolts.
8.6.2 Filterable Particulate Filter Holder and Pitot Tube. Attach the pre-selected filter holder to the end of the combined cyclone sampling head (see Figure 2 of Section 17). Attach the S-type pitot tube to the combined cyclones after the sampling head is fully attached to the end of the probe. (Note: The pitot tube tip must be mounted slightly beyond the combined head cyclone sampling assembly and at least one inch off the gas flow path into the cyclone nozzle. This is similar to the pitot tube placement in Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60.) Securely fasten the sensing lines to the outside of the probe to ensure proper alignment of the pitot tube. Provide unions on the sensing lines so that you can connect and disconnect the S-type pitot tube tips from the combined cyclone sampling head before and after each run. Calibrate the pitot tube on the sampling head according to the most current ASTM International D3796 because the cyclone body is a potential source flow disturbance and will change the pitot coefficient value from the baseline (isolated tube) value.
8.6.3 Filter. You must number and tare the filters before use. To tare the filters, desiccate each filter at 20 5.6 [deg]C (68 10 [deg]F) and ambient pressure for at least 24 hours and weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of constant weight.) Record results to the nearest 0.1 mg. During each weighing, the filter must not be exposed to the laboratory atmosphere for longer than two minutes and a relative humidity above 50 percent. Alternatively, the filters may be oven-dried at 104 [deg]C (220 [deg]F) for two to three hours, desiccated for two hours, and weighed. Use tweezers or clean disposable surgical gloves to place a labeled (identified) and pre-weighed filter in the filter holder. You must center the filter and properly place the gasket so that the sample gas stream will not circumvent the filter. The filter must not be compressed between the gasket and the filter housing. Check the filter for tears after the assembly is completed. Then screw or clamp the filter housing together to prevent the seal from leaking.
8.6.4 Moisture Trap. If you are measuring only filterable particulate (or you are sure that the gas filtration temperature will be maintained below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)), then an empty modified Greenburg Smith impinger followed by an impinger containing silica gel is required. Alternatives described in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60 may also be used to collect moisture that passes through the ambient filter. If you are measuring condensable PM in combination with this method, then follow the procedures in Method 202 of appendix M of this part for moisture collection.
8.6.5 Leak Check. Use the procedures outlined in Section 8.4 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60 to leak check the entire sampling system. Specifically perform the following procedures: Sampling train. You must pretest the entire sampling train for leaks. The pretest leak check must have a leak rate of not more than 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute or four percent of the average sample flow during the test run, whichever is less. Additionally, you must conduct the leak check at a vacuum equal to or greater than the vacuum anticipated during the test run. Enter the leak check results on the analytical data sheet (see Section 11.1) for the specific test. (Note: Do not conduct a leak check during port changes.) Pitot tube assembly. After you leak check the sample train, perform a leak check of the pitot tube assembly. Follow the procedures outlined in Section 8.4.1 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
8.6.6 Sampling Head. You must preheat the combined sampling head to the stack temperature of the gas stream at the test location (10 [deg]C, 50 [deg]F). This will heat the sampling head and prevent moisture from condensing from the sample gas stream. Warmup. You must complete a passive warmup (of 30-40 min) within the stack before the run begins to avoid internal condensation. Shortened warmup. You can shorten the warmup time by thermostated heating outside the stack (such as by a heat gun). Then place the heated sampling head inside the stack and allow the temperature to equilibrate.
8.7 Sampling Train Operation. Operate the sampling train the same as described in Section 4.1.5 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, but use the procedures in this section for isokinetic sampling and flow rate adjustment. Maintain the flow rate calculated in Section 8.4.1 throughout the run, provided the stack temperature is within 28 [deg]C (50 [deg]F) of the temperature used to calculate [Delta]H. If stack temperatures vary by more than 28 [deg]C (50 [deg]F), use the appropriate [Delta]H value calculated in Section 8.5.3. Determine the minimum number of traverse points as in Figure 7 of Section 17. Determine the minimum total projected sampling time based on achieving the data quality objectives or emission limit of the affected facility. We recommend that you round the number of minutes sampled at each point to the nearest 15 seconds. Perform the following procedures:
8.7.1 Sample Point Dwell Time. You must calculate the flow rate-weighted dwell time (that is, sampling time) for each sampling point to ensure that the overall run provides a velocity-weighted average that is representative of the entire gas stream. Vary the dwell time at each traverse point proportionately with the point velocity. Calculate the dwell time at each of the traverse points using Equation 24. You must use the data from the preliminary traverse to determine the average velocity pressure ([Delta]pavg). You must use the velocity pressure measured during the sampling run to determine the velocity pressure at each point ([Delta]pn). Here, Ntp equals the total number of traverse points. Each traverse point must have a dwell time of at least two minutes.
8.7.2 Adjusted Velocity Pressure. When selecting your sampling points using your preliminary velocity traverse data, your preliminary velocity pressures must be adjusted to take into account the increase in velocity due to blockage. Also, you must adjust your preliminary velocity data for differences in pitot tube coefficients. Use the following instructions to adjust the preliminary velocity pressure. Different pitot tube coefficient. You must use Equation 25 to correct the recorded preliminary velocity pressures if the pitot tube mounted on the combined cyclone sampling head has a different pitot tube coefficient than the pitot tube used during the preliminary velocity traverse (see Section 8.3.4). Probe blockage factor. You must use Equation 26 to calculate an average probe blockage correction factor (bf) if the diameter of your stack or duct is between 25.7 and 36.4 inches for the combined PM2.5/PM10 sampling head and pitot and between 18.8 and 26.5 inches for the PM2.5 cyclone and pitot. A probe blockage factor is calculated because of the flow blockage caused by the relatively large cross-sectional area of the cyclone sampling head, as discussed in Section and illustrated in Figures 8 and 9 of Section 17. You must determine the cross-sectional area of the cyclone head you use and determine its stack blockage factor. (Note: Commercially-available sampling heads (including the PM10 cyclone, PM2.5 cyclone, pitot and filter holder) have a projected area of approximately 31.2 square inches when oriented into the gas stream.) As the probe is moved from the outermost to the innermost point, the amount of blockage that actually occurs ranges from approximately 13 square inches to the full 31.2 square inches plus the blockage caused by the probe extension. The average cross-sectional area blocked is 22 square inches. Final adjusted velocity pressure. Calculate the final adjusted velocity pressure ([Delta]ps2) using Equation 27. (Note: Figures 8 and 9 of Section 17 illustrate that the blockage effect of the combined PM10, PM2.5 cyclone sampling head, and pitot tube increases rapidly below stack diameters of 26.5 inches. Therefore, the combined PM10, PM2.5 filter sampling head and pitot tube is not applicable for stacks with a diameter less than 26.5 inches because the blockage is greater than six percent. For stacks with a diameter less than 26.5 inches, PM2.5 particulate measurements may be possible using only a PM2.5 cyclone, pitot tube, and in-stack filter. If the blockage exceeds three percent but is less than six percent, you must follow the procedures outlined in Method 1A of appendix A-1 to part 60 to conduct tests. You must conduct the velocity traverse downstream of the sampling location or immediately before the test run.
8.7.3 Sample Collection. Collect samples the same as described in Section 4.1.5 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, except use the procedures in this section for isokinetic sampling and flow rate adjustment. Maintain the flow rate calculated in Section 8.5 throughout the run, provided the stack temperature is within 28 [deg]C (50 [deg]F) of the temperature used to calculate [Delta]H. If stack temperatures vary by more than 28 [deg]C (50 [deg]F), use the appropriate [Delta]H value calculated in Section 8.5.3. Calculate the dwell time at each traverse point as in Equation 24. In addition to these procedures, you must also use running starts and stops if the static pressure at the sampling location is less than minus 5 inches water column. This prevents back pressure from rupturing the sample filter. If you use a running start, adjust the flow rate to the calculated value after you perform the leak check (see Section 8.4). Level and zero manometers. Periodically check the level and zero point of the manometers during the traverse. Vibrations and temperature changes may cause them to drift. Portholes. Clean the portholes prior to the test run. This will minimize the chance of collecting deposited material in the nozzle. Sampling procedures. Verify that the combined cyclone sampling head temperature is at stack temperature. You must maintain the temperature of the cyclone sampling head within 10 [deg]C (18 [deg]F) of the stack temperature. (Note: For many stacks, portions of the cyclones and filter will be external to the stack during part of the sampling traverse. Therefore, you must heat and/or insulate portions of the cyclones and filter that are not within the stack in order to maintain the sampling head temperature at the stack temperature. Maintaining the temperature will ensure proper particle sizing and prevent condensation on the walls of the cyclones.) To begin sampling, remove the protective cover from the nozzle. Position the probe at the first sampling point with the nozzle pointing directly into the gas stream. Immediately start the pump and adjust the flow to calculated isokinetic conditions. Ensure the probe/pitot tube assembly is leveled. (Note: When the probe is in position, block off the openings around the probe and porthole to prevent unrepresentative dilution of the gas stream. Take care to minimize contamination from material used to block the flow or insulate the sampling head during collection at the first sampling point.)
(a) Traverse the stack cross-section, as required by Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60, with the exception that you are only required to perform a 12-point traverse. Do not bump the cyclone nozzle into the stack walls when sampling near the walls or when removing or inserting the probe through the portholes. This will minimize the chance of extracting deposited materials.
(b) Record the data required on the field test data sheet for each run. Record the initial dry gas meter reading. Then take dry gas meter readings at the following times: the beginning and end of each sample time increment; when changes in flow rates are made; and when sampling is halted. Compare the velocity pressure measurements (Equations 22 and 23) with the velocity pressure measured during the preliminary traverse. Keep the meter box [Delta]H at the value calculated in Section 8.5.3 for the stack temperature that is observed during the test. Record all point-by-point data and other source test parameters on the field test data sheet. Do not leak check the sampling system during port changes.
(c) Maintain flow until the sampling head is completely removed from the sampling port. You must restart the sampling flow prior to inserting the sampling head into the sampling port during port changes.
(d) Maintain the flow through the sampling system at the last sampling point. At the conclusion of the test, remove the pitot tube and combined cyclone sampling head from the stack while the train is still operating (running stop). Make sure that you do not scrape the pitot tube or the combined cyclone sampling head against the port or stack walls. Then stop the pump and record the final dry gas meter reading and other test parameters on the field test data sheet. (Note: After you stop the pump, make sure you keep the combined cyclone head level to avoid tipping dust from the cyclone cups into the filter and/or down-comer lines.)
8.7.4 Process Data. You must document data and information on the process unit tested, the particulate control system used to control emissions, any non-particulate control system that may affect particulate emissions, the sampling train conditions, and weather conditions. Record the site barometric pressure and stack pressure on the field test data sheet. Discontinue the test if the operating conditions may cause non-representative particulate emissions. Particulate control system data. Use the process and control system data to determine whether representative operating conditions were maintained throughout the testing period. Sampling train data. Use the sampling train data to confirm that the measured particulate emissions are accurate and complete.
8.7.5 Sample Recovery. First remove the sampling head (combined cyclone/filter assembly) from the train probe. After the sample head is removed, perform a post-test leak check of the probe and sample train. Then recover the components from the cyclone/filter. Refer to the following sections for more detailed information. Remove sampling head. After cooling and when the probe can be safely handled, wipe off all external surfaces near the cyclone nozzle and cap the inlet to the cyclone to prevent PM from entering the assembly. Remove the combined cyclone/filter sampling head from the probe. Cap the outlet of the filter housing to prevent PM from entering the assembly. Leak check probe/sample train assembly (post-test). Leak check the remainder of the probe and sample train assembly (including meter box) after removing the combined cyclone head/filter. You must conduct the leak rate at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum vacuum achieved during the test run. Enter the results of the leak check onto the field test data sheet. If the leak rate of the sampling train (without the combined cyclone sampling head) exceeds 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute or four percent of the average sampling rate during the test run (whichever is less), the run is invalid and must be repeated. Weigh or measure the volume of the liquid collected in the water collection impingers and silica trap. Measure the liquid in the first impingers to within 1 ml using a clean graduated cylinder or by weighing it to within 0.5 g using a balance. Record the volume of the liquid or weight of the liquid present to be used to calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas. Weigh the silica impinger. If a balance is available in the field, weigh the silica impinger to within 0.5 g. Note the color of the indicating silica gel in the last impinger to determine whether it has been completely spent and make a notation of its condition. If you are measuring CPM in combination with this method, the weight of the silica gel can be determined before or after the post-test nitrogen purge is complete (See Section 8.5.3 of Method 202 of appendix M to this part). Recovery of PM. Recovery involves the quantitative transfer of particles in the following size range: greater than 10 micrometers; less than or equal to 10 micrometers but greater than 2.5 micrometers; and less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. You must use a nylon or fluoropolymer brush and an acetone rinse to recover particles from the combined cyclone/filter sampling head. Use the following procedures for each container:
(a) Container 1, Less than or equal to PM2.5 micrometer filterable particulate. Use tweezers and/or clean disposable surgical gloves to remove the filter from the filter holder. Place the filter in the Petri dish that you labeled with the test identification and Container 1. Using a dry brush and/or a sharp-edged blade, carefully transfer any PM and/or filter fibers that adhere to the filter holder gasket or filter support screen to the Petri dish. Seal the container. This container holds particles less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers that are caught on the in-stack filter. (Note: If the test is conducted for PM10 only, then Container 1 would be for less than or equal to PM10 micrometer filterable particulate.)
(b) Container 2, Greater than PM10 micrometer filterable particulate. Quantitatively recover the PM from the cyclone I cup and brush cleaning and acetone rinses of the cyclone cup, internal surface of the nozzle, and cyclone I internal surfaces, including the outside surface of the downcomer line. Seal the container and mark the liquid level on the outside of the container you labeled with test identification and Container 2. You must keep any dust found on the outside of cyclone I and cyclone nozzle external surfaces out of the sample. This container holds PM greater than 10 micrometers.
(c) Container 3, Filterable particulate less than or equal to 10 micrometer and greater than 2.5 micrometers. Place the solids from cyclone cup IV and the acetone (and brush cleaning) rinses of the cyclone I turnaround cup (above inner downcomer line), inside of the downcomer line, and interior surfaces of cyclone IV into Container 3. Seal the container and mark the liquid level on the outside of the container you labeled with test identification and Container 3. This container holds PM less than or equal to 10 micrometers but greater than 2.5 micrometers.
(d) Container 4, Less than or equal to PM2.5 micrometers acetone rinses of the exit tube of cyclone IV and front half of the filter holder. Place the acetone rinses (and brush cleaning) of the exit tube of cyclone IV and the front half of the filter holder in container 4. Seal the container and mark the liquid level on the outside of the container you labeled with test identification and Container 4. This container holds PM that is less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers.
(e) Container 5, Cold impinger water. If the water from the cold impinger used for moisture collection has been weighed in the field, it can be discarded. Otherwise, quantitatively transfer liquid from the cold impinger that follows the ambient filter into a clean sample bottle (glass or plastic). Mark the liquid level on the bottle you labeled with test identification and Container 5. This container holds the remainder of the liquid water from the emission gases. If you collected condensable PM using Method 202 of appendix M to this part in conjunction with using this method, you must follow the procedures in Method 202 of appendix M to this part to recover impingers and silica used to collect moisture.
(f) Container 6, Silica gel absorbent. Transfer the silica gel to its original container labeled with test identification and Container 6 and seal. A funnel may make it easier to pour the silica gel without spilling. A rubber policeman may be used as an aid in removing the silica gel from the impinger. It is not necessary to remove the small amount of silica gel dust particles that may adhere to the impinger wall and are difficult to remove. Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations, do not use any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel. If the silica gel has been weighed in the field to measure water content, it can be discarded. Otherwise, the contents of Container 6 are weighed during sample analysis.
(g) Container 7, Acetone field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the acetone directly from the wash bottle you used and place it in Container 7 labeled ``Acetone Field Reagent Blank.''
8.7.6 Transport Procedures. Containers must remain in an upright position at all times during shipping. You do not have to ship the containers under dry or blue ice.
9.0 Quality Control
9.1 Daily Quality Checks. You must perform daily quality checks of field log books and data entries and calculations using data quality indicators from this method and your site-specific test plan. You must review and evaluate recorded and transferred raw data, calculations, and documentation of testing procedures. You must initial or sign log book pages and data entry forms that were reviewed.
9.2 Calculation Verification. Verify the calculations by independent, manual checks. You must flag any suspect data and identify the nature of the problem and potential effect on data quality. After you complete the test, prepare a data summary and compile all the calculations and raw data sheets.
9.3 Conditions. You must document data and information on the process unit tested, the particulate control system used to control emissions, any non-particulate control system that may affect particulate emissions, the sampling train conditions, and weather conditions. Discontinue the test if the operating conditions may cause non-representative particulate emissions.
9.4 Field Analytical Balance Calibration Check. Perform calibration check procedures on field analytical balances each day that they are used. You must use National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable weights at a mass approximately equal to the weight of the sample plus container you will weigh.
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
Maintain a log of all filterable particulate sampling and analysis calibrations. Include copies of the relevant portions of the calibration and field logs in the final test report.
10.1 Gas Flow Velocities. You must use an S-type pitot tube that meets the required EPA specifications (EPA Publication 600/4-77-0217b) during these velocity measurements. (Note: If, as specified in Section, testing is performed in stacks less than 26.5 inches in diameter, testers may use a standard pitot tube according to the requirements in Method 1 or 2 of appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter.) You must also complete the following:
(a) Visually inspect the S-type pitot tube before sampling.
(b) Leak check both legs of the pitot tube before and after sampling.
(c) Maintain proper orientation of the S-type pitot tube while making measurements.
10.1.1 S-type Pitot Tube Orientation. The S-type pitot tube is properly oriented when the yaw and the pitch axis are 90 degrees to the air flow.
10.1.2 Average Velocity Pressure Record. Instead of recording either high or low values, record the average velocity pressure at each point during flow measurements.
10.1.3 Pitot Tube Coefficient. Determine the pitot tube coefficient based on physical measurement techniques described in Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60. (Note: You must calibrate the pitot tube on the sampling head because of potential interferences from the cyclone body. Refer to Section 8.7.2 for additional information.)
10.2 Thermocouple Calibration. You must calibrate the thermocouples using the procedures described in Section 10.3.1 of Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60 or Alternative Method 2 Thermocouple Calibration (ALT-011). Calibrate each temperature sensor at a minimum of three points over the anticipated range of use against a NIST-traceable thermometer. Alternatively, a reference thermocouple and potentiometer calibrated against NIST standards can be used.
10.3 Nozzles. You may use stainless steel (316 or equivalent), high-temperature steel alloy, or fluoropolymer-coated nozzles for isokinetic sampling. Make sure that all nozzles are thoroughly cleaned, visually inspected, and calibrated according to the procedure outlined in Section 10.1 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
10.4 Dry Gas Meter Calibration. Calibrate your dry gas meter following the calibration procedures in Section 16.1 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60. Also, make sure you fully calibrate the dry gas meter to determine the volume correction factor prior to field use. Post-test calibration checks must be performed as soon as possible after the equipment has been returned to the shop. Your pre-test and post-test calibrations must agree within 5 percent.
11.0 Analytical Procedures
11.1 Analytical Data Sheet. Record all data on the analytical data sheet. Obtain the data sheet from Figure 5-6 of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60. Alternatively, data may be recorded electronically using software applications such as the Electronic Reporting Tool located at
11.2 Dry Weight of PM. Determine the dry weight of particulate following procedures outlined in this section.
11.2.1 Container 1, Less than or Equal to PM2.5 Micrometer Filterable Particulate. Transfer the filter and any loose particulate from the sample container to a tared weighing dish or pan that is inert to solvent or mineral acids. Desiccate for 24 hours in a dessicator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh to a constant weight and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of Constant weight.) If constant weight requirements cannot be met, the filter must be treated as described in Section 11.2.1 of Method 202 of appendix M to this part. Note: The nozzle and front half wash and filter collected at or below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) may not be heated and must be maintained at or below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F).
11.2.2 Container 2, Greater than PM10 Micrometer Filterable Particulate Acetone Rinse. Separately treat this container like Container 4.
11.2.3 Container 3, Filterable Particulate Less than or Equal to 10 Micrometer and Greater than 2.5 Micrometers Acetone Rinse. Separately treat this container like Container 4.
11.2.4 Container 4, Less than or Equal to PM2.5 Micrometers Acetone Rinse of the Exit Tube of Cyclone IV and Front Half of the Filter Holder. Note the level of liquid in the container and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods (subject to the approval of the Administrator) to correct the final results. Quantitatively transfer the contents to a tared 250 ml beaker or tared fluoropolymer beaker liner, and evaporate to dryness at room temperature and pressure in a laboratory hood. Desiccate for 24 hours and weigh to a constant weight. Report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.
11.2.5 Container 5, Cold Impinger Water. If the amount of water has not been determined in the field, note the level of liquid in the container and confirm on the analysis sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods (subject to the approval of the Administrator) to correct the final results. Measure the liquid in this container either volumetrically to 1 ml or gravimetrically to 0.5 g.
11.2.6 Container 6, Silica Gel Absorbent. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step may be conducted in the field.
11.2.7 Container 7, Acetone Field Reagent Blank. Use 150 ml of acetone from the blank container used for this analysis. Transfer 150 ml of the acetone to a clean 250-ml beaker or tared fluoropolymer beaker liner. Evaporate the acetone to dryness at room temperature and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg.
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
12.1 Nomenclature. Report results in International System of Units (SI units) unless the regulatory authority that established the requirement to use this test method specifies reporting in English units. The following nomenclature is used. A = Area of stack or duct at sampling location, square inches.An = Area of nozzle, square = Average blockage factor calculated in Equation 26,
dimensionless.Bws = Moisture content of gas stream, fraction (e.g., 10
percent H2O is Bws = 0.10).C = Cunningham correction factor for particle diameter, Dp,
and calculated using the actual stack gas temperature,
dimensionless.%CO2 = Carbon Dioxide content of gas stream, percent by
volume.Ca = Acetone blank concentration, mg/mg.CfPM10 = Conc. of filterable PM10, gr/
DSCF.CfPM2.5 = Conc. of filterable PM2.5,
gr/DSCF.Cp = Pitot coefficient for the combined cyclone pitot,
dimensionless.Cp' = Coefficient for the pitot used in the preliminary
traverse, dimensionless.Cr = Re-estimated Cunningham correction factor for particle
diameter equivalent to the actual cut size diameter and
calculated using the actual stack gas temperature,
dimensionless.Ctf = Conc. of total filterable PM, gr/DSCF.C1 = -150.3162 (micropoise)C2 = 18.0614 (micropoise/K\0.5\) = 13.4622 (micropoise/
R\0.5\)C3 = 1.19183 x 10\6\ (micropoise/K\2\) = 3.86153 x 10\6\
(micropoise/R\2\)C4 = 0.591123 (micropoise)C5 = 91.9723 (micropoise)C6 = 4.91705 x 10-5 (micropoise/K\2\) = 1.51761 x
10-5 (micropoise/R\2\)D = Inner diameter of sampling nozzle mounted on Cyclone I, inches.Dp = Physical particle size, micrometers.D50 = Particle cut diameter, micrometers.D50-1 = Re-calculated particle cut diameters based on re-
estimated Cr, micrometers.D50LL = Cut diameter for cyclone I corresponding to the 2.25
micrometer cut diameter for cyclone IV, micrometers.D50N = D50 value for cyclone IV calculated during
the Nth iterative step, micrometers.D50(N+1) = D50 value for cyclone IV calculated
during the N+1 iterative step, micrometers.D50T = Cyclone I cut diameter corresponding to the middle of
the overlap zone shown in Figure 10 of Section 17,
micrometers.I = Percent isokinetic sampling, dimensionless.Kp = 85.49, ((ft/sec)/(pounds/mole -[deg]R)).ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg.Md = Molecular weight of dry gas, pounds/pound = = Milligram per liter.Mw = Molecular weight of wet gas, pounds/pound mole.M1 = Milligrams of PM collected on the filter, less than or
equal to 2.5 micrometers.M2 = Milligrams of PM recovered from Container 2 (acetone
blank corrected), greater than 10 micrometers.M3 = Milligrams of PM recovered from Container 3 (acetone
blank corrected), less than or equal to 10 and greater than
2.5 micrometers.M4 = Milligrams of PM recovered from Container 4 (acetone
blank corrected), less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers.Ntp = Number of iterative steps or total traverse points.Nre = Reynolds number, dimensionless.%O2,wet = Oxygen content of gas stream, % by volume of wet
gas. (Note: The oxygen percentage used in Equation 3 is on a wet gas basis.
That means that since oxygen is typically measured on a dry
gas basis, the measured percent O2 must be
multiplied by the quantity (1-Bws) to convert to
the actual volume fraction. Therefore, %O2,wet =
(1-Bws) * %O2, dry) Pbar = Barometric pressure, inches Hg.Ps = Absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg.Qs = Sampling rate for cyclone I to achieve specified
D50.QsST = Dry gas sampling rate through the sampling assembly,
DSCFM.QI = Sampling rate for cyclone I to achieve specified
D50.Rmax = Nozzle/stack velocity ratio parameter, dimensionless.Rmin = Nozzle/stack velocity ratio parameter, dimensionless.Tm = Meter box and orifice gas temperature, [deg]R. tn = Sampling time at point n, = Total projected run time, min.Ts = Absolute stack gas temperature, [deg]R.t1 = Sampling time at point 1, min.vmax = Maximum gas velocity calculated from Equations 18 or
19, ft/sec.vmin = Minimum gas velocity calculated from Equations 16 or
17, ft/ = Sample gas velocity in the nozzle, ft/sec.vs = Velocity of stack gas, ft/sec.Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml.Vaw = Volume of acetone used in sample recovery wash, ml.Vc = Quantity of water captured in impingers and silica gel,
ml.Vm = Dry gas meter volume sampled, ACF.Vms = Dry gas meter volume sampled, corrected to standard
conditions, DSCF.Vws = Volume of water vapor, SCF.Vic = Volume of impinger contents sample, ml.Wa = Weight of blank residue in acetone used to recover
samples, mg.W2,3,4 = Weight of PM recovered from Containers 2, 3, and
4, mg.Z = Ratio between estimated cyclone IV D50 values,
dimensionless.[Delta]H = Meter box orifice pressure drop, inches W.C.[Delta]H@ = Pressure drop across orifice at flow rate of 0.75
SCFM at standard conditions, inches W.C. (Note: Specific to each orifice and meter box.) [([Delta]p)\0.5\]avg = Average of square roots of the
velocity pressures measured during the preliminary traverse,
inches W.C.[Delta]pm = Observed velocity pressure using S-type pitot
tube in preliminary traverse, inches W.C.[Delta]pavg = Average velocity pressure, inches W.C.[Delta]pmax = Maximum velocity pressure, inches W.C.[Delta]pmin = Minimum velocity pressure, inches W.C.[Delta]pn = Velocity pressure measured at point n during the
test run, inches W.C.[Delta]ps = Velocity pressure calculated in Equation 25,
inches W.C.[Delta]ps1 = Velocity pressure adjusted for combined cyclone
pitot tube, inches W.C.[Delta]ps2 = Velocity pressure corrected for blockage, inches
W.C.[Delta]p1 = Velocity pressure measured at point 1, inches
W.C.[gamma] = Dry gas meter gamma value, dimensionless.[micro] = Gas viscosity, micropoise.[theta] = Total run time, min.[rho]a = Density of acetone, mg/ml (see label on bottle).12.0 = Constant calculated as 60 percent of 20.5 square inch cross-
sectional area of combined cyclone head, square inches.
12.2 Calculations. Perform all of the calculations found in Table 6 of Section 17. Table 6 of Section 17 also provides instructions and references for the calculations.
12.3 Analyses. Analyze D50 of cyclone IV and the concentrations of the PM in the various size ranges.
12.3.1 D50 of Cyclone IV. To determine the actual D50 for cyclone IV, recalculate the Cunningham correction factor and the Reynolds number for the best estimate of cyclone IV D50. The following sections describe additional information on how to recalculate the Cunningham correction factor and determine which Reynolds number to use. Cunningham correction factor. Recalculate the initial estimate of the Cunningham correction factor using the actual test data. Insert the actual test run data and D50 of 2.5 micrometers into Equation 4. This will give you a new Cunningham correction factor based on actual data. Initial D50 for cyclone IV. Determine the initial estimate for cyclone IV D50 using the test condition Reynolds number calculated with Equation 10 as indicated in Table 3 of Section 17. Refer to the following instructions.
(a) If the Reynolds number is less than 3,162, calculate the D50 for cyclone IV with Equation 34, using actual test data.
(b) If the Reynolds number is greater than or equal to 3,162, calculate the D50 for cyclone IV with Equation 35 using actual test data.
(c) Insert the ``new'' D50 value calculated by either Equation 34 or 35 into Equation 36 to re-establish the Cunningham Correction Factor (Cr). (Note: Use the test condition calculated Reynolds number to determine the most appropriate equation (Equation 34 or 35).) Re-establish cyclone IV D50. Use the re-established Cunningham correction factor (calculated in the previous step) and the calculated Reynolds number to determine D50-1.
(a) Use Equation 37 to calculate the re-established cyclone IV D50-1 if the Reynolds number is less than 3,162.
(b) Use Equation 38 to calculate the re-established cyclone IV D50-1 if the Reynolds number is greater than or equal to 3,162. Establish ``Z'' values. The ``Z'' value is the result of an analysis that you must perform to determine if the Cr is acceptable. Compare the calculated cyclone IV D50 (either Equation 34 or 35) to the re-established cyclone IV D50-1 (either Equation 36 or 37) values based upon the test condition calculated Reynolds number (Equation 39). Follow these procedures.
(a) Use Equation 39 to calculate the ``Z'' values. If the ``Z'' value is between 0.99 and 1.01, the D50-1 value is the best estimate of the cyclone IV D50 cut diameter for your test run.
(b) If the ``Z'' value is greater than 1.01 or less than 0.99, re-establish a Cr based on the D50-1 value determined in either Equations 36 or 37, depending upon the test condition Reynolds number.
(c) Use the second revised Cr to re-calculate the cyclone IV D50.
(d) Repeat this iterative process as many times as necessary using the prescribed equations until you achieve the criteria documented in Equation 40.
12.3.2 Particulate Concentration. Use the particulate catch weights in the combined cyclone sampling train to calculate the concentration of PM in the various size ranges. You must correct the concentrations for the acetone blank. Acetone blank concentration. Use Equation 42 to calculate the acetone blank concentration (Ca). Acetone blank residue weight. Use Equation 44 to calculate the acetone blank weight (Wa (2,3,4)). Subtract the weight of the acetone blank from the particulate weight catch in each size fraction. Particulate weight catch per size fraction. Correct each of the PM weights per size fraction by subtracting the acetone blank weight (i.e., M2,3,4-Wa). (Note: Do not subtract a blank value of greater than 0.1 mg per 100 ml of the acetone used from the sample recovery.) Use the following procedures.
(a) Use Equation 45 to calculate the PM recovered from Containers 1, 2, 3, and 4. This is the total collectible PM (Ctf).
(b) Use Equation 46 to determine the quantitative recovery of PM10 (CfPM10) from Containers 1, 3, and 4.
(c) Use Equation 47 to determine the quantitative recovery of PM2.5 (CfPM2.5) recovered from Containers 1 and 4.
12.4 Reporting. You must prepare a test report following the guidance in EPA Guidance Document 043, Preparation and Review of Test Reports (December 1998).
12.5 Equations. Use the following equations to complete the calculations required in this test method.
Molecular Weight of Dry Gas. Calculate the molecular weight of the dry gas using Equation 1.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.000
Molecular Weight of Wet Gas. Calculate the molecular weight of the stack gas on a wet basis using Equation 2.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.001
Gas Stream Viscosity. Calculate the gas stream viscosity using Equation 3. This equation uses constants for gas temperatures in [deg]R.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.002
Cunningham Correction Factor. The Cunningham correction factor is calculated for a 2.25 micrometer diameter particle.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.003
Lower Limit Cut Diameter for Cyclone I for Nre Less than 3,162. The Cunningham correction factor is calculated for a 2.25 micrometer diameter particle. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.004
Cut Diameter for Cyclone I for the Middle of the Overlap Zone.
Sampling Rate Using Both PM10 and PM2.5 Cyclones.
Sampling Rate Using Only PM2.5 Cyclone.
Reynolds Number.
Meter Box Orifice Pressure Drop. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.010
Lower Limit Cut Diameter for Cyclone I for Nre Greater than or Equal to 3,162. The Cunningham correction factor is calculated for a 2.25 micrometer diameter particle.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.011
Velocity of Stack Gas. Correct the mean preliminary velocity pressure for Cp and blockage using Equations 25, 26, and 27.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.012
Calculated Nozzle Diameter for Acceptable Sampling Rate.
Velocity of Gas in Nozzle.
Minimum Nozzle/Stack Velocity Ratio Parameter. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.015
Maximum Nozzle/Stack Velocity Ratio Parameter.
Minimum Gas Velocity for Rmin Less than 0.5.
Minimum Gas Velocity for Rmin Greater than or Equal to 0.5.
Maximum Gas Velocity for Rmax Less than to 1.5.
Maximum Gas Velocity for Rmax Greater than or Equal to 1.5.
Minimum Velocity Pressure.
Maximum Velocity Pressure.
Sampling Dwell Time at Each Point. Ntp is the total number of traverse points. You must use the preliminary velocity traverse data.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.023
Adjusted Velocity Pressure.
Average Probe Blockage Factor.
Velocity Pressure.
Dry Gas Volume Sampled at Standard Conditions.
Sample Flow Rate at Standard Conditions.
Volume of Water Vapor.
Moisture Content of Gas Stream.
Sampling Rate.
(Note: The viscosity and Reynolds Number must be recalculated using the actual stack temperature, moisture, and oxygen content.)
Actual Particle Cut Diameter for Cyclone I. This is based on actual temperatures and pressures measured during the test run.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.032
Particle Cut Diameter for Nre Less than 3,162 for Cyclone IV. C must be recalculated using the actual test data and a D50 for 2.5 micrometer diameter particle size.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.033
Particle Cut Diameter for Nre Greater than or Equal to 3,162 for Cyclone IV. C must be recalculated using the actual test run data and a D50 for 2.5 micrometer diameter particle size. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.034
Re-estimated Cunningham Correction Factor. You must use the actual test run Reynolds Number (Nre) value and select the appropriate D50 from Equation 33 or 34 (or Equation 37 or 38 if reiterating).[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.035
Re-calculated Particle Cut Diameter for Nre Less than 3,162.
Re-calculated Particle Cut Diameter for N Greater than or Equal to 3,162.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.037
Ratio (Z) Between D50 and D50 1 Values.
Acceptance Criteria for Z Values. The number of iterative steps is represented by N.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.039
Percent Isokinetic Sampling. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.040
Acetone Blank Concentration.
Acetone Blank Correction Weight.
Acetone Blank Weight.
Concentration of Total Filterable PM.
Concentration of Filterable PM10.
Concentration of Filterable PM2.5.
13.0 Method Performance
13.1 Field evaluation of PM10 and total PM showed that the precision of constant sampling rate method was the same magnitude as Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60 (approximately five percent). Precision in PM10 and total PM between multiple trains showed standard deviations of four to five percent and total mass compared to 4.7 percent observed for Method 17 in simultaneous test runs at a Portland cement clinker cooler exhaust. The accuracy of the constant sampling rate PM10 method for total mass, referenced to Method 17, was -2 4.4 percent (Farthing, 1988a).
13.2 Laboratory evaluation and guidance for PM10 cyclones were designed to limit error due to spatial variations to 10 percent. The maximum allowable error due to an isokinetic sampling was limited to 20 percent for 10 micrometer particles in laboratory tests (Farthing, 1988b).
13.3 A field evaluation of the revised Method 201A by EPA showed that the detection limit was 2.54 mg for total filterable PM, 1.44 mg for filterable PM10, and 1.35 mg for PM2.5. The precision resulting from 10 quadruplicate tests (40 test runs) conducted for the field evaluation was 6.7 percent relative standard deviation. The field evaluation also showed that the blank expected from Method 201A was less than 0.9 mg (EPA, 2010).
14.0 Alternative Procedures
Alternative methods for estimating the moisture content (ALT-008) and thermocouple calibration (ALT-011) can be found at
15.0 Waste Management
16.0 References
(1) Dawes, S.S., and W.E. Farthing. 1990. ``Application Guide for Measurement of PM2.5 at Stationary Sources,'' U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27511, EPA-600/3-90/057 (NTIS No.: PB 90-247198).
(2) Farthing, et al. 1988a. ``PM10 Source Measurement Methodology: Field Studies,'' EPA 600/3-88/055, NTIS PB89-194278/AS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
(3) Farthing, W.E., and S.S. Dawes. 1988b. ``Application Guide for Source PM10 Measurement with Constant Sampling Rate,'' EPA/600/3-88-057, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
(4) Richards, J.R. 1996. ``Test protocol: PCA PM10/PM2.5 Emission Factor Chemical Characterization Testing,'' PCA R&D; Serial No. 2081, Portland Cement Association.
(5) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Reference Methods 1 through 5 and Method 17, 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A-1 through A-3 and A-6.
(6) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. ``Field Evaluation of an Improved Method for Sampling and Analysis of Filterable and Condensable Particulate Matter.'' Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Sector Policy and Program Division Monitoring Policy Group. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
17.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data
You must use the following tables, diagrams, flowcharts, and data to complete this test method successfully.
Table 1--Typical PM Concentrations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Particle size range Concentration and % by weight----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total collectible particulate................... 0.015 gr/DSCF.Less than or equal to 10 and greater than 2.5 40% of total collectible PM.
micrometers.<=2.5 micrometers............................... 20% of total collectible PM.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2--Required Cyclone Cut Diameters (D50)------------------------------------------------------------------------
Min. cut Max. cut
Cyclone diameter diameter
(micrometer) (micrometer)------------------------------------------------------------------------PM10 Cyclone (Cyclone I from five 9 11
stage cyclone).......................PM2.5 Cyclone (Cyclone IV from five 2.25 2.75
stage cyclone).......................------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 3--Test Calculations------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are using . . . To calculate . . . Then use . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------Preliminary data............ Dry gas molecular Equation 1.
weight, Md.Dry gas molecular weight wet gas molecular Equation 2.\a\
(Md) and preliminary weight, MW.
moisture content of the gas
Stack gas temperature, and gas viscosity, Equation 3.
oxygen and moisture content [micro].
of the gas stream.Gas viscosity, [micro]...... Cunningham Equation 4.
correction factor
\b\, C.Reynolds Number \c\ (Nre)... Preliminary lower Equation 5.Nre less than 3,162......... limit cut diameter
for cyclone I,
D50LL.D50LL from Equation 5....... Cut diameter for Equation 6.
cyclone I for
middle of the
overlap zone, D50T.D50T from Equation 6........ Final sampling rate Equation 7.
for cyclone I,
QI(Qs).D50 for PM2.5 cyclone and Final sampling rate Equation 8.
Nre less than 3,162. for cyclone IV, QIV.D50 for PM2.5 cyclone and Final sampling rate Equation 9.
Nre greater than or equal for cyclone IV, QIV.
to 3,162.QI(Qs) from Equation 7...... Verify the assumed Equation 10.
Reynolds number,
Nre.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Use Method 4 to determine the moisture content of the stack gas. Use
a wet bulb-dry bulb measurement device or hand-held hygrometer to
estimate moisture content of sources with gas temperature less than
160 [deg]F.\b\ For the lower cut diameter of cyclone IV, 2.25 micrometer.\c\ Verify the assumed Reynolds number, using the procedure in Section
8.5.1, before proceeding to Equation 11.
Table 4--[Delta]H Values Based on Preliminary Traverse Data----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stack Temperature ([deg]R) Ts--50[deg] Ts Ts + 50[deg]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Delta]H, (inches W.C.) a a a----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ These values are to be filled in by the stack tester.
Table 5--Verification of the Assumed Reynolds Number------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the Nre is . . . Then . . . And . . .------------------------------------------------------------------------Less than 3,162................. Calculate [Delta]H Assume original
for the meter box. D50LL is correctGreater than or equal to 3,162.. Recalculate D50LL Substitute the
using Equation 12. ``new'' D50LL
into Equation 6
to recalculate
Table 6--Calculations for Recovery of PM10 and PM2.5------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calculations Instructions and References------------------------------------------------------------------------Average dry gas meter temperature...... See field test data sheet.Average orifice pressure drop.......... See field test data sheet.Dry gas volume (Vms)................... Use Equation 28 to correct the
sample volume measured by the
dry gas meter to standard
conditions (20 [deg]C, 760 mm
Hg or 68 [deg]F, 29.92 inches
Hg).Dry gas sampling rate (QsST)........... Must be calculated using
Equation 29.Volume of water condensed (Vws)........ Use Equation 30 to determine
the water condensed in the
impingers and silica gel
combination. Determine the
total moisture catch by
measuring the change in volume
or weight in the impingers and
weighing the silica gel.Moisture content of gas stream (Bws)... Calculate this using Equation
31.Sampling rate (Qs)..................... Calculate this using Equation
32.Test condition Reynolds number\a\...... Use Equation 10 to calculate
the actual Reynolds number
during test conditions.Actual D50 of cyclone I................ Calculate this using Equation
33. This calculation is based
on the average temperatures
and pressures measured during
the test run.Stack gas velocity (vs)................ Calculate this using Equation
13.Percent isokinetic rate (%I)........... Calculate this using Equation
41.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ Calculate the Reynolds number at the cyclone IV inlet during the
test based on: (1) The sampling rate for the combined cyclone head,
(2) the actual gas viscosity for the test, and (3) the dry and wet gas
stream molecular weights. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.047 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.048 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.049 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.050 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.051 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.052 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.053 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.054 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.055 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.056 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.057 Method 202--Dry Impinger Method for Determining Condensable Particulate
Emissions From Stationary Sources
1.0 Scope and Applicability
1.1 Scope. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA or ``we'') developed this method to describe the procedures that the stack tester (``you'') must follow to measure condensable particulate matter (CPM) emissions from stationary sources. This method includes procedures for measuring both organic and inorganic CPM.
1.2 Applicability. This method addresses the equipment, preparation, and analysis necessary to measure only CPM. You can use this method only for stationary source emission measurements. You can use this method to measure CPM from stationary source emissions after filterable particulate matter (PM) has been removed. CPM is measured in the emissions after removal from the stack and after passing through a filter.
(a) If the gas filtration temperature exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) and you must measure both the filterable and condensable (material that condenses after passing through a filter) components of total primary (direct) PM emissions to the atmosphere, then you must combine the procedures in this method with the procedures in Method 201A of appendix M to this part for measuring filterable PM. However, if the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then use of this method is not required to measure total primary PM.
(b) If Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60 is used in conjunction with this method and constant weight requirements for the in-stack filter cannot be met, the Method 17 filter and sampling nozzle rinse must be treated as described in Sections and 11.2.1 of this method. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of constant weight.) Extracts resulting from the use of this procedure must be filtered to remove filter fragments before the filter is processed and weighed.
1.3 Responsibility. You are responsible for obtaining the equipment and supplies you will need to use this method. You should also develop your own procedures for following this method and any additional procedures to ensure accurate sampling and analytical measurements.
1.4 Additional Methods. To obtain reliable results, you should have a thorough knowledge of the following test methods that are found in appendices A-1 through A-3 and A-6 to part 60, and in appendix M to this part:
(a) Method 1--Sample and velocity traverses for stationary sources.
(b) Method 2--Determination of stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate (Type S pitot tube).
(c) Method 3--Gas analysis for the determination of dry molecular weight.
(d) Method 4--Determination of moisture content in stack gases.
(e) Method 5--Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources.
(f) Method 17--Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources (in-stack filtration method).
(g) Method 201A--Determination of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from stationary sources (Constant sampling rate procedure).
(h) You will need additional test methods to measure filterable PM. You may use Method 5 (including Method 5A, 5D and 5I but not 5B, 5E, 5F, 5G, or 5H) of appendix A-3 to part 60, or Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part to collect filterable PM from stationary sources with temperatures above 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) in conjunction with this method. However, if the gas filtration temperature never exceeds 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), then use of this method is not required to measure total primary PM.
1.5 Limitations. You can use this method to measure emissions in stacks that have entrained droplets only when this method is combined with a filterable PM test method that operates at high enough temperatures to cause water droplets sampled through the probe to become vaporous.
1.6 Conditions. You must maintain isokinetic sampling conditions to meet the requirements of the filterable PM test method used in conjunction with this method. You must sample at the required number of sampling points specified in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. Also, if you are using this method as an alternative to a required performance test method, you must receive approval from the regulatory authority that established the requirement to use this test method prior to conducting the test.
2.0 Summary of Method
2.1 Summary. The CPM is collected in dry impingers after filterable PM has been collected on a filter maintained as specified in either Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. The organic and aqueous fractions of the impingers and an out-of-stack CPM filter are then taken to dryness and weighed. The total of the impinger fractions and the CPM filter represents the CPM. Compared to the version of Method 202 that was promulgated on December 17, 1991, this method eliminates the use of water as the collection media in impingers and includes the addition of a condenser followed by a water dropout impinger immediately after the final in-stack or heated filter. This method also includes the addition of one modified Greenburg Smith impinger (backup impinger) and a CPM filter following the water dropout impinger. Figure 1 of Section 18 presents the schematic of the sampling train configured with these changes.
2.1.1 Condensable PM. CPM is collected in the water dropout impinger, the modified Greenburg Smith impinger, and the CPM filter of the sampling train as described in this method. The impinger contents are purged with nitrogen immediately after sample collection to remove dissolved sulfur dioxide (SO2) gases from the impinger. The CPM filter is extracted with water and hexane. The impinger solution is then extracted with hexane. The organic and aqueous fractions are dried and the residues are weighed. The total of the aqueous and organic fractions represents the CPM.
2.1.2 Dry Impinger and Additional Filter. The potential artifacts from SO2 are reduced using a condenser and water dropout impinger to separate CPM from reactive gases. No water is added to the impingers prior to the start of sampling. To improve the collection efficiency of CPM, an additional filter (the ``CPM filter'') is placed between the second and third impingers.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Condensable PM (CPM) means material that is vapor phase at stack conditions, but condenses and/or reacts upon cooling and dilution in the ambient air to form solid or liquid PM immediately after discharge from the stack. Note that all condensable PM is assumed to be in the PM2.5 size fraction.
3.2 Constant weight means a difference of no more than 0.5 mg or one percent of total weight less tare weight, whichever is greater, between two consecutive weighings, with no less than six hours of desiccation time between weighings.
3.3 Field Train Proof Blank. A field train proof blank is recovered on site from a clean, fully-assembled sampling train prior to conducting the first emissions test.
3.4 Filterable PM means particles that are emitted directly by a source as a solid or liquid at stack or release conditions and captured on the filter of a stack test train.
3.5 Primary PM (also known as direct PM) means particles that enter the atmosphere as a direct emission from a stack or an open source. Primary PM comprises two components: filterable PM and condensable PM. These two PM components have no upper particle size limit.
3.6 Primary PM2.5 (also known as direct PM2.5, total PM2.5, PM2.5, or combined filterable PM2.5 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. These solid particles are emitted directly from an air emissions source or activity, or are the gaseous emissions or liquid droplets from an air emissions source or activity that condense to form PM at ambient temperatures. Direct PM2.5 emissions include elemental carbon, directly emitted organic carbon, directly emitted sulfate, directly emitted nitrate, and other inorganic particles (including but not limited to crustal material, metals, and sea salt).
3.7 Primary PM10 (also known as direct PM10, total PM10, PM10, or the combination of filterable PM10 and condensable PM) means PM with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 10 micrometers.
4.0 Interferences
5.0 Safety
Disclaimer. Because the performance of this method may require the use of hazardous materials, operations, and equipment, you should develop a health and safety plan to ensure the safety of your employees who are on site conducting the particulate emission test. Your plan should conform with all applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and Health Administration, and Department of Transportation regulatory requirements. Because of the unique situations at some facilities and because some facilities may have more stringent requirements than is required by State or federal laws, you may have to develop procedures to conform to the plant health and safety requirements.
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
The equipment used in the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train is described in Methods 5 and 17 of appendix A-1 through A-3 and A-6 to part 60 and Method 201A of appendix M to this part. The equipment used in the CPM portion of the train is described in this section.
6.1 Condensable Particulate Sampling Train Components. The sampling train for this method is used in addition to filterable particulate collection using Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part. This method includes the following exceptions or additions:
6.1.1 Probe Extension and Liner. The probe extension between the filterable particulate filter and the condenser must be glass- or fluoropolymer-lined. Follow the specifications for the probe liner specified in Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
6.1.2 Condenser and Impingers. You must add the following components to the filterable particulate sampling train: A Method 23 type condenser as described in Section 2.1.2 of Method 23 of appendix A-8 to part 60, followed by a water dropout impinger or flask, followed by a modified Greenburg-Smith impinger (backup impinger) with an open tube tip as described in Section of Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60.
6.1.3 CPM Filter Holder. The modified Greenburg-Smith impinger is followed by a filter holder that is either glass, stainless steel (316 or equivalent), or fluoropolymer-coated stainless steel. Commercial size filter holders are available depending on project requirements. Use a commercial filter holder capable of supporting 47 mm or greater diameter filters. Commercial size filter holders contain a fluoropolymer O-ring, stainless steel, ceramic or fluoropolymer filter support and a final fluoropolymer O-ring. A filter that meets the requirements specified in Section 7.1.1 may be placed behind the CPM filter to reduce the pressure drop across the CPM filter. This support filter is not part of the PM sample and is not recovered with the CPM filter. At the exit of the CPM filter, install a fluoropolymer-coated or stainless steel encased thermocouple that is in contact with the gas stream.
6.1.4 Long Stem Impinger Insert. You will need a long stem modified Greenburg Smith impinger insert for the water dropout impinger to perform the nitrogen purge of the sampling train.
6.2 Sample Recovery Equipment.
6.2.1 Condensable PM Recovery. Use the following equipment to quantitatively determine the amount of CPM recovered from the sampling train.
(a) Nitrogen purge line. You must use inert tubing and fittings capable of delivering at least 14 liters/min of nitrogen gas to the impinger train from a standard gas cylinder (see Figures 2 and 3 of Section 18). You may use standard 0.6 centimeters (\1/4\ inch) tubing and compression fittings in conjunction with an adjustable pressure regulator and needle valve.
(b) Rotameter. You must use a rotameter capable of measuring gas flow up to 20 L/min. The rotameter must be accurate to five percent of full scale.
(c) Nitrogen gas purging system. Compressed ultra-pure nitrogen, regulator, and filter must be capable of providing at least 14 L/min purge gas for one hour through the sampling train.
(d) Amber glass bottles (500 ml).
6.2.2 Analysis Equipment. The following equipment is necessary for CPM sample analysis:
(a) Separatory Funnel. Glass, 1 liter.
(b) Weighing Tins. 50 ml. Glass evaporation vials, fluoropolymer beaker liners, or aluminum weighing tins can be used.
(c) Glass Beakers. 300 to 500 ml.
(d) Drying Equipment. A desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate that is maintained below 10 percent relative humidity, and a hot plate or oven equipped with temperature control.
(e) Glass Pipets. 5 ml.
(f) Burette. Glass, 0 to 100 ml in 0.1 ml graduations.
(g) Analytical Balance. Analytical balance capable of weighing at least 0.0001 g (0.1 mg).
(h) pH Meter or Colormetric pH Indicator. The pH meter or colormetric pH indicator (e.g., phenolphthalein) must be capable of determining the acidity of liquid within 0.1 pH units.
(i) Sonication Device. The device must have a minimum sonication frequency of 20 kHz and be approximately four to six inches deep to accommodate the sample extractor tube.
(j) Leak-Proof Sample Containers. Containers used for sample and blank recovery must not contribute more than 0.05 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements.
(k) Wash bottles. Any container material is acceptable, but wash bottles used for sample and blank recovery must not contribute more than 0.1 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements.
7.0 Reagents and Standards
7.1 Sample Collection. To collect a sample, you will need a CPM filter, crushed ice, and silica gel. You must also have water and nitrogen gas to purge the sampling train. You will find additional information on each of these items in the following summaries.
7.1.1 CPM Filter. You must use a nonreactive, nondisintegrating polymer filter that does not have an organic binder and does not contribute more than 0.5 mg of residual mass to the CPM measurements. The CPM filter must also have an efficiency of at least 99.95 percent (less than 0.05 percent penetration) on 0.3 micrometer dioctyl phthalate particles. You may use test data from the supplier's quality control program to document the CPM filter efficiency.
7.1.2 Silica Gel. Use an indicating-type silica gel of six to 16 mesh. You must obtain approval of the Administrator for other types of desiccants (equivalent or better) before you use them. Allow the silica gel to dry for two hours at 175 [deg]C (350 [deg]F) if it is being reused. You do not have to dry new silica gel if the indicator shows the silica gel is active for moisture collection.
7.1.3 Water. Use deionized, ultra-filtered water that contains 1.0 parts per million by weight (ppmw) (1 mg/L) residual mass or less to recover and extract samples.
7.1.4 Crushed Ice. Obtain from the best readily available source.
7.1.5 Nitrogen Gas. Use Ultra-High Purity compressed nitrogen or equivalent to purge the sampling train. The compressed nitrogen you use to purge the sampling train must contain no more than 1 parts per million by volume (ppmv) oxygen, 1 ppmv total hydrocarbons as carbon, and 2 ppmv moisture. The compressed nitrogen must not contribute more than 0.1 mg of residual mass per purge.
7.2 Sample Recovery and Analytical Reagents. You will need acetone, hexane, anhydrous calcium sulfate, ammonia hydroxide, and deionized water for the sample recovery and analysis. Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents must conform to the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society. If such specifications are not available, then use the best available grade. Additional information on each of these items is in the following paragraphs:
7.2.1 Acetone. Use acetone that is stored in a glass bottle. Do not use acetone from a metal container because it normally produces a high residual mass in the laboratory and field reagent blanks. You must use acetone that has a blank value less than 1.0 ppmw (0.1 mg/100 g) residue.
7.2.2 Hexane, American Chemical Society grade. You must use hexane that has a blank residual mass value less than 1.0 ppmw (0.1 mg/100 g) residue.
7.2.3 Water. Use deionized, ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or less to recover material caught in the impinger.
7.2.4 Condensable Particulate Sample Desiccant. Use indicating-type anhydrous calcium sulfate to desiccate water and organic extract residue samples prior to weighing.
7.2.5 Ammonium Hydroxide. Use National Institute of Standards and Technology-traceable or equivalent (0.1 N) NH4OH.
7.2.6 Standard Buffer Solutions. Use one buffer solution with a neutral pH and a second buffer solution with an acid pH of no less than 4.
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
8.1 Qualifications. This is a complex test method. To obtain reliable results, you should be trained and experienced with in-stack filtration systems (such as, cyclones, impactors, and thimbles) and impinger and moisture train systems.
8.2 Preparations. You must clean all glassware used to collect and analyze samples prior to field tests as described in Section 8.4 prior to use. Cleaned glassware must be used at the start of each new source category tested at a single facility. Analyze laboratory reagent blanks (water, acetone, and hexane) before field tests to verify low blank concentrations. Follow the pretest preparation instructions in Section 8.1 of Method 5.
8.3 Site Setup. You must follow the procedures required in Methods 5, 17, or 201A, whichever is applicable to your test requirements including:
(a) Determining the sampling site location and traverse points.
(b) Calculating probe/cyclone blockage (as appropriate).
(c) Verifying the absence of cyclonic flow.
(d) Completing a preliminary velocity profile, and selecting a nozzle(s) and sampling rate.
8.3.1 Sampling Site Location. Follow the standard procedures in Method 1 of appendix A-1 to part 60 to select the appropriate sampling site. Choose a location that maximizes the distance from upstream and downstream flow disturbances.
8.3.2 Traverse points. Use the required number of traverse points at any location, as found in Methods 5, 17, or 201A, whichever is applicable to your test requirements. You must prevent the disturbance and capture of any solids accumulated on the inner wall surfaces by maintaining a 1-inch distance from the stack wall (0.5 inch for sampling locations less than 24 inches in diameter).
8.4 Sampling Train Preparation. A schematic of the sampling train used in this method is shown in Figure 1 of Section 18. All glassware that is used to collect and analyze samples must be cleaned prior to the test with soap and water, and rinsed using tap water, deionized water, acetone, and finally, hexane. It is important to completely remove all silicone grease from areas that will be exposed to the hexane rinse during sample recovery. After cleaning, you must bake glassware at 300 [deg]C for six hours prior to beginning tests at each source category sampled at a facility. As an alternative to baking glassware, a field train proof blank, as specified in Section, can be performed on the sampling train glassware that is used to collect CPM samples. Prior to each sampling run, the train glassware used to collect condensable PM must be rinsed thoroughly with deionized, ultra-filtered water that that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or less.
8.4.1 Condenser and Water Dropout Impinger. Add a Method 23 type condenser and a condensate dropout impinger without bubbler tube after the final probe extension that connects the in-stack or out-of-stack hot filter assembly with the CPM sampling train. The Method 23 type stack gas condenser is described in Section 2.1.2 of Method 23. The condenser must be capable of cooling the stack gas to less than or equal to 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F).
8.4.2 Backup Impinger. The water dropout impinger is followed by a modified Greenburg Smith impinger (backup impinger) with no taper (see Figure 1 of Section 18). Place the water dropout and backup impingers in an insulated box with water at less than or equal to 30 [deg]C (less than or equal to 85 [deg]F). At the start of the tests, the water dropout and backup impingers must be clean, without any water or reagent added.
8.4.3 CPM Filter. Place a filter holder with a filter meeting the requirements in Section 7.1.1 after the backup impinger. The connection between the CPM filter and the moisture trap impinger must include a thermocouple fitting that provides a leak-free seal between the thermocouple and the stack gas. (Note: A thermocouple well is not sufficient for this purpose because the fluoropolymer- or steel-encased thermocouple must be in contact with the sample gas.)
8.4.4 Moisture Traps. You must use a modified Greenburg-Smith impinger containing 100 ml of water, or the alternative described in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, followed by an impinger containing silica gel to collect moisture that passes through the CPM filter. You must maintain the gas temperature below 20 [deg]C (68 [deg]F) at the exit of the moisture traps.
8.4.5 Silica Gel Trap. Place 200 to 300 g of silica gel in each of several air-tight containers. Weigh each container, including silica gel, to the nearest 0.5 g, and record this weight on the filterable particulate data sheet. As an alternative, the silica gel need not be preweighed, but may be weighed directly in its impinger or sampling holder just prior to train assembly.
8.4.6 Leak-Check (Pretest). Use the procedures outlined in Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part as appropriate to leak check the entire sampling system. Specifically, perform the following procedures: Sampling train. You must pretest the entire sampling train for leaks. The pretest leak-check must have a leak rate of not more than 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute or 4 percent of the average sample flow during the test run, whichever is less. Additionally, you must conduct the leak-check at a vacuum equal to or greater than the vacuum anticipated during the test run. Enter the leak-check results on the field test data sheet for the filterable particulate method. (Note: Conduct leak-checks during port changes only as allowed by the filterable particulate method used with this method.) Pitot tube assembly. After you leak-check the sample train, perform a leak-check of the pitot tube assembly. Follow the procedures outlined in Section 8.4.1 of Method 5.
8.5 Sampling Train Operation. Operate the sampling train as described in the filterable particulate sampling method (i.e., Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part) with the following additions or exceptions:
8.5.1 Impinger and CPM Filter Assembly. Monitor the moisture condensation in the knockout and backup impingers. If the accumulated water from moisture condensation overwhelms the knockout impinger, i.e., the water level is more than approximately one-half the capacity of the knockout impinger, or if water accumulates in the backup impinger sufficient to cover the impinger insert tip, then you may interrupt the sampling run, recover and weigh the moisture accumulated in the knockout and backup impinger, reassemble and leak check the sampling train, and resume the sampling run. You must purge the water collected during the test interruption as soon as practical following the procedures in Section 8.5.3. You must include the weight or volume of the moisture in your moisture calculation and you must combine the recovered water with the appropriate sample fraction for subsequent CPM analysis. Use the field data sheet for the filterable particulate method to record the CPM filter temperature readings at the beginning of each sample time increment and when sampling is halted. Maintain the CPM filter greater than 20 [deg]C (greater than 65 [deg]F) but less than or equal to 30 [deg]C (less than or equal to 85 [deg]F) during sample collection. (Note: Maintain the temperature of the CPM filter assembly as close to 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) as feasible.)
8.5.2 Leak-Check Probe/Sample Train Assembly (Post-Test). Conduct the leak rate check according to the filterable particulate sampling method used during sampling. If required, conduct the leak-check at a vacuum equal to or greater than the maximum vacuum achieved during the test run. If the leak rate of the sampling train exceeds 0.02 actual cubic feet per minute or four percent of the average sampling rate during the test run (whichever is less), then the run is invalid and you must repeat it.
8.5.3 Post-Test Nitrogen Purge. As soon as possible after the post-test leak-check, detach the probe, any cyclones, and in-stack or hot filters from the condenser and impinger train. If no water was collected before the CPM filter, then you may skip the remaining purge steps and proceed with sample recovery (see Section 8.5.4). You may purge the CPM sampling train using the sampling system meter box and vacuum pump or by passing nitrogen through the train under pressure. For either type of purge, you must first attach the nitrogen supply line to a purged inline filter. If you choose to conduct a pressurized nitrogen purge at the completion of CPM sample collection, you may purge the entire CPM sample collection train from the condenser inlet to the CPM filter holder outlet or you may quantitatively transfer the water collected in the condenser and the water dropout impinger to the backup impinger and purge only the backup impinger and the CPM filter. You must measure the water in the knockout and backup impingers and record the volume or weight as part of the moisture collected during sampling as specified in Section If you choose to conduct a purge of the entire CPM sampling train, you must replace the short stem impinger insert in the knock out impinger with a standard modified Greenburg Smith impinger insert. If you choose to combine the knockout and backup impinger catch prior to purge, you must purge the backup impinger and CPM filter holder. If the tip of the impinger insert does not extend below the water level (including the water transferred from the first impinger if this option was chosen), you must add a measured amount of degassed, deionized ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or less until the impinger tip is at least 1 centimeter below the surface of the water. You must record the amount of water added to the water dropout impinger (Vp)(see Figure 4 of Section 18) to correct the moisture content of the effluent gas. (Note: Prior to use, water must be degassed using a nitrogen purge bubbled through the water for at least 15 minutes to remove dissolved oxygen). To perform the nitrogen purge using positive pressure nitrogen flow, you must start with no flow of gas through the clean purge line and fittings. Connect the filter outlet to the input of the impinger train and disconnect the vacuum line from the exit of the silica moisture collection impinger (see Figure 3 of Section 18). You may purge only the CPM train by disconnecting the moisture train components if you measure moisture in the field prior to the nitrogen purge. You must increase the nitrogen flow gradually to avoid over-pressurizing the impinger array. You must purge the CPM train at a minimum of 14 liters per minute for at least one hour. At the conclusion of the purge, turn off the nitrogen delivery system. If you choose to conduct a nitrogen purge on the complete CPM sampling train using the sampling system meter box and vacuum pump, replace the short stem impinger insert with a modified Greenberg Smith impinger insert. The impinger tip length must extend below the water level in the impinger catch.
(a) You must conduct the purge on the complete CPM sampling train starting at the inlet of the condenser. If insufficient water was collected, you must add a measured amount of degassed, deionized ultra-filtered water that contains 1 ppmw (1 mg/L) residual mass or less until the impinger tip is at least 1 centimeter below the surface of the water. You must record the amount of water added to the water dropout impinger (Vp) (see Figure 4 of Section 18) to correct the moisture content of the effluent gas. (Note: Prior to use, water must be degassed using a nitrogen purge bubbled through the water for at least 15 minutes to remove dissolved oxygen.)
(b) You must start the purge using the sampling train vacuum pump with no flow of gas through the clean purge line and fittings. Connect the filter outlet to the input of the impinger train (see Figure 2 of Section 18). To avoid over- or under-pressurizing the impinger array, slowly commence the nitrogen gas flow through the line while simultaneously opening the meter box pump valve(s). Adjust the pump bypass and/or nitrogen delivery rates to obtain the following conditions: 14 liters/min or [Delta]H@ and a positive overflow rate through the rotameter of less than 2 liters/min. The presence of a positive overflow rate guarantees that the nitrogen delivery system is operating at greater than ambient pressure and prevents the possibility of passing ambient air (rather than nitrogen) through the impingers. Continue the purge under these conditions for at least one hour, checking the rotameter and [Delta]H@ value(s) at least every 15 minutes. At the conclusion of the purge, simultaneously turn off the delivery and pumping systems. During either purge procedure, continue operation of the condenser recirculation pump, and heat or cool the water surrounding the first two impingers to maintain the gas temperature measured at the exit of the CPM filter greater than 20 [deg]C (greater than 65 [deg]F), but less than or equal to 30 [deg]C (less than or equal to 85 [deg]F). If the volume of liquid collected in the moisture traps has not been determined prior to conducting the nitrogen purge, maintain the temperature of the moisture traps following the CPM filter to prevent removal of moisture during the purge. If necessary, add more ice during the purge to maintain the gas temperature measured at the exit of the silica gel impinger below 20 [deg]C (68 [deg]F). Continue the purge under these conditions for at least one hour, checking the rotameter and [Delta]H@ value(s) periodically. At the conclusion of the purge, simultaneously turn off the delivery and pumping systems. Weigh the liquid, or measure the volume of the liquid collected in the dropout, impingers, and silica trap if this has not been done prior to purging the sampling train. Measure the liquid in the water dropout impinger to within 1 ml using a clean graduated cylinder or by weighing it to within 0.5 g using a balance. Record the volume or weight of liquid present to be used to calculate the moisture content of the effluent gas in the field log notebook. If a balance is available in the field, weigh the silica impinger to within 0.5 g. Note the color of the indicating silica gel in the last impinger to determine whether it has been completely spent, and make a notation of its condition in the field log notebook.
8.5.4 Sample Recovery. Recovery of filterable PM. Recovery of filterable PM involves the quantitative transfer of particles according to the filterable particulate sampling method (i.e., Method 5 of appendix A-3 to part 60, Method 17 of appendix A-6 to part 60, or Method 201A of appendix M to this part). CPM Container 1, Aqueous liquid impinger contents. Quantitatively transfer liquid from the dropout and the backup impingers prior to the CPM filter into a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 1, Aqueous Liquid Impinger Contents.'' Rinse all sampling train components including the back half of the filterable PM filter holder, the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware, and the front half of the CPM filter housing twice with water. Recover the rinse water, and add it to CPM Container 1. Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container 2, Organic rinses. Follow the water rinses of the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and all of the connecting glassware and front half of the CPM filter with an acetone rinse. Recover the acetone rinse into a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 2, Organic Rinses.'' Then repeat the entire rinse procedure with two rinses of hexane, and save the hexane rinses in the same container as the acetone rinse (CPM Container 2). Mark the liquid level on the jar. CPM Container 3, CPM filter sample. Use tweezers and/or clean disposable surgical gloves to remove the filter from the CPM filter holder. Place the filter in the Petri dish labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 3, Filter Sample.'' CPM Container 4, Cold impinger water. You must weigh or measure the volume of the contents of CPM Container 4 either in the field or during sample analysis (see Section 11.2.4). If the water from the cold impinger has been weighed in the field, it can be discarded. Otherwise, quantitatively transfer liquid from the cold impinger that follows the CPM filter into a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 4, Cold Water Impinger.'' Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container 4 holds the remainder of the liquid water from the emission gases. CPM Container 5, Silica gel absorbent. You must weigh the contents of CPM Container 5 in the field or during sample analysis (see Section 11.2.5). If the silica gel has been weighed in the field to measure water content, then it can be discarded or recovered for reuse. Otherwise, transfer the silica gel to its original container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 5, Silica Gel Absorbent'' and seal. You may use a funnel to make it easier to pour the silica gel without spilling. You may also use a rubber policeman as an aid in removing the silica gel from the impinger. It is not necessary to remove the small amount of silica gel dust particles that may adhere to the impinger wall and are difficult to remove. Since the gain in weight is to be used for moisture calculations, do not use any water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel. CPM Container 6, Acetone field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the acetone directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 6, Acetone Field Reagent Blank'' (see Section 11.2.6 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one acetone field reagent blank from the lot(s) of solvent used for the test. CPM Container 7, Water field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the water directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 7, Water Field Reagent Blank'' (see Section 11.2.7 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one water field reagent blank from the lot(s) of water used for the test. CPM Container 8, Hexane field reagent blank. Take approximately 200 ml of the hexane directly from the wash bottle you used for sample recovery and place it in a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 8, Hexane Field Reagent Blank'' (see Section 11.2.8 for analysis). Mark the liquid level on the container. Collect one hexane field reagent blank from the lot(s) of solvent used for the test. Field train proof blank. If you did not bake the sampling train glassware as specified in Section 8.4, you must conduct a field train proof blank as specified in Sections and to demonstrate the cleanliness of sampling train glassware. CPM Container 9, Field train proof blank, inorganic rinses. Prior to conducting the emission test, rinse the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware, and the front half of the CPM filter housing twice with water. Recover the rinse water and place it in a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 9, Field Train Proof Blank, Inorganic Rinses.'' Mark the liquid level on the container. CPM Container 10, Field train proof blank, organic rinses. Follow the water rinse of the probe extension, condenser, each impinger and the connecting glassware, and the front half of the CPM filter housing with an acetone rinse. Recover the acetone rinse into a clean, leak-proof container labeled with test identification and ``CPM Container 10, Field Train Proof Blank, Organic Rinses.'' Then repeat the entire rinse procedure with two rinses of hexane and save the hexane rinses in the same container as the acetone rinse (CPM Container 10). Mark the liquid level on the container.
8.5.5 Transport procedures. Containers must remain in an upright position at all times during shipping. You do not have to ship the containers under dry or blue ice. However, samples must be maintained at or below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) during shipping.
9.0 Quality Control
9.1 Daily Quality Checks. You must perform daily quality checks of field log notebooks and data entries and calculations using data quality indicators from this method and your site-specific test plan. You must review and evaluate recorded and transferred raw data, calculations, and documentation of testing procedures. You must initial or sign log notebook pages and data entry forms that were reviewed.
9.2 Calculation Verification. Verify the calculations by independent, manual checks. You must flag any suspect data and identify the nature of the problem and potential effect on data quality. After you complete the test, prepare a data summary and compile all the calculations and raw data sheets.
9.3 Conditions. You must document data and information on the process unit tested, the particulate control system used to control emissions, any non-particulate control system that may affect particulate emissions, the sampling train conditions, and weather conditions. Discontinue the test if the operating conditions may cause non-representative particulate emissions.
9.4 Field Analytical Balance Calibration Check. Perform calibration check procedures on field analytical balances each day that they are used. You must use National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-traceable weights at a mass approximately equal to the weight of the sample plus container you will weigh.
9.5 Glassware. Use class A volumetric glassware for titrations, or calibrate your equipment against NIST-traceable glassware.
9.6 Laboratory Analytical Balance Calibration Check. Check the calibration of your laboratory analytical balance each day that you weigh CPM samples. You must use NIST Class S weights at a mass approximately equal to the weight of the sample plus container you will weigh.
9.7 Laboratory Reagent Blanks. You should run blanks of water, acetone, and hexane used for field recovery and sample analysis. Analyze at least one sample (150 ml minimum) of each lot of reagents that you plan to use for sample recovery and analysis before you begin testing. These blanks are not required by the test method, but running blanks before field use is advisable to verify low blank concentrations, thereby reducing the potential for a high field blank on test samples.
9.8 Field Reagent Blanks. You should run at least one field reagent blank of water, acetone, and hexane you use for field recovery. These blanks are not required by the test method, but running independent field reagent blanks is advisable to verify that low blank concentrations were maintained during field solvent use and demonstrate that reagents have not been contaminated during field tests.
9.9 Field Train Proof Blank. If you are not baking glassware as specified in Section 8.4, you must recover a minimum of one field train proof blank for the sampling train used for testing each new source category at a single facility. You must assemble the sampling train as it will be used for testing. You must recover the field train proof blank samples as described in Section and
9.10 Field Train Recovery Blank. You must recover a minimum of one field train blank for each source category tested at the facility. You must recover the field train blank after the first or second run of the test. You must assemble the sampling train as it will be used for testing. Prior to the purge, you must add 100 ml of water to the first impinger and record this data on Figure 4. You must purge the assembled train as described in Sections and You must recover field train blank samples as described in Section 8.5.4. From the field sample weight, you will subtract the condensable particulate mass you determine with this blank train or 0.002 g (2.0 mg), whichever is less.
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
Maintain a field log notebook of all condensable particulate sampling and analysis calibrations. Include copies of the relevant portions of the calibration and field logs in the final test report.
10.1 Thermocouple Calibration. You must calibrate the thermocouples using the procedures described in Section 10.3.1 of Method 2 of appendix A-1 to part 60 or Alternative Method 2, Thermocouple Calibration (ALT-011) ( Calibrate each temperature sensor at a minimum of three points over the anticipated range of use against a NIST-traceable thermometer. Alternatively, a reference thermocouple and potentiometer calibrated against NIST standards can be used.
10.2 Ammonium Hydroxide. The 0.1 N NH4OH used for titrations in this method is made as follows: Add 7 ml of concentrated (14.8 M) NH4OH to l liter of water. Standardize against standardized 0.1 N H2SO4, and calculate the exact normality using a procedure parallel to that described in Section 10.5 of Method 6 of appendix A-4 to 40 CFR part 60. Alternatively, purchase 0.1 N NH4OH that has been standardized against a NIST reference material. Record the normality on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
11.0 Analytical Procedures
(a) Record the filterable particulate field data on the appropriate (i.e., Method 5, 17, or 201A) analytical data sheets. Alternatively, data may be recorded electronically using software applications such as the Electronic Reporting Tool available at Record the condensable particulate data on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
(b) Measure the liquid in all containers either volumetrically to 1 ml or gravimetrically to 0.5 g. Confirm on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods (subject to the approval of the Administrator) to correct the final results.
11.2 Condensable PM Analysis. See the flow chart in Figure 7 of Section 18 for the steps to process and combine fractions from the CPM train.
11.2.1 Container 3, CPM Filter Sample. If the sample was collected by Method 17 or Method 201A with a stack temperature below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F), transfer the filter and any loose PM from the sample container to a tared glass weighing dish. (See Section 3.0 for a definition of constant weight.) Desiccate the sample for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh to a constant weight and report the results to the nearest 0.1 mg. [Note: In-stack filter samples collected at 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) may include both filterable insoluble particulate and condensable particulate. The nozzle and front half wash and filter collected at or below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F) may not be heated and must be maintained at or below 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F).] If the sample was collected by Method 202, extract the CPM filter as follows: Extract the water soluble (aqueous or inorganic) CPM from the CPM filter by folding the filter in quarters and placing it into a 50-ml extraction tube. Add sufficient deionized, ultra-filtered water to cover the filter (e.g., 10 ml of water). Place the extractor tube into a sonication bath and extract the water-soluble material for a minimum of two minutes. Combine the aqueous extract with the contents of Container 1. Repeat this extraction step twice for a total of three extractions. Extract the organic soluble CPM from the CPM filter by adding sufficient hexane to cover the filter (e.g., 10 ml of hexane). Place the extractor tube into a sonication bath and extract the organic soluble material for a minimum of two minutes. Combine the organic extract with the contents of Container 2. Repeat this extraction step twice for a total of three extractions.
11.2.2 CPM Container 1, Aqueous Liquid Impinger Contents. Analyze the water soluble CPM in Container 1 as described in this section. Place the contents of Container 1 into a separatory funnel. Add approximately 30 ml of hexane to the funnel, mix well, and pour off the upper organic phase. Repeat this procedure twice with 30 ml of hexane each time combining the organic phase from each extraction. Each time, leave a small amount of the organic/hexane phase in the separatory funnel, ensuring that no water is collected in the organic phase. This extraction should yield about 90 ml of organic extract. Combine the organic extract from Container 1 with the organic train rinse in Container 2.
11.2.3 CPM Container 2, Organic Fraction Weight Determination. Analyze the organic soluble CPM in Container 2 as described in this section. Place the organic phase in a clean glass beaker. Evaporate the organic extract at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood to not less than 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean 50-ml pre-tared weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the organic fraction for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing), and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
11.2.4 CPM Container 4, Cold Impinger Water. If the amount of water has not been determined in the field, note the level of liquid in the container, and confirm on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet whether leakage occurred during transport. If a noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use methods (subject to the approval of the Administrator) to correct the final results. Measure the liquid in Container 4 either volumetrically to 1 ml or gravimetrically to 0.5 g, and record the volume or weight on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet of the filterable PM test method.
11.2.5 CPM Container 5, Silica Gel Absorbent. Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance. This step may be conducted in the field. Record the weight on the filterable particulate analytical data sheet of the filterable PM test method.
11.2.6 Container 6, Acetone Field Reagent Blank. Use 150 ml of acetone from the blank container used for this analysis. Transfer 150 ml of the acetone to a clean 250-ml beaker. Evaporate the acetone at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood to approximately 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean 50-ml pre-tared weighing tin, and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing), and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 19.
11.2.7 Water Field Reagent Blank, Container 7. Use 150 ml of the water from the blank container for this analysis. Transfer the water to a clean 250-ml beaker, and evaporate to approximately 10 ml liquid in the oven at 105 [deg]C. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean 50 ml pre-tared weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing) and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 18.
11.2.8 Hexane Field Reagent Blank, Container 8. Use 150 ml of hexane from the blank container for this analysis. Transfer 150 ml of the hexane to a clean 250-ml beaker. Evaporate the hexane at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood to approximately 10 ml. Quantitatively transfer the beaker contents to a clean 50-ml pre-tared weighing tin and evaporate to dryness at room temperature (not to exceed 30 [deg]C (85 [deg]F)) and pressure in a laboratory hood. Following evaporation, desiccate the residue for 24 hours in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate. Weigh at intervals of at least six hours to a constant weight (i.e., less than or equal to 0.5 mg change from previous weighing), and report results to the nearest 0.1 mg on Figure 4 of Section 18.
12.0 Calculations and Data Analysis
12.1 Nomenclature. Report results in International System of Units (SI units) unless the regulatory authority for testing specifies English units. The following nomenclature is used.
[Delta]H@ = Pressure drop across orifice at flow rate of 0.75 SCFM at standard conditions, inches of water column (Note: Specific to each orifice and meter box). 17.03 = mg/milliequivalents for ammonium ion.ACFM = Actual cubic feet per minute.Ccpm = Concentration of the condensable PM in the stack gas,
dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, milligrams/dry
standard cubic = Mass of the NH4\+\ added to sample to form
ammonium sulfate, mg.mcpm = Mass of the total condensable PM, mg.mfb = Mass of total CPM in field train recovery blank, = = Milligrams per liter.mi = Mass of inorganic CPM, mg.mib = Mass of inorganic CPM in field train recovery blank, = Mass of organic CPM, mg.mob = Mass of organic CPM in field train blank, = Mass of dried sample from inorganic fraction, mg.N = Normality of ammonium hydroxide titrant.ppmv = Parts per million by volume.ppmw = Parts per million by weight.Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by the dry gas meter,
corrected to standard conditions, dry standard cubic meter
(dscm) or dry standard cubic foot (dscf) as defined in
Equation 5-1 of Method 5.Vt = Volume of NH4OH titrant, ml.Vp = Volume of water added during train purge.
12.2 Calculations. Use the following equations to complete the calculations required in this test method. Enter the appropriate results from these calculations on the CPM Work Table (see Figure 6 of Section 18).
12.2.1 Mass of ammonia correction. Correction for ammonia added during titration of 100 ml aqueous CPM sample. This calculation assumes no waters of hydration.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.058
12.2.2 Mass of the Field Train Recovery Blank (mg). Per Section 9.10, the mass of the field train recovery blank, mfb, shall not exceed 2.0 mg.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.059
12.2.3 Mass of Inorganic CPM (mg).
12.2.4 Total Mass of CPM (mg).
12.2.5 Concentration of CPM (mg/dscf).
12.3 Emissions Test Report. You must prepare a test report following the guidance in EPA Guidance Document 043 (Preparation and Review of Test Reports. December 1998).
13.0 Method Performance
An EPA field evaluation of the revised Method 202 showed the following precision in the results: approximately 4 mg for total CPM, approximately 0.5 mg for organic CPM, and approximately 3.5 mg for inorganic CPM.
14.0 Pollution Prevention
15.0 Waste Management
Solvent and water are evaporated in a laboratory hood during analysis. No liquid waste is generated in the performance of this method. Organic solvents used to clean sampling equipment should be managed as RCRA organic waste.
16.0 Alternative Procedures
Alternative Method 2, Thermocouple Calibration (ALT-011) for the thermocouple calibration can be found at
17.0 References
(1) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources. 1960. Chapter 139, Sampling and Testing (Title 25, Rules and Regulations, part I, Department of Environmental Resources, Subpart C, Protection of Natural Resources, Article III, Air Resources). January 8, 1960.
(2) DeWees, W.D. and K.C. Steinsberger. 1989. ``Method Development and Evaluation of Draft Protocol for Measurement of Condensable Particulate Emissions.'' Draft Report. November 17, 1989.
(3) DeWees, W.D., K.C. Steinsberger, G.M. Plummer, L.T. Lay, G.D. McAlister, and R.T. Shigehara. 1989. ``Laboratory and Field Evaluation of EPA Method 5 Impinger Catch for Measuring Condensable Matter from Stationary Sources.'' Paper presented at the 1989 EPA/AWMA International Symposium on Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants. Raleigh, North Carolina. May 1-5, 1989.
(4) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). 2008. ``Laboratory Comparison of Methods to Sample and Analyze Condensable PM.'' EPRI Agreement EP-P24373/C11811 Condensable Particulate Methods: EPRI Collaboration with EPA, October 2008.
(5) Nothstein, Greg. Masters Thesis. University of Washington. Department of Environmental Health. Seattle, Washington.
(6) Richards, J., T. Holder, and D. Goshaw. 2005. ``Optimized Method 202 Sampling Train to Minimize the Biases Associated with Method 202 Measurement of Condensable PM Emissions.'' Paper presented at Air & Waste Management Association Hazardous Waste Combustion Specialty Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. November 2-3, 2005.
(7) Texas Air Control Board, Laboratory Division. 1976. ``Determination of Particulate in Stack Gases Containing Sulfuric Acid and/or Sulfur Dioxide.'' Laboratory Methods for Determination of Air Pollutants. Modified December 3, 1976.
(8) Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Engineering Division. 1983. ``Particulate Source Test Procedures Adopted by Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Board of Directors.'' Seattle, Washington. August 11, 1983.
(9) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Reference Methods 1 through 5 and Method 17, 40 CFR 60, appendix A-1 through A-3 and A-6.
(10) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. ``Evaluation and Improvement of Condensable PM Measurement,'' EPA Contract No. EP-D-07-097, Work Assignment 2-03, October 2008.
(11) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. ``Laboratory Evaluation of Method 202 to Determine Fate of SO2 in Impinger Water,'' EPA Contract No. 68-D-02-061, Work Assignment 3-14, September 30, 2005.
(12) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. Field valuation of an Improved Method for Sampling and Analysis of Filterable and Condensable Particulate Matter. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Sector Policy and Program Division Monitoring Policy Group. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
(13) Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 1988. Air Management Operations Handbook, Revision 3. January 11, 1988.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21DE10.063 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27FE14.002 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27FE14.003 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27FE14.004 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR27FE14.005
Method 203A--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions from
Stationary Sources for Time-Averaged Regulations
1.0 Scope and Application
What is Method 203A?
Method 203A is an example test method suitable for State Implementation Plans (SIP) and is applicable to the determination of the opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions for time-averaged regulations. A time-averaged regulation is any regulation that requires averaging visible emission data to determine the opacity of visible emissions over a specific time period.
Method 203A is virtually identical to EPA's Method 9 of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, except for the data-reduction procedures, which provide for averaging times other than 6 minutes. Therefore, using Method 203A with a 6-minute averaging time would be the same as following EPA Method 9. The certification procedures for this method are identical to those provided in Method 9 and are provided here, in full, for clarity and convenience. An example visible emission observation form and instructions for its use can be found in reference 7 of Section 17 of Method 9.
2.0 Summary of Method
The opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions is determined visually by an observer certified according to the procedures in Section 10 of this method. Readings taken every 15 seconds are averaged over a time period specified in the applicable regulation ranging from 2 minutes to 6 minutes.
3.0 Definitions [Reserved]
4.0 Interferences [Reserved]
5.0 Safety [Reserved]
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
What equipment and supplies are needed?
6.1 Stop Watch. Two watches are required that provide a continuous display of time to the nearest second.
6.2 Compass (optional). A compass is useful for determining the direction of the emission point from the spot where the visible emissions (VE) observer stands and for determining the wind direction at the source. For accurate readings, the compass should be magnetic with resolution better than 10 degrees. It is suggested that the compass be jewel-mounted and liquid-filled to dampen the needle swing; map reading compasses are excellent.
6.3 Range Finder (optional). Range finders determine distances from the observer to the emission point. The instrument should measure a distance of 1000 meters with a minimum accuracy of 10 percent.
6.4 Abney Level (optional). This device for determining the vertical viewing angle should measure within 5 degrees.
6.5 Sling Psychrometer (optional). In case of the formation of a steam plume, a wet- and dry-bulb thermometer, accurate to 0.5 [deg]C, are mounted on a sturdy assembly and swung rapidly in the air in order to determine the relative humidity.
6.6 Binoculars (optional). Binoculars are recommended to help identify stacks and to characterize the plume. An 8 x 50 or 10 x 50 magnification, color-corrected coated lenses and rectilinear field of view is recommended.
6.7 Camera (optional). A camera is often used to document the emissions before and after the actual opacity determination.
6.8 Safety Equipment. The following safety equipment, which should be approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), is recommended: orange or yellow hard hat, eye and ear protection, and steel-toed safety boots.
6.9 Clipboard and Accessories (optional). A clipboard, several ball-point pens (black ink recommended), a rubber band, and several visible emission observation forms facilitate documentation.
7.0 Reagents and Standards (Reserved]
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
What is the Test Procedure?
An observer qualified in accordance with Section 10 of this method must use the following procedures to visually determine the opacity of emissions from stationary sources.
8.1 Procedure for Emissions from Stacks. These procedures are applicable for visually determining the opacity of stack emissions by a qualified observer.
8.1.1 Position. You must stand at a distance sufficient to provide a clear view of the emissions with the sun oriented in the 140-degree sector to your back. Consistent with maintaining the above requirement as much as possible, you must make opacity observations from a position such that the line of vision is approximately perpendicular to the plume direction, and when observing opacity of emissions from rectangular outlets (e.g., roof monitors, open baghouses, non-circular stacks), approximately perpendicular to the longer axis of the outlet. You should not include more than one plume in the line of sight at a time when multiple plumes are involved and, in any case, make opacity observations with the line of sight perpendicular to the longer axis of such a set of multiple stacks (e.g., stub stacks on baghouses).
8.1.2 Field Records. You must record the name of the plant, emission location, type of facility, observer's name and affiliation, a sketch of the observer's position relative to the source, and the date on a field data sheet. An example visible emission observation form can be found in reference 7 of Section 17 of this method. You must record the time, estimated distance to the emission location, approximate wind direction, estimated wind speed, description of the sky condition (presence and color of clouds), and plume background on the field data sheet at the time opacity readings are initiated and completed.
8.1.3 Observations. You must make opacity observations at the point of greatest opacity in that portion of the plume where condensed water vapor is not present. Do not look continuously at the plume but, instead, observe the plume momentarily at 15-second intervals. Attached Steam Plumes. When condensed water vapor is present within the plume as it emerges from the emission outlet, you must make opacity observations beyond the point in the plume at which condensed water vapor is no longer visible. You must record the approximate distance from the emission outlet to the point in the plume at which the observations are made. Detached Steam Plumes. When water vapor in the plume condenses and becomes visible at a distinct distance from the emission outlet, you must make the opacity observation at the emission outlet prior to the condensation of water vapor and the formation of the steam plume.
8.2 Recording Observations. You must record the opacity observations to the nearest 5 percent every 15 seconds on an observational record sheet such as the example visible emission observation form in reference 7 of Section 17 of this method. Each observation recorded represents the average opacity of emissions for a 15-second period. The overall length of time for which observations are recorded must be appropriate to the averaging time specified in the applicable regulation.
9.0 Quality Control [Reserved]
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
10.1 What are the Certification Requirements? To receive certification as a qualified observer, you must be trained and knowledgeable on the procedures in Section 8.0 of this method, be tested and demonstrate the ability to assign opacity readings in 5 percent increments to 25 different black plumes and 25 different white plumes, with an error not to exceed 15 percent opacity on any one reading and an average error not to exceed 7.5 percent opacity in each category. You must be tested according to the procedures described in Section 10.2 of this method. Any smoke generator used pursuant to Section 10.2 of this method must be equipped with a smoke meter which meets the requirements of Section 10.3 of this method. Certification tests that do not meet the requirements of Sections 10.2 and 10.3 of this method are not valid.
The certification must be valid for a period of 6 months, and after each 6-month period, the qualification procedures must be repeated by an observer in order to retain certification.
10.2 What is the Certification Procedure? The certification test consists of showing the candidate a complete run of 50 plumes, 25 black plumes and 25 white plumes, generated by a smoke generator. Plumes must be presented in random order within each set of 25 black and 25 white plumes. The candidate assigns an opacity value to each plume and records the observation on a suitable form. At the completion of each run of 50 readings, the score of the candidate is determined. If a candidate fails to qualify, the complete run of 50 readings must be repeated in any retest. The smoke test may be administered as part of a smoke school or training program, and may be preceded by training or familiarization runs of the smoke generator during which candidates are shown black and white plumes of known opacity.
10.3 Smoke Generator.
10.3.1 What are the Smoke Generator Specifications? Any smoke generator used for the purpose of Section 10.2 of this method must be equipped with a smoke meter installed to measure opacity across the diameter of the smoke generator stack. The smoke meter output must display in-stack opacity, based upon a path length equal to the stack exit diameter on a full 0 to 100 percent chart recorder scale. The smoke meter optical design and performance must meet the specifications shown in Table 203A-1 of this method. The smoke meter must be calibrated as prescribed in Section 10.3.2 of this method prior to conducting each smoke reading test. At the completion of each test, the zero and span drift must be checked and, if the drift exceeds 1 percent opacity, the condition must be corrected prior to conducting any subsequent test runs. The smoke meter must be demonstrated at the time of installation to meet the specifications listed in Table 203A-1 of this method. This demonstration must be repeated following any subsequent repair or replacement of the photocell or associated electronic circuitry including the chart recorder or output meter, or every 6 months, whichever occurs first.
10.3.2 How is the Smoke Meter Calibrated? The smoke meter is calibrated after allowing a minimum of 30 minutes warm-up by alternately producing simulated opacity of 0 percent and 100 percent. When a stable response at 0 percent or 100 percent is noted, the smoke meter is adjusted to produce an output of 0 percent or 100 percent, as appropriate. This calibration must be repeated until stable 0 percent and 100 percent readings are produced without adjustment. Simulated 0 percent and 100 percent opacity values may be produced by alternately switching the power to the light source on and off while the smoke generator is not producing smoke.
10.3.3 How is the Smoke Meter Evaluated? The smoke meter design and performance are to be evaluated as follows: Light Source. You must verify from manufacturer's data and from voltage measurements made at the lamp, as installed, that the lamp is operated within 5 percent of the nominal rated voltage. Spectral Response of the Photocell. You must verify from manufacturer's data that the photocell has a photopic response; i.e., the spectral sensitivity of the cell must closely approximate the standard spectral-luminosity curve for photopic vision which is referenced in (b) of Table 203A-1 of this method. Angle of View. You must check construction geometry to ensure that the total angle of view of the smoke plume, as seen by the photocell, does not exceed 15 degrees. Calculate the total angle of view as follows: [phis]v = 2 tan-1 (d/2L) Where: [phis]v = Total angle of viewd = The photocell diameter + the diameter of the limiting apertureL = Distance from the photocell to the limiting aperture. The limiting aperture is the point in the path between the photocell and the smoke plume where the angle of view is most restricted. In smoke generator smoke meters, this is normally an orifice plate. Angle of Projection. You must check construction geometry to ensure that the total angle of projection of the lamp on the smoke plume does not exceed 15 degrees. Calculate the total angle of projection as follows: [phis]p = 2 tan-1 (d/2L) Where: [phis]p = Total angle of projectiond = The sum of the length of the lamp filament + the diameter of the
limiting apertureL = The distance from the lamp to the limiting aperture. Calibration Error. Using neutral-density filters of known opacity, you must check the error between the actual response and the theoretical linear response of the smoke meter. This check is accomplished by first calibrating the smoke meter according to Section 10.3.2 of this method and then inserting a series of three neutral-density filters of nominal opacity of 20, 50, and 75 percent in the smoke meter path length. Use filters calibrated within 2 percent. Care should be taken when inserting the filters to prevent stray light from affecting the meter. Make a total of five non-consecutive readings for each filter. The maximum opacity error on any one reading shall be 3 percent. Zero and Span Drift. Determine the zero and span drift by calibrating and operating the smoke generator in a normal manner over a 1-hour period. The drift is measured by checking the zero and span at the end of this period. Response Time. Determine the response time by producing the series of five simulated 0 percent and 100 percent opacity values and observing the time required to reach stable response. Opacity values of 0 percent and 100 percent may be simulated by alternately switching the power to the light source off and on while the smoke generator is not operating.
11.0 Analytical Procedures [Reserved]
12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations
12.1 Time-Averaged Regulations. A set of observations is composed of an appropriate number of consecutive observations determined by the averaging time specified (i.e., 8 observations for a two minute average). Divide the recorded observations into sets of appropriate time lengths for the specified averaging time. Sets must consist of consecutive observations; however, observations immediately preceding and following interrupted observations shall be deemed consecutive. Sets need not be consecutive in time and in no case shall two sets overlap. For each set of observations, calculate the average opacity by summing the opacity readings taken over the appropriate time period and dividing by the number of readings. For example, for a 2-minute average, eight consecutive readings would be averaged by adding the eight readings and dividing by eight.
13.0 Method Performance
13.1 Time-averaging Performances. The accuracy of test procedures for time-averaged regulations was evaluated through field studies that compare the opacity readings to a transmissometer. Analysis of these data shows that, as the time interval for averaging increases, the positive error decreases. For example, over a 2-minute time period, 90 percent of the results underestimated opacity or overestimated opacity by less than 9.5 percent opacity, while over a 6-minute time period, 90 percent of the data have less than a 7.5 percent positive error. Overall, the field studies demonstrated a negative bias. Over a 2-minute time period, 57 percent of the data have zero or negative error, and over a 6-minute time period, 58 percent of the data have zero or negative error. This means that observers are more likely to assign opacity values that are below, rather than above, the actual opacity value. Consequently, a larger percentage of noncompliance periods will be reported as compliant periods rather than compliant periods reported as violations. Table 203A-2 highlights the precision data results from the June 1985 report: ``Opacity Errors for Averaging and Non Averaging Data Reduction and Reporting Techniques.''
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
16.0 Alternative Procedures [Reserved]
17.0 References
1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; Appendix A; Method 9 for Visual Determination of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources. Final Rule. 39 FR 219. Washington, DC. U.S. Government Printing Office. November 12, 1974.
2. Office of Air and Radiation. ``Quality Assurance Guideline for Visible Emission Training Programs.'' EPA-600/S4-83-011. Quality Assurance Division. Research Triangle Park, NC. May 1982.
3. Office of Research and Development. ``Method 9--Visible Determination of the Opacity of Emissions from Stationary Sources.'' February 1984. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems. Volume III, Section 3.1.2. Stationary Source Specific Methods. EPA-600-4-77-027b. August 1977. Office of Research and Development Publications, 26 West Clair Street, Cincinnati, OH.
4. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. ``Opacity Error for Averaging and Non-averaging Data Reduction and Reporting Techniques.'' Final Report-SR-1-6-85. Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. June 1985.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Preparation, Adoption, and Submittal of State Implementation Plans. Methods for Measurement of PM10 Emissions from Stationary Sources. Final Rule. Federal Register. Washington, DC. U.S. Government Printing Office. Volume 55, No. 74. Pages 14246-14279. April 17, 1990.
6. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. ``Collaborative Study of Opacity Observations of Fugitive Emissions from Unpaved Roads by Certified Observers.'' Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, NC. October 1986.
7. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. ``Field Data Forms and Instructions for EPA Methods 203A, 203B, and 203C.'' EPA 455/R-93-005. Stationary Source Compliance Division, Washington, DC, June 1993.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data
Table 203A-1--Smoke Meter Design and Performance Specifications------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parameter Specification------------------------------------------------------------------------a. Light Source........................ Incandescent lamp operated at
nominal rated voltage.b. Spectral response of photocell...... Photopic (daylight spectral
response of the human eye--
Citation 3).c. Angle of view....................... 15[deg] maximum total angle.d. Angle of projection................. 15[deg] maximum total angle.e. Calibration error................... 3%
opacity, maximum.f. Zero and span drift................. 1%
opacity, 30 minutesg. Response time....................... 5 seconds.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 203A-2--Precision Between Observers: Opacity Averaging----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard Amount with
Averaging period Number of deviation (% <7.5% opacity
observations opacity) difference----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-second....................................................... 140,250 3.4 872 minutes....................................................... 17,694 2.6 923 minutes....................................................... 11,836 2.4 926 minutes....................................................... 5,954 2.1 93----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Method 203B--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions From
Stationary Sources for Time-Exception Regulations
1.0 Scope and Application
What is Method 203B?
Method 203B is an example test method suitable for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and is applicable to the determination of the opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions for time-exception regulations. A time-exception regulation means any regulation that allows predefined periods of opacity above the otherwise applicable opacity limit (e.g., allowing exceedances of 20 percent opacity for 3 minutes in 1 hour.)
Method 203B is virtually identical to EPA's Method 9 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, except for the data-reduction procedures, which have been modified to apply to time-exception regulations. The certification procedures for this method are identical to those provided in Method 9. An example of a visible emission observation form and instructions for its use can be found in reference 7 of Section 17 of Method 203A.
2.0 Summary of Method
The opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions is determined visually by a qualified observer.
3.0 Definitions [Reserved]
4.0 Interferences [Reserved]
5.0 Safety [Reserved]
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
What equipment and supplies are needed?
The same as specified in Section 6.0 of Method 203A.
7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
What is the Test Procedure?
The observer qualified in accordance with Section 10 of Method 203A must use the following procedures for visually determining the opacity of emissions.
8.1 Procedures for Emissions From Stationary Sources. The procedures for emissions from stationary sources are the same as specified in 8.1 of Method 203A.
8.2 Recording Observations. You must record opacity observations to the nearest 5 percent at 15-second intervals on an observational record sheet. Each observation recorded represents the average opacity of emissions for a 15-second period. The overall length of time for which observations are recorded must be appropriate to the applicable regulation.
9.0 Quality Control [Reserved]
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
The Calibration and Standardization requirements are the same as specified in Section 10 of Method 203A.
11.0 Analytical Procedures [Reserved]
12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations
Data Reduction for Time-Exception Regulations. For a time-exception regulation, reduce opacity observations as follows: Count the number of observations above the applicable standard and multiply that number by 0.25 to determine the minutes of emissions above the target opacity.
13.0 Method Performance
13.1 Time-Exception Regulations. ``Opacity Errors for Averaging and Non-Averaging Data Reduction and Reporting Techniques'' analyzed the time errors associated with false compliance or false non-compliance determinations resulting from a sample of 1110 opacity readings with 6-minute observation periods. The study applied a 20 percent opacity standard. Fifty-one percent of the data showed zero error in time determinations. The standard deviation was 97.5 seconds for the 6-minute time period.
13.1.1 Overall, the study showed a negative bias. Each reading is associated with a 15-second block of time. The readings were multiplied by 15 seconds and the resulting time spent above the standard was compared to the transmissometer results. The average amount of time that observations deviated from the transmissometer's determinations was -8.3 seconds. Seventy percent of the time determinations were either correct or underestimated the time of excess emissions. Consequently, a larger percentage of noncompliance periods would be reported as compliant periods rather than compliant periods reported as violations.
13.1.2 Some time-exception regulations reduce the data by averaging over 1-minute periods and then counting those minutes above the standard. This data reduction procedure results in a less stringent standard than determinations resulting from data reduction procedures of Method 203B.
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
16.0 Alternative Procedures [Reserved]
17.0 References
The references are the same as specified in Section 17 of Method 203A.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [Reserved]
Method 203C--Visual Determination of Opacity of Emissions From
Stationary Sources for Instantaneous Limitation Regulations
1.0 Scope and Application
What is Method 203C?
Method 203C is an example test method suitable for State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and is applicable to the determination of the opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions for regulations with an instantaneous opacity limitation. An instantaneous opacity limitation is an opacity limit which is never to be exceeded.
Method 203C is virtually identical to EPA's Method 9 of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, except for 5-second reading intervals and the data-reduction procedures, which have been modified for instantaneous limitation regulations. The certification procedures for this method are virtually identical to Method 9. An example visible emission observation form and instructions for its use can be found in reference 7 of Section 17 of Method 203A.
2.0 Summary of Method
The opacity of emissions from sources of visible emissions is determined visually by an observer certified according to the procedures in Section 10 of Method 203A.
3.0 Definitions [Reserved]
4.0 Interferences [Reserved]
5.0 Safety [Reserved]
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
The equipment and supplies used are the same as Section 6.0 of Method 203A.
7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Storage, and Transport
What is the Test Procedure?
The qualified observer must use the following procedures for visually determining the opacity of emissions.
8.1 Procedures for Emissions From Stationary Sources. These are the same as Section 8.1 of Method 203A.
8.1.1 Position. Same as Section 8.1.1 of Method 203A.
8.1.2 Field Records. Same as Section 8.1.2 of Method 203A.
8.1.3 Observations. Make opacity observations at the point of greatest opacity in that portion of the plume where condensed water vapor is not present. Do not look continuously at the plume, instead, observe the plume momentarily at 5-second intervals. Attached Steam Plumes. Same as Section of Method 203A. Detached Steam Plumes. Same as Section of Method 203A.
8.2 Recording Observations. You must record opacity observations to the nearest 5 percent at 5-second intervals on an observational record sheet. Each observation recorded represents the average of emissions for the 5-second period. The overall time for which recordings are made must be of a length appropriate to the applicable regulation for which opacity is being measured.
9.0 Quality Control [Reserved]
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
The calibration and standardization procedures are the same as Section 10 of Method 203A.
11.0 Analytical Procedures [Reserved]
12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations
12.1 Data Reduction for Instantaneous Limitation Regulations. For an instantaneous limitation regulation, a 1-minute averaging time will be used. You must divide the observations recorded on the record sheet into sets of consecutive observations. A set is composed of the consecutive observations made in 1 minute. Sets need not be consecutive in time, and in no case must two sets overlap. You must reduce opacity observations by dividing the sum of all observations recorded in a set by the number of observations recorded in each set.
12.2 Reduce opacity observations by averaging 12 consecutive observations recorded at 5-second intervals. Divide the observations recorded on the record sheet into sets of 12 consecutive observations. For each set of 12 observations, calculate the average by summing the opacity of the 12 observations and dividing this sum by 12.
13.0 Method Performance
The results of the ``Collaborative Study of Opacity Observations at Five-second Intervals by Certified Observers'' are almost identical to those of previous studies of Method 9 observations taken at 15-second intervals and indicate that observers can make valid observations at 5-second intervals. The average difference of all observations from the transmissometer values was 8.8 percent opacity, which shows a fairly high negative bias. Underestimating the opacity of the visible emissions is more likely than overestimating the opacity of the emissions.
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
16.0 Alternative Procedures [Reserved]
17.0 References
The references are the same as references 1-7 in Method 203A in addition to the following:
1. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. ``Collaborative Study of Opacity Observations at Five-second Intervals by Certified Observers.'' Docket A-84-22, IV-A-2. Emission Measurement Branch, Research Triangle Park, N.C. September 1990.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data
Method 204--Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary
Total Enclosure
1. Scope and Application
This procedure is used to determine whether a permanent or temporary enclosure meets the criteria for a total enclosure. An existing building may be used as a temporary or permanent enclosure as long as it meets the appropriate criteria described in this method.
2. Summary of Method
An enclosure is evaluated against a set of criteria. If the criteria are met and if all the exhaust gases from the enclosure are ducted to a control device, then the volatile organic compounds (VOC) capture efficiency (CE) is assumed to be 100 percent, and CE need not be measured. However, if part of the exhaust gas stream is not ducted to a control device, CE must be determined.
3. Definitions
3.1 Natural Draft Opening (NDO). Any permanent opening in the enclosure that remains open during operation of the facility and is not connected to a duct in which a fan is installed.
3.2 Permanent Total Enclosure (PE). A permanently installed enclosure that completely surrounds a source of emissions such that all VOC emissions are captured and contained for discharge to a control device.
3.3 Temporary Total Enclosure (TTE). A temporarily installed enclosure that completely surrounds a source of emissions such that all VOC emissions that are not directed through the control device (i.e., uncaptured) are captured by the enclosure and contained for discharge through ducts that allow for the accurate measurement of the uncaptured VOC emissions.
3.4 Building Enclosure (BE). An existing building that is used as a TTE.
4. Safety
An evaluation of the proposed building materials and the design for the enclosure is recommended to minimize any potential hazards.
5. Criteria for Temporary Total Enclosure
5.1 Any NDO shall be at least four equivalent opening diameters from each VOC emitting point unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.
5.2 Any exhaust point from the enclosure shall be at least four equivalent duct or hood diameters from each NDO.
5.3 The total area of all NDO's shall not exceed 5 percent of the surface area of the enclosure's four walls, floor, and ceiling.
5.4 The average facial velocity (FV) of air through all NDO's shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200 fpm). The direction of air flow through all NDO's shall be into the enclosure.
5.5 All access doors and windows whose areas are not included in section 5.3 and are not included in the calculation in section 5.4 shall be closed during routine operation of the process.
6. Criteria for a Permanent Total Enclosure
6.1 Same as sections 5.1 and 5.3 through 5.5.
6.2 All VOC emissions must be captured and contained for discharge through a control device.
7. Quality Control
7.1 The success of this method lies in designing the TTE to simulate the conditions that exist without the TTE (i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected facility or the amount of uncaptured VOC emissions should be minimal). The TTE must enclose the application stations, coating reservoirs, and all areas from the application station to the oven. The oven does not have to be enclosed if it is under negative pressure. The NDO's of the temporary enclosure and an exhaust fan must be properly sized and placed.
7.2 Estimate the ventilation rate of the TTE that best simulates the conditions that exist without the TTE (i.e., the effect of the TTE on the normal flow patterns around the affected facility or the amount of uncaptured VOC emissions should be minimal). Figure 204-1 or the following equation may be used as an aid.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.000 Measure the concentration (CG) and flow rate (QG) of the captured gas stream, specify a safe concentration (CF) for the uncaptured gas stream, estimate the CE, and then use the plot in Figure 204-1 or Equation 204-1 to determine the volumetric flow rate of the uncaptured gas stream (QF). An exhaust fan that has a variable flow control is desirable.
7.3 Monitor the VOC concentration of the captured gas steam in the duct before the capture device without the TTE. To minimize the effect of temporal variation on the captured emissions, the baseline measurement should be made over as long a time period as practical. However, the process conditions must be the same for the measurement in section 7.5 as they are for this baseline measurement. This may require short measuring times for this quality control check before and after the construction of the TTE.
7.4 After the TTE is constructed, monitor the VOC concentration inside the TTE. This concentration should not continue to increase, and must not exceed the safe level according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for permissible exposure limits. An increase in VOC concentration indicates poor TTE design.
7.5 Monitor the VOC concentration of the captured gas stream in the duct before the capture device with the TTE. To limit the effect of the TTE on the process, the VOC concentration with and without the TTE must be within 10 percent. If the measurements do not agree, adjust the ventilation rate from the TTE until they agree within 10 percent.
8. Procedure
8.1 Determine the equivalent diameters of the NDO's and determine the distances from each VOC emitting point to all NDO's. Determine the equivalent diameter of each exhaust duct or hood and its distance to all NDO's. Calculate the distances in terms of equivalent diameters. The number of equivalent diameters shall be at least four.
8.2 Measure the total surface area (AT) of the enclosure and the total area (AN) of all NDO's in the enclosure. Calculate the NDO to enclosure area ratio (NEAR) as follows:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.001 The NEAR must be <=10.05.
8.3 Measure the volumetric flow rate, corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream exiting the enclosure through an exhaust duct or hood using EPA Method 2. In some cases (e.g., when the building is the enclosure), it may be necessary to measure the volumetric flow rate, corrected to standard conditions, of each gas stream entering the enclosure through a forced makeup air duct using Method 2. Calculate FV using the following equation:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.002 where: QO = the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams
exiting the enclosure through an exhaust duct or hood.QI = the sum of the volumetric flow from all gas streams into
the enclosure through a forced makeup air duct; zero, if there
is no forced makeup air into the enclosure.AN = total area of all NDO's in enclosure.
The FV shall be at least 3,600 m/hr (200 fpm). Alternatively, measure the pressure differential across the enclosure. A pressure drop of 0.013 mm Hg (0.007 in. H2O) corresponds to an FV of 3,600 m/hr (200 fpm).
8.4 Verify that the direction of air flow through all NDO's is inward. If FV is less than 9,000 m/hr (500 fpm), the continuous inward flow of air shall be verified using streamers, smoke tubes, or tracer gases. Monitor the direction of air flow for at least 1 hour, with checks made no more than 10 minutes apart. If FV is greater than 9,000 m/hr (500 fpm), the direction of air flow through the NDOs shall be presumed to be inward at all times without verification.
9. Diagrams [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.026
Method 204A--Volatile Organic Compounds Content in Liquid Input Stream
1. Scope and Application
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the input of volatile organic compounds (VOC). It is intended to be used in the development of liquid/gas protocols for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOC introduced to the process (L) is the sum of the products of the weight (W) of each VOC containing liquid (ink, paint, solvent, etc.) used and its VOC content (V).
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
The amount of VOC containing liquid introduced to the process is determined as the weight difference of the feed material before and after each sampling run. The VOC content of the liquid input material is determined by volatilizing a small aliquot of the material and analyzing the volatile material using a flame ionization analyzer (FIA). A sample of each VOC containing liquid is analyzed with an FIA to determine V.
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Liquid Weight.
4.1.1 Balances/Digital Scales. To weigh drums of VOC containing liquids to within 0.2 lb or 1.0 percent of the total weight of VOC liquid used.
4.1.2 Volume Measurement Apparatus (Alternative). Volume meters, flow meters, density measurement equipment, etc., as needed to achieve the same accuracy as direct weight measurements.
4.2 VOC Content (FIA Technique). The liquid sample analysis system is shown in Figures 204A-1 and 204A-2. The following equipment is required:
4.2.1 Sample Collection Can. An appropriately-sized metal can to be used to collect VOC containing materials. The can must be constructed in such a way that it can be grounded to the coating container.
4.2.2 Needle Valves. To control gas flow.
4.2.3 Regulators. For carrier gas and calibration gas cylinders.
4.2.4 Tubing. Teflon or stainless steel tubing with diameters and lengths determined by connection requirements of equipment. The tubing between the sample oven outlet and the FIA shall be heated to maintain a temperature of 120 5 [deg]C.
4.2.5 Atmospheric Vent. A tee and 0- to 0.5-liter/min rotameter placed in the sampling line between the carrier gas cylinder and the VOC sample vessel to release the excess carrier gas. A toggle valve placed between the tee and the rotameter facilitates leak tests of the analysis system.
4.2.6 Thermometer. Capable of measuring the temperature of the hot water bath to within 1 [deg]C.
4.2.7 Sample Oven. Heated enclosure, containing calibration gas coil heaters, critical orifice, aspirator, and other liquid sample analysis components, capable of maintaining a temperature of 120 5 [deg]C.
4.2.8 Gas Coil Heaters. Sufficient lengths of stainless steel or Teflon tubing to allow zero and calibration gases to be heated to the sample oven temperature before entering the critical orifice or aspirator.
4.2.9 Water Bath. Capable of heating and maintaining a sample vessel temperature of 100 5 [deg]C.
4.2.10 Analytical Balance. To measure 0.001 g.
4.2.11 Disposable Syringes. 2-cc or 5-cc.
4.2.12 Sample Vessel. Glass, 40-ml septum vial. A separate vessel is needed for each sample.
4.2.13 Rubber Stopper. Two-hole stopper to accommodate 3.2-mm (\1/8\-in.) Teflon tubing, appropriately sized to fit the opening of the sample vessel. The rubber stopper should be wrapped in Teflon tape to provide a tighter seal and to prevent any reaction of the sample with the rubber stopper. Alternatively, any leak-free closure fabricated of nonreactive materials and accommodating the necessary tubing fittings may be used.
4.2.14 Critical Orifices. Calibrated critical orifices capable of providing constant flow rates from 50 to 250 ml/min at known pressure drops. Sapphire orifice assemblies (available from O'Keefe Controls Company) and glass capillary tubing have been found to be adequate for this application.
4.2.15 Vacuum Gauge. Zero to 760-mm (0- to 30-in.) Hg U-Tube manometer or vacuum gauge.
4.2.16 Pressure Gauge. Bourdon gauge capable of measuring the maximum air pressure at the aspirator inlet (e.g., 100 psig).
4.2.17 Aspirator. A device capable of generating sufficient vacuum at the sample vessel to create critical flow through the calibrated orifice when sufficient air pressure is present at the aspirator inlet. The aspirator must also provide sufficient sample pressure to operate the FIA. The sample is also mixed with the dilution gas within the aspirator.
4.2.18 Soap Bubble Meter. Of an appropriate size to calibrate the critical orifices in the system.
4.2.19 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that they would provide more accurate measurements. The FIA instrument should be the same instrument used in the gaseous analyses adjusted with the same fuel, combustion air, and sample back-pressure (flow rate) settings. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value.
4.2.20 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2.21 Chart Recorder (Optional). A chart recorder or similar device is recommended to provide a continuous analog display of the measurement results during the liquid sample analysis.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect.
5.1.2 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.1.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown to the Administrator's satisfaction that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.1.4 System Calibration Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximating the undiluted VOC concentration expected for the liquid samples.
6. Sample Collection, Preservation and Storage
6.1 Samples must be collected in a manner that prevents or minimizes loss of volatile components and that does not contaminate the coating reservoir.
6.2 Collect a 100-ml or larger sample of the VOC containing liquid mixture at each application location at the beginning and end of each test run. A separate sample should be taken of each VOC containing liquid added to the application mixture during the test run. If a fresh drum is needed during the sampling run, then obtain a sample from the fresh drum.
6.3 When collecting the sample, ground the sample container to the coating drum. Fill the sample container as close to the rim as possible to minimize the amount of headspace.
6.4 After the sample is collected, seal the container so the sample cannot leak out or evaporate.
6.5 Label the container to clearly identify the contents.
7. Quality Control
7.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
7.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 8.1.
7.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 8.2.
8. Calibration and Standardization
8.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero- and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
8.2 Systems Drift Checks. After each sample, repeat the system calibration checks in section 9.2.7 before any adjustments to the FIA or measurement system are made. If the zero or calibration drift exceeds 3 percent of the span value, discard the result and repeat the analysis.
Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 8.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run.
8.3 Critical Orifice Calibration.
8.3.1 Each critical orifice must be calibrated at the specific operating conditions under which it will be used. Therefore, assemble all components of the liquid sample analysis system as shown in Figure 204A-3. A stopwatch is also required.
8.3.2 Turn on the sample oven, sample line, and water bath heaters, and allow the system to reach the proper operating temperature. Adjust the aspirator to a vacuum of 380 mm (15 in.) Hg vacuum. Measure the time required for one soap bubble to move a known distance and record barometric pressure.
8.3.3 Repeat the calibration procedure at a vacuum of 406 mm (16 in.) Hg and at 25-mm (1-in.) Hg intervals until three consecutive determinations provide the same flow rate. Calculate the critical flow rate for the orifice in ml/min at standard conditions. Record the vacuum necessary to achieve critical flow.
9. Procedure
9.1 Determination of Liquid Input Weight.
9.1.1 Weight Difference. Determine the amount of material introduced to the process as the weight difference of the feed material before and after each sampling run. In determining the total VOC containing liquid usage, account for:
(a) The initial (beginning) VOC containing liquid mixture.
(b) Any solvent added during the test run.
(c) Any coating added during the test run.
(d) Any residual VOC containing liquid mixture remaining at the end of the sample run. Identify all points where VOC containing liquids are introduced to the process. To obtain an accurate measurement of VOC containing liquids, start with an empty fountain (if applicable). After completing the run, drain the liquid in the fountain back into the liquid drum (if possible) and weigh the drum again. Weigh the VOC containing liquids to 0.5 percent of the total weight (full) or 1.0 percent of the total weight of VOC containing liquid used during the sample run, whichever is less. If the residual liquid cannot be returned to the drum, drain the fountain into a preweighed empty drum to determine the final weight of the liquid. If it is not possible to measure a single representative mixture, then weigh the various components separately (e.g., if solvent is added during the sampling run, weigh the solvent before it is added to the mixture). If a fresh drum of VOC containing liquid is needed during the run, then weigh both the empty drum and fresh drum.
9.1.2 Volume Measurement (Alternative). If direct weight measurements are not feasible, the tester may use volume meters or flow rate meters and density measurements to determine the weight of liquids used if it can be demonstrated that the technique produces results equivalent to the direct weight measurements. If a single representative mixture cannot be measured, measure the components separately.
9.2 Determination of VOC Content in Input Liquids
9.2.1 Assemble the liquid VOC content analysis system as shown in Figure 204A-1.
9.2.2 Permanently identify all of the critical orifices that may be used. Calibrate each critical orifice under the expected operating conditions (i.e., sample vacuum and temperature) against a volume meter as described in section 8.3.
9.2.3 Label and tare the sample vessels (including the stoppers and caps) and the syringes.
9.2.4 Install an empty sample vessel and perform a leak test of the system. Close the carrier gas valve and atmospheric vent and evacuate the sample vessel to 250 mm (10 in.) Hg absolute or less using the aspirator. Close the toggle valve at the inlet to the aspirator and observe the vacuum for at least 1 minute. If there is any change in the sample pressure, release the vacuum, adjust or repair the apparatus as necessary, and repeat the leak test.
9.2.5 Perform the analyzer calibration and linearity checks according to the procedure in section 5.1. Record the responses to each of the calibration gases and the back-pressure setting of the FIA.
9.2.6 Establish the appropriate dilution ratio by adjusting the aspirator air supply or substituting critical orifices. Operate the aspirator at a vacuum of at least 25 mm (1 in.) Hg greater than the vacuum necessary to achieve critical flow. Select the dilution ratio so that the maximum response of the FIA to the sample does not exceed the high-range calibration gas.
9.2.7 Perform system calibration checks at two levels by introducing compressed gases at the inlet to the sample vessel while the aspirator and dilution devices are operating. Perform these checks using the carrier gas (zero concentration) and the system calibration gas. If the response to the carrier gas exceeds 0.5 percent of span, clean or repair the apparatus and repeat the check. Adjust the dilution ratio as necessary to achieve the correct response to the upscale check, but do not adjust the analyzer calibration. Record the identification of the orifice, aspirator air supply pressure, FIA back-pressure, and the responses of the FIA to the carrier and system calibration gases.
9.2.8 After completing the above checks, inject the system calibration gas for approximately 10 minutes. Time the exact duration of the gas injection using a stopwatch. Determine the area under the FIA response curve and calculate the system response factor based on the sample gas flow rate, gas concentration, and the duration of the injection as compared to the integrated response using Equations 204A-2 and 204A-3.
9.2.9 Verify that the sample oven and sample line temperatures are 120 5 [deg]C and that the water bath temperature is 100 5 [deg]C.
9.2.10 Fill a tared syringe with approximately 1 g of the VOC containing liquid and weigh it. Transfer the liquid to a tared sample vessel. Plug the sample vessel to minimize sample loss. Weigh the sample vessel containing the liquid to determine the amount of sample actually received. Also, as a quality control check, weigh the empty syringe to determine the amount of material delivered. The two coating sample weights should agree within 0.02 g. If not, repeat the procedure until an acceptable sample is obtained.
9.2.11 Connect the vessel to the analysis system. Adjust the aspirator supply pressure to the correct value. Open the valve on the carrier gas supply to the sample vessel and adjust it to provide a slight excess flow to the atmospheric vent. As soon as the initial response of the FIA begins to decrease, immerse the sample vessel in the water bath. (Applying heat to the sample vessel too soon may cause the FIA response to exceed the calibrated range of the instrument and, thus, invalidate the analysis.)
9.2.12 Continuously measure and record the response of the FIA until all of the volatile material has been evaporated from the sample and the instrument response has returned to the baseline (i.e., response less than 0.5 percent of the span value). Observe the aspirator supply pressure, FIA back-pressure, atmospheric vent, and other system operating parameters during the run; repeat the analysis procedure if any of these parameters deviate from the values established during the system calibration checks in section 9.2.7. After each sample, perform the drift check described in section 8.2. If the drift check results are acceptable, calculate the VOC content of the sample using the equations in section 11.2. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 8.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. Integrate the area under the FIA response curve, or determine the average concentration response and the duration of sample analysis.
10. Data Analysis and Calculations
10.1 Nomenclature.AL=area under the response curve of the liquid sample, area
count.AS=area under the response curve of the calibration gas, area
count.CS=actual concentration of system calibration gas, ppm
propane.K=1.830 x 10-9 g/(ml-ppm).L=total VOC content of liquid input, kg.ML=mass of liquid sample delivered to the sample vessel, g.q=flow rate through critical orifice, ml/min.RF=liquid analysis system response factor, g/area count.[thetas]S=total gas injection time for system calibration gas
during integrator calibration, min.VFj=final VOC fraction of VOC containing liquid j.VIj=initial VOC fraction of VOC containing liquid j.VAj=VOC fraction of VOC containing liquid j added during the
run.V=VOC fraction of liquid sample.WFj=weight of VOC containing liquid j remaining at end of the
run, kg.WIj=weight of VOC containing liquid j at beginning of the
run, kg.WAj=weight of VOC containing liquid j added during the run,
10.2 Calculations
10.2.1 Total VOC Content of the Input VOC Containing Liquid.
10.2.2 Liquid Sample Analysis System Response Factor for Systems Using Integrators, Grams/Area Count.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.004
10.2.3 VOC Content of the Liquid Sample.
11. Method Performance
The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each VOC containing liquid as follows: W = 2.0 percent and V = 4.0 percent. Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for L is estimated at about 4.5 percent for each VOC containing liquid.
Method 204B--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream
1. Scope and Application
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic compounds (VOC) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used in the development of a gas/gas protocol for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain site-specific situations [e.g., when: (1) direct-fired heaters or other circumstances affect the quantity of VOC at the control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in the process and are present in the captured emissions].
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOC captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the VOC content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sample time ([Theta]C) from each captured emissions point.
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
A gas sample is extracted from the source though a heated sample line and, if necessary, a glass fiber filter to a flame ionization analyzer (FIA).
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Gas VOC Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 204B-1. The main components are as follows:
4.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOC condensation.
4.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of the sample probe to direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines, to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
4.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer. The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent, to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
4.1.6 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that they would provide equally accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
4.1.7 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device, or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
4.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
4.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream. An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if approved by the Administrator.
4.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect.
5.1.2 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.1.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown to the Administrator's satisfaction that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.2 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
6. Quality Control
6.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
6.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 7.1.
6.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 7.2.
6.1.3 The system check must be conducted as specified in section 7.3.
7. Calibration and Standardization
7.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero-and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low- and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
7.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and calibration gases at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift check measurement and the value obtained in section 7.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. Conduct the system drift checks at the end of each run.
7.3 System Check. Inject the high-range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in section 7.1 for the high-range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
8. Procedure
8.1. Determination of Volumetric Flow Rate of Captured Emissions.
8.1.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected facility. Using Method 1, determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
8.1.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run using Method 2 or 2A.
8.2 Determination of VOC Content of Captured Emissions.
8.2.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOC responses at each captured emissions point during the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple captured emission locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOC responses at all sampling locations.
8.2.2 Gas VOC Concentration. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204B-1. Calibrate the FIA according to the procedure in section 7.1. Conduct a system check according to the procedure in section 7.3. Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection. Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling position. Conduct a system check before, and a system drift check after, each sampling run according to the procedures in sections 7.2 and 7.3. If the drift check following a run indicates unacceptable performance (see section 7.3), the run is not valid. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. The tester may elect to perform system drift checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour. Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 5 [deg]C. Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run. Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test run. Collect at least four separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the concentration measurements.
8.2.3 Background Concentration.
Note: Not applicable when the building is used as the temporary total enclosure (TTE). Locate all natural draft openings (NDO's) of the TTE. A sampling point shall be at the center of each NDO, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator. If there are more than six NDO's, choose six sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204B-2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system check according to the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.3.
Note: This sample train shall be separate from the sample train used to measure the captured emissions. Position the probe at the sampling location. Determine the response time, conduct the system check, and sample according to the procedures described in sections through
8.2.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOC concentration. The system must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes. If the alternative procedure is used to determine the VOC concentration of the captured emissions, it must also be used to determine the VOC concentration of the uncaptured emissions.
9. Data Analysis and Calculations
9.1 Nomenclature. Ai=area of NDO i, ft\2\.AN=total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft\2\.CBi=corrected average VOC concentration of background
emissions at point i, ppm propane.CB=average background concentration, ppm propane.CGj=corrected average VOC concentration of captured emissions
at point j, ppm propane.CDH=average measured concentration for the drift check
calibration gas, ppm propane.CDO=average system drift check concentration for zero
concentration gas, ppm propane.CH=actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas,
ppm propane.Ci=uncorrected average background VOC concentration measured
at point i, ppm propane.Cj=uncorrected average VOC concentration measured at point j,
ppm propane.G=total VOC content of captured emissions, kg.K1=1.830x10-6 kg/(m\3\-ppm).n=number of measurement points.QGj=average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to
standard conditions at captured emissions point j, m\3\/min.[Theta]C=total duration of captured emissions.
9.2 Calculations.
9.2.1 Total VOC Captured Emissions.
9.2.2 VOC Concentration of the Captured Emissions at Point j.
9.2.3 Background VOC Concentration at Point i. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.008
9.2.4 Average Background Concentration.
Note: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all points, then use the arithmetic average.
10. Method Performance
The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each captured or uncaptured emissions point as follows: QGj=5.5 percent and CGj=5.0 percent. Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about 7.4 percent.
Method 204C--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream
(Dilution Technique)
1. Scope and Application
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the volatile organic compounds (VOC) content of captured gas streams. It is intended to be used in the development of a gas/gas protocol in which uncaptured emissions are also measured for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations. A dilution system is used to reduce the VOC concentration of the captured emissions to about the same concentration as the uncaptured emissions. The procedure may not be acceptable in certain site-specific situations [e.g., when: (1) direct-fired heaters or other circumstances affect the quantity of VOC at the control device inlet; and (2) particulate organic aerosols are formed in the process and are present in the captured emissions].
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOC captured (G) is calculated as the sum of the products of the VOC content (CGj), the flow rate (QGj), and the sampling time ([Theta]C) from each captured emissions point.
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
A gas sample is extracted from the source using an in-stack dilution probe through a heated sample line and, if necessary, a glass fiber filter to a flame ionization analyzer (FIA). The sample train contains a sample gas manifold which allows multiple points to be sampled using a single FIA.
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Gas VOC Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 204C-1. The main components are as follows:
4.1.1 Dilution System. A Kipp in-stack dilution probe and controller or similar device may be used. The dilution rate may be changed by substituting different critical orifices or adjustments of the aspirator supply pressure. The dilution system shall be heated to prevent VOC condensation. Note: An out-of-stack dilution device may be used.
4.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of the sample probe to direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines, to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
4.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer. The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent, to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
4.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the FIA, and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If captured or uncaptured emissions are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be heated to prevent condensation.
Note: Depending on the number of sampling points and their location, it may not be possible to use only one FIA. However to reduce the effect of calibration error, the number of FIA's used during a test should be keep as small as possible.
4.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that they would provide equally accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
4.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2 Captured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
4.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
4.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream. An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if approved by the Administrator.
4.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect
5.1.2 Carrier Gas and Dilution Air Supply. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or carbon equivalent), or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.1.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown to the Administrator's satisfaction that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.1.4 Dilution Check Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximately half the span value after dilution.
5.2 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
6. Quality Control
6.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
6.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 7.1.
6.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 7.2.
6.1.3 The dilution factor must be determined as specified in section 7.3.
6.1.4 The system check must be conducted as specified in section 7.4.
7. Calibration and Standardization
7.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system after the dilution system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero-and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low-and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
7.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the concentration of the diluted captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and calibration gases at the calibration valve assembly, and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift check measurement and the value obtained in section 7.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. Conduct the system drift check at the end of each run.
7.3 Determination of Dilution Factor. Inject the dilution check gas into the measurement system before the dilution system and record the response. Calculate the dilution factor using Equation 204C-3.
7.4 System Check. Inject the high-range calibration gas at the inlet to the sampling probe while the dilution air is turned off. Record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in section 7.1 for the high-range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before and after each test run.
8. Procedure
8.1 Determination of Volumetric Flow Rate of Captured Emissions
8.1.1 Locate all points where emissions are captured from the affected facility. Using Method 1, determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
8.2.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run using Method 2 or 2A.
8.2 Determination of VOC Content of Captured Emissions
8.2.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOC responses at each captured emissions point during the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple captured emissions locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOC responses at all sampling locations.
8.2.2 Gas VOC Concentration. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204C-1. Calibrate the FIA according to the procedure in section 7.1. Set the dilution ratio and determine the dilution factor according to the procedure in section 7.3. Conduct a system check according to the procedure in section 7.4. Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection. Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling position. Conduct a system check before, and a system drift check after, each sampling run according to the procedures in sections 7.2 and 7.4. If the drift check following a run indicates unacceptable performance (see section 7.4), the run is not valid. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. The tester may elect to perform system drift checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour. Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 5 [deg]C. Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run. Record the starting and ending times and any required process information as appropriate. If multiple captured emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same amount of time (e.g., 2 min.) and continue to switch from one location to another for the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test run. Collect at least four separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of testing. Disregard the measurements at each sampling location until two times the response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the concentration measurements.
8.2.3 Background Concentration.
Note: Not applicable when the building is used as the temporary total enclosure (TTE). Locate all natural draft openings (NDO's) of the TTE. A sampling point shall be at the center of each NDO, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. If there are more than six NDO's, choose six sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204C-2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system check according to the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.4. Position the probe at the sampling location. Determine the response time, conduct the system check, and sample according to the procedures described in sections through
8.2.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOC concentration. The system must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes. If the alternative procedure is used to determine the VOC concentration of the captured emissions, it must also be used to determine the VOC concentration of the uncaptured emissions.
9. Data Analysis and Calculations
9.1 Nomenclature. Ai=area of NDO i, ft\2\. AN=total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft\2\.CA=actual concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm
propane.CBi=corrected average VOC concentration of background
emissions at point i, ppm propane.CB=average background concentration, ppm propane.CDH=average measured concentration for the drift check
calibration gas, ppm propane.CD0=average system drift check concentration for zero
concentration gas, ppm propane.CH=actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas,
ppm propane.Ci=uncorrected average background VOC concentration measured
at point i, ppm propane.Cj=uncorrected average VOC concentration measured at point j,
ppm propane.CM=measured concentration of the dilution check gas, ppm
propane.DF=dilution factor.G=total VOC content of captured emissions, kg.K1=1.830x10-6 kg/(m\3\-ppm).n=number of measurement points.QGj=average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to
standard conditions at captured emissions point j, m\3\/min.[Theta]C=total duration of CE sampling run, min.
9.2 Calculations.
9.2.1 Total VOC Captured Emissions.
9.2.2 VOC Concentration of the Captured Emissions at Point j.
9.2.3 Dilution Factor.
9.2.4 Background VOC Concentration at Point i.
9.2.5 Average Background Concentration.
Note: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all points, then use the arithmetic average.
10. Method Performance
The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each captured or uncaptured emissions point as follows: QGj=5.5 percent and CGj= 5 percent. Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for G is estimated at about 7.4 percent.
Method 204D--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Uncaptured Stream
From Temporary Total Enclosure
1. Scope and Application
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the uncaptured volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from a temporary total enclosure (TTE). It is intended to be used as a segment in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The amount of uncaptured VOC emissions (F) from the TTE is calculated as the sum of the products of the VOC content (CFj), the flow rate (QFj) from each uncaptured emissions point, and the sampling time ([Theta]F).
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
A gas sample is extracted from the uncaptured exhaust duct of a TTE through a heated sample line and, if necessary, a glass fiber filter to a flame ionization analyzer (FIA).
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Gas VOC Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 204D-1. The main components are as follows:
4.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOC condensation.
4.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of the sample probe to direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines, to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
4.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer. The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent, to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow control valve and rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
4.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the FIA, and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location and a common sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold and connecting lines to the FIA must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that they would provide more accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
4.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2 Uncaptured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
4.2.1 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate.
4.2.2 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream. An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if approved by the Administrator.
4.2.3 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
4.3 Temporary Total Enclosure. The criteria for designing an acceptable TTE are specified in Method 204.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect.
5.1.2 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.1.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown to the Administrator's satisfaction that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.2 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
6. Quality Control
6.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
6.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 7.1.
6.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 7.2.
6.1.3 The system check must be conducted as specified in section 7.3.
7. Calibration and Standardization
7.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero-and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low-and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
7.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas concentration that most closely approximates that of the uncaptured gas emissions concentration to conduct the drift checks. Introduce the zero and calibration gases at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift check measurement and the value obtained in section 7.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
7.3 System Check. Inject the high-range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in section 7.1 for the high-range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
8. Procedure
8.1 Determination of Volumetric Flow Rate of Uncaptured Emissions
8.1.1 Locate all points where uncaptured emissions are exhausted from the TTE. Using Method 1, determine the sampling points. Be sure to check each site for cyclonic or swirling flow.
8.1.2 Measure the velocity at each sampling site at least once every hour during each sampling run using Method 2 or 2A.
8.2 Determination of VOC Content of Uncaptured Emissions.
8.2.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOC responses at each uncaptured emission point during the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emission locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOC responses at all sampling locations.
8.2.2 Gas VOC Concentration. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204D-1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system check according to the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.3, respectively. Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection. Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling position. Conduct a system check before, and a system drift check after, each sampling run according to the procedures in sections 7.2 and 7.3. If the drift check following a run indicates unacceptable performance (see section 7.3), the run is not valid. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. The tester may elect to perform system drift checks during the run not to exceed one drift check per hour. Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 5 [deg]C. Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run. Record the starting and ending times and any required process information, as appropriate. If multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same amount of time (e.g., 2 min.) and continue to switch from one location to another for the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test run. Collect at least four separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until 2 times the response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute and record the concentration measurements.
8.2.3 Background Concentration. Locate all natural draft openings (NDO's) of the TTE. A sampling point shall be at the center of each NDO, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. If there are more than six NDO's, choose six sampling points evenly spaced among the NDO's. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204D-2. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system check according to the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.3. Position the probe at the sampling location. Determine the response time, conduct the system check, and sample according to the procedures described in sections through
8.2.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOC concentration. The system must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes. If the alternative procedure is used to determine the VOC concentration of the uncaptured emissions in a gas/gas protocol, it must also be used to determine the VOC concentration of the captured emissions. If a tester wishes to conduct a liquid/gas protocol using a gas chromatograph, the tester must use Method 204F for the liquid steam. A gas chromatograph is not an acceptable alternative to the FIA in Method 204A.
9. Data Analysis and Calculations
9.1 Nomenclature.Ai=area of NDO i, ft\2\.AN=total area of all NDO's in the enclosure, ft\2\.CBi=corrected average VOC concentration of background
emissions at point i, ppm propane.CB=average background concentration, ppm propane.CDH=average measured concentration for the drift check
calibration gas, ppm propane.CD0=average system drift check concentration for zero
concentration gas, ppm propane.CFj=corrected average VOC concentration of uncaptured
emissions at point j, ppm propane.CH=actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas,
ppm propane.Ci=uncorrected average background VOC concentration at point
i, ppm propane.Cj=uncorrected average VOC concentration measured at point j,
ppm propane.F=total VOC content of uncaptured emissions, kg.K1=1.830x10-6 kg/(m\3\-ppm).n=number of measurement points.QFj=average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to
standard conditions at uncaptured emissions point j, m\3\/min.[Theta]F=total duration of uncaptured emissions sampling run,
9.2 Calculations.
9.2.1 Total Uncaptured VOC Emissions.
9.2.2 VOC Concentration of the Uncaptured Emissions at Point j.
9.2.3 Background VOC Concentration at Point i. [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.017
9.2.4 Average Background Concentration.
Note: If the concentration at each point is within 20 percent of the average concentration of all points, use the arithmetic average.
10. Method Performance
The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each uncaptured emission point as follows: QFj=5.5 percent and CFj=5.0 percent. Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for F is estimated at about 7.4 percent.
Method 204E--Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Uncaptured Stream
From Building Enclosure
1. Scope and Application
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the uncaptured volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from a building enclosure (BE). It is intended to be used in the development of liquid/gas or gas/gas protocols for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The total amount of uncaptured VOC emissions (FB) from the BE is calculated as the sum of the products of the VOC content (CFj) of each uncaptured emissions point, the flow rate (QFj) at each uncaptured emissions point, and time ([Theta]F).
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
A gas sample is extracted from the uncaptured exhaust duct of a BE through a heated sample line and, if necessary, a glass fiber filter to a flame ionization analyzer (FIA).
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Gas VOC Concentration. A schematic of the measurement system is shown in Figure 204E-1. The main components are as follows:
4.1.1 Sample Probe. Stainless steel or equivalent. The probe shall be heated to prevent VOC condensation.
4.1.2 Calibration Valve Assembly. Three-way valve assembly at the outlet of the sample probe to direct the zero and calibration gases to the analyzer. Other methods, such as quick-connect lines, to route calibration gases to the outlet of the sample probe are acceptable.
4.1.3 Sample Line. Stainless steel or Teflon tubing to transport the sample gas to the analyzer. The sample line must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.4 Sample Pump. A leak-free pump, to pull the sample gas through the system at a flow rate sufficient to minimize the response time of the measurement system. The components of the pump that contact the gas stream shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. The sample pump must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.5 Sample Flow Rate Control. A sample flow rate control valve and rotameter, or equivalent, to maintain a constant sampling rate within 10 percent. The flow rate control valve and rotameter must be heated to prevent condensation. A control valve may also be located on the sample pump bypass loop to assist in controlling the sample pressure and flow rate.
4.1.6 Sample Gas Manifold. Capable of diverting a portion of the sample gas stream to the FIA, and the remainder to the bypass discharge vent. The manifold components shall be constructed of stainless steel or Teflon. If emissions are to be measured at multiple locations, the measurement system shall be designed to use separate sampling probes, lines, and pumps for each measurement location, and a common sample gas manifold and FIA. The sample gas manifold must be heated to prevent condensation.
4.1.7 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that they would provide equally accurate measurements. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 5.0 percent of the calibration gas value. Response Time. Less than 30 seconds.
4.1.8 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated values is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2 Uncaptured Emissions Volumetric Flow Rate.
4.2.1 Flow Direction Indicators. Any means of indicating inward or outward flow, such as light plastic film or paper streamers, smoke tubes, filaments, and sensory perception.
4.2.2 Method 2 or 2A Apparatus. For determining volumetric flow rate. Anemometers or similar devices calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions may be used when low velocities are present. Vane anemometers (Young-maximum response propeller), specialized pitots with electronic manometers (e.g., Shortridge Instruments Inc., Airdata Multimeter 860) are commercially available with measurement thresholds of 15 and 8 mpm (50 and 25 fpm), respectively.
4.2.3 Method 3 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining molecular weight of the gas stream. An estimate of the molecular weight of the gas stream may be used if approved by the Administrator.
4.2.4 Method 4 Apparatus and Reagents. For determining moisture content, if necessary.
4.3 Building Enclosure. The criteria for an acceptable BE are specified in Method 204.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.1.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect.
5.1.2 Carrier Gas. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.1.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentrations of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown to the Administrator's satisfaction that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.2 Particulate Filter. An in-stack or an out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommended if exhaust gas particulate loading is significant. An out-of-stack filter must be heated to prevent any condensation unless it can be demonstrated that no condensation occurs.
6. Quality Control
6.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
6.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 7.1.
6.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 7.2.
6.1.3 The system check must be conducted as specified in section 7.3.
7. Calibration and Standardization
7.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero-and the high-range calibration gases, and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low-and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system.
7.2 Systems Drift Checks. Select the calibration gas that most closely approximates the concentration of the captured emissions for conducting the drift checks. Introduce the zero and calibration gases at the calibration valve assembly and verify that the appropriate gas flow rate and pressure are present at the FIA. Record the measurement system responses to the zero and calibration gases. The performance of the system is acceptable if the difference between the drift check measurement and the value obtained in section 7.1 is less than 3 percent of the span value. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. Conduct a system drift check at the end of each run.
7.3 System Check. Inject the high-range calibration gas at the inlet of the sampling probe and record the response. The performance of the system is acceptable if the measurement system response is within 5 percent of the value obtained in section 7.1 for the high-range calibration gas. Conduct a system check before each test run.
8. Procedure
8.1 Preliminary Determinations. The following points are considered exhaust points and should be measured for volumetric flow rates and VOC concentrations:
8.1.1 Forced Draft Openings. Any opening in the facility with an exhaust fan. Determine the volumetric flow rate according to Method 2.
8.1.2 Roof Openings. Any openings in the roof of a facility which does not contain fans are considered to be exhaust points. Determine volumetric flow rate from these openings. Use the appropriate velocity measurement devices (e.g., propeller anemometers).
8.2 Determination of Flow Rates.
8.2.1 Measure the volumetric flow rate at all locations identified as exhaust points in section 8.1. Divide each exhaust opening into nine equal areas for rectangular openings and into eight equal areas for circular openings.
8.2.2 Measure the velocity at each site at least once every hour during each sampling run using Method 2 or 2A, if applicable, or using the low velocity instruments in section 4.2.2.
8.3 Determination of VOC Content of Uncaptured Emissions.
8.3.1 Analysis Duration. Measure the VOC responses at each uncaptured emissions point during the entire test run or, if applicable, while the process is operating. If there are multiple emissions locations, design a sampling system to allow a single FIA to be used to determine the VOC responses at all sampling locations.
8.3.2 Gas VOC Concentration. Assemble the sample train as shown in Figure 204E-1. Calibrate the FIA and conduct a system check according to the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.3, respectively. Install the sample probe so that the probe is centrally located in the stack, pipe, or duct, and is sealed tightly at the stack port connection. Inject zero gas at the calibration valve assembly. Allow the measurement system response to reach zero. Measure the system response time as the time required for the system to reach the effluent concentration after the calibration valve has been returned to the effluent sampling position. Conduct a system check before, and a system drift check after, each sampling run according to the procedures in sections 7.2 and 7.3. If the drift check following a run indicates unacceptable performance (see section 7.3), the run is not valid. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run. The tester may elect to perform drift checks during the run, not to exceed one drift check per hour. Verify that the sample lines, filter, and pump temperatures are 120 5 [deg]C. Begin sampling at the start of the test period and continue to sample during the entire run. Record the starting and ending times, and any required process information, as appropriate. If multiple emission locations are sampled using a single FIA, sample at each location for the same amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) and continue to switch from one location to another for the entire test run. Be sure that total sampling time at each location is the same at the end of the test run. Collect at least four separate measurements from each sample point during each hour of testing. Disregard the response measurements at each sampling location until 2 times the response time of the measurement system has elapsed. Continue sampling for at least 1 minute, and record the concentration measurements.
8.4 Alternative Procedure. The direct interface sampling and analysis procedure described in section 7.2 of Method 18 may be used to determine the gas VOC concentration. The system must be designed to collect and analyze at least one sample every 10 minutes. If the alternative procedure is used to determine the VOC concentration of the uncaptured emissions in a gas/gas protocol, it must also be used to determine the VOC concentration of the captured emissions. If a tester wishes to conduct a liquid/gas protocol using a gas chromatograph, the tester must use Method 204F for the liquid steam. A gas chromatograph is not an acceptable alternative to the FIA in Method 204A.
9. Data Analysis and Calculations
9.1 Nomenclature.CDH=average measured concentration for the drift check
calibration gas, ppm propane.CD0=average system drift check concentration for zero
concentration gas, ppm propane.CFj=corrected average VOC concentration of uncaptured
emissions at point j, ppm propane.CH=actual concentration of the drift check calibration gas,
ppm propane.Cj=uncorrected average VOC concentration measured at point j,
ppm propane.FB=total VOC content of uncaptured emissions from the
building, kg.K1=1.830 x 10-6 kg/(m\3\-ppm).n=number of measurement points.QFj=average effluent volumetric flow rate corrected to
standard conditions at uncaptured emissions point j, m\3\/min.[Theta]F=total duration of CE sampling run, min.
9.2 Calculations
9.2.1 Total VOC Uncaptured Emissions from the Building.
9.2.2 VOC Concentration of the Uncaptured Emissions at Point j.
10. Method Performance
The measurement uncertainties are estimated for each uncaptured emissions point as follows: QFj=10.0 percent and CFj=5.0 percent. Based on these numbers, the probable uncertainty for FB is estimated at about 11.2 percent.
11. Diagrams [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR16JN97.033
Method 204F--Volatile Organic Compounds Content in Liquid Input Stream
(Distillation Approach)
1. Introduction
1.1 Applicability. This procedure is applicable for determining the input of volatile organic compounds (VOC). It is intended to be used as a segment in the development of liquid/gas protocols for determining VOC capture efficiency (CE) for surface coating and printing operations.
1.2 Principle. The amount of VOC introduced to the process (L) is the sum of the products of the weight (W) of each VOC containing liquid (ink, paint, solvent, etc.) used, and its VOC content (V), corrected for a response factor (RF).
1.3 Sampling Requirements. A CE test shall consist of at least three sampling runs. Each run shall cover at least one complete production cycle, but shall be at least 3 hours long. The sampling time for each run need not exceed 8 hours, even if the production cycle has not been completed. Alternative sampling times may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
2. Summary of Method
A sample of each coating used is distilled to separate the VOC fraction. The distillate is used to prepare a known standard for analysis by a flame ionization analyzer (FIA), calibrated against propane, to determine its RF.
3. Safety
Because this procedure is often applied in highly explosive areas, caution and care should be exercised in choosing, installing, and using the appropriate equipment.
4. Equipment and Supplies
Mention of trade names or company products does not constitute endorsement. All gas concentrations (percent, ppm) are by volume, unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Liquid Weight.
4.1.1 Balances/Digital Scales. To weigh drums of VOC containing liquids to within 0.2 lb or 1.0 percent of the total weight of VOC liquid used.
4.1.2 Volume Measurement Apparatus (Alternative). Volume meters, flow meters, density measurement equipment, etc., as needed to achieve the same accuracy as direct weight measurements.
4.2 Response Factor Determination (FIA Technique). The VOC distillation system and Tedlar gas bag generation system apparatuses are shown in Figures 204F-1 and 204F-2, respectively. The following equipment is required:
4.2.1 Sample Collection Can. An appropriately-sized metal can to be used to collect VOC containing materials. The can must be constructed in such a way that it can be grounded to the coating container.
4.2.2 Needle Valves. To control gas flow.
4.2.3 Regulators. For calibration, dilution, and sweep gas cylinders.
4.2.4 Tubing and Fittings. Teflon and stainless steel tubing and fittings with diameters, lengths, and sizes determined by the connection requirements of the equipment.
4.2.5 Thermometer. Capable of measuring the temperature of the hot water and oil baths to within 1 [deg]C.
4.2.6 Analytical Balance. To measure 0.01 mg.
4.2.7 Microliter Syringe. 10-[micro]l size.
4.2.8 Vacuum Gauge or Manometer. 0- to 760-mm (0- to 30-in.) Hg U-Tube manometer or vacuum gauge.
4.2.9 Hot Oil Bath, With Stirring Hot Plate. Capable of heating and maintaining a distillation vessel at 110 3 [deg]C.
4.2.10 Ice Water Bath. To cool the distillation flask.
4.2.11 Vacuum/Water Aspirator. A device capable of drawing a vacuum to within 20 mm Hg from absolute.
4.2.12 Rotary Evaporator System. Complete with folded inner coil, vertical style condenser, rotary speed control, and Teflon sweep gas delivery tube with valved inlet. Buchi Rotavapor or equivalent.
4.2.13 Ethylene Glycol Cooling/Circulating Bath. Capable of maintaining the condenser coil fluid at -10 [deg]C.
4.2.14 Dry Gas Meter (DGM). Capable of measuring the dilution gas volume within 2 percent, calibrated with a spirometer or bubble meter, and equipped with a temperature gauge capable of measuring temperature within 3 [deg]C.
4.2.15 Activated Charcoal/Mole Sieve Trap. To remove any trace level of organics picked up from the DGM.
4.2.16 Gas Coil Heater. Sufficient length of 0.125-inch stainless steel tubing to allow heating of the dilution gas to near the water bath temperature before entering the volatilization vessel.
4.2.17 Water Bath, With Stirring Hot Plate. Capable of heating and maintaining a volatilization vessel and coil heater at a temperature of 100 5 [deg]C.
4.2.18 Volatilization Vessel. 50-ml midget impinger fitted with a septum top and loosely filled with glass wool to increase the volatilization surface.
4.2.19 Tedlar Gas Bag. Capable of holding 30 liters of gas, flushed clean with zero air, leak tested, and evacuated.
4.2.20 Organic Concentration Analyzer. An FIA with a span value of 1.5 times the expected concentration as propane; however, other span values may be used if it can be demonstrated that they would provide equally accurate measurements. The FIA instrument should be the same instrument used in the gaseous analyses adjusted with the same fuel, combustion air, and sample back-pressure (flow rate) settings. The system shall be capable of meeting or exceeding the following specifications: Zero Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Drift. Less than 3.0 percent of the span value. Calibration Error. Less than 3.0 percent of the calibration gas value.
4.2.21 Integrator/Data Acquisition System. An analog or digital device or computerized data acquisition system used to integrate the FIA response or compute the average response and record measurement data. The minimum data sampling frequency for computing average or integrated value is one measurement value every 5 seconds. The device shall be capable of recording average values at least once per minute.
4.2.22 Chart Recorder (Optional). A chart recorder or similar device is recommended to provide a continuous analog display of the measurement results during the liquid sample analysis.
5. Reagents and Standards
5.1 Zero Air. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater. Used to supply dilution air for making the Tedlar bag gas samples.
5.2 THC Free N2. High purity N2 with less than 1 ppm THC. Used as sweep gas in the rotary evaporator system.
5.3 Calibration and Other Gases. Gases used for calibration, fuel, and combustion air (if required) are contained in compressed gas cylinders. All calibration gases shall be traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology standards and shall be certified by the manufacturer to 1 percent of the tag value. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder should provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available, dilution systems calibrated using Method 205 may be used. Alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures may be used with the approval of the Administrator.
5.3.1 Fuel. The FIA manufacturer's recommended fuel should be used. A 40 percent H2/60 percent He, or 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 mixture is recommended to avoid fuels with oxygen to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value. Other mixtures may be used provided the tester can demonstrate to the Administrator that there is no oxygen synergism effect.
5.3.2 Combustion Air. High purity air with less than 1 ppm of organic material (as propane) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
5.3.3 FIA Linearity Calibration Gases. Low-, mid-, and high-range gas mixture standards with nominal propane concentration of 20-30, 45-55, and 70-80 percent of the span value in air, respectively. Other calibration values and other span values may be used if it can be shown that equally accurate measurements would be achieved.
5.3.4 System Calibration Gas. Gas mixture standard containing propane in air, approximating the VOC concentration expected for the Tedlar gas bag samples.
6. Quality Control
6.1 Required instrument quality control parameters are found in the following sections:
6.1.1 The FIA system must be calibrated as specified in section 7.1.
6.1.2 The system drift check must be performed as specified in section 7.2.
6.2 Precision Control. A minimum of one sample in each batch must be distilled and analyzed in duplicate as a precision control. If the results of the two analyses differ by more than 10 percent of the mean, then the system must be reevaluated and the entire batch must be redistilled and analyzed.
7. Calibration and Standardization
7.1 FIA Calibration and Linearity Check. Make necessary adjustments to the air and fuel supplies for the FIA and ignite the burner. Allow the FIA to warm up for the period recommended by the manufacturer. Inject a calibration gas into the measurement system and adjust the back-pressure regulator to the value required to achieve the flow rates specified by the manufacturer. Inject the zero-and the high-range calibration gases and adjust the analyzer calibration to provide the proper responses. Inject the low-and mid-range gases and record the responses of the measurement system. The calibration and linearity of the system are acceptable if the responses for all four gases are within 5 percent of the respective gas values. If the performance of the system is not acceptable, repair or adjust the system and repeat the linearity check. Conduct a calibration and linearity check after assembling the analysis system and after a major change is made to the system. A calibration curve consisting of zero gas and two calibration levels must be performed at the beginning and end of each batch of samples.
7.2 Systems Drift Checks. After each sample, repeat the system calibration checks in section 7.1 before any adjustments to the FIA or measurement system are made. If the zero or calibration drift exceeds 3 percent of the span value, discard the result and repeat the analysis. Alternatively, recalibrate the FIA as in section 7.1 and report the results using both sets of calibration data (i.e., data determined prior to the test period and data determined following the test period). The data that results in the lowest CE value shall be reported as the results for the test run.
8. Procedures
8.1 Determination of Liquid Input Weight
8.1.1 Weight Difference. Determine the amount of material introduced to the process as the weight difference of the feed material before and after each sampling run. In determining the total VOC containing liquid usage, account for: (a) The initial (beginning) VOC containing liquid mixture; (b) any solvent added during the test run; (c) any coating added during the test run; and (d) any residual VOC containing liquid mixture remaining at the end of the sample run. Identify all points where VOC containing liquids are introduced to the process. To obtain an accurate measurement of VOC containing liquids, start with an empty fountain (if applicable). After completing the run, drain the liquid in the fountain back into the liquid drum (if possible), and weigh the drum again. Weigh the VOC containing liquids to 0.5 percent of the total weight (full) or 1.0 percent of the total weight of VOC containing liquid used during the sample run, whichever is less. If the residual liquid cannot be returned to the drum, drain the fountain into a preweighed empty drum to determine the final weight of the liquid. If it is not possible to measure a single representative mixture, then weigh the various components separately (e.g., if solvent is added during the sampling run, weigh the solvent before it is added to the mixture). If a fresh drum of VOC containing liquid is needed during the run, then weigh both the empty drum and fresh drum.
8.1.2 Volume Measurement (Alternative). If direct weight measurements are not feasible, the tester may use volume meters and flow rate meters (and density measurements) to determine the weight of liquids used if it can be demonstrated that the technique produces results equivalent to the direct weight measurements. If a single representative mixture cannot be measured, measure the components separately.
8.2 Determination of VOC Content in Input Liquids
8.2.1 Collection of Liquid Samples. Collect a 1-pint or larger sample of the VOC containing liquid mixture at each application location at the beginning and end of each test run. A separate sample should be taken of each VOC containing liquid added to the application mixture during the test run. If a fresh drum is needed during the sampling run, then obtain a sample from the fresh drum. When collecting the sample, ground the sample container to the coating drum. Fill the sample container as close to the rim as possible to minimize the amount of headspace. After the sample is collected, seal the container so the sample cannot leak out or evaporate. Label the container to identify clearly the contents.
8.2.2 Distillation of VOC. Assemble the rotary evaporator as shown in Figure 204F-1. Leak check the rotary evaporation system by aspirating a vacuum of approximately 20 mm Hg from absolute. Close up the system and monitor the vacuum for approximately 1 minute. If the vacuum falls more than 25 mm Hg in 1 minute, repair leaks and repeat. Turn off the aspirator and vent vacuum. Deposit approximately 20 ml of sample (inks, paints, etc.) into the rotary evaporation distillation flask. Install the distillation flask on the rotary evaporator. Immerse the distillate collection flask into the ice water bath. Start rotating the distillation flask at a speed of approximately 30 rpm. Begin heating the vessel at a rate of 2 to 3 [deg]C per minute. After the hot oil bath has reached a temperature of 50 [deg]C or pressure is evident on the mercury manometer, turn on the aspirator and gradually apply a vacuum to the evaporator to within 20 mm Hg of absolute. Care should be taken to prevent material burping from the distillation flask. Continue heating until a temperature of 110 [deg]C is achieved and maintain this temperature for at least 2 minutes, or until the sample has dried in the distillation flask. Slowly introduce the N2 sweep gas through the purge tube and into the distillation flask, taking care to maintain a vacuum of approximately 400-mm Hg from absolute. Continue sweeping the remaining solvent VOC from the distillation flask and condenser assembly for 2 minutes, or until all traces of condensed solvent are gone from the vessel. Some distillate may remain in the still head. This will not affect solvent recovery ratios. Release the vacuum, disassemble the apparatus and transfer the distillate to a labeled, sealed vial.
8.2.3 Preparation of VOC standard bag sample. Assemble the bag sample generation system as shown in Figure 204F-2 and bring the water bath up to near boiling temperature. Inflate the Tedlar bag and perform a leak check on the bag. Evacuate the bag and close the bag inlet valve. Record the current barometric pressure. Record the starting reading on the dry gas meter, open the bag inlet valve, and start the dilution zero air flowing into the Tedlar bag at approximately 2 liters per minute. The bag sample VOC concentration should be similar to the gaseous VOC concentration measured in the gas streams. The amount of liquid VOC required can be approximated using equations in section 9.2. Using Equation 204F-4, calculate CVOC by assuming RF is 1.0 and selecting the desired gas concentration in terms of propane, CC3. Assuming BV is 20 liters, ML, the approximate amount of liquid to be used to prepare the bag gas sample, can be calculated using Equation 204F-2. Quickly withdraw an aliquot of the approximate amount calculated in section from the distillate vial with the microliter syringe and record its weight from the analytical balance to the nearest 0.01 mg. Inject the contents of the syringe through the septum of the volatilization vessel into the glass wool inside the vessel. Reweigh and record the tare weight of the now empty syringe. Record the pressure and temperature of the dilution gas as it is passed through the dry gas meter. After approximately 20 liters of dilution gas have passed into the Tedlar bag, close the valve to the dilution air source and record the exact final reading on the dry gas meter. The gas bag is then analyzed by FIA within 1 hour of bag preparation in accordance with the procedure in section 8.2.4.
8.2.4 Determination of VOC response factor. Start up the FIA instrument using the same settings as used for the gaseous VOC measurements. Perform the FIA analyzer calibration and linearity checks according to the procedure in section 7.1. Record the responses to each of the calibration gases and the back-pressure setting of the FIA. Connect the Tedlar bag sample to the FIA sample inlet and record the bag concentration in terms of propane. Continue the analyses until a steady reading is obtained for at least 30 seconds. Record the final reading and calculate the RF.
8.2.5 Determination of coating VOC content as VOC (VIJ). Determine the VOC content of the coatings used in the process using EPA Method 24 or 24A as applicable.
9. Data Analysis and Calculations
9.1. Nomenclature.BV=Volume of bag sample volume, liters.CC3=Concentration of bag sample as propane, mg/liter.CVOC=Concentration of bag sample as VOC, mg/liter.K=0.00183 mg propane/(liter-ppm propane)L=Total VOC content of liquid input, kg propane.ML=Mass of VOC liquid injected into the bag, mg.MV=Volume of gas measured by DGM, liters.PM=Absolute DGM gas pressure, mm Hg.PSTD=Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg.RC3=FIA reading for bag gas sample, ppm propane.RF=Response factor for VOC in liquid, weight VOC/weight propane.RFJ=Response factor for VOC in liquid J, weight VOC/weight
propane.TM=DGM temperature, [deg]K.TSTD=Standard absolute temperature, 293 [deg]K.VIJ=Initial VOC weight fraction of VOC liquid J.VFJ=Final VOC weight fraction of VOC liquid J.VAJ=VOC weight fraction of VOC liquid J added during the run.WIJ=Weight of VOC containing liquid J at beginning of run,
kg.WFJ=Weight of VOC containing liquid J at end of run, kg.WAJ=Weight of VOC containing liquid J added during the run,
9.2 Calculations.
9.2.1 Bag sample volume.
9.2.2 Bag sample VOC concentration.
9.2.3 Bag sample VOC concentration as propane.
9.2.4 Response Factor.
9.2.5 Total VOC Content of the Input VOC Containing Liquid.
Method 205--Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field Instrument
1. Introduction
1.1 Applicability. A gas dilution system can provide known values of calibration gases through controlled dilution of high-level calibration gases with an appropriate dilution gas. The instrumental test methods in 40 CFR part 60--e.g., Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, 10, 15, 16, 20, 25A and 25B--require on-site, multi-point calibration using gases of known concentrations. A gas dilution system that produces known low-level calibration gases from high-level calibration gases, with a degree of confidence similar to that for Protocol \1\ gases, may be used for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is demonstrated to meet the requirements of this method. The Administrator may also use a gas dilution system in order to produce a wide range of Cylinder Gas Audit concentrations when conducting performance specifications according to appendix F, 40 CFR part 60. As long as the acceptance criteria of this method are met, this method is applicable to gas dilution systems using any type of dilution technology, not solely the ones mentioned in this method.
1.2 Principle. The gas dilution system shall be evaluated on one analyzer once during each field test. A precalibrated analyzer is chosen, at the discretion of the source owner or operator, to demonstrate that the gas dilution system produces predictable gas concentrations spanning a range of concentrations. After meeting the requirements of this method, the remaining analyzers may be calibrated with the dilution system in accordance to the requirements of the applicable method for the duration of the field test. In Methods 15 and 16, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, reactive compounds may be lost in the gas dilution system. Also, in Methods 25A and 25B, 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, calibration with target compounds other than propane is allowed. In these cases, a laboratory evaluation is required once per year in order to assure the Administrator that the system will dilute these reactive gases without significant loss.
Note: The laboratory evaluation is required only if the source owner or operator plans to utilize the dilution system to prepare gases mentioned above as being reactive.
2. Specifications
2.1 Gas Dilution System. The gas dilution system shall produce calibration gases whose measured values are within 2 percent of the predicted values. The predicted values are calculated based on the certified concentration of the supply gas (Protocol gases, when available, are recommended for their accuracy) and the gas flow rates (or dilution ratios) through the gas dilution system.
2.1.1 The gas dilution system shall be recalibrated once per calendar year using NIST-traceable primary flow standards with an uncertainty <=0.25 percent. A label shall be affixed at all times to the gas dilution system listing the date of the most recent calibration, the due date for the next calibration, and the person or manufacturer who carried out the calibration. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the operation and use of the gas dilution system. A copy of the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the instrument, as well as the most recent recalibration documentation shall be made available for the Administrator's inspection upon request.
2.1.2 Some manufacturers of mass flow controllers recommend that flow rates below 10 percent of flow controller capacity be avoided; check for this recommendation and follow the manufacturer's instructions. One study has indicated that silicone oil from a positive displacement pump produces an interference in SO2 analyzers utilizing ultraviolet fluorescence; follow laboratory procedures similar to those outlined in Section 3.1 in order to demonstrate the significance of any resulting effect on instrument performance.
2.2 High-Level Supply Gas. An EPA Protocol calibration gas is recommended, due to its accuracy, as the high-level supply gas.
2.3 Mid-Level Supply Gas. An EPA Protocol gas shall be used as an independent check of the dilution system. The concentration of the mid-level supply gas shall be within 10 percent of one of the dilution levels tested in Section 3.2.
3. Performance Tests
3.1 Laboratory Evaluation (Optional). If the gas dilution system is to be used to formulate calibration gases with reactive compounds (Test Methods 15, 16, and 25A/25B (only if using a calibration gas other than propane during the field test) in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A), a laboratory certification must be conducted once per calendar year for each reactive compound to be diluted. In the laboratory, carry out the procedures in Section 3.2 on the analyzer required in each respective test method to be laboratory certified (15, 16, or 25A and 25B for compounds other than propane). For each compound in which the gas dilution system meets the requirements in Section 3.2, the source must provide the laboratory certification data for the field test and in the test report.
3.2 Field Evaluation (Required). The gas dilution system shall be evaluated at the test site with an analyzer or monitor chosen by the source owner or operator. It is recommended that the source owner or operator choose a precalibrated instrument with a high level of precision and accuracy for the purposes of this test. This method is not meant to replace the calibration requirements of test methods. In addition to the requirements in this method, all the calibration requirements of the applicable test method must also be met.
3.2.1 Prepare the gas dilution system according to the manufacturer's instructions. Using the high-level supply gas, prepare, at a minimum, two dilutions within the range of each dilution device utilized in the dilution system (unless, as in critical orifice systems, each dilution device is used to make only one dilution; in that case, prepare one dilution for each dilution device). Dilution device in this method refers to each mass flow controller, critical orifice, capillary tube, positive displacement pump, or any other device which is used to achieve gas dilution.
3.2.2 Calculate the predicted concentration for each of the dilutions based on the flow rates through the gas dilution system (or the dilution ratios) and the certified concentration of the high-level supply gas.
3.2.3 Introduce each of the dilutions from Section 3.2.1 into the analyzer or monitor one at a time and determine the instrument response for each of the dilutions.
3.2.4 Repeat the procedure in Section 3.2.3 two times, i.e., until three injections are made at each dilution level. Calculate the average instrument response for each triplicate injection at each dilution level. No single injection shall differ by more than 2 percent from the average instrument response for that dilution.
3.2.5 For each level of dilution, calculate the difference between the average concentration output recorded by the analyzer and the predicted concentration calculated in Section 3.2.2. The average concentration output from the analyzer shall be within 2 percent of the predicted value.
3.2.6 Introduce the mid-level supply gas directly into the analyzer, bypassing the gas dilution system. Repeat the procedure twice more, for a total of three mid-level supply gas injections. Calculate the average analyzer output concentration for the mid-level supply gas. The difference between the certified concentration of the mid-level supply gas and the average instrument response shall be within 2 percent.
3.3 If the gas dilution system meets the criteria listed in Section 3.2, the gas dilution system may be used throughout that field test. If the gas dilution system fails any of the criteria listed in Section 3.2, and the tester corrects the problem with the gas dilution system, the procedure in Section 3.2 must be repeated in its entirety and all the criteria in Section 3.2 must be met in order for the gas dilution system to be utilized in the test.
4. References
1. ``EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards,'' EPA-600/R93/224, Revised September 1993. Method 207--Pre-survey Procedure for Corn Wet-milling Facility Emission
1.0 Scope and Application
1.1 Analyte. Total gaseous organic compounds.
1.2 Applicability. This pre-survey method is intended for use at corn wet-milling (CWM) facilities to satisfy the requirements of Method 18, Section 16 (Pre-survey). This procedure establishes the analytes for subsequent Method 18 testing to determine the total mass emissions of VOCs from sources at CWM facilities. The specific objectives of the pre-survey procedure are:
1.2.1 Identify the physical characteristics of the VOC contained in the effluent.
1.2.2 Determine the appropriate Method 18 sampling approach to ensure efficient collection of all VOC present in the effluent.
1.2.3 Develop a specific list of target compounds to be quantified during the subsequent total VOC test program.
1.2.4 Qualify the list of target compounds as being a true representation of the total VOC.
1.3 Range. The lower and upper ranges of this procedure are determined by the sensitivity of the flame ionization detector (FID) instruments used. Typically, gas detection limits for the VOCs will be on the order of 1-5 ppmv, with the upper limit on the order of 100,000 ppmv.
2.0 Summary of Method
Note: Method 6, Method 18, and Method 25A as cited in this method refer to the methods in 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A.
This procedure calls for using an FIA in conjunction with various configurations of impingers, and other absorbents, or adsorbents to determine the best EPA Method 18 sampling train configuration for the assessment and capture of VOCs. VOC compounds present in the exhaust gas from processes located at CWM facilities fall into five general categories: Alcohols, aldehydes, acetate esters, ketones, and carboxylic acids, and typically contain fewer than six carbon atoms. This pre-survey protocol characterizes and identifies the VOC species present. Since it is qualitative in nature, quantitative performance criteria do not apply.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Calibration drift means the difference in the measurement system response to a mid-level calibration gas before and after a stated period of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.
3.2 Calibration error means the difference between the gas concentration indicated by the measurement system and the known concentration of the calibration gas.
3.3 Calibration gas means a known concentration of a gas in an appropriate diluent gas.
3.4 Measurement system means the equipment required for the determination of the gas concentration. The system consists of the following major subsystems:
3.4.1 Sample interface means that portion of a system used for one or more of the following: Sample acquisition, sample transportation, sample conditioning, or protection of the analyzer(s) from the effects of the stack effluent.
3.4.2 Organic analyzer means that portion of the measurement system that senses the gas to be measured and generates an output proportional to its concentration.
3.5 Response time means the time interval from a step change in pollutant concentration at the inlet to the emission measurement system to the time at which 95 percent of the corresponding final value is reached as displayed on the recorder.
3.6 Span Value means the upper limit of a gas concentration measurement range that is specified for affected source categories in the applicable part of the regulations. The span value is established in the applicable regulation and is usually 1.5 to 2.5 times the applicable emission limit. If no span value is provided, use a span value equivalent to 1.5 to 2.5 times the expected concentration. For convenience, the span value should correspond to 100 percent of the recorder scale.
3.7 Zero drift means the difference in the measurement system response to a zero level calibration gas before or after a stated period of operation during which no unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjustment took place.
4.0 Interferences [Reserved]
5.0 Safety [Reserved]
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
6.1 Organic Concentration Analyzer. A flame ionization analyzer (FIA) with heated detector block and sample handling system, meeting the requirements of USEPA Method 25A.
6.2 Heated Sampling System. A sampling system consisting of a stainless steel probe with particulate filter, Teflon [supreg] sample line, and sampling pump capable of moving 1.0 l/min through the sample probe and line. The entire system from probe tip to FIA analyzer must have the capability to maintain all sample-wetted parts at a temperature 120 [deg]C. A schematic of the heated sampling system and impinger train is shown in Figure 1 of this method.
6.3 Impinger Train. EPA Method 6 type, comprised of three midget impingers with appropriate connections to the sampling system and FIA system. The impinger train may be chilled in an ice bath or maintained at a set temperature in a water bath as indicated by the operator's knowledge of the source and the compounds likely to be present. Additional impingers or larger impingers may be used for high moisture sources.
6.4 Adsorbent tubes.
6.4.1 Silica gel, SKC Type 226-22 or equivalent, with appropriate end connectors and holders.
6.4.2 Activated carbon, SKC Type 226-84 or equivalent, with appropriate end connectors and holders.
6.5 Tedlar bag. 24 liter, w/ Roberts valve, for GC/MS analysis of ``breakthrough'' VOC fraction as needed.
7.0 Reagents and Standards
7.1 Organic-free water, HPLC, or pharmaceutical grade.
7.2 Calibration Gases. The calibration gases for the gas analyzer shall be propane in air or propane in nitrogen. If organic compounds other than propane are used, the appropriate corrections for response factor must be available and applied to the results. Calibration gases shall be prepared in accordance with the procedure listed in Citation 2 of section 16. Additionally, the manufacturer of the cylinder must provide a recommended shelf life for each calibration gas cylinder over which the concentration does not change more than 2 percent from the certified value. For calibration gas values not generally available (i.e., organics between 1 and 10 percent by volume), alternative methods for preparing calibration gas mixtures, such as dilution systems (Test Method 205, 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix M), may be used with prior approval of the Administrator.
7.3 Fuel. A 40 percent H2/60 percent N2 or He gas mixture is recommended to avoid an oxygen synergism effect that reportedly occurs when oxygen concentration varies significantly from a mean value.
7.4 Zero Gas. High purity air with less than 0.1 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of organic material (propane or carbon equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the span value, whichever is greater.
7.5 Low-level Calibration Gas. An organic calibration gas with a concentration equivalent to 25 to 35 percent of the applicable span value.
7.6 Mid-level Calibration Gas. An organic calibration gas with a concentration equivalent to 45 to 55 percent of the applicable span value.
7.7 High-level Calibration Gas. An organic calibration gas with a concentration equivalent to 80 to 90 percent of the applicable span value.
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation and Storage
8.1 Configuration. The configuration of the pre-survey sampling system is provided in Figure 1. This figure shows the primary components of the sampling system needed to conduct a VOC survey. A dual-channel analyzer is beneficial, but not necessary. Only a single channel is indicated in the figure.
8.2 Sampling. The pre-survey system should be set up and calibrated with the targeted sampling flow rate that will be used during Method 18 VOC sampling. The targeted flow rate for capture of most expected VOC species is 400 cc/min. Since most FIA analyzers do not specifically allow for adjusting the total sample flow rate (only the back pressure), it may be necessary to insert a flow control valve at the sample inlet to the FIA. The total sample flow can be measured at the FIA bypass, since only a small fraction of the sample flow is diverted to analysis portion of the instrument.
The sampling system configuration shown in Figure 1 is operated using the process flow diagram provided in Figure 2. As noted in the process flowchart, the initial sampling media consists of the three midget impingers. The attenuation of the VOC sample stream is evaluated to determine if 95 percent or greater attenuation (capture) of the VOCs present has been achieved. The flow diagram specifies successive adjustments to the sampling media that are utilized to increase VOC capture.
A one-hour test of the final sampling configuration is performed using fresh media to ensure that significant breakthrough does not occur. Additional sampling media (more water, silica or carbon tubes) may be added to ensure that breakthrough is not occurring for the full duration of a test run.
If 95 percent or greater attenuation has not been achieved after inserting all indicated media, the most likely scenario is that methane is present. This is easily checked by collecting a sample of this final bypass sample stream and analyzing for methane. There are other VOC compounds which could also penetrate the media. Their identification by gas chromatography followed by mass spectrometry would be required if the breakthrough cannot be accounted for by the presence of methane.
9.0 Quality Control
9.1 Blanks. A minimum of one method blank shall be prepared and analyzed for each sample medium employed during a pre-survey testing field deployment to assess the effect of media contamination. Method blanks are prepared by assembling and charging the sample train with reagents, then recovering and preserving the blanks in the same manner as the test samples. Method blanks and test samples are stored, transported and analyzed in identical fashion as the test samples.
9.2 Synthetic Sample (optional). A synthetic sample may be used to assess the performance of the VOC characterization apparatus with respect to specific compounds. The synthetic sample is prepared by injecting appropriate volume(s) of the compounds of interest into a Tedlar bag containing a known volume of zero air or nitrogen. The contents of the bag are allowed to equilibrate, and the bag is connected to the sampling system. The sampling system, VOC characterization apparatus and FIA are operated normally to determine the performance of the system with respect to the VOC compounds present in the synthetic sample.
10.0 Calibration and Standardization
10.1 Calibration. The FIA equipment is able to be calibrated for almost any range of total organic concentrations. For high concentrations of organics (1.0 percent by volume as propane), modifications to most commonly available analyzers are necessary. One accepted method of equipment modification is to decrease the size of the sample to the analyzer through the use of a smaller diameter sample capillary. Direct and continuous measurement of organic concentration is a necessary consideration when determining any modification design.
11.0 Procedure
11.1 Analytical Procedure. Upon completion of the pre-survey sampling, the sample fractions are to be analyzed by an appropriate chromatographic technique. (Ref: Method 18) The resulting chromatograms must be reviewed to ensure that the ratio of known peak area to total peak area is 95% or greater. It should be noted that if formaldehyde is a suspected analyte, it must be quantitated separately using a different analytical technique.
12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations
Chromatogram peaks will be ranked from greatest area to least area using peak integrator output. The area of all peaks will then be totaled, and the proportion of each peak area to the total area will be calculated. Beginning with the highest ranked area, each peak will be identified and the area added to previous areas until the cumulative area comprises at least 95% of the total area. The VOC compounds generating those identified peaks will comprise the compound list to be used in Method 18 testing of the subject source.
13.0 Method Performance [Reserved]
14.0 Pollution Prevention [Reserved]
15.0 Waste Management [Reserved]
16.0 References
16.1 CFR 40 Part 60, Appendix A, Method 18, Measurement of Gaseous Organic Compound Emissions by Gas Chromatography.
16.2 CFR 40 Part 60, Appendix A, Method 25A, Determination of Total Gaseous Organic Concentration Using a Flame Ionization Analyzer.
16.2 CFR 40 Part 60, Appendix A, Method 6, Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Stationary Sources.
16.3 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI), Method CI/WP-98.01 ``Chilled Impinger Method for Use at Wood Products Mills to Measure Formaldehyde, Methanol, and Phenol.
17. Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29MY08.000 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR29MY08.001 [55 FR 14249, Apr. 17, 1990; 55 FR 24687, June 18, 1990, as amended at 55 FR 37606, Sept. 12, 1990; 56 FR 6278, Feb. 15, 1991; 56 FR 65435, Dec. 17, 1991; 60 FR 28054, May 30, 1995; 62 FR 32502, June 16, 1997; 71 FR 55123, Sept. 21, 2006; 73 FR 30779, May 29, 2008; 75 FR 55644, Sept. 13, 2010; 75 FR 80134, Dec. 21, 2010; 79 FR 11235, Feb. 27, 2014; 79 FR 18453, Apr. 2, 2014]
Sec. Appendixes N-O to Part 51 [Reserved]
Sec. Appendix P to Part 51--Minimum Emission Monitoring Requirements
1.0 Purpose. This appendix P sets forth the minimum requirements for continuous emission monitoring and recording that each State Implementation Plan must include in order to be approved under the provisions of 40 CFR 51.165(b). These requirements include the source categories to be affected; emission monitoring, recording, and reporting requirements for those sources; performance specifications for accuracy, reliability, and durability of acceptable monitoring systems; and techniques to convert emission data to units of the applicable State emission standard. Such data must be reported to the State as an indication of whether proper maintenance and operating procedures are being utilized by source operators to maintain emission levels at or below emission standards. Such data may be used directly or indirectly for compliance determination or any other purpose deemed appropriate by the State. Though the monitoring requirements are specified in detail, States are given some flexibility to resolve difficulties that may arise during the implementation of these regulations.
1.1 Applicability. The State plan shall require the owner or operator of an emission source in a category listed in this appendix to: (1) Install, calibrate, operate, and maintain all monitoring equipment necessary for continuously monitoring the pollutants specified in this appendix for the applicable source category; and (2) complete the installation and performance tests of such equipment and begin monitoring and recording within 18 months of plan approval or promulgation. The source categories and the respective monitoring requirements are listed below.
1.1.1 Fossil fuel-fired steam generators, as specified in paragraph 2.1 of this appendix, shall be monitored for opacity, nitrogen oxides emissions, sulfur dioxide emissions, and oxygen or carbon dioxide.
1.1.2 Fluid bed catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerators, as specified in paragraph 2.4 of this appendix, shall be monitored for opacity.
1.1.3 Sulfuric acid plants, as specified in paragraph 2.3 of this appendix, shall be monitored for sulfur dioxide emissions.
1.1.4 Nitric acid plants, as specified in paragraph 2.2 of this appendix, shall be monitored for nitrogen oxides emissions.
1.2 Exemptions. The States may include provisions within their regulations to grant exemptions from the monitoring requirements of paragraph 1.1 of this appendix for any source which is:
1.2.1 Subject to a new source performance standard promulgated in 40 CFR part 60 pursuant to section 111 of the Clean Air Act; or
1.2.2 not subject to an applicable emission standard of an approved plan; or
1.2.3 scheduled for retirement within 5 years after inclusion of monitoring requirements for the source in appendix P, provided that adequate evidence and guarantees are provided that clearly show that the source will cease operations prior to such date.
1.3 Extensions. States may allow reasonable extensions of the time provided for installation of monitors for facilities unable to meet the prescribed timeframe (i.e., 18 months from plan approval or promulgation) provided the owner or operator of such facility demonstrates that good faith efforts have been made to obtain and install such devices within such prescribed timeframe.
1.4 Monitoring System Malfunction. The State plan may provide a temporary exemption from the monitoring and reporting requirements of this appendix during any period of monitoring system malfunction, provided that the source owner or operator shows, to the satisfaction of the State, that the malfunction was unavoidable and is being repaired as expeditiously as practicable.
2.0 Minimum Monitoring Requirement. States must, as a minimum, require the sources listed in paragraph 1.1 of this appendix to meet the following basic requirements.
2.1 Fossil fuel-fired steam generators. Each fossil fuel-fired steam generator, except as provided in the following subparagraphs, with an annual average capacity factor of greater than 30 percent, as reported to the Federal Power Commission for calendar year 1974, or as otherwise demonstrated to the State by the owner or operator, shall conform with the following monitoring requirements when such facility is subject to an emission standard of an applicable plan for the pollutant in question.
2.1.1 A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of opacity which meets the performance specifications of paragraph 3.1.1 of this appendix shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated in accordance with the procedures of this appendix by the owner or operator of any such steam generator of greater than 250 million BTU per hour heat input except where: gaseous fuel is the only fuel burned, or oil or a mixture of gas and oil are the only fuels burned and the source is able to comply with the applicable particulate matter and opacity regulations without utilization of particulate matter collection equipment, and where the source has never been found, through any administrative or judicial proceedings, to be in violation of any visible emission standard of the applicable plan.
2.1.2 A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of sulfur dioxide which meets the performance specifications of paragraph 3.1.3 of this appendix shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated on any fossil fuel-fired steam generator of greater than 250 million BTU per hour heat input which has installed sulfur dioxide pollutant control equipment.
2.1.3 A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of nitrogen oxides which meets the performance specification of paragraph 3.1.2 of this appendix shall be installed, calibrated, maintained, and operated on fossil fuel-fired steam generators of greater than 1000 million BTU per hour heat input when such facility is located in an Air Quality Control Region where the Administrator has specifically determined that a control strategy for nitrogen dioxide is necessary to attain the national standards, unless the source owner or operator demonstrates during source compliance tests as required by the State that such a source emits nitrogen oxides at levels 30 percent or more below the emission standard within the applicable plan.
2.1.4 A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of the percent oxygen or carbon dioxide which meets the performance specifications of paragraphs 3.1.4 or 3.1.5 of this appendix shall be installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained on fossil fuel-fired steam generators where measurements of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the flue gas are required to convert either sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides continuous emission monitoring data, or both, to units of the emission standard within the applicable plan.
2.2 Nitric acid plants. Each nitric acid plant of greater than 300 tons per day production capacity, the production capacity being expressed as 100 percent acid, located in an Air Quality Control Region where the Administrator has specifically determined that a control strategy for nitrogen dioxide is necessary to attain the national standard shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous monitoring system for the measurement of nitrogen oxides which meets the performance specifications of paragraph 3.1.2 for each nitric acid producing facility within such plant.
2.3 Sulfuric acid plants. Each Sulfuric acid plant of greater than 300 tons per day production capacity, the production being expressed as 100 percent acid, shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate a continuous monitoring system for the measurement of sulfur dioxide which meets the performance specifications of paragraph 3.1.3 for each sulfuric acid producing facility within such plant.
2.4 Fluid bed catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerators at petroleum refineries. Each catalyst regenerator for fluid bed catalytic cracking units of greater than 20,000 barrels per day fresh feed capacity shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous monitoring system for the measurement of opacity which meets the performance specifications of paragraph 3.1.1.
3.0 Minimum specifications. All State plans shall require owners or operators of monitoring equipment installed to comply with this appendix, except as provided in paragraph 3.2, to demonstrate compliance with the following performance specifications.
3.1 Performance specifications. The performance specifications set forth in appendix B of part 60 are incorporated herein by reference, and shall be used by States to determine acceptability of monitoring equipment installed pursuant to this appendix except that (1) where reference is made to the ``Administrator'' in appendix B, part 60, the term State should be inserted for the purpose of this appendix (e.g., in Performance Specification 1, 1.2, `` * * * monitoring systems subject to approval by the Administrator,'' should be interpreted as, ``* * * monitoring systems subject to approval by the State''), and (2) where reference is made to the ``Reference Method'' in appendix B, part 60, the State may allow the use of either the State approved reference method or the Federally approved reference method as published in part 60 of this chapter. The Performance Specifications to be used with each type of monitoring system are listed below.
3.1.1 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring opacity shall comply with Performance Specification 1.
3.1.2 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring nitrogen oxides shall comply with Performance Specification 2.
3.1.3 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring sulfur dioxide shall comply with Performance Specification 2.
3.1.4 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring oxygen shall comply with Performance Specification 3.
3.1.5 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring carbon dioxide shall comply with Performance Specification 3.
3.2 Exemptions. Any source which has purchased an emission monitoring system(s) prior to September 11, 1974, may be exempt from meeting such test procedures prescribed in appendix B of part 60 for a period not to exceed five years from plan approval or promulgation.
3.3 Calibration Gases. For nitrogen oxides monitoring systems installed on fossil fuel-fired steam generators the pollutant gas used to prepare calibration gas mixtures (Section 2.1, Performance Specification 2, appendix B, part 60) shall be nitric oxide (NO). For nitrogen oxides monitoring systems, installed on nitric acid plants the pollutant gas used to prepare calibration gas mixtures (Section 2.1, Performance Specification 2, appendix B, part 60 of this chapter) shall be nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These gases shall also be used for daily checks under paragraph 3.7 of this appendix as applicable. For sulfur dioxide monitoring systems installed on fossil fuel-fired steam generators or sulfuric acid plants the pollutant gas used to prepare calibration gas mixtures (Section 2.1, Performance Specification 2, appendix B, part 60 of this chapter) shall be sulfur dioxide (SO2). Span and zero gases should be traceable to National Bureau of Standards reference gases whenever these reference gases are available. Every six months from date of manufacture, span and zero gases shall be reanalyzed by conducting triplicate analyses using the reference methods in appendix A, part 60 of this chapter as follows: for sulfur dioxide, use Reference Method 6; for nitrogen oxides, use Reference Method 7; and for carbon dioxide or oxygen, use Reference Method 3. The gases may be analyzed at less frequent intervals if longer shelf lives are guaranteed by the manufacturer.
3.4 Cycling times. Cycling times include the total time a monitoring system requires to sample, analyze and record an emission measurement.
3.4.1 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring opacity shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 10-second period.
3.4.2 Continuous monitoring systems for measuring oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, or sulfur dioxide shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 15-minute period.
3.5 Monitor location. State plans shall require all continuous monitoring systems or monitoring devices to be installed such that representative measurements of emissions or process parameters (i.e., oxygen, or carbon dioxide) from the affected facility are obtained. Additional guidance for location of continuous monitoring systems to obtain representative samples are contained in the applicable Performance Specifications of appendix B of part 60 of this chapter.
3.6 Combined effluents. When the effluents from two or more affected facilities of similar design and operating characteristics are combined before being released to the atmosphere, the State plan may allow monitoring systems to be installed on the combined effluent. When the affected facilities are not of similar design and operating characteristics, or when the effluent from one affected facility is released to the atmosphere through more than one point, the State should establish alternate procedures to implement the intent of these requirements.
3.7 Zero and drift. State plans shall require owners or operators of all continuous monitoring systems installed in accordance with the requirements of this appendix to record the zero and span drift in accordance with the method prescribed by the manufacturer of such instruments; to subject the instruments to the manufacturer's recommended zero and span check at least once daily unless the manufacturer has recommended adjustments at shorter intervals, in which case such recommendations shall be followed; to adjust the zero and span whenever the 24-hour zero drift or 24-hour calibration drift limits of the applicable performance specifications in appendix B of part 60 are exceeded; and to adjust continuous monitoring systems referenced by paragraph 3.2 of this appendix whenever the 24-hour zero drift or 24-hour calibration drift exceed 10 percent of the emission standard.
3.8 Span. Instrument span should be approximately 200 per cent of the expected instrument data display output corresponding to the emission standard for the source.
3.9 Alternative procedures and requirements. In cases where States wish to utilize different, but equivalent, procedures and requirements for continuous monitoring systems, the State plan must provide a description of such alternative procedures for approval by the Administrator. Some examples of situations that may require alternatives follow:
3.9.1 Alternative monitoring requirements to accommodate continuous monitoring systems that require corrections for stack moisture conditions (e.g., an instrument measuring steam generator SO2 emissions on a wet basis could be used with an instrument measuring oxygen concentration on a dry basis if acceptable methods of measuring stack moisture conditions are used to allow accurate adjustments of the measured SO2 concentration to dry basis.)
3.9.2 Alternative locations for installing continuous monitoring systems or monitoring devices when the owner or operator can demonstrate that installation at alternative locations will enable accurate and representative measurements.
3.9.3 Alternative procedures for performing calibration checks (e.g., some instruments may demonstrate superior drift characteristics that require checking at less frequent intervals).
3.9.4 Alternative monitoring requirements when the effluent from one affected facility or the combined effluent from two or more identical affected facilities is released to the atmosphere through more than one point (e.g., an extractive, gaseous monitoring system used at several points may be approved if the procedures recommended are suitable for generating accurate emission averages).
3.9.5 Alternative continuous monitoring systems that do not meet the spectral response requirements in Performance Specification 1, appendix B of part 60, but adequately demonstrate a definite and consistent relationship between their measurements and the opacity measurements of a system complying with the requirements in Performance Specification 1. The State may require that such demonstration be performed for each affected facility.
4.0 Minimum data requirements. The following paragraphs set forth the minimum data reporting requirements necessary to comply with Sec. 51.214(d) and (e).
4.1 The State plan shall require owners or operators of facilities required to install continuous monitoring systems to submit a written report of excess emissions for each calendar quarter and the nature and cause of the excess emissions, if known. The averaging period used for data reporting should be established by the State to correspond to the averaging period specified in the emission test method used to determine compliance with an emission standard for the pollutant/source category in question. The required report shall include, as a minimum, the data stipulated in this appendix.
4.2 For opacity measurements, the summary shall consist of the magnitude in actual percent opacity of all one-minute (or such other time period deemed appropriate by the State) averages of opacity greater than the opacity standard in the applicable plan for each hour of operation of the facility. Average values may be obtained by integration over the averaging period or by arithmetically averaging a minimum of four equally spaced, instantaneous opacity measurements per minute. Any time period exempted shall be considered before determining the excess averages of opacity (e.g., whenever a regulation allows two minutes of opacity measurements in excess of the standard, the State shall require the source to report all opacity averages, in any one hour, in excess of the standard, minus the two-minute exemption). If more than one opacity standard applies, excess emissions data must be submitted in relation to all such standards.
4.3 For gaseous measurements the summary shall consist of emission averages, in the units of the applicable standard, for each averaging period during which the applicable standard was exceeded.
4.4 The date and time identifying each period during which the continuous monitoring system was inoperative, except for zero and span checks, and the nature of system repairs or adjustments shall be reported. The State may require proof of continuous monitoring system performance whenever system repairs or adjustments have been made.
4.5 When no excess emissions have occurred and the continuous monitoring system(s) have not been inoperative, repaired, or adjusted, such information shall be included in the report.
4.6 The State plan shall require owners or operators of affected facilities to maintain a file of all information reported in the quarterly summaries, and all other data collected either by the continuous monitoring system or as necessary to convert monitoring data to the units of the applicable standard for a minimum of two years from the date of collection of such data or submission of such summaries.
5.0 Data Reduction. The State plan shall require owners or operators of affected facilities to use the following procedures for converting monitoring data to units of the standard where necessary.
5.1 For fossil fuel-fired steam generators the following procedures shall be used to convert gaseous emission monitoring data in parts per million to g/million cal (lb/million BTU) where necessary:
5.1.1 When the owner or operator of a fossil fuel-fired steam generator elects under paragraph 2.1.4 of this appendix to measure oxygen in the flue gases, the measurements of the pollutant concentration and oxygen concentration shall each be on a dry basis and the following conversion procedure used: E = CF [20.9/20.9 - %O2]
5.1.2 When the owner or operator elects under paragraph 2.1.4 of this appendix to measure carbon dioxide in the flue gases, the measurement of the pollutant concentration and the carbon dioxide concentration shall each be on a consistent basis (wet or dry) and the following conversion procedure used: E = CFc (100 / %CO2)
5.1.3 The values used in the equations under paragraph 5.1 are derived as follows: E = pollutant emission, g/million cal (lb/million BTU),C = pollutant concentration, g/dscm (lb/dscf), determined by multiplying
the average concentration (ppm) for each hourly period by
4.16x10-5 M g/dscm per ppm (2.64x10-9 M
lb/dscf per ppm) where M = pollutant molecular weight, g/g-
mole (lb/lb-mole). M = 64 for sulfur dioxide and 46 for oxides
of nitrogen.%O2, %CO2 = Oxygen or carbon dioxide volume
(expressed as percent) determined with equipment specified
under paragraph 4.1.4 of this appendix,F, Fc = a factor representing a ratio of the volume of dry
flue gases generated to the calorific value of the fuel
combusted (F), and a factor representing a ratio of the volume
of carbon dioxide generated to the calorific value of the fuel
combusted (Fc) respectively. Values of F and
Fc are given in Sec. 60.45(f) of part 60, as
5.2 For sulfuric acid plants the owner or operator shall:
5.2.1 establish a conversion factor three times daily according to the procedures to Sec. 60.84(b) of this chapter;
5.2.2 multiply the conversion factor by the average sulfur dioxide concentration in the flue gases to obtain average sulfur dioxide emissions in Kg/metric ton (lb/short ton); and
5.2.3 report the average sulfur dioxide emission for each averaging period in excess of the applicable emission standard in the quarterly summary.
5.3 For nitric acid plants the owner or operator shall:
5.3.1 establish a conversion factor according to the procedures of Sec. 60.73(b) of this chapter;
5.3.2 multiply the conversion factor by the average nitrogen oxides concentration in the flue gases to obtain the nitrogen oxides emissions in the units of the applicable standard;
5.3.3 report the average nitrogen oxides emission for each averaging period in excess of the applicable emission standard, in the quarterly summary.
5.4 Any State may allow data reporting or reduction procedures varying from those set forth in this appendix if the owner or operator of a source shows to the satisfaction of the State that his procedures are at least as accurate as those in this appendix. Such procedures may include but are not limited to, the following:
5.4.1 Alternative procedures for computing emission averages that do not require integration of data (e.g., some facilities may demonstrate that the variability of their emissions is sufficiently small to allow accurate reduction of data based upon computing averages from equally spaced data points over the averaging period).
5.4.2 Alternative methods of converting pollutant concentration measurements to the units of the emission standards.
6.0 Special Consideration. The State plan may provide for approval, on a case-by-case basis, of alternative monitoring requirements different from the provisions of parts 1 through 5 of this appendix if the provisions of this appendix (i.e., the installation of a continuous emission monitoring system) cannot be implemented by a source due to physical plant limitations or extreme economic reasons. To make use of this provision, States must include in their plan specific criteria for determining those physical limitations or extreme economic situations to be considered by the State. In such cases, when the State exempts any source subject to this appendix by use of this provision from installing continuous emission monitoring systems, the State shall set forth alternative emission monitoring and reporting requirements (e.g., periodic manual stack tests) to satisfy the intent of these regulations. Examples of such special cases include, but are not limited to, the following:
6.1 Alternative monitoring requirements may be prescribed when installation of a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device specified by this appendix would not provide accurate determinations of emissions (e.g., condensed, uncombined water vapor may prevent an accurate determination of opacity using commercially available continuous monitoring systems).
6.2 Alternative monitoring requirements may be prescribed when the affected facility is infrequently operated (e.g., some affected facilities may operate less than one month per year).
6.3 Alternative monitoring requirements may be prescribed when the State determines that the requirements of this appendix would impose an extreme economic burden on the source owner or operator.
6.4 Alternative monitoring requirements may be prescribed when the State determines that monitoring systems prescribed by this appendix cannot be installed due to physical limitations at the facility. [40 FR 46247, Oct. 6, 1975, as amended at 51 FR 40675, Nov. 7, 1986]
Sec. Appendixes Q-R to Part 51 [Reserved]
Sec. Appendix S to Part 51--Emission Offset Interpretative Ruling
I. Introduction
This appendix sets forth EPA's Interpretative Ruling on the preconstruction review requirements for stationary sources of air pollution (not including indirect sources) under 40 CFR subpart I and section 129 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, Public Law 95-95, (note under 42 U.S.C. 7502). A major new source or major modification which would locate in any area designated under section 107(d) of the Act as attainment or unclassifiable for ozone that is located in an ozone transport region or which would locate in an area designated in 40 CFR part 81, subpart C, as nonattainment for a pollutant for which the source or modification would be major may be allowed to construct only if the stringent conditions set forth below are met. These conditions are designed to insure that the new source's emissions will be controlled to the greatest degree possible; that more than equivalent offsetting emission reductions (emission offsets) will be obtained from existing sources; and that there will be progress toward achievement of the NAAQS.
For each area designated as exceeding a NAAQS (nonattainment area) under 40 CFR part 81, subpart C, or for any area designated under section 107(d) of the Act as attainment or unclassifiable for ozone that is located in an ozone transport region, this Interpretative Ruling will be superseded after June 30, 1979 (a) by preconstruction review provisions of the revised SIP, if the SIP meets the requirements of Part D, Title 1, of the Act; or (b) by a prohibition on construction under the applicable SIP and section 110(a)(2)(I) of the Act, if the SIP does not meet the requirements of Part D. The Ruling will remain in effect to the extent not superseded under the Act. This prohibition on major new source construction does not apply to a source whose permit to construct was applied for during a period when the SIP was in compliance with Part D, or before the deadline for having a revised SIP in effect that satisfies Part D.
The requirement of this Ruling shall not apply to any major stationary source or major modification that was not subject to the Ruling as in effect on January 16, 1979, if the owner or operator:
A. Obtained all final Federal, State, and local preconstruction approvals or permits necessary under the applicable State Implementation Plan before August 7, 1980;
B. Commenced construction within 18 months from August 7, 1980, or any earlier time required under the applicable State Implementation Plan; and
C. Did not discontinue construction for a period of 18 months or more and completed construction within a reasonable time.
II. Initial Screening Analyses and Determination of Applicable
A. Definitions--For the purposes of this Ruling:
1. Stationary source means any building, structure, facility, or installation which emits or may emit a regulated NSR pollutant.
2. Building, structure, facility or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same ``Major Group'' (i.e., which have the same two digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).
3. Potential to emit means the maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit a pollutant under its physical and operational design. Any physical or operational limitation on the capacity of the source to emit a pollutant, including air pollution control equipment and restrictions on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed, shall be treated as part of its design only if the limitation or the effect it would have on emissions is federally enforceable. Secondary emissions do not count in determining the potential to emit of a stationary source.
(i) Major stationary source means:
(a) Any stationary source of air pollutants which emits, or has the potential to emit, 100 tons per year or more of any pollutant subject to regulation under the Act, except that lower emissions thresholds shall apply in areas subject to subpart 2, subpart 3, or subpart 4 of part D, title I of the Act, according to paragraphs II.A.4(i)(a)(1) through (6) of this Ruling.
(1) 50 tons per year of volatile organic compounds in any serious ozone nonattainment area.
(2) 50 tons per year of volatile organic compounds in an area within an ozone transport region, except for any severe or extreme ozone nonattainment area.
(3) 25 tons per year of volatile organic compounds in any severe ozone nonattainment area.
(4) 10 tons per year of volatile organic compounds in any extreme ozone nonattainment area.
(5) 50 tons per year of carbon monoxide in any serious nonattainment area for carbon monoxide, where stationary sources contribute significantly to carbon monoxide levels in the area (as determined under rules issued by the Administrator)
(6) 70 tons per year of PM-10 in any serious nonattainment area for PM-10;
(b) For the purposes of applying the requirements of paragraph IV. H of this Ruling to stationary sources of nitrogen oxides located in an ozone nonattainment area or in an ozone transport region, any stationary source which emits, or has the potential to emit, 100 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides emissions, except that the emission thresholds in paragraphs II.A.4(i)(b)(1) through (6) of this Ruling apply in areas subject to subpart 2 of part D, title I of the Act.
(1) 100 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any ozone nonattainment area classified as marginal or moderate.
(2) 100 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any ozone nonattainment area classified as a transitional, submarginal, or incomplete or no data area, when such area is located in an ozone transport region.
(3) 100 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any area designated under section 107(d) of the Act as attainment or unclassifiable for ozone that is located in an ozone transport region.
(4) 50 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any serious nonattainment area for ozone.
(5) 25 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any severe nonattainment area for ozone.
(6) 10 tons per year or more of nitrogen oxides in any extreme nonattainment area for ozone; or
(c) Any physical change that would occur at a stationary source not qualifying under paragraph II.A.4(i)(a) or (b) of this Ruling as a major stationary source, if the change would constitute a major stationary source by itself.
(ii) A major stationary source that is major for volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides is major for ozone.
(iii) The fugitive emissions of a stationary source shall not be included in determining for any of the purposes of this ruling whether it is a major stationary source, unless the source belongs to one of the following categories of stationary sources:
(a) Coal cleaning plants (with thermal dryers);
(b) Kraft pulp mills;
(c) Portland cement plants;
(d) Primary zinc smelters;
(e) Iron and steel mills;
(f) Primary aluminum ore reduction plants;
(g) Primary copper smelters;
(h) Municipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per day;
(i) Hydrofluoric, sulfuric, or nitric acid plants;
(j) Petroleum refineries;
(k) Lime plants;
(l) Phosphate rock processing plants;
(m) Coke oven batteries;
(n) Sulfur recovery plants;
(o) Carbon black plants (furnace process);
(p) Primary lead smelters;
(q) Fuel conversion plants;
(r) Sintering plants;
(s) Secondary metal production plants;
(t) Chemical process plants--The term chemical processing plant shall not include ethanol production facilities that produce ethanol by natural fermentation included in NAICS codes 325193 or 312140;
(u) Fossil-fuel boilers (or combination thereof) totaling more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input;
(v) Petroleum storage and transfer units with a total storage capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels;
(w) Taconite ore processing plants;
(x) Glass fiber processing plants;
(y) Charcoal production plants;
(z) Fossil fuel-fired steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input;
(aa) Any other stationary source category which, as of August 7, 1980, is being regulated under section 111 or 112 of the Act.
(i) Major modification means any physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source that would result in:
(a) A significant emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant (as defined in paragraph II.A.31 of this Ruling); and
(b) A significant net emissions increase of that pollutant from the major stationary source.
(ii) Any significant emissions increase (as defined in paragraph II.A.23 of this Ruling) from any emissions units or net emissions increase (as defined in paragraph II.A.6 of this Ruling) at a major stationary source that is significant for volatile organic compounds shall be considered significant for ozone.
(iii) A physical change or change in the method of operation shall not include:
(a) Routine maintenance, repair, and replacement;
(b) Use of an alternative fuel or raw material by reason of an order under section 2 (a) and (b) of the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974 (or any superseding legislation) or by reason of a natural gas curtailment plan pursuant to the Federal Power Act;
(c) Use of an alternative fuel by reason of an order or rule under section 125 of the Act;
(d) Use of an alternative fuel at a steam generating unit to the extent that the fuel is generated from municipal solid waste;
(e) Use of an alternative fuel or raw material by a stationary source which:
(1) The source was capable of accommodating before December 21, 1976, unless such change would be prohibited under any federally enforceable permit condition which was established after December 21, 1976, pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR subpart I or Sec. 51.166; or
(2) The source is approved to use under any permit issued under this ruling;
(f) An increase in the hours of operation or in the production rate, unless such change is prohibited under any federally enforceable permit condition which was established after December 21, 1976 pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR subpart I or Sec. 51.166;
(g) Any change in ownership at a stationary source.
(iv) For the purpose of applying the requirements of paragraph IV.H of this Ruling to modifications at major stationary sources of nitrogen oxides located in ozone nonattainment areas or in ozone transport regions, whether or not subject with respect to ozone to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act, any significant net emissions increase of nitrogen oxides is considered significant for ozone.
(v) Any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a major stationary source of volatile organic compounds that results in any increase in emissions of volatile organic compounds from any discrete operation, emissions unit, or other pollutant emitting activity at the source shall be considered a significant net emissions increase and a major modification for ozone, if the major stationary source is located in an extreme ozone nonattainment area that is subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act.
(vi) This definition shall not apply with respect to a particular regulated NSR pollutant when the major stationary source is complying with the requirements under paragraph IV.K of this ruling for a PAL for that pollutant. Instead, the definition at paragraph IV.K.2(viii) of this Ruling shall apply.
(vii) Fugitive emissions shall not be included in determining for any of the purposes of this Ruling whether a physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source is a major modification, unless the source belongs to one of the source categories listed in paragraph II.A.4(iii) of this Ruling.
(i) Net emissions increase means, with respect to any regulated NSR pollutant emitted by a major stationary source, the amount by which the sum of the following exceeds zero:
(a) The increase in emissions from a particular physical change or change in the method of operation at a stationary source as calculated pursuant to paragraph IV.J of this Ruling; and
(b) Any other increases and decreases in actual emissions at the major stationary source that are contemporaneous with the particular change and are otherwise creditable. Baseline actual emissions for calculating increases and decreases under this paragraph II.A.6(i)(b) shall be determined as provided in paragraph II.A.30 of this Ruling, except that paragraphs II.A.30(i)(c) and II.A.30(ii)(d) of this Ruling shall not apply.
(ii) An increase or decrease in actual emissions is contemporaneous with the increase from the particular change only if it occurs between:
(a) The date five years before construction on the particular change commences and
(b) The date that the increase from the particular change occurs.
(iii) An increase or decrease in actual emissions is creditable only if the reviewing authority has not relied on it in issuing a permit for the source under this Ruling, which permit is in effect when the increase in actual emissions from the particular change occurs.
(iv) An increase in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that the new level of actual emissions exceeds the old level.
(v) A decrease in actual emissions is creditable only to the extent that:
(a) The old level of actual emissions or the old level of allowable emissions, whichever is lower, exceeds the new level of actual emissions;
(b) It is enforceable as a practical matter at and after the time that actual construction on the particular change begins;
(c) The reviewing authority has not relied on it in issuing any permit under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.165; and
(d) It has approximately the same qualitative significance for public health and welfare as that attributed to the increase from the particular change.
(vi) An increase that results from a physical change at a source occurs when the emissions unit on which construction occurred becomes operational and begins to emit a particular pollutant. Any replacement unit that requires shakedown becomes operational only after a reasonable shakedown period, not to exceed 180 days.
(vii) Paragraph II.A.13(ii) of this Ruling shall not apply for determining creditable increases and decreases or after a change.
7. Emissions unit means any part of a stationary source that emits or would have the potential to emit any regulated NSR pollutant and includes an electric utility steam generating unit as defined in paragraph II.A.21 of this Ruling. For purposes of this Ruling, there are two types of emissions units as described in paragraphs II.A.7(i) and (ii) of this Ruling.
(i) A new emissions unit is any emissions unit which is (or will be) newly constructed and which has existed for less than 2 years from the date such emissions unit first operated.
(ii) An existing emissions unit is any emissions unit that does not meet the requirements in paragraph II.A.7(i) of this Ruling.
8. Secondary emissions means emissions which would occur as a result of the construction or operation of a major stationary source or major modification, but do not come from the major stationary source or major modification itself. For the purpose of this Ruling, secondary emissions must be specific, well defined, quantifiable, and impact the same general area as the stationary source or modification which causes the secondary emissions. Secondary emissions include emissions from any offsite support facility which would not be constructed or increase its emissions except as a result of the construction or operation of the major stationary source or major modification. Secondary emissions do not include any emissions which come directly from a mobile source, such as emissions from the tailpipe of a motor vehicle, from a train, or from a vessel.
9. Fugitive emissions means those emissions which could not reasonably pass through a stack, chimney, vent, or other functionally equivalent opening.
(i) Significant means, in reference to a net emissions increase or the potential of a source to emit any of the following pollutants, a rate of emissions that would equal or exceed any of the following rates:
Pollutant and Emissions Rate Carbon monoxide: 100 tons per year (tpy)Nitrogen oxides: 40 tpySulfur dioxide: 40 tpyOzone: 40 tpy of volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxidesLead: 0.6 tpyParticulate matter: 25 tpy of particulate matter emissionsPM10: 15 tpyPM2.5: 10 tpy of direct PM2.5 emissions; 40 tpy of sulfur dioxide emissions
(ii) Notwithstanding the significant emissions rate for ozone in paragraph II.A.10(i) of this Ruling, significant means, in reference to an emissions increase or a net emissions increase, any increase in actual emissions of volatile organic compounds that would result from any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a major stationary source locating in a serious or severe ozone nonattainment area that is subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act, if such emissions increase of volatile organic compounds exceeds 25 tons per year.
(iii) For the purposes of applying the requirements of paragraph IV.H of this Ruling to modifications at major stationary sources of nitrogen oxides located in an ozone nonattainment area or in an ozone transport region, the significant emission rates and other requirements for volatile organic compounds in paragraphs II.A.10(i), (ii), and (v) of this Ruling shall apply to nitrogen oxides emissions.
(iv) Notwithstanding the significant emissions rate for carbon monoxide under paragraph II.A.10(i) of this Ruling, significant means, in reference to an emissions increase or a net emissions increase, any increase in actual emissions of carbon monoxide that would result from any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, a major stationary source in a serious nonattainment area for carbon monoxide if such increase equals or exceeds 50 tons per year, provided the Administrator has determined that stationary sources contribute significantly to carbon monoxide levels in that area.
(v) Notwithstanding the significant emissions rates for ozone under paragraphs II.A.10(i) and (ii) of this Ruling, any increase in actual emissions of volatile organic compounds from any emissions unit at a major stationary source of volatile organic compounds located in an extreme ozone nonattainment area that is subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act shall be considered a significant net emissions increase.
11. Allowable emissions means the emissions rate calculated using the maximum rated capacity of the source (unless the source is subject to federally enforceable limits which restrict the operating rate, or hours of operation, or both) and the most stringent of the following:
(i) Applicable standards as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 61;
(ii) Any applicable State Implementation Plan emissions limitation, including those with a future compliance date; or
(iii) The emissions rate specified as a federally enforceable permit condition, including those with a future compliance date.
12. Federally enforceable means all limitations and conditions which are enforceable by the Administrator, including those requirements developed pursuant to 40 CFR parts 60 and 61, requirements within any applicable State implementation plan, any permit requirements established pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR part 51, subpart I, including operating permits issued under an EPA-approved program that is incorporated into the State implementation plan and expressly requires adherence to any permit issued under such program.
(i) Actual emissions means the actual rate of emissions of a regulated NSR pollutant from an emissions unit, as determined in accordance with paragraphs II.A.13(ii) through (iv) of this Ruling, except that this definition shall not apply for calculating whether a significant emissions increase has occurred, or for establishing a PAL under paragraph IV.K of this Ruling. Instead, paragraphs II.A.24 and 30 of this Ruling shall apply for those purposes.
(ii) In general, actual emissions as of a particular date shall equal the average rate, in tons per year, at which the unit actually emitted the pollutant during a consecutive 24-month period which precedes the particular date and which is representative of normal source operation. The reviewing authority shall allow the use of a different time period upon a determination that it is more representative of normal source operation. Actual emissions shall be calculated using the unit's actual operating hours, production rates, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the selected time period.
(iii) The reviewing authority may presume that source-specific allowable emissions for the unit are equivalent to the actual emissions of the unit.
(iv) For any emissions unit that has not begun normal operations on the particular date, actual emissions shall equal the potential to emit of the unit on that date.
14. Construction means any physical change or change in the method of operation (including fabrication, erection, installation, demolition, or modification of an emissions unit) that would result in a change in emissions.
15. Commence as applied to construction of a major stationary source or major modification means that the owner or operator has all necessary preconstruction approvals or permits and either has:
(i) Begun, or caused to begin, a continuous program of actual on-site construction of the source, to be completed within a reasonable time; or
(ii) Entered into binding agreements or contractual obligations, which cannot be cancelled or modified without substantial loss to the owner or operator, to undertake a program of actual construction of the source to be completed within a reasonable time.
16. Necessary preconstruction approvals or permits means those permits or approvals required under Federal air quality control laws and regulations and those air quality control laws and regulations which are part of the applicable State Implementation Plan.
17. Begin actual construction means, in general, initiation of physical on-site construction activities on an emissions unit which are of a permanent nature. Such activities include, but are not limited to, installation of building supports and foundations, laying of underground pipework, and construction of permanent storage structures. With respect to a change in method of operating this term refers to those on-site activities other than preparatory activities which mark the initiation of the change.
18. Lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:
(i) The most stringent emissions limitation which is contained in the implementation plan of any State for such class or category of stationary source, unless the owner or operator of the proposed stationary source demonstrates that such limitations are not achievable; or
(ii) The most stringent emissions limitation which is achieved in practice by such class or category of stationary source. This limitation, when applied to a modification, means the lowest achievable emissions rate for the new or modified emissions units within the stationary source. In no event shall the application of this term permit a proposed new or modified stationary source to emit any pollutant in excess of the amount allowable under applicable new source standards of performance.
19. Resource recovery facility means any facility at which solid waste is processed for the purpose of extracting, converting to energy, or otherwise separating and preparing solid waste for reuse. Energy conversion facilities must utilize solid waste to provide more than 50 percent of the heat input to be considered a resource recovery facility under this Ruling.
20. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) is as defined in Sec. 51.100(s) of this part.
21. Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
22. Pollution prevention means any activity that through process changes, product reformulation or redesign, or substitution of less polluting raw materials, eliminates or reduces the release of air pollutants (including fugitive emissions) and other pollutants to the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; it does not mean recycling (other than certain ``in-process recycling'' practices), energy recovery, treatment, or disposal.
23. Significant emissions increase means, for a regulated NSR pollutant, an increase in emissions that is significant (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling) for that pollutant.
(i) Projected actual emissions means, the maximum annual rate, in tons per year, at which an existing emissions unit is projected to emit a regulated NSR pollutant in any one of the 5 years (12-month period) following the date the unit resumes regular operation after the project, or in any one of the 10 years following that date, if the project involves increasing the emissions unit's design capacity or its potential to emit of that regulated NSR pollutant and full utilization of the unit would result in a significant emissions increase or a significant net emissions increase at the major stationary source.
(ii) In determining the projected actual emissions under paragraph II.A.24(i) of this Ruling before beginning actual construction, the owner or operator of the major stationary source:
(a) Shall consider all relevant information, including but not limited to, historical operational data, the company's own representations, the company's expected business activity and the company's highest projections of business activity, the company's filings with the State or Federal regulatory authorities, and compliance plans under the approved plan; and
(b) Shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable, and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions; and
(c) Shall exclude, in calculating any increase in emissions that results from the particular project, that portion of the unit's emissions following the project that an existing unit could have accommodated during the consecutive 24-month period used to establish the baseline actual emissions under paragraph II.A.30 of this Ruling and that are also unrelated to the particular project, including any increased utilization due to product demand growth; or,
(d) In lieu of using the method set out in paragraphs II.A.24(ii)(a) through (c) of this Ruling, may elect to use the emissions unit's potential to emit, in tons per year, as defined under paragraph II.A.3 of this Ruling.
25. Nonattainment major new source review (NSR) program means a major source preconstruction permit program that implements Sections I through VI of this Ruling, or a program that has been approved by the Administrator and incorporated into the plan to implement the requirements of Sec. 51.165 of this part. Any permit issued under such a program is a major NSR permit.
26. Continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) means all of the equipment that may be required to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this Ruling, to sample, condition (if applicable), analyze, and provide a record of emissions on a continuous basis.
27. Predictive emissions monitoring system (PEMS) means all of the equipment necessary to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and calculate and record the mass emissions rate (for example, lb/hr) on a continuous basis.
28. Continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) means all of the equipment necessary to meet the data acquisition and availability requirements of this Ruling, to monitor process and control device operational parameters (for example, control device secondary voltages and electric currents) and other information (for example, gas flow rate, O2 or CO2 concentrations), and to record average operational parameter value(s) on a continuous basis.
29. Continuous emissions rate monitoring system (CERMS) means the total equipment required for the determination and recording of the pollutant mass emissions rate (in terms of mass per unit of time).
30. Baseline actual emissions means the rate of emissions, in tons per year, of a regulated NSR pollutant, as determined in accordance with paragraphs II.A.30(i) through (iv) of this Ruling.
(i) For any existing electric utility steam generating unit, baseline actual emissions means the average rate, in tons per year, at which the unit actually emitted the pollutant during any consecutive 24-month period selected by the owner or operator within the 5-year period immediately preceding when the owner or operator begins actual construction of the project. The reviewing authority shall allow the use of a different time period upon a determination that it is more representative of normal source operation.
(a) The average rate shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable, and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions.
(b) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any non-compliant emissions that occurred while the source was operating above any emission limitation that was legally enforceable during the consecutive 24-month period.
(c) For a regulated NSR pollutant, when a project involves multiple emissions units, only one consecutive 24-month period must be used to determine the baseline actual emissions for the emissions units being changed. A different consecutive 24-month period can be used for each regulated NSR pollutant.
(d) The average rate shall not be based on any consecutive 24-month period for which there is inadequate information for determining annual emissions, in tons per year, and for adjusting this amount if required by paragraph II.A.30(i)(b) of this Ruling.
(ii) For an existing emissions unit (other than an electric utility steam generating unit), baseline actual emissions means the average rate, in tons per year, at which the emissions unit actually emitted the pollutant during any consecutive 24-month period selected by the owner or operator within the 10-year period immediately preceding either the date the owner or operator begins actual construction of the project, or the date a complete permit application is received by the reviewing authority for a permit required either under this Ruling or under a plan approved by the Administrator, whichever is earlier, except that the 10-year period shall not include any period earlier than November 15, 1990.
(a) The average rate shall include fugitive emissions to the extent quantifiable, and emissions associated with startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions.
(b) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any non-compliant emissions that occurred while the source was operating above an emission limitation that was legally enforceable during the consecutive 24-month period.
(c) The average rate shall be adjusted downward to exclude any emissions that would have exceeded an emission limitation with which the major stationary source must currently comply, had such major stationary source been required to comply with such limitations during the consecutive 24-month period. However, if an emission limitation is part of a maximum achievable control technology standard that the Administrator proposed or promulgated under part 63 of this chapter, the baseline actual emissions need only be adjusted if the State has taken credit for such emissions reductions in an attainment demonstration or maintenance plan.
(d) For a regulated NSR pollutant, when a project involves multiple emissions units, only one consecutive 24-month period must be used to determine the baseline actual emissions for the emissions units being changed. A different consecutive 24-month period can be used for each regulated NSR pollutant.
(e) The average rate shall not be based on any consecutive 24-month period for which there is inadequate information for determining annual emissions, in tons per year, and for adjusting this amount if required by paragraphs II.A.30(ii)(b) and (c) of this Ruling.
(iii) For a new emissions unit, the baseline actual emissions for purposes of determining the emissions increase that will result from the initial construction and operation of such unit shall equal zero; and thereafter, for all other purposes, shall equal the unit's potential to emit.
(iv) For a PAL for a major stationary source, the baseline actual emissions shall be calculated for existing electric utility steam generating units in accordance with the procedures contained in paragraph II.A.30(i) of this Ruling, for other existing emissions units in accordance with the procedures contained in paragraph II.A.30(ii) of this Ruling, and for a new emissions unit in accordance with the procedures contained in paragraph II.A.30(iii) of this Ruling.
31. Regulated NSR pollutant, for purposes of this Ruling, means the following:
(i) Nitrogen oxides or any volatile organic compounds;
(ii) Any pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard has been promulgated. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) PM2.5 emissions and PM10 emissions shall include gaseous emissions from a source or activity, which condense to form particulate matter at ambient temperatures. On or after January 1, 2011, such condensable particulate matter shall be accounted for in applicability determinations and in establishing emissions limitations for PM2.5 and PM10 in permits issued under this ruling. Compliance with emissions limitations for PM2.5 and PM10 issued prior to this date shall not be based on condensable particulate matter unless required by the terms and conditions of the permit or the applicable implementation plan. Applicability determinations made prior to this date without accounting for condensable particulate matter shall not be considered in violation of this section unless the applicable implementation plan required condensable particulate matter to be included.
(b) Any pollutant that is identified under this paragraph II.A.31(ii)(2) as a constituent or precursor of a general pollutant listed under paragraph II.A.31(i) or (ii) of this Ruling, provided that such constituent or precursor pollutant may only be regulated under NSR as part of regulation of the general pollutant. Precursors identified by the Administrator for purposes of NSR are the following:
(1) Volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides are precursors to ozone in all ozone nonattainment areas.
(2) Sulfur dioxide is a precursor to PM2.5 in all PM2.5 nonattainment areas.
32. Reviewing authority means the State air pollution control agency, local agency, other State agency, Indian tribe, or other agency issuing permits under this Ruling or authorized by the Administrator to carry out a permit program under Sec. Sec. 51.165 and 51.166 of this part, or the Administrator in the case of EPA-implemented permit programs under this Ruling or under Sec. 52.21 of this chapter.
33. Project means a physical change in, or change in the method of operation of, an existing major stationary source.
34. Best available control technology (BACT) means an emissions limitation (including a visible emissions standard) based on the maximum degree of reduction for each regulated NSR pollutant which would be emitted from any proposed major stationary source or major modification which the reviewing authority, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such source or modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques for control of such pollutant. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emissions of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable standard under 40 CFR part 60 or 61. If the reviewing authority determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard, or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirement for the application of BACT. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emissions reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice or operation, and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.
35. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit means any permit that is issued under a major source preconstruction permit program that has been approved by the Administrator and incorporated into the plan to implement the requirements of Sec. 51.166 of this chapter, or under the program in Sec. 52.21 of this chapter.
36. Federal Land Manager means, with respect to any lands in the United States, the Secretary of the department with authority over such lands.
B. Review of all sources for emission limitation compliance. The reviewing authority must examine each proposed major new source and proposed major modification \1\ to determine if such a source will meet all applicable emission requirements in the SIP, any applicable new source performance standard in part 60 or any national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants in part 61 or part 63 of this chapter. If the reviewing authority determines that the proposed major new source cannot meet the applicable emission requirements, the permit to construct must be denied.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\1\ Hereafter the term source will be used to denote both any source and any modification.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. Review of specified sources for air quality impact. In addition, the reviewing authority must determine whether the major stationary source or major modification would be constructed in an area designated in 40 CFR 81.300 et seq. as nonattainment for a pollutant for which the stationary source or modification is major.
D.-E. [Reserved]
F. Fugitive emission sources. Section IV.A. of this Ruling shall not apply to a source or modification that would be a major stationary source or major modification only if fugitive emissions, to the extent quantifiable, are considered in calculating the potential to emit of the stationary source or modification and such source does not belong to any of the following categories:
(1) Coal cleaning plants (with thermal dryers);
(2) Kraft pulp mills;
(3) Portland cement plants;
(4) Primary zinc smelters;
(5) Iron and steel mills;
(6) Primary aluminum ore reduction plants;
(7) Primary copper smelters;
(8) Municipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per day;
(9) Hydrofluoric, sulfuric, or nitric acid plants;
(10) Petroleum refineries;
(11) Lime plants;
(12) Phosphate rock processing plants;
(13) Coke oven batteries;
(14) Sulfur recovery plants;
(15) Carbon black plants (furnace process);
(16) Primary lead smelters;
(17) Fuel conversion plants;
(18) Sintering plants;
(19) Secondary metal production plants;
(20) Chemical process plants--The term chemical processing plant shall not include ethanol production facilities that produce ethanol by natural fermentation included in NAICS codes 325193 or 312140;
(21) Fossil-fuel boilers (or combination thereof) totaling more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input;
(22) Petroleum storage and transfer units with a total storage capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels;
(23) Taconite ore processing plants;
(24) Glass fiber processing plants;
(25) Charcoal production plants;
(26) Fossil fuel-fired steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat input;
(27) Any other stationary source category which, as of August 7, 1980, is being regulated under section 111 or 112 of the Act.
G. Secondary emissions. Secondary emissions need not be considered in determining whether the emission rates in Section II.C. above would be exceeded. However, if a source is subject to this Ruling on the basis of the direct emissions from the source, the applicable conditions of this Ruling must also be met for secondary emissions. However, secondary emissions may be exempt from Conditions 1 and 2 of Section IV. Also, since EPA's authority to perform or require indirect source review relating to mobile sources regulated under Title II of the Act (motor vehicles and aircraft) has been restricted by statute, consideration of the indirect impacts of motor vehicles and aircraft traffic is not required under this Ruling. III. Sources Locating in Designated Clean or Unclassifiable Areas Which
Would Cause or Contribute to a Violation of a National Ambient Air
Quality Standard
A. This section applies only to major sources or major modifications which would locate in an area designated in 40 CFR 81.300 et seq. as attainment or unclassifiable in a State where EPA has not yet approved the State preconstruction review program required by 40 CFR 51.165(b), if the source or modification would exceed the following significance levels at any locality that does not meet the NAAQS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Averaging time (hours)
Pollutant Annual -----------------------------------------------------------------
24 8 3 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO2.......................... 1.0 [micro]g/ 5 [micro]g/m\3\ ............... 25 [micro]g/
m\3\ m\3\PM10......................... 1.0 [micro]g/ 5 [micro]g/m\3\ ...............
m\3\PM2.5........................ 0.3 [micro]g/ 1.2 [micro]g/ ...............
m\3\ m\3\NO2.......................... 1.0 [micro]g/ ............... ...............
m\3\CO........................... ............... ............... 0.5 mg/m\3\ ............. 2 mg/m\3\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B. Sources to which this section applies must meet Conditions 1, 2, and 4 of Section IV.A. of this ruling. \2\ However, such sources may be exempt from Condition 3 of Section IV.A. of this ruling.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\2\ The discussion in this paragraph is a proposal, but represents EPA's interim policy until final rulemaking is completed.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. Review of specified sources for air quality impact. For stable air pollutants (i.e., SO2, particulate matter and CO), the determination of whether a source will cause or contribute to a violation of an NAAQS generally should be made on a case-by-case basis as of the proposed new source's start-up date using the source's allowable emissions in an atmospheric simulation model (unless a source will clearly impact on a receptor which exceeds an NAAQS).
For sources of nitrogen oxides, the initial determination of whether a source would cause or contribute to a violation of the NAAQS for NO2 should be made using an atmospheric simulation model assuming all the nitric oxide emitted is oxidized to NO2 by the time the plume reaches ground level. The initial concentration estimates may be adjusted if adequate data are available to account for the expected oxidation rate.
For ozone, sources of volatile organic compounds, locating outside a designated ozone nonattainment area, will be presumed to have no significant impact on the designated nonattainment area. If ambient monitoring indicates that the area of source location is in fact nonattainment, then the source may be permitted under the provisions of any State plan adopted pursuant to section 110(a)(2)(D) of the Act until the area is designated nonattainment and a State Implementation Plan revision is approved. If no State plan pursuant to section 110(a)(2)(D) has been adopted and approved, then this Ruling shall apply.
As noted above, the determination as to whether a source would cause or contribute to a violation of an NAAQS should be made as of the new source's start-up date. Therefore, if a designated nonattainment area is projected to be an attainment area as part of an approved SIP control strategy by the new source start-up date, offsets would not be required if the new source would not cause a new violation.
D. Sources locating in clean areas, but would cause a new violating of an NAAQS. If the reviewing authority finds that the emissions from a proposed source would cause a new violation of an NAAQS, but would not contribute to an existing violation, approval may be granted only if both of the following conditions are met:
Condition 1. The new source is required to meet a more stringent emission limitation \3\ and/or the control of existing sources below allowable levels is required so that the source will not cause a violation of any NAAQS.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\3\ If the reviewing authority determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular class of sources would make the imposition of an enforceable numerical emission standard infeasible, the authority may instead prescribe a design, operational or equipment standard. In such cases, the reviewing authority shall make its best estimate as to the emission rate that will be achieved and must specify that rate in the required submission to EPA (see Part V). Any permits issued without an enforceable numerical emission standard must contain enforceable conditions which assure that the design characteristics or equipment will be properly maintained (or that the operational conditions will be properly performed) so as to continuously achieve the assumed degree of control. Such conditions shall be enforceable as emission limitations by private parties under section 304. Hereafter, the term emission limitation shall also include such design, operational, or equipment standards.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Condition 2. The new emission limitations for the new source as well as any existing sources affected must be enforceable in accordance with the mechanisms set forth in Section V of this appendix.
IV. Sources That Would Locate in a Designated Nonattainment Area
A. Conditions for approval. If the reviewing authority finds that the major stationary source or major modification would be constructed in an area designated in 40 CFR 81.300 et seq as nonattainment for a pollutant for which the stationary source or modification is major, approval may be granted only if the following conditions are met:
Condition 1. The new source is required to meet an emission Limitation \4\ which specifies the lowest achievable emission rate for such source.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\4\ If the reviewing authority determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular class of sources would make the imposition of an enforceable numerical emission standard infeasible, the authority may instead prescribe a design, operational or equipment standard. In such cases, the reviewing authority shall make its best estimate as to the emission rate that will be achieved and must specify that rate in the required submission to EPA (see Part V). Any permits issued without an enforceable numerical emission standard must contain enforceable conditions which assure that the design characteristics or equipment will be properly maintained (or that the operational conditions will be properly performed) so as to continuously achieve the assumed degree of control. Such conditions shall be enforceable as emission limitations by private parties under section 304. Hereafter, the term emission limitation shall also include such design, operational, or equipment standards.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Condition 2. The applicant must certify that all existing major sources owned or operated by the applicant (or any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the applicant) in the same State as the proposed source are in compliance with all applicable emission limitations and standards under the Act (or are in compliance with an expeditious schedule which is Federally enforceable or contained in a court decree).
Condition 3. Emission reductions (offsets) from existing sources \5\ in the area of the proposed source (whether or not under the same ownership) are required such that there will be reasonable progress toward attainment of the applicable NAAQS. \6\ Except as provided in paragraph IV.G.5 of this Ruling (addressing PM2.5 and its precursors), only intrapollutant emission offsets will be acceptable (e.g., hydrocarbon increases may not be offset against SO2 reductions).
\5\ Subject to the provisions of paragraph IV.C of this Ruling.
\6\ The discussion in this paragraph is a proposal, but represents EPA's interim policy until final rulemaking is completed.
Condition 4. The emission offsets will provide a positive net air quality benefit in the affected area (see Section IV.D. below). Atmospheric simulation modeling is not necessary for volatile organic compounds and NOX. Fulfillment of Condition 3 and Section IV.D. will be considered adequate to meet this condition.
Condition 5. The permit applicant shall conduct an analysis of alternative sites, sizes, production processes and environmental control techniques for such proposed source that demonstrates that the benefits of the proposed source significantly outweigh the environmental and social costs imposed as a result of its location, construction or modification.
B. Exemptions from certain conditions. The reviewing authority may exempt the following sources from Condition 1 under Section III or Conditions 3 and 4. Section IV.A.:
(i) Resource recovery facilities burning municipal solid waste, and (ii) sources which must switch fuels due to lack of adequate fuel supplies or where a source is required to be modified as a result of EPA regulations (e.g., lead-in-fuel requirements) and no exemption from such regulation is available to the source. Such an exemption may be granted only if:
1. The applicant demonstrates that it made its best efforts to obtain sufficient emission offsets to comply with Condition 1 under Section III or Conditions 3 and 4 under Section IV.A. and that such efforts were unsuccessful;
2. The applicant has secured all available emission offsets; and
3. The applicant will continue to seek the necessary emission offsets and apply them when they become available.
Such an exemption may result in the need to revise the SIP to provide additional control of existing sources.
Temporary emission sources, such as pilot plants, portable facilities which will be relocated outside of the nonattainment area after a short period of time, and emissions resulting from the construction phase of a new source, are exempt from Conditions 3 and 4 of this section.
C. Baseline for determining credit for emission and air quality offsets. The baseline for determining credit for emission and air quality offsets will be the SIP emission limitations in effect at the time the application to construct or modify a source is filed. Thus, credit for emission offset purposes may be allowable for existing control that goes beyond that required by the SIP. Emission offsets generally should be made on a pounds per hour basis when all facilities involved in the emission offset calculations are operating at their maximum expected or allowed production rate. The reviewing agency should specify other averaging periods (e.g., tons per year) in addition to the pounds per hour basis if necessary to carry out the intent of this Ruling. When offsets are calculated on a tons per year basis, the baseline emissions for existing sources providing the offsets should be calculated using the actual annual operating hours for the previous one or two year period (or other appropriate period if warranted by cyclical business conditions). Where the SIP requires certain hardware controls in lieu of an emission limitation (e.g., floating roof tanks for petroleum storage), baseline allowable emissions should be based on actual operating conditions for the previous one or two year period (i.e., actual throughput and vapor pressures) in conjunction with the required hardware controls.
1. No meaningful or applicable SIP requirement. Where the applicable SIP does not contain an emission limitation for a source or source category, the emission offset baseline involving such sources shall be the actual emissions determined in accordance with the discussion above regarding operating conditions.
Where the SIP emission limit allows greater emissions than the uncontrolled emission rate of the source (as when a State has a single particulate emission limit for all fuels), emission offset credit will be allowed only for control below the uncontrolled emission rate.
2. Combustion of fuels. Generally, the emissions for determining emission offset credit involving an existing fuel combustion source will be the allowable emissions under the SIP for the type of fuel being burned at the time the new source application is filed (i.e., if the existing source has switched to a different type of fuel at some earlier date, any resulting emission reduction [either actual or allowable] shall not be used for emission offset credit). If the existing source commits to switch to a cleaner fuel at some future date, emission offset credit based on the allowable emissions for the fuels involved is not acceptable unless the permit is conditioned to require the use of a specified alternative control measure which would achieve the same degree of emission reduction should the source switch back to a dirtier fuel at some later date. The reviewing authority should ensure that adequate long-term supplies of the new fuel are available before granting emission offset credit for fuel switches.
3. Emission Reduction Credits from Shutdowns and Curtailments.
(i) Emissions reductions achieved by shutting down an existing source or curtailing production or operating hours may be generally credited for offsets if they meet the requirements in paragraphs IV.C.3.i.1. through 2 of this section.
(1) Such reductions are surplus, permanent, quantifiable, and federally enforceable.
(2) The shutdown or curtailment occurred after the last day of the base year for the SIP planning process. For purposes of this paragraph, a reviewing authority may choose to consider a prior shutdown or curtailment to have occurred after the last day of the base year if the projected emissions inventory used to develop the attainment demonstration explicitly includes the emissions from such previously shutdown or curtailed emission units. However, in no event may credit be given for shutdowns that occurred before August 7, 1977.
(ii) Emissions reductions achieved by shutting down an existing source or curtailing production or operating hours and that do not meet the requirements in paragraphs IV.C.3.i.1. through 2 of this section may be generally credited only if:
(1) The shutdown or curtailment occurred on or after the date the new source permit application is filed; or
(2) The applicant can establish that the proposed new source is a replacement for the shutdown or curtailed source, and the emissions reductions achieved by the shutdown or curtailment met the requirements of paragraphs IV.C.3.i.1. through 2 of this section.
4. Credit for VOC substitution. As set forth in the Agency's ``Recommended Policy on Control of Volatile Organic Compounds'' (42 FR 35314, July 8, 1977), EPA has found that almost all non-methane VOCs are photochemically reactive and that low reactivity VOCs eventually form as much ozone as the highly reactive VOCs. Therefore, no emission offset credit may be allowed for replacing one VOC compound with another of lesser reactivity, except for those compounds listed in Table 1 of the above policy statement.
5. ``Banking'' of emission offset credit. For new sources obtaining permits by applying offsets after January 16, 1979, the reviewing authority may allow offsets that exceed the requirements of reasonable progress toward attainment (Condition 3) to be ``banked'' (i.e., saved to provide offsets for a source seeking a permit in the future) for use under this Ruling. Likewise, the reviewing authority may allow the owner of an existing source that reduces its own emissions to bank any resulting reductions beyond those required by the SIP for use under this Ruling, even if none of the offsets are applied immediately to a new source permit. A reviewing authority may allow these banked offsets to be used under the preconstruction review program required by Part D, as long as these banked emissions are identified and accounted for in the SIP control strategy. A reviewing authority may not approve the construction of a source using banked offsets if the new source would interfere with the SIP control strategy or if such use would violate any other condition set forth for use of offsets. To preserve banked offsets, the reviewing authority should identify them in either a SIP revision or a permit, and establish rules as to how and when they may be used.
6. Offset credit for meeting NSPS or NESHAPS. Where a source is subject to an emission limitation established in a New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) or a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS), (i.e., requirements under sections 111 and 112, respectively, of the Act), and a different SIP limitation, the more stringent limitation shall be used as the baseline for determining credit for emission and air quality offsets. The difference in emissions between the SIP and the NSPS or NESHAPS, for such source may not be used as offset credit. However, if a source were not subject to an NSPS or NESHAPS, for example if its construction had commenced prior to the proposal of an NSPS or NESHAPS for that source category, offset credit can be permitted for tightening the SIP to the NSPS or NESHAPS level for such source.
D. Location of offsetting emissions. The owner or operator of a new or modified major stationary source may comply with any offset requirement in effect under this Ruling for increased emissions of any air pollutant only by obtaining emissions reductions of such air pollutant from the same source or other sources in the same nonattainment area, except that the reviewing authority may allow the owner or operator of a source to obtain such emissions reductions in another nonattainment area if the conditions in IV.D.1 and 2 are met.
1. The other area has an equal or higher nonattainment classification than the area in which the source is located.
2. Emissions from such other area contribute to a violation of the national ambient air quality standard in the nonattainment area in which the source is located.
E. Reasonable further progress. Permits to construct and operate may be issued if the reviewing authority determines that, by the time the source is to commence operation, sufficient offsetting emissions reductions have been obtained, such that total allowable emissions from existing sources in the region, from new or modified sources which are not major emitting facilities, and from the proposed source will be sufficiently less than total emissions from existing sources prior to the application for such permit to construct or modify so as to represent (when considered together with the plan provisions required under CAA section 172) reasonable further progress (as defined in CAA section 171).
F. Source obligation. At such time that a particular source or modification becomes a major stationary source or major modification solely by virtue of a relaxation in any enforceable limitation which was established after August 7, 1980, on the capacity of the source or modification otherwise to emit a pollutant, such as a restriction on hours of operation, then the requirements of this Ruling shall apply to the source or modification as though construction had not yet commenced on the source or modification.
G. Offset Ratios.
1. In meeting the emissions offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling, the ratio of total actual emissions reductions to the emissions increase shall be at least 1:1 unless an alternative ratio is provided for the applicable nonattainment area in paragraphs IV.G.2 through IV.G.4.
2. In meeting the emissions offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling for ozone nonattainment areas that are subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act, the ratio of total actual emissions reductions of VOC to the emissions increase of VOC shall be as follows:
(i) In any marginal nonattainment area for ozone--at least 1.1:1;
(ii) In any moderate nonattainment area for ozone--at least 1.15:1;
(iii) In any serious nonattainment area for ozone--at least 1.2:1;
(iv) In any severe nonattainment area for ozone--at least 1.3:1 (except that the ratio may be at least 1.2:1 if the State also requires all existing major sources in such nonattainment area to use BACT for the control of VOC); and
(v) In any extreme nonattainment area for ozone--at least 1.5:1 (except that the ratio may be at least 1.2:1 if the State also requires all existing major sources in such nonattainment area to use BACT for the control of VOC); and
3. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph IV.G.2 of this Ruling for meeting the requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling, the ratio of total actual emissions reductions of VOC to the emissions increase of VOC shall be at least 1.15:1 for all areas within an ozone transport region that is subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act, except for serious, severe, and extreme ozone nonattainment areas that are subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act.
4. In meeting the emissions offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling for ozone nonattainment areas that are subject to subpart 1, part D, title I of the Act (but are not subject to subpart 2, part D, title I of the Act, including 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas subject to 40 CFR 51.902(b)), the ratio of total actual emissions reductions of VOC to the emissions increase of VOC shall be at least 1:1.
5. Interpollutant offsetting. In meeting the emissions offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling, the emissions offsets obtained shall be for the same regulated NSR pollutant unless interpollutant offsetting is permitted for a particular pollutant as specified in this paragraph IV.G.5.
(i) The offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling for emissions of the ozone precursors NOX and VOC may be satisfied by offsetting reductions of emissions of either of those precursors, if all other requirements for such offsets are also satisfied.
(ii) The offset requirements of paragraph IV.A, Condition 3 of this Ruling for direct PM2.5 emissions or emissions of precursors of PM2.5 may be satisfied by offsetting reductions of direct PM2.5 emissions or emissions of any PM2.5 precursor identified under paragraph II.A.31 (iii) of this Ruling if such offsets comply with an interprecursor trading hierarchy and ratio approved by the Administrator.
H. Additional provisions for emissions of nitrogen oxides in ozone transport regions and nonattainment areas. The requirements of this Ruling applicable to major stationary sources and major modifications of volatile organic compounds shall apply to nitrogen oxides emissions from major stationary sources and major modifications of nitrogen oxides in an ozone transport region or in any ozone nonattainment area, except in ozone nonattainment areas where the Administrator has granted a NOX waiver applying the standards set forth under 182(f) and the waiver continues to apply.
I. Applicability procedures.
1. To determine whether a project constitutes a major modification, the reviewing authority shall apply the principles set out in paragraphs IV.I.1(i) through (v) of this Ruling.
(i) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph IV.I.2 of this Ruling, and consistent with the definition of major modification contained in paragraph II.A.5 of this Ruling, a project is a major modification for a regulated NSR pollutant if it causes two types of emissions increases--a significant emissions increase (as defined in paragraph II.A.23 of this Ruling), and a significant net emissions increase (as defined in paragraphs II.A.6 and 10 of this Ruling). The project is not a major modification if it does not cause a significant emissions increase. If the project causes a significant emissions increase, then the project is a major modification only if it also results in a significant net emissions increase.
(ii) The procedure for calculating (before beginning actual construction) whether a significant emissions increase (i.e., the first step of the process) will occur depends upon the type of emissions units being modified, according to paragraphs IV.I.1(iii) through (v) of this Ruling. The procedure for calculating (before beginning actual construction) whether a significant net emissions increase will occur at the major stationary source (i.e., the second step of the process) is contained in the definition in paragraph II.A.6 of this Ruling. Regardless of any such preconstruction projections, a major modification results if the project causes a significant emissions increase and a significant net emissions increase.
(iii) Actual-to-projected-actual applicability test for projects that only involve existing emissions units. A significant emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant is projected to occur if the sum of the difference between the projected actual emissions (as defined in paragraph II.A.24 of this Ruling) and the baseline actual emissions (as defined in paragraphs II.A.30(i) and (ii) of this Ruling, as applicable), for each existing emissions unit, equals or exceeds the significant amount for that pollutant (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling).
(iv) Actual-to-potential test for projects that only involve construction of a new emissions unit(s). A significant emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant is projected to occur if the sum of the difference between the potential to emit (as defined in paragraph II.A.3 of this Ruling) from each new emissions unit following completion of the project and the baseline actual emissions (as defined in paragraph II.A.30(iii) of this Ruling) of these units before the project equals or exceeds the significant amount for that pollutant (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling).
(v) Hybrid test for projects that involve multiple types of emissions units. A significant emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant is projected to occur if the sum of the emissions increases for each emissions unit, using the method specified in paragraphs IV.I.1(iii) through (iv) of this Ruling as applicable with respect to each emissions unit, for each type of emissions unit equals or exceeds the significant amount for that pollutant (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling).
2. For any major stationary source for a PAL for a regulated NSR pollutant, the major stationary source shall comply with requirements under paragraph IV.K of this Ruling.
J. Provisions for projected actual emissions. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph IV.J.6(ii) of this Ruling, the provisions of this paragraph IV.J apply with respect to any regulated NSR pollutant emitted from projects at existing emissions units at a major stationary source (other than projects at a source with a PAL) in circumstances where there is a reasonable possibility, within the meaning of paragraph IV.J.6 of this Ruling, that a project that is not a part of a major modification may result in a significant emissions increase of such pollutant, and the owner or operator elects to use the method specified in paragraphs II.A.24(ii)(a) through (c) of this Ruling for calculating projected actual emissions.
1. Before beginning actual construction of the project, the owner or operator shall document and maintain a record of the following information:
(i) A description of the project;
(ii) Identification of the emissions unit(s) whose emissions of a regulated NSR pollutant could be affected by the project; and
(iii) A description of the applicability test used to determine that the project is not a major modification for any regulated NSR pollutant, including the baseline actual emissions, the projected actual emissions, the amount of emissions excluded under paragraph II.A.24(ii)(c) of this Ruling and an explanation for why such amount was excluded, and any netting calculations, if applicable.
2. If the emissions unit is an existing electric utility steam generating unit, before beginning actual construction, the owner or operator shall provide a copy of the information set out in paragraph IV.J.1 of this Ruling to the reviewing authority. Nothing in this paragraph IV.J.2 shall be construed to require the owner or operator of such a unit to obtain any determination from the reviewing authority before beginning actual construction.
3. The owner or operator shall monitor the emissions of any regulated NSR pollutant that could increase as a result of the project and that is emitted by any emissions units identified in paragraph IV.J.1(ii) of this Ruling; and calculate and maintain a record of the annual emissions, in tons per year on a calendar year basis, for a period of 5 years following resumption of regular operations after the change, or for a period of 10 years following resumption of regular operations after the change if the project increases the design capacity or potential to emit of that regulated NSR pollutant at such emissions unit.
4. If the unit is an existing electric utility steam generating unit, the owner or operator shall submit a report to the reviewing authority within 60 days after the end of each year, during which records must be generated under paragraph IV.J.3 of this Ruling setting out the unit's annual emissions during the year that preceded submission of the report.
5. If the unit is an existing unit other than an electric utility steam generating unit, the owner or operator shall submit a report to the reviewing authority if the annual emissions, in tons per year, from the project identified in paragraph IV.J.1 of this Ruling, exceed the baseline actual emissions (as documented and maintained pursuant to paragraph IV.J.1(iii) of this Ruling) by a significant amount (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling) for that regulated NSR pollutant, and if such emissions differ from the preconstruction projection as documented and maintained pursuant to paragraph IV.J.1(iii) of this Ruling. Such report shall be submitted to the reviewing authority within 60 days after the end of such year. The report shall contain the following:
(i) The name, address and telephone number of the major stationary source;
(ii) The annual emissions as calculated pursuant to paragraph IV.J.3 of this Ruling; and
(iii) Any other information that the owner or operator wishes to include in the report (e.g., an explanation as to why the emissions differ from the preconstruction projection).
6. A ``reasonable possibility'' under paragraph IV.J of this Ruling occurs when the owner or operator calculates the project to result in either:
(i) A projected actual emissions increase of at least 50 percent of the amount that is a ``significant emissions increase,'' as defined under paragraph II.A.23 of this Ruling (without reference to the amount that is a significant net emissions increase), for the regulated NSR pollutant; or
(ii) A projected actual emissions increase that, added to the amount of emissions excluded under paragraph II.A.24(ii)(c), sums to at least 50 percent of the amount that is a ``significant emissions increase,'' as defined under paragraph II.A.23 of this Ruling (without reference to the amount that is a significant net emissions increase), for the regulated NSR pollutant. For a project for which a reasonable possibility occurs only within the meaning of paragraph IV.J.6(ii) of this Ruling, and not also within the meaning of paragraph IV.J.6(i) of this Ruling, then provisions IV.J.2 through IV.J.5 do not apply to the project.
7. The owner or operator of the source shall make the information required to be documented and maintained pursuant to this paragraph IV.J of this Ruling available for review upon a request for inspection by the reviewing authority or the general public pursuant to the requirements contained in Sec. 70.4(b)(3)(viii) of this chapter.
K. Actuals PALs. The provisions in paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling govern actuals PALs.
1. Applicability.
(i) The reviewing authority may approve the use of an actuals PAL for any existing major stationary source (except as provided in paragraph IV.K.1(ii) of this Ruling) if the PAL meets the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling. The term ``PAL'' shall mean ``actuals PAL'' throughout paragraph IV.K of this Ruling.
(ii) The reviewing authority shall not allow an actuals PAL for VOC or NOX for any major stationary source located in an extreme ozone nonattainment area.
(iii) Any physical change in or change in the method of operation of a major stationary source that maintains its total source-wide emissions below the PAL level, meets the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling, and complies with the PAL permit:
(a) Is not a major modification for the PAL pollutant;
(b) Does not have to be approved through a nonattainment major NSR program; and
(c) Is not subject to the provisions in paragraph IV.F of this Ruling (restrictions on relaxing enforceable emission limitations that the major stationary source used to avoid applicability of a nonattainment major NSR program).
(iv) Except as provided under paragraph IV.K.1(iii)(c) of this Ruling, a major stationary source shall continue to comply with all applicable Federal or State requirements, emission limitations, and work practice requirements that were established prior to the effective date of the PAL.
2. Definitions. For the purposes of this paragraph IV.K, the definitions in paragraphs IV.K.2(i) through (xi) of this Ruling apply. When a term is not defined in these paragraphs, it shall have the meaning given in paragraph II.A of this Ruling or in the Act.
(i) Actuals PAL for a major stationary source means a PAL based on the baseline actual emissions (as defined in paragraph II.A.30 of this Ruling) of all emissions units (as defined in paragraph II.A.7 of this Ruling) at the source, that emit or have the potential to emit the PAL pollutant.
(ii) Allowable emissions means ``allowable emissions'' as defined in paragraph II.A.11 of this Ruling, except as this definition is modified according to paragraphs IV.K.2(ii)(a) through (b) of this Ruling.
(a) The allowable emissions for any emissions unit shall be calculated considering any emission limitations that are enforceable as a practical matter on the emissions unit's potential to emit.
(b) An emissions unit's potential to emit shall be determined using the definition in paragraph II.A.3 of this Ruling, except that the words ``enforceable as a practical matter'' should be added after ``federally enforceable.''
(iii) Small emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount less than the significant level for that PAL pollutant, as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling or in the Act, whichever is lower.
(iv) Major emissions unit means:
(a) Any emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit 100 tons per year or more of the PAL pollutant in an attainment area; or
(b) Any emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit the PAL pollutant in an amount that is equal to or greater than the major source threshold for the PAL pollutant as defined by the Act for nonattainment areas. For example, in accordance with the definition of major stationary source in section 182(c) of the Act, an emissions unit would be a major emissions unit for VOC if the emissions unit is located in a serious ozone nonattainment area and it emits or has the potential to emit 50 or more tons of VOC per year.
(v) Plantwide applicability limitation (PAL) means an emission limitation expressed in tons per year, for a pollutant at a major stationary source, that is enforceable as a practical matter and established source-wide in accordance with paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling.
(vi) PAL effective date generally means the date of issuance of the PAL permit. However, the PAL effective date for an increased PAL is the date any emissions unit which is part of the PAL major modification becomes operational and begins to emit the PAL pollutant.
(vii) PAL effective period means the period beginning with the PAL effective date and ending 10 years later.
(viii) PAL major modification means, notwithstanding paragraphs II.A.5 and 6 of this Ruling (the definitions for major modification and net emissions increase), any physical change in or change in the method of operation of the PAL source that causes it to emit the PAL pollutant at a level equal to or greater than the PAL.
(ix) PAL permit means the permit issued under this Ruling, the major NSR permit, the minor NSR permit, or the State operating permit under a program that is approved into the plan, or the title V permit issued by the reviewing authority that establishes a PAL for a major stationary source.
(x) PAL pollutant means the pollutant for which a PAL is established at a major stationary source.
(xi) Significant emissions unit means an emissions unit that emits or has the potential to emit a PAL pollutant in an amount that is equal to or greater than the significant level (as defined in paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling or in the Act, whichever is lower) for that PAL pollutant, but less than the amount that would qualify the unit as a major emissions unit as defined in paragraph IV.K.2(iv) of this Ruling.
3. Permit application requirements. As part of a permit application requesting a PAL, the owner or operator of a major stationary source shall submit the following information to the reviewing authority for approval:
(i) A list of all emissions units at the source designated as small, significant or major based on their potential to emit. In addition, the owner or operator of the source shall indicate which, if any, Federal or State applicable requirements, emission limitations or work practices apply to each unit.
(ii) Calculations of the baseline actual emissions (with supporting documentation). Baseline actual emissions are to include emissions associated not only with operation of the unit, but also emissions associated with startup, shutdown and malfunction.
(iii) The calculation procedures that the major stationary source owner or operator proposes to use to convert the monitoring system data to monthly emissions and annual emissions based on a 12-month rolling total for each month as required by paragraph IV.K.13(i) of this Ruling.
4. General requirements for establishing PALs.
(i) The reviewing authority is allowed to establish a PAL at a major stationary source, provided that at a minimum, the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.4(i) (a) through (g) of this Ruling are met.
(a) The PAL shall impose an annual emission limitation in tons per year, that is enforceable as a practical matter, for the entire major stationary source. For each month during the PAL effective period after the first 12 months of establishing a PAL, the major stationary source owner or operator shall show that the sum of the monthly emissions from each emissions unit under the PAL for the previous 12 consecutive months is less than the PAL (a 12-month average, rolled monthly). For each month during the first 11 months from the PAL effective date, the major stationary source owner or operator shall show that the sum of the preceding monthly emissions from the PAL effective date for each emissions unit under the PAL is less than the PAL.
(b) The PAL shall be established in a PAL permit that meets the public participation requirements in paragraph IV.K.5 of this Ruling.
(c) The PAL permit shall contain all the requirements of paragraph IV.K.7 of this Ruling.
(d) The PAL shall include fugitive emissions, to the extent quantifiable, from all emissions units that emit or have the potential to emit the PAL pollutant at the major stationary source.
(e) Each PAL shall regulate emissions of only one pollutant.
(f) Each PAL shall have a PAL effective period of 10 years.
(g) The owner or operator of the major stationary source with a PAL shall comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements provided in paragraphs IV.K. 12 through 14 of this Ruling for each emissions unit under the PAL through the PAL effective period.
(ii) At no time (during or after the PAL effective period) are emissions reductions of a PAL pollutant, which occur during the PAL effective period, creditable as decreases for purposes of offsets under paragraph IV.C of this Ruling unless the level of the PAL is reduced by the amount of such emissions reductions and such reductions would be creditable in the absence of the PAL.
5. Public participation requirement for PALs. PALs for existing major stationary sources shall be established, renewed, or increased through a procedure that is consistent with ((51.160 and 51.161 of this chapter. This includes the requirement that the reviewing authority provide the public with notice of the proposed approval of a PAL permit and at least a 30-day period for submittal of public comment. The reviewing authority must address all material comments before taking final action on the permit.
6. Setting the 10-year actuals PAL level. The actuals PAL level for a major stationary source shall be established as the sum of the baseline actual emissions (as defined in paragraph II.A.30 of this Ruling) of the PAL pollutant for each emissions unit at the source; plus an amount equal to the applicable significant level for the PAL pollutant under paragraph II.A.10 of this Ruling or under the Act, whichever is lower. When establishing the actuals PAL level, for a PAL pollutant, only one consecutive 24-month period must be used to determine the baseline actual emissions for all existing emissions units. However, a different consecutive 24-month period may be used for each different PAL pollutant. Emissions associated with units that were permanently shut down after this 24-month period must be subtracted from the PAL level. Emissions from units on which actual construction began after the 24-month period must be added to the PAL level in an amount equal to the potential to emit of the units. The reviewing authority shall specify a reduced PAL level(s) (in tons/yr) in the PAL permit to become effective on the future compliance date(s) of any applicable Federal or State regulatory requirement(s) that the reviewing authority is aware of prior to issuance of the PAL permit. For instance, if the source owner or operator will be required to reduce emissions from industrial boilers in half from baseline emissions of 60 ppm NOX to a new rule limit of 30 ppm, then the permit shall contain a future effective PAL level that is equal to the current PAL level reduced by half of the original baseline emissions of such unit(s).
7. Contents of the PAL permit. The PAL permit contain, at a minimum, the information in paragraphs IV.K.7 (i) through (x) of this Ruling.
(i) The PAL pollutant and the applicable source-wide emission limitation in tons per year.
(ii) The PAL permit effective date and the expiration date of the PAL (PAL effective period).
(iii) Specification in the PAL permit that if a major stationary source owner or operator applies to renew a PAL in accordance with paragraph IV.K.10 of this Ruling before the end of the PAL effective period, then the PAL shall not expire at the end of the PAL effective period. It shall remain in effect until a revised PAL permit is issued by the reviewing authority.
(iv) A requirement that emission calculations for compliance purposes include emissions from startups, shutdowns and malfunctions.
(v) A requirement that, once the PAL expires, the major stationary source is subject to the requirements of paragraph IV.K.9 of this Ruling.
(vi) The calculation procedures that the major stationary source owner or operator shall use to convert the monitoring system data to monthly emissions and annual emissions based on a 12-month rolling total for each month as required by paragraph IV.K.13(i) of this Ruling.
(vii) A requirement that the major stationary source owner or operator monitor all emissions units in accordance with the provisions under paragraph IV.K.12 of this Ruling.
(viii) A requirement to retain the records required under paragraph IV.K.13 of this Ruling on site. Such records may be retained in an electronic format.
(ix) A requirement to submit the reports required under paragraph IV.K.14 of this Ruling by the required deadlines.
(x) Any other requirements that the reviewing authority deems necessary to implement and enforce the PAL.
8. PAL effective period and reopening of the PAL permit. The requirements in paragraphs IV.K.8(i) and (ii) of this Ruling apply to actuals PALs.
(i) PAL effective period. The reviewing authority shall specify a PAL effective period of 10 years.
(ii) Reopening of the PAL permit.
(a) During the PAL effective period, the reviewing authority must reopen the PAL permit to:
(1) Correct typographical/calculation errors made in setting the PAL or reflect a more accurate determination of emissions used to establish the PAL.
(2) Reduce the PAL if the owner or operator of the major stationary source creates creditable emissions reductions for use as offsets under paragraph IV.C of this Ruling.
(3) Revise the PAL to reflect an increase in the PAL as provided under paragraph IV.K.11 of this Ruling.
(b) The reviewing authority shall have discretion to reopen the PAL permit for the following:
(1) Reduce the PAL to reflect newly applicable Federal requirements (for example, NSPS) with compliance dates after the PAL effective date.
(2) Reduce the PAL consistent with any other requirement, that is enforceable as a practical matter, and that the State may impose on the major stationary source under the plan.
(3) Reduce the PAL if the reviewing authority determines that a reduction is necessary to avoid causing or contributing to a NAAQS or PSD increment violation, or to an adverse impact on an air quality related value that has been identified for a Federal Class I area by a Federal Land Manager and for which information is available to the general public.
(c) Except for the permit reopening in paragraph IV.K.8(ii)(a)(1) of this Ruling for the correction of typographical/calculation errors that do not increase the PAL level, all other reopenings shall be carried out in accordance with the public participation requirements of paragraph IV.K.5 of this Ruling.
9. Expiration of a PAL. Any PAL which is not renewed in accordance with the procedures in paragraph IV.K.10 of this Ruling shall expire at the end of the PAL effective period, and the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.9(i) through (v) of this Ruling shall apply.
(i) Each emissions unit (or each group of emissions units) that existed under the PAL shall comply with an allowable emission limitation under a revised permit established according to the procedures in paragraphs IV.K.9(i)(a) through (b) of this Ruling.
(a) Within the time frame specified for PAL renewals in paragraph IV.K.10(ii) of this Ruling, the major stationary source shall submit a proposed allowable emission limitation for each emissions unit (or each group of emissions units, if such a distribution is more appropriate as decided by the reviewing authority) by distributing the PAL allowable emissions for the major stationary source among each of the emissions units that existed under the PAL. If the PAL had not yet been adjusted for an applicable requirement that became effective during the PAL effective period, as required under paragraph IV.K.10(v) of this Ruling, such distribution shall be made as if the PAL had been adjusted.
(b) The reviewing authority shall decide whether and how the PAL allowable emissions will be distributed and issue a revised permit incorporating allowable limits for each emissions unit, or each group of emissions units, as the reviewing authority determines is appropriate.
(ii) Each emissions unit(s) shall comply with the allowable emission limitation on a 12-month rolling basis. The reviewing authority may approve the use of monitoring systems (source testing, emission factors, etc.) other than CEMS, CERMS, PEMS or CPMS to demonstrate compliance with the allowable emission limitation.
(iii) Until the reviewing authority issues the revised permit incorporating allowable limits for each emissions unit, or each group of emissions units, as required under paragraph IV.K.9(i)(a) of this Ruling, the source shall continue to comply with a source-wide, multi-unit emissions cap equivalent to the level of the PAL emission limitation.
(iv) Any physical change or change in the method of operation at the major stationary source will be subject to the nonattainment major NSR requirements if such change meets the definition of major modification in paragraph II.A.5 of this Ruling.
(v) The major stationary source owner or operator shall continue to comply with any State or Federal applicable requirements (BACT, RACT, NSPS, etc.) that may have applied either during the PAL effective period or prior to the PAL effective period except for those emission limitations that had been established pursuant to paragraph IV.F of this Ruling, but were eliminated by the PAL in accordance with the provisions in paragraph IV.K.1(iii)(c) of this Ruling.
10. Renewal of a PAL.
(i) The reviewing authority shall follow the procedures specified in paragraph IV.K.5 of this Ruling in approving any request to renew a PAL for a major stationary source, and shall provide both the proposed PAL level and a written rationale for the proposed PAL level to the public for review and comment. During such public review, any person may propose a PAL level for the source for consideration by the reviewing authority.
(ii) Application deadline. The major stationary source owner or operator shall submit a timely application to the reviewing authority to request renewal of a PAL. A timely application is one that is submitted at least 6 months prior to, but not earlier than 18 months from, the date of permit expiration. This deadline for application submittal is to ensure that the permit will not expire before the permit is renewed. If the owner or operator of a major stationary source submits a complete application to renew the PAL within this time period, then the PAL shall continue to be effective until the revised permit with the renewed PAL is issued.
(iii) Application requirements. The application to renew a PAL permit shall contain the information required in paragraphs IV.K.10(iii)(a) through (d) of this Ruling.
(a) The information required in paragraphs IV.K.3(i) through (iii) of this Ruling.
(b) A proposed PAL level.
(c) The sum of the potential to emit of all emissions units under the PAL (with supporting documentation).
(d) Any other information the owner or operator wishes the reviewing authority to consider in determining the appropriate level for renewing the PAL.
(iv) PAL adjustment. In determining whether and how to adjust the PAL, the reviewing authority shall consider the options outlined in paragraphs IV.K.10(iv)(a) and (b) of this Ruling. However, in no case may any such adjustment fail to comply with paragraph IV.K.10(iv)(c) of this Ruling.
(a) If the emissions level calculated in accordance with paragraph IV.K.6 of this Ruling is equal to or greater than 80 percent of the PAL level, the reviewing authority may renew the PAL at the same level without considering the factors set forth in paragraph IV.K.10(iv)(b) of this Ruling; or
(b) The reviewing authority may set the PAL at a level that it determines to be more representative of the source's baseline actual emissions, or that it determines to be appropriate considering air quality needs, advances in control technology, anticipated economic growth in the area, desire to reward or encourage the source's voluntary emissions reductions, or other factors as specifically identified by the reviewing authority in its written rationale.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraphs IV.K.10(iv)(a) and (b) of this Ruling,
(1) If the potential to emit of the major stationary source is less than the PAL, the reviewing authority shall adjust the PAL to a level no greater than the potential to emit of the source; and
(2) The reviewing authority shall not approve a renewed PAL level higher than the current PAL, unless the major stationary source has complied with the provisions of paragraph IV.K.11 of this Ruling (increasing a PAL).
(v) If the compliance date for a State or Federal requirement that applies to the PAL source occurs during the PAL effective period, and if the reviewing authority has not already adjusted for such requirement, the PAL shall be adjusted at the time of PAL permit renewal or title V permit renewal, whichever occurs first.
11. Increasing a PAL during the PAL effective period.
(i) The reviewing authority may increase a PAL emission limitation only if the major stationary source complies with the provisions in paragraphs IV.K.11(i)(a) through (d) of this Ruling.
(a) The owner or operator of the major stationary source shall submit a complete application to request an increase in the PAL limit for a PAL major modification. Such application shall identify the emissions unit(s) contributing to the increase in emissions so as to cause the major stationary source's emissions to equal or exceed its PAL.
(b) As part of this application, the major stationary source owner or operator shall demonstrate that the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the small emissions units, plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the significant and major emissions units assuming application of BACT equivalent controls, plus the sum of the allowable emissions of the new or modified emissions unit(s) exceeds the PAL. The level of control that would result from BACT equivalent controls on each significant or major emissions unit shall be determined by conducting a new BACT analysis at the time the application is submitted, unless the emissions unit is currently required to comply with a BACT or LAER requirement that was established within the preceding 10 years. In such a case, the assumed control level for that emissions unit shall be equal to the level of BACT or LAER with which that emissions unit must currently comply.
(c) The owner or operator obtains a major NSR permit for all emissions unit(s) identified in paragraph IV.K.11(i)(a) of this Ruling, regardless of the magnitude of the emissions increase resulting from them (that is, no significant levels apply). These emissions unit(s) shall comply with any emissions requirements resulting from the nonattainment major NSR program process (for example, LAER), even though they have also become subject to the PAL or continue to be subject to the PAL.
(d) The PAL permit shall require that the increased PAL level shall be effective on the day any emissions unit that is part of the PAL major modification becomes operational and begins to emit the PAL pollutant.
(ii) The reviewing authority shall calculate the new PAL as the sum of the allowable emissions for each modified or new emissions unit, plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the significant and major emissions units (assuming application of BACT equivalent controls as determined in accordance with paragraph IV.K.11(i)(b)), plus the sum of the baseline actual emissions of the small emissions units.
(iii) The PAL permit shall be revised to reflect the increased PAL level pursuant to the public notice requirements of paragraph IV.K.5 of this Ruling.
12. Monitoring requirements for PALs.
(i) General Requirements.
(a) Each PAL permit must contain enforceable requirements for the monitoring system that accurately determines plantwide emissions of the PAL pollutant in terms of mass per unit of time. Any monitoring system authorized for use in the PAL permit must be based on sound science and meet generally acceptable scientific procedures for data quality and manipulation. Additionally, the information generated by such system must meet minimum legal requirements for admissibility in a judicial proceeding to enforce the PAL permit.
(b) The PAL monitoring system must employ one or more of the four general monitoring approaches meeting the minimum requirements set forth in paragraphs IV.K.12(ii)(a) through (d) of this Ruling and must be approved by the reviewing authority.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph IV.K.12(i)(b) of this Ruling, you may also employ an alternative monitoring approach that meets paragraph IV.K.12(i)(a) of this Ruling if approved by the reviewing authority.
(d) Failure to use a monitoring system that meets the requirements of this Ruling renders the PAL invalid.
(ii) Minimum Performance Requirements for Approved Monitoring Approaches. The following are acceptable general monitoring approaches when conducted in accordance with the minimum requirements in paragraphs IV.K.12(iii) through (ix) of this Ruling:
(a) Mass balance calculations for activities using coatings or solvents;
(b) CEMS;
(c) CPMS or PEMS; and
(d) Emission Factors.
(iii) Mass Balance Calculations. An owner or operator using mass balance calculations to monitor PAL pollutant emissions from activities using coating or solvents shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Provide a demonstrated means of validating the published content of the PAL pollutant that is contained in or created by all materials used in or at the emissions unit;
(b) Assume that the emissions unit emits all of the PAL pollutant that is contained in or created by any raw material or fuel used in or at the emissions unit, if it cannot otherwise be accounted for in the process; and
(c) Where the vendor of a material or fuel, which is used in or at the emissions unit, publishes a range of pollutant content from such material, the owner or operator must use the highest value of the range to calculate the PAL pollutant emissions unless the reviewing authority determines there is site-specific data or a site-specific monitoring program to support another content within the range.
(iv) CEMS. An owner or operator using CEMS to monitor PAL pollutant emissions shall meet the following requirements:
(a) CEMS must comply with applicable Performance Specifications found in 40 CFR part 60, appendix B; and
(b) CEMS must sample, analyze and record data at least every 15 minutes while the emissions unit is operating.
(v) CPMS or PEMS. An owner or operator using CPMS or PEMS to monitor PAL pollutant emissions shall meet the following requirements:
(a) The CPMS or the PEMS must be based on current site-specific data demonstrating a correlation between the monitored parameter(s) and the PAL pollutant emissions across the range of operation of the emissions unit; and
(b) Each CPMS or PEMS must sample, analyze, and record data at least every 15 minutes, or at another less frequent interval approved by the reviewing authority, while the emissions unit is operating.
(vi) Emission factors. An owner or operator using emission factors to monitor PAL pollutant emissions shall meet the following requirements:
(a) All emission factors shall be adjusted, if appropriate, to account for the degree of uncertainty or limitations in the factors' development;
(b) The emissions unit shall operate within the designated range of use for the emission factor, if applicable; and
(c) If technically practicable, the owner or operator of a significant emissions unit that relies on an emission factor to calculate PAL pollutant emissions shall conduct validation testing to determine a site-specific emission factor within 6 months of PAL permit issuance, unless the reviewing authority determines that testing is not required.
(vii) A source owner or operator must record and report maximum potential emissions without considering enforceable emission limitations or operational restrictions for an emissions unit during any period of time that there is no monitoring data, unless another method for determining emissions during such periods is specified in the PAL permit.
(viii) Notwithstanding the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.12(iii) through (vii) of this Ruling, where an owner or operator of an emissions unit cannot demonstrate a correlation between the monitored parameter(s) and the PAL pollutant emissions rate at all operating points of the emissions unit, the reviewing authority shall, at the time of permit issuance:
(a) Establish default value(s) for determining compliance with the PAL based on the highest potential emissions reasonably estimated at such operating point(s); or
(b) Determine that operation of the emissions unit during operating conditions when there is no correlation between monitored parameter(s) and the PAL pollutant emissions is a violation of the PAL.
(ix) Re-validation. All data used to establish the PAL pollutant must be re-validated through performance testing or other scientifically valid means approved by the reviewing authority. Such testing must occur at least once every 5 years after issuance of the PAL.
13. Recordkeeping requirements.
(i) The PAL permit shall require an owner or operator to retain a copy of all records necessary to determine compliance with any requirement of paragraph IV.K of this Ruling and of the PAL, including a determination of each emissions unit's 12-month rolling total emissions, for 5 years from the date of such record.
(ii) The PAL permit shall require an owner or operator to retain a copy of the following records for the duration of the PAL effective period plus 5 years:
(a) A copy of the PAL permit application and any applications for revisions to the PAL; and
(b) Each annual certification of compliance pursuant to title V and the data relied on in certifying the compliance.
14. Reporting and notification requirements. The owner or operator shall submit semi-annual monitoring reports and prompt deviation reports to the reviewing authority in accordance with the applicable title V operating permit program. The reports shall meet the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.14(i) through (iii).
(i) Semi-Annual Report. The semi-annual report shall be submitted to the reviewing authority within 30 days of the end of each reporting period. This report shall contain the information required in paragraphs IV.K.14(i)(a) through (g) of this Ruling.
(a) The identification of owner and operator and the permit number.
(b) Total annual emissions (tons/year) based on a 12-month rolling total for each month in the reporting period recorded pursuant to paragraph IV.K.13(i) of this Ruling.
(c) All data relied upon, including, but not limited to, any Quality Assurance or Quality Control data, in calculating the monthly and annual PAL pollutant emissions.
(d) A list of any emissions units modified or added to the major stationary source during the preceding 6-month period.
(e) The number, duration, and cause of any deviations or monitoring malfunctions (other than the time associated with zero and span calibration checks), and any corrective action taken.
(f) A notification of a shutdown of any monitoring system, whether the shutdown was permanent or temporary, the reason for the shutdown, the anticipated date that the monitoring system will be fully operational or replaced with another monitoring system, and whether the emissions unit monitored by the monitoring system continued to operate, and the calculation of the emissions of the pollutant or the number determined by method included in the permit, as provided by paragraph IV.K.12(vii) of this Ruling.
(g) A signed statement by the responsible official (as defined by the applicable title V operating permit program) certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided in the report.
(ii) Deviation report. The major stationary source owner or operator shall promptly submit reports of any deviations or exceedance of the PAL requirements, including periods where no monitoring is available. A report submitted pursuant to Sec. 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(B) of this chapter shall satisfy this reporting requirement. The deviation reports shall be submitted within the time limits prescribed by the applicable program implementing Sec. 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(B) of this chapter. The reports shall contain the following information:
(a) The identification of owner and operator and the permit number;
(b) The PAL requirement that experienced the deviation or that was exceeded;
(c) Emissions resulting from the deviation or the exceedance; and
(d) A signed statement by the responsible official (as defined by the applicable title V operating permit program) certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided in the report.
(iii) Re-validation results. The owner or operator shall submit to the reviewing authority the results of any re-validation test or method within 3 months after completion of such test or method.
15. Transition requirements.
(i) No reviewing authority may issue a PAL that does not comply with the requirements in paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling after the date that this Ruling becomes effective for the State in which the major stationary source is located.
(ii) The reviewing authority may supersede any PAL which was established prior to the date that this Ruling becomes effective for the State in which the major stationary source is located with a PAL that complies with the requirements of paragraphs IV.K.1 through 15 of this Ruling.
L. Severability. If any provision of this Ruling, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this Ruling, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.
V. Administrative Procedures
The necessary emission offsets may be proposed either by the owner of the proposed source or by the local community or the State. The emission reduction committed to must be enforceable by authorized State and/or local agencies and under the Clean Air Act, and must be accomplished by the new source's start-up date. If emission reductions are to be obtained in a State that neighbors the State in which the new source is to be located, the emission reductions committed to must be enforceable by the neighboring State and/or local agencies and under the Clean Air Act. Where the new facility is a replacement for a facility that is being shut down in order to provide the necessary offsets, the reviewing authority may allow up to 180 days for shakedown of the new facility before the existing facility is required to cease operation.
A. Source initiated emission offsets. A source may propose emission offsets which involve:
(1) Reductions from sources controlled by the source owner (internal emission offsets); and/or (2) reductions from neighboring sources (external emission offsets). The source does not have to investigate all possible emission offsets. As long as the emission offsets obtained represent reasonable progress toward attainment, they will be acceptable. It is the reviewing authority's responsibility to assure that the emission offsets will be as effective as proposed by the source. An internal emission offset will be considered enforceable if it is made a SIP requirement by inclusion as a condition of the new source permit and the permit is forwarded to the appropriate EPA Regional Office. \7\ An external emission offset will not be enforceable unless the affected source(s) providing the emission reductions is subject to a new SIP requirement to ensure that its emissions will be reduced by a specified amount in a specified time. Thus, if the source(s) providing the emission reductions does not obtain the necessary reduction, it will be in violation of a SIP requirement and subject to enforcement action by EPA, the State and/or private parties.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\7\ The emission offset will, therefore, be enforceable by EPA under section 113 as an applicable SIP requirement and will be enforceable by private parties under section 304 as an emission limitation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The form of the SIP revision may be a State or local regulation, operating permit condition, consent or enforcement order, or any other mechanism available to the State that is enforceable under the Clean Air Act. If a SIP revision is required, the public hearing on the revision may be substituted for the normal public comment procedure required for all major sources under 40 CFR 51.18. The formal publication of the SIP revision approval in the Federal Register need not appear before the source may proceed with construction. To minimize uncertainty that may be caused by these procedures, EPA will, if requested by the State, propose a SIP revision for public comment in the Federal Register concurrently with the State public hearing process. Of course, any major change in the final permit/SIP revision submitted by the State may require a reproposal by EPA.
B. State or community initiated emission offsets. A State or community which desires that a source locate in its area may commit to reducing emissions from existing sources (including mobile sources) to sufficiently outweigh the impact of the new source and thus open the way for the new source. As with source-initiated emission offsets, the commitment must be something more than one-for-one. This commitment must be submitted as a SIP revision by the State.
VI. Policy Where Attainment Dates have not Passed
In some cases, the dates for attainment of primary standards specified in the SIP under section 110 have not yet passed due to a delay in the promulgation of a plan under this section of the Act. In addition the Act provides more flexibility with respect to the dates for attainment of secondary NAAQS than for primary standards. Rather than setting specific deadlines, section 110 requires secondary NAAQS to be achieved within a ``reasonable time''. Therefore, in some cases, the date for attainment of secondary standards specified in the SIP under section 110 may also not yet have passed. In such cases, a new source locating in an area designated in 40 CFR 81.300 et seq. as nonattainment (or, where section III of this Ruling is applicable, a new source that would cause or contribute to a NAAQS violation) may be exempt from the Conditions of section IV.A if the conditions in paragraphs VI.A through C are met.
A. The new source meets the applicable SIP emission limitations.
B. The new source will not interfere with the attainment date specified in the SIP under section 110 of the Act.
C. The Administrator has determined that conditions A and B of this section are satisfied and such determination is published in the Federal Register.
VII. Anti-Backsliding Measures for Revoked Ozone NAAQS
Nonattainment area new source review obligations for prior ozone NAAQS.
A. Except as provided in paragraph VII.B of this Ruling, an area designated nonattainment for the 2008 ozone NAAQS and designated nonattainment for the 1997 ozone NAAQS on April 6, 2015 remains subject to the obligation to adopt and implement the major source threshold and offset ratio requirements for nonattainment NSR that apply or applied to the area pursuant to sections 172(c)(5), 173 and 182 of the Act based on the highest of: (i) The area's classification under section 181(a)(1) of the Act for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS as of the effective date of revocation of that NAAQS; (ii) the area's classification under Sec. 51.903 for the 1997 ozone NAAQS as of the date a permit is issued or as of April 6, 2015, whichever is earlier; and (iii) the area's classification under Sec. 51.1103 for the 2008 ozone NAAQS.
B.1. An area remains subject to the obligations for a revoked NAAQS under paragraph (a) until either (i) the area is redesignated to attainment for the 2008 ozone NAAQS; or (ii) the EPA approves a demonstration for the area in a redesignation substitute procedure for a revoked NAAQS per the provisions of Sec. 51.1105(b). Under this redesignation substitute procedure for a revoked NAAQS, and for this limited anti-backsliding purpose, the demonstration must show that the area has attained that revoked NAAQS due to permanent and enforceable emission reductions and that the area will maintain that revoked NAAQS for 10 years from the date of EPA's approval of this showing.
2. Effect of redesignation to attainment for 2008 ozone NAAQS or approval of a redesignation substitute for a revoked ozone NAAQS. After redesignation to attainment for the 2008 ozone NAAQS, the state may request that provisions for nonattainment NSR be removed from the SIP. After EPA approval of a redesignation substitute for a revoked NAAQS under the provisions of Sec. 51.1105(b), the state may request that provisions for nonattainment NSR for that revoked NAAQS be removed from the SIP. Upon removal of nonattainment NSR provisions for a revoked NAAQS, the state remains subject to the obligation to adopt and implement the major source threshold and offset ratio requirements for nonattainment NSR that apply or applied to the area for the remaining applicable NAAQS consistent with paragraph VII.A of this Ruling. (Secs. 101(b)(1), 110, 160-169, 171-178, and 301(a), Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401(b)(1), 7410, 7470-7479, 7501-7508, and 7601(a)); sec. 129(a), Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 (Pub. L. 95-95, 91 Stat. 685 (Aug., 7, 1977))) [44 FR 3282, Jan. 16, 1979]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting appendix S to part 51, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
Effective Date Note: At 76 FR 17554, Mar. 30, 2011, part 51, appendix S, paragraph II.A.5 (vii) is stayed indefinitely.
Sec. Appendixes T-U to Part 51 [Reserved] Sec. Appendix V to Part 51--Criteria for Determining the Completeness of
Plan Submissions
1.0. Purpose
This appendix V sets forth the minimum criteria for determining whether a State implementation plan submitted for consideration by EPA is an official submission for purposes of review under Sec. 51.103.
1.1 The EPA shall return to the submitting official any plan or revision thereof which fails to meet the criteria set forth in this appendix V, and request corrective action, identifying the component(s) absent or insufficient to perform a review of the submitted plan.
1.2 The EPA shall inform the submitting official whether or not a plan submission meets the requirements of this appendix V within 60 days of EPA's receipt of the submittal, but no later than 6 months after the date by which the State was required to submit the plan or revision. If a completeness determination is not made by 6 months from receipt of a submittal, the submittal shall be deemed complete by operation of law on the date 6 months from receipt. A determination of completeness under this paragraph means that the submission is an official submission for purposes of Sec. 51.103.
2.0. Criteria
The following shall be included in plan submissions for review by EPA:
2.1. Administrative Materials
(a) A formal signed, stamped, and dated letter of submittal from the Governor or his designee, requesting EPA approval of the plan or revision thereof (hereafter ``the plan''). If electing to submit a paper submission with a copy in electronic version, the submittal letter must verify that the electronic copy provided is an exact duplicate of the paper submission.
(b) Evidence that the State has adopted the plan in the State code or body of regulations; or issued the permit, order, consent agreement (hereafter ``document'') in final form. That evidence shall include the date of adoption or final issuance as well as the effective date of the plan, if different from the adoption/issuance date.
(c) Evidence that the State has the necessary legal authority under State law to adopt and implement the plan.
(d) A copy of the actual regulation, or document submitted for approval and incorporation by reference into the plan, including indication of the changes made (such as redline/strikethrough) to the existing approved plan, where applicable. The submission shall include a copy of the official State regulation/document, signed, stamped, and dated by the appropriate State official indicating that it is fully enforceable by the State. The effective date of any regulation/document contained in the submission shall, whenever possible, be indicated in the regulation/document itself; otherwise the State should include a letter signed, stamped, and dated by the appropriate State official indicating the effective date. If the regulation/document provided by the State for approval and incorporation by reference into the plan is a copy of an existing publication, the State submission should, whenever possible, include a copy of the publication cover page and table of contents.
(e) Evidence that the State followed all of the procedural requirements of the State's laws and constitution in conducting and completing the adoption/issuance of the plan.
(f) Evidence that public notice was given of the proposed change consistent with procedures approved by EPA, including the date of publication of such notice.
(g) Certification that public hearing(s) were held in accordance with the information provided in the public notice and the State's laws and constitution, if applicable and consistent with the public hearing requirements in 40 CFR 51.102.
(h) Compilation of public comments and the State's response thereto.
2.2. Technical Support
(a) Identification of all regulated pollutants affected by the plan.
(b) Identification of the locations of affected sources including the EPA attainment/nonattainment designation of the locations and the status of the attainment plan for the affected areas(s).
(c) Quantification of the changes in plan allowable emissions from the affected sources; estimates of changes in current actual emissions from affected sources or, where appropriate, quantification of changes in actual emissions from affected sources through calculations of the differences between certain baseline levels and allowable emissions anticipated as a result of the revision.
(d) The State's demonstration that the national ambient air quality standards, prevention of significant deterioration increments, reasonable further progress demonstration, and visibility, as applicable, are protected if the plan is approved and implemented. For all requests to redesignate an area to attainment for a national primary ambient air quality standard, under section 107 of the Act, a revision must be submitted to provide for the maintenance of the national primary ambient air quality standards for at least 10 years as required by section 175A of the Act.
(e) Modeling information required to support the proposed revision, including input data, output data, models used, justification of model selections, ambient monitoring data used, meteorological data used, justification for use of offsite data (where used), modes of models used, assumptions, and other information relevant to the determination of adequacy of the modeling analysis.
(f) Evidence, where necessary, that emission limitations are based on continuous emission reduction technology.
(g) Evidence that the plan contains emission limitations, work practice standards and recordkeeping/reporting requirements, where necessary, to ensure emission levels.
(h) Compliance/enforcement strategies, including how compliance will be determined in practice.
(i) Special economic and technological justifications required by any applicable EPA policies, or an explanation of why such justifications are not necessary.
2.3. Exceptions
2.3.1. The EPA, for the purposes of expediting the review of the plan, has adopted a procedure referred to as ``parallel processing.'' Parallel processing allows a State to submit the plan prior to actual adoption by the State and provides an opportunity for the State to consider EPA comments prior to submission of a final plan for final review and action. Under these circumstances, the plan submitted will not be able to meet all of the requirements of paragraph 2.1 (all requirements of paragraph 2.2 will apply). As a result, the following exceptions apply to plans submitted explicitly for parallel processing:
(a) The letter required by paragraph 2.1(a) shall request that EPA propose approval of the proposed plan by parallel processing.
(b) In lieu of paragraph 2.1(b) the State shall submit a schedule for final adoption or issuance of the plan.
(c) In lieu of paragraph 2.1(d) the plan shall include a copy of the proposed/draft regulation or document, including indication of the proposed changes to be made to the existing approved plan, where applicable.
(d) The requirements of paragraphs 2.1(e)-2.1(h) shall not apply to plans submitted for parallel processing.
2.3.2. The exceptions granted in paragraph 2.3.1 shall apply only to EPA's determination of proposed action and all requirements of paragraph 2.1 shall be met prior to publication of EPA's final determination of plan approvability.
3.0. Guidelines
The EPA requests that the State adhere to the following voluntary guidelines when making plan submissions.
3.1 All Submissions
(a) The State should identify any copyrighted material in its submission, as EPA does not place such material on the web when creating the E-Docket for loading into the Federal Document Management System (FDMS).
(b) The State is advised not to include any material considered Confidential Business Information (CBI) in their SIP submissions. In rare instances where such information is necessary to justify the control requirements and emissions limitations established in the plan, the State should confer with its Regional Offices prior to submission and must clearly identify such material as CBI in the submission itself. EPA does not place such material in any paper or web-based docket. However, where any such material is considered emissions data within the meaning of Section 114 of the CAA, it cannot be withheld as CBI and must be made publicly available.
3.2 Paper Plan Submissions
(a) The EPA requires that the submission option of submitting one paper plan must be accompanied by an electronic duplicate of the entire paper submission, preferably as a word searchable portable document format (PDF), at the same time the paper copy is submitted. The electronic duplicate should be made available through email, from a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site, from the State Web site, on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drive, on a compact disk, or using another format agreed upon by the State and Regional Office.
(b) If a state prefers the submission option of submitting three paper copies and has no means of making an electronic copy available to EPA, EPA requests that the state confer with its EPA Regional Office regarding additional guidelines for submitting the plan to EPA. [55 FR 5830, Feb. 16, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 42219, Aug. 26, 1991; 56 FR 57288, Nov. 8, 1991; 72 FR 38793, July 16, 2007; 80 FR 7340, Feb. 10, 2015]
Sec. Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality Models
a. Industry and control agencies have long expressed a need for consistency in the application of air quality models for regulatory purposes. In the 1977 Clean Air Act, Congress mandated such consistency and encouraged the standardization of model applications. The Guideline on Air Quality Models (hereafter, Guideline) was first published in April 1978 to satisfy these requirements by specifying models and providing guidance for their use. The Guideline provides a common basis for estimating the air quality concentrations of criteria pollutants used in assessing control strategies and developing emission limits.
b. The continuing development of new air quality models in response to regulatory requirements and the expanded requirements for models to cover even more complex problems have emphasized the need for periodic review and update of guidance on these techniques. Historically, three primary activities have provided direct input to revisions of the Guideline. The first is a series of annual EPA workshops conducted for the purpose of ensuring consistency and providing clarification in the application of models. The second activity was the solicitation and review of new models from the technical and user community. In the March 27, 1980 Federal Register, a procedure was outlined for the submittal to EPA of privately developed models. After extensive evaluation and scientific review, these models, as well as those made available by EPA, have been considered for recognition in the Guideline. The third activity is the extensive on-going research efforts by EPA and others in air quality and meteorological modeling.
c. Based primarily on these three activities, new sections and topics have been included as needed. EPA does not make changes to the guidance on a predetermined schedule, but rather on an as-needed basis. EPA believes that revisions of the Guideline should be timely and responsive to user needs and should involve public participation to the greatest possible extent. All future changes to the guidance will be proposed and finalized in the Federal Register. Information on the current status of modeling guidance can always be obtained from EPA's Regional Offices.
Table of Contents
List of Tables 1.0 Introduction2.0 Overview of Model Use
2.1 Suitability of Models
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Models
2.3 Availability of Models3.0 Recommended Air Quality Models
3.1 Preferred Modeling Techniques
3.1.1 Discussion
3.1.2 Recommendations
3.2 Use of Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
3.2.2 Recommendations
3.3 Availability of Supplementary Modeling Guidance4.0 Stationary-Source Models
4.1 Discussion
4.2 Recommendations
4.2.1 Screening Techniques Simple Terrain Complex Terrain
4.2.2 Refined Analytical Techniques5.0 Models for Ozone, Particulate Matter, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen
Dioxide, and Lead
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Models for Ozone
5.2.2 Models for Particulate Matter PM-2.5 PM-10
5.2.3 Models for Carbon Monoxide
5.2.4 Models for Nitrogen Dioxide (Annual Average)
5.2.5 Models for Lead6.0 Other Model Requirements
6.1 Discussion
6.2 Recommendations
6.2.1 Visibility
6.2.2 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height
6.2.3 Long Range Transport (LRT) (i.e., beyond 50 km)
6.2.4 Modeling Guidance for Other Governmental Programs7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 Design Concentrations
7.2.2 Critical Receptor Sites
7.2.3 Dispersion Coefficients
7.2.4 Stability Categories
7.2.5 Plume Rise
7.2.6 Chemical Transformation
7.2.7 Gravitational Settling and Deposition
7.2.8 Complex Winds
7.2.9 Calibration of Models8.0 Model Input Data
8.1 Source Data
8.1.1 Discussion
8.1.2 Recommendations
8.2 Background Concentrations
8.2.1 Discussion
8.2.2 Recommendations (Isolated Single Source)
8.2.3 Recommendations (Multi-Source Areas)
8.3 Meteorological Input Data
8.3.1 Length of Record of Meteorological Data
8.3.2 National Weather Service Data
8.3.3 Site Specific Data
8.3.4 Treatment of Near-calms and Calms9.0 Accuracy and Uncertainty of Models
9.1 Discussion
9.1.1 Overview of Model Uncertainty
9.1.2 Studies of Model Accuracy
9.1.3 Use of Uncertainty in Decision-Making
9.1.4 Evaluation of Models
9.2 Recommendations10.0 Regulatory Application of Models
10.1 Discussion
10.2 Recommendations
10.2.1 Analysis Requirements
10.2.2 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of Model Estimates
10.2.3 Emission Limits11.0 Bibliography12.0 ReferencesAppendix A to Appendix W of 40 CFR Part 51--Summaries of Preferred Air
Quality Models
List of Tables------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table No. Title------------------------------------------------------------------------4-1a................................ Neutral/Stable Meteorological
Matrix for CTSCREEN.4-1b................................ Unstable/Convective Meteorological
Matrix for CTSCREEN.8-1................................. Model Emission Input Data for
Point Sources.8-2................................. Point Source Model Emission Input
Data for NAAQS Compliance in PSD
Demonstrations.8-3................................. Averaging Times for Site Specific
Wind and Turbulence Measurements.------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.0 Introduction
a. The Guideline recommends air quality modeling techniques that should be applied to State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions for existing sources and to new source reviews (NSR), including prevention of significant deterioration (PSD). \1 2 3\ Applicable only to criteria air pollutants, it is intended for use by EPA Regional Offices in judging the adequacy of modeling analyses performed by EPA, State and local agencies and by industry. The guidance is appropriate for use by other Federal agencies and by State agencies with air quality and land management responsibilities. The Guideline serves to identify, for all interested parties, those techniques and data bases EPA considers acceptable. The Guideline is not intended to be a compendium of modeling techniques. Rather, it should serve as a common measure of acceptable technical analysis when supported by sound scientific judgment.
b. Due to limitations in the spatial and temporal coverage of air quality measurements, monitoring data normally are not sufficient as the sole basis for demonstrating the adequacy of emission limits for existing sources. Also, the impacts of new sources that do not yet exist can only be determined through modeling. Thus, models, while uniquely filling one program need, have become a primary analytical tool in most air quality assessments. Air quality measurements can be used in a complementary manner to dispersion models, with due regard for the strengths and weaknesses of both analysis techniques. Measurements are particularly useful in assessing the accuracy of model estimates. The use of air quality measurements alone however could be preferable, as detailed in a later section of this document, when models are found to be unacceptable and monitoring data with sufficient spatial and temporal coverage are available.
c. It would be advantageous to categorize the various regulatory programs and to apply a designated model to each proposed source needing analysis under a given program. However, the diversity of the nation's topography and climate, and variations in source configurations and operating characteristics dictate against a strict modeling ``cookbook''. There is no one model capable of properly addressing all conceivable situations even within a broad category such as point sources. Meteorological phenomena associated with threats to air quality standards are rarely amenable to a single mathematical treatment; thus, case-by-case analysis and judgment are frequently required. As modeling efforts become more complex, it is increasingly important that they be directed by highly competent individuals with a broad range of experience and knowledge in air quality meteorology. Further, they should be coordinated closely with specialists in emissions characteristics, air monitoring and data processing. The judgment of experienced meteorologists and analysts is essential.
d. The model that most accurately estimates concentrations in the area of interest is always sought. However, it is clear from the needs expressed by the States and EPA Regional Offices, by many industries and trade associations, and also by the deliberations of Congress, that consistency in the selection and application of models and data bases should also be sought, even in case-by-case analyses. Consistency ensures that air quality control agencies and the general public have a common basis for estimating pollutant concentrations, assessing control strategies and specifying emission limits. Such consistency is not, however, promoted at the expense of model and data base accuracy. The Guideline provides a consistent basis for selection of the most accurate models and data bases for use in air quality assessments.
e. Recommendations are made in the Guideline concerning air quality models, data bases, requirements for concentration estimates, the use of measured data in lieu of model estimates, and model evaluation procedures. Models are identified for some specific applications. The guidance provided here should be followed in air quality analyses relative to State Implementation Plans and in supporting analyses required by EPA, State and local agency air programs. EPA may approve the use of another technique that can be demonstrated to be more appropriate than those recommended in this guide. This is discussed at greater length in Section 3. In all cases, the model applied to a given situation should be the one that provides the most accurate representation of atmospheric transport, dispersion, and chemical transformations in the area of interest. However, to ensure consistency, deviations from this guide should be carefully documented and fully supported.
f. From time to time situations arise requiring clarification of the intent of the guidance on a specific topic. Periodic workshops are held with the headquarters, Regional Office, State, and local agency modeling representatives to ensure consistency in modeling guidance and to promote the use of more accurate air quality models and data bases. The workshops serve to provide further explanations of Guideline requirements to the Regional Offices and workshop reports are issued with this clarifying information. In addition, findings from ongoing research programs, new model development, or results from model evaluations and applications are continuously evaluated. Based on this information changes in the guidance may be indicated.
g. All changes to the Guideline must follow rulemaking requirements since the Guideline is codified in Appendix W of Part 51. EPA will promulgate proposed and final rules in the Federal Register to amend this Appendix. Ample opportunity for public comment will be provided for each proposed change and public hearings scheduled if requested.
h. A wide range of topics on modeling and data bases are discussed in the Guideline. Section 2 gives an overview of models and their appropriate use. Section 3 provides specific guidance on the use of ``preferred'' air quality models and on the selection of alternative techniques. Sections 4 through 7 provide recommendations on modeling techniques for application to simple-terrain stationary source problems, complex terrain problems, and mobile source problems. Specific modeling requirements for selected regulatory issues are also addressed. Section 8 discusses issues common to many modeling analyses, including acceptable model components. Section 9 makes recommendations for data inputs to models including source, meteorological and background air quality data. Section 10 covers the uncertainty in model estimates and how that information can be useful to the regulatory decision-maker. The last chapter summarizes how estimates and measurements of air quality are used in assessing source impact and in evaluating control strategies.
i. Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51 itself contains an appendix: Appendix A. Thus, when reference is made to ``Appendix A'' in this document, it refers to Appendix A to Appendix W to 40 CFR Part 51. Appendix A contains summaries of refined air quality models that are ``preferred'' for specific applications; both EPA models and models developed by others are included.
2.0 Overview of Model Use
a. Before attempting to implement the guidance contained in this document, the reader should be aware of certain general information concerning air quality models and their use. Such information is provided in this section.
2.1 Suitability of Models
a. The extent to which a specific air quality model is suitable for the evaluation of source impact depends upon several factors. These include: (1) The meteorological and topographic complexities of the area; (2) the level of detail and accuracy needed for the analysis; (3) the technical competence of those undertaking such simulation modeling; (4) the resources available; and (5) the detail and accuracy of the data base, i.e., emissions inventory, meteorological data, and air quality data. Appropriate data should be available before any attempt is made to apply a model. A model that requires detailed, precise, input data should not be used when such data are unavailable. However, assuming the data are adequate, the greater the detail with which a model considers the spatial and temporal variations in emissions and meteorological conditions, the greater the ability to evaluate the source impact and to distinguish the effects of various control strategies.
b. Air quality models have been applied with the most accuracy, or the least degree of uncertainty, to simulations of long term averages in areas with relatively simple topography. Areas subject to major topographic influences experience meteorological complexities that are extremely difficult to simulate. Although models are available for such circumstances, they are frequently site specific and resource intensive. In the absence of a model capable of simulating such complexities, only a preliminary approximation may be feasible until such time as better models and data bases become available.
c. Models are highly specialized tools. Competent and experienced personnel are an essential prerequisite to the successful application of simulation models. The need for specialists is critical when the more sophisticated models are used or the area being investigated has complicated meteorological or topographic features. A model applied improperly, or with inappropriate data, can lead to serious misjudgements regarding the source impact or the effectiveness of a control strategy.
d. The resource demands generated by use of air quality models vary widely depending on the specific application. The resources required depend on the nature of the model and its complexity, the detail of the data base, the difficulty of the application, and the amount and level of expertise required. The costs of manpower and computational facilities may also be important factors in the selection and use of a model for a specific analysis. However, it should be recognized that under some sets of physical circumstances and accuracy requirements, no present model may be appropriate. Thus, consideration of these factors should lead to selection of an appropriate model.
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Models
a. There are two levels of sophistication of models. The first level consists of relatively simple estimation techniques that generally use preset, worst-case meteorological conditions to provide conservative estimates of the air quality impact of a specific source, or source category. These are called screening techniques or screening models. The purpose of such techniques is to eliminate the need of more detailed modeling for those sources that clearly will not cause or contribute to ambient concentrations in excess of either the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) \4\ or the allowable prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) concentration increments. \2 3\ If a screening technique indicates that the concentration contributed by the source exceeds the PSD increment or the increment remaining to just meet the NAAQS, then the second level of more sophisticated models should be applied.
b. The second level consists of those analytical techniques that provide more detailed treatment of physical and chemical atmospheric processes, require more detailed and precise input data, and provide more specialized concentration estimates. As a result they provide a more refined and, at least theoretically, a more accurate estimate of source impact and the effectiveness of control strategies. These are referred to as refined models.
c. The use of screening techniques followed, as appropriate, by a more refined analysis is always desirable. However there are situations where the screening techniques are practically and technically the only viable option for estimating source impact. In such cases, an attempt should be made to acquire or improve the necessary data bases and to develop appropriate analytical techniques.
2.3 Availability of Models
a. For most of the screening and refined models discussed in the Guideline, codes, associated documentation and other useful information are available for download from EPA's Support Center for Regulatory Air Modeling (SCRAM) Internet Web site at A list of alternate models that can be used with case-by-case justification (subsection 3.2) and an example air quality analysis checklist are also posted on this Web site. This is a site with which modelers should become familiar.
3.0 Recommended Air Quality Models
a. This section recommends the approach to be taken in determining refined modeling techniques for use in regulatory air quality programs. The status of models developed by EPA, as well as those submitted to EPA for review and possible inclusion in this guidance, is discussed. The section also addresses the selection of models for individual cases and provides recommendations for situations where the preferred models are not applicable. Two additional sources of modeling guidance are the Model Clearinghouse \5\ and periodic Regional/State/Local Modelers workshops.
b. In this guidance, when approval is required for a particular modeling technique or analytical procedure, we often refer to the ``appropriate reviewing authority''. In some EPA regions, authority for NSR and PSD permitting and related activities has been delegated to State and even local agencies. In these cases, such agencies are ``representatives'' of the respective regions. Even in these circumstances, the Regional Office retains the ultimate authority in decisions and approvals. Therefore, as discussed above and depending on the circumstances, the appropriate reviewing authority may be the Regional Office, Federal Land Manager(s), State agency(ies), or perhaps local agency(ies). In cases where review and approval comes solely from the Regional Office (sometimes stated as ``Regional Administrator''), this will be stipulated. If there is any question as to the appropriate reviewing authority, you should contact the Regional modeling contact ( in the appropriate EPA Regional Office, whose jurisdiction generally includes the physical location of the source in question and its expected impacts.
c. In all regulatory analyses, especially if other-than-preferred models are selected for use, early discussions among Regional Office staff, State and local control agencies, industry representatives, and where appropriate, the Federal Land Manager, are invaluable and are encouraged. Agreement on the data base(s) to be used, modeling techniques to be applied and the overall technical approach, prior to the actual analyses, helps avoid misunderstandings concerning the final results and may reduce the later need for additional analyses. The use of an air quality analysis checklist, such as is posted on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3), and the preparation of a written protocol help to keep misunderstandings at a minimum.
d. It should not be construed that the preferred models identified here are to be permanently used to the exclusion of all others or that they are the only models available for relating emissions to air quality. The model that most accurately estimates concentrations in the area of interest is always sought. However, designation of specific models is needed to promote consistency in model selection and application.
e. The 1980 solicitation of new or different models from the technical community \6\ and the program whereby these models were evaluated, established a means by which new models are identified, reviewed and made available in the Guideline. There is a pressing need for the development of models for a wide range of regulatory applications. Refined models that more realistically simulate the physical and chemical process in the atmosphere and that more reliably estimate pollutant concentrations are needed.
3.1 Preferred Modeling Techniques
3.1.1 Discussion
a. EPA has developed models suitable for regulatory application. Other models have been submitted by private developers for possible inclusion in the Guideline. Refined models which are preferred and recommended by EPA have undergone evaluation exercises \7 8 9 10\ that include statistical measures of model performance in comparison with measured air quality data as suggested by the American Meteorological Society \11\ and, where possible, peer scientific reviews. \12 13 14\
b. When a single model is found to perform better than others, it is recommended for application as a preferred model and listed in Appendix A. If no one model is found to clearly perform better through the evaluation exercise, then the preferred model listed in Appendix A may be selected on the basis of other factors such as past use, public familiarity, cost or resource requirements, and availability. Accordingly, dispersion models listed in Appendix A meet these conditions:
i. The model must be written in a common programming language, and the executable(s) must run on a common computer platform.
ii. The model must be documented in a user's guide which identifies the mathematics of the model, data requirements and program operating characteristics at a level of detail comparable to that available for other recommended models in Appendix A.
iii. The model must be accompanied by a complete test data set including input parameters and output results. The test data must be packaged with the model in computer-readable form.
iv. The model must be useful to typical users, e.g., State air pollution control agencies, for specific air quality control problems. Such users should be able to operate the computer program(s) from available documentation.
v. The model documentation must include a comparison with air quality data (and/or tracer measurements) or with other well-established analytical techniques.
vi. The developer must be willing to make the model and source code available to users at reasonable cost or make them available for public access through the Internet or National Technical Information Service: The model and its code cannot be proprietary.
c. The evaluation process includes a determination of technical merit, in accordance with the above six items including the practicality of the model for use in ongoing regulatory programs. Each model will also be subjected to a performance evaluation for an appropriate data base and to a peer scientific review. Models for wide use (not just an isolated case) that are found to perform better will be proposed for inclusion as preferred models in future Guideline revisions.
d. No further evaluation of a preferred model is required for a particular application if the EPA recommendations for regulatory use specified for the model in the Guideline are followed. Alternative models to those listed in Appendix A should generally be compared with measured air quality data when they are used for regulatory applications consistent with recommendations in subsection 3.2.
3.1.2 Recommendations
a. Appendix A identifies refined models that are preferred for use in regulatory applications. If a model is required for a particular application, the user should select a model from that appendix. These models may be used without a formal demonstration of applicability as long as they are used as indicated in each model summary of Appendix A. Further recommendations for the application of these models to specific source problems are found in subsequent sections of the Guideline.
b. If changes are made to a preferred model without affecting the concentration estimates, the preferred status of the model is unchanged. Examples of modifications that do not affect concentrations are those made to enable use of a different computer platform or those that affect only the format or averaging time of the model results. However, when any changes are made, the Regional Administrator should require a test case example to demonstrate that the concentration estimates are not affected.
c. A preferred model should be operated with the options listed in Appendix A as ``Recommendations for Regulatory Use.'' If other options are exercised, the model is no longer ``preferred.'' Any other modification to a preferred model that would result in a change in the concentration estimates likewise alters its status as a preferred model. Use of the model must then be justified on a case-by-case basis.
3.2 Use of Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
a. Selection of the best techniques for each individual air quality analysis is always encouraged, but the selection should be done in a consistent manner. A simple listing of models in this Guideline cannot alone achieve that consistency nor can it necessarily provide the best model for all possible situations. An EPA reference \15\ provides a statistical technique for evaluating model performance for predicting peak concentration values, as might be observed at individual monitoring locations. This protocol is available to assist in developing a consistent approach when justifying the use of other-than-preferred modeling techniques recommended in the Guideline. The procedures in this protocol provide a general framework for objective decision-making on the acceptability of an alternative model for a given regulatory application. These objective procedures may be used for conducting both the technical evaluation of the model and the field test or performance evaluation. An ASTM reference \16\ provides a general philosophy for developing and implementing advanced statistical evaluations of atmospheric dispersion models, and provides an example statistical technique to illustrate the application of this philosophy.
b. This section discusses the use of alternate modeling techniques and defines three situations when alternative models may be used.
3.2.2 Recommendations
a. Determination of acceptability of a model is a Regional Office responsibility. Where the Regional Administrator finds that an alternative model is more appropriate than a preferred model, that model may be used subject to the recommendations of this subsection. This finding will normally result from a determination that (1) a preferred air quality model is not appropriate for the particular application; or (2) a more appropriate model or analytical procedure is available and applicable.
b. An alternative model should be evaluated from both a theoretical and a performance perspective before it is selected for use. There are three separate conditions under which such a model may normally be approved for use: (1) If a demonstration can be made that the model produces concentration estimates equivalent to the estimates obtained using a preferred model; (2) if a statistical performance evaluation has been conducted using measured air quality data and the results of that evaluation indicate the alternative model performs better for the given application than a comparable model in Appendix A; or (3) if the preferred model is less appropriate for the specific application, or there is no preferred model. Any one of these three separate conditions may make use of an alternative model acceptable. Some known alternative models that are applicable for selected situations are listed on EPA's SCRAM Internet Web site (subsection 2.3). However, inclusion there does not confer any unique status relative to other alternative models that are being or will be developed in the future.
c. Equivalency, condition (1) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, is established by demonstrating that the maximum or highest, second highest concentrations are within 2 percent of the estimates obtained from the preferred model. The option to show equivalency is intended as a simple demonstration of acceptability for an alternative model that is so nearly identical (or contains options that can make it identical) to a preferred model that it can be treated for practical purposes as the preferred model. Two percent was selected as the basis for equivalency since it is a rough approximation of the fraction that PSD Class I increments are of the NAAQS for SO2, i.e., the difference in concentrations that is judged to be significant. However, notwithstanding this demonstration, models that are not equivalent may be used when one of the two other conditions described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this subsection are satisfied.
d. For condition (2) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, established procedures and techniques \15 16\ for determining the acceptability of a model for an individual case based on superior performance should be followed, as appropriate. Preparation and implementation of an evaluation protocol which is acceptable to both control agencies and regulated industry is an important element in such an evaluation.
e. Finally, for condition (3) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, an alternative refined model may be used provided that:
i. The model has received a scientific peer review;
ii. The model can be demonstrated to be applicable to the problem on a theoretical basis;
iii. The data bases which are necessary to perform the analysis are available and adequate;
iv. Appropriate performance evaluations of the model have shown that the model is not biased toward underestimates; and
v. A protocol on methods and procedures to be followed has been established.
3.3 Availability of Supplementary Modeling Guidance
a. The Regional Administrator has the authority to select models that are appropriate for use in a given situation. However, there is a need for assistance and guidance in the selection process so that fairness and consistency in modeling decisions is fostered among the various Regional Offices and the States. To satisfy that need, EPA established the Model Clearinghouse \5\ and also holds periodic workshops with headquarters, Regional Office, State, and local agency modeling representatives.
b. The Regional Office should always be consulted for information and guidance concerning modeling methods and interpretations of modeling guidance, and to ensure that the air quality model user has available the latest most up-to-date policy and procedures. As appropriate, the Regional Office may request assistance from the Model Clearinghouse after an initial evaluation and decision has been reached concerning the application of a model, analytical technique or data base in a particular regulatory action.
4.0 Traditional Stationary Source Models
4.1 Discussion
a. Guidance in this section applies to modeling analyses for which the predominant meteorological conditions that control the design concentration are steady state and for which the transport distances are nominally 50km or less. The models recommended in this section are generally used in the air quality impact analysis of stationary sources for most criteria pollutants. The averaging time of the concentration estimates produced by these models ranges from 1 hour to an annual average.
b. Simple terrain, as used here, is considered to be an area where terrain features are all lower in elevation than the top of the stack of the source(s) in question. Complex terrain is defined as terrain exceeding the height of the stack being modeled.
c. In the early 1980s, model evaluation exercises were conducted to determine the ``best, most appropriate point source model'' for use in simple terrain. \12\ No one model was found to be clearly superior and, based on past use, public familiarity, and availability, ISC (predecessor to ISC3 \17\) became the recommended model for a wide range of regulatory applications. Other refined models which also employed the same basic Gaussian kernel as in ISC, i.e., BLP, CALINE3 and OCD, were developed for specialized applications (Appendix A). Performance evaluations were also made for these models, which are identified below.
d. Encouraged by the development of pragmatic methods for better characterization of plume dispersion \18 19 20 21\ the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model Improvement Committee (AERMIC) developed AERMOD. \22\ AERMOD employs best state-of-practice parameterizations for characterizing the meteorological influences and dispersion. The model utilizes a probability density function (pdf) and the superposition of several Gaussian plumes to characterize the distinctly non-Gaussian nature of the vertical pollutant distribution for elevated plumes during convective conditions; otherwise the distribution is Gaussian. Also, nighttime urban boundary layers (and plumes within them) have the turbulence enhanced by AERMOD to simulate the influence of the urban heat island. AERMOD has been evaluated using a variety of data sets and has been found to perform better than ISC3 for many applications, and as well or better than CTDMPLUS for several complex terrain data sets (Section A.1; subsection n). The current version of AERMOD has been modified to include an algorithm for dry and wet deposition for both gases and particles. Note that when deposition is invoked, mass in the plume is depleted. Availability of this version is described in Section A.1, and is subject to applicable guidance published in the Guideline.
e. A new building downwash algorithm \23\ was developed and tested within AERMOD. The PRIME algorithm has been evaluated using a variety of data sets and has been found to perform better than the downwash algorithm that is in ISC3, and has been shown to perform acceptably in tests within AERMOD (Section A.1; subsection n).
4.2 Recommendations
4.2.1 Screening Techniques Simple Terrain
a. Where a preliminary or conservative estimate is desired, point source screening techniques are an acceptable approach to air quality analyses. EPA has published guidance for screening procedures. \24 25\
b. All screening procedures should be adjusted to the site and problem at hand. Close attention should be paid to whether the area should be classified urban or rural in accordance with Section 7.2.3. The climatology of the area should be studied to help define the worst-case meteorological conditions. Agreement should be reached between the model user and the appropriate reviewing authority on the choice of the screening model for each analysis, and on the input data as well as the ultimate use of the results. Complex Terrain
a. CTSCREEN \26\ can be used to obtain conservative, yet realistic, worst-case estimates for receptors located on terrain above stack height. CTSCREEN accounts for the three-dimensional nature of plume and terrain interaction and requires detailed terrain data representative of the modeling domain. The model description and user's instructions are contained in the user's guide. \26\ The terrain data must be digitized in the same manner as for CTDMPLUS and a terrain processor is available. \27\ A discussion of the model's performance characteristics is provided in a technical paper. \28\ CTSCREEN is designed to execute a fixed matrix of meteorological values for wind speed (u), standard deviation of horizontal and vertical wind speeds ([sigma]v, [sigma]w), vertical potential temperature gradient (d[thetas]/dz), friction velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L), mixing height (zi) as a function of terrain height, and wind directions for both neutral/stable conditions and unstable convective conditions. Table 4-1 contains the matrix of meteorological variables that is used for each CTSCREEN analysis. There are 96 combinations, including exceptions, for each wind direction for the neutral/stable case, and 108 combinations for the unstable case. The specification of wind direction, however, is handled internally, based on the source and terrain geometry. Although CTSCREEN is designed to address a single source scenario, there are a number of options that can be selected on a case-by-case basis to address multi-source situations. However, the appropriate reviewing authority should be consulted, and concurrence obtained, on the protocol for modeling multiple sources with CTSCREEN to ensure that the worst case is identified and assessed. The maximum concentration output from CTSCREEN represents a worst-case 1-hour concentration. Time-scaling factors of 0.7 for 3-hour, 0.15 for 24-hour and 0.03 for annual concentration averages are applied internally by CTSCREEN to the highest 1-hour concentration calculated by the model.
b. Placement of receptors requires very careful attention when modeling in complex terrain. Often the highest concentrations are predicted to occur under very stable conditions, when the plume is near, or impinges on, the terrain. The plume under such conditions may be quite narrow in the vertical, so that even relatively small changes in a receptor's location may substantially affect the predicted concentration. Receptors within about a kilometer of the source may be even more sensitive to location. Thus, a dense array of receptors may be required in some cases. In order to avoid excessively large computer runs due to such a large array of receptors, it is often desirable to model the area twice. The first model run would use a moderate number of receptors carefully located over the area of interest. The second model run would use a more dense array of receptors in areas showing potential for high concentrations, as indicated by the results of the first model run.
c. As mentioned above, digitized contour data must be preprocessed \27\ to provide hill shape parameters in suitable input format. The user then supplies receptors either through an interactive program that is part of the model or directly, by using a text editor; using both methods to select receptors will generally be necessary to assure that the maximum concentrations are estimated by either model. In cases where a terrain feature may ``appear to the plume'' as smaller, multiple hills, it may be necessary to model the terrain both as a single feature and as multiple hills to determine design concentrations.
d. Other screening techniques \17 25 29\ may be acceptable for complex terrain cases where established procedures are used. The user is encouraged to confer with the appropriate reviewing authority if any unresolvable problems are encountered, e.g., applicability, meteorological data, receptor siting, or terrain contour processing issues.
4.2.2 Refined Analytical Techniques
a. A brief description of each preferred model for refined applications is found in Appendix A. Also listed in that appendix are availability, the model input requirements, the standard options that should be selected when running the program, and output options.
b. For a wide range of regulatory applications in all types of terrain, the recommended model is AERMOD. This recommendation is based on extensive developmental and performance evaluation (Section A.1; subsection n). Differentiation of simple versus complex terrain is unnecessary with AERMOD. In complex terrain, AERMOD employs the well-known dividing-streamline concept in a simplified simulation of the effects of plume-terrain interactions.
c. If aerodynamic building downwash is important for the modeling analysis, e.g., paragraph 6.2.2(b), then the recommended model is AERMOD. The state-of-the-science for modeling atmospheric deposition is evolving and the best techniques are currently being assessed and their results are being compared with observations. Consequently, while deposition treatment is available in AERMOD, the approach taken for any purpose should be coordinated with the appropriate reviewing authority. Line sources can be simulated with AERMOD if point or volume sources are appropriately combined. If buoyant plume rise from line sources is important for the modeling analysis, the recommended model is BLP. For other special modeling applications, CALINE3 (or CAL3QHCR on a case-by-case basis), OCD, and EDMS are available as described in Sections 5 and 6.
d. If the modeling application involves a well defined hill or ridge and a detailed dispersion analysis of the spatial pattern of plume impacts is of interest, CTDMPLUS, listed in Appendix A, is available. CDTMPLUS provides greater resolution of concentrations about the contour of the hill feature than does AERMOD through a different plume-terrain interaction algorithm.
Table 4-1a--Neutral/Stable Meteorological Matrix for CTSCREEN
Variable Specific values----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U (m/s).................................... 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0[sigma]v (m/s)............................. 0.3 0.75[sigma]w (m/s)............................. 0.08 0.15 0.30 0.75[Delta][thetas]/[Delta]z (K/m)............. 0.01 0.02 0.035WD......................................... (Wind direction is optimized internally for each meteorological
combination.)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exceptions: (1) If U <=2 m/s and [sigma]v <=0.3 m/s, then include [sigma]w = 0.04 m/s.(2) If [sigma]w = 0.75 m/s and U =3.0 m/s, then [Delta][thetas]/[Delta]z is limited to <=0.01 K/m.(3) If U =4 m/s, then [sigma]w =0.15 m/s.(4) [sigma]w <=[sigma]v
Table 4-1b--Unstable/Convective Meteorological Matrix for CTSCREEN
Variable Specific values----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U (m/s)..................................... 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0U* (m/s).................................... 0.1 0.3 0.5L (m)....................................... -10 -50 -90[Delta][thetas]/[Delta]z (K/m).............. 0.030 (potential temperature gradient above Zi)Zi (m)...................................... 0.5h 1.0h 1.5h (h = terrain height)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.0 Models for Ozone, Particulate Matter, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen
Dioxide, and Lead
5.1 Discussion
a. This section identifies modeling approaches or models appropriate for addressing ozone (O3) \a\, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulates (PM-2.5 \a\ and PM-10), and lead. These pollutants are often associated with emissions from numerous sources. Generally, mobile sources contribute significantly to emissions of these pollutants or their precursors. For cases where it is of interest to estimate concentrations of CO or NO2 near a single or small group of stationary sources, refer to Section 4. (Modeling approaches for SO2 are discussed in Section 4.)---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\a\ Modeling for attainment demonstrations for O3 and PM-2.5 should be conducted in time to meet required SIP submission dates as provided for in the respective implementation rules. Information on implementation of the 8-hr O3 and PM-2.5 standards is available at:
b. Several of the pollutants mentioned in the preceding paragraph are closely related to each other in that they share common sources of emissions and/or are subject to chemical transformations of similar precursors. \30 31\ For example, strategies designed to reduce ozone could have an effect on the secondary component of PM-2.5 and vice versa. Thus, it makes sense to use models which take into account the chemical coupling between O3 and PM-2.5, when feasible. This should promote consistency among methods used to evaluate strategies for reducing different pollutants as well as consistency among the strategies themselves. Regulatory requirements for the different pollutants are likely to be due at different times. Thus, the following paragraphs identify appropriate modeling approaches for pollutants individually.
c. The NAAQS for ozone was revised on July 18, 1997 and is now based on an 8-hour averaging period. Models for ozone are needed primarily to guide choice of strategies to correct an observed ozone problem in an area not attaining the NAAQS for ozone. Use of photochemical grid models is the recommended means for identifying strategies needed to correct high ozone concentrations in such areas. Such models need to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO), as well as means for generating meteorological data governing transport and dispersion of ozone and its precursors. Other approaches, such as Lagrangian or observational models may be used to guide choice of appropriate strategies to consider with a photochemical grid model. These other approaches may be sufficient to address ozone in an area where observed concentrations are near the NAAQS or only slightly above it. Such a decision needs to be made on a case-by-case basis in concert with the Regional Office.
d. A control agency with jurisdiction over one or more areas with significant ozone problems should review available ambient air quality data to assess whether the problem is likely to be significantly impacted by regional transport. \32\ Choice of a modeling approach depends on the outcome of this review. In cases where transport is considered significant, use of a nested regional model may be the preferred approach. If the observed problem is believed to be primarily of local origin, use of a model with a single horizontal grid resolution and geographical coverage that is less than that of a regional model may suffice.
e. The fine particulate matter NAAQS, promulgated on July 18, 1997, includes particles with an aerodynamic diameter nominally less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM-2.5). Models for PM-2.5 are needed to assess adequacy of a proposed strategy for meeting annual and/or 24-hour NAAQS for PM-2.5. PM-2.5 is a mixture consisting of several diverse components. Because chemical/physical properties and origins of each component differ, it may be appropriate to use either a single model capable of addressing several of the important components or to model primary and secondary components using different models. Effects of a control strategy on PM-2.5 is estimated from the sum of the effects on the components composing PM-2.5. Model users may refer to guidance \33\ for further details concerning appropriate modeling approaches.
f. A control agency with jurisdiction over one or more areas with PM-2.5 problems should review available ambient air quality data to assess which components of PM-2.5 are likely to be major contributors to the problem. If it is determined that regional transport of secondary particulates, such as sulfates or nitrates, is likely to contribute significantly to the problem, use of a regional model may be the preferred approach. Otherwise, coverage may be limited to a domain that is urban scale or less. Special care should be taken to select appropriate geographical coverage for a modeling application. \33\
g. The NAAQS for PM-10 was promulgated in July 1987 (40 CFR 50.6). A SIP development guide \34\ is available to assist in PM-10 analyses and control strategy development. EPA promulgated regulations for PSD increments measured as PM-10 in a notice published on June 3, 1993 (40 CFR 51.166(c)). As an aid to assessing the impact on ambient air quality of particulate matter generated from prescribed burning activities, a reference \35\ is available.
h. Models for assessing the impacts of particulate matter may involve dispersion models or receptor models, or a combination (depending on the circumstances). Receptor models focus on the behavior of the ambient environment at the point of impact as opposed to source-oriented dispersion models, which focus on the transport, diffusion, and transformation that begin at the source and continue to the receptor site. Receptor models attempt to identify and apportion sources by relating known sample compositions at receptors to measured or inferred compositions of source emissions. When complete and accurate emission inventories or meteorological characterization are unavailable, or unknown pollutant sources exist, receptor modeling may be necessary.
i. Models for assessing the impact of CO emissions are needed for a number of different purposes. Examples include evaluating effects of point sources, congested intersections and highways, as well as the cumulative effect of numerous sources of CO in an urban area.
j. Models for assessing the impact of sources on ambient NO2 concentrations are primarily needed to meet new source review requirements, such as addressing the effect of a proposed source on PSD increments for annual concentrations of NO2. Impact of an individual source on ambient NO2 depends, in part, on the chemical environment into which the source's plume is to be emitted. There are several approaches for estimating effects of an individual source on ambient NO2. One approach is through use of a plume-in-grid algorithm imbedded within a photochemical grid model. However, because of the rigor and complexity involved, and because this approach may not be capable of defining sub-grid concentration gradients, the plume-in-grid approach may be impractical for estimating effects on an annual PSD increment. A second approach which does not have this limitation and accommodates distance-dependent conversion ratios--the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (PVMRM) \36\--is currently being tested to determine suitability as a refined method. A third (screening) approach is to develop site specific (domain-wide) conversion factors based on measurements. If it is not possible to develop site specific conversion factors and use of the plume-in-grid algorithm is also not feasible, other screening procedures may be considered.
k. In January 1999 (40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D), EPA gave notice that concern about ambient lead impacts was being shifted away from roadways and toward a focus on stationary point sources. EPA has also issued guidance on siting ambient monitors in the vicinity of such sources. \37\ For lead, the SIP should contain an air quality analysis to determine the maximum quarterly lead concentration resulting from major lead point sources, such as smelters, gasoline additive plants, etc. General guidance for lead SIP development is also available. \38\
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Models for Ozone
a. Choice of Models for Multi-source Applications. Simulation of ozone formation and transport is a highly complex and resource intensive exercise. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas with ozone problems are encouraged to use photochemical grid models, such as the Models-3/Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system, \39\ to evaluate the relationship between precursor species and ozone. Judgement on the suitability of a model for a given application should consider factors that include use of the model in an attainment test, development of emissions and meteorological inputs to the model and choice of episodes to model. \32\ Similar models for the 8-hour NAAQS and for the 1-hour NAAQS are appropriate.
b. Choice of Models to Complement Photochemical Grid Models. As previously noted, observational models, Lagrangian models, or the refined version of the Ozone Isopleth Plotting Program (OZIPR) \40\ may be used to help guide choice of strategies to simulate with a photochemical grid model and to corroborate results obtained with a grid model. Receptor models have also been used to apportion sources of ozone precursors (e.g., VOC) in urban domains. EPA has issued guidance \32\ in selecting appropriate techniques.
c. Estimating the Impact of Individual Sources. Choice of methods used to assess the impact of an individual source depends on the nature of the source and its emissions. Thus, model users should consult with the Regional Office to determine the most suitable approach on a case-by-case basis (subsection 3.2.2).
5.2.2 Models for Particulate Matter PM-2.5
a. Choice of Models for Multi-source Applications. Simulation of phenomena resulting in high ambient PM-2.5 can be a multi-faceted and complex problem resulting from PM-2.5's existence as an aerosol mixture. Treating secondary components of PM-2.5, such as sulfates and nitrates, can be a highly complex and resource-intensive exercise. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas with secondary PM-2.5 problems are encouraged to use models which integrate chemical and physical processes important in the formation, decay and transport of these species (e.g., Models-3/CMAQ \38\ or REMSAD \41\). Primary components can be simulated using less resource-intensive techniques. Suitability of a modeling approach or mix of modeling approaches for a given application requires technical judgement, \33\ as well as professional experience in choice of models, use of the model(s) in an attainment test, development of emissions and meteorological inputs to the model and selection of days to model.
b. Choice of Analysis Techniques to Complement Air Quality Simulation Models. Receptor models may be used to corroborate predictions obtained with one or more air quality simulation models. They may also be potentially useful in helping to define specific source categories contributing to major components of PM-2.5. \33\
c. Estimating the Impact of Individual Sources. Choice of methods used to assess the impact of an individual source depends on the nature of the source and its emissions. Thus, model users should consult with the Regional Office to determine the most suitable approach on a case-by-case basis (subsection 3.2.2). PM-10
a. Screening techniques like those identified in subsection 4.2.1 are applicable to PM-10. Conservative assumptions which do not allow removal or transformation are suggested for screening. Thus, it is recommended that subjectively determined values for ``half-life'' or pollutant decay not be used as a surrogate for particle removal. Proportional models (rollback/forward) may not be applied for screening analysis, unless such techniques are used in conjunction with receptor modeling. \34\
b. Refined models such as those discussed in subsection 4.2.2 are recommended for PM-10. However, where possible, particle size, gas-to-particle formation, and their effect on ambient concentrations may be considered. For point sources of small particles and for source-specific analyses of complicated sources, use the appropriate recommended steady-state plume dispersion model (subsection 4.2.2).
c. Receptor models have proven useful for helping validate emission inventories and for corroborating source-specific impacts estimated by dispersion models. The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model is useful for apportioning impacts from localized sources. \42 43 44\ Other receptor models, e.g., the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model \45\ and Unmix, \46\ which don't share some of CMB's constraints, have also been applied. In regulatory applications, dispersion models have been used in conjunction with receptor models to attribute source (or source category) contributions. Guidance is available for PM-10 sampling and analysis applicable to receptor modeling. \47\
d. Under certain conditions, recommended dispersion models may not be reliable. In such circumstances, the modeling approach should be approved by the Regional Office on a case-by-case basis. Analyses involving model calculations for stagnation conditions should also be justified on a case-by-case basis (subsection 7.2.8).
e. Fugitive dust usually refers to dust put into the atmosphere by the wind blowing over plowed fields, dirt roads or desert or sandy areas with little or no vegetation. Reentrained dust is that which is put into the air by reason of vehicles driving over dirt roads (or dirty roads) and dusty areas. Such sources can be characterized as line, area or volume sources. Emission rates may be based on site specific data or values from the general literature. Fugitive emissions include the emissions resulting from the industrial process that are not captured and vented through a stack but may be released from various locations within the complex. In some unique cases a model developed specifically for the situation may be needed. Due to the difficult nature of characterizing and modeling fugitive dust and fugitive emissions, it is recommended that the proposed procedure be cleared by the Regional Office for each specific situation before the modeling exercise is begun.
5.2.3 Models for Carbon Monoxide
a. Guidance is available for analyzing CO impacts at roadway intersections. \48\ The recommended screening model for such analyses is CAL3QHC. \49 50\ This model combines CALINE3 (listed in Appendix A) with a traffic model to calculate delays and queues that occur at signalized intersections. The screening approach is described in reference 48; a refined approach may be considered on a case-by-case basis with CAL3QHCR. \51\ The latest version of the MOBILE (mobile source emission factor) model should be used for emissions input to intersection models.
b. For analyses of highways characterized by uninterrupted traffic flows, CALINE3 is recommended, with emissions input from the latest version of the MOBILE model. A scientific review article for line source models is available. \52\
c. For urban area wide analyses of CO, an Eulerian grid model should be used. Information on SIP development and requirements for using such models can be found in several references. \48 53 54 55\
d. Where point sources of CO are of concern, they should be treated using the screening and refined techniques described in Section 4.
5.2.4 Models for Nitrogen Dioxide (Annual Average)
a. A tiered screening approach is recommended to obtain annual average estimates of NO2 from point sources for New Source Review analysis, including PSD, and for SIP planning purposes. This multi-tiered approach is conceptually shown in Figure 5-1 and described in paragraphs b through d of this subsection:
Figure 5-1
Multi-tiered screening approach for Estimating Annual NO2 Concentrations from Point Sources[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR09NO05.001
b. For Tier 1 (the initial screen), use an appropriate model in subsection 4.2.2 to estimate the maximum annual average concentration and assume a total conversion of NO to NO2. If the concentration exceeds the NAAQS and/or PSD increments for NO2, proceed to the 2nd level screen.
c. For Tier 2 (2nd level) screening analysis, multiply the Tier 1 estimate(s) by an empirically derived NO2/NOX value of 0.75 (annual national default). \56\ The reviewing agency may establish an alternative default NO2/NOX ratio based on ambient annual average NO2 and annual average NOX data representative of area wide quasi-equilibrium conditions. Alternative default NO2/NOX ratios should be based on data satisfying quality assurance procedures that ensure data accuracy for both NO2 and NOX within the typical range of measured values. In areas with relatively low NOX concentrations, the quality assurance procedures used to determine compliance with the NO2 national ambient air quality standard may not be adequate. In addition, default NO2/NOX ratios, including the 0.75 national default value, can underestimate long range NO2 impacts and should be used with caution in long range transport scenarios.
d. For Tier 3 (3rd level) analysis, a detailed screening method may be selected on a case-by-case basis. For point source modeling, detailed screening techniques such as the Ozone Limiting Method \57\ may also be considered. Also, a site specific NO2/NOX ratio may be used as a detailed screening method if it meets the same restrictions as described for alternative default NO2/NOX ratios. Ambient NOX monitors used to develop a site specific ratio should be sited to obtain the NO2 and NOX concentrations under quasi-equilibrium conditions. Data obtained from monitors sited at the maximum NOX impact site, as may be required in a PSD pre-construction monitoring program, likely reflect transitional NOX conditions. Therefore, NOX data from maximum impact sites may not be suitable for determining a site specific NO2/NOX ratio that is applicable for the entire modeling analysis. A site specific ratio derived from maximum impact data can only be used to estimate NO2 impacts at receptors located within the same distance of the source as the source-to-monitor distance.
e. In urban areas (subsection 7.2.3), a proportional model may be used as a preliminary assessment to evaluate control strategies to meet the NAAQS for multiple minor sources, i.e., minor point, area and mobile sources of NOX; concentrations resulting from major point sources should be estimated separately as discussed above, then added to the impact of the minor sources. An acceptable screening technique for urban complexes is to assume that all NOX is emitted in the form of NO2 and to use a model from Appendix A for nonreactive pollutants to estimate NO2 concentrations. A more accurate estimate can be obtained by: (1) Calculating the annual average concentrations of NOX with an urban model, and (2) converting these estimates to NO2 concentrations using an empirically derived annual NO2/NOX ratio. A value of 0.75 is recommended for this ratio. However, a spatially averaged alternative default annual NO2/NOX ratio may be determined from an existing air quality monitoring network and used in lieu of the 0.75 value if it is determined to be representative of prevailing ratios in the urban area by the reviewing agency. To ensure use of appropriate locally derived annual average NO2/NOX ratios, monitoring data under consideration should be limited to those collected at monitors meeting siting criteria defined in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D as representative of ``neighborhood'', ``urban'', or ``regional'' scales. Furthermore, the highest annual spatially averaged NO2/NOX ratio from the most recent 3 years of complete data should be used to foster conservatism in estimated impacts.
f. To demonstrate compliance with NO2 PSD increments in urban areas, emissions from major and minor sources should be included in the modeling analysis. Point and area source emissions should be modeled as discussed above. If mobile source emissions do not contribute to localized areas of high ambient NO2 concentrations, they should be modeled as area sources. When modeled as area sources, mobile source emissions should be assumed uniform over the entire highway link and allocated to each area source grid square based on the portion of highway link within each grid square. If localized areas of high concentrations are likely, then mobile sources should be modeled as line sources using an appropriate steady-state plume dispersion model (e.g., CAL3QHCR; subsection 5.2.3).
g. More refined techniques to handle special circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis and agreement with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) should be obtained. Such techniques should consider individual quantities of NO and NO2 emissions, atmospheric transport and dispersion, and atmospheric transformation of NO to NO2. Where they are available, site specific data on the conversion of NO to NO2 may be used. Photochemical dispersion models, if used for other pollutants in the area, may also be applied to the NOX problem.
5.2.5 Models for Lead
a. For major lead point sources, such as smelters, which contribute fugitive emissions and for which deposition is important, professional judgement should be used, and there should be coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). To model an entire major urban area or to model areas without significant sources of lead emissions, as a minimum a proportional (rollback) model may be used for air quality analysis. The rollback philosophy assumes that measured pollutant concentrations are proportional to emissions. However, urban or other dispersion models are encouraged in these circumstances where the use of such models is feasible.
b. In modeling the effect of traditional line sources (such as a specific roadway or highway) on lead air quality, dispersion models applied for other pollutants can be used. Dispersion models such as CALINE3 and CAL3QHCR have been used for modeling carbon monoxide emissions from highways and intersections (subsection 5.2.3). Where there is a point source in the middle of a substantial road network, the lead concentrations that result from the road network should be treated as background (subsection 8.2); the point source and any nearby major roadways should be modeled separately using the appropriate recommended steady-state plume dispersion model (subsection 4.2.2).
6.0 Other Model Requirements
6.1 Discussion
a. This section covers those cases where specific techniques have been developed for special regulatory programs. Most of the programs have, or will have when fully developed, separate guidance documents that cover the program and a discussion of the tools that are needed. The following paragraphs reference those guidance documents, when they are available. No attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive discussion of each topic since the reference documents were designed to do that. This section will undergo periodic revision as new programs are added and new techniques are developed.
b. Other Federal agencies have also developed specific modeling approaches for their own regulatory or other requirements. \58\ Although such regulatory requirements and manuals may have come about because of EPA rules or standards, the implementation of such regulations and the use of the modeling techniques is under the jurisdiction of the agency issuing the manual or directive.
c. The need to estimate impacts at distances greater than 50km (the nominal distance to which EPA considers most steady-state Gaussian plume models are applicable) is an important one especially when considering the effects from secondary pollutants. Unfortunately, models originally available to EPA had not undergone sufficient field evaluation to be recommended for general use. Data bases from field studies at mesoscale and long range transport distances were limited in detail. This limitation was a result of the expense to perform the field studies required to verify and improve mesoscale and long range transport models. Meteorological data adequate for generating three-dimensional wind fields were particularly sparse. Application of models to complicated terrain compounds the difficulty of making good assessments of long range transport impacts. EPA completed limited evaluation of several long range transport (LRT) models against two sets of field data and evaluated results. \59\ Based on the results, EPA concluded that long range and mesoscale transport models were limited for regulatory use to a case-by-case basis. However a more recent series of comparisons has been completed for a new model, CALPUFF (Section A.3). Several of these field studies involved three-to-four hour releases of tracer gas sampled along arcs of receptors at distances greater than 50km downwind. In some cases, short-term concentration sampling was available, such that the transport of the tracer puff as it passed the arc could be monitored. Differences on the order of 10 to 20 degrees were found between the location of the simulated and observed center of mass of the tracer puff. Most of the simulated centerline concentration maxima along each arc were within a factor of two of those observed. It was concluded from these case studies that the CALPUFF dispersion model had performed in a reasonable manner, and had no apparent bias toward over or under prediction, so long as the transport distance was limited to less than 300km. \60\
6.2 Recommendations
6.2.1 Visibility
a. Visibility in important natural areas (e.g., Federal Class I areas) is protected under a number of provisions of the Clean Air Act, including Sections 169A and 169B (addressing impacts primarily from existing sources) and Section 165 (new source review). Visibility impairment is caused by light scattering and light absorption associated with particles and gases in the atmosphere. In most areas of the country, light scattering by PM-2.5 is the most significant component of visibility impairment. The key components of PM-2.5 contributing to visibility impairment include sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental carbon, and crustal material.
b. The visibility regulations as promulgated in December 1980 (40 CFR 51.300-307) require States to mitigate visibility impairment, in any of the 156 mandatory Federal Class I areas, that is found to be ``reasonably attributable'' to a single source or a small group of sources. In 1985, EPA promulgated Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) for several States without approved visibility provisions in their SIPs. The IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring for Protected Visual Environments) monitoring network, a cooperative effort between EPA, the States, and Federal land management agencies, was established to implement the monitoring requirements in these FIPs. Data has been collected by the IMPROVE network since 1988.
c. In 1999, EPA issued revisions to the 1980 regulations to address visibility impairment in the form of regional haze, which is caused by numerous, diverse sources (e.g., stationary, mobile, and area sources) located across a broad region (40 CFR 51.308-309). The state of relevant scientific knowledge has expanded significantly since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977. A number of studies and reports \61 62\ have concluded that long range transport (e.g., up to hundreds of kilometers) of fine particulate matter plays a significant role in visibility impairment across the country. Section 169A of the Act requires states to develop SIPs containing long-term strategies for remedying existing and preventing future visibility impairment in 156 mandatory Class I federal areas. In order to develop long-term strategies to address regional haze, many States will need to conduct regional-scale modeling of fine particulate concentrations and associated visibility impairment (e.g., light extinction and deciview metrics).
d. To calculate the potential impact of a plume of specified emissions for specific transport and dispersion conditions (``plume blight''), a screening model, VISCREEN, and guidance are available. \63\ If a more comprehensive analysis is required, a refined model should be selected . The model selection (VISCREEN vs. PLUVUE II or some other refined model), procedures, and analyses should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected Federal Land Manager (FLM). FLMs are responsible for determining whether there is an adverse effect by a plume on a Class I area.
e. CALPUFF (Section A.3) may be applied when assessment is needed of reasonably attributable haze impairment or atmospheric deposition due to one or a small group of sources. This situation may involve more sources and larger modeling domains than that to which VISCREEN ideally may be applied. The procedures and analyses should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s).
f. Regional scale models are used by EPA to develop and evaluate national policy and assist State and local control agencies. Two such models which can be used to assess visibility impacts from source emissions are Models-3/CMAQ \38\ and REMSAD. \41\ Model users should consult with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)), which in this instance would include FLMs.
6.2.2 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height
a. The use of stack height credit in excess of Good Engineering Practice (GEP) stack height or credit resulting from any other dispersion technique is prohibited in the development of emission limitations by 40 CFR 51.118 and 40 CFR 51.164. The definitions of GEP stack height and dispersion technique are contained in 40 CFR 51.100. Methods and procedures for making the appropriate stack height calculations, determining stack height credits and an example of applying those techniques are found in several references \64 65 66 67\, which provide a great deal of additional information for evaluating and describing building cavity and wake effects.
b. If stacks for new or existing major sources are found to be less than the height defined by EPA's refined formula for determining GEP height, then air quality impacts associated with cavity or wake effects due to the nearby building structures should be determined. The EPA refined formula height is defined as H + 1.5L (see reference 66). Detailed downwash screening procedures \24\ for both the cavity and wake regions should be followed. If more refined concentration estimates are required, the recommended steady-state plume dispersion model in subsection 4.2.2 contains algorithms for building wake calculations and should be used.
6.2.3 Long Range Transport (LRT) (i.e., Beyond 50km)
a. Section 165(d) of the Clean Air Act requires that suspected adverse impacts on PSD Class I areas be determined. However, 50km is the useful distance to which most steady-state Gaussian plume models are considered accurate for setting emission limits. Since in many cases PSD analyses show that Class I areas may be threatened at distances greater than 50km from new sources, some procedure is needed to (1) determine if an adverse impact will occur, and (2) identify the model to be used in setting an emission limit if the Class I increments are threatened. In addition to the situations just described, there are certain applications containing a mixture of both long range and short range source-receptor relationships in a large modeled domain (e.g., several industrialized areas located along a river or valley). Historically, these applications have presented considerable difficulty to an analyst if impacts from sources having transport distances greater than 50km significantly contributed to the design concentrations. To properly analyze applications of this type, a modeling approach is needed which has the capability of combining, in a consistent manner, impacts involving both short and long range transport. The CALPUFF modeling system, listed in Appendix A, has been designed to accommodate both the Class I area LRT situation and the large modeling domain situation. Given the judgement and refinement involved, conducting a LRT modeling assessment will require significant consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s). The FLM has an affirmative responsibility to protect air quality related values (AQRVs) that may be affected, and to provide the appropriate procedures and analysis techniques. Where there is no increment violation, the ultimate decision on whether a Class I area is adversely affected is the responsibility of the appropriate reviewing authority (Section 165(d)(2)(C)(ii) of the Clean Air Act), taking into consideration any information on the impacts on AQRVs provided by the FLM. According to Section 165(d)(2)(C)(iii) of the Clean Air Act, if there is a Class I increment violation, the source must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FLM that the emissions from the source will have no adverse impact on the AQRVs.
b. If LRT is determined to be important, then refined estimates utilizing the CALPUFF modeling system should be obtained. A screening approach \60 68\ is also available for use on a case-by-case basis that generally provides concentrations that are higher than those obtained using refined characterizations of the meteorological conditions. The meteorological input data requirements for developing the time and space varying three-dimensional winds and dispersion meteorology for refined analyses are discussed in paragraph Additional information on applying this model is contained in Appendix A. To facilitate use of complex air quality and meteorological modeling systems, a written protocol approved by the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s) may be considered for developing consensus in the methods and procedures to be followed.
6.2.4 Modeling Guidance for Other Governmental Programs
a. When using the models recommended or discussed in the Guideline in support of programmatic requirements not specifically covered by EPA regulations, the model user should consult the appropriate Federal or State agency to ensure the proper application and use of the models. For modeling associated with PSD permit applications that involve a Class I area, the appropriate Federal Land Manager should be consulted on all modeling questions.
b. The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) model, described in Appendix A, was developed by the Minerals Management Service and is recommended for estimating air quality impact from offshore sources on onshore, flat terrain areas. The OCD model is not recommended for use in air quality impact assessments for onshore sources. Sources located on or just inland of a shoreline where fumigation is expected should be treated in accordance with subsection 7.2.8.
c. The latest version of the Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), was developed and is supported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and is appropriate for air quality assessment of primary pollutant impacts at airports or air bases. EDMS has adopted AERMOD for treating dispersion. Application of EDMS is intended for estimating the collective impact of changes in aircraft operations, point source, and mobile source emissions on pollutant concentrations. It is not intended for PSD, SIP, or other regulatory air quality analyses of point or mobile sources at or peripheral to airport property that are unrelated to airport operations. If changes in other than aircraft operations are associated with analyses, a model recommended in Chapter 4 or 5 should be used. The latest version of EDMS may be obtained from FAA at its Web site:
7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
a. This section contains recommendations concerning a number of different issues not explicitly covered in other sections of this guide. The topics covered here are not specific to any one program or modeling area but are common to nearly all modeling analyses for criteria pollutants.
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 Design Concentrations (See Also Subsection Design Concentrations for SO2, PM-10, CO, Pb, and
a. An air quality analysis for SO2, PM-10, CO, Pb, and NO2 is required to determine if the source will (1) cause a violation of the NAAQS, or (2) cause or contribute to air quality deterioration greater than the specified allowable PSD increment. For the former, background concentration (subsection 8.2) should be added to the estimated impact of the source to determine the design concentration. For the latter, the design concentration includes impact from all increment consuming sources.
b. If the air quality analyses are conducted using the period of meteorological input data recommended in subsection (e.g., 5 years of National Weather Service (NWS) data or at least 1 year of site specific data; subsection 8.3.3), then the design concentration based on the highest, second-highest short term concentration over the entire receptor network for each year modeled or the highest long term average (whichever is controlling) should be used to determine emission limitations to assess compliance with the NAAQS and PSD increments. For the 24-hour PM-10 NAAQS (which is a probabilistic standard)--when multiple years are modeled, they collectively represent a single period. Thus, if 5 years of NWS data are modeled, then the highest sixth highest concentration for the whole period becomes the design value. And in general, when n years are modeled, the (n+1)th highest concentration over the n-year period is the design value, since this represents an average or expected exceedance rate of one per year.
c. When sufficient and representative data exist for less than a 5-year period from a nearby NWS site, or when site specific data have been collected for less than a full continuous year, or when it has been determined that the site specific data may not be temporally representative (subsection 8.3.3), then the highest concentration estimate should be considered the design value. This is because the length of the data record may be too short to assure that the conditions producing worst-case estimates have been adequately sampled. The highest value is then a surrogate for the concentration that is not to be exceeded more than once per year (the wording of the deterministic standards). Also, the highest concentration should be used whenever selected worst-case conditions are input to a screening technique, as described in EPA guidance. \24\
d. If the controlling concentration is an annual average value and multiple years of data (site specific or NWS) are used, then the design value is the highest of the annual averages calculated for the individual years. If the controlling concentration is a quarterly average and multiple years are used, then the highest individual quarterly average should be considered the design value.
e. As long a period of record as possible should be used in making estimates to determine design values and PSD increments. If more than 1 year of site specific data is available, it should be used. Design Concentrations for O3 and PM-2.5
a. Guidance and specific instructions for the determination of the 1-hr and 8-hr design concentrations for ozone are provided in Appendix H and I (respectively) of reference 4. Appendix H explains how to determine when the expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly concentrations above the NAAQS is equal to or less than 1. Appendix I explains the data handling conventions and computations necessary for determining whether the 8-hour primary and secondary NAAQS are met at an ambient monitoring site. For PM-2.5, Appendix N of reference 4, and supplementary guidance, \69\ explain the data handling conventions and computations necessary for determining when the annual and 24-hour primary and secondary NAAQS are met. For all SIP revisions the user should check with the Regional Office to obtain the most recent guidance documents and policy memoranda concerning the pollutant in question. There are currently no PSD increments for O3 and PM-2.5.
7.2.2 Critical Receptor Sites
a. Receptor sites for refined modeling should be utilized in sufficient detail to estimate the highest concentrations and possible violations of a NAAQS or a PSD increment. In designing a receptor network, the emphasis should be placed on receptor resolution and location, not total number of receptors. The selection of receptor sites should be a case-by-case determination taking into consideration the topography, the climatology, monitor sites, and the results of the initial screening procedure.
7.2.3 Dispersion Coefficients
a. Steady-state Gaussian plume models used in most applications should employ dispersion coefficients consistent with those contained in the preferred models in Appendix A. Factors such as averaging time, urban/rural surroundings (see paragraphs (b)-(f) of this subsection), and type of source (point vs. line) may dictate the selection of specific coefficients. Coefficients used in some Appendix A models are identical to, or at least based on, Pasquill-Gifford coefficients \70\ in rural areas and McElroy-Pooler \71\ coefficients in urban areas. A key feature of AERMOD's formulation is the use of directly observed variables of the boundary layer to parameterize dispersion. \22\
b. The selection of either rural or urban dispersion coefficients in a specific application should follow one of the procedures suggested by Irwin \72\ and briefly described in paragraphs (c)-(f) of this subsection. These include a land use classification procedure or a population based procedure to determine whether the character of an area is primarily urban or rural.
c. Land Use Procedure: (1) Classify the land use within the total area, Ao, circumscribed by a 3km radius circle about the source using the meteorological land use typing scheme proposed by Auer \73\; (2) if land use types I1, I2, C1, R2, and R3 account for 50 percent or more of Ao, use urban dispersion coefficients; otherwise, use appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
d. Population Density Procedure: (1) Compute the average population density, p per square kilometer with Ao as defined above; (2) If p is greater than 750 people/km2, use urban dispersion coefficients; otherwise use appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
e. Of the two methods, the land use procedure is considered more definitive. Population density should be used with caution and should not be applied to highly industrialized areas where the population density may be low and thus a rural classification would be indicated, but the area is sufficiently built-up so that the urban land use criteria would be satisfied. In this case, the classification should already be ``urban'' and urban dispersion parameters should be used.
f. Sources located in an area defined as urban should be modeled using urban dispersion parameters. Sources located in areas defined as rural should be modeled using the rural dispersion parameters. For analyses of whole urban complexes, the entire area should be modeled as an urban region if most of the sources are located in areas classified as urban.
g. Buoyancy-induced dispersion (BID), as identified by Pasquill \74\, is included in the preferred models and should be used where buoyant sources, e.g., those involving fuel combustion, are involved.
7.2.4 Stability Categories
a. The Pasquill approach to classifying stability is commonly used in preferred models (Appendix A). The Pasquill method, as modified by Turner \75\, was developed for use with commonly observed meteorological data from the National Weather Service and is based on cloud cover, insolation and wind speed.
b. Procedures to determine Pasquill stability categories from other than NWS data are found in subsection 8.3. Any other method to determine Pasquill stability categories must be justified on a case-by-case basis.
c. For a given model application where stability categories are the basis for selecting dispersion coefficients, both [sigma]y and [sigma]z should be determined from the same stability category. ``Split sigmas'' in that instance are not recommended. Sector averaging, which eliminates the [sigma]y term, is commonly acceptable in complex terrain screening methods.
d. AERMOD, also a preferred model in Appendix A, uses a planetary boundary layer scaling parameter to characterize stability. \22\ This approach represents a departure from the discrete, hourly stability categories estimated under the Pasquill-Gifford-Turner scheme.
7.2.5 Plume Rise
a. The plume rise methods of Briggs \76 77\ are incorporated in many of the preferred models and are recommended for use in many modeling applications. In AERMOD, \22\ for the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using an iterative approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model. In the convective boundary layer, plume rise is superposed on the displacements by random convective velocities. \78\ In AERMOD, plume rise is computed using the methods of Briggs excepting cases involving building downwash, in which a numerical solution of the mass, energy, and momentum conservation laws is performed. \23\ No explicit provisions in these models are made for multistack plume rise enhancement or the handling of such special plumes as flares; these problems should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
b. Gradual plume rise is generally recommended where its use is appropriate: (1) In AERMOD; (2) in complex terrain screening procedures to determine close-in impacts and (3) when calculating the effects of building wakes. The building wake algorithm in AERMOD incorporates and exercises the thermodynamically based gradual plume rise calculations as described in (a) above. If the building wake is calculated to affect the plume for any hour, gradual plume rise is also used in downwind dispersion calculations to the distance of final plume rise, after which final plume rise is used. Plumes captured by the near wake are re-emitted to the far wake as a ground-level volume source.
c. Stack tip downwash generally occurs with poorly constructed stacks and when the ratio of the stack exit velocity to wind speed is small. An algorithm developed by Briggs \77\ is the recommended technique for this situation and is used in preferred models for point sources.
7.2.6 Chemical Transformation
a. The chemical transformation of SO2 emitted from point sources or single industrial plants in rural areas is generally assumed to be relatively unimportant to the estimation of maximum concentrations when travel time is limited to a few hours. However, in urban areas, where synergistic effects among pollutants are of considerable consequence, chemical transformation rates may be of concern. In urban area applications, a half-life of 4 hours \75\ may be applied to the analysis of SO2 emissions. Calculations of transformation coefficients from site specific studies can be used to define a ``half-life'' to be used in a steady-state Gaussian plume model with any travel time, or in any application, if appropriate documentation is provided. Such conversion factors for pollutant half-life should not be used with screening analyses.
b. Use of models incorporating complex chemical mechanisms should be considered only on a case-by-case basis with proper demonstration of applicability. These are generally regional models not designed for the evaluation of individual sources but used primarily for region-wide evaluations. Visibility models also incorporate chemical transformation mechanisms which are an integral part of the visibility model itself and should be used in visibility assessments.
7.2.7 Gravitational Settling and Deposition
a. An ``infinite half-life'' should be used for estimates of particle concentrations when steady-state Gaussian plume models containing only exponential decay terms for treating settling and deposition are used.
b. Gravitational settling and deposition may be directly included in a model if either is a significant factor. When particulate matter sources can be quantified and settling and dry deposition are problems, professional judgement should be used, and there should be coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
7.2.8 Complex Winds
a. Inhomogeneous Local Winds. In many parts of the United States, the ground is neither flat nor is the ground cover (or land use) uniform. These geographical variations can generate local winds and circulations, and modify the prevailing ambient winds and circulations. Geographic effects are most apparent when the ambient winds are light or calm. \79\ In general these geographically induced wind circulation effects are named after the source location of the winds, e.g., lake and sea breezes, and mountain and valley winds. In very rugged hilly or mountainous terrain, along coastlines, or near large land use variations, the characterization of the winds is a balance of various forces, such that the assumptions of steady-state straight-line transport both in time and space are inappropriate. In the special cases described, the CALPUFF modeling system (described in Appendix A) may be applied on a case-by-case basis for air quality estimates in such complex non-steady-state meteorological conditions. The purpose of choosing a modeling system like CALPUFF is to fully treat the time and space variations of meteorology effects on transport and dispersion. The setup and application of the model should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) consistent with limitations of paragraph 3.2.2(e). The meteorological input data requirements for developing the time and space varying three-dimensional winds and dispersion meteorology for these situations are discussed in paragraphs and Examples of inhomogeneous winds include, but aren't limited to, situations described in the following paragraphs (i)-(iii):
i. Inversion Breakup Fumigation. Inversion breakup fumigation occurs when a plume (or multiple plumes) is emitted into a stable layer of air and that layer is subsequently mixed to the ground through convective transfer of heat from the surface or because of advection to less stable surroundings. Fumigation may cause excessively high concentrations but is usually rather short-lived at a given receptor. There are no recommended refined techniques to model this phenomenon. There are, however, screening procedures \24\ that may be used to approximate the concentrations. Considerable care should be exercised in using the results obtained from the screening techniques.
ii. Shoreline Fumigation. Fumigation can be an important phenomenon on and near the shoreline of bodies of water. This can affect both individual plumes and area-wide emissions. When fumigation conditions are expected to occur from a source or sources with tall stacks located on or just inland of a shoreline, this should be addressed in the air quality modeling analysis. The Shoreline Dispersion Model (SDM) listed on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3) may be applied on a case-by-case basis when air quality estimates under shoreline fumigation conditions are needed. \80\ Information on the results of EPA's evaluation of this model together with other coastal fumigation models is available. \81\ Selection of the appropriate model for applications where shoreline fumigation is of concern should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
iii. Stagnation. Stagnation conditions are characterized by calm or very low wind speeds, and variable wind directions. These stagnant meteorological conditions may persist for several hours to several days. During stagnation conditions, the dispersion of air pollutants, especially those from low-level emissions sources, tends to be minimized, potentially leading to relatively high ground-level concentrations. If point sources are of interest, users should note the guidance provided for CALPUFF in paragraph (a) of this subsection. Selection of the appropriate model for applications where stagnation is of concern should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
7.2.9 Calibration of Models
a. Calibration of models is not common practice and is subject to much error and misunderstanding. There have been attempts by some to compare model estimates and measurements on an event-by-event basis and then to calibrate a model with results of that comparison. This approach is severely limited by uncertainties in both source and meteorological data and therefore it is difficult to precisely estimate the concentration at an exact location for a specific increment of time. Such uncertainties make calibration of models of questionable benefit. Therefore, model calibration is unacceptable.
8.0 Model Input Data
a. Data bases and related procedures for estimating input parameters are an integral part of the modeling procedure. The most appropriate data available should always be selected for use in modeling analyses. Concentrations can vary widely depending on the source data or meteorological data used. Input data are a major source of uncertainties in any modeling analysis. This section attempts to minimize the uncertainty associated with data base selection and use by identifying requirements for data used in modeling. A checklist of input data requirements for modeling analyses is posted on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3). More specific data requirements and the format required for the individual models are described in detail in the users' guide for each model.
8.1 Source Data
8.1.1 Discussion
a. Sources of pollutants can be classified as point, line and area/volume sources. Point sources are defined in terms of size and may vary between regulatory programs. The line sources most frequently considered are roadways and streets along which there are well-defined movements of motor vehicles, but they may be lines of roof vents or stacks such as in aluminum refineries. Area and volume sources are often collections of a multitude of minor sources with individually small emissions that are impractical to consider as separate point or line sources. Large area sources are typically treated as a grid network of square areas, with pollutant emissions distributed uniformly within each grid square.
b. Emission factors are compiled in an EPA publication commonly known as AP-42; \82\ an indication of the quality and amount of data on which many of the factors are based is also provided. Other information concerning emissions is available in EPA publications relating to specific source categories. The appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) should be consulted to determine appropriate source definitions and for guidance concerning the determination of emissions from and techniques for modeling the various source types.
8.1.2 Recommendations
a. For point source applications the load or operating condition that causes maximum ground-level concentrations should be established. As a minimum, the source should be modeled using the design capacity (100 percent load). If a source operates at greater than design capacity for periods that could result in violations of the standards or PSD increments, this load) \a\ should be modeled. Where the source operates at substantially less than design capacity, and the changes in the stack parameters associated with the operating conditions could lead to higher ground level concentrations, loads such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled. A range of operating conditions should be considered in screening analyses; the load causing the highest concentration, in addition to the design load, should be included in refined modeling. For a steam power plant, the following (b-h) is typical of the kind of data on source characteristics and operating conditions that may be needed. Generally, input data requirements for air quality models necessitate the use of metric units; where English units are common for engineering usage, a conversion to metric is required.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\a\ Malfunctions which may result in excess emissions are not considered to be a normal operating condition. They generally should not be considered in determining allowable emissions. However, if the excess emissions are the result of poor maintenance, careless operation, or other preventable conditions, it may be necessary to consider them in determining source impact.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. Plant layout. The connection scheme between boilers and stacks, and the distance and direction between stacks, building parameters (length, width, height, location and orientation relative to stacks) for plant structures which house boilers, control equipment, and surrounding buildings within a distance of approximately five stack heights.
c. Stack parameters. For all stacks, the stack height and inside diameter (meters), and the temperature (K) and volume flow rate (actual cubic meters per second) or exit gas velocity (meters per second) for operation at 100 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent load.
d. Boiler size. For all boilers, the associated megawatts, 10\6\ BTU/hr, and pounds of steam per hour, and the design and/or actual fuel consumption rate for 100 percent load for coal (tons/hour), oil (barrels/hour), and natural gas (thousand cubic feet/hour).
e. Boiler parameters. For all boilers, the percent excess air used, the boiler type (e.g., wet bottom, cyclone, etc.), and the type of firing (e.g., pulverized coal, front firing, etc.).
f. Operating conditions. For all boilers, the type, amount and pollutant contents of fuel, the total hours of boiler operation and the boiler capacity factor during the year, and the percent load for peak conditions.
g. Pollution control equipment parameters. For each boiler served and each pollutant affected, the type of emission control equipment, the year of its installation, its design efficiency and mass emission rate, the date of the last test and the tested efficiency, the number of hours of operation during the latest year, and the best engineering estimate of its projected efficiency if used in conjunction with coal combustion; data for any anticipated modifications or additions.
h. Data for new boilers or stacks. For all new boilers and stacks under construction and for all planned modifications to existing boilers or stacks, the scheduled date of completion, and the data or best estimates available for items (b) through (g) of this subsection following completion of construction or modification.
i. In stationary point source applications for compliance with short term ambient standards, SIP control strategies should be tested using the emission input shown on Table 8-1. When using a refined model, sources should be modeled sequentially with these loads for every hour of the year. To evaluate SIPs for compliance with quarterly and annual standards, emission input data shown in Table 8-1 should again be used. Emissions from area sources should generally be based on annual average conditions. The source input information in each model user's guide should be carefully consulted and the checklist (paragraph 8.0(a)) should also be consulted for other possible emission data that could be helpful. NAAQS compliance demonstrations in a PSD analysis should follow the emission input data shown in Table 8-2. For purposes of emissions trading, new source review and demonstrations, refer to current EPA policy and guidance to establish input data.
j. Line source modeling of streets and highways requires data on the width of the roadway and the median strip, the types and amounts of pollutant emissions, the number of lanes, the emissions from each lane and the height of emissions. The location of the ends of the straight roadway segments should be specified by appropriate grid coordinates. Detailed information and data requirements for modeling mobile sources of pollution are provided in the user's manuals for each of the models applicable to mobile sources.
k. The impact of growth on emissions should be considered in all modeling analyses covering existing sources. Increases in emissions due to planned expansion or planned fuel switches should be identified. Increases in emissions at individual sources that may be associated with a general industrial/commercial/residential expansion in multi-source urban areas should also be treated. For new sources the impact of growth on emissions should generally be considered for the period prior to the start-up date for the source. Such changes in emissions should treat increased area source emissions, changes in existing point source emissions which were not subject to preconstruction review, and emissions due to sources with permits to construct that have not yet started operation.
Table 8-1--Model Emission Input Data for Point Sources \1\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emission limit (/ Operating level Operating factor
Averaging time MMBtu) \2\ x (MMBtu/hr) \2\ x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stationary Point Source(s) Subject to SIP Emission Limit(s) Evaluation for Compliance with Ambient Standards
(Including Areawide Demonstrations)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual & quarterly................ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Actual operating
emission limit or capacity (whichever factor averaged over
federally enforceable is greater), or most recent 2 years.
permit limit. federally \3\
enforceable permit
condition.Short term........................ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or capacity (whichever i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable is greater), or each time period
permit limit. federally under consideration
enforceable permit (for all hours of
condition. \4\ the meteorological
data base). \5\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nearby Source(s) \6 7\
Same input requirements as for stationary point source(s) above.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Source(s) \7\
If modeled (subsection 8.2.3), input data requirements are defined below.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual & quarterly................ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Actual operating
emission limit or actually operating, factor averaged over
federally enforceable averaged over the the most recent 2
permit limit. \6\ most recent 2 years. years. \3\
\3\Short term........................ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or actually operating, i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable averaged over the each time period
permit limit. \6\ most recent 2 years. under consideration
\3\ (for all hours of
the meteorological
data base). \5\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ The model input data requirements shown on this table apply to stationary source control strategies for
STATE IMPLEMENTATION PLANS. For purposes of emissions trading, new source review, or prevention of significant
deterioration, other model input criteria may apply. Refer to the policy and guidance for these programs to
establish the input data.\2\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., /throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.\3\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.\4\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.\5\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24 hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
periods.)\6\ See paragraph 8.2.3(c).\7\ See paragraph 8.2.3(d).
TABLE 8-2--Point Source Model Emission Input Data for NAAQS Compliance in PSD Demonstrations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emission limit (/ Operating level Operating factor
Averaging time MMBtu) \1\ x (MMBtu/hr) \1\ x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proposed Major New or Modified Source----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual & quarterly................ Maximum allowable .. Design capacity or .. Continuous operation
emission limit or federally (i.e., 8760 hours).
federally enforceable enforceable permit \2\
permit limit. condition.
Short term (<=24 hours)........... Maximum allowable .. Design capacity or .. Continuous
emission limit or federally operation, i.e., all
federally enforceable enforceable permit hours of each time
permit limit. condition. \3\ period under
consideration (for
all hours of the
meteorological data
base). \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nearby Source(s) \4 6\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual & quarterly................ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Actual operating
emission limit or capacity (whichever factor averaged over
federally enforceable is greater), or the most recent 2
permit limit. \5\ federally years. \7 8\
enforceable permit
condition.Short term (<=24 hours)........... Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or capacity (whichever i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable is greater), or each time period
permit limit. \5\ federally under consideration
enforceable permit (for all hours of
condition. \3\ the meteorological
data base). \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Source(s) \6 9\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual & quarterly................ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Actual operating
emission limit or actually operating, factor averaged over
federally enforceable averaged over the the most recent 2
permit limit. \5\ most recent 2 years. years. \7 8\
\7\Short term (<=24 hours)........... Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or actually operating, i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable averaged over the each time period
permit limit. \5\ most recent 2 years. under consideration
\7\ (for all hours of
the meteorological
data base). \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., /throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.\2\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24 hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
periods.\3\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.\4\ Includes existing facility to which modification is proposed if the emissions from the existing facility
will not be affected by the modification. Otherwise use the same parameters as for major modification.\5\ See paragraph 8.2.3(c).\6\ See paragraph 8.2.3(d).\7\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.\8\ For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous
operation (i.e., 8760) should be used.\9\ Generally, the ambient impacts from non-nearby (background) sources can be represented by air quality data
unless adequate data do not exist.
8.2 Background Concentrations
8.2.1 Discussion
a. Background concentrations are an essential part of the total air quality concentration to be considered in determining source impacts. Background air quality includes pollutant concentrations due to: (1) Natural sources; (2) nearby sources other than the one(s) currently under consideration; and (3) unidentified sources.
b. Typically, air quality data should be used to establish background concentrations in the vicinity of the source(s) under consideration. The monitoring network used for background determinations should conform to the same quality assurance and other requirements as those networks established for PSD purposes. \83\ An appropriate data validation procedure should be applied to the data prior to use.
c. If the source is not isolated, it may be necessary to use a multi-source model to establish the impact of nearby sources. Since sources don't typically operate at their maximum allowable capacity (which may include the use of ``dirtier'' fuels), modeling is necessary to express the potential contribution of background sources, and this impact would not be captured via monitoring. Background concentrations should be determined for each critical (concentration) averaging time.
8.2.2 Recommendations (Isolated Single Source)
a. Two options (paragraph (b) or (c) of this section) are available to determine the background concentration near isolated sources.
b. Use air quality data collected in the vicinity of the source to determine the background concentration for the averaging times of concern. Determine the mean background concentration at each monitor by excluding values when the source in question is impacting the monitor. The mean annual background is the average of the annual concentrations so determined at each monitor. For shorter averaging periods, the meteorological conditions accompanying the concentrations of concern should be identified. Concentrations for meteorological conditions of concern, at monitors not impacted by the source in question, should be averaged for each separate averaging time to determine the average background value. Monitoring sites inside a 90[deg] sector downwind of the source may be used to determine the area of impact. One hour concentrations may be added and averaged to determine longer averaging periods.
c. If there are no monitors located in the vicinity of the source, a ``regional site'' may be used to determine background. A ``regional site'' is one that is located away from the area of interest but is impacted by similar natural and distant man-made sources.
8.2.3 Recommendations (Multi-Source Areas)
a. In multi-source areas, two components of background should be determined: contributions from nearby sources and contributions from other sources.
b. Nearby Sources: All sources expected to cause a significant concentration gradient in the vicinity of the source or sources under consideration for emission limit(s) should be explicitly modeled. The number of such sources is expected to be small except in unusual situations. Owing to both the uniqueness of each modeling situation and the large number of variables involved in identifying nearby sources, no attempt is made here to comprehensively define this term. Rather, identification of nearby sources calls for the exercise of professional judgement by the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). This guidance is not intended to alter the exercise of that judgement or to comprehensively define which sources are nearby sources.
c. For compliance with the short-term and annual ambient standards, the nearby sources as well as the primary source(s) should be evaluated using an appropriate Appendix A model with the emission input data shown in Table 8-1 or 8-2. When modeling a nearby source that does not have a permit and the emission limit contained in the SIP for a particular source category is greater than the emissions possible given the source's maximum physical capacity to emit, the ``maximum allowable emission limit'' for such a nearby source may be calculated as the emission rate representative of the nearby source's maximum physical capacity to emit, considering its design specifications and allowable fuels and process materials. However, the burden is on the permit applicant to sufficiently document what the maximum physical capacity to emit is for such a nearby source.
d. It is appropriate to model nearby sources only during those times when they, by their nature, operate at the same time as the primary source(s) being modeled. Where a primary source believes that a nearby source does not, by its nature, operate at the same time as the primary source being modeled, the burden is on the primary source to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) that this is, in fact, the case. Whether or not the primary source has adequately demonstrated that fact is a matter of professional judgement left to the discretion of the appropriate reviewing authority. The following examples illustrate two cases in which a nearby source may be shown not to operate at the same time as the primary source(s) being modeled. Some sources are only used during certain seasons of the year. Those sources would not be modeled as nearby sources during times in which they do not operate. Similarly, emergency backup generators that never operate simultaneously with the sources that they back up would not be modeled as nearby sources. To reiterate, in these examples and other appropriate cases, the burden is on the primary source being modeled to make the appropriate demonstration to the satisfaction of the appropriate reviewing authority.
e. The impact of the nearby sources should be examined at locations where interactions between the plume of the point source under consideration and those of nearby sources (plus natural background) can occur. Significant locations include: (1) the area of maximum impact of the point source; (2) the area of maximum impact of nearby sources; and (3) the area where all sources combine to cause maximum impact. These locations may be identified through trial and error analyses.
f. Other Sources: That portion of the background attributable to all other sources (e.g., natural sources, minor sources and distant major sources) should be determined by the procedures found in subsection 89.2.2 or by application of a model using Table 8-1 or 8-2.
8.3 Meteorological Input Data
a. The meteorological data used as input to a dispersion model should be selected on the basis of spatial and climatological (temporal) representativeness as well as the ability of the individual parameters selected to characterize the transport and dispersion conditions in the area of concern. The representativeness of the data is dependent on: (1) The proximity of the meteorological monitoring site to the area under consideration; (2) the complexity of the terrain; (3) the exposure of the meteorological monitoring site; and (4) the period of time during which data are collected. The spatial representativeness of the data can be adversely affected by large distances between the source and receptors of interest and the complex topographic characteristics of the area. Temporal representativeness is a function of the year-to-year variations in weather conditions. Where appropriate, data representativeness should be viewed in terms of the appropriateness of the data for constructing realistic boundary layer profiles and three dimensional meteorological fields, as described in paragraphs (c) and (d) below.
b. Model input data are normally obtained either from the National Weather Service or as part of a site specific measurement program. Local universities, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), military stations, industry and pollution control agencies may also be sources of such data. Some recommendations for the use of each type of data are included in this subsection.
c. Regulatory application of AERMOD requires careful consideration of minimum data for input to AERMET. Data representativeness, in the case of AERMOD, means utilizing data of an appropriate type for constructing realistic boundary layer profiles. Of paramount importance is the requirement that all meteorological data used as input to AERMOD must be both laterally and vertically representative of the transport and dispersion within the analysis domain. Where surface conditions vary significantly over the analysis domain, the emphasis in assessing representativeness should be given to adequate characterization of transport and dispersion between the source(s) of concern and areas where maximum design concentrations are anticipated to occur. The representativeness of data that were collected off-site should be judged, in part, by comparing the surface characteristics in the vicinity of the meteorological monitoring site with the surface characteristics that generally describe the analysis domain. The surface characteristics input to AERMET should be based on the topographic conditions in the vicinity of the meteorological tower. Furthermore, since the spatial scope of each variable could be different, representativeness should be judged for each variable separately. For example, for a variable such as wind direction, the data may need to be collected very near plume height to be adequately representative, whereas, for a variable such as temperature, data from a station several kilometers away from the source may in some cases be considered to be adequately representative.
d. For long range transport modeling assessments (subsection 6.2.3) or for assessments where the transport winds are complex and the application involves a non-steady-state dispersion model (subsection 7.2.8), use of output from prognostic mesoscale meteorological models is encouraged. \84 85 86\ Some diagnostic meteorological processors are designed to appropriately blend available NWS comparable meteorological observations, local site specific meteorological observations, and prognostic mesoscale meteorological data, using empirical relationships, to diagnostically adjust the wind field for mesoscale and local-scale effects. These diagnostic adjustments can sometimes be improved through the use of strategically placed site specific meteorological observations. The placement of these special meteorological observations (often more than one location is needed) involves expert judgement, and is specific to the terrain and land use of the modeling domain. Acceptance for use of output from prognostic mesoscale meteorological models is contingent on concurrence by the appropriate reviewing authorities (paragraph 3.0(b)) that the data are of acceptable quality, which can be demonstrated through statistical comparisons with observations of winds aloft and at the surface at several appropriate locations.
8.3.1 Length of Record of Meteorological Data Discussion
a. The model user should acquire enough meteorological data to ensure that worst-case meteorological conditions are adequately represented in the model results. The trend toward statistically based standards suggests a need for all meteorological conditions to be adequately represented in the data set selected for model input. The number of years of record needed to obtain a stable distribution of conditions depends on the variable being measured and has been estimated by Landsberg and Jacobs \87\ for various parameters. Although that study indicates in excess of 10 years may be required to achieve stability in the frequency distributions of some meteorological variables, such long periods are not reasonable for model input data. This is due in part to the fact that hourly data in model input format are frequently not available for such periods and that hourly calculations of concentration for long periods may be prohibitively expensive. Another study \88\ compared various periods from a 17-year data set to determine the minimum number of years of data needed to approximate the concentrations modeled with a 17-year period of meteorological data from one station. This study indicated that the variability of model estimates due to the meteorological data input was adequately reduced if a 5-year period of record of meteorological input was used. Recommendations
a. Five years of representative meteorological data should be used when estimating concentrations with an air quality model. Consecutive years from the most recent, readily available 5-year period are preferred. The meteorological data should be adequately representative, and may be site specific or from a nearby NWS station. Where professional judgment indicates NWS-collected ASOS (automated surface observing stations) data are inadequate {for cloud cover observations{time} , the most recent 5 years of NWS data that are observer-based may be considered for use.
b. The use of 5 years of NWS meteorological data or at least l year of site specific data is required. If one year or more (including partial years), up to five years, of site specific data is available, these data are preferred for use in air quality analyses. Such data should have been subjected to quality assurance procedures as described in subsection
c. For permitted sources whose emission limitations are based on a specific year of meteorological data, that year should be added to any longer period being used (e.g., 5 years of NWS data) when modeling the facility at a later time.
d. For LRT situations (subsection 6.2.3) and for complex wind situations (paragraph 7.2.8(a)), if only NWS or comparable standard meteorological observations are employed, five years of meteorological data (within and near the modeling domain) should be used. Consecutive years from the most recent, readily available 5-year period are preferred. Less than five, but at least three, years of meteorological data (need not be consecutive) may be used if mesoscale meteorological fields are available, as discussed in paragraph 8.3(d). These mesoscale meteorological fields should be used in conjunction with available standard NWS or comparable meteorological observations within and near the modeling domain.
e. For solely LRT applications (subsection 6.2.3), if site specific meteorological data are available, these data may be helpful when used in conjunction with available standard NWS or comparable observations and mesoscale meteorological fields as described in paragraph
f. For complex wind situations (paragraph 7.2.8(a)) where site specific meteorological data are being relied upon as the basis for characterizing the meteorological conditions, a data base of at least 1 full-year of meteorological data is required. If more data are available, they should be used. Site specific meteorological data may have to be collected at multiple locations. Such data should have been subjected to quality assurance procedures as described in paragraph, and should be reviewed for spatial and temporal representativeness.
8.3.2 National Weather Service Data Discussion
a. The NWS meteorological data are routinely available and familiar to most model users. Although the NWS does not provide direct measurements of all the needed dispersion model input variables, methods have been developed and successfully used to translate the basic NWS data to the needed model input. Site specific measurements of model input parameters have been made for many modeling studies, and those methods and techniques are becoming more widely applied, especially in situations such as complex terrain applications, where available NWS data are not adequately representative. However, there are many model applications where NWS data are adequately representative, and the applications still rely heavily on the NWS data.
b. Many models use the standard hourly weather observations available from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These observations are then preprocessed before they can be used in the models. Recommendations
a. The preferred models listed in Appendix A all accept as input the NWS meteorological data preprocessed into model compatible form. If NWS data are judged to be adequately representative for a particular modeling application, they may be used. NCDC makes available surface \89 90\ and upper air \91\ meteorological data in CD-ROM format.
b. Although most NWS measurements are made at a standard height of 10 meters, the actual anemometer height should be used as input to the preferred model. Note that AERMOD at a minimum requires wind observations at a height above ground between seven times the local surface roughness height and 100 meters.
c. Wind directions observed by the National Weather Service are reported to the nearest 10 degrees. A specific set of randomly generated numbers has been developed for use with the preferred EPA models and should be used with NWS data to ensure a lack of bias in wind direction assignments within the models.
d. Data from universities, FAA, military stations, industry and pollution control agencies may be used if such data are equivalent in accuracy and detail to the NWS data, and they are judged to be adequately representative for the particular application.
8.3.3 Site Specific Data Discussion
a. Spatial or geographical representativeness is best achieved by collection of all of the needed model input data in close proximity to the actual site of the source(s). Site specific measured data are therefore preferred as model input, provided that appropriate instrumentation and quality assurance procedures are followed and that the data collected are adequately representative (free from inappropriate local or microscale influences) and compatible with the input requirements of the model to be used. It should be noted that, while site specific measurements are frequently made ``on-property'' (i.e., on the source's premises), acquisition of adequately representative site specific data does not preclude collection of data from a location off property. Conversely, collection of meteorological data on a source's property does not of itself guarantee adequate representativeness. For help in determining representativeness of site specific measurements, technical guidance \92\ is available. Site specific data should always be reviewed for representativeness and consistency by a qualified meteorologist. Recommendations
a. EPA guidance \92\ provides recommendations on the collection and use of site specific meteorological data. Recommendations on characteristics, siting, and exposure of meteorological instruments and on data recording, processing, completeness requirements, reporting, and archiving are also included. This publication should be used as a supplement to other limited guidance on these subjects. \83 93 94\ Detailed information on quality assurance is also available. \95\ As a minimum, site specific measurements of ambient air temperature, transport wind speed and direction, and the variables necessary to estimate atmospheric dispersion should be available in meteorological data sets to be used in modeling. Care should be taken to ensure that meteorological instruments are located to provide representative characterization of pollutant transport between sources and receptors of interest. The appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) is available to help determine the appropriateness of the measurement locations.
b. All site specific data should be reduced to hourly averages. Table 8-3 lists the wind related parameters and the averaging time requirements.
c. Missing Data Substitution. After valid data retrieval requirements have been met, \92\ hours in the record having missing data should be treated according to an established data substitution protocol provided that data from an adequately representative alternative site are available. Such protocols are usually part of the approved monitoring program plan. Data substitution guidance is provided in Section 5.3 of reference 92. If no representative alternative data are available for substitution, the absent data should be coded as missing using missing data codes appropriate to the applicable meteorological pre-processor. Appropriate model options for treating missing data, if available in the model, should be employed.
d. Solar Radiation Measurements. Total solar radiation or net radiation should be measured with a reliable pyranometer or net radiometer, sited and operated in accordance with established site specific meteorological guidance. \92 95\
e. Temperature Measurements. Temperature measurements should be made at standard shelter height (2m) in accordance with established site specific meteorological guidance. \92\
f. Temperature Difference Measurements. Temperature difference ([Delta]T) measurements should be obtained using matched thermometers or a reliable thermocouple system to achieve adequate accuracy. Siting, probe placement, and operation of [Delta]T systems should be based on guidance found in Chapter 3 of reference 92, and such guidance should be followed when obtaining vertical temperature gradient data. AERMET employs the Bulk Richardson scheme which requires measurements of temperature difference. To ensure correct application and acceptance, AERMOD users should consult with the appropriate Reviewing Authority before using the Bulk Richardson scheme for their analysis.
g. Winds Aloft. For simulation of plume rise and dispersion of a plume emitted from a stack, characterization of the wind profile up through the layer in which the plume disperses is required. This is especially important in complex terrain and/or complex wind situations where wind measurements at heights up to hundreds of meters above stack base may be required in some circumstances. For tall stacks when site specific data are needed, these winds have been obtained traditionally using meteorological sensors mounted on tall towers. A feasible alternative to tall towers is the use of meteorological remote sensing instruments (e.g., acoustic sounders or radar wind profilers) to provide winds aloft, coupled with 10-meter towers to provide the near-surface winds. (For specific requirements for AERMOD and CTDMPLUS, see Appendix A.) Specifications for wind measuring instruments and systems are contained in reference 92.
h. Turbulence. There are several dispersion models that are capable of using direct measurements of turbulence (wind fluctuations) in the characterization of the vertical and lateral dispersion (e.g., CTDMPLUS, AERMOD, and CALPUFF). For specific requirements for CTDMPLUS, AERMOD, and CALPUFF, see Appendix A. For technical guidance on measurement and processing of turbulence parameters, see reference 92. When turbulence data are used in this manner to directly characterize the vertical and lateral dispersion, the averaging time for the turbulence measurements should be one hour (Table 8-3). There are other dispersion models (e.g., BLP, and CALINE3) that employ P-G stability categories for the characterization of the vertical and lateral dispersion. Methods for using site specific turbulence data for the characterization of P-G stability categories are discussed in reference 92. When turbulence data are used in this manner to determine the P-G stability category, the averaging time for the turbulence measurements should be 15 minutes.
i. Stability Categories. For dispersion models that employ P-G stability categories for the characterization of the vertical and lateral dispersion, the P-G stability categories, as originally defined, couple near-surface measurements of wind speed with subjectively determined insolation assessments based on hourly cloud cover and ceiling height observations. The wind speed measurements are made at or near 10m. The insolation rate is typically assessed using observations of cloud cover and ceiling height based on criteria outlined by Turner. \70\ It is recommended that the P-G stability category be estimated using the Turner method with site specific wind speed measured at or near 10m and representative cloud cover and ceiling height. Implementation of the Turner method, as well as considerations in determining representativeness of cloud cover and ceiling height in cases for which site specific cloud observations are unavailable, may be found in Section 6 of reference 92. In the absence of requisite data to implement the Turner method, the SRDT method or wind fluctuation statistics (i.e., the [sigma]E and [sigma]A methods) may be used.
j. The SRDT method, described in Section of reference 92, is modified slightly from that published from earlier work \96\ and has been evaluated with three site specific data bases. \97\ The two methods of stability classification which use wind fluctuation statistics, the [sigma]E and [sigma]A methods, are also described in detail in Section 6.4.4 of reference 92 (note applicable tables in Section 6). For additional information on the wind fluctuation methods, several references are available. \98 99 100 101\
k. Meteorological Data Preprocessors. The following meteorological preprocessors are recommended by EPA: AERMET, \102\ PCRAMMET, \103\ MPRM, \104\ METPRO, \105\ and CALMET \106\ AERMET, which is patterned after MPRM, should be used to preprocess all data for use with AERMOD. Except for applications that employ AERMOD, PCRAMMET is the recommended meteorological preprocessor for use in applications employing hourly NWS data. MPRM is a general purpose meteorological data preprocessor which supports regulatory models requiring PCRAMMET formatted (NWS) data. MPRM is available for use in applications employing site specific meteorological data. The latest version (MPRM 1.3) has been configured to implement the SRDT method for estimating P-G stability categories. METPRO is the required meteorological data preprocessor for use with CTDMPLUS. CALMET is available for use with applications of CALPUFF. All of the above mentioned data preprocessors are available for downloading from EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3).
Table 8-3--Averaging Times for Site Specific Wind and Turbulence
Parameter time (hour)------------------------------------------------------------------------Surface wind speed (for use in stability determinations)... 1Transport direction........................................ 1Dilution wind speed........................................ 1Turbulence measurements ([sigma]E and [sigma]A) for use in 1 \1\
stability determinations..................................Turbulence measurements for direct input to dispersion 1
models....................................................------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ To minimize meander effects in [sigma]A when wind conditions are
light and/or variable, determine the hourly average [sigma] value from
four sequential 15-minute [sigma]'s according to the following
8.3.4 Treatment of Near-Calms and Calms Discussion
a. Treatment of calm or light and variable wind poses a special problem in model applications since steady-state Gaussian plume models assume that concentration is inversely proportional to wind speed. Furthermore, concentrations may become unrealistically large when wind speeds less than 1 m/s are input to the model. Procedures have been developed to prevent the occurrence of overly conservative concentration estimates during periods of calms. These procedures acknowledge that a steady-state Gaussian plume model does not apply during calm conditions, and that our knowledge of wind patterns and plume behavior during these conditions does not, at present, permit the development of a better technique. Therefore, the procedures disregard hours which are identified as calm. The hour is treated as missing and a convention for handling missing hours is recommended.
b. AERMOD, while fundamentally a steady-state Gaussian plume model, contains algorithms for dealing with low wind speed (near calm) conditions. As a result, AERMOD can produce model estimates for conditions when the wind speed may be less than 1 m/s, but still greater than the instrument threshold. Required input to AERMET, the meteorological processor for AERMOD, includes a threshold wind speed and a reference wind speed. The threshold wind speed is typically the threshold of the instrument used to collect the wind speed data. The reference wind speed is selected by the model as the lowest level of non-missing wind speed and direction data where the speed is greater than the wind speed threshold, and the height of the measurement is between seven times the local surface roughness and 100 meters. If the only valid observation of the reference wind speed between these heights is less than the threshold, the hour is considered calm, and no concentration is calculated. None of the observed wind speeds in a measured wind profile that are less than the threshold speed are used in construction of the modeled wind speed profile in AERMOD. Recommendations
a. Hourly concentrations calculated with steady-state Gaussian plume models using calms should not be considered valid; the wind and concentration estimates for these hours should be disregarded and considered to be missing. Critical concentrations for 3-, 8-, and 24-hour averages should be calculated by dividing the sum of the hourly concentrations for the period by the number of valid or non-missing hours. If the total number of valid hours is less than 18 for 24-hour averages, less than 6 for 8-hour averages or less than 3 for 3-hour averages, the total concentration should be divided by 18 for the 24-hour average, 6 for the 8-hour average and 3 for the 3-hour average. For annual averages, the sum of all valid hourly concentrations is divided by the number of non-calm hours during the year. AERMOD has been coded to implement these instructions. For models listed in Appendix A, a post-processor computer program, CALMPRO \107\ has been prepared, is available on the SCRAM Internet Web site (subsection 2.3), and should be used.
b. Stagnant conditions that include extended periods of calms often produce high concentrations over wide areas for relatively long averaging periods. The standard steady-state Gaussian plume models are often not applicable to such situations. When stagnation conditions are of concern, other modeling techniques should be considered on a case-by-case basis (see also subsection 7.2.8).
c. When used in steady-state Gaussian plume models, measured site specific wind speeds of less than 1 m/s but higher than the response threshold of the instrument should be input as 1 m/s; the corresponding wind direction should also be input. Wind observations below the response threshold of the instrument should be set to zero, with the input file in ASCII format. For input to AERMOD, no adjustment should be made to the site specific wind data. In all cases involving steady-state Gaussian plume models, calm hours should be treated as missing, and concentrations should be calculated as in paragraph (a) of this subsection.
9.0 Accuracy and Uncertainty of Models
9.1 Discussion
a. Increasing reliance has been placed on concentration estimates from models as the primary basis for regulatory decisions concerning source permits and emission control requirements. In many situations, such as review of a proposed source, no practical alternative exists. Therefore, there is an obvious need to know how accurate models really are and how any uncertainty in the estimates affects regulatory decisions. During the 1980's, attempts were made to encourage development of standardized evaluation methods. \11 108\ EPA recognized the need for incorporating such information and has sponsored workshops \109\ on model accuracy, the possible ways to quantify accuracy, and on considerations in the incorporation of model accuracy and uncertainty in the regulatory process. The Second (EPA) Conference on Air Quality Modeling, August 1982 \110\, was devoted to that subject.
b. To better deduce the statistical significance of differences seen in model performance in the face of unaccounted for uncertainties and variations, investigators have more recently explored the use of bootstrap techniques. \111 112\ Work is underway to develop a new generation of evaluation metrics \16\ that takes into account the statistical differences (in error distributions) between model predictions and observations. \113\ Even though the procedures and measures are still evolving to describe performance of models that characterize atmospheric fate, transport and diffusion, \114 115 116\ there has been general acceptance of a need to address the uncertainties inherent in atmospheric processes.
9.1.1 Overview of Model Uncertainty
a. Dispersion models generally attempt to estimate concentrations at specific sites that really represent an ensemble average of numerous repetitions of the same event. \16\ The event is characterized by measured or ``known'' conditions that are input to the models, e.g., wind speed, mixed layer height, surface heat flux, emission characteristics, etc. However, in addition to the known conditions, there are unmeasured or unknown variations in the conditions of this event, e.g., unresolved details of the atmospheric flow such as the turbulent velocity field. These unknown conditions, may vary among repetitions of the event. As a result, deviations in observed concentrations from their ensemble average, and from the concentrations estimated by the model, are likely to occur even though the known conditions are fixed. Even with a perfect model that predicts the correct ensemble average, there are likely to be deviations from the observed concentrations in individual repetitions of the event, due to variations in the unknown conditions. The statistics of these concentration residuals are termed ``inherent'' uncertainty. Available evidence suggests that this source of uncertainty alone may be responsible for a typical range of variation in concentrations of as much as 50 percent. \117\
b. Moreover, there is ``reducible'' uncertainty \108\ associated with the model and its input conditions; neither models nor data bases are perfect. Reducible uncertainties are caused by: (1) Uncertainties in the input values of the known conditions (i.e., emission characteristics and meteorological data); (2) errors in the measured concentrations which are used to compute the concentration residuals; and (3) inadequate model physics and formulation. The ``reducible'' uncertainties can be minimized through better (more accurate and more representative) measurements and better model physics.
c. To use the terminology correctly, reference to model accuracy should be limited to that portion of reducible uncertainty which deals with the physics and the formulation of the model. The accuracy of the model is normally determined by an evaluation procedure which involves the comparison of model concentration estimates with measured air quality data. \118\ The statement of accuracy is based on statistical tests or performance measures such as bias, noise, correlation, etc. \11\ However, information that allows a distinction between contributions of the various elements of inherent and reducible uncertainty is only now beginning to emerge. \16\ As a result most discussions of the accuracy of models make no quantitative distinction between (1) limitations of the model versus (2) limitations of the data base and of knowledge concerning atmospheric variability. The reader should be aware that statements on model accuracy and uncertainty may imply the need for improvements in model performance that even the ``perfect'' model could not satisfy.
9.1.2 Studies of Model Accuracy
a. A number of studies \119 120\ have been conducted to examine model accuracy, particularly with respect to the reliability of short-term concentrations required for ambient standard and increment evaluations. The results of these studies are not surprising. Basically, they confirm what expert atmospheric scientists have said for some time: (1) Models are more reliable for estimating longer time-averaged concentrations than for estimating short-term concentrations at specific locations; and (2) the models are reasonably reliable in estimating the magnitude of highest concentrations occurring sometime, somewhere within an area. For example, errors in highest estimated concentrations of 10 to 40 percent are found to be typical, \121 122\ i.e., certainly well within the often quoted factor-of-two accuracy that has long been recognized for these models. However, estimates of concentrations that occur at a specific time and site, are poorly correlated with actually observed concentrations and are much less reliable.
b. As noted above, poor correlations between paired concentrations at fixed stations may be due to ``reducible'' uncertainties in knowledge of the precise plume location and to unquantified inherent uncertainties. For example, Pasquill \123\ estimates that, apart from data input errors, maximum ground-level concentrations at a given hour for a point source in flat terrain could be in error by 50 percent due to these uncertainties. Uncertainty of five to 10 degrees in the measured wind direction, which transports the plume, can result in concentration errors of 20 to 70 percent for a particular time and location, depending on stability and station location. Such uncertainties do not indicate that an estimated concentration does not occur, only that the precise time and locations are in doubt.
9.1.3 Use of Uncertainty in Decision-Making
a. The accuracy of model estimates varies with the model used, the type of application, and site specific characteristics. Thus, it is desirable to quantify the accuracy or uncertainty associated with concentration estimates used in decision-making. Communications between modelers and decision-makers must be fostered and further developed. Communications concerning concentration estimates currently exist in most cases, but the communications dealing with the accuracy of models and its meaning to the decision-maker are limited by the lack of a technical basis for quantifying and directly including uncertainty in decisions. Procedures for quantifying and interpreting uncertainty in the practical application of such concepts are only beginning to evolve; much study is still required. \108 109 110 124 125\
b. In all applications of models an effort is encouraged to identify the reliability of the model estimates for that particular area and to determine the magnitude and sources of error associated with the use of the model. The analyst is responsible for recognizing and quantifying limitations in the accuracy, precision and sensitivity of the procedure. Information that might be useful to the decision-maker in recognizing the seriousness of potential air quality violations includes such model accuracy estimates as accuracy of peak predictions, bias, noise, correlation, frequency distribution, spatial extent of high concentration, etc. Both space/time pairing of estimates and measurements and unpaired comparisons are recommended. Emphasis should be on the highest concentrations and the averaging times of the standards or increments of concern. Where possible, confidence intervals about the statistical values should be provided. However, while such information can be provided by the modeler to the decision-maker, it is unclear how this information should be used to make an air pollution control decision. Given a range of possible outcomes, it is easiest and tends to ensure consistency if the decision-maker confines his judgement to use of the ``best estimate'' provided by the modeler (i.e., the design concentration estimated by a model recommended in the Guideline or an alternate model of known accuracy). This is an indication of the practical limitations imposed by current abilities of the technical community.
c. To improve the basis for decision-making, EPA has developed and is continuing to study procedures for determining the accuracy of models, quantifying the uncertainty, and expressing confidence levels in decisions that are made concerning emissions controls. \126 127\ However, work in this area involves ``breaking new ground'' with slow and sporadic progress likely. As a result, it may be necessary to continue using the ``best estimate'' until sufficient technical progress has been made to meaningfully implement such concepts dealing with uncertainty.
9.1.4 Evaluation of Models
a. A number of actions have been taken to ensure that the best model is used correctly for each regulatory application and that a model is not arbitrarily imposed. First, the Guideline clearly recommends the most appropriate model be used in each case. Preferred models, based on a number of factors, are identified for many uses. General guidance on using alternatives to the preferred models is also provided. Second, the models have been subjected to a systematic performance evaluation and a peer scientific review. Statistical performance measures, including measures of difference (or residuals) such as bias, variance of difference and gross variability of the difference, and measures of correlation such as time, space, and time and space combined as recommended by the AMS Woods Hole Workshop, \11\ were generally followed. Third, more specific information has been provided for justifying the site specific use of alternative models in previously cited EPA guidance, \15\ and new models are under consideration and review. \16\ Together these documents provide methods that allow a judgement to be made as to what models are most appropriate for a specific application. For the present, performance and the theoretical evaluation of models are being used as an indirect means to quantify one element of uncertainty in air pollution regulatory decisions.
b. EPA has participated in a series of conferences entitled, ``Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes.'' \128\ for the purpose of promoting the development of improved methods for the characterization of model performance. There is a consensus developing on what should be considered in the evaluation of air quality models \129\, namely quality assurance planning, documentation and scrutiny should be consistent with the intended use, and should include:
Scientific peer review;
Supportive analyses (diagnostic evaluations, code verification, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses);
Diagnostic and performance evaluations with data obtained in trial locations, and
Statistical performance evaluations in the circumstances of the intended applications.
Performance evaluations and diagnostic evaluations assess different qualities of how well a model is performing, and both are needed to establish credibility within the client and scientific community. Performance evaluations allow us to decide how well the model simulates the average temporal and spatial patterns seen in the observations, and employ large spatial/temporal scale data sets (e.g., national data sets). Performance evaluations also allow determination of relative performance of a model in comparison with alternative modeling systems. Diagnostic evaluations allow determination of a model capability to simulate individual processes that affect the results, and usually employ smaller spatial/temporal scale date sets (e.g., field studies). Diagnostic evaluations allow us to decide if we get the right answer for the right reason. The objective comparison of modeled concentrations with observed field data provides only a partial means for assessing model performance. Due to the limited supply of evaluation data sets, there are severe practical limits in assessing model performance. For this reason, the conclusions reached in the science peer reviews and the supportive analyses have particular relevance in deciding whether a model will be useful for its intended purposes.
c. To extend information from diagnostic and performance evaluations, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses are encouraged since they can provide additional information on the effect of inaccuracies in the data bases and on the uncertainty in model estimates. Sensitivity analyses can aid in determining the effect of inaccuracies of variations or uncertainties in the data bases on the range of likely concentrations. Uncertainty analyses can aid in determining the range of likely concentration values, resulting from uncertainties in the model inputs, the model formulations, and parameterizations. Such information may be used to determine source impact and to evaluate control strategies. Where possible, information from such sensitivity analyses should be made available to the decision-maker with an appropriate interpretation of the effect on the critical concentrations.
9.2 Recommendations
a. No specific guidance on the quantification of model uncertainty for use in decision-making is being given at this time. As procedures for considering uncertainty develop and become implementable, this guidance will be changed and expanded. For the present, continued use of the ``best estimate'' is acceptable; however, in specific circumstances for O3, PM-2.5 and regional haze, additional information and/or procedures may be appropriate. \32 33\
10.0 Regulatory Application of Models
10.1 Discussion
a. Procedures with respect to the review and analysis of air quality modeling and data analyses in support of SIP revisions, PSD permitting or other regulatory requirements need a certain amount of standardization to ensure consistency in the depth and comprehensiveness of both the review and the analysis itself. This section recommends procedures that permit some degree of standardization while at the same time allowing the flexibility needed to assure the technically best analysis for each regulatory application.
b. Dispersion model estimates, especially with the support of measured air quality data, are the preferred basis for air quality demonstrations. Nevertheless, there are instances where the performance of recommended dispersion modeling techniques, by comparison with observed air quality data, may be shown to be less than acceptable. Also, there may be no recommended modeling procedure suitable for the situation. In these instances, emission limitations may be established solely on the basis of observed air quality data as would be applied to a modeling analysis. The same care should be given to the analyses of the air quality data as would be applied to a modeling analysis.
c. The current NAAQS for SO2 and CO are both stated in terms of a concentration not to be exceeded more than once a year. There is only an annual standard for NO2 and a quarterly standard for Pb. Standards for fine particulate matter (PM-2.5) are expressed in terms of both long-term (annual) and short-term (daily) averages. The long-term standard is calculated using the three year average of the annual averages while the short-term standard is calculated using the three year average of the 98th percentile of the daily average concentration. For PM-10, the convention is to compare the arithmetic mean, averaged over 3 consecutive years, with the concentration specified in the NAAQS (50 [micro]g/m\3\). The 24-hour NAAQS (150 [micro]g/m\3\) is met if, over a 3-year period, there is (on average) no more than one exceedance per year. As noted in subsection, the modeled compliance for this NAAQS is based on the highest 6th highest concentration over 5 years. For ozone the short term 1-hour standard is expressed in terms of an expected exceedance limit while the short term 8-hour standard is expressed in terms of a three year average of the annual fourth highest daily maximum 8-hour value. The NAAQS are subjected to extensive review and possible revision every 5 years.
d. This section discusses general requirements for concentration estimates and identifies the relationship to emission limits. The following recommendations apply to: (1) Revisions of State Implementation Plans and (2) the review of new sources and the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD).
10.2 Recommendations
10.2.1 Analysis Requirements
a. Every effort should be made by the Regional Office to meet with all parties involved in either a SIP revision or a PSD permit application prior to the start of any work on such a project. During this meeting, a protocol should be established between the preparing and reviewing parties to define the procedures to be followed, the data to be collected, the model to be used, and the analysis of the source and concentration data. An example of requirements for such an effort is contained in the Air Quality Analysis Checklist posted on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3). This checklist suggests the level of detail required to assess the air quality resulting from the proposed action. Special cases may require additional data collection or analysis and this should be determined and agreed upon at this preapplication meeting. The protocol should be written and agreed upon by the parties concerned, although a formal legal document is not intended. Changes in such a protocol are often required as the data collection and analysis progresses. However, the protocol establishes a common understanding of the requirements.
b. An air quality analysis should begin with a screening model to determine the potential of the proposed source or control strategy to violate the PSD increment or NAAQS. For traditional stationary sources, EPA guidance \24\ should be followed. Guidance is also available for mobile sources. \48\
c. If the concentration estimates from screening techniques indicate a significant impact or that the PSD increment or NAAQS may be approached or exceeded, then a more refined modeling analysis is appropriate and the model user should select a model according to recommendations in Sections 4-8. In some instances, no refined technique may be specified in this guide for the situation. The model user is then encouraged to submit a model developed specifically for the case at hand. If that is not possible, a screening technique may supply the needed results.
d. Regional Offices should require permit applicants to incorporate the pollutant contributions of all sources into their analysis. Where necessary this may include emissions associated with growth in the area of impact of the new or modified source. PSD air quality assessments should consider the amount of the allowable air quality increment that has already been consumed by other sources. Therefore, the most recent source applicant should model the existing or permitted sources in addition to the one currently under consideration. This would permit the use of newly acquired data or improved modeling techniques if such have become available since the last source was permitted. When remodeling, the worst case used in the previous modeling analysis should be one set of conditions modeled in the new analysis. All sources should be modeled for each set of meteorological conditions selected.
10.2.2 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of Model Estimates
a. Modeling is the preferred method for determining emission limitations for both new and existing sources. When a preferred model is available, model results alone (including background) are sufficient. Monitoring will normally not be accepted as the sole basis for emission limitation. In some instances when the modeling technique available is only a screening technique, the addition of air quality data to the analysis may lend credence to model results.
b. There are circumstances where there is no applicable model, and measured data may need to be used. However, only in the case of a NAAQS assessment for an existing source should monitoring data alone be a basis for emission limits. In addition, the following items (i-vi) should be considered prior to the acceptance of the measured data:
i. Does a monitoring network exist for the pollutants and averaging times of concern?
ii. Has the monitoring network been designed to locate points of maximum concentration?
iii. Do the monitoring network and the data reduction and storage procedures meet EPA monitoring and quality assurance requirements?
iv. Do the data set and the analysis allow impact of the most important individual sources to be identified if more than one source or emission point is involved?
v. Is at least one full year of valid ambient data available?
vi. Can it be demonstrated through the comparison of monitored data with model results that available models are not applicable?
c. The number of monitors required is a function of the problem being considered. The source configuration, terrain configuration, and meteorological variations all have an impact on number and placement of monitors. Decisions can only be made on a case-by-case basis. Guidance is available for establishing criteria for demonstrating that a model is not applicable?
d. Sources should obtain approval from the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) for the monitoring network prior to the start of monitoring. A monitoring protocol agreed to by all concerned parties is highly desirable. The design of the network, the number, type and location of the monitors, the sampling period, averaging time as well as the need for meteorological monitoring or the use of mobile sampling or plume tracking techniques, should all be specified in the protocol and agreed upon prior to start-up of the network.
10.2.3 Emission Limits Design Concentrations
a. Emission limits should be based on concentration estimates for the averaging time that results in the most stringent control requirements. The concentration used in specifying emission limits is called the design value or design concentration and is a sum of the concentration contributed by the primary source, other applicable sources, and--for NAAQS assessments--the background concentration.
b. To determine the averaging time for the design value, the most restrictive NAAQS or PSD increment, as applicable, should be identified. For a NAAQS assessment, the averaging time for the design value is determined by calculating, for each averaging time, the ratio of the difference between the applicable NAAQS (S) and the background concentration (B) to the (model) predicted concentration (P) (i.e., (S-B)/P). For a PSD increment assessment, the averaging time for the design value is determined by calculating, for each averaging time, the ratio of the applicable PSD increment (I) and the model-predicted concentration (P) (i.e., I/P). The averaging time with the lowest ratio identifies the most restrictive standard or increment. If the annual average is the most restrictive, the highest estimated annual average concentration from one or a number of years of data is the design value. When short term standards are most restrictive, it may be necessary to consider a broader range of concentrations than the highest value. For example, for pollutants such as SO2, the highest, second-highest concentration is the design value. For pollutants with statistically based NAAQS, the design value is found by determining the more restrictive of: (1) The short-term concentration over the period specified in the standard, or (2) the long-term concentration that is not expected to exceed the long-term NAAQS. Determination of design values for PM-10 is presented in more detail in EPA guidance. \34\ NAAQS Analyses for New or Modified Sources
a. For new or modified sources predicted to have a significant ambient impact \83\ and to be located in areas designated attainment or unclassifiable for the SO2, Pb, NO2, or CO NAAQS, the demonstration as to whether the source will cause or contribute to an air quality violation should be based on: (1) The highest estimated annual average concentration determined from annual averages of individual years; or (2) the highest, second-highest estimated concentration for averaging times of 24-hours or less; and (3) the significance of the spatial and temporal contribution to any modeled violation. For Pb, the highest estimated concentration based on an individual calendar quarter averaging period should be used. Background concentrations should be added to the estimated impact of the source. The most restrictive standard should be used in all cases to assess the threat of an air quality violation. For new or modified sources predicted to have a significant ambient impact \83\ in areas designated attainment or unclassifiable for the PM-10 NAAQS, the demonstration of whether or not the source will cause or contribute to an air quality violation should be based on sufficient data to show whether: (1) The projected 24-hour average concentrations will exceed the 24-hour NAAQS more than once per year, on average; (2) the expected (i.e., average) annual mean concentration will exceed the annual NAAQS; and (3) the source contributes significantly, in a temporal and spatial sense, to any modeled violation. PSD Air Quality Increments and Impacts
a. The allowable PSD increments for criteria pollutants are established by regulation and cited in 40 CFR 51.166. These maximum allowable increases in pollutant concentrations may be exceeded once per year at each site, except for the annual increment that may not be exceeded. The highest, second-highest increase in estimated concentrations for the short term averages as determined by a model should be less than or equal to the permitted increment. The modeled annual averages should not exceed the increment.
b. Screening techniques defined in subsection 4.2.1 can sometimes be used to estimate short term incremental concentrations for the first new source that triggers the baseline in a given area. However, when multiple increment-consuming sources are involved in the calculation, the use of a refined model with at least 1 year of site specific or 5 years of (off-site) NWS data is normally required (subsection In such cases, sequential modeling must demonstrate that the allowable increments are not exceeded temporally and spatially, i.e., for all receptors for each time period throughout the year(s) (time period means the appropriate PSD averaging time, e.g., 3-hour, 24-hour, etc.).
c. The PSD regulations require an estimation of the SO2, particulate matter (PM-10), and NO2 impact on any Class I area. Normally, steady-state Gaussian plume models should not be applied at distances greater than can be accommodated by the steady state assumptions inherent in such models. The maximum distance for refined steady-state Gaussian plume model application for regulatory purposes is generally considered to be 50km. Beyond the 50km range, screening techniques may be used to determine if more refined modeling is needed. If refined models are needed, long range transport models should be considered in accordance with subsection 6.2.3. As previously noted in Sections 3 and 7, the need to involve the Federal Land Manager in decisions on potential air quality impacts, particularly in relation to PSD Class I areas, cannot be overemphasized.
11.0 Bibliography \a\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\a\ The documents listed here are major sources of supplemental information on the theory and application of mathematical air quality models.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
American Meteorological Society. Symposia on Turbulence, Diffusion, and Air Pollution (1st-10th); 1971-1992. Symposia on Boundary Layers & Turb. 11th-12th; 1995-1997. Boston, MA.
American Meteorological Society, 1977-1998. Joint Conferences on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology (1st-10th). Sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and the Air & Waste Management Association. Boston, MA.
American Meteorological Society, 1978. Accuracy of Dispersion Models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 59(8): 1025-1026.
American Meteorological Society, 1981. Air Quality Modeling and the Clean Air Act: Recommendations to EPA on Dispersion Modeling for Regulatory Applications. Boston, MA.
Briggs, G.A., 1969. Plume Rise. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Critical Review Series, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
Drake, R.L. and S.M. Barrager, 1979. Mathematical Models for Atmospheric Pollutants. EPRI EA-1131. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1978. Workbook for Comparison of Air Quality Models. Publication No. EPA-450/2-78-028a and b. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Erisman J.W., Van Pul A. and Wyers P. (1994) Parameterization of surface resistance for the quantification of atmospheric deposition of acidifying pollutants and ozone. Atmos. Environ., 28: 2595-2607.
Fox, D.G., and J.E. Fairobent, 1981. NCAQ Panel Examines Uses and Limitations of Air Quality Models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 62(2): 218-221.
Gifford, F.A., 1976. Turbulent Diffusion Typing Schemes: A Review. Nuclear Safety, 17(1): 68-86.
Gudiksen, P.H., and M.H. Dickerson, Eds., Executive Summary: Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain Technical Progress Report FY-1979 Through FY-1983. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. (Docket Reference No. II-I-103).
Hanna, S.R., G.A. Briggs, J. Deardorff, B.A. Egan, G.A. Gifford and F. Pasquill, 1977. AMS Workshop on Stability Classification Schemes And Sigma Curves--Summary of Recommendations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 58(12): 1305-1309.
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12.0 References
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24. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of Stationary Sources, Revised. Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-019. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 93-219095)
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27. Mills, M.T., R.J. Paine, E.A. Insley and B.A. Egan, 1987. The Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Terrain Preprocessor System--User's Guide and Program Description. Publication No. EPA-600/8-88-003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 88-162094)
28. Burns, D.J., S.G. Perry and A.J. Cimorelli, 1991. An Advanced Screening Model for Complex Terrain Applications. Paper presented at the 7th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology (cosponsored by the American Meteorological Society and the Air & Waste Management Association), January 13-18, 1991, New Orleans, LA.
29. Environmental Research and Technology, 1987. User's Guide to the Rough Terrain Diffusion Model (RTDM), Rev. 3.20. ERT Document No. P-D535-585. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 88-171467)
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31. Hidy, G.M, P.M. Roth, J.M. Hales and R.D. Scheffe, 1998. Fine Particles and Oxidant Pollution: Developing an Agenda for Cooperative Research. JAWMA, 50: 613-632.
32. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005. Guidance on the Use of Models and Other Analyses in Attainment Demonstrations for the 8-hr Ozone NAAQS (Draft Final). Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Latest version available on SCRAM Web site as draft-final-O3.pdf; see subsection 2.3)
33. Environmental Protection Agency, 2005. Guidance on the Use of Models and Other Analyses in Attainment Demonstrations for the PM-2.5 NAAQS and Regional Haze Goals. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (As of May 2005, this document has not been finalized; latest version available on SCRAM Web site as draft-pm.pdf; see subsection 2.3)
34. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. PM-10 SIP Development Guideline. Publication No. EPA-450/2-86-001. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 87-206488)
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41. Environmental Protection Agency, 2002. User's Guide to the Regulatory Modeling System for Aerosols and Deposition (REMSAD) Version 7. Prepared for Environmental Protection Agency under Contract No. GS-10F-0124J by ICF Consulting, July 2002. (Available at
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46. Lewis, C.W., G.A. Norris, R.C. Henry and T.L. Conner, 2003. Source Apportionment of Phoenix PM-2.5 Aerosol with the Unmix Receptor Model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 53(3): 325-338.
47. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. Guidelines for PM10 Sampling and Analysis Applicable to Receptor Modeling. Publication No. EPA-452/R-94-009. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 94-177441)
48. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Guideline for Modeling Carbon Monoxide from Roadway Intersections. Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-005. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 93-210391)
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50. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Evaluation of CO Intersection Modeling techniques Using a New York City Database. Publication No. EPA-454/R-92-004. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, RTP, NC 27711. (NTIS No. PB 93-105559)
51. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Addendum to the User's Guide to CAL3QHC Version 2.0. Staff Report. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Available at
52. Shannon, J.D., 1987. Mobile Source Modeling Review. A report prepared under a cooperative agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency. 5pp. (Docket No. A-88-04, II-J-2)
53. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Emission Inventory Requirements for Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans. Publication No. EPA-450/4-91-011. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 92-112150)
54. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Guideline for Regulatory Application of the Urban Airshed Model for Areawide Carbon Monoxide. Publication No. EPA-450/4-92-011a and b. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS Nos. PB 92-213222 and PB 92-213230)
55. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992. Technical Support Document to Aid States with the Development of Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans. Publication No. EPA-452/R-92-003. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 92-233055)
56. Chu, S.H. and E.L. Meyer, 1991. Use of Ambient Ratios to Estimate Impact of NOX Sources on Annual NO2 Concentrations. Proceedings, 84th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vancouver, B.C.; 16-21 June 1991. (16pp.) (Docket No. A-92-65, II-A-9)
57. Cole, H.S. and J.E. Summerhays, 1979. A Review of Techniques Available for Estimation of Short-Term NO2 Concentrations. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 29(8): 812-817.
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61. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), 1991. Acid Deposition: State of Science and Technology. Volume III Terrestrial, Materials, Health and Visibility Effects. Report 24, Visibility: Existing and Historical Conditions--Causes and Effects Edited by Patricia M. Irving. Washington, DC 129pp.
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72. Irwin, J.S., 1978. Proposed Criteria for Selection of Urban Versus Rural Dispersion Coefficients. (Draft Staff Report). Meteorology and Assessment Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-B-8)
73. Auer, Jr., A.H., 1978. Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 17(5): 636-643.
74. Pasquill, F., 1976. Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters in Gaussian Plume Modeling, Part II. Possible Requirements for Change in the Turner Workbook Values. Publication No. EPA-600/4-76-030b. Office of Research & Development, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB-258036/3BA)
75. Turner, D.B., 1964. A Diffusion Model for an Urban Area. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 3(1): 83-91.
76. Briggs, G.A., 1975. Plume Rise Predictions. Chapter 3 in Lectures on Air Pollution and Environmental Impact Analyses. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA; pp. 59-111.
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78. Weil, J.C., L.A. Corio and R.P. Brower, 1997. A PDF dispersion model for buoyant plumes in the convective boundary layer. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36: 982-1003.
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83. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. Ambient Air Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD). Publication No. EPA-450/4-87-007. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 90-168030)
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85. Stauffer, D.R., N.L. Seaman and F.S. Binkowski, 1991. Use of four-dimensional data assimilation in a limited-area mesoscale model. Part II: Effect of data assimilation within the planetary boundary layer. Monthly Weather Review, 119: 734-754.
86. Grell, G.A., J. Dudhia, and D.R. Stauffer, 1994. A Description of the Fifth-Generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5). NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-398+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO; 138pp.
87. Landsberg, H.E. and W.C. Jacobs, 1951. Compendium of Meteorology. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA; pp. 976-992.
88. Burton, C.S., T.E. Stoeckenius and J.P. Nordin, 1983. The Temporal Representativeness of Short-Term Meteorological Data Sets: Implications for Air Quality Impact Assessments. Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-G-11)
89. Solar and Meteorological Surface Observation Network, 1961-1990; 3-volume CD-ROM. Version 1.0, September 1993. Produced jointly by National Climatic Data Center and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Can be ordered from NOAA National Data Center's Internet Web site at http://www.NNDC.NOAA.GOV/.
90. Hourly United States Weather Observations, 1990-1995 (CD-ROM). October 1997. Produced jointly by National Climatic Data Center and Environmental Protection Agency. Can be ordered from NOAA National Data Center's Internet Web site at
91. Radiosonde Data of North America, 1946-1996; 4-volume CD-ROM. August 1996. Produced jointly by Forecast Systems laboratory and National Climatic Data Center. Can be ordered from NOAA National Data Center's Internet Web site at
92. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000. Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications. Publication No. EPA-454/R-99-005. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (PB 2001-103606) (Available at
93. ASTM D5527: Standard Practice for Measuring Surface Winds and Temperature by Acoustic Means. (1994)
94. ASTM D5741: Standard Practice for Characterizing Surface Wind Using Wind Vane and Rotating Anemometer. (1996)
95. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Quality Assurance for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume IV--Meteorological Measurements. Publication No. EPA600/R-94/038d. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. Note: for copies of this handbook, you may make inquiry to ORD Publications, 26 West Martin Luther King Dr., Cincinatti, OH 45268. Phone (513) 569-7562 or (800) 490-9198 (automated request line)
96. Bowen, B.M., J.M. Dewart and A.I. Chen, 1983. Stability Class Determination: A Comparison for One Site. Proceedings, Sixth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA; pp. 211-214. (Docket No. A-92-65, II-A-7)
97. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. An Evaluation of a Solar Radiation/Delta-T (SRDT) Method for Estimating Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) Stability Categories. Publication No. EPA-454/R-93-055. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 94-113958)
98. Irwin, J.S., 1980. Dispersion Estimate Suggestion 8: Estimation of Pasquill Stability Categories. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC (Docket No. A-80-46, II-B-10)
99. Mitchell, Jr., A.E. and K.O. Timbre, 1979. Atmospheric Stability Class from Horizontal Wind Fluctuation. Presented at 72nd Annual Meeting of Air Pollution Control Association, Cincinnati, OH; June 24-29, 1979. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-P-9)
100. Smedman--Hogstrom, A. and V. Hogstrom, 1978. A Practical Method for Determining Wind Frequency Distributions for the Lowest 200m from Routine Meteorological Data. J. of Applied Meteorology, 17(7): 942-954.
101. Smith, T.B. and S.M. Howard, 1972. Methodology for Treating Diffusivity. MRI 72 FR-1030. Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, CA. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-P-8)
102. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. User's Guide for the AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET). Publication No. EPA-454/B-03-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Available at
103. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. PCRAMMET User's Guide. Publication No. EPA-454/R-96-001. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 97-147912)
104. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996. Meteorological Processor for Regulatory Models (MPRM) User's Guide. Publication No. EPA-454/B-96-002. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 96-180518)
105. Paine, R.J., 1987. User's Guide to the CTDM Meteorological Preprocessor Program. Publication No. EPA-600/8-88-004. Office of Research & Development, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 88-162102)
106. Scire, J.S., F.R. Francoise, M.E. Fernau and R.J. Yamartino, 1998. A User's Guide for the CALMET Meteorological Model (Version 5.0). Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA. (
107. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984. Calms Processor (CALMPRO) User's Guide. Publication No. EPA-901/9-84-001. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Region I, Boston, MA. (NTIS No. PB 84-229467)
108. Fox, D.G., 1984. Uncertainty in air quality modeling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 65(1): 27-36.
109. Burton, C.S., 1981. The Role of Atmospheric Models in Regulatory Decision-Making: Summary Report. Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA. Prepared under contract No. 68-01-5845 for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-M-6)
110. Environmental Protection Agency, 1981. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Air Quality Modeling, Washington, DC. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-M-16)
111. Hanna, S.R., 1989. Confidence limits for air quality model evaluations, as estimated by bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods. Atmospheric Environment, 23(6): 1385-1398.
112. Cox, W.M. and J.A. Tikvart, 1990. A statistical procedure for determining the best performing air quality simulation model. Atmos. Environ., 24A(9): 2387-2395.
113. Oreskes, N.K., K. Shrader-Frechette and K. Beliz, 1994. Verification, validation and confirmation of numerical models in the earth sciences. Science, 263: 641-646.
114. Dekker, C.M., A. Groenendijk, C.J. Sliggers and G.K. Verboom, 1990. Quality Criteria for Models to Calculate Air Pollution. Lucht (Air) 90, Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment, Postbus 450, 2260 MB Leidschendam, The Netherlands; 52pp.
115. Weil, J.C., R.I. Sykes and A. Venkatram, 1992. Evaluating air-quality models: review and outlook. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31: 1121-1145.
116. Cole, S.T. and P.J. Wicks, Editors (1995): Model Evaluation Group: Report of the Second Open Meeting. EUR 15990 EN, European Commission, Directorate-General XII, Environmental Research Programme, L-2920 Luxembourg; 77pp.
117. Hanna, S.R., 1982. Natural Variability of Observed Hourly SO2 and CO Concentrations in St. Louis. Atmospheric Environment, 16(6): 1435-1440.
118. Bowne, N.E., 1981. Validation and Performance Criteria for Air Quality Models. Appendix F in Air Quality Modeling and the Clean Air Act: Recommendations to EPA on Dispersion Modeling for Regulatory Applications. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA; pp. 159-171. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-A-106)
119. Bowne, N.E. and R.J. Londergan, 1983. Overview, Results, and Conclusions for the EPRI Plume Model Validation and Development Project: Plains Site. EPRI EA-3074. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA.
120. Moore, G.E., T.E. Stoeckenius and D.A. Stewart, 1982. A Survey of Statistical Measures of Model Performance and Accuracy for Several Air Quality Models. Publication No. EPA-450/4-83-001. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 83-260810)
121. Rhoads, R.G., 1981. Accuracy of Air Quality Models. Staff Report. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-G-6)
122. Hanna, S.R., 1993. Uncertainties in air quality model predictions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 62: 3-20.
123. Pasquill, F., 1974. Atmospheric Diffusion, 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY; 479pp.
124. Morgan, M.G. and M. Henrion, 1990. Uncertainty, A Guide to Dealing With Uncertainty in Quantitative Risk and Policy Analysis. Cambridge University Press. New York, NY; 332pp.
125. Irwin, J.S., K. Steinberg, C. Hakkarinen and H. Feldman, 2001. Uncertainty in Air Quality Modeling for Risk Calculations. (CD-ROM) Proceedings of Guideline on Air Quality Models: A New Beginning. April 4-6, 2001, Newport, RI, Air & Waste Management Association. Pittsburgh, PA; 17pp.
126. Austin, B.S., T.E. Stoeckenius, M.C. Dudik and T.S. Stocking, 1988. User's Guide to the Expected Exceedances System. Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA. Prepared under Contract No. 68-02-4352 Option I for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-88-04, II-I-3)
127. Thrall, A.D., T.E. Stoeckenius and C.S. Burton, 1985. A Method for Calculating Dispersion Modeling Uncertainty Applied to the Regulation of an Emission Source. Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA. Prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (Docket No. A-80-46, IV-G-1)
128. ``Ten years of Harmonisation activities: Past, present and future'' at
129. ``A platform for model evaluation'' at Appendix A to Appendix W of Part 51--Summaries of Preferred Air Quality
Table of Contents A.0 Introduction and AvailabilityA.1 AermodA.2 Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model (BLP)A.3 CALINE3A.4 CALPUFFA.5 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable
Situations (CTDMPLUS)A.6 Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD)A.REF References
A.0 Introduction and Availability
(1) This appendix summarizes key features of refined air quality models preferred for specific regulatory applications. For each model, information is provided on availability, approximate cost (where applicable), regulatory use, data input, output format and options, simulation of atmospheric physics, and accuracy. These models may be used without a formal demonstration of applicability provided they satisfy the recommendations for regulatory use; not all options in the models are necessarily recommended for regulatory use.
(2) Many of these models have been subjected to a performance evaluation using comparisons with observed air quality data. Where possible, several of the models contained herein have been subjected to evaluation exercises, including (1) statistical performance tests recommended by the American Meteorological Society and (2) peer scientific reviews. The models in this appendix have been selected on the basis of the results of the model evaluations, experience with previous use, familiarity of the model to various air quality programs, and the costs and resource requirements for use.
(3) Codes and documentation for all models listed in this appendix are available from EPA's Support Center for Regulatory Air Models (SCRAM) Web site at Documentation is also available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), or U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161; phone: (800) 553-6847. Where possible, accession numbers are provided.
A.1 AMS/EPA Regulatory Model--AERMOD
Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. AERMOD: Description of Model Formulation. Publication No. EPA-454/R-03-004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; September 2004. (Available at
Cimorelli, A. et al., 2005. AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for Industrial Source Applications. Part I: General Model Formulation and Boundary Layer Characterization. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44(5): 682-693.
Perry, S. et al., 2005. AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for Industrial Source Applications. Part II: Model Performance against 17 Field Study Databases. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44(5): 694-708.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. User's Guide for the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model--AERMOD. Publication No. EPA-454/B-03-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; September 2004. (Available at
Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. User's Guide for the AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET). Publication No. EPA-454/B-03-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; November 2004. (Available at
Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. User's Guide for the AERMOD Terrain Preprocessor (AERMAP). Publication No. EPA-454/B-03-003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; October 2004. (Available at
Schulman, L.L., D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire, 2000. Development and evaluation of the PRIME plume rise and building downwash model. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 50: 378-390.
The model codes and associated documentation are available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (Section A.0).
AERMOD is a steady-state plume dispersion model for assessment of pollutant concentrations from a variety of sources. AERMOD simulates transport and dispersion from multiple point, area, or volume sources based on an up-to-date characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer. Sources may be located in rural or urban areas, and receptors may be located in simple or complex terrain. AERMOD accounts for building wake effects (i.e., plume downwash) based on the PRIME building downwash algorithms. The model employs hourly sequential preprocessed meteorological data to estimate concentrations for averaging times from one hour to one year (also multiple years). AERMOD is designed to operate in concert with two pre-processor codes: AERMET processes meteorological data for input to AERMOD, and AERMAP processes terrain elevation data and generates receptor information for input to AERMOD.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
(1) AERMOD is appropriate for the following applications:
Point, volume, and area sources;
Surface, near-surface, and elevated releases;
Rural or urban areas;
Simple and complex terrain;
Transport distances over which steady-state assumptions are appropriate, up to 50km;
1-hour to annual averaging times; and
Continuous toxic air emissions.
(2) For regulatory applications of AERMOD, the regulatory default option should be set, i.e., the parameter DFAULT should be employed in the MODELOPT record in the COntrol Pathway. The DFAULT option requires the use of terrain elevation data, stack-tip downwash, sequential date checking, and does not permit the use of the model in the SCREEN mode. In the regulatory default mode, pollutant half life or decay options are not employed, except in the case of an urban source of sulfur dioxide where a four-hour half life is applied. Terrain elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-Minute Digital Elevation Model ( or equivalent (approx. 30-meter resolution) should be used in all applications. In some cases, exceptions of the terrain data requirement may be made in consultation with the permit/SIP reviewing authority.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Required input includes source type, location, emission rate, stack height, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack gas temperature, area and volume source dimensions, and source elevation. Building dimensions and variable emission rates are optional.
(2) Meteorological data: The AERMET meteorological preprocessor requires input of surface characteristics, including surface roughness (zo), Bowen ratio, and albedo, as well as, hourly observations of wind speed between 7zo and 100m (reference wind speed measurement from which a vertical profile can be developed), wind direction, cloud cover, and temperature between zo and 100m (reference temperature measurement from which a vertical profile can be developed). Surface characteristics may be varied by wind sector and by season or month. A morning sounding (in National Weather Service format) from a representative upper air station, latitude, longitude, time zone, and wind speed threshold are also required in AERMET (instrument threshold is only required for site specific data). Additionally, measured profiles of wind, temperature, vertical and lateral turbulence may be required in certain applications (e.g., in complex terrain) to adequately represent the meteorology affecting plume transport and dispersion. Optionally, measurements of solar, or net radiation may be input to AERMET. Two files are produced by the AERMET meteorological preprocessor for input to the AERMOD dispersion model. The surface file contains observed and calculated surface variables, one record per hour. The profile file contains the observations made at each level of a meteorological tower (or remote sensor), or the one-level observations taken from other representative data (e.g., National Weather Service surface observations), one record per level per hour.
(i) Data used as input to AERMET should possess an adequate degree of representativeness to insure that the wind, temperature and turbulence profiles derived by AERMOD are both laterally and vertically representative of the source area. The adequacy of input data should be judged independently for each variable. The values for surface roughness, Bowen ratio, and albedo should reflect the surface characteristics in the vicinity of the meteorological tower, and should be adequately representative of the modeling domain. Finally, the primary atmospheric input variables including wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, cloud cover, and a morning upper air sounding should also be adequately representative of the source area.
(ii) For recommendations regarding the length of meteorological record needed to perform a regulatory analysis with AERMOD, see Section 8.3.1.
(3) Receptor data: Receptor coordinates, elevations, height above ground, and hill height scales are produced by the AERMAP terrain preprocessor for input to AERMOD. Discrete receptors and/or multiple receptor grids, Cartesian and/or polar, may be employed in AERMOD. AERMAP requires input of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) terrain data produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), or other equivalent data. AERMAP can be used optionally to estimate source elevations.
c. Output
Printed output options include input information, high concentration summary tables by receptor for user-specified averaging periods, maximum concentration summary tables, and concurrent values summarized by receptor for each day processed. Optional output files can be generated for: a listing of occurrences of exceedances of user-specified threshold value; a listing of concurrent (raw) results at each receptor for each hour modeled, suitable for post-processing; a listing of design values that can be imported into graphics software for plotting contours; an unformatted listing of raw results above a threshold value with a special structure for use with the TOXX model component of TOXST; a listing of concentrations by rank (e.g., for use in quantile-quantile plots); and, a listing of concentrations, including arc-maximum normalized concentrations, suitable for model evaluation studies.
d. Type of Model
AERMOD is a steady-state plume model, using Gaussian distributions in the vertical and horizontal for stable conditions, and in the horizontal for convective conditions. The vertical concentration distribution for convective conditions results from an assumed bi-Gaussian probability density function of the vertical velocity.
e. Pollutant Types
AERMOD is applicable to primary pollutants and continuous releases of toxic and hazardous waste pollutants. Chemical transformation is treated by simple exponential decay.
f. Source-Receptor Relationships
AERMOD applies user-specified locations for sources and receptors. Actual separation between each source-receptor pair is used. Source and receptor elevations are user input or are determined by AERMAP using USGS DEM terrain data. Receptors may be located at user-specified heights above ground level.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) In the convective boundary layer (CBL), the transport and dispersion of a plume is characterized as the superposition of three modeled plumes: The direct plume (from the stack), the indirect plume, and the penetrated plume, where the indirect plume accounts for the lofting of a buoyant plume near the top of the boundary layer, and the penetrated plume accounts for the portion of a plume that, due to its buoyancy, penetrates above the mixed layer, but can disperse downward and re-enter the mixed layer. In the CBL, plume rise is superposed on the displacements by random convective velocities (Weil et al., 1997).
(2) In the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using an iterative approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model (see A.5 in this appendix).
(3) Stack-tip downwash and buoyancy induced dispersion effects are modeled. Building wake effects are simulated for stacks less than good engineering practice height using the methods contained in the PRIME downwash algorithms (Schulman, et al., 2000). For plume rise affected by the presence of a building, the PRIME downwash algorithm uses a numerical solution of the mass, energy and momentum conservation laws (Zhang and Ghoniem, 1993). Streamline deflection and the position of the stack relative to the building affect plume trajectory and dispersion. Enhanced dispersion is based on the approach of Weil (1996). Plume mass captured by the cavity is well-mixed within the cavity. The captured plume mass is re-emitted to the far wake as a volume source.
(4) For elevated terrain, AERMOD incorporates the concept of the critical dividing streamline height, in which flow below this height remains horizontal, and flow above this height tends to rise up and over terrain (Snyder et al., 1985). Plume concentration estimates are the weighted sum of these two limiting plume states. However, consistent with the steady-state assumption of uniform horizontal wind direction over the modeling domain, straight-line plume trajectories are assumed, with adjustment in the plume/receptor geometry used to account for the terrain effects.
h. Horizontal Winds
Vertical profiles of wind are calculated for each hour based on measurements and surface-layer similarity (scaling) relationships. At a given height above ground, for a given hour, winds are assumed constant over the modeling domain. The effect of the vertical variation in horizontal wind speed on dispersion is accounted for through simple averaging over the plume depth.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
In convective conditions, the effects of random vertical updraft and downdraft velocities are simulated with a bi-Gaussian probability density function. In both convective and stable conditions, the mean vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Gaussian horizontal dispersion coefficients are estimated as continuous functions of the parameterized (or measured) ambient lateral turbulence and also account for buoyancy-induced and building wake-induced turbulence. Vertical profiles of lateral turbulence are developed from measurements and similarity (scaling) relationships. Effective turbulence values are determined from the portion of the vertical profile of lateral turbulence between the plume height and the receptor height. The effective lateral turbulence is then used to estimate horizontal dispersion.
k. Vertical Dispersion
In the stable boundary layer, Gaussian vertical dispersion coefficients are estimated as continuous functions of parameterized vertical turbulence. In the convective boundary layer, vertical dispersion is characterized by a bi-Gaussian probability density function, and is also estimated as a continuous function of parameterized vertical turbulence. Vertical turbulence profiles are developed from measurements and similarity (scaling) relationships. These turbulence profiles account for both convective and mechanical turbulence. Effective turbulence values are determined from the portion of the vertical profile of vertical turbulence between the plume height and the receptor height. The effective vertical turbulence is then used to estimate vertical dispersion.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are generally not treated by AERMOD. However, AERMOD does contain an option to treat chemical transformation using simple exponential decay, although this option is typically not used in regulatory applications, except for sources of sulfur dioxide in urban areas. Either a decay coefficient or a half life is input by the user. Note also that the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (subsection 5.1) and the Ozone Limiting Method (subsection 5.2.4) and for point-source NO2 analyses are available as non-regulatory options.
m. Physical Removal
AERMOD can be used to treat dry and wet deposition for both gases and particles.
n. Evaluation Studies
American Petroleum Institute, 1998. Evaluation of State of the Science of Air Quality Dispersion Model, Scientific Evaluation, prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Lexington, Massachusetts, for American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 20005-4070.
Brode, R.W., 2002. Implementation and Evaluation of PRIME in AERMOD. Preprints of the 12th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, May 20-24, 2002; American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Brode, R.W., 2004. Implementation and Evaluation of Bulk Richardson Number Scheme in AERMOD. 13th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, August 23-26, 2004; American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2003. AERMOD: Latest Features and Evaluation Results. Publication No. EPA-454/R-03-003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Available at
A.2 Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model (BLP)
Schulman, Lloyd L., and Joseph S. Scire, 1980. Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion Model User's Guide. Document P-7304B. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 81-164642; also available at
The computer code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 2002-500051) from the National Technical Information Service (see Section A.0).
BLP is a Gaussian plume dispersion model designed to handle unique modeling problems associated with aluminum reduction plants, and other industrial sources where plume rise and downwash effects from stationary line sources are important.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
(1) The BLP model is appropriate for the following applications:
Aluminum reduction plants which contain buoyant, elevated line sources;
Rural areas;
Transport distances less than 50 kilometers;
Simple terrain; and
One hour to one year averaging times.
(2) The following options should be selected for regulatory applications:
(i) Rural (IRU=1) mixing height option;
(ii) Default (no selection) for plume rise wind shear (LSHEAR), transitional point source plume rise (LTRANS), vertical potential temperature gradient (DTHTA), vertical wind speed power law profile exponents (PEXP), maximum variation in number of stability classes per hour (IDELS), pollutant decay (DECFAC), the constant in Briggs' stable plume rise equation (CONST2), constant in Briggs' neutral plume rise equation (CONST3), convergence criterion for the line source calculations (CRIT), and maximum iterations allowed for line source calculations (MAXIT); and
(iii) Terrain option (TERAN) set equal to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
(3) For other applications, BLP can be used if it can be demonstrated to give the same estimates as a recommended model for the same application, and will subsequently be executed in that mode.
(4) BLP can be used on a case-by-case basis with specific options not available in a recommended model if it can be demonstrated, using the criteria in Section 3.2, that the model is more appropriate for a specific application.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: point sources require stack location, elevation of stack base, physical stack height, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack gas exit temperature, and pollutant emission rate. Line sources require coordinates of the end points of the line, release height, emission rate, average line source width, average building width, average spacing between buildings, and average line source buoyancy parameter.
(2) Meteorological data: surface weather data from a preprocessor such as PCRAMMET which provides hourly stability class, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, and mixing height.
(3) Receptor data: locations and elevations of receptors, or location and size of receptor grid or request automatically generated receptor grid.
c. Output
(1) Printed output (from a separate post-processor program) includes:
(2) Total concentration or, optionally, source contribution analysis; monthly and annual frequency distributions for 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations; tables of 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations at each receptor; table of the annual (or length of run) average concentrations at each receptor;
(3) Five highest 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations at each receptor; and
(4) Fifty highest 1-, 3-, and 24-hour concentrations over the receptor field.
d. Type of Model
BLP is a gaussian plume model.
e. Pollutant Types
BLP may be used to model primary pollutants. This model does not treat settling and deposition.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) BLP treats up to 50 point sources, 10 parallel line sources, and 100 receptors arbitrarily located.
(2) User-input topographic elevation is applied for each stack and each receptor.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) BLP uses plume rise formulas of Schulman and Scire (1980).
(2) Vertical potential temperature gradients of 0.02 Kelvin per meter for E stability and 0.035 Kelvin per meter are used for stable plume rise calculations. An option for user input values is included.
(3) Transitional rise is used for line sources.
(4) Option to suppress the use of transitional plume rise for point sources is included.
(5) The building downwash algorithm of Schulman and Scire (1980) is used.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) Constant, uniform (steady-state) wind is assumed for an hour.
Straight line plume transport is assumed to all downwind distances.
(2) Wind speeds profile exponents of 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, and 0.30 are used for stability classes A through F, respectively. An option for user-defined values and an option to suppress the use of the wind speed profile feature are included.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Rural dispersion coefficients are from Turner (1969), with no adjustment made for variations in surface roughness or averaging time.
(2) Six stability classes are used.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Rural dispersion coefficients are from Turner (1969), with no adjustment made for variations in surface roughness.
(2) Six stability classes are used.
(3) Mixing height is accounted for with multiple reflections until the vertical plume standard deviation equals 1.6 times the mixing height; uniform mixing is assumed beyond that point.
(4) Perfect reflection at the ground is assumed.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are treated using linear decay. Decay rate is input by the user.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not explicitly treated.
n. Evaluation Studies
Schulman, L.L. and J.S. Scire, 1980. Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion Model User's Guide, P-7304B. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA.
Scire, J.S. and L.L. Schulman, 1981. Evaluation of the BLP and ISC Models with SF6 Tracer Data and SO2 Measurements at Aluminum Reduction Plants. APCA Specialty Conference on Dispersion Modeling for Complex Sources, St. Louis, MO.
Benson, Paul E., 1979. CALINE3--A Versatile Dispersion Model for Predicting Air Pollutant Levels Near Highways and Arterial Streets. Interim Report, Report Number FHWA/CA/TL-79/23. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC (NTIS No. PB 80-220841).
The CALINE3 model is available on diskette (as PB 95-502712) from NTIS. The source code and user's guide are also available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (Section A.0).
CALINE3 can be used to estimate the concentrations of nonreactive pollutants from highway traffic. This steady-state Gaussian model can be applied to determine air pollution concentrations at receptor locations downwind of ``at-grade,'' ``fill,'' ``bridge,'' and ``cut section'' highways located in relatively uncomplicated terrain. The model is applicable for any wind direction, highway orientation, and receptor location. The model has adjustments for averaging time and surface roughness, and can handle up to 20 links and 20 receptors. It also contains an algorithm for deposition and settling velocity so that particulate concentrations can be predicted.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
CALINE-3 is appropriate for the following applications:
Highway (line) sources;
Urban or rural areas;
Simple terrain;
Transport distances less than 50 kilometers; and
One-hour to 24-hour averaging times.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: up to 20 highway links classed as ``at-grade,'' ``fill,'' ``bridge,'' or ``depressed''; coordinates of link end points; traffic volume; emission factor; source height; and mixing zone width.
(2) Meteorological data: wind speed, wind angle (measured in degrees clockwise from the Y axis), stability class, mixing height, ambient (background to the highway) concentration of pollutant.
(3) Receptor data: coordinates and height above ground for each receptor.
c. Output
Printed output includes concentration at each receptor for the specified meteorological condition.
d. Type of Model
CALINE-3 is a Gaussian plume model.
e. Pollutant Types
CALINE-3 may be used to model primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) Up to 20 highway links are treated.
(2) CALINE-3 applies user input location and emission rate for each link. User-input receptor locations are applied.
g. Plume Behavior
Plume rise is not treated.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) User-input hourly wind speed and direction are applied.
(2) Constant, uniform (steady-state) wind is assumed for an hour.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Six stability classes are used.
(2) Rural dispersion coefficients from Turner (1969) are used, with adjustment for roughness length and averaging time.
(3) Initial traffic-induced dispersion is handled implicitly by plume size parameters.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Six stability classes are used.
(2) Empirical dispersion coefficients from Benson (1979) are used including an adjustment for roughness length.
(3) Initial traffic-induced dispersion is handled implicitly by plume size parameters.
(4) Adjustment for averaging time is included.
l. Chemical Transformation
Not treated.
m. Physical Removal
Optional deposition calculations are included.
n. Evaluation Studies
Bemis, G.R. et al., 1977. Air Pollution and Roadway Location, Design, and Operation--Project Overview. FHWA-CA-TL-7080-77-25, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Cadle, S.H. et al., 1976. Results of the General Motors Sulfate Dispersion Experiment, GMR-2107. General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, MI.
Dabberdt, W.F., 1975. Studies of Air Quality on and Near Highways, Project 2761. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1986. Evaluation of Mobile Source Air Quality Simulation Models. EPA Publication No. EPA-450/4-86-002. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 86-167293)
Scire, J.S., D.G. Strimaitis and R.J. Yamartino, 2000. A User's Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model (Version 5.0). Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA.
Scire J.S., F.R. Robe, M.E. Fernau and R.J. Yamartino, 2000. A User's Guide for the CALMET Meteorological Model (Version 5.0). Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA.
The model code and its documentation are available at no cost for download from the model developers' Internet Web site: You may also contact Joseph Scire, Earth Tech, Inc., 196 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742; Telephone: (978) 371-4270; Fax: (978) 371-2468; e-mail:
CALPUFF is a multi-layer, multi-species non-steady-state puff dispersion modeling system that simulates the effects of time- and space-varying meteorological conditions on pollutant transport, transformation, and removal. CALPUFF is intended for use on scales from tens of meters from a source to hundreds of kilometers. It includes algorithms for near-field effects such as stack tip downwash, building downwash, transitional buoyant and momentum plume rise, rain cap effects, partial plume penetration, subgrid scale terrain and coastal interactions effects, and terrain impingement as well as longer range effects such as pollutant removal due to wet scavenging and dry deposition, chemical transformation, vertical wind shear effects, overwater transport, plume fumigation, and visibility effects of particulate matter concentrations.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
(1) CALPUFF is appropriate for long range transport (source-receptor distances of 50 to several hundred kilometers) of emissions from point, volume, area, and line sources. The meteorological input data should be fully characterized with time-and-space-varying three dimensional wind and meteorological conditions using CALMET, as discussed in paragraphs 8.3(d) and of Appendix W.
(2) CALPUFF may also be used on a case-by-case basis if it can be demonstrated using the criteria in Section 3.2 that the model is more appropriate for the specific application. The purpose of choosing a modeling system like CALPUFF is to fully treat stagnation, wind reversals, and time and space variations of meteorological conditions on transport and dispersion, as discussed in paragraph 7.2.8(a).
(3) For regulatory applications of CALMET and CALPUFF, the regulatory default option should be used. Inevitably, some of the model control options will have to be set specific for the application using expert judgment and in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authorities.
b. Input Requirements
Source Data:
1. Point sources: Source location, stack height, diameter, exit velocity, exit temperature, base elevation, wind direction specific building dimensions (for building downwash calculations), and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying point source parameters may be entered from an external file.
2. Area sources: Source location and shape, release height, base elevation, initial vertical distribution ([sigma]z) and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying area source parameters may be entered from an external file. Area sources specified in the external file are allowed to be buoyant and their location, size, shape, and other source characteristics are allowed to change in time.
3. Volume sources: Source location, release height, base elevation, initial horizontal and vertical distributions ([sigma]y, [sigma]z) and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying volume source parameters may be entered from an external file. Volume sources with buoyancy can be simulated by treating the source as a point source and entering initial plume size parameters--initial ([sigma]y, [sigma]z)--to define the initial size of the volume source.
4. Line sources: Source location, release height, base elevation, average buoyancy parameter, and emission rates for each pollutant. Building data may be entered for line source emissions experiencing building downwash effects. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying line source parameters may be entered from an external file.
Meteorological Data (different forms of meteorological input can be used by CALPUFF):
1. Time-dependent three-dimensional (3-D) meteorological fields generated by CALMET. This is the preferred mode for running CALPUFF. Data inputs used by CALMET include surface observations of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, cloud cover, ceiling height, relative humidity, surface pressure, and precipitation (type and amount), and upper air sounding data (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and height) and air-sea temperature differences (over water). Optional 3-D meteorological prognostic model output (e.g., from models such as MM5, RUC, Eta and RAMS) can be used by CALMET as well (paragraph CALMET contains an option to be run in ``No-observations'' mode (Robe et al., 2002), which allows the 3-D CALMET meteorological fields to be based on prognostic model output alone, without observations. This allows CALMET and CALPUFF to be run in prognostic mode for forecast applications.
2. Single station surface and upper air meteorological data in CTDMPLUS data file formats (SURFACE.DAT and PROFILE.DAT files) or AERMOD data file formats. These options allow a vertical variation in the meteorological parameters but no horizontal spatial variability.
3. Single station meteorological data in ISCST3 data file format. This option does not account for variability of the meteorological parameters in the horizontal or vertical, except as provided for by the use of stability-dependent wind shear exponents and average temperature lapse rates.
Gridded terrain and land use data are required as input into CALMET when Option 1 is used. Geophysical processor programs are provided that interface the modeling system to standard terrain and land use data bases available from various sources such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Receptor Data:
CALPUFF includes options for gridded and non-gridded (discrete) receptors. Special subgrid-scale receptors are used with the subgrid-scale complex terrain option. An option is provided for discrete receptors to be placed at ground-level or above the local ground level (i.e., flagpole receptors). Gridded and subgrid-scale receptors are placed at the local ground level only.
Other Input:
CALPUFF accepts hourly observations of ozone concentrations for use in its chemical transformation algorithm. Monthly concentrations of ammonia concentrations can be specified in the CALPUFF input file, although higher time-resolution ammonia variability can be computed using the POSTUTIL program. Subgrid-scale coastlines can be specified in its coastal boundary file. Optional, user-specified deposition velocities and chemical transformation rates can also be entered. CALPUFF accepts the CTDMPLUS terrain and receptor files for use in its subgrid-scale terrain algorithm. Inflow boundary conditions of modeled pollutants can be specified in a boundary condition file. Liquid water content variables including cloud water/ice and precipitation water/ice can be used as input for visibility analyses and other CALPUFF modules.
c. Output
CALPUFF produces files of hourly concentrations of ambient concentrations for each modeled species, wet deposition fluxes, dry deposition fluxes, and for visibility applications, extinction coefficients. Postprocessing programs (PRTMET, CALPOST, CALSUM, APPEND, and POSTUTIL) provide options for summing, scaling, analyzing and displaying the modeling results. CALPOST contains options for computing of light extinction (visibility) and POSTUTIL allows the re-partitioning of nitric acid and nitrate to account for the effects of ammonia limitation (Scire et al., 2001; Escoffier-Czaja and Scire, 2002). CALPUFF contains an options to output liquid water concentrations for use in computing visible plume lengths and frequency of icing and fogging from cooling towers and other water vapor sources. The CALPRO Graphical User Interface (GUI) contains options for creating graphics such as contour plots, vector plots and other displays when linked to graphics software.
d. Type of Model
(1) CALPUFF is a non-steady-state time- and space-dependent Gaussian puff model. CALPUFF treats primary pollutants and simulates secondary pollutant formation using a parameterized, quasi-linear chemical conversion mechanism. Pollutants treated include SO2, SO4\=\, NOX (i.e., NO + NO2), HNO3, NO3-, NH3, PM-10, PM-2.5, toxic pollutants and others pollutant species that are either inert or subject to quasi-linear chemical reactions. The model includes a resistance-based dry deposition model for both gaseous pollutants and particulate matter. Wet deposition is treated using a scavenging coefficient approach. The model has detailed parameterizations of complex terrain effects, including terrain impingement, side-wall scrapping, and steep-walled terrain influences on lateral plume growth. A subgrid-scale complex terrain module based on a dividing streamline concept divides the flow into a lift component traveling over the obstacle and a wrap component deflected around the obstacle.
(2) The meteorological fields used by CALPUFF are produced by the CALMET meteorological model. CALMET includes a diagnostic wind field model containing parameterized treatments of slope flows, valley flows, terrain blocking effects, and kinematic terrain effects, lake and sea breeze circulations, a divergence minimization procedure, and objective analysis of observational data. An energy-balance scheme is used to compute sensible and latent heat fluxes and turbulence parameters over land surfaces. A profile method is used over water. CALMET contains interfaces to prognostic meteorological models such as the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (e.g., MM5; Section 12.0, ref. 86), as well as the RAMS, Ruc and Eta models.
e. Pollutant Types
CALPUFF may be used to model gaseous pollutants or particulate matter that are inert or which undergo quasi-linear chemical reactions, such as SO2, SO4 =, NOX (i.e., NO + NO2), HNO3, NO3-, NH3, PM-10, PM-2.5 and toxic pollutants. For regional haze analyses, sulfate and nitrate particulate components are explicitly treated.
f. Source-Receptor Relationships
CALPUFF contains no fundamental limitations on the number of sources or receptors. Parameter files are provided that allow the user to specify the maximum number of sources, receptors, puffs, species, grid cells, vertical layers, and other model parameters. Its algorithms are designed to be suitable for source-receptor distances from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers.
g. Plume Behavior
Momentum and buoyant plume rise is treated according to the plume rise equations of Briggs (1975) for non-downwashing point sources, Schulman and Scire (1980) for line sources and point sources subject to building downwash effects using the Schulman-Scire downwash algorithm, and Zhang (1993) for buoyant area sources and point sources affected by building downwash when using the PRIME building downwash method. Stack tip downwash effects and partial plume penetration into elevated temperature inversions are included. An algorithm to treat horizontally-oriented vents and stacks with rain caps is included.
h. Horizontal Winds
A three-dimensional wind field is computed by the CALMET meteorological model. CALMET combines an objective analysis procedure using wind observations with parameterized treatments of slope flows, valley flows, terrain kinematic effects, terrain blocking effects, and sea/lake breeze circulations. CALPUFF may optionally use single station (horizontally-constant) wind fields in the CTDMPLUS, AERMOD or ISCST3 data formats.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speeds are not used explicitly by CALPUFF. Vertical winds are used in the development of the horizontal wind components by CALMET.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Turbulence-based dispersion coefficients provide estimates of horizontal plume dispersion based on measured or computed values of [sigma]v. The effects of building downwash and buoyancy-induced dispersion are included. The effects of vertical wind shear are included through the puff splitting algorithm. Options are provided to use Pasquill-Gifford (rural) and McElroy-Pooler (urban) dispersion coefficients. Initial plume size from area or volume sources is allowed.
k. Vertical Dispersion
Turbulence-based dispersion coefficients provide estimates of vertical plume dispersion based on measured or computed values of [sigma]w. The effects of building downwash and buoyancy-induced dispersion are included. Vertical dispersion during convective conditions is simulated with a probability density function (pdf) model based on Weil et al. (1997). Options are provided to use Pasquill-Gifford (rural) and McElroy-Pooler (urban) dispersion coefficients. Initial plume size from area or volume sources is allowed.
l. Chemical Transformation
Gas phase chemical transformations are treated using parameterized models of SO2 conversion to SO4= and NO conversion to NO3-, HNO3, and NO2. Organic aerosol formation is treated. The POSTUTIL program contains an option to re-partition HNO3 and NO3- in order to treat the effects of ammonia limitation.
m. Physical Removal
Dry deposition of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter is parameterized in terms of a resistance-based deposition model. Gravitational settling, inertial impaction, and Brownian motion effects on deposition of particulate matter is included. CALPUFF contains an option to evaluate the effects of plume tilt resulting from gravitational settling. Wet deposition of gases and particulate matter is parameterized in terms of a scavenging coefficient approach.
n. Evaluation Studies
Berman, S., J.Y. Ku, J. Zhang and S.T. Rao, 1977. Uncertainties in estimating the mixing depth--Comparing three mixing depth models with profiler measurements, Atmospheric Environment, 31: 3023-3039.
Chang, J.C., P. Franzese, K. Chayantrakom and S.R. Hanna, 2001. Evaluations of CALPUFF, HPAC and VLSTRACK with Two Mesoscale Field Datasets. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(4): 453-466.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1998. Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long-Range Transport Impacts. EPA Publication No. EPA-454/R-98-019. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Irwin, J.S., 1997. A Comparison of CALPUFF Modeling Results with 1997 INEL Field Data Results. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, XII. Edited by S.E. Gyrning and N. Chaumerliac. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Irwin, J.S., J.S. Scire and D.G. Strimaitis, 1996. A Comparison of CALPUFF Modeling Results with CAPTEX Field Data Results. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, XI. Edited by S.E. Gyrning and F.A. Schiermeier. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Morrison, K, Z-X Wu, J.S. Scire, J. Chenier and T. Jeffs-Schonewille, 2003. CALPUFF-Based Predictive and Reactive Emission Control System. 96th A&WMA; Annual Conference & Exhibition, 22-26 June 2003; San Diego, CA.
Schulman, L.L., D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire, 2000. Development and evaluation of the PRIME Plume Rise and Building Downwash Model. JAWMA, 50: 378-390.
Scire, J.S., Z-X Wu, D.G. Strimaitis and G.E. Moore, 2001. The Southwest Wyoming Regional CALPUFF Air Quality Modeling Study--Volume I. Prepared for the Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality. Available from Earth Tech at
Strimaitis, D.G., J.S. Scire and J.C. Chang, 1998. Evaluation of the CALPUFF Dispersion Model with Two Power Plant Data Sets. Tenth Joint Conference on the Application of Air Pollution Meteorology, Phoenix, Arizona. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. January 11-16, 1998.
A.5 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable
Situations (CTDMPLUS)
Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J. Paine, M.G. Dennis, M.T. Mills, D.G. Strimaitis, R.J. Yamartino and E.M. Insley, 1989. User's Guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS). Volume 1: Model Descriptions and User Instructions. EPA Publication No. EPA-600/8-89-041. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 89-181424)
Perry, S.G., 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources near Complex Topography. Part I: Technical Formulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7): 633-645.
This model code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 90-504119) from the National Technical Information Service (Section A.0).
CTDMPLUS is a refined point source Gaussian air quality model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain applications. The model contains, in its entirety, the technology of CTDM for stable and neutral conditions. However, CTDMPLUS can also simulate daytime, unstable conditions, and has a number of additional capabilities for improved user friendliness. Its use of meteorological data and terrain information is different from other EPA models; considerable detail for both types of input data is required and is supplied by preprocessors specifically designed for CTDMPLUS. CTDMPLUS requires the parameterization of individual hill shapes using the terrain preprocessor and the association of each model receptor with a particular hill.
a. Recommendation for Regulatory Use
CTDMPLUS is appropriate for the following applications:
Elevated point sources;
Terrain elevations above stack top;
Rural or urban areas;
Transport distances less than 50 kilometers; and
One hour to annual averaging times when used with a post-processor program such as CHAVG.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: For each source, user supplies source location, height, stack diameter, stack exit velocity, stack exit temperature, and emission rate; if variable emissions are appropriate, the user supplies hourly values for emission rate, stack exit velocity, and stack exit temperature.
(2) Meteorological data: For applications of CTDMPLUS, multiple level (typically three or more) measurements of wind speed and direction, temperature and turbulence (wind fluctuation statistics) are required to create the basic meteorological data file (``PROFILE''). Such measurements should be obtained up to the representative plume height(s) of interest (i.e., the plume height(s) under those conditions important to the determination of the design concentration). The representative plume height(s) of interest should be determined using an appropriate complex terrain screening procedure (e.g., CTSCREEN) and should be documented in the monitoring/modeling protocol. The necessary meteorological measurements should be obtained from an appropriately sited meteorological tower augmented by SODAR and/or RASS if the representative plume height(s) of interest is above the levels represented by the tower measurements. Meteorological preprocessors then create a SURFACE data file (hourly values of mixed layer heights, surface friction velocity, Monin-Obukhov length and surface roughness length) and a RAWINsonde data file (upper air measurements of pressure, temperature, wind direction, and wind speed).
(3) Receptor data: receptor names (up to 400) and coordinates, and hill number (each receptor must have a hill number assigned).
(4) Terrain data: user inputs digitized contour information to the terrain preprocessor which creates the TERRAIN data file (for up to 25 hills).
c. Output
(1) When CTDMPLUS is run, it produces a concentration file, in either binary or text format (user's choice), and a list file containing a verification of model inputs, i.e.,
Input meteorological data from ``SURFACE'' and ``PROFILE''.
Stack data for each source.
Terrain information.
Receptor information.
Source-receptor location (line printer map).
(2) In addition, if the case-study option is selected, the listing includes:
Meteorological variables at plume height.
Geometrical relationships between the source and the hill.
Plume characteristics at each receptor, i.e., --Distance in along-flow and cross flow direction--Effective plume-receptor height difference--Effective [sigma]y & [sigma]z values, both flat terrain and hill induced (the difference shows the effect of the hill)--Concentration components due to WRAP, LIFT and FLAT.
(3) If the user selects the TOPN option, a summary table of the top 4 concentrations at each receptor is given. If the ISOR option is selected, a source contribution table for every hour will be printed.
(4) A separate disk file of predicted (1-hour only) concentrations (``CONC'') is written if the user chooses this option. Three forms of output are possible:
(i) A binary file of concentrations, one value for each receptor in the hourly sequence as run;
(ii) A text file of concentrations, one value for each receptor in the hourly sequence as run; or
(iii) A text file as described above, but with a listing of receptor information (names, positions, hill number) at the beginning of the file.
(3) Hourly information provided to these files besides the concentrations themselves includes the year, month, day, and hour information as well as the receptor number with the highest concentration.
d. Type of Model
CTDMPLUS is a refined steady-state, point source plume model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain applications.
e. Pollutant Types
CTDMPLUS may be used to model non-reactive, primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
Up to 40 point sources, 400 receptors and 25 hills may be used. Receptors and sources are allowed at any location. Hill slopes are assumed not to exceed 15[deg], so that the linearized equation of motion for Boussinesq flow are applicable. Receptors upwind of the impingement point, or those associated with any of the hills in the modeling domain, require separate treatment.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) As in CTDM, the basic plume rise algorithms are based on Briggs' (1975) recommendations.
(2) A central feature of CTDMPLUS for neutral/stable conditions is its use of a critical dividing-streamline height (Hc) to separate the flow in the vicinity of a hill into two separate layers. The plume component in the upper layer has sufficient kinetic energy to pass over the top of the hill while streamlines in the lower portion are constrained to flow in a horizontal plane around the hill. Two separate components of CTDMPLUS compute ground-level concentrations resulting from plume material in each of these flows.
(3) The model calculates on an hourly (or appropriate steady averaging period) basis how the plume trajectory (and, in stable/neutral conditions, the shape) is deformed by each hill. Hourly profiles of wind and temperature measurements are used by CTDMPLUS to compute plume rise, plume penetration (a formulation is included to handle penetration into elevated stable layers, based on Briggs (1984)), convective scaling parameters, the value of Hc, and the Froude number above Hc.
h. Horizontal Winds
CTDMPLUS does not simulate calm meteorological conditions. Both scalar and vector wind speed observations can be read by the model. If vector wind speed is unavailable, it is calculated from the scalar wind speed. The assignment of wind speed (either vector or scalar) at plume height is done by either:
Interpolating between observations above and below the plume height, or
Extrapolating (within the surface layer) from the nearest measurement height to the plume height.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical flow is treated for the plume component above the critical dividing streamline height (Hc); see ``Plume Behavior''.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Horizontal dispersion for stable/neutral conditions is related to the turbulence velocity scale for lateral fluctuations, [sigma]v, for which a minimum value of 0.2 m/s is used. Convective scaling formulations are used to estimate horizontal dispersion for unstable conditions.
k. Vertical Dispersion
Direct estimates of vertical dispersion for stable/neutral conditions are based on observed vertical turbulence intensity, e.g., [sigma]w (standard deviation of the vertical velocity fluctuation). In simulating unstable (convective) conditions, CTDMPLUS relies on a skewed, bi-Gaussian probability density function (pdf) description of the vertical velocities to estimate the vertical distribution of pollutant concentration.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformation is not treated by CTDMPLUS.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not treated by CTDMPLUS (complete reflection at the ground/hill surface is assumed).
n. Evaluation Studies
Burns, D.J., L.H. Adams and S.G. Perry, 1990. Testing and Evaluation of the CTDMPLUS Dispersion Model: Daytime Convective Conditions. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1990. An Analysis of CTDMPLUS Model Predictions with the Lovett Power Plant Data Base. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources near Complex Topography. Part II: Performance Characteristics. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7): 646-660.
A.6 Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD)
DiCristofaro, D.C. and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD: The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model, Version 4. Volume I: User's Guide, and Volume II: Appendices. Sigma Research Corporation, Westford, MA. (NTIS Nos. PB 93-144384 and PB 93-144392; also available at
This model code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 91-505230) from the National Technical Information Service (see Section A.0). Official contact at Minerals Management Service: Mr. Dirk Herkhof, Parkway Atrium Building, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170, Phone: (703) 787-1735.
(1) OCD is a straight-line Gaussian model developed to determine the impact of offshore emissions from point, area or line sources on the air quality of coastal regions. OCD incorporates overwater plume transport and dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline. Hourly meteorological data are needed from both offshore and onshore locations. These include water surface temperature, overwater air temperature, mixing height, and relative humidity.
(2) Some of the key features include platform building downwash, partial plume penetration into elevated inversions, direct use of turbulence intensities for plume dispersion, interaction with the overland internal boundary layer, and continuous shoreline fumigation.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
OCD has been recommended for use by the Minerals Management Service for emissions located on the Outer Continental Shelf (50 FR 12248; 28 March 1985). OCD is applicable for overwater sources where onshore receptors are below the lowest source height. Where onshore receptors are above the lowest source height, offshore plume transport and dispersion may be modeled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Point, area or line source location, pollutant emission rate, building height, stack height, stack gas temperature, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack angle from vertical, elevation of stack base above water surface and gridded specification of the land/water surfaces. As an option, emission rate, stack gas exit velocity and temperature can be varied hourly.
(2) Meteorological data (over water): Wind direction, wind speed, mixing height, relative humidity, air temperature, water surface temperature, vertical wind direction shear (optional), vertical temperature gradient (optional), turbulence intensities (optional).
(2) Meteorological data:
Over land: Surface weather data from a preprocessor such as PCRAMMET which provides hourly stability class, wind direction, wind speed, ambient temperature, and mixing height are required.
Over water: Hourly values for mixing height, relative humidity, air temperature, and water surface temperature are required; if wind speed/direction are missing, values over land will be used (if available); vertical wind direction shear, vertical temperature gradient, and turbulence intensities are optional.
(3) Receptor data: Location, height above local ground-level, ground-level elevation above the water surface.
c. Output
(1) All input options, specification of sources, receptors and land/water map including locations of sources and receptors.
(2) Summary tables of five highest concentrations at each receptor for each averaging period, and average concentration for entire run period at each receptor.
(3) Optional case study printout with hourly plume and receptor characteristics. Optional table of annual impact assessment from non-permanent activities.
(4) Concentration files written to disk or tape can be used by ANALYSIS postprocessor to produce the highest concentrations for each receptor, the cumulative frequency distributions for each receptor, the tabulation of all concentrations exceeding a given threshold, and the manipulation of hourly concentration files.
d. Type of Model
OCD is a Gaussian plume model constructed on the framework of the MPTER model.
e. Pollutant Types
OCD may be used to model primary pollutants. Settling and deposition are not treated.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) Up to 250 point sources, 5 area sources, or 1 line source and 180 receptors may be used.
(2) Receptors and sources are allowed at any location.
(3) The coastal configuration is determined by a grid of up to 3600 rectangles. Each element of the grid is designated as either land or water to identify the coastline.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) As in ISC, the basic plume rise algorithms are based on Briggs' recommendations.
(2) Momentum rise includes consideration of the stack angle from the vertical.
(3) The effect of drilling platforms, ships, or any overwater obstructions near the source are used to decrease plume rise using a revised platform downwash algorithm based on laboratory experiments.
(4) Partial plume penetration of elevated inversions is included using the suggestions of Briggs (1975) and Weil and Brower (1984).
(5) Continuous shoreline fumigation is parameterized using the Turner method where complete vertical mixing through the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) occurs as soon as the plume intercepts the TIBL.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) Constant, uniform wind is assumed for each hour.
(2) Overwater wind speed can be estimated from overland wind speed using relationship of Hsu (1981).
(3) Wind speed profiles are estimated using similarity theory (Businger, 1973). Surface layer fluxes for these formulas are calculated from bulk aerodynamic methods.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Lateral turbulence intensity is recommended as a direct estimate of horizontal dispersion. If lateral turbulence intensity is not available, it is estimated from boundary layer theory. For wind speeds less than 8 m/s, lateral turbulence intensity is assumed inversely proportional to wind speed.
(2) Horizontal dispersion may be enhanced because of obstructions near the source. A virtual source technique is used to simulate the initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill (1976) are used to calculate buoyant plume enhancement and wind direction shear enhancement.
(4) At the water/land interface, the change to overland dispersion rates is modeled using a virtual source. The overland dispersion rates can be calculated from either lateral turbulence intensity or Pasquill-Gifford curves. The change is implemented where the plume intercepts the rising internal boundary layer.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Observed vertical turbulence intensity is not recommended as a direct estimate of vertical dispersion. Turbulence intensity should be estimated from boundary layer theory as default in the model. For very stable conditions, vertical dispersion is also a function of lapse rate.
(2) Vertical dispersion may be enhanced because of obstructions near the source. A virtual source technique is used to simulate the initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill (1976) are used to calculate buoyant plume enhancement.
(4) At the water/land interface, the change to overland dispersion rates is modeled using a virtual source. The overland dispersion rates can be calculated from either vertical turbulence intensity or the Pasquill-Gifford coefficients. The change is implemented where the plume intercepts the rising internal boundary layer.
1. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are treated using exponential decay. Different rates can be specified by month and by day or night.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is also treated using exponential decay.
n. Evaluation Studies
DiCristofaro, D.C. and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD: The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model. Volume I: User's Guide. Sigma Research Corporation, Westford, MA.
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine and J.E. Pleim, 1984. The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model User's Guide, Revised. OCS Study, MMS 84-0069. Environmental Research & Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 86-159803).
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine, J.E. Pleim and M. Baer, 1985. Development and Evaluation of the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 35: 1039-1047.
Hanna, S.R. and D.C. DiCristofaro, 1988. Development and Evaluation of the OCD/API Model. Final Report, API Pub. 4461, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC.
Benson, P.E., 1979. CALINE3--A Versatile Dispersion Model for Predicting Air Pollution Levels Near Highways and Arterial Streets. Interim Report, Report Number FHWA/CA/TL-79/23. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Briggs, G.A., 1975. Plume Rise Predictions. Lectures on Air Pollution and Environmental Impact Analyses. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 59-111.
Briggs, G.A., 1984. Analytical Parameterizations of Diffusion: The Convective Boundary Layer. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, 24(11): 1167-1186.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1980. Recommendations on Modeling (October 1980 Meetings). Appendix G to: Summary of Comments and Responses on the October 1980 Proposed Revisions to the Guideline on Air Quality Models. Meteorology and Assessment Division, Office of Research and Development, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1998. Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long-Range Transport Impacts. Publication No. EPA-454/R-98-019. (NTIS No. PB 99-121089).
Escoffier-Czaja, C. and J.S. Scire, 2002. The Effects of Ammonia Limitation on Nitrate Aerosol Formation and Visibility Impacts in Class I Areas. Twelfth AMS/AWMA Conference on the Application of Air Pollution Meteorology, 20-24 May 2002; Norfolk, VA.
Gifford, F.A., Jr. 1976. Turbulent Diffusion Typing Schemes--A Review. Nuclear Safety, 17: 68-86.
Horst, T.W., 1983. A Correction to the Gaussian Source-depletion Model. In Precipitation Scavenging, Dry Deposition and Resuspension. H. R. Pruppacher, R.G. Semonin and W.G.N. Slinn, eds., Elsevier, NY.
Hsu, S.A., 1981. Models for Estimating Offshore Winds from Onshore Meteorological Measurements. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 20: 341-352.
Huber, A.H. and W.H. Snyder, 1976. Building Wake Effects on Short Stack Effluents. Third Symposium on Atmospheric Turbulence, Diffusion and Air Quality, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Irwin, J.S., 1979. A Theoretical Variation of the Wind Profile Power-Law Exponent as a Function of Surface Roughness and Stability. Atmospheric Environment, 13: 191-194.
Liu, M.K. et al., 1976. The Chemistry, Dispersion, and Transport of Air Pollutants Emitted from Fossil Fuel Power Plants in California: Data Analysis and Emission Impact Model. Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA.
Pasquill, F., 1976. Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters in Gaussian Plume Modeling Part II. Possible Requirements for Change in the Turner Workbook Values. Publication No. EPA-600/4-76-030b. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
Petersen, W.B., 1980. User's Guide for HIWAY-2 A Highway Air Pollution Model. Publication No. EPA-600/8-80-018. Office of Research & Development, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. (NTIS PB 80-227556)
Rao, T.R. and M.T. Keenan, 1980. Suggestions for Improvement of the EPA-HIWAY Model. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 30: 247-256 (and reprinted as Appendix C in Petersen, 1980).
Robe, F.R., Z-X. Wu and J.S. Scire, 2002: Real-time SO2 Forecasting System with Combined ETA Analysis and CALPUFF Modeling. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 14-17 October 2002; Sofia, Bulgaria.
Schulman, L.L. and J.S. Scire, 1980: Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) dispersion model user's guide. The Aluminum Association; Washington, DC. (See A.2 in this appendix.)
Schulman, L.L. and S.R. Hanna, 1986. Evaluation of Downwash Modification to the Industrial Source Complex Model. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 36: 258-264.
Segal, H.M., 1983. Microcomputer Graphics in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 23: 598-600.
Snyder, W.H., R.S. Thompson, R.E. Eskridge, R.E. Lawson, I.P. Castro, J.T. Lee, J.C.R. Hunt, and Y. Ogawa, 1985. The structure of the strongly stratified flow over hills: Dividing streamline concept. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 152: 249-288.
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Sec. Appendix X to Part 51--Examples of Economic Incentive Programs
I. Introduction and Purpose
This appendix contains examples of EIP's which are covered by the EIP rules. Program descriptions identify key provisions which distinguish the different model program types. The examples provide additional information and guidance on various types of regulatory programs collectively referred to as EIP's. The examples include programs involving stationary, area, and mobile sources. The definition section at 40 CFR 51.491 defines an EIP as a program which may include State established emission fees or a system of marketable permits, or a system of State fees on sale or manufacture of products the use of which contributes to O3 formation, or any combination of the foregoing or other similar measures, as well as incentives and requirements to reduce vehicle emissions and vehicle miles traveled in the area, including any of the transportation control measures identified in section 108(f). Such programs span a wide spectrum of program designs.
The EIP's are comprised of several elements that, in combination with each other, must insure that the fundamental principles of any regulatory program (including accountability, enforceability and noninterference with other requirements of the Act) are met. There are many possible combinations of program elements that would be acceptable. Also, it is important to emphasize that the effectiveness of an EIP is dependent upon the particular area in which it is implemented. No two areas face the same air quality circumstances and, therefore, effective strategies and programs will differ among areas.
Because of these considerations, the EPA is not specifying one particular design or type of strategy as acceptable for any given EIP. Such specific guidance would potentially discourage States (or other entities with delegated authority to administer parts of an implementation plan) from utilizing other equally viable program designs that may be more appropriate for their situation. Thus, the examples given in this Appendix are general in nature so as to avoid limiting innovation on the part of the States in developing programs tailored to individual State needs.
Another important consideration in designing effective EIP's is the extent to which different strategies, or programs targeted at different types of sources, can complement one another when implemented together as an EIP ``package.'' The EPA encourages States to consider packaging different measures together when such a strategy is likely to increase the overall benefits from the program as a whole. Furthermore, some activities, such as information distribution or public awareness programs, while not EIP's in and of themselves, are often critical to the success of other measures and, therefore, would be appropriate complementary components of a program package. All SIP emissions reductions credits should reflect a consideration of the effectiveness of the entire package.
II. Examples of Stationary and Mobile Source Economic Incentive
There is a wide variety of programs that fall under the general heading of EIP's. Further, within each general type of program are several different basic program designs. This section describes common types of EIP's that have been implemented, designed, or discussed in the literature for stationary and mobile sources. The program types discussed below do not include all of the possible types of EIP's. Innovative approaches incorporating new ideas in existing programs, different combinations of existing program elements, or wholly new incentive systems provide additional opportunities for States to find ways to meet environmental goals at lower total cost.
A. Emissions Trading Markets
One prominent class of EIP's is based upon the creation of a market in which trading of source-specific emissions requirements may occur. Such programs may include traditional rate-based emissions limits (generally referred to as emissions averaging) or overall limits on a source's total mass emissions per unit of time (generally referred to as an emissions cap). The emissions limits, which may be placed on individual emitting units or on facilities as a whole, may decline over time. The common feature of such programs is that sources have an ongoing incentive to reduce pollution and increased flexibility in meeting their regulatory requirements. A source may meet its own requirements either by directly preventing or controlling emissions or by trading or averaging with another source. Trading or averaging may occur within the same facility, within the same firm, or between different firms. Sources with lower cost abatement alternatives may provide the necessary emissions reductions to sources facing more expensive alternatives. These programs can lower the overall cost of meeting a given total level of abatement. All sources eligible to trade in an emissions market are faced with continuing incentives to find better ways of reducing emissions at the lowest possible cost, even if they are already meeting their own emissions requirements.
Stationary, area, and mobile sources could be allowed to participate in a common emissions trading market. Programs involving emissions trading markets are particularly effective at reducing overall costs when individual affected sources face significantly different emissions control costs. A wider range in control costs among affected sources creates greater opportunities for cost-reducing trades. Thus, for example, areas which face relatively high stationary source control costs relative to mobile source control costs benefit most by including both stationary and mobile sources in a single emissions trading market.
Programs involving emissions trading markets have generally been designated as either emission allowance or emission reduction credit (ERC) trading programs. The Federal Acid Rain Program is an example of an emission allowance trading program, while ``bubbles'' and ``generic bubbles'' created under the EPA's 1986 Emission Trading Policy Statement are examples of ERC trading. Allowance trading programs can establish emission allocations to be effective at the start of a program, at some specific time in the future, or at varying levels over time. An ERC trading program requires ERC's to be measured against a pre-established emission baseline. Allowance allocations or emission baselines can be established either directly by the EIP rules or by reference to traditional regulations (e.g., RACT requirements). In either type of program, sources can either meet their EIP requirements by maintaining their own emissions within the limits established by the program, or by buying surplus allowances or ERC's from other sources. In any case, the State will need to establish adequate enforceable procedures for certifying and tracking trades, and for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the EIP.
The definition of the commodity to be traded and the design of the administrative procedures the buyer and seller must follow to complete a trade are obvious elements that must be carefully selected to help ensure a successful trading market that achieves the desired environmental goal at the lowest cost. An emissions market is defined as efficient if it achieves the environmental goal at the lowest possible total cost. Any feature of a program that unnecessarily increases the total cost without helping achieve the environmental goals causes market inefficiency. Thus, the design of an emission trading program should be evaluated not only in terms of the likelihood that the program design will ensure that the environmental goals of the program will be met, but also in terms of the costs that the design imposes upon market transactions and the impact of those costs on market efficiency.
Transaction costs are the investment in time and resources to acquire information about the price and availability of allowances or ERC's, to negotiate a trade, and to assure the trade is properly recorded and legally enforceable. All trading markets impose some level of transaction costs. The level of transaction costs in an emissions trading market are affected by various aspects of the design of the market, such as the nature of the procedures for reviewing, approving, and recording trades, the timing of such procedures (i.e., before or after the trade is made), uncertainties in the value of the allowance or credit being traded, the legitimacy of the allowance or credit being offered for sale, and the long-term integrity of the market itself. Emissions trading programs in which every transaction is different, such as programs requiring significant consideration of the differences in the chemical properties or geographic location of the emissions, can result in higher transaction costs than programs with a standardized trading commodity and well-defined rules for acceptable trades. Transaction costs are also affected by the relative ease with which information can be obtained about the availability and price of allowances or credits.
While the market considerations discussed above are clearly important in designing an efficient market to minimize the transaction costs of such a program, other considerations, such as regulatory certainty, enforcement issues, and public acceptance, also clearly need to be factored into the design of any emissions trading program.
B. Fee Programs
A fee on each unit of emissions is a strategy that can provide a direct incentive for sources to reduce emissions. Ideally, fees should be set so as to result in emissions being reduced to the socially optimal level considering the costs of control and the benefits of the emissions reductions. In order to motivate a change in emissions, the fees must be high enough that sources will actively seek to reduce emissions. It is important to note that not all emission fee programs are designed to motivate sources to lower emissions. Fee programs using small fees are designed primarily to generate revenue, often to cover some of the administrative costs of a regulatory program.
There can be significant variations in emission fee programs. For example, potential emissions could be targeted by placing a fee on an input (e.g., a fee on the quantity and BTU content of fuel used in an industrial boiler) rather than on actual emissions. Sources paying a fee on potential emissions could be eligible for a fee waiver or rebate by demonstrating that potential emissions are not actually emitted, such as through a carbon absorber system on a coating operation.
Some fee program variations are designed to mitigate the potentially large amount of revenue that a fee program could generate. Although more complex than a simple fee program, programs that reduce or eliminate the total revenues may be more readily adopted in a SIP than a simple emission fee. Some programs lower the amount of total revenues generated by waiving the fee on some emissions. These programs reduce the total amount of revenue generated, while providing an incentive to decrease emissions. Alternatively, a program may impose higher per-unit fees on a portion of the emissions stream, providing a more powerful but targeted incentive at the same revenue levels. For example, fees could be collected on all emissions in excess of some fixed level. The level could be set as a percentage of a baseline (e.g., fees on emissions above some percentage of historical emissions), or as the lowest emissions possible (e.g., fees on emissions in excess of the lowest demonstrated emissions from the source category).
Other fee programs are ``revenue neutral,'' meaning that the pollution control agency does not receive any net revenues. One way to design a revenue-neutral program is to have both a fee provision and a rebate provision. Rebates must be carefully designed to avoid lessening the incentive provided by the emission fee. For example, a rebate based on comparing a source's actual emissions and the average emissions for the source category can be designed to be revenue neutral and not diminish the incentive.
Other types of fee programs collect a fee in relation to particular activities or types of products to encourage the use of alternatives. While these fees are not necessarily directly linked to the total amount of emissions from the activity or product, the relative simplicity of a usage fee may make such programs an effective way to lower emissions. An area source example is a construction permit fee for wood stoves. Such a permit fee is directly related to the potential to emit inherent in a wood stove, and not to the actual emissions from each wood stove in use. Fees on raw materials to a manufacturing process can encourage product reformulation (e.g., fees on solvent sold to makers of architectural coatings) or changes in work practices (e.g., fees on specialty solvents and degreasing compounds used in manufacturing).
Road pricing mechanisms are fee programs that are available to curtail low occupancy vehicle use, fund transportation system improvements and control measures, spatially and temporally shift driving patterns, and attempt to effect land usage changes. Primary examples include increased peak period roadway, bridge, or tunnel tolls (this could also be accomplished with automated vehicle identification systems as well), and toll discounts for pooling arrangements and zero-emitting/low-emitting vehicles.
C. Tax Code and Zoning Provisions
Modifications to existing State or local tax codes, zoning provisions, and land use planning can provide effective economic incentives. Possible modifications to encourage emissions reductions cover a broad span of programs, such as accelerated depreciation of capital equipment used for emissions reductions, corporate income tax deductions or credits for emission abatement costs, property tax waivers based on decreasing emissions, exempting low-emitting products from sales tax, and limitations on parking spaces for office facilities. Mobile source strategies include waiving or lowering any of the following for zero- or low-emitting vehicles: vehicle registration fees, vehicle property tax, sales tax, taxicab license fees, and parking taxes.
D. Subsidies
A State may create incentives for reducing emissions by offering direct subsidies, grants or low-interest loans to encourage the purchase of lower-emitting capital equipment, or a switch to less polluting operating practices. Examples of such programs include clean vehicle conversions, starting shuttle bus or van pool programs, and mass transit fare subsidies. Subsidy programs often suffer from a variety of ``free rider'' problems. For instance, subsidies for people or firms who were going to switch to the cleaner alternative anyway lower the effectiveness of the subsidy program, or drive up the cost of achieving a targeted level of emissions reductions.
E. Transportation Control Measures
The following measures are the TCM's listed in section 108(f):
(i) Programs for improved public transit;
(ii) Restriction of certain roads or lanes to, or construction of such roads or lanes for use by, passenger buses or high occupancy vehicles;
(iii) Employer-based transportation management plans, including incentives;
(iv) Trip-reduction ordinances;
(v) Traffic flow improvement programs that achieve emission reductions;
(vi) Fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities serving multiple-occupancy vehicle programs or transit service;
(vii) Programs to limit or restrict vehicle use in downtown areas or other areas of emission concentration particularly during periods of peak use;
(viii) Programs for the provision of all forms of high-occupancy, shared-ride services;
(ix) Programs to limit portions of road surfaces or certain sections of the metropolitan area to the use of non-motorized vehicles or pedestrian use, both as to time and place;
(x) Programs for secure bicycle storage facilities and other facilities, including bicycle lanes, for the convenience and protection of bicyclists, in both public and private areas;
(xi) Programs to control extended idling of vehicles;
(xii) Programs to reduce motor vehicle emissions, consistent with title II, which are caused by extreme cold start conditions;
(xiii) Employer-sponsored programs to permit flexible work schedules;
(xiv) Programs and ordinances to facilitate non-automobile travel, provision and utilization of mass transit, and to generally reduce the need for single-occupant vehicle travel, as part of transportation planning and development efforts of a locality, including programs and ordinances applicable to new shopping centers, special events, and other centers of vehicle activity;
(xv) Programs for new construction and major reconstruction of paths, tracks or areas solely for the use by pedestrian or other non-motorized means of transportation when economically feasible and in the public interest. For purposes of this clause, the Administrator shall also consult with the Secretary of the Interior; and
(xvi) Programs to encourage the voluntary removal from use and the marketplace of pre-1980 model year light-duty vehicles and pre-1980 model light-duty trucks. [59 FR 16715, Apr. 7, 1994] Sec. Appendix Y to Part 51--Guidelines for BART Determinations Under the
Regional Haze Rule
Table of Contents I. Introduction and OverviewA. What is the purpose of the guidelines?B. What does the CAA require generally for improving visibility?C. What is the BART requirement in the CAA?D. What types of visibility problems does EPA address in its regulations?E. What are the BART requirements in EPA's regional haze regulations?F. What is included in the guidelines?G. Who is the target audience for the guidelines?H. Do EPA regulations require the use of these guidelines?II. How to Identify BART-eligible SourcesA. What are the steps in identifying BART-eligible sources?1. Step 1: Identify emission units in the BART categories2. Step 2: Identify the start-up dates of the emission units3. Step 3: Compare the potential emissions to the 250 ton/yr cutoff4. Final step: Identify the emission units and pollutants that constitute the BART-eligible source.III. How to Identify Sources ``Subject to BART''IV. The BART Determination: Analysis of BART OptionsA. What factors must I address in the BART Analysis?B. What is the scope of the BART review?C. How does a BART review relate to maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards under CAA section 112?D. What are the five basic steps of a case-by-case BART analysis?1. Step 1: How do I identify all available retrofit emission control techniques?2. Step 2: How do I determine whether the options identified in Step 1 are technically feasible?3. Step 3: How do I evaluate technically feasible alternatives?4. Step 4: For a BART review, what impacts am I expected to calculate and report? What methods does EPA recommend for the impacts analyses?a. Impact analysis part 1: how do I estimate the costs of control?b. What do we mean by cost effectiveness?c. How do I calculate average cost effectiveness?d. How do I calculate baseline emissions?e. How do I calculate incremental cost effectiveness?f. What other information should I provide in the cost impacts analysis?g. What other things are important to consider in the cost impacts analysis?h. Impact analysis part 2: How should I analyze and report energy impacts?i. Impact analysis part 3: How do I analyze ``non-air quality environmental impacts?''j. Impact analysis part 4: What are examples of non-air quality environmental impacts?k. How do I take into account a project's ``remaining useful life'' in calculating control costs?5. Step 5: How should I determine visibility impacts in the BART determination?E. How do I select the ``best'' alternative, using the results of Steps 1 through 5?1. Summary of the impacts analysis2. Selecting a ``best'' alternative3. In selecting a ``best'' alternative, should I consider the affordability of controls?4. SO2 limits for utility boilers5. NOX limits for utility boilersV. Enforceable Limits/Compliance Date
I. Introduction and Overview
A. What is the purpose of the guidelines?
The Clean Air Act (CAA), in sections 169A and 169B, contains requirements for the protection of visibility in 156 scenic areas across the United States. To meet the CAA's requirements, we published regulations to protect against a particular type of visibility impairment known as ``regional haze.'' The regional haze rule is found in this part at 40 CFR 51.300 through 51.309. These regulations require, in 40 CFR 51.308(e), that certain types of existing stationary sources of air pollutants install best available retrofit technology (BART). The guidelines are designed to help States and others (1) identify those sources that must comply with the BART requirement, and (2) determine the level of control technology that represents BART for each source.
B. What does the CAA require generally for improving visibility?
Section 169A of the CAA, added to the CAA by the 1977 amendments, requires States to protect and improve visibility in certain scenic areas of national importance. The scenic areas protected by section 169A are ``the mandatory Class I Federal Areas * * * where visibility is an important value.'' In these guidelines, we refer to these as ``Class I areas.'' There are 156 Class I areas, including 47 national parks (under the jurisdiction of the Department of Interior--National Park Service), 108 wilderness areas (under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior--Fish and Wildlife Service or the Department of Agriculture--U.S. Forest Service), and one International Park (under the jurisdiction of the Roosevelt-Campobello International Commission). The Federal Agency with jurisdiction over a particular Class I area is referred to in the CAA as the Federal Land Manager. A complete list of the Class I areas is contained in 40 CFR 81.401 through 81.437, and you can find a map of the Class I areas at the following Internet site:
The CAA establishes a national goal of eliminating man-made visibility impairment from all Class I areas. As part of the plan for achieving this goal, the visibility protection provisions in the CAA mandate that EPA issue regulations requiring that States adopt measures in their State implementation plans (SIPs), including long-term strategies, to provide for reasonable progress towards this national goal. The CAA also requires States to coordinate with the Federal Land Managers as they develop their strategies for addressing visibility.
C. What is the BART requirement in the CAA?
1. Under section 169A(b)(2)(A) of the CAA, States must require certain existing stationary sources to install BART. The BART provision applies to ``major stationary sources'' from 26 identified source categories which have the potential to emit 250 tons per year or more of any air pollutant. The CAA requires only sources which were put in place during a specific 15-year time interval to be subject to BART. The BART provision applies to sources that existed as of the date of the 1977 CAA amendments (that is, August 7, 1977) but which had not been in operation for more than 15 years (that is, not in operation as of August 7, 1962).
2. The CAA requires BART review when any source meeting the above description ``emits any air pollutant which may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any impairment of visibility'' in any Class I area. In identifying a level of control as BART, States are required by section 169A(g) of the CAA to consider:
(a) The costs of compliance,
(b) The energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of compliance,
(c) Any existing pollution control technology in use at the source,
(d) The remaining useful life of the source, and
(e) The degree of visibility improvement which may reasonably be anticipated from the use of BART.
3. The CAA further requires States to make BART emission limitations part of their SIPs. As with any SIP revision, States must provide an opportunity for public comment on the BART determinations, and EPA's action on any SIP revision will be subject to judicial review.
D. What types of visibility problems does EPA address in its
1. We addressed the problem of visibility in two phases. In 1980, we published regulations addressing what we termed ``reasonably attributable'' visibility impairment. Reasonably attributable visibility impairment is the result of emissions from one or a few sources that are generally located in close proximity to a specific Class I area. The regulations addressing reasonably attributable visibility impairment are published in 40 CFR 51.300 through 51.307.
2. On July 1, 1999, we amended these regulations to address the second, more common, type of visibility impairment known as ``regional haze.'' Regional haze is the result of the collective contribution of many sources over a broad region. The regional haze rule slightly modified 40 CFR 51.300 through 51.307, including the addition of a few definitions in Sec. 51.301, and added new Sec. Sec. 51.308 and 51.309.
E. What are the BART requirements in EPA's regional haze regulations?
1. In the July 1, 1999 rulemaking, we added a BART requirement for regional haze. We amended the BART requirements in 2005. You will find the BART requirements in 40 CFR 51.308(e). Definitions of terms used in 40 CFR 51.308(e)(1) are found in 40 CFR 51.301.
2. As we discuss in detail in these guidelines, the regional haze rule codifies and clarifies the BART provisions in the CAA. The rule requires that States identify and list ``BART-eligible sources,'' that is, that States identify and list those sources that fall within the 26 source categories, were put in place during the 15-year window of time from 1962 to 1977, and have potential emissions greater than 250 tons per year. Once the State has identified the BART-eligible sources, the next step is to identify those BART-eligible sources that may ``emit any air pollutant which may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any impairment of visibility.'' Under the rule, a source which fits this description is ``subject to BART.'' For each source subject to BART, 40 CFR 51.308(e)(1)(ii)(A) requires that States identify the level of control representing BART after considering the factors set out in CAA section 169A(g), as follows: --States must identify the best system of continuous emission control technology for each source subject to BART taking into account the technology available, the costs of compliance, the energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of compliance, any pollution control equipment in use at the source, the remaining useful life of the source, and the degree of visibility improvement that may be expected from available control technology.
3. After a State has identified the level of control representing BART (if any), it must establish an emission limit representing BART and must ensure compliance with that requirement no later than 5 years after EPA approves the SIP. States may establish design, equipment, work practice or other operational standards when limitations on measurement technologies make emission standards infeasible.
F. What is included in the guidelines?
1. The guidelines provide a process for making BART determinations that States can use in implementing the regional haze BART requirements on a source-by-source basis, as provided in 40 CFR 51.308(e)(1). States must follow the guidelines in making BART determinations on a source-by-source basis for 750 megawatt (MW) power plants but are not required to use the process in the guidelines when making BART determinations for other types of sources.
2. The BART analysis process, and the contents of these guidelines, are as follows:
(a) Identification of all BART-eligible sources. Section II of these guidelines outlines a step-by-step process for identifying BART-eligible sources.
(b) Identification of sources subject to BART. As noted above, sources ``subject to BART'' are those BART-eligible sources which ``emit a pollutant which may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any impairment of visibility in any Class I area.'' We discuss considerations for identifying sources subject to BART in section III of the guidance.
(c) The BART determination process. For each source subject to BART, the next step is to conduct an analysis of emissions control alternatives. This step includes the identification of available, technically feasible retrofit technologies, and for each technology identified, an analysis of the cost of compliance, the energy and non-air quality environmental impacts, and the degree of visibility improvement in affected Class I areas resulting from the use of the control technology. As part of the BART analysis, the State should also take into account the remaining useful life of the source and any existing control technology present at the source. For each source, the State will determine a ``best system of continuous emission reduction'' based upon its evaluation of these factors. Procedures for the BART determination step are described in section IV of these guidelines.
(d) Emissions limits. States must establish emission limits, including a deadline for compliance, consistent with the BART determination process for each source subject to BART. Considerations related to these limits are discussed in section V of these guidelines.
G. Who is the target audience for the guidelines?
1. The guidelines are written primarily for the benefit of State, local and Tribal agencies, and describe a process for making the BART determinations and establishing the emission limitations that must be included in their SIPs or Tribal implementation plans (TIPs). Throughout the guidelines, which are written in a question and answer format, we ask questions ``How do I * * *?'' and answer with phrases ``you should * * *, you must * * *'' The ``you'' means a State, local or Tribal agency conducting the analysis. We have used this format to make the guidelines simpler to understand, but we recognize that States have the authority to require source owners to assume part of the analytical burden, and that there will be differences in how the supporting information is collected and documented. We also recognize that data collection, analysis, and rule development may be performed by Regional Planning Organizations, for adoption within each SIP or TIP.
2. The preamble to the 1999 regional haze rule discussed at length the issue of Tribal implementation of the requirements to submit a plan to address visibility. As explained there, requirements related to visibility are among the programs for which Tribes may be determined eligible and receive authorization to implement under the ``Tribal Authority Rule'' (``TAR'') (40 CFR 49.1 through 49.11). Tribes are not subject to the deadlines for submitting visibility implementation plans and may use a modular approach to CAA implementation. We believe there are very few BART-eligible sources located on Tribal lands. Where such sources exist, the affected Tribe may apply for delegation of implementation authority for this rule, following the process set forth in the TAR.
H. Do EPA regulations require the use of these guidelines?
Section 169A(b) requires us to issue guidelines for States to follow in establishing BART emission limitations for fossil-fuel fired power plants having a capacity in excess of 750 megawatts. This document fulfills that requirement, which is codified in 40 CFR 51.308(e)(1)(ii)(B). The guidelines establish an approach to implementing the requirements of the BART provisions of the regional haze rule; we believe that these procedures and the discussion of the requirements of the regional haze rule and the CAA should be useful to the States. For sources other than 750 MW power plants, however, States retain the discretion to adopt approaches that differ from the guidelines.
II. How To Identify BART-Eligible Sources
This section provides guidelines on how to identify BART-eligible sources. A BART-eligible source is an existing stationary source in any of 26 listed categories which meets criteria for startup dates and potential emissions.
A. What are the steps in identifying BART-eligible sources?
Figure 1 shows the steps for identifying whether the source is a ``BART-eligible source:''
Step 1: Identify the emission units in the BART categories,
Step 2: Identify the start-up dates of those emission units, and
Step 3: Compare the potential emissions to the 250 ton/yr cutoff.
Figure 1. How to determine whether a source is BART-eligible:
Step 1: Identify emission units in the BART categories Does the plant contain emissions units in one or more of the 26 source
[rtarr2] No [rtarr2] Stop
[rtarr2] Yes [rtarr2] Proceed to Step 2
Step 2: Identify the start-up dates of these emission units Do any of these emissions units meet the following two tests?In existence on August 7, 1977
ANDBegan operation after August 7, 1962
[rtarr2] No [rtarr2] Stop
[rtarr2] Yes [rtarr2] Proceed to Step 3
Step 3: Compare the potential emissions from these emission units to the 250 ton/yr cutoff Identify the ``stationary source'' that includes the emission units you identified in Step 2.Add the current potential emissions from all the emission units identified in Steps 1 and 2 that are included within the ``stationary source'' boundary.Are the potential emissions from these units 250 tons per year or more for any visibility-impairing pollutant?
[rtarr2] No [rtarr2] Stop
[rtarr2] Yes [rtarr2] These emissions units comprise the ``BART-eligible source.''
1. Step 1: Identify Emission Units in the BART Categories
1. The BART requirement only applies to sources in specific categories listed in the CAA. The BART requirement does not apply to sources in other source categories, regardless of their emissions. The listed categories are:
(1) Fossil-fuel fired steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units (BTU) per hour heat input,
(2) Coal cleaning plants (thermal dryers),
(3) Kraft pulp mills,
(4) Portland cement plants,
(5) Primary zinc smelters,
(6) Iron and steel mill plants,
(7) Primary aluminum ore reduction plants,
(8) Primary copper smelters,
(9) Municipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per day,
(10) Hydrofluoric, sulfuric, and nitric acid plants,
(11) Petroleum refineries,
(12) Lime plants,
(13) Phosphate rock processing plants,
(14) Coke oven batteries,
(15) Sulfur recovery plants,
(16) Carbon black plants (furnace process),
(17) Primary lead smelters,
(18) Fuel conversion plants,
(19) Sintering plants,
(20) Secondary metal production facilities,
(21) Chemical process plants,
(22) Fossil-fuel boilers of more than 250 million BTUs per hour heat input,
(23) Petroleum storage and transfer facilities with a capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels,
(24) Taconite ore processing facilities,
(25) Glass fiber processing plants, and
(26) Charcoal production facilities.
2. Some plants may have emission units from more than one category, and some emitting equipment may fit into more than one category. Examples of this situation are sulfur recovery plants at petroleum refineries, coke oven batteries and sintering plants at steel mills, and chemical process plants at refineries. For Step 1, you identify all of the emissions units at the plant that fit into one or more of the listed categories. You do not identify emission units in other categories.
Example: A mine is collocated with an electric steam generating plant and a coal cleaning plant. You would identify emission units associated with the electric steam generating plant and the coal cleaning plant, because they are listed categories, but not the mine, because coal mining is not a listed category.
3. The category titles are generally clear in describing the types of equipment to be listed. Most of the category titles are very broad descriptions that encompass all emission units associated with a plant site (for example, ``petroleum refining'' and ``kraft pulp mills''). This same list of categories appears in the PSD regulations. States and source owners need not revisit any interpretations of the list made previously for purposes of the PSD program. We provide the following clarifications for a few of the category titles:
(1) ``Steam electric plants of more than 250 million BTU/hr heat input.'' Because the category refers to ``plants,'' we interpret this category title to mean that boiler capacities should be aggregated to determine whether the 250 million BTU/hr threshold is reached. This definition includes only those plants that generate electricity for sale. Plants that cogenerate steam and electricity also fall within the definition of ``steam electric plants''. Similarly, combined cycle turbines are also considered ``steam electric plants'' because such facilities incorporate heat recovery steam generators. Simple cycle turbines, in contrast, are not ``steam electric plants'' because these turbines typically do not generate steam.
Example: A stationary source includes a steam electric plant with three 100 million BTU/hr boilers. Because the aggregate capacity exceeds 250 million BTU/hr for the ``plant,'' these boilers would be identified in Step 2.
(2) ``Fossil-fuel boilers of more than 250 million BTU/hr heat input.'' We interpret this category title to cover only those boilers that are individually greater than 250 million BTU/hr. However, an individual boiler smaller than 250 million BTU/hr should be subject to BART if it is an integral part of a process description at a plant that is in a different BART category--for example, a boiler at a Kraft pulp mill that, in addition to providing steam or mechanical power, uses the waste liquor from the process as a fuel. In general, if the process uses any by-product of the boiler and the boiler's function is to serve the process, then the boiler is integral to the process and should be considered to be part of the process description.
Also, you should consider a multi-fuel boiler to be a ``fossil-fuel boiler'' if it burns any amount of fossil fuel. You may take federally and State enforceable operational limits into account in determining whether a multi-fuel boiler's fossil fuel capacity exceeds 250 million Btu/hr.
(3) ``Petroleum storage and transfer facilities with a capacity exceeding 300,000 barrels.'' The 300,000 barrel cutoff refers to total facility-wide tank capacity for tanks that were put in place within the 1962-1977 time period, and includes gasoline and other petroleum-derived liquids.
(4) ``Phosphate rock processing plants.'' This category descriptor is broad, and includes all types of phosphate rock processing facilities, including elemental phosphorous plants as well as fertilizer production plants.
(5) ``Charcoal production facilities.'' We interpret this category to include charcoal briquet manufacturing and activated carbon production.
(6) ``Chemical process plants.'' and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Consistent with past policy, we interpret the category ``chemical process plants'' to include those facilities within the 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 28. Accordingly, we interpret the term ``chemical process plants'' to include pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.
(7) ``Secondary metal production.'' We interpret this category to include nonferrous metal facilities included within SIC code 3341, and secondary ferrous metal facilities that we also consider to be included within the category ``iron and steel mill plants.''
(8) ``Primary aluminum ore reduction.'' We interpret this category to include those facilities covered by 40 CFR 60.190, the new source performance standard (NSPS) for primary aluminum ore reduction plants. This definition is also consistent with the definition at 40 CFR 63.840.
2. Step 2: Identify the Start-Up Dates of the Emission Units
1. Emissions units listed under Step 1 are BART-eligible only if they were ``in existence'' on August 7, 1977 but were not ``in operation'' before August 7, 1962.
What does ``in existence on August 7, 1977'' mean?
2. The regional haze rule defines ``in existence'' to mean that:
``the owner or operator has obtained all necessary preconstruction approvals or permits required by Federal, State, or local air pollution emissions and air quality laws or regulations and either has (1) begun, or caused to begin, a continuous program of physical on-site construction of the facility or (2) entered into binding agreements or contractual obligations, which cannot be canceled or modified without substantial loss to the owner or operator, to undertake a program of construction of the facility to be completed in a reasonable time.'' 40 CFR 51.301.
As this definition is essentially identical to the definition of ``commence construction'' as that term is used in the PSD regulations, the two terms mean the same thing. See 40 CFR 51.165(a)(1)(xvi) and 40 CFR 52.21(b)(9). Under this definition, an emissions unit could be ``in existence'' even if it did not begin operating until several years after 1977.
Example: The owner of a source obtained all necessary permits in early 1977 and entered into binding construction agreements in June 1977. Actual on-site construction began in late 1978, and construction was completed in mid-1979. The source began operating in September 1979. The emissions unit was ``in existence'' as of August 7, 1977.
Major stationary sources which commenced construction AFTER August 7, 1977 (i.e., major stationary sources which were not ``in existence'' on August 7, 1977) were subject to new source review (NSR) under the PSD program. Thus, the August 7, 1977 ``in existence'' test is essentially the same thing as the identification of emissions units that were grandfathered from the NSR review requirements of the 1977 CAA amendments.
3. Sources are not BART-eligible if the only change at the plant during the relevant time period was the addition of pollution controls. For example, if the only change at a copper smelter during the 1962 through 1977 time period was the addition of acid plants for the reduction of SO2 emissions, these emission controls would not by themselves trigger a BART review.
What does ``in operation before August 7, 1962'' mean?
An emissions unit that meets the August 7, 1977 ``in existence'' test is not BART-eligible if it was in operation before August 7, 1962. ``In operation'' is defined as ``engaged in activity related to the primary design function of the source.'' This means that a source must have begun actual operations by August 7, 1962 to satisfy this test.
Example: The owner or operator entered into binding agreements in 1960. Actual on-site construction began in 1961, and construction was complete in mid-1962. The source began operating in September 1962. The emissions unit was not ``in operation'' before August 7, 1962 and is therefore subject to BART.
What is a ``reconstructed source?'
1. Under a number of CAA programs, an existing source which is completely or substantially rebuilt is treated as a new source. Such ``reconstructed'' sources are treated as new sources as of the time of the reconstruction. Consistent with this overall approach to reconstructions, the definition of BART-eligible facility (reflected in detail in the definition of ``existing stationary facility'') includes consideration of sources that were in operation before August 7, 1962, but were reconstructed during the August 7, 1962 to August 7, 1977 time period.
2. Under the regional haze regulations at 40 CFR 51.301, a reconstruction has taken place if ``the fixed capital cost of the new component exceeds 50 percent of the fixed capital cost of a comparable entirely new source.'' The rule also states that ``[a]ny final decision as to whether reconstruction has occurred must be made in accordance with the provisions of Sec. Sec. 60.15 (f)(1) through (3) of this title.'' ``[T]he provisions of Sec. Sec. 60.15(f)(1) through (3)'' refers to the general provisions for New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). Thus, the same policies and procedures for identifying reconstructed ``affected facilities'' under the NSPS program must also be used to identify reconstructed ``stationary sources'' for purposes of the BART requirement.
3. You should identify reconstructions on an emissions unit basis, rather than on a plantwide basis. That is, you need to identify only the reconstructed emission units meeting the 50 percent cost criterion. You should include reconstructed emission units in the list of emission units you identified in Step 1. You need consider as possible reconstructions only those emissions units with the potential to emit more than 250 tons per year of any visibility-impairing pollutant.
4. The ``in operation'' and ``in existence'' tests apply to reconstructed sources. If an emissions unit was reconstructed and began actual operation before August 7, 1962, it is not BART-eligible. Similarly, any emissions unit for which a reconstruction ``commenced'' after August 7, 1977, is not BART-eligible.
How are modifications treated under the BART provision?
1. The NSPS program and the major source NSR program both contain the concept of modifications. In general, the term ``modification'' refers to any physical change or change in the method of operation of an emissions unit that results in an increase in emissions.
2. The BART provision in the regional haze rule contains no explicit treatment of modifications or how modified emissions units, previously subject to the requirement to install best available control technology (BACT), lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) controls, and/or NSPS are treated under the rule. As the BART requirements in the CAA do not appear to provide any exemption for sources which have been modified since 1977, the best interpretation of the CAA visibility provisions is that a subsequent modification does not change a unit's construction date for the purpose of BART applicability. Accordingly, if an emissions unit began operation before 1962, it is not BART-eligible if it was modified between 1962 and 1977, so long as the modification is not also a ``reconstruction.'' On the other hand, an emissions unit which began operation within the 1962-1977 time window, but was modified after August 7, 1977, is BART-eligible. We note, however, that if such a modification was a major modification that resulted in the installation of controls, the State will take this into account during the review process and may find that the level of controls already in place are consistent with BART.
3. Step 3: Compare the Potential Emissions to the 250 Ton/Yr Cutoff
The result of Steps 1 and 2 will be a list of emissions units at a given plant site, including reconstructed emissions units, that are within one or more of the BART categories and that were placed into operation within the 1962-1977 time window. The third step is to determine whether the total emissions represent a current potential to emit that is greater than 250 tons per year of any single visibility impairing pollutant. Fugitive emissions, to the extent quantifiable, must be counted. In most cases, you will add the potential emissions from all emission units on the list resulting from Steps 1 and 2. In a few cases, you may need to determine whether the plant contains more than one ``stationary source'' as the regional haze rule defines that term, and as we explain further below.
What pollutants should I address?
Visibility-impairing pollutants include the following:
(1) Sulfur dioxide (SO2),
(2) Nitrogen oxides (NOX), and
(3) Particulate matter.
You may use PM10 as an indicator for particulate matter in this intial step. [Note that we do not recommend use of total suspended particulates (TSP) as in indicator for particulate matter.] As emissions of PM10 include the components of PM2.5 as a subset, there is no need to have separate 250 ton thresholds for PM10 and PM2.5; 250 tons of PM10 represents at most 250 tons of PM2.5, and at most 250 tons of any individual particulate species such as elemental carbon, crustal material, etc.
However, if you determine that a source of particulate matter is BART-eligible, it will be important to distinguish between the fine and coarse particle components of direct particulate emissions in the remainder of the BART analysis, including for the purpose of modeling the source's impact on visibility. This is because although both fine and coarse particulate matter contribute to visibility impairment, the long-range transport of fine particles is of particular concern in the formation of regional haze. Thus, for example, air quality modeling results used in the BART determination will provide a more accurate prediction of a source's impact on visibility if the inputs into the model account for the relative particle size of any directly emitted particulate matter (i.e. PM10 vs. PM2.5).
You should exercise judgment in deciding whether the following pollutants impair visibility in an area:
(4) Volatile organic compounds (VOC), and
(5) Ammonia and ammonia compounds.
You should use your best judgment in deciding whether VOC or ammonia emissions from a source are likely to have an impact on visibility in an area. Certain types of VOC emissions, for example, are more likely to form secondary organic aerosols than others. \1\ Similarly, controlling ammonia emissions in some areas may not have a significant impact on visibility. You need not provide a formal showing of an individual decision that a source of VOC or ammonia emissions is not subject to BART review. Because air quality modeling may not be feasible for individual sources of VOC or ammonia, you should also exercise your judgement in assessing the degree of visibility impacts due to emissions of VOC and emissions of ammonia or ammonia compounds. You should fully document the basis for judging that a VOC or ammonia source merits BART review, including your assessment of the source's contribution to visibility impairment.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\1\ Fine particles: Overview of Atmospheric Chemistry, Sources of Emissions, and Ambient Monitoring Data, Memorandum to Docket OAR 2002-006, April 1, 2005.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
What does the term ``potential'' emissions mean?
The regional haze rule defines potential to emit as follows:
``Potential to emit'' means the maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit a pollutant under its physical and operational design. Any physical or operational limitation on the capacity of the source to emit a pollutant including air pollution control equipment and restrictions on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed, shall be treated as part of its design if the limitation or the effect it would have on emissions is federally enforceable. Secondary emissions do not count in determining the potential to emit of a stationary source. The definition of ``potential to emit'' means that a source which actually emits less than 250 tons per year of a visibility-impairing pollutant is BART-eligible if its emissions would exceed 250 tons per year when operating at its maximum capacity given its physical and operational design (and considering all federally enforceable and State enforceable permit limits.)
Example: A source, while operating at one-fourth of its capacity, emits 75 tons per year of SO2. If it were operating at 100 percent of its maximum capacity, the source would emit 300 tons per year. Because under the above definition such a source would have ``potential'' emissions that exceed 250 tons per year, the source (if in a listed category and built during the 1962-1977 time window) would be BART-eligible.
How do I identify whether a plant has more than one ``stationary
1. The regional haze rule, in 40 CFR 51.301, defines a stationary source as a ``building, structure, facility or installation which emits or may emit any air pollutant.'' \2\ The rule further defines ``building, structure or facility'' as:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\2\ Note: Most of these terms and definitions are the same for regional haze and the 1980 visibility regulations. For the regional haze rule we use the term ``BART-eligible source'' rather than ``existing stationary facility'' to clarify that only a limited subset of existing stationary sources are subject to BART. all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control). Pollutant-emitting activities must be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same Major Group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972 as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).
2. In applying this definition, it is necessary to determine which facilities are located on ``contiguous or adjacent properties.'' Within this contiguous and adjacent area, it is also necessary to group those emission units that are under ``common control.'' We note that these plant boundary issues and ``common control'' issues are very similar to those already addressed in implementation of the title V operating permits program and in NSR.
3. For emission units within the ``contiguous or adjacent'' boundary and under common control, you must group emission units that are within the same industrial grouping (that is, associated with the same 2-digit SIC code) in order to define the stationary source. \3\ For most plants on the BART source category list, there will only be one 2-digit SIC that applies to the entire plant. For example, all emission units associated with kraft pulp mills are within SIC code 26, and chemical process plants will generally include emission units that are all within SIC code 28. The ``2-digit SIC test'' applies in the same way as the test is applied in the major source NSR programs. \4\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\3\ We recognize that we are in a transition period from the use of the SIC system to a new system called the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). For purposes of identifying BART-eligible sources, you may use either 2-digit SICS or the equivalent in the NAICS system.
\4\ Note: The concept of support facility used for the NSR program applies here as well. Support facilities, that is facilities that convey, store or otherwise assist in the production of the principal product, must be grouped with primary facilities even when the facilities fall wihin separate SIC codes. For purposes of BART reviews, however, such support facilities (a) must be within one of the 26 listed source categories and (b) must have been in existence as of August 7, 1977, and (c) must not have been in operation as of August 7, 1962.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. For purposes of the regional haze rule, you must group emissions from all emission units put in place within the 1962-1977 time period that are within the 2-digit SIC code, even if those emission units are in different categories on the BART category list.
Examples: A chemical plant which started operations within the 1962 to 1977 time period manufactures hydrochloric acid (within the category title ``Hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric acid plants'') and various organic chemicals (within the category title ``chemical process plants''). All of the emission units are within SIC code 28 and, therefore, all the emission units are considered in determining BART eligibility of the plant. You sum the emissions over all of these emission units to see whether there are more than 250 tons per year of potential emissions.
A steel mill which started operations within the 1962 to 1977 time period includes a sintering plant, a coke oven battery, and various other emission units. All of the emission units are within SIC code 33. You sum the emissions over all of these emission units to see whether there are more than 250 tons per year of potential emissions.
4. Final Step: Identify the Emissions Units and Pollutants That
Constitute the BART-Eligible Source
If the emissions from the list of emissions units at a stationary source exceed a potential to emit of 250 tons per year for any visibility-impairing pollutant, then that collection of emissions units is a BART-eligible source.
Example: A stationary source comprises the following two emissions units, with the following potential emissions:Emissions unit A200 tons/yr SO2150 tons/yr NOX25 tons/yr PMEmissions unit B100 tons/yr SO275 tons/yr NOX10 tons/yr PM For this example, potential emissions of SO2 are 300 tons/yr, which exceeds the 250 tons/yr threshold. Accordingly, the entire ``stationary source'', that is, emissions units A and B, may be subject to a BART review for SO2, NOX, and PM, even though the potential emissions of PM and NOX at each emissions unit are less than 250 tons/yr each.
Example: The total potential emissions, obtained by adding the potential emissions of all emission units in a listed category at a plant site, are as follows: 200 tons/yr SO2150 tons/yr NOX25 tons/yr PM
Even though total emissions exceed 250 tons/yr, no individual regulated pollutant exceeds 250 tons/yr and this source is not BART-eligible.
Can States establish de minimis levels of emissions for pollutants at
BART-eligible sources?
In order to simplify BART determinations, States may choose to identify de minimis levels of pollutants at BART-eligible sources (but are not required to do so). De minimis values should be identified with the purpose of excluding only those emissions so minimal that they are unlikely to contribute to regional haze. Any de minimis values that you adopt must not be higher than the PSD applicability levels: 40 tons/yr for SO2 and NOX and 15 tons/yr for PM10. These de minimis levels may only be applied on a plant-wide basis.
III. How To Identify Sources ``Subject to BART''
Once you have compiled your list of BART-eligible sources, you need to determine whether (1) to make BART determinations for all of them or (2) to consider exempting some of them from BART because they may not reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any visibility impairment in a Class I area. If you decide to make BART determinations for all the BART-eligible sources on your list, you should work with your regional planning organization (RPO) to show that, collectively, they cause or contribute to visibility impairment in at least one Class I area. You should then make individual BART determinations by applying the five statutory factors discussed in Section IV below.
On the other hand, you also may choose to perform an initial examination to determine whether a particular BART-eligible source or group of sources causes or contributes to visibility impairment in nearby Class I areas. If your analysis, or information submitted by the source, shows that an individual source or group of sources (or certain pollutants from those sources) is not reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to any visibility impairment in a Class I area, then you do not need to make BART determinations for that source or group of sources (or for certain pollutants from those sources). In such a case, the source is not ``subject to BART'' and you do not need to apply the five statutory factors to make a BART determination. This section of the Guideline discusses several approaches that you can use to exempt sources from the BART determination process.
A. What Steps Do I Follow To Determine Whether a Source or Group of
Sources Cause or Contribute to Visibility Impairment for Purposes of
1. How Do I Establish a Threshold?
One of the first steps in determining whether sources cause or contribute to visibility impairment for purposes of BART is to establish a threshold (measured in deciviews) against which to measure the visibility impact of one or more sources. A single source that is responsible for a 1.0 deciview change or more should be considered to ``cause'' visibility impairment; a source that causes less than a 1.0 deciview change may still contribute to visibility impairment and thus be subject to BART.
Because of varying circumstances affecting different Class I areas, the appropriate threshold for determining whether a source ``contributes to any visibility impairment'' for the purposes of BART may reasonably differ across States. As a general matter, any threshold that you use for determining whether a source ``contributes'' to visibility impairment should not be higher than 0.5 deciviews.
In setting a threshold for ``contribution,'' you should consider the number of emissions sources affecting the Class I areas at issue and the magnitude of the individual sources' impacts. \5\ In general, a larger number of sources causing impacts in a Class I area may warrant a lower contribution threshold. States remain free to use a threshold lower than 0.5 deciviews if they conclude that the location of a large number of BART-eligible sources within the State and in proximity to a Class I area justify this approach. \6\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\5\ We expect that regional planning organizations will have modeling information that identifies sources affecting visibility in individual class I areas.
\6\ Note that the contribution threshold should be used to determine whether an individual source is reasonably anticipated to contribute to visibility impairment. You should not aggregate the visibility effects of multiple sources and compare their collective effects against your contribution threshold because this would inappropriately create a ``contribute to contribution'' test.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. What Pollutants Do I Need To Consider?
You must look at SO2, NOX, and direct particulate matter (PM) emissions in determining whether sources cause or contribute to visibility impairment, including both PM10 and PM2.5. Consistent with the approach for identifying your BART-eligible sources, you do not need to consider less than de minimis emissions of these pollutants from a source.
As explained in section II, you must use your best judgement to determine whether VOC or ammonia emissions are likely to have an impact on visibility in an area. In addition, although as explained in Section II, you may use PM10 an indicator for particulate matter in determining whether a source is BART-eligible, in determining whether a source contributes to visibility impairment, you should distinguish between the fine and coarse particle components of direct particulate emissions. Although both fine and coarse particulate matter contribute to visibility impairment, the long-range transport of fine particles is of particular concern in the formation of regional haze. Air quality modeling results used in the BART determination will provide a more accurate prediction of a source's impact on visibility if the inputs into the model account for the relative particle size of any directly emitted particulate matter (i.e., PM10 vs. PM2.5).
3. What Kind of Modeling Should I Use To Determine Which Sources and
Pollutants Need Not Be Subject to BART?
This section presents several options for determining that certain sources need not be subject to BART. These options rely on different modeling and/or emissions analysis approaches. They are provided for your guidance. You may also use other reasonable approaches for analyzing the visibility impacts of an individual source or group of sources.
Option 1: Individual Source Attribution Approach (Dispersion Modeling)
You can use dispersion modeling to determine that an individual source cannot reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment in a Class I area and thus is not subject to BART. Under this option, you can analyze an individual source's impact on visibility as a result of its emissions of SO2, NOX and direct PM emissions. Dispersion modeling cannot currently be used to estimate the predicted impacts on visibility from an individual source's emissions of VOC or ammonia. You may use a more qualitative assessment to determine on a case-by-case basis which sources of VOC or ammonia emissions may be likely to impair visibility and should therefore be subject to BART review, as explained in section II.A.3. above.
You can use CALPUFF \7\ or other appropriate model to predict the visibility impacts from a single source at a Class I area. CALPUFF is the best regulatory modeling application currently available for predicting a single source's contribution to visibility impairment and is currently the only EPA-approved model for use in estimating single source pollutant concentrations resulting from the long range transport of primary pollutants. \8\ It can also be used for some other purposes, such as the visibility assessments addressed in today's rule, to account for the chemical transformation of SO2 and NOX.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\7\ The model code and its documentation are available at no cost for download from
\8\ The Guideline on Air Quality Models, 40 CFR part 51, appendix W, addresses the regulatory application of air quality models for assessing criteria pollutants under the CAA, and describes further the procedures for using the CALPUFF model, as well as for obtaining approval for the use of other, nonguideline models.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are several steps for making an individual source attribution using a dispersion model:
1. Develop a modeling protocol. Some critical items to include in the protocol are the meteorological and terrain data that will be used, as well as the source-specific information (stack height, temperature, exit velocity, elevation, and emission rates of applicable pollutants) and receptor data from appropriate Class I areas. We recommend following EPA's Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long Range Transport Impacts \9\ for parameter settings and meteorological data inputs. You may use other settings from those in IWAQM, but you should identify these settings and explain your selection of these settings.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\9\ Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long Range Transport Impacts, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-454/R-98-019, December 1998.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
One important element of the protocol is in establishing the receptors that will be used in the model. The receptors that you use should be located in the nearest Class I area with sufficient density to identify the likely visibility effects of the source. For other Class I areas in relatively close proximity to a BART-eligible source, you may model a few strategic receptors to determine whether effects at those areas may be greater than at the nearest Class I area. For example, you might chose to locate receptors at these areas at the closest point to the source, at the highest and lowest elevation in the Class I area, at the IMPROVE monitor, and at the approximate expected plume release height. If the highest modeled effects are observed at the nearest Class I area, you may choose not to analyze the other Class I areas any further as additional analyses might be unwarranted.
You should bear in mind that some receptors within the relevant Class I area may be less than 50 km from the source while other receptors within that same Class I area may be greater than 50 km from the same source. As indicated by the Guideline on Air Quality Models, 40 CFR part 51, appendix W, this situation may call for the use of two different modeling approaches for the same Class I area and source, depending upon the State's chosen method for modeling sources less than 50 km. In situations where you are assessing visibility impacts for source-receptor distances less than 50 km, you should use expert modeling judgment in determining visibility impacts, giving consideration to both CALPUFF and other appropriate methods.
In developing your modeling protocol, you may want to consult with EPA and your regional planning organization (RPO). Up-front consultation will ensure that key technical issues are addressed before you conduct your modeling.
2. With the accepted protocol and compare the predicted visibility impacts with your threshold for ``contribution.'' You should calculate daily visibility values for each receptor as the change in deciviews compared against natural visibility conditions. You can use EPA's ``Guidance for Estimating Natural Visibility Conditions Under the Regional Haze Rule,'' EPA-454/B-03-005 (September 2003) in making this calculation. To determine whether a source may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment at Class I area, you then compare the impacts predicted by the model against the threshold that you have selected.
The emissions estimates used in the models are intended to reflect steady-state operating conditions during periods of high capacity utilization. We do not generally recommend that emissions reflecting periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction be used, as such emission rates could produce higher than normal effects than would be typical of most facilities. We recommend that States use the 24 hour average actual emission rate from the highest emitting day of the meteorological period modeled, unless this rate reflects periods start-up, shutdown, or malfunction. In addition, the monthly average relative humidity is used, rather than the daily average humidity--an approach that effectively lowers the peak values in daily model averages.
For these reasons, if you use the modeling approach we recommend, you should compare your ``contribution'' threshold against the 98th percentile of values. If the 98th percentile value from your modeling is less than your contribution threshold, then you may conclude that the source does not contribute to visibility impairment and is not subject to BART.
Option 2: Use of Model Plants To Exempt Individual Sources With Common
Under this option, analyses of model plants could be used to exempt certain BART-eligible sources that share specific characteristics. It may be most useful to use this type of analysis to identify the types of small sources that do not cause or contribute to visibility impairment for purposes of BART, and thus should not be subject to a BART review. Different Class I areas may have different characteristics, however, so you should use care to ensure that the criteria you develop are appropriate for the applicable cases.
In carrying out this approach, you could use modeling analyses of representative plants to reflect groupings of specific sources with important common characteristics. Based on these analyses, you may find that certain types of sources are clearly anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment. You could then choose to categorically require those types of sources to undergo a BART determination. Conversely, you may find based on representative plant analyses that certain types of sources are not reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment. To do this, you may conduct your own modeling to establish emission levels and distances from Class I areas on which you can rely to exempt sources with those characteristics. For example, based on your modeling you might choose to exempt all NOX-only sources that emit less than a certain amount per year and are located a certain distance from a Class I area. You could then choose to categorically exempt such sources from the BART determination process.
Our analyses of visibility impacts from model plants provide a useful example of the type of analyses that can be used to exempt categories of sources from BART. \10\ In our analyses, we developed model plants (EGUs and non-EGUs), with representative plume and stack characteristics, for use in considering the visibility impact from emission sources of different sizes and compositions at distances of 50, 100 and 200 kilometers from two hypothetical Class I areas (one in the East and one in the West). As the plume and stack characteristics of these model plants were developed considering the broad range of sources within the EGU and non-EGU categories, they do not necessarily represent any specific plant. However, the results of these analyses are instructive in the development of an exemption process for any Class I area.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\10\ CALPUFF Analysis in Support of the June 2005 Changes to the Regional Haze Rule, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 15, 2005, Docket No. OAR-2002-0076. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
In preparing our analyses, we have made a number of assumptions and exercised certain modeling choices; some of these have a tendency to lend conservatism to the results, overstating the likely effects, while others may understate the likely effects. On balance, when all of these factors are considered, we believe that our examples reflect realistic treatments of the situations being modeled. Based on our analyses, we believe that a State that has established 0.5 deciviews as a contribution threshold could reasonably exempt from the BART review process sources that emit less than 500 tons per year of NOX or SO2 (or combined NOX and SO2), as long as these sources are located more than 50 kilometers from any Class I area; and sources that emit less than 1000 tons per year of NOX or SO2 (or combined NOX and SO2) that are located more than 100 kilometers from any Class I area. You do, however, have the option of showing other thresholds might also be appropriate given your specific circumstances.
Option 3: Cumulative Modeling To Show That No Sources in a State Are
Subject to BART
You may also submit to EPA a demonstration based on an analysis of overall visibility impacts that emissions from BART-eligible sources in your State, considered together, are not reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to any visibility impairment in a Class I area, and thus no source should be subject to BART. You may do this on a pollutant by pollutant basis or for all visibility-impairing pollutants to determine if emissions from these sources contribute to visibility impairment.
For example, emissions of SO2 from your BART-eligible sources may clearly cause or contribute to visibility impairment while direct emissions of PM2.5 from these sources may not contribute to impairment. If you can make such a demonstration, then you may reasonably conclude that none of your BART-eligible sources are subject to BART for a particular pollutant or pollutants. As noted above, your demonstration should take into account the interactions among pollutants and their resulting impacts on visibility before making any pollutant-specific determinations.
Analyses may be conducted using several alternative modeling approaches. First, you may use the CALPUFF or other appropriate model as described in Option 1 to evaluate the impacts of individual sources on downwind Class I areas, aggregating those impacts to determine the collective contribution of all BART-eligible sources to visibility impairment. You may also use a photochemical grid model. As a general matter, the larger the number of sources being modeled, the more appropriate it may be to use a photochemical grid model. However, because such models are significantly less sensitive than dispersion models to the contributions of one or a few sources, as well as to the interactions among sources that are widely distributed geographically, if you wish to use a grid model, you should consult with the appropriate EPA Regional Office to develop an appropriate modeling protocol.
IV. The BART Determination: Analysis of BART Options
This section describes the process for the analysis of control options for sources subject to BART.
A. What factors must I address in the BART review?
The visibility regulations define BART as follows:
Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) means an emission limitation based on the degree of reduction achievable through the application of the best system of continuous emission reduction for each pollutant which is emitted by . . . [a BART-eligible source]. The emission limitation must be established, on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the technology available, the costs of compliance, the energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of compliance, any pollution control equipment in use or in existence at the source, the remaining useful life of the source, and the degree of improvement in visibility which may reasonably be anticipated to result from the use of such technology.
The BART analysis identifies the best system of continuous emission reduction taking into account:
(1) The available retrofit control options,
(2) Any pollution control equipment in use at the source (which affects the availability of options and their impacts),
(3) The costs of compliance with control options,
(4) The remaining useful life of the facility,
(5) The energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of control options
(6) The visibility impacts analysis.
B. What is the scope of the BART review?
Once you determine that a source is subject to BART for a particular pollutant, then for each affected emission unit, you must establish BART for that pollutant. The BART determination must address air pollution control measures for each emissions unit or pollutant emitting activity subject to review.
Example: Plantwide emissions from emission units within the listed categories that began operation within the ``time window'' for BART \11\ are 300 tons/yr of NOX, 200 tons/yr of SO2, and 150 tons/yr of primary particulate. Emissions unit A emits 200 tons/yr of NOX, 100 tons/yr of SO2, and 100 tons/yr of primary particulate. Other emission units, units B through H, which began operating in 1966, contribute lesser amounts of each pollutant. For this example, a BART review is required for NOX, SO2, and primary particulate, and control options must be analyzed for units B through H as well as unit A.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\11\ That is, emission units that were in existence on August 7, 1977 and which began actual operation on or after August 7, 1962.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
C. How does a BART review relate to Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Standards under CAA section 112, or to other emission
limitations required under the CAA?
For VOC and PM sources subject to MACT standards, States may streamline the analysis by including a discussion of the MACT controls and whether any major new technologies have been developed subsequent to the MACT standards. We believe that there are many VOC and PM sources that are well controlled because they are regulated by the MACT standards, which EPA developed under CAA section 112. For a few MACT standards, this may also be true for SO2. Any source subject to MACT standards must meet a level that is as stringent as the best-controlled 12 percent of sources in the industry. Examples of these hazardous air pollutant sources which effectively control VOC and PM emissions include (among others) secondary lead facilities, organic chemical plants subject to the hazardous organic NESHAP (HON), pharmaceutical production facilities, and equipment leaks and wastewater operations at petroleum refineries. We believe that, in many cases, it will be unlikely that States will identify emission controls more stringent than the MACT standards without identifying control options that would cost many thousands of dollars per ton. Unless there are new technologies subsequent to the MACT standards which would lead to cost-effective increases in the level of control, you may rely on the MACT standards for purposes of BART.
We believe that the same rationale also holds true for emissions standards developed for municipal waste incinerators under CAA section 111(d), and for many NSR/PSD determinations and NSR/PSD settlement agreements. However, we do not believe that technology determinations from the 1970s or early 1980s, including new source performance standards (NSPS), should be considered to represent best control for existing sources, as best control levels for recent plant retrofits are more stringent than these older levels.
Where you are relying on these standards to represent a BART level of control, you should provide the public with a discussion of whether any new technologies have subsequently become available.
D. What Are the Five Basic Steps of a Case-by-Case BART Analysis?
The five steps are:
STEP 1--Identify All \12\ Available Retrofit Control Technologies,---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\12\ In identifying ``all'' options, you must identify the most stringent option and a reasonable set of options for analysis that reflects a comprehensive list of available technologies. It is not necessary to list all permutations of available control levels that exist for a given technology--the list is complete if it includes the maximum level of control each technology is capable of achieving.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
STEP 2--Eliminate Technically Infeasible Options,
STEP 3--Evaluate Control Effectiveness of Remaining Control Technologies,
STEP 4--Evaluate Impacts and Document the Results, and
STEP 5--Evaluate Visibility Impacts.
1. STEP 1: How do I identify all available retrofit emission control
1. Available retrofit control options are those air pollution control technologies with a practical potential for application to the emissions unit and the regulated pollutant under evaluation. Air pollution control technologies can include a wide variety of available methods, systems, and techniques for control of the affected pollutant. Technologies required as BACT or LAER are available for BART purposes and must be included as control alternatives. The control alternatives can include not only existing controls for the source category in question but also take into account technology transfer of controls that have been applied to similar source categories and gas streams. Technologies which have not yet been applied to (or permitted for) full scale operations need not be considered as available; we do not expect the source owner to purchase or construct a process or control device that has not already been demonstrated in practice.
2. Where a NSPS exists for a source category (which is the case for most of the categories affected by BART), you should include a level of control equivalent to the NSPS as one of the control options. \13\ The NSPS standards are codified in 40 CFR part 60. We note that there are situations where NSPS standards do not require the most stringent level of available control for all sources within a category. For example, post-combustion NOX controls (the most stringent controls for stationary gas turbines) are not required under subpart GG of the NSPS for Stationary Gas Turbines. However, such controls must still be considered available technologies for the BART selection process.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\13\ In EPA's 1980 BART guidelines for reasonably attributable visibility impairment, we concluded that NSPS standards generally, at that time, represented the best level sources could install as BART. In the 20 year period since this guidance was developed, there have been advances in SO2 control technologies as well as technologies for the control of other pollutants, confirmed by a number of recent retrofits at Western power plants. Accordingly, EPA no longer concludes that the NSPS level of controls automatically represents ``the best these sources can install.'' Analysis of the BART factors could result in the selection of a NSPS level of control, but you should reach this conclusion only after considering the full range of control options.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Potentially applicable retrofit control alternatives can be categorized in three ways.
Pollution prevention: use of inherently lower-emitting processes/practices, including the use of control techniques (e.g., low-NOX burners) and work practices that prevent emissions and result in lower ``production-specific'' emissions (note that it is not our intent to direct States to switch fuel forms, e.g., from coal to gas),
Use of (and where already in place, improvement in the performance of) add-on controls, such as scrubbers, fabric filters, thermal oxidizers and other devices that control and reduce emissions after they are produced, and
Combinations of inherently lower-emitting processes and add-on controls.
4. In the course of the BART review, one or more of the available control options may be eliminated from consideration because they are demonstrated to be technically infeasible or to have unacceptable energy, cost, or non-air quality environmental impacts on a case-by-case (or site-specific) basis. However, at the outset, you should initially identify all control options with potential application to the emissions unit under review.
5. We do not consider BART as a requirement to redesign the source when considering available control alternatives. For example, where the source subject to BART is a coal-fired electric generator, we do not require the BART analysis to consider building a natural gas-fired electric turbine although the turbine may be inherently less polluting on a per unit basis.
6. For emission units subject to a BART review, there will often be control measures or devices already in place. For such emission units, it is important to include control options that involve improvements to existing controls and not to limit the control options only to those measures that involve a complete replacement of control devices.
Example: For a power plant with an existing wet scrubber, the current control efficiency is 66 percent. Part of the reason for the relatively low control efficiency is that 22 percent of the gas stream bypasses the scrubber. A BART review identifies options for improving the performance of the wet scrubber by redesigning the internal components of the scrubber and by eliminating or reducing the percentage of the gas stream that bypasses the scrubber. Four control options are identified: (1) 78 percent control based upon improved scrubber performance while maintaining the 22 percent bypass, (2) 83 percent control based upon improved scrubber performance while reducing the bypass to 15 percent, (3) 93 percent control based upon improving the scrubber performance while eliminating the bypass entirely, (this option results in a ``wet stack'' operation in which the gas leaving the stack is saturated with water) and (4) 93 percent as in option 3, with the addition of an indirect reheat system to reheat the stack gas above the saturation temperature. You must consider each of these four options in a BART analysis for this source.
7. You are expected to identify potentially applicable retrofit control technologies that represent the full range of demonstrated alternatives. Examples of general information sources to consider include:
The EPA's Clean Air Technology Center, which includes the RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC);
State and Local Best Available Control Technology Guidelines--many agencies have online information--for example South Coast Air Quality Management District, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission;
Control technology vendors;
Federal/State/Local NSR permits and associated inspection/performance test reports;
Environmental consultants;
Technical journals, reports and newsletters, air pollution control seminars; and
The EPA's NSR bulletin board--;
Department of Energy's Clean Coal Program--technical reports;
The NOX Control Technology ``Cost Tool''--Clean Air Markets Division Web page--;
Performance of selective catalytic reduction on coal-fired steam generating units-- final report. OAR/ARD, June 1997 (also available at;
Cost estimates for selected applications of NOX control technologies on stationary combustion boilers. OAR/ARD June 1997. (Docket for NOX SIP Call, A-96-56, item II-A-03);
Investigation of performance and cost of NOX controls as applied to group 2 boilers. OAR/ARD, August 1996. (Docket for Phase II NOX rule, A-95-28, item IV-A-4);
Controlling SO2 Emissions: A Review of Technologies. EPA-600/R-00-093, USEPA/ORD/NRMRL, October 2000; and
The OAQPS Control Cost Manual.
You are expected to compile appropriate information from these information sources.
8. There may be situations where a specific set of units within a fenceline constitutes the logical set to which controls would apply and that set of units may or may not all be BART-eligible. (For example, some units in that set may not have been constructed between 1962 and 1977.)
9. If you find that a BART source has controls already in place which are the most stringent controls available (note that this means that all possible improvements to any control devices have been made), then it is not necessary to comprehensively complete each following step of the BART analysis in this section. As long these most stringent controls available are made federally enforceable for the purpose of implementing BART for that source, you may skip the remaining analyses in this section, including the visibility analysis in step 5. Likewise, if a source commits to a BART determination that consists of the most stringent controls available, then there is no need to complete the remaining analyses in this section.
2. STEP 2: How do I determine whether the options identified in Step 1
are technically feasible?
In Step 2, you evaluate the technical feasibility of the control options you identified in Step 1. You should document a demonstration of technical infeasibility and should explain, based on physical, chemical, or engineering principles, why technical difficulties would preclude the successful use of the control option on the emissions unit under review. You may then eliminate such technically infeasible control options from further consideration in the BART analysis.
In general, what do we mean by technical feasibility?
Control technologies are technically feasible if either (1) they have been installed and operated successfully for the type of source under review under similar conditions, or (2) the technology could be applied to the source under review. Two key concepts are important in determining whether a technology could be applied: ``availability'' and ``applicability.'' As explained in more detail below, a technology is considered ``available'' if the source owner may obtain it through commercial channels, or it is otherwise available within the common sense meaning of the term. An available technology is ``applicable'' if it can reasonably be installed and operated on the source type under consideration. A technology that is available and applicable is technically feasible.
What do we mean by ``available'' technology?
1. The typical stages for bringing a control technology concept to reality as a commercial product are:
Concept stage;
Research and patenting;
Bench scale or laboratory testing;
Pilot scale testing;
Licensing and commercial demonstration; and
Commercial sales.
2. A control technique is considered available, within the context presented above, if it has reached the stage of licensing and commercial availability. Similarly, we do not expect a source owner to conduct extended trials to learn how to apply a technology on a totally new and dissimilar source type. Consequently, you would not consider technologies in the pilot scale testing stages of development as ``available'' for purposes of BART review.
3. Commercial availability by itself, however, is not necessarily a sufficient basis for concluding a technology to be applicable and therefore technically feasible. Technical feasibility, as determined in Step 2, also means a control option may reasonably be deployed on or ``applicable'' to the source type under consideration.
Because a new technology may become available at various points in time during the BART analysis process, we believe that guidelines are needed on when a technology must be considered. For example, a technology may become available during the public comment period on the State's rule development process. Likewise, it is possible that new technologies may become available after the close of the State's public comment period and before submittal of the SIP to EPA, or during EPA's review process on the SIP submittal. In order to provide certainty in the process, all technologies should be considered if available before the close of the State's public comment period. You need not consider technologies that become available after this date. As part of your analysis, you should consider any technologies brought to your attention in public comments. If you disagree with public comments asserting that the technology is available, you should provide an explanation for the public record as to the basis for your conclusion.
What do we mean by ``applicable'' technology?
You need to exercise technical judgment in determining whether a control alternative is applicable to the source type under consideration. In general, a commercially available control option will be presumed applicable if it has been used on the same or a similar source type. Absent a showing of this type, you evaluate technical feasibility by examining the physical and chemical characteristics of the pollutant-bearing gas stream, and comparing them to the gas stream characteristics of the source types to which the technology had been applied previously. Deployment of the control technology on a new or existing source with similar gas stream characteristics is generally a sufficient basis for concluding the technology is technically feasible barring a demonstration to the contrary as described below.
What type of demonstration is required if I conclude that an option is
not technically feasible?
1. Where you conclude that a control option identified in Step 1 is technically infeasible, you should demonstrate that the option is either commercially unavailable, or that specific circumstances preclude its application to a particular emission unit. Generally, such a demonstration involves an evaluation of the characteristics of the pollutant-bearing gas stream and the capabilities of the technology. Alternatively, a demonstration of technical infeasibility may involve a showing that there are unresolvable technical difficulties with applying the control to the source (e.g., size of the unit, location of the proposed site, operating problems related to specific circumstances of the source, space constraints, reliability, and adverse side effects on the rest of the facility). Where the resolution of technical difficulties is merely a matter of increased cost, you should consider the technology to be technically feasible. The cost of a control alternative is considered later in the process.
2. The determination of technical feasibility is sometimes influenced by recent air quality permits. In some cases, an air quality permit may require a certain level of control, but the level of control in a permit is not expected to be achieved in practice (e.g., a source has received a permit but the project was canceled, or every operating source at that permitted level has been physically unable to achieve compliance with the limit). Where this is the case, you should provide supporting documentation showing why such limits are not technically feasible, and, therefore, why the level of control (but not necessarily the technology) may be eliminated from further consideration. However, if there is a permit requiring the application of a certain technology or emission limit to be achieved for such technology, this usually is sufficient justification for you to assume the technical feasibility of that technology or emission limit.
3. Physical modifications needed to resolve technical obstacles do not, in and of themselves, provide a justification for eliminating the control technique on the basis of technical infeasibility. However, you may consider the cost of such modifications in estimating costs. This, in turn, may form the basis for eliminating a control technology (see later discussion).
4. Vendor guarantees may provide an indication of commercial availability and the technical feasibility of a control technique and could contribute to a determination of technical feasibility or technical infeasibility, depending on circumstances. However, we do not consider a vendor guarantee alone to be sufficient justification that a control option will work. Conversely, lack of a vendor guarantee by itself does not present sufficient justification that a control option or an emissions limit is technically infeasible. Generally, you should make decisions about technical feasibility based on chemical, and engineering analyses (as discussed above), in conjunction with information about vendor guarantees.
5. A possible outcome of the BART procedures discussed in these guidelines is the evaluation of multiple control technology alternatives which result in essentially equivalent emissions. It is not our intent to encourage evaluation of unnecessarily large numbers of control alternatives for every emissions unit. Consequently, you should use judgment in deciding on those alternatives for which you will conduct the detailed impacts analysis (Step 4 below). For example, if two or more control techniques result in control levels that are essentially identical, considering the uncertainties of emissions factors and other parameters pertinent to estimating performance, you may evaluate only the less costly of these options. You should narrow the scope of the BART analysis in this way only if there is a negligible difference in emissions and energy and non-air quality environmental impacts between control alternatives.
3. STEP 3: How do I evaluate technically feasible alternatives?
Step 3 involves evaluating the control effectiveness of all the technically feasible control alternatives identified in Step 2 for the pollutant and emissions unit under review.
Two key issues in this process include:
(1) Making sure that you express the degree of control using a metric that ensures an ``apples to apples'' comparison of emissions performance levels among options, and
(2) Giving appropriate treatment and consideration of control techniques that can operate over a wide range of emission performance levels.
What are the appropriate metrics for comparison?
This issue is especially important when you compare inherently lower-polluting processes to one another or to add-on controls. In such cases, it is generally most effective to express emissions performance as an average steady state emissions level per unit of product produced or processed.
Examples of common metrics:
Pounds of SO2 emissions per million Btu heat input, and
Pounds of NOX emissions per ton of cement produced.
How do I evaluate control techniques with a wide range of emission
performance levels?
1. Many control techniques, including both add-on controls and inherently lower polluting processes, can perform at a wide range of levels. Scrubbers and high and low efficiency electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are two of the many examples of such control techniques that can perform at a wide range of levels. It is not our intent to require analysis of each possible level of efficiency for a control technique as such an analysis would result in a large number of options. It is important, however, that in analyzing the technology you take into account the most stringent emission control level that the technology is capable of achieving. You should consider recent regulatory decisions and performance data (e.g., manufacturer's data, engineering estimates and the experience of other sources) when identifying an emissions performance level or levels to evaluate.
2. In assessing the capability of the control alternative, latitude exists to consider special circumstances pertinent to the specific source under review, or regarding the prior application of the control alternative. However, you should explain the basis for choosing the alternate level (or range) of control in the BART analysis. Without a showing of differences between the source and other sources that have achieved more stringent emissions limits, you should conclude that the level being achieved by those other sources is representative of the achievable level for the source being analyzed.
3. You may encounter cases where you may wish to evaluate other levels of control in addition to the most stringent level for a given device. While you must consider the most stringent level as one of the control options, you may consider less stringent levels of control as additional options. This would be useful, particularly in cases where the selection of additional options would have widely varying costs and other impacts.
4. Finally, we note that for retrofitting existing sources in addressing BART, you should consider ways to improve the performance of existing control devices, particularly when a control device is not achieving the level of control that other similar sources are achieving in practice with the same device. For example, you should consider requiring those sources with electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) performing below currently achievable levels to improve their performance.
4. STEP 4: For a BART review, what impacts am I expected to calculate
and report? What methods does EPA recommend for the impacts analysis?
After you identify the available and technically feasible control technology options, you are expected to conduct the following analyses when you make a BART determination:
Impact analysis part 1: Costs of compliance,
Impact analysis part 2: Energy impacts, and
Impact analysis part 3: Non-air quality environmental impacts.
Impact analysis part 4: Remaining useful life. In this section, we describe how to conduct each of these three analyses. You are responsible for presenting an evaluation of each impact along with appropriate supporting information. You should discuss and, where possible, quantify both beneficial and adverse impacts. In general, the analysis should focus on the direct impact of the control alternative.
a. Impact analysis part 1: how do I estimate the costs of control?
1. To conduct a cost analysis, you:
(1) Identify the emissions units being controlled,
(2) Identify design parameters for emission controls, and
(3) Develop cost estimates based upon those design parameters.
2. It is important to identify clearly the emission units being controlled, that is, to specify a well-defined area or process segment within the plant. In some cases, multiple emission units can be controlled jointly. However, in other cases, it may be appropriate in the cost analysis to consider whether multiple units will be required to install separate and/or different control devices. The analysis should provide a clear summary list of equipment and the associated control costs. Inadequate documentation of the equipment whose emissions are being controlled is a potential cause for confusion in comparison of costs of the same controls applied to similar sources.
3. You then specify the control system design parameters. Potential sources of these design parameters include equipment vendors, background information documents used to support NSPS development, control technique guidelines documents, cost manuals developed by EPA, control data in trade publications, and engineering and performance test data. The following are a few examples of design parameters for two example control measures: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Control device Examples of design parameters------------------------------------------------------------------------Wet Scrubbers......................... Type of sorbent used (lime,
limestone, etc.).
Gas pressure drop.
Liquid/gas ratio.Selective Catalytic Reduction......... Ammonia to NOX molar ratio.
Pressure drop.
Catalyst life.------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. The value selected for the design parameter should ensure that the control option will achieve the level of emission control being evaluated. You should include in your analysis documentation of your assumptions regarding design parameters. Examples of supporting references would include the EPA OAQPS Control Cost Manual (see below) and background information documents used for NSPS and hazardous pollutant emission standards. If the design parameters you specified differ from typical designs, you should document the difference by supplying performance test data for the control technology in question applied to the same source or a similar source.
5. Once the control technology alternatives and achievable emissions performance levels have been identified, you then develop estimates of capital and annual costs. The basis for equipment cost estimates also should be documented, either with data supplied by an equipment vendor (i.e., budget estimates or bids) or by a referenced source (such as the OAQPS Control Cost Manual, Fifth Edition, February 1996, EPA 453/B-96-001). \14\ In order to maintain and improve consistency, cost estimates should be based on the OAQPS Control Cost Manual, where possible. \15\ The Control Cost Manual addresses most control technologies in sufficient detail for a BART analysis. The cost analysis should also take into account any site-specific design or other conditions identified above that affect the cost of a particular BART technology option.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\14\ The OAQPS Control Cost Manual is updated periodically. While this citation refers to the latest version at the time this guidance was written, you should use the version that is current as of when you conduct your impact analysis. This document is available at the following Web site:
\15\ You should include documentation for any additional information you used for the cost calculations, including any information supplied by vendors that affects your assumptions regarding purchased equipment costs, equipment life, replacement of major components, and any other element of the calculation that differs from the Control Cost Manual.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. What do we mean by cost effectiveness?
Cost effectiveness, in general, is a criterion used to assess the potential for achieving an objective in the most economical way. For purposes of air pollutant analysis, ``effectiveness'' is measured in terms of tons of pollutant emissions removed, and ``cost'' is measured in terms of annualized control costs. We recommend two types of cost-effectiveness calculations--average cost effectiveness, and incremental cost effectiveness.
c. How do I calculate average cost effectiveness?
Average cost effectiveness means the total annualized costs of control divided by annual emissions reductions (the difference between baseline annual emissions and the estimate of emissions after controls), using the following formula: Average cost effectiveness (dollars per ton removed) =Control option
annualized cost \16\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\16\ Whenever you calculate or report annual costs, you should indicate the year for which the costs are estimated. For example, if you use the year 2000 as the basis for cost comparisons, you would report that an annualized cost of $20 million would be: $20 million (year 2000 dollars). Baseline annual emissions--Annual emissions with Control option
Because you calculate costs in (annualized) dollars per year ($/yr) and because you calculate emissions rates in tons per year (tons/yr), the result is an average cost-effectiveness number in (annualized) dollars per ton ($/ton) of pollutant removed.
d. How do I calculate baseline emissions?
1. The baseline emissions rate should represent a realistic depiction of anticipated annual emissions for the source. In general, for the existing sources subject to BART, you will estimate the anticipated annual emissions based upon actual emissions from a baseline period.
2. When you project that future operating parameters (e.g., limited hours of operation or capacity utilization, type of fuel, raw materials or product mix or type) will differ from past practice, and if this projection has a deciding effect in the BART determination, then you must make these parameters or assumptions into enforceable limitations. In the absence of enforceable limitations, you calculate baseline emissions based upon continuation of past practice.
3. For example, the baseline emissions calculation for an emergency standby generator may consider the fact that the source owner would not operate more than past practice of 2 weeks a year. On the other hand, baseline emissions associated with a base-loaded turbine should be based on its past practice which would indicate a large number of hours of operation. This produces a significantly higher level of baseline emissions than in the case of the emergency/standby unit and results in more cost-effective controls. As a consequence of the dissimilar baseline emissions, BART for the two cases could be very different.
e. How do I calculate incremental cost effectiveness?
1. In addition to the average cost effectiveness of a control option, you should also calculate incremental cost effectiveness. You should consider the incremental cost effectiveness in combination with the average cost effectiveness when considering whether to eliminate a control option. The incremental cost effectiveness calculation compares the costs and performance level of a control option to those of the next most stringent option, as shown in the following formula (with respect to cost per emissions reduction): Incremental Cost Effectiveness (dollars per incremental ton removed) =
(Total annualized costs of control option) - (Total annualized
costs of next control option) / (Control option annual
emissions) - (Next control option annual emissions)
Example 1: Assume that Option F on Figure 2 has total annualized costs of $1 million to reduce 2000 tons of a pollutant, and that Option D on Figure 2 has total annualized costs of $500,000 to reduce 1000 tons of the same pollutant. The incremental cost effectiveness of Option F relative to Option D is ($1 million - $500,000) divided by (2000 tons - 1000 tons), or $500,000 divided by 1000 tons, which is $500/ton.
Example 2: Assume that two control options exist: Option 1 and Option 2. Option 1 achieves a 1,000 ton/yr reduction at an annualized cost of $1,900,000. This represents an average cost of ($1,900,000/1,000 tons) = $1,900/ton. Option 2 achieves a 980 tons/yr reduction at an annualized cost of $1,500,000. This represents an average cost of ($1,500,000/980 tons) = $1,531/ton. The incremental cost effectiveness of Option 1 relative to Option 2 is ($1,900,000 - $1,500,000) divided by (1,000 tons - 980 tons). The adoption of Option 1 instead of Option 2 results in an incremental emission reduction of 20 tons per year at an additional cost of $400,000 per year. The incremental cost of Option 1, then, is $20,000 per ton - 11 times the average cost of $1,900 per ton. While $1,900 per ton may still be deemed reasonable, it is useful to consider both the average and incremental cost in making an overall cost-effectiveness finding. Of course, there may be other differences between these options, such as, energy or water use, or non-air environmental effects, which also should be considered in selecting a BART technology.
2. You should exercise care in deriving incremental costs of candidate control options. Incremental cost-effectiveness comparisons should focus on annualized cost and emission reduction differences between ``dominant'' alternatives. To identify dominant alternatives, you generate a graphical plot of total annualized costs for total emissions reductions for all control alternatives identified in the BART analysis, and by identifying a ``least-cost envelope'' as shown in Figure 2. (A ``least-cost envelope'' represents the set of options that should be dominant in the choice of a specific option.) [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR06JY05.000
Example: Eight technically feasible control options for analysis are listed. These are represented as A through H in Figure 2. The dominant set of control options, B, D, F, G, and H, represent the least-cost envelope, as we depict by the cost curve connecting them. Points A, C and E are inferior options, and you should not use them in calculating incremental cost effectiveness. Points A, C and E represent inferior controls because B will buy more emissions reductions for less money than A; and similarly, D and F will buy more reductions for less money than C and E, respectively.
3. In calculating incremental costs, you:
(1) Array the control options in ascending order of annualized total costs,
(2) Develop a graph of the most reasonable smooth curve of the control options, as shown in Figure 2. This is to show the ``least-cost envelope'' discussed above; and
(3) Calculate the incremental cost effectiveness for each dominant option, which is the difference in total annual costs between that option and the next most stringent option, divided by the difference in emissions, after controls have been applied, between those two control options. For example, using Figure 2, you would calculate incremental cost effectiveness for the difference between options B and D, options D and F, options F and G, and options G and H.
4. A comparison of incremental costs can also be useful in evaluating the viability of a specific control option over a range of efficiencies. For example, depending on the capital and operational cost of a control device, total and incremental cost may vary significantly (either increasing or decreasing) over the operational range of a control device. Also, the greater the number of possible control options that exist, the more weight should be given to the incremental costs vs. average costs. It should be noted that average and incremental cost effectiveness are identical when only one candidate control option is known to exist.
5. You should exercise caution not to misuse these techniques. For example, you may be faced with a choice between two available control devices at a source, control A and control B, where control B achieves slightly greater emission reductions. The average cost (total annual cost/total annual emission reductions) for each may be deemed to be reasonable. However, the incremental cost (total annual costA - B/total annual emission reductionsA - B) of the additional emission reductions to be achieved by control B may be very great. In such an instance, it may be inappropriate to choose control B, based on its high incremental costs, even though its average cost may be considered reasonable.
6. In addition, when you evaluate the average or incremental cost effectiveness of a control alternative, you should make reasonable and supportable assumptions regarding control efficiencies. An unrealistically low assessment of the emission reduction potential of a certain technology could result in inflated cost-effectiveness figures. f. What other information should I provide in the cost impacts analysis?
You should provide documentation of any unusual circumstances that exist for the source that would lead to cost-effectiveness estimates that would exceed that for recent retrofits. This is especially important in cases where recent retrofits have cost-effectiveness values that are within what has been considered a reasonable range, but your analysis concludes that costs for the source being analyzed are not considered reasonable. (A reasonable range would be a range that is consistent with the range of cost effectiveness values used in other similar permit decisions over a period of time.)
Example: In an arid region, large amounts of water are needed for a scrubbing system. Acquiring water from a distant location could greatly increase the cost per ton of emissions reduced of wet scrubbing as a control option.
g. What other things are important to consider in the cost impacts
In the cost analysis, you should take care not to focus on incomplete results or partial calculations. For example, large capital costs for a control option alone would not preclude selection of a control measure if large emissions reductions are projected. In such a case, low or reasonable cost effectiveness numbers may validate the option as an appropriate BART alternative irrespective of the large capital costs. Similarly, projects with relatively low capital costs may not be cost effective if there are few emissions reduced.
h. Impact analysis part 2: How should I analyze and report energy
1. You should examine the energy requirements of the control technology and determine whether the use of that technology results in energy penalties or benefits. A source owner may, for example, benefit from the combustion of a concentrated gas stream rich in volatile organic compounds; on the other hand, more often extra fuel or electricity is required to power a control device or incinerate a dilute gas stream. If such benefits or penalties exist, they should be quantified to the extent practicable. Because energy penalties or benefits can usually be quantified in terms of additional cost or income to the source, the energy impacts analysis can, in most cases, simply be factored into the cost impacts analysis. The fact of energy use in and of itself does not disqualify a technology.
2. Your energy impact analysis should consider only direct energy consumption and not indirect energy impacts. For example, you could estimate the direct energy impacts of the control alternative in units of energy consumption at the source (e.g., BTU, kWh, barrels of oil, tons of coal). The energy requirements of the control options should be shown in terms of total (and in certain cases, also incremental) energy costs per ton of pollutant removed. You can then convert these units into dollar costs and, where appropriate, factor these costs into the control cost analysis.
3. You generally do not consider indirect energy impacts (such as energy to produce raw materials for construction of control equipment). However, if you determine, either independently or based on a showing by the source owner, that the indirect energy impact is unusual or significant and that the impact can be well quantified, you may consider the indirect impact.
4. The energy impact analysis may also address concerns over the use of locally scarce fuels. The designation of a scarce fuel may vary from region to region. However, in general, a scarce fuel is one which is in short supply locally and can be better used for alternative purposes, or one which may not be reasonably available to the source either at the present time or in the near future.
5. Finally, the energy impacts analysis may consider whether there are relative differences between alternatives regarding the use of locally or regionally available coal, and whether a given alternative would result in significant economic disruption or unemployment. For example, where two options are equally cost effective and achieve equivalent or similar emissions reductions, one option may be preferred if the other alternative results in significant disruption or unemployment.
i. Impact analysis part 3: How do I analyze ``non-air quality
environmental impacts?''
1. In the non-air quality related environmental impacts portion of the BART analysis, you address environmental impacts other than air quality due to emissions of the pollutant in question. Such environmental impacts include solid or hazardous waste generation and discharges of polluted water from a control device.
2. You should identify any significant or unusual environmental impacts associated with a control alternative that have the potential to affect the selection or elimination of a control alternative. Some control technologies may have potentially significant secondary environmental impacts. Scrubber effluent, for example, may affect water quality and land use. Alternatively, water availability may affect the feasibility and costs of wet scrubbers. Other examples of secondary environmental impacts could include hazardous waste discharges, such as spent catalysts or contaminated carbon. Generally, these types of environmental concerns become important when sensitive site-specific receptors exist or when the incremental emissions reductions potential of the more stringent control is only marginally greater than the next most-effective option. However, the fact that a control device creates liquid and solid waste that must be disposed of does not necessarily argue against selection of that technology as BART, particularly if the control device has been applied to similar facilities elsewhere and the solid or liquid waste is similar to those other applications. On the other hand, where you or the source owner can show that unusual circumstances at the proposed facility create greater problems than experienced elsewhere, this may provide a basis for the elimination of that control alternative as BART.
3. The procedure for conducting an analysis of non-air quality environmental impacts should be made based on a consideration of site-specific circumstances. If you propose to adopt the most stringent alternative, then it is not necessary to perform this analysis of environmental impacts for the entire list of technologies you ranked in Step 3. In general, the analysis need only address those control alternatives with any significant or unusual environmental impacts that have the potential to affect the selection of a control alternative, or elimination of a more stringent control alternative. Thus, any important relative environmental impacts (both positive and negative) of alternatives can be compared with each other.
4. In general, the analysis of impacts starts with the identification and quantification of the solid, liquid, and gaseous discharges from the control device or devices under review. Initially, you should perform a qualitative or semi-quantitative screening to narrow the analysis to discharges with potential for causing adverse environmental effects. Next, you should assess the mass and composition of any such discharges and quantify them to the extent possible, based on readily available information. You should also assemble pertinent information about the public or environmental consequences of releasing these materials.
j. Impact analysis part 4: What are examples of non-air quality
environmental impacts?
The following are examples of how to conduct non-air quality environmental impacts:
(1) Water Impact
You should identify the relative quantities of water used and water pollutants produced and discharged as a result of the use of each alternative emission control system. Where possible, you should assess the effect on ground water and such local surface water quality parameters as ph, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, salinity, toxic chemical levels, temperature, and any other important considerations. The analysis could consider whether applicable water quality standards will be met and the availability and effectiveness of various techniques to reduce potential adverse effects.
(2) Solid Waste Disposal Impact
You could also compare the quality and quantity of solid waste (e.g., sludges, solids) that must be stored and disposed of or recycled as a result of the application of each alternative emission control system. You should consider the composition and various other characteristics of the solid waste (such as permeability, water retention, rewatering of dried material, compression strength, leachability of dissolved ions, bulk density, ability to support vegetation growth and hazardous characteristics) which are significant with regard to potential surface water pollution or transport into and contamination of subsurface waters or aquifers.
(3) Irreversible or Irretrievable Commitment of Resources
You may consider the extent to which the alternative emission control systems may involve a trade-off between short-term environmental gains at the expense of long-term environmental losses and the extent to which the alternative systems may result in irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources (for example, use of scarce water resources).
(4) Other Adverse Environmental Impacts
You may consider significant differences in noise levels, radiant heat, or dissipated static electrical energy of pollution control alternatives. Other examples of non-air quality environmental impacts would include hazardous waste discharges such as spent catalysts or contaminated carbon.
k. How do I take into account a project's ``remaining useful life'' in
calculating control costs?
1. You may decide to treat the requirement to consider the source's ``remaining useful life'' of the source for BART determinations as one element of the overall cost analysis. The ``remaining useful life'' of a source, if it represents a relatively short time period, may affect the annualized costs of retrofit controls. For example, the methods for calculating annualized costs in EPA's OAQPS Control Cost Manual require the use of a specified time period for amortization that varies based upon the type of control. If the remaining useful life will clearly exceed this time period, the remaining useful life has essentially no effect on control costs and on the BART determination process. Where the remaining useful life is less than the time period for amortizing costs, you should use this shorter time period in your cost calculations.
2. For purposes of these guidelines, the remaining useful life is the difference between:
(1) The date that controls will be put in place (capital and other construction costs incurred before controls are put in place can be rolled into the first year, as suggested in EPA's OAQPS Control Cost Manual); you are conducting the BART analysis; and
(2) The date the facility permanently stops operations. Where this affects the BART determination, this date should be assured by a federally- or State-enforceable restriction preventing further operation.
3. We recognize that there may be situations where a source operator intends to shut down a source by a given date, but wishes to retain the flexibility to continue operating beyond that date in the event, for example, that market conditions change. Where this is the case, your BART analysis may account for this, but it must maintain consistency with the statutory requirement to install BART within 5 years. Where the source chooses not to accept a federally enforceable condition requiring the source to shut down by a given date, it is necessary to determine whether a reduced time period for the remaining useful life changes the level of controls that would have been required as BART.
If the reduced time period does change the level of BART controls, you may identify, and include as part of the BART emission limitation, the more stringent level of control that would be required as BART if there were no assumption that reduced the remaining useful life. You may incorporate into the BART emission limit this more stringent level, which would serve as a contingency should the source continue operating more than 5 years after the date EPA approves the relevant SIP. The source would not be allowed to operate after the 5-year mark without such controls. If a source does operate after the 5-year mark without BART in place, the source is considered to be in violation of the BART emissions limit for each day of operation.
5. Step 5: How should I determine visibility impacts in the BART
The following is an approach you may use to determine visibility impacts (the degree of visibility improvement for each source subject to BART) for the BART determination. Once you have determined that your source or sources are subject to BART, you must conduct a visibility improvement determination for the source(s) as part of the BART determination. When making this determination, we believe you have flexibility in setting absolute thresholds, target levels of improvement, or de minimis levels since the deciview improvement must be weighed among the five factors, and you are free to determine the weight and significance to be assigned to each factor. For example, a 0.3 deciview improvement may merit a stronger weighting in one case versus another, so one ``bright line'' may not be appropriate. [Note that if sources have elected to apply the most stringent controls available, consistent with the discussion in section E. step 1. below, you need not conduct, or require the source to conduct, an air quality modeling analysis for the purpose of determining its visibility impacts.]
Use CALPUFF, \17\ or other appropriate dispersion model to determine the visibility improvement expected at a Class I area from the potential BART control technology applied to the source. Modeling should be conducted for SO2, NOX, and direct PM emissions (PM2.5 and/or PM10). If the source is making the visibility determination, you should review and approve or disapprove of the source's analysis before making the expected improvement determination. There are several steps for determining the visibility impacts from an individual source using a dispersion model:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\17\ The model code and its documentation are available at no cost for download from
Develop a modeling protocol.
Some critical items to include in a modeling protocol are meteorological and terrain data, as well as source-specific information (stack height, temperature, exit velocity, elevation, and allowable and actual emission rates of applicable pollutants), and receptor data from appropriate Class I areas. We recommend following EPA's Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long Range Transport Impacts \18\ for parameter settings and meteorological data inputs; the use of other settings from those in IWAQM should be identified and explained in the protocol.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\18\ Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long Range Transport Impacts, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-454/R-98-019, December 1998.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
One important element of the protocol is in establishing the receptors that will be used in the model. The receptors that you use should be located in the nearest Class I area with sufficient density to identify the likely visibility effects of the source. For other Class I areas in relatively close proximity to a BART-eligible source, you may model a few strategic receptors to determine whether effects at those areas may be greater than at the nearest Class I area. For example, you might chose to locate receptors at these areas at the closest point to the source, at the highest and lowest elevation in the Class I area, at the IMPROVE monitor, and at the approximate expected plume release height. If the highest modeled effects are observed at the nearest Class I area, you may choose not to analyze the other Class I areas any further as additional analyses might be unwarranted.
You should bear in mind that some receptors within the relevant Class I area may be less than 50 km from the source while other receptors within that same Class I area may be greater than 50 km from the same source. As indicated by the Guideline on Air Quality Models, this situation may call for the use of two different modeling approaches for the same Class I area and source, depending upon the State's chosen method for modeling sources less than 50 km. In situations where you are assessing visibility impacts for source-receptor distances less than 50 km, you should use expert modeling judgment in determining visibility impacts, giving consideration to both CALPUFF and other EPA-approved methods.
In developing your modeling protocol, you may want to consult with EPA and your regional planning organization (RPO). Up-front consultation will ensure that key technical issues are addressed before you conduct your modeling.
For each source, run the model, at pre-control and post-control emission rates according to the accepted methodology in the protocol.
Use the 24-hour average actual emission rate from the highest emitting day of the meteorological period modeled (for the pre-control scenario). Calculate the model results for each receptor as the change in deciviews compared against natural visibility conditions. Post-control emission rates are calculated as a percentage of pre-control emission rates. For example, if the 24-hr pre-control emission rate is 100 lb/hr of SO2, then the post control rate is 5 lb/hr if the control efficiency being evaluated is 95 percent.
Make the net visibility improvement determination.
Assess the visibility improvement based on the modeled change in visibility impacts for the pre-control and post-control emission scenarios. You have flexibility to assess visibility improvements due to BART controls by one or more methods. You may consider the frequency, magnitude, and duration components of impairment. Suggestions for making the determination are:
Use of a comparison threshold, as is done for determining if BART-eligible sources should be subject to a BART determination. Comparison thresholds can be used in a number of ways in evaluating visibility improvement (e.g., the number of days or hours that the threshold was exceeded, a single threshold for determining whether a change in impacts is significant, or a threshold representing an x percent change in improvement).
Compare the 98th percent days for the pre- and post-control runs.
Note that each of the modeling options may be supplemented with source apportionment data or source apportionment modeling. E. How do I select the ``best'' alternative, using the results of Steps
1 through 5?
1. Summary of the Impacts Analysis
From the alternatives you evaluated in Step 3, we recommend you develop a chart (or charts) displaying for each of the alternatives:
(1) Expected emission rate (tons per year, pounds per hour);
(2) Emissions performance level (e.g., percent pollutant removed, emissions per unit product, lb/MMBtu, ppm);
(3) Expected emissions reductions (tons per year);
(4) Costs of compliance--total annualized costs ($), cost effectiveness ($/ton), and incremental cost effectiveness ($/ton), and/or any other cost-effectiveness measures (such as $/deciview);
(5) Energy impacts;
(6) Non-air quality environmental impacts; and
(7) Modeled visibility impacts.
2. Selecting a ``best'' alternative
1. You have discretion to determine the order in which you should evaluate control options for BART. Whatever the order in which you choose to evaluate options, you should always (1) display the options evaluated; (2) identify the average and incremental costs of each option; (3) consider the energy and non-air quality environmental impacts of each option; (4) consider the remaining useful life; and (5) consider the modeled visibility impacts. You should provide a justification for adopting the technology that you select as the ``best'' level of control, including an explanation of the CAA factors that led you to choose that option over other control levels.
2. In the case where you are conducting a BART determination for two regulated pollutants on the same source, if the result is two different BART technologies that do not work well together, you could then substitute a different technology or combination of technologies.
3. In selecting a ``best'' alternative, should I consider the
affordability of controls?
1. Even if the control technology is cost effective, there may be cases where the installation of controls would affect the viability of continued plant operations.
2. There may be unusual circumstances that justify taking into consideration the conditions of the plant and the economic effects of requiring the use of a given control technology. These effects would include effects on product prices, the market share, and profitability of the source. Where there are such unusual circumstances that are judged to affect plant operations, you may take into consideration the conditions of the plant and the economic effects of requiring the use of a control technology. Where these effects are judged to have a severe impact on plant operations you may consider them in the selection process, but you may wish to provide an economic analysis that demonstrates, in sufficient detail for public review, the specific economic effects, parameters, and reasoning. (We recognize that this review process must preserve the confidentiality of sensitive business information). Any analysis may also consider whether other competing plants in the same industry have been required to install BART controls if this information is available.
4. Sulfur dioxide limits for utility boilers
You must require 750 MW power plants to meet specific control levels for SO2 of either 95 percent control or 0.15 lbs/MMBtu, for each EGU greater than 200 MW that is currently uncontrolled unless you determine that an alternative control level is justified based on a careful consideration of the statutory factors. Thus, for example, if the source demonstrates circumstances affecting its ability to cost-effectively reduce its emissions, you should take that into account in determining whether the presumptive levels of control are appropriate for that facility. For a currently uncontrolled EGU greater than 200 MW in size, but located at a power plant smaller than 750 MW in size, such controls are generally cost-effective and could be used in your BART determination considering the five factors specified in CAA section 169A(g)(2). While these levels may represent current control capabilities, we expect that scrubber technology will continue to improve and control costs continue to decline. You should be sure to consider the level of control that is currently best achievable at the time that you are conducting your BART analysis.
For coal-fired EGUs with existing post-combustion SO2 controls achieving less than 50 percent removal efficiencies, we recommend that you evaluate constructing a new FGD system to meet the same emission limits as above (95 percent removal or 0.15 lb/mmBtu), in addition to the evaluation of scrubber upgrades discussed below. For oil-fired units, regardless of size, you should evaluate limiting the sulfur content of the fuel oil burned to 1 percent or less by weight.
For those BART-eligible EGUs with pre-existing post-combustion SO2 controls achieving removal efficiencies of at least 50 percent, your BART determination should consider cost effective scrubber upgrades designed to improve the system's overall SO2 removal efficiency. There are numerous scrubber enhancements available to upgrade the average removal efficiencies of all types of existing scrubber systems. We recommend that as you evaluate the definition of ``upgrade,'' you evaluate options that not only improve the design removal efficiency of the scrubber vessel itself, but also consider upgrades that can improve the overall SO2 removal efficiency of the scrubber system. Increasing a scrubber system's reliability, and conversely decreasing its downtime, by way of optimizing operation procedures, improving maintenance practices, adjusting scrubber chemistry, and increasing auxiliary equipment redundancy, are all ways to improve average SO2 removal efficiencies.
We recommend that as you evaluate the performance of existing wet scrubber systems, you consider some of the following upgrades, in no particular order, as potential scrubber upgrades that have been proven in the industry as cost effective means to increase overall SO2 removal of wet systems:
(a) Elimination of Bypass Reheat;
(b) Installation of Liquid Distribution Rings;
(c) Installation of Perforated Trays;
(d) Use of Organic Acid Additives;
(e) Improve or Upgrade Scrubber Auxiliary System Equipment;
(f) Redesign Spray Header or Nozzle Configuration.
We recommend that as you evaluate upgrade options for dry scrubber systems, you should consider the following cost effective upgrades, in no particular order:
(a) Use of Performance Additives;
(b) Use of more Reactive Sorbent;
(c) Increase the Pulverization Level of Sorbent;
(d) Engineering redesign of atomizer or slurry injection system.
You should evaluate scrubber upgrade options based on the 5 step BART analysis process.
5. Nitrogen oxide limits for utility boilers
You should establish specific numerical limits for NOX control for each BART determination. For power plants with a generating capacity in excess of 750 MW currently using selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) for part of the year, you should presume that use of those same controls year-round is BART. For other sources currently using SCR or SNCR to reduce NOX emissions during part of the year, you should carefully consider requiring the use of these controls year-round as the additional costs of operating the equipment throughout the year would be relatively modest.
For coal-fired EGUs greater than 200 MW located at greater than 750 MW power plants and operating without post-combustion controls (i.e. SCR or SNCR), we have provided presumptive NOX limits, differentiated by boiler design and type of coal burned. You may determine that an alternative control level is appropriate based on a careful consideration of the statutory factors. For coal-fired EGUs greater than 200 MW located at power plants 750 MW or less in size and operating without post-combustion controls, you should likewise presume that these same levels are cost-effective. You should require such utility boilers to meet the following NOX emission limits, unless you determine that an alternative control level is justified based on consideration of the statutory factors. The following NOX emission rates were determined based on a number of assumptions, including that the EGU boiler has enough volume to allow for installation and effective operation of separated overfire air ports. For boilers where these assumptions are incorrect, these emission limits may not be cost-effective.
Table 1--Presumptive NOX Emission Limits for BART-Eligible Coal-Fired
Units. \19\------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOX presumptive
Unit type Coal type limit (lb/mmbtu)
\20\------------------------------------------------------------------------Dry-bottom wall-fired......... Bituminous............ 0.39
Sub-bituminous........ 0.23
Lignite............... 0.29Tangential-fired.............. Bituminous............ 0.28
Sub-bituminous........ 0.15
Lignite............... 0.17Cell Burners.................. Bituminous............ 0.40
Sub-bituminous........ 0.45Dry-turbo-fired............... Bituminous............ 0.32
Sub-bituminous........ 0.23Wet-bottom tangential-fired... Bituminous............ 0.62------------------------------------------------------------------------\19\ No Cell burners, dry-turbo-fired units, nor wet-bottom tangential-
fired units burning lignite were identified as BART-eligible, thus no
presumptive limit was determined. Similarly, no wet-bottom tangential-
fired units burning sub-bituminous were identified as BART-eligible.\20\ These limits reflect the design and technological assumptions
discussed in the technical support document for NOX limits for these
guidelines. See Technical Support Document for BART NOX Limits for
Electric Generating Units and Technical Support Document for BART NOX
Limits for Electric Generating Units Excel Spreadsheet, Memorandum to
Docket OAR 2002-0076, April 15, 2005.
Most EGUs can meet these presumptive NOX limits through the use of current combustion control technology, i.e. the careful control of combustion air and low-NOX burners. For units that cannot meet these limits using such technologies, you should consider whether advanced combustion control technologies such as rotating opposed fire air should be used to meet these limits.
Because of the relatively high NOX emission rates of cyclone units, SCR is more cost-effective than the use of current combustion control technology for these units. The use of SCRs at cyclone units burning bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, and lignite should enable the units to cost-effectively meet NOX rates of 0.10 lbs/mmbtu. As a result, we are establishing a presumptive NOX limit of 0.10 lbs/mmbtu based on the use of SCR for coal-fired cyclone units greater than 200 MW located at 750 MW power plants. As with the other presumptive limits established in this guideline, you may determine that an alternative level of control is appropriate based on your consideration of the relevant statutory factors. For other cyclone units, you should review the use of SCR and consider whether these post-combustion controls should be required as BART.
For oil-fired and gas-fired EGUs larger than 200MW, we believe that installation of current combustion control technology to control NOX is generally highly cost-effective and should be considered in your determination of BART for these sources. Many such units can make significant reductions in NOX emissions which are highly cost-effective through the application of current combustion control technology. \21\---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\21\ See Technical Support Document for BART NOX Limits for Electric Generating Units and Technical Support Document for BART NOX Limits for Electric Generating Units Excel Spreadsheet, Memorandum to Docket OAR 2002-0076, April 15, 2005.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
V. Enforceable Limits/Compliance Date
To complete the BART process, you must establish enforceable emission limits that reflect the BART requirements and require compliance within a given period of time. In particular, you must establish an enforceable emission limit for each subject emission unit at the source and for each pollutant subject to review that is emitted from the source. In addition, you must require compliance with the BART emission limitations no later than 5 years after EPA approves your regional haze SIP. If technological or economic limitations in the application of a measurement methodology to a particular emission unit make a conventional emissions limit infeasible, you may instead prescribe a design, equipment, work practice, operation standard, or combination of these types of standards. You should consider allowing sources to ``average'' emissions across any set of BART-eligible emission units within a fenceline, so long as the emission reductions from each pollutant being controlled for BART would be equal to those reductions that would be obtained by simply controlling each of the BART-eligible units that constitute BART-eligible source.
You should ensure that any BART requirements are written in a way that clearly specifies the individual emission unit(s) subject to BART regulation. Because the BART requirements themselves are ``applicable'' requirements of the CAA, they must be included as title V permit conditions according to the procedures established in 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71.
Section 302(k) of the CAA requires emissions limits such as BART to be met on a continuous basis. Although this provision does not necessarily require the use of continuous emissions monitoring (CEMs), it is important that sources employ techniques that ensure compliance on a continuous basis. Monitoring requirements generally applicable to sources, including those that are subject to BART, are governed by other regulations. See, e.g., 40 CFR part 64 (compliance assurance monitoring); 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3) (periodic monitoring); 40 CFR 70.6(c)(1) (sufficiency monitoring). Note also that while we do not believe that CEMs would necessarily be required for all BART sources, the vast majority of electric generating units potentially subject to BART already employ CEM technology for other programs, such as the acid rain program. In addition, emissions limits must be enforceable as a practical matter (contain appropriate averaging times, compliance verification procedures and recordkeeping requirements). In light of the above, the permit must:
Be sufficient to show compliance or noncompliance (i.e., through monitoring times of operation, fuel input, or other indices of operating conditions and practices); and
Specify a reasonable averaging time consistent with established reference methods, contain reference methods for determining compliance, and provide for adequate reporting and recordkeeping so that air quality agency personnel can determine the compliance status of the source; and
For EGUS, specify an averaging time of a 30-day rolling average, and contain a definition of ``boiler operating day'' that is consistent with the definition in the proposed revisions to the NSPS for utility boilers in 40 CFR Part 60, subpart Da. \22\ You should consider a boiler operating day to be any 24-hour period between 12:00 midnight and the following midnight during which any fuel is combusted at any time at the steam generating unit. This would allow 30-day rolling average emission rates to be calculated consistently across sources.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
\22\ 70 FR 9705, February 28, 2005. [70 FR 39156, July 6, 2005]
A list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are included in the CFR Index and Finding Aids volume to the Code of Federal Regulations which is published separately and revised annually.
Table of CFR Titles and Chapters
Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR
List of CFR Sections Affected
Table of CFR Titles and Chapters
(Revised as of July 1, 2015)
Title 1--General Provisions
I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
(Parts 1--49)
II Office of the Federal Register (Parts 50--299)
III Administrative Conference of the United States (Parts
IV Miscellaneous Agencies (Parts 400--500)
Title 2--Grants and Agreements
Subtitle A--Office of Management and Budget Guidance
for Grants and Agreements
I Office of Management and Budget Governmentwide
Guidance for Grants and Agreements (Parts 2--199)
II Office of Management and Budget Guidance (Parts 200--
Subtitle B--Federal Agency Regulations for Grants and
III Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300--
IV Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
VI Department of State (Parts 600--699)
VII Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)
VIII Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899)
IX Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)
X Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)
XI Department of Defense (Parts 1100--1199)
XII Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
XIII Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)
XIV Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499)
XV Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599)
XVIII National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts
XX United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts
XXII Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts
XXIII Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)
XXIV Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400--2499)
XXV National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599)
XXVI National Archives and Records Administration (Parts
XXVII Small Business Administration (Parts 2700--2799)
XXVIII Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899)
XXIX Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999)
XXX Department of Homeland Security (Parts 3000--3099)
XXXI Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 3100--
XXXII National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 3200--3299)
XXXIII National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 3300--
XXXIV Department of Education (Parts 3400--3499)
XXXV Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 3500--
XXXVI Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive
Office of the President (Parts 3600--3699)
XXXVII Peace Corps (Parts 3700--3799)
LVIII Election Assistance Commission (Parts 5800--5899)
LIX Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Parts 5900--
Title 3--The President
I Executive Office of the President (Parts 100--199)
Title 4--Accounts
I Government Accountability Office (Parts 1--199)
Title 5--Administrative Personnel
I Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1--1199)
II Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 1200--1299)
III Office of Management and Budget (Parts 1300--1399)
IV Office of Personnel Management and Office of the
Director of National Intelligence (Parts 1400--
V The International Organizations Employees Loyalty
Board (Parts 1500--1599)
VI Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts
VIII Office of Special Counsel (Parts 1800--1899)
IX Appalachian Regional Commission (Parts 1900--1999)
XI Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 2100--2199)
XIV Federal Labor Relations Authority, General Counsel of
the Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal
Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400--2499)
XVI Office of Government Ethics (Parts 2600--2699)
XXI Department of the Treasury (Parts 3100--3199)
XXII Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 3200--
XXIII Department of Energy (Parts 3300--3399)
XXIV Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Parts 3400--
XXV Department of the Interior (Parts 3500--3599)
XXVI Department of Defense (Parts 3600--3699)
XXVIII Department of Justice (Parts 3800--3899)
XXIX Federal Communications Commission (Parts 3900--3999)
XXX Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 4000--
XXXI Farm Credit Administration (Parts 4100--4199)
XXXIII Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 4300--
XXXIV Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 4400--4499)
XXXV Office of Personnel Management (Parts 4500--4599)
XXXVII Federal Election Commission (Parts 4700--4799)
XL Interstate Commerce Commission (Parts 5000--5099)
XLI Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 5100--
XLII Department of Labor (Parts 5200--5299)
XLIII National Science Foundation (Parts 5300--5399)
XLV Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 5500--
XLVI Postal Rate Commission (Parts 5600--5699)
XLVII Federal Trade Commission (Parts 5700--5799)
XLVIII Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 5800--5899)
XLIX Federal Labor Relations Authority (Parts 5900--5999)
L Department of Transportation (Parts 6000--6099)
LII Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 6200--
LIII Department of Education (Parts 6300--6399)
LIV Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 6400--6499)
LV National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 6500--6599)
LVI National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 6600--
LVII General Services Administration (Parts 6700--6799)
LVIII Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(Parts 6800--6899)
LIX National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts
LX United States Postal Service (Parts 7000--7099)
LXI National Labor Relations Board (Parts 7100--7199)
LXII Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 7200--
LXIII Inter-American Foundation (Parts 7300--7399)
LXIV Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 7400--7499)
LXV Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts
LXVI National Archives and Records Administration (Parts
LXVII Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 7700--
LXVIII Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 7800--7899)
LXIX Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 7900--7999)
LXX Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the
District of Columbia (Parts 8000--8099)
LXXI Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 8100--8199)
LXXIII Department of Agriculture (Parts 8300--8399)
LXXIV Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
(Parts 8400--8499)
LXXVI Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts
LXXVII Office of Management and Budget (Parts 8700--8799)
LXXX Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 9000--9099)
LXXXIII Special Inspector General for Afghanistan
Reconstruction (Parts 9300--9399)
LXXXIV Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Parts 9400--
LXXXVI National Credit Union Administration (Parts 9600--
XCVII Department of Homeland Security Human Resources
Management System (Department of Homeland
Security--Office of Personnel Management) (Parts
XCVII Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and
Efficiency (Parts 9800--9899)
XCIV Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization
Commission (Parts 9900--9999)
Title 6--Domestic Security
I Department of Homeland Security, Office of the
Secretary (Parts 1--199)
X Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Parts
Title 7--Agriculture
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
(Parts 0--26)
Subtitle B--Regulations of the Department of
I Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards,
Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of
Agriculture (Parts 27--209)
II Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 210--299)
III Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department
of Agriculture (Parts 300--399)
IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
V Agricultural Research Service, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 500--599)
VI Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 600--699)
VII Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts
VIII Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards
Administration (Federal Grain Inspection Service),
Department of Agriculture (Parts 800--899)
IX Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements
and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department
of Agriculture (Parts 900--999)
X Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements
and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture
(Parts 1000--1199)
XI Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements
and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department
of Agriculture (Parts 1200--1299)
XIV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 1400--1499)
XV Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 1500--1599)
XVI Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts
XVII Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 1700--1799)
XVIII Rural Housing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative
Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service
Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1800--
XX Local Television Loan Guarantee Board (Parts 2200--
XXV Office of Advocacy and Outreach, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 2500--2599)
XXVI Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 2600--2699)
XXVII Office of Information Resources Management, Department
of Agriculture (Parts 2700--2799)
XXVIII Office of Operations, Department of Agriculture (Parts
XXIX Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 2900--2999)
XXX Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 3000--3099)
XXXI Office of Environmental Quality, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 3100--3199)
XXXII Office of Procurement and Property Management,
Department of Agriculture (Parts 3200--3299)
XXXIII Office of Transportation, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 3300--3399)
XXXIV National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Parts
XXXV Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 3500--3599)
XXXVI National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department
of Agriculture (Parts 3600--3699)
XXXVII Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture
(Parts 3700--3799)
XXXVIII World Agricultural Outlook Board, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 3800--3899)
XLI [Reserved]
XLII Rural Business-Cooperative Service and Rural Utilities
Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 4200--
Title 8--Aliens and Nationality
I Department of Homeland Security (Immigration and
Naturalization) (Parts 1--499)
V Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of
Justice (Parts 1000--1399)
Title 9--Animals and Animal Products
I Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department
of Agriculture (Parts 1--199)
II Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards
Administration (Packers and Stockyards Programs),
Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--299)
III Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of
Agriculture (Parts 300--599)
Title 10--Energy
I Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 0--199)
II Department of Energy (Parts 200--699)
III Department of Energy (Parts 700--999)
X Department of Energy (General Provisions) (Parts
XIII Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Parts 1300--
XVII Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Parts 1700--
XVIII Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Commission (Parts 1800--1899)
Title 11--Federal Elections
I Federal Election Commission (Parts 1--9099)
II Election Assistance Commission (Parts 9400--9499)
Title 12--Banks and Banking
I Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 1--199)
II Federal Reserve System (Parts 200--299)
III Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 300--399)
IV Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 400--
V Office of Thrift Supervision, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 500--599)
VI Farm Credit Administration (Parts 600--699)
VII National Credit Union Administration (Parts 700--799)
VIII Federal Financing Bank (Parts 800--899)
IX Federal Housing Finance Board (Parts 900--999)
X Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Parts 1000--
XI Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
(Parts 1100--1199)
XII Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
XIII Financial Stability Oversight Council (Parts 1300--
XIV Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 1400--
XV Department of the Treasury (Parts 1500--1599)
XVI Office of Financial Research (Parts 1600--1699)
XVII Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight,
Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts
XVIII Community Development Financial Institutions Fund,
Department of the Treasury (Parts 1800--1899)
Title 13--Business Credit and Assistance
I Small Business Administration (Parts 1--199)
III Economic Development Administration, Department of
Commerce (Parts 300--399)
IV Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board (Parts 400--499)
V Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board (Parts
Title 14--Aeronautics and Space
I Federal Aviation Administration, Department of
Transportation (Parts 1--199)
II Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation
(Aviation Proceedings) (Parts 200--399)
III Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation
Administration, Department of Transportation
(Parts 400--1199)
V National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts
VI Air Transportation System Stabilization (Parts 1300--
Title 15--Commerce and Foreign Trade
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Commerce (Parts
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Commerce and
Foreign Trade
I Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce (Parts
II National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Department of Commerce (Parts 200--299)
III International Trade Administration, Department of
Commerce (Parts 300--399)
IV Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Department of Commerce
(Parts 400--499)
VII Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of
Commerce (Parts 700--799)
VIII Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce
(Parts 800--899)
IX National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Department of Commerce (Parts 900--999)
XI Technology Administration, Department of Commerce
(Parts 1100--1199)
XIII East-West Foreign Trade Board (Parts 1300--1399)
XIV Minority Business Development Agency (Parts 1400--
Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade
XX Office of the United States Trade Representative
(Parts 2000--2099)
Subtitle D--Regulations Relating to Telecommunications
and Information
XXIII National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts
Title 16--Commercial Practices
I Federal Trade Commission (Parts 0--999)
II Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 1000--1799)
Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges
I Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 1--199)
II Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 200--399)
IV Department of the Treasury (Parts 400--499)
Title 18--Conservation of Power and Water Resources
I Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of
Energy (Parts 1--399)
III Delaware River Basin Commission (Parts 400--499)
VI Water Resources Council (Parts 700--799)
VIII Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Parts 800--899)
XIII Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 1300--1399)
Title 19--Customs Duties
I U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of
Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury
(Parts 0--199)
II United States International Trade Commission (Parts
III International Trade Administration, Department of
Commerce (Parts 300--399)
IV U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department
of Homeland Security (Parts 400--599)
Title 20--Employees' Benefits
I Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department
of Labor (Parts 1--199)
II Railroad Retirement Board (Parts 200--399)
III Social Security Administration (Parts 400--499)
IV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of
Labor (Parts 500--599)
V Employment and Training Administration, Department of
Labor (Parts 600--699)
VI Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department
of Labor (Parts 700--799)
VII Benefits Review Board, Department of Labor (Parts
VIII Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (Parts
IX Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans'
Employment and Training Service, Department of
Labor (Parts 1000--1099)
Title 21--Food and Drugs
I Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and
Human Services (Parts 1--1299)
II Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice
(Parts 1300--1399)
III Office of National Drug Control Policy (Parts 1400--
Title 22--Foreign Relations
I Department of State (Parts 1--199)
II Agency for International Development (Parts 200--299)
III Peace Corps (Parts 300--399)
IV International Joint Commission, United States and
Canada (Parts 400--499)
V Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 500--599)
VII Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 700--
IX Foreign Service Grievance Board (Parts 900--999)
X Inter-American Foundation (Parts 1000--1099)
XI International Boundary and Water Commission, United
States and Mexico, United States Section (Parts
XII United States International Development Cooperation
Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
XIII Millennium Challenge Corporation (Parts 1300--1399)
XIV Foreign Service Labor Relations Board; Federal Labor
Relations Authority; General Counsel of the
Federal Labor Relations Authority; and the Foreign
Service Impasse Disputes Panel (Parts 1400--1499)
XV African Development Foundation (Parts 1500--1599)
XVI Japan-United States Friendship Commission (Parts
XVII United States Institute of Peace (Parts 1700--1799)
Title 23--Highways
I Federal Highway Administration, Department of
Transportation (Parts 1--999)
II National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and
Federal Highway Administration, Department of
Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
III National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Department of Transportation (Parts 1300--1399)
Title 24--Housing and Urban Development
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of
Housing and Urban Development (Parts 0--99)
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban
I Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity,
Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts
II Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Parts 200--299)
III Government National Mortgage Association, Department
of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 300--399)
IV Office of Housing and Office of Multifamily Housing
Assistance Restructuring, Department of Housing
and Urban Development (Parts 400--499)
V Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning
and Development, Department of Housing and Urban
Development (Parts 500--599)
VI Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning
and Development, Department of Housing and Urban
Development (Parts 600--699) [Reserved]
VII Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Housing Assistance Programs and
Public and Indian Housing Programs) (Parts 700--
VIII Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal
Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Section 8 Housing Assistance
Programs, Section 202 Direct Loan Program, Section
202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and
Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With
Disabilities Program) (Parts 800--899)
IX Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing, Department of Housing and Urban
Development (Parts 900--1699)
X Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal
Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Interstate Land Sales
Registration Program) (Parts 1700--1799)
XII Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Parts 2000--2099)
XV Emergency Mortgage Insurance and Loan Programs,
Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts
2700--2799) [Reserved]
XX Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal
Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and
Urban Development (Parts 3200--3899)
XXIV Board of Directors of the HOPE for Homeowners Program
(Parts 4000--4099) [Reserved]
XXV Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (Parts 4100--
Title 25--Indians
I Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior
(Parts 1--299)
II Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the
Interior (Parts 300--399)
III National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the
Interior (Parts 500--599)
IV Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Parts
V Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior,
and Indian Health Service, Department of Health
and Human Services (Part 900)
VI Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs,
Department of the Interior (Parts 1000--1199)
VII Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians,
Department of the Interior (Parts 1200--1299)
Title 26--Internal Revenue
I Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury
(Parts 1--End)
Title 27--Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms
I Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department
of the Treasury (Parts 1--399)
II Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,
Department of Justice (Parts 400--699)
Title 28--Judicial Administration
I Department of Justice (Parts 0--299)
III Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice
(Parts 300--399)
V Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice (Parts 500--
VI Offices of Independent Counsel, Department of Justice
(Parts 600--699)
VII Office of Independent Counsel (Parts 700--799)
VIII Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the
District of Columbia (Parts 800--899)
IX National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council
(Parts 900--999)
XI Department of Justice and Department of State (Parts
Title 29--Labor
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Labor (Parts
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Labor
I National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100--199)
II Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of
Labor (Parts 200--299)
III National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300--399)
IV Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of
Labor (Parts 400--499)
V Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts
IX Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission
(Parts 900--999)
X National Mediation Board (Parts 1200--1299)
XII Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts
XIV Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 1600--
XVII Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Department of Labor (Parts 1900--1999)
XX Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
(Parts 2200--2499)
XXV Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department
of Labor (Parts 2500--2599)
XXVII Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
(Parts 2700--2799)
XL Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Parts 4000--
Title 30--Mineral Resources
I Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of
Labor (Parts 1--199)
II Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement,
Department of the Interior (Parts 200--299)
IV Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts
V Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the
Interior (Parts 500--599)
VII Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,
Department of the Interior (Parts 700--999)
XII Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Department of the
Interior (Parts 1200--1299)
Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Treasury
(Parts 0--50)
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Money and Finance
I Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury (Parts
II Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts
IV Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts
V Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 500--599)
VI Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 600--699)
VII Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of
the Treasury (Parts 700--799)
VIII Office of International Investment, Department of the
Treasury (Parts 800--899)
IX Federal Claims Collection Standards (Department of the
Treasury--Department of Justice) (Parts 900--999)
X Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of
the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)
Title 32--National Defense
Subtitle A--Department of Defense
I Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 1--399)
V Department of the Army (Parts 400--699)
VI Department of the Navy (Parts 700--799)
VII Department of the Air Force (Parts 800--1099)
Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to National
XII Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 1200--1299)
XVI Selective Service System (Parts 1600--1699)
XVII Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts
XVIII National Counterintelligence Center (Parts 1800--1899)
XIX Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900--1999)
XX Information Security Oversight Office, National
Archives and Records Administration (Parts 2000--
XXI National Security Council (Parts 2100--2199)
XXIV Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 2400--
XXVII Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations (Parts
XXVIII Office of the Vice President of the United States
(Parts 2800--2899)
Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters
I Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts
II Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts
IV Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation,
Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)
Title 34--Education
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of
Education (Parts 1--99)
Subtitle B--Regulations of the Offices of the
Department of Education
I Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education
(Parts 100--199)
II Office of Elementary and Secondary Education,
Department of Education (Parts 200--299)
III Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative
Services, Department of Education (Parts 300--399)
IV Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education,
Department of Education (Parts 400--499)
V Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages
Affairs, Department of Education (Parts 500--
VI Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of
Education (Parts 600--699)
VII Office of Educational Research and Improvement,
Department of Education (Parts 700--799)[Reserved]
Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Education
XI [Reserved]
XII National Council on Disability (Parts 1200--1299)
Title 35 [Reserved]
Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property
I National Park Service, Department of the Interior
(Parts 1--199)
II Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--
III Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts
IV American Battle Monuments Commission (Parts 400--499)
V Smithsonian Institution (Parts 500--599)
VI [Reserved]
VII Library of Congress (Parts 700--799)
VIII Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800--
IX Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (Parts
X Presidio Trust (Parts 1000--1099)
XI Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (Parts 1100--1199)
XII National Archives and Records Administration (Parts
XV Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust (Parts 1500--
XVI Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National
Environmental Policy Foundation (Parts 1600--1699)
Title 37--Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
I United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department
of Commerce (Parts 1--199)
II U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts
III Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress (Parts
IV Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy, Department
of Commerce (Parts 400--599)
Title 38--Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief
I Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 0--199)
II Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 200--299)
Title 39--Postal Service
I United States Postal Service (Parts 1--999)
III Postal Regulatory Commission (Parts 3000--3099)
Title 40--Protection of Environment
I Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1--1099)
IV Environmental Protection Agency and Department of
Justice (Parts 1400--1499)
V Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500--1599)
VI Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (Parts
VII Environmental Protection Agency and Department of
Defense; Uniform National Discharge Standards for
Vessels of the Armed Forces (Parts 1700--1799)
VIII Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Parts 1800--
Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management
Subtitle A--Federal Procurement Regulations System
Subtitle B--Other Provisions Relating to Public
50 Public Contracts, Department of Labor (Parts 50-1--50-
51 Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or
Severely Disabled (Parts 51-1--51-99)
60 Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal
Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Parts
61 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans'
Employment and Training Service, Department of
Labor (Parts 61-1--61-999)
62--100 [Reserved]
Subtitle C--Federal Property Management Regulations
101 Federal Property Management Regulations (Parts 101-1--
102 Federal Management Regulation (Parts 102-1--102-299)
103--104 [Reserved]
105 General Services Administration (Parts 105-1--105-999)
109 Department of Energy Property Management Regulations
(Parts 109-1--109-99)
114 Department of the Interior (Parts 114-1--114-99)
115 Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 115-1--115-99)
128 Department of Justice (Parts 128-1--128-99)
129--200 [Reserved]
Subtitle D--Other Provisions Relating to Property
Management [Reserved]
Subtitle E--Federal Information Resources Management
Regulations System [Reserved]
Subtitle F--Federal Travel Regulation System
300 General (Parts 300-1--300-99)
301 Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301-1--
302 Relocation Allowances (Parts 302-1--302-99)
303 Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of
Certain Employees (Part 303-1--303-99)
304 Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source
(Parts 304-1--304-99)
Title 42--Public Health
I Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human
Services (Parts 1--199)
IV Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department
of Health and Human Services (Parts 400--599)
V Office of Inspector General-Health Care, Department of
Health and Human Services (Parts 1000--1999)
Title 43--Public Lands: Interior
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Interior
(Parts 1--199)
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Lands
I Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior
(Parts 400--999)
II Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
(Parts 1000--9999)
III Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation
Commission (Parts 10000--10099)
Title 44--Emergency Management and Assistance
I Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security (Parts 0--399)
IV Department of Commerce and Department of
Transportation (Parts 400--499)
Title 45--Public Welfare
Subtitle A--Department of Health and Human Services
(Parts 1--199)
Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Welfare
II Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs),
Administration for Children and Families,
Department of Health and Human Services (Parts
III Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support
Enforcement Program), Administration for Children
and Families, Department of Health and Human
Services (Parts 300--399)
IV Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for
Children and Families, Department of Health and
Human Services (Parts 400--499)
V Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United
States, Department of Justice (Parts 500--599)
VI National Science Foundation (Parts 600--699)
VII Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 700--799)
VIII Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800--899)
X Office of Community Services, Administration for
Children and Families, Department of Health and
Human Services (Parts 1000--1099)
XI National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities
(Parts 1100--1199)
XII Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts
XIII Office of Human Development Services, Department of
Health and Human Services (Parts 1300--1399)
XVI Legal Services Corporation (Parts 1600--1699)
XVII National Commission on Libraries and Information
Science (Parts 1700--1799)
XVIII Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 1800--
XXI Commission on Fine Arts (Parts 2100--2199)
XXIII Arctic Research Commission (Part 2301)
XXIV James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Parts
XXV Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts
Title 46--Shipping
I Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts
II Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation
(Parts 200--399)
III Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of
Homeland Security (Parts 400--499)
IV Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500--599)
Title 47--Telecommunication
I Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0--199)
II Office of Science and Technology Policy and National
Security Council (Parts 200--299)
III National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts
IV National Telecommunications and Information
Administration, Department of Commerce, and
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)
Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System
1 Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1--99)
2 Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of
Defense (Parts 200--299)
3 Health and Human Services (Parts 300--399)
4 Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)
5 General Services Administration (Parts 500--599)
6 Department of State (Parts 600--699)
7 Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)
8 Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899)
9 Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)
10 Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)
12 Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)
13 Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)
14 Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499)
15 Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599)
16 Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees
Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation (Parts
17 Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1700--1799)
18 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts
19 Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 1900--1999)
20 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 2000--2099)
21 Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees
Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition
Regulation (Parts 2100--2199)
23 Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)
24 Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts
25 National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599)
28 Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899)
29 Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999)
30 Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security
Acquisition Regulation (HSAR) (Parts 3000--3099)
34 Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (Parts
51 Department of the Army Acquisition Regulations (Parts
52 Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations (Parts
53 Department of the Air Force Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (Parts 5300--5399)
54 Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Parts
57 African Development Foundation (Parts 5700--5799)
61 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, General Services
Administration (Parts 6100--6199)
63 Department of Transportation Board of Contract Appeals
(Parts 6300--6399)
99 Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal
Procurement Policy, Office of Management and
Budget (Parts 9900--9999)
Title 49--Transportation
Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation
(Parts 1--99)
Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to
I Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, Department of Transportation
(Parts 100--199)
II Federal Railroad Administration, Department of
Transportation (Parts 200--299)
III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration,
Department of Transportation (Parts 300--399)
IV Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts
V National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
Department of Transportation (Parts 500--599)
VI Federal Transit Administration, Department of
Transportation (Parts 600--699)
VII National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
(Parts 700--799)
VIII National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800--999)
X Surface Transportation Board, Department of
Transportation (Parts 1000--1399)
XI Research and Innovative Technology Administration,
Department of Transportation (Parts 1400--1499)
XII Transportation Security Administration, Department of
Homeland Security (Parts 1500--1699)
Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries
I United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of
the Interior (Parts 1--199)
II National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, Department of
Commerce (Parts 200--299)
III International Fishing and Related Activities (Parts
IV Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, Department of the Interior and National
Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Department of
Commerce); Endangered Species Committee
Regulations (Parts 400--499)
V Marine Mammal Commission (Parts 500--599)
VI Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, Department of
Commerce (Parts 600--699)
CFR Index and Finding Aids
Subject/Agency Index
List of Agency Prepared Indexes
Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules
List of CFR Titles, Chapters, Subchapters, and Parts
Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR
Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR
(Revised as of July 1, 2015)
CFR Title, Subtitle or
Agency Chapter Administrative Committee of the Federal Register 1, IAdministrative Conference of the United States 1, IIIAdvisory Council on Historic Preservation 36, VIIIAdvocacy and Outreach, Office of 7, XXVAfghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector 5, LXXXIII
General forAfrican Development Foundation 22, XV
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 57Agency for International Development 2, VII; 22, II
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 7Agricultural Marketing Service 7, I, IX, X, XIAgricultural Research Service 7, VAgriculture Department 2, IV; 5, LXXIII
Advocacy and Outreach, Office of 7, XXV
Agricultural Marketing Service 7, I, IX, X, XI
Agricultural Research Service 7, V
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7, III; 9, I
Chief Financial Officer, Office of 7, XXX
Commodity Credit Corporation 7, XIV
Economic Research Service 7, XXXVII
Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of 2, IX; 7, XXIX
Environmental Quality, Office of 7, XXXI
Farm Service Agency 7, VII, XVIII
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 4
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 7, IV
Food and Nutrition Service 7, II
Food Safety and Inspection Service 9, III
Foreign Agricultural Service 7, XV
Forest Service 36, II
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 7, VIII; 9, II
Information Resources Management, Office of 7, XXVII
Inspector General, Office of 7, XXVI
National Agricultural Library 7, XLI
National Agricultural Statistics Service 7, XXXVI
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 7, XXXIV
Natural Resources Conservation Service 7, VI
Operations, Office of 7, XXVIII
Procurement and Property Management, Office of 7, XXXII
Rural Business-Cooperative Service 7, XVIII, XLII, L
Rural Development Administration 7, XLII
Rural Housing Service 7, XVIII, XXXV, L
Rural Telephone Bank 7, XVI
Rural Utilities Service 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L
Secretary of Agriculture, Office of 7, Subtitle A
Transportation, Office of 7, XXXIII
World Agricultural Outlook Board 7, XXXVIIIAir Force Department 32, VII
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 48, 53Air Transportation Stabilization Board 14, VIAlcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 27, IAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 27, II
Bureau ofAMTRAK 49, VIIAmerican Battle Monuments Commission 36, IVAmerican Indians, Office of the Special Trustee 25, VII Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7, III; 9, IAppalachian Regional Commission 5, IXArchitectural and Transportation Barriers 36, XI
Compliance BoardArctic Research Commission 45, XXIIIArmed Forces Retirement Home 5, XIArmy Department 32, V
Engineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, III
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 51Bilingual Education and Minority Languages 34, V
Affairs, Office ofBlind or Severely Disabled, Committee for 41, 51
Purchase from People Who AreBroadcasting Board of Governors 22, V
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 19Career, Technical and Adult Education, Office of 34, IVCensus Bureau 15, ICenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services 42, IVCentral Intelligence Agency 32, XIXChemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation 40, VI
BoardChief Financial Officer, Office of 7, XXXChild Support Enforcement, Office of 45, IIIChildren and Families, Administration for 45, II, III, IV, XCivil Rights, Commission on 5, LXVIII; 45, VIICivil Rights, Office for 34, ICouncil of the Inspectors General on Integrity 5, XCVIII
and EfficiencyCourt Services and Offender Supervision Agency 5, LXX
for the District of ColumbiaCoast Guard 33, I; 46, I; 49, IVCoast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) 46, IIICommerce Department 2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI
Census Bureau 15, I
Economic Analysis, Bureau of 15, VIII
Economic Development Administration 13, III
Emergency Management and Assistance 44, IV
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 13
Foreign-Trade Zones Board 15, IV
Industry and Security, Bureau of 15, VII
International Trade Administration 15, III; 19, III
National Institute of Standards and Technology 15, II
National Marine Fisheries Service 50, II, IV
National Oceanic and Atmospheric 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV,
Administration VI
National Telecommunications and Information 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV
National Weather Service 15, IX
Patent and Trademark Office, United States 37, I
Productivity, Technology and Innovation, 37, IV
Assistant Secretary for
Secretary of Commerce, Office of 15, Subtitle A
Technology Administration 15, XI
Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for 37, IVCommercial Space Transportation 14, IIICommodity Credit Corporation 7, XIVCommodity Futures Trading Commission 5, XLI; 17, ICommunity Planning and Development, Office of 24, V, VI
Assistant Secretary forCommunity Services, Office of 45, XComptroller of the Currency 12, IConstruction Industry Collective Bargaining 29, IX
CommissionConsumer Financial Protection Bureau 5, LXXXIV; 12, XConsumer Product Safety Commission 5, LXXI; 16, IICopyright Royalty Board 37, IIICorporation for National and Community Service 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXVCost Accounting Standards Board 48, 99Council on Environmental Quality 40, VCourt Services and Offender Supervision Agency 5, LXX; 28, VIII
for the District of ColumbiaCustoms and Border Protection 19, IDefense Contract Audit Agency 32, I Defense Department 2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32,
Subtitle A; 40, VII
Advanced Research Projects Agency 32, I
Air Force Department 32, VII
Army Department 32, V; 33, II; 36, III,
48, 51
Defense Acquisition Regulations System 48, 2
Defense Intelligence Agency 32, I
Defense Logistics Agency 32, I, XII; 48, 54
Engineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, III
National Imagery and Mapping Agency 32, I
Navy Department 32, VI; 48, 52
Secretary of Defense, Office of 2, XI; 32, IDefense Contract Audit Agency 32, IDefense Intelligence Agency 32, IDefense Logistics Agency 32, XII; 48, 54Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 10, XVIIDelaware River Basin Commission 18, IIIDistrict of Columbia, Court Services and 5, LXX; 28, VIII
Offender Supervision Agency for theDrug Enforcement Administration 21, IIEast-West Foreign Trade Board 15, XIIIEconomic Analysis, Bureau of 15, VIIIEconomic Development Administration 13, IIIEconomic Research Service 7, XXXVIIEducation, Department of 2, XXXIV; 5, LIII
Bilingual Education and Minority Languages 34, V
Affairs, Office of
Career, Technical and Adult Education, Office 34, IV
Civil Rights, Office for 34, I
Educational Research and Improvement, Office 34, VII
Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of 34, II
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 34
Postsecondary Education, Office of 34, VI
Secretary of Education, Office of 34, Subtitle A
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, 34, III
Office of
Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Office 34, IV
ofEducational Research and Improvement, Office of 34, VIIElection Assistance Commission 2, LVIII; 11, IIElementary and Secondary Education, Office of 34, IIEmergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board 13, VEmergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board 13, IVEmployee Benefits Security Administration 29, XXVEmployees' Compensation Appeals Board 20, IVEmployees Loyalty Board 5, VEmployment and Training Administration 20, VEmployment Standards Administration 20, VIEndangered Species Committee 50, IVEnergy, Department of 2, IX; 5, XXIII; 10, II,
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 9
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 5, XXIV; 18, I
Property Management Regulations 41, 109Energy, Office of 7, XXIXEngineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, IIIEngraving and Printing, Bureau of 31, VIEnvironmental Protection Agency 2, XV; 5, LIV; 40, I, IV,
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 15
Property Management Regulations 41, 115Environmental Quality, Office of 7, XXXIEqual Employment Opportunity Commission 5, LXII; 29, XIVEqual Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary 24, I
forExecutive Office of the President 3, I
Environmental Quality, Council on 40, V
Management and Budget, Office of 2, Subtitle A; 5, III,
LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99
National Drug Control Policy, Office of 2, XXXVI; 21, III
National Security Council 32, XXI; 47, 2
Presidential Documents 3
Science and Technology Policy, Office of 32, XXIV; 47, II
Trade Representative, Office of the United 15, XX
StatesExport-Import Bank of the United States 2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IVFamily Assistance, Office of 45, IIFarm Credit Administration 5, XXXI; 12, VIFarm Credit System Insurance Corporation 5, XXX; 12, XIVFarm Service Agency 7, VII, XVIIIFederal Acquisition Regulation 48, 1Federal Aviation Administration 14, I
Commercial Space Transportation 14, IIIFederal Claims Collection Standards 31, IXFederal Communications Commission 5, XXIX; 47, IFederal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of 41, 60Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 7, IVFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation 5, XXII; 12, IIIFederal Election Commission 5, XXXVII; 11, IFederal Emergency Management Agency 44, IFederal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal 48, 21
Acquisition RegulationFederal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition 48, 16
RegulationFederal Energy Regulatory Commission 5, XXIV; 18, IFederal Financial Institutions Examination 12, XI
CouncilFederal Financing Bank 12, VIIIFederal Highway Administration 23, I, IIFederal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1, IVFederal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office 12, XVIIFederal Housing Finance Agency 5, LXXX; 12, XIIFederal Housing Finance Board 12, IXFederal Labor Relations Authority 5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIVFederal Law Enforcement Training Center 31, VIIFederal Management Regulation 41, 102Federal Maritime Commission 46, IVFederal Mediation and Conciliation Service 29, XIIFederal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 5, LXXIV; 29, XXVIIFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49, IIIFederal Prison Industries, Inc. 28, IIIFederal Procurement Policy Office 48, 99Federal Property Management Regulations 41, 101Federal Railroad Administration 49, IIFederal Register, Administrative Committee of 1, IFederal Register, Office of 1, IIFederal Reserve System 12, II
Board of Governors 5, LVIIIFederal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 5, VI, LXXVIFederal Service Impasses Panel 5, XIVFederal Trade Commission 5, XLVII; 16, IFederal Transit Administration 49, VIFederal Travel Regulation System 41, Subtitle FFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network 31, XFinancial Research Office 12, XVIFinancial Stability Oversight Council 12, XIIIFine Arts, Commission on 45, XXIFiscal Service 31, IIFish and Wildlife Service, United States 50, I, IVFood and Drug Administration 21, IFood and Nutrition Service 7, IIFood Safety and Inspection Service 9, IIIForeign Agricultural Service 7, XVForeign Assets Control, Office of 31, VForeign Claims Settlement Commission of the 45, V
United StatesForeign Service Grievance Board 22, IXForeign Service Impasse Disputes Panel 22, XIVForeign Service Labor Relations Board 22, XIVForeign-Trade Zones Board 15, IV Forest Service 36, IIGeneral Services Administration 5, LVII; 41, 105
Contract Appeals, Board of 48, 61
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 5
Federal Management Regulation 41, 102
Federal Property Management Regulations 41, 101
Federal Travel Regulation System 41, Subtitle F
General 41, 300
Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel 41, 304
Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death 41, 303
of Certain Employees
Relocation Allowances 41, 302
Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances 41, 301Geological Survey 30, IVGovernment Accountability Office 4, IGovernment Ethics, Office of 5, XVIGovernment National Mortgage Association 24, IIIGrain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 7, VIII; 9, II
AdministrationGulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council 2, LIX; 40, VIIIHarry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 45, XVIIIHealth and Human Services, Department of 2, III; 5, XLV; 45,
Subtitle A,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 42, IV
Child Support Enforcement, Office of 45, III
Children and Families, Administration for 45, II, III, IV, X
Community Services, Office of 45, X
Family Assistance, Office of 45, II
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 3
Food and Drug Administration 21, I
Human Development Services, Office of 45, XIII
Indian Health Service 25, V
Inspector General (Health Care), Office of 42, V
Public Health Service 42, I
Refugee Resettlement, Office of 45, IVHomeland Security, Department of 2, XXX; 6, I; 8, I
Coast Guard 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV
Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) 46, III
Customs and Border Protection 19, I
Federal Emergency Management Agency 44, I
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations 5, XCVII
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau 19, IV
Transportation Security Administration 49, XIIHOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors 24, XXIV
ofHousing and Urban Development, Department of 2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24,
Subtitle B
Community Planning and Development, Office of 24, V, VI
Assistant Secretary for
Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant 24, I
Secretary for
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 24
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office 12, XVII
Government National Mortgage Association 24, III
Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office 24, II, VIII, X, XX
of Assistant Secretary for
Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing 24, IV
Assistance Restructuring, Office of
Inspector General, Office of 24, XII
Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant 24, IX
Secretary for
Secretary, Office of 24, Subtitle A, VIIHousing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of 24, II, VIII, X, XX
Assistant Secretary forHousing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing 24, IV
Assistance Restructuring, Office ofHuman Development Services, Office of 45, XIIIImmigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau 19, IVImmigration Review, Executive Office for 8, VIndependent Counsel, Office of 28, VII Indian Affairs, Bureau of 25, I, VIndian Affairs, Office of the Assistant 25, VI
SecretaryIndian Arts and Crafts Board 25, IIIndian Health Service 25, VIndustry and Security, Bureau of 15, VIIInformation Resources Management, Office of 7, XXVIIInformation Security Oversight Office, National 32, XX
Archives and Records AdministrationInspector General
Agriculture Department 7, XXVI
Health and Human Services Department 42, V
Housing and Urban Development Department 24, XII, XVInstitute of Peace, United States 22, XVIIInter-American Foundation 5, LXIII; 22, XInterior Department 2, XIV
American Indians, Office of the Special 25, VII
Endangered Species Committee 50, IV
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 14
Federal Property Management Regulations System 41, 114
Fish and Wildlife Service, United States 50, I, IV
Geological Survey 30, IV
Indian Affairs, Bureau of 25, I, V
Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant 25, VI
Indian Arts and Crafts Board 25, II
Land Management, Bureau of 43, II
National Indian Gaming Commission 25, III
National Park Service 36, I
Natural Resource Revenue, Office of 30, XII
Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of 30, V
Reclamation, Bureau of 43, I
Safety and Enforcement Bureau, Bureau of 30, II
Secretary of the Interior, Office of 2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 30, VII
Office ofInternal Revenue Service 26, IInternational Boundary and Water Commission, 22, XI
United States and Mexico, United States
SectionInternational Development, United States Agency 22, II
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 7International Development Cooperation Agency, 22, XII
United StatesInternational Joint Commission, United States 22, IV
and CanadaInternational Organizations Employees Loyalty 5, V
BoardInternational Trade Administration 15, III; 19, IIIInternational Trade Commission, United States 19, IIInterstate Commerce Commission 5, XLInvestment Security, Office of 31, VIIIJames Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 45, XXIVJapan-United States Friendship Commission 22, XVIJoint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries 20, VIIIJustice Department 2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28,
I, XI; 40, IV
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 27, II
Bureau of
Drug Enforcement Administration 21, II
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 28
Federal Claims Collection Standards 31, IX
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. 28, III
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the 45, V
United States
Immigration Review, Executive Office for 8, V
Offices of Independent Counsel 28, VI
Prisons, Bureau of 28, V
Property Management Regulations 41, 128Labor Department 2, XXIX; 5, XLII
Employee Benefits Security Administration 29, XXV
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board 20, IV
Employment and Training Administration 20, V
Employment Standards Administration 20, VI
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 29
Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office 41, 60
Federal Procurement Regulations System 41, 50
Labor-Management Standards, Office of 29, II, IV
Mine Safety and Health Administration 30, I
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29, XVII
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs 20, VII
Public Contracts 41, 50
Secretary of Labor, Office of 29, Subtitle A
Veterans' Employment and Training Service, 41, 61; 20, IX
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Wage and Hour Division 29, V
Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of 20, ILabor-Management Standards, Office of 29, II, IVLand Management, Bureau of 43, IILegal Services Corporation 45, XVILibrary of Congress 36, VII
Copyright Royalty Board 37, III
U.S. Copyright Office 37, IILocal Television Loan Guarantee Board 7, XXManagement and Budget, Office of 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI;
48, 99Marine Mammal Commission 50, VMaritime Administration 46, IIMerit Systems Protection Board 5, II, LXIVMicronesian Status Negotiations, Office for 32, XXVIIMilitary Compensation and Retirement 5, XCIV
Modernization CommissionMillennium Challenge Corporation 22, XIIIMine Safety and Health Administration 30, IMinority Business Development Agency 15, XIVMiscellaneous Agencies 1, IVMonetary Offices 31, IMorris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in 36, XVI
National Environmental Policy FoundationMuseum and Library Services, Institute of 2, XXXINational Aeronautics and Space Administration
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 18National Agricultural Library 7, XLINational Agricultural Statistics Service 7, XXXVINational and Community Service, Corporation for 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXVNational Archives and Records Administration 2, XXVI; 5, LXVI; 36, XII
Information Security Oversight Office 32, XXNational Capital Planning Commission 1, IVNational Commission for Employment Policy 1, IVNational Commission on Libraries and Information 45, XVII
ScienceNational Council on Disability 34, XIINational Counterintelligence Center 32, XVIIINational Credit Union Administration 5, LXXXVI; 12, VIINational Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact 28, IX
CouncilNational Drug Control Policy, Office of 2, XXXVI; 21, IIINational Endowment for the Arts 2, XXXIINational Endowment for the Humanities 2, XXXIIINational Foundation on the Arts and the 45, XI
HumanitiesNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 32, INational Highway Traffic Safety Administration 23, II, III; 47, VI; 49, VNational Imagery and Mapping Agency 32, INational Indian Gaming Commission 25, IIINational Institute of Food and Agriculture 7, XXXIVNational Institute of Standards and Technology 15, IINational Intelligence, Office of Director of 5, IV; 32, XVIINational Labor Relations Board 5, LXI; 29, INational Marine Fisheries Service 50, II, IVNational Mediation Board 29, XNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV,
VINational Park Service 36, I National Railroad Adjustment Board 29, IIINational Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) 49, VIINational Science Foundation 2, XXV; 5, XLIII; 45, VI
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 25National Security Council 32, XXINational Security Council and Office of Science 47, II
and Technology PolicyNational Telecommunications and Information 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV
AdministrationNational Transportation Safety Board 49, VIIINatural Resources Conservation Service 7, VINatural Resource Revenue, Office of 30, XIINavajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of 25, IVNavy Department 32, VI
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 52Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation 24, XXVNortheast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste 10, XVIII
CommissionNuclear Regulatory Commission 2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 20Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29, XVIIOccupational Safety and Health Review Commission 29, XXOcean Energy Management, Bureau of 30, VOffices of Independent Counsel 28, VIOffice of Workers' Compensation Programs 20, VIIOklahoma City National Memorial Trust 36, XVOperations Office 7, XXVIIIOverseas Private Investment Corporation 5, XXXIII; 22, VIIPatent and Trademark Office, United States 37, IPayment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel 41, 304
ExpensesPayment of Expenses Connected With the Death of 41, 303
Certain EmployeesPeace Corps 2, XXXVII; 22, IIIPennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 36, IXPension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 29, XLPersonnel Management, Office of 5, I, XXXV; 5, IV; 45,
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations 5, XCVII
Systems, Department of Homeland Security
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 17
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal 48, 21
Acquisition Regulation
Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition 48, 16
RegulationPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 49, I
AdministrationPostal Regulatory Commission 5, XLVI; 39, IIIPostal Service, United States 5, LX; 39, IPostsecondary Education, Office of 34, VIPresident's Commission on White House 1, IV
FellowshipsPresidential Documents 3Presidio Trust 36, XPrisons, Bureau of 28, VPrivacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board 6, XProcurement and Property Management, Office of 7, XXXIIProductivity, Technology and Innovation, 37, IV
Assistant SecretaryPublic Contracts, Department of Labor 41, 50Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant 24, IX
Secretary forPublic Health Service 42, IRailroad Retirement Board 20, IIReclamation, Bureau of 43, IRefugee Resettlement, Office of 45, IVRelocation Allowances 41, 302Research and Innovative Technology 49, XI
AdministrationRural Business-Cooperative Service 7, XVIII, XLII, LRural Development Administration 7, XLIIRural Housing Service 7, XVIII, XXXV, LRural Telephone Bank 7, XVI Rural Utilities Service 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, LSafety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of 30, IISaint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 33, IVScience and Technology Policy, Office of 32, XXIVScience and Technology Policy, Office of, and 47, II
National Security CouncilSecret Service 31, IVSecurities and Exchange Commission 5, XXXIV; 17, IISelective Service System 32, XVISmall Business Administration 2, XXVII; 13, ISmithsonian Institution 36, VSocial Security Administration 2, XXIII; 20, III; 48, 23Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States 5, XISpecial Counsel, Office of 5, VIIISpecial Education and Rehabilitative Services, 34, III
Office ofState Department 2, VI; 22, I; 28, XI
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 6Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 30, VII
Office ofSurface Transportation Board 49, XSusquehanna River Basin Commission 18, VIIITechnology Administration 15, XITechnology Policy, Assistant Secretary for 37, IVTennessee Valley Authority 5, LXIX; 18, XIIIThrift Supervision Office, Department of the 12, V
TreasuryTrade Representative, United States, Office of 15, XXTransportation, Department of 2, XII; 5, L
Commercial Space Transportation 14, III
Contract Appeals, Board of 48, 63
Emergency Management and Assistance 44, IV
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 12
Federal Aviation Administration 14, I
Federal Highway Administration 23, I, II
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49, III
Federal Railroad Administration 49, II
Federal Transit Administration 49, VI
Maritime Administration 46, II
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 23, II, III; 47, IV; 49, V
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 49, I
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 33, IV
Secretary of Transportation, Office of 14, II; 49, Subtitle A
Surface Transportation Board 49, X
Transportation Statistics Bureau 49, XITransportation, Office of 7, XXXIIITransportation Security Administration 49, XIITransportation Statistics Bureau 49, XITravel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY) 41, 301Treasury Department 2, X;5, XXI; 12, XV; 17,
IV; 31, IX
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 27, I
Community Development Financial Institutions 12, XVIII
Comptroller of the Currency 12, I
Customs and Border Protection 19, I
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of 31, VI
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 10
Federal Claims Collection Standards 31, IX
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 31, VII
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network 31, X
Fiscal Service 31, II
Foreign Assets Control, Office of 31, V
Internal Revenue Service 26, I
Investment Security, Office of 31, VIII
Monetary Offices 31, I
Secret Service 31, IV
Secretary of the Treasury, Office of 31, Subtitle A
Thrift Supervision, Office of 12, VTruman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation 45, XVIIIUnited States and Canada, International Joint 22, IV
Commission United States and Mexico, International Boundary 22, XI
and Water Commission, United States SectionU.S. Copyright Office 37, IIUtah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation 43, III
CommissionVeterans Affairs Department 2, VIII; 38, I
Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 8Veterans' Employment and Training Service, 41, 61; 20, IX
Office of the Assistant Secretary forVice President of the United States, Office of 32, XXVIIIWage and Hour Division 29, VWater Resources Council 18, VIWorkers' Compensation Programs, Office of 20, IWorld Agricultural Outlook Board 7, XXXVIII List of CFR Sections Affected All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that were made by documents published in the Federal Register since January 1, 2010 are enumerated in the following list. Entries indicate the nature of the changes effected. Page numbers refer to Federal Register pages. The user should consult the entries for chapters, parts and subparts as well as sections for revisions.For changes to this volume of the CFR prior to this listing, consult the annual edition of the monthly List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). The LSA is available at For changes to this volume of the CFR prior to 2001, see the ``List of CFR Sections Affected, 1949-1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000'' published in 11 separate volumes. The ``List of CFR Sections Affected 1986-2000'' is available at
2010 40 CFR
75 FR
PageChapter I50 Policy statement................................................1700450.4 (e) added; eff. 8-23-10.......................................3559250.11 Revised.......................................................653150.14 (c)(2)(vi) table amended......................................6531
(c)(2)(vi) revised; eff. 8-23-10...............................3559250.17 Added; eff. 8-23-10..........................................3559250 Appendix S added.................................................6532
(2)(vi) revised; eff. 8-23-10...............................3559250.17 Added; eff. 8-23-10..........................................3559250 Appendix S added.................................................6532
(vi) revised; eff. 8-23-10...............................3559250.17 Added; eff. 8-23-10..........................................3559250 Appendix S added.................................................6532
Appendix A redesignated as Appendix A-2; eff. 8-23-10..........35595
Appendix A-1 added; eff. 8-23-10...............................35593
Appendix A-2 redesignated from Appendix A; Appendix T added; eff. 8-23-10.......................................................3559551 Policy statement................................................17004
Regulation at 74 FR 2376 eff. date delayed indefinitely........2764351.165 (a)(1)(v)(G), (vi)(C)(3), (ix), (xxviii)(B)(2), (4),
(xxxv)(A)(1), (B)(1), (C), (D), (2)(ii)(B), (6)(iii), (iv)
(A)(1), (B)(1), (C), (D), (2)(ii)(B), (6)(iii), (iv)
and (f)(4)(i)(D) stayed; (a)(4) added; eff. through 10-3-
(b)(2) table revised...........................................6490251.166 (a)(7)(iv)(B), (b)(2)(v), (3)(iii)(c), (d), (20),
(2) table revised...........................................6490251.166 (a)(7)(iv)(B), (b)(2)(v), (3)(iii)(c), (d), (20),
(40)(ii)(b), (d), (47)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv),
(ii)(b), (d), (47)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv),
(r)(6)(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stayed through 3-31-10;
(6)(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stayed through 3-31-10;
(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stayed through 3-31-10;
(i)(1)(ii) added eff. 4-1-10 through 10-3-11...............16016
(1)(ii) added eff. 4-1-10 through 10-3-11...............16016
(ii) added eff. 4-1-10 through 10-3-11...............16016
(b)(48) and (49)(v) added; (b)(49)(iv) revised; eff. 8-2-10....31606
(48) and (49)(v) added; (b)(49)(iv) revised; eff. 8-2-10....31606
(i)(5)(i)(d) through (j) redesignated as (i)(5)(i)(e) through (k); (a)(6)(i), (b)(14)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii)(a), (15)(i), (ii) introductory text, (c)(1) table, (2), (i)(5)(i)(c), (k) and (p)(4) table revised; (b)(14)(i)(b), (ii)(b), (i)(8), (9) and (p)(4) introductory text amended; (b)(14)(i)(c), (ii)(c) and new (i)(5)(i)(d) added.................................................6490251.850 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.851 Revised; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.852 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.853 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.854 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.855 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.856 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.857 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.858 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.859 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.860 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251 Appendix M amended.......................................55644, 8013451 Appendix S stayed in part and amended in part; eff. through 10-
(5)(i)(d) through (j) redesignated as (i)(5)(i)(e) through (k); (a)(6)(i), (b)(14)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii)(a), (15)(i), (ii) introductory text, (c)(1) table, (2), (i)(5)(i)(c), (k) and (p)(4) table revised; (b)(14)(i)(b), (ii)(b), (i)(8), (9) and (p)(4) introductory text amended; (b)(14)(i)(c), (ii)(c) and new (i)(5)(i)(d) added.................................................6490251.850 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.851 Revised; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.852 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.853 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.854 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.855 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.856 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.857 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.858 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.859 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.860 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251 Appendix M amended.......................................55644, 8013451 Appendix S stayed in part and amended in part; eff. through 10-
(i)(d) through (j) redesignated as (i)(5)(i)(e) through (k); (a)(6)(i), (b)(14)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii)(a), (15)(i), (ii) introductory text, (c)(1) table, (2), (i)(5)(i)(c), (k) and (p)(4) table revised; (b)(14)(i)(b), (ii)(b), (i)(8), (9) and (p)(4) introductory text amended; (b)(14)(i)(c), (ii)(c) and new (i)(5)(i)(d) added.................................................6490251.850 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.851 Revised; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.852 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.853 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.854 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.855 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.856 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.857 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.858 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.859 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251.860 Removed; eff. 7-6-10........................................1727251 Appendix M amended.......................................55644, 8013451 Appendix S stayed in part and amended in part; eff. through 10-
Appendix S amended.............................................64904
2011 40 CFR
76 FR
PageChapter I50 Actions on petitions.............................................478050 Appendix C revised..............................................5432351 Policy statement.................................................632851.121 (r)(2) amended..............................................4835351.123 (ff) added..................................................4835351.124 (s) added...................................................4835351.125 Removed.....................................................4835351.165 (a)(1)(v)(G), (vi)(C)(3), (ix), (xxviii)(B)(2), (4),
(xxxv)(A)(1), (B)(1), (C), (D), (2)(ii)(B), (6)(iii), (iv)
(A)(1), (B)(1), (C), (D), (2)(ii)(B), (6)(iii), (iv)
and (f)(4)(i)(D) stay lifted; (a)(1)(ix), (xxviii)(B)(2),
(4), (xxxv)(A)(1), (B)(1), (C), (D), (2)(ii)(B), (6)(iii),
(iv) and (f)(4)(i)(D) revised; temporary (a)(4) removed;
new (a)(4) added; (a)(1)(v)(G) and (vi)(C)(3) stayed;
Regulation at 76 FR 17552 comment period extended..............2348951.166 (a)(7)(iv)(b), (b)(2)(v), (3)(iii)(c), (d), (20),
(40)(ii)(b), (d), (47)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv),
(ii)(b), (d), (47)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv),
(r)(6)(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stay lifted;
(6)(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stay lifted;
(iii), (iv) and (w)(4)(i)(d) stay lifted;
(a)(7)(iv)(b), (b)(3)(iii)(c), (20), (40)(ii)(b), (d),
(7)(iv)(b), (b)(3)(iii)(c), (20), (40)(ii)(b), (d),
(iv)(b), (b)(3)(iii)(c), (20), (40)(ii)(b), (d),
(47)(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv), (r)(6)(iii), (iv) and
(i)(a), (ii)(a), (iii), (iv), (r)(6)(iii), (iv) and
(w)(4)(i)(d) revised; temporary (a)(1)(ii) removed; new
(4)(i)(d) revised; temporary (a)(1)(ii) removed; new
(i)(d) revised; temporary (a)(1)(ii) removed; new
(i)(1)(ii) added; (b)(2)(v) and (3)(iii)(d) stayed;
(1)(ii) added; (b)(2)(v) and (3)(iii)(d) stayed;
(ii) added; (b)(2)(v) and (3)(iii)(d) stayed;
(b)(49)(vi) correctly revised; CFR correction..................18870
(49)(vi) correctly revised; CFR correction..................18870
(vi) correctly revised; CFR correction..................18870
(b)(48)(ii)(a) revised.........................................43507
(48)(ii)(a) revised.........................................43507
(ii)(a) revised.........................................43507
Regulation at 76 FR 17553 comment period extended..............2348951 Appendix S amended; interim.....................................17554
Regulation at 76 FR 17554 comment period extended..............23489
Appendix S amended; eff. 8-30-11...............................38807
2012 40 CFR
77 FR
PageChapter I50 Policy statement................................................2021850.9 (c) removed...................................................2844150.10 (c) added; eff. 7-20-12......................................3017051.100 (s)(1) introductory text amended; eff. 7-23-12..............3761451.126 Added.......................................................2878251.166 (b)(49)(i) revised; (b)(49)(vi) removed.....................65118
Appendix S amended.............................................6511851.308 (e)(4) revised; eff. 8-6-12.................................3365651.900 (f)(14) added...............................................2844151.902 Revised.....................................................2844151.905 Heading revised; (b) amended; (e)(2)(ii), (iii) and (4)
removed....................................................2844151.1100--51.1103 (Subpart AA) Added; eff 7-20-12...................30170
2013 40 CFR
78 FR
PageChapter I50.3 Revised........................................................327750.10 (c) revised..................................................3423450.14 (c)(2)(vi) Table 1 revised....................................327750.18 Added.........................................................327750 Appendix G revised..............................................4000450 Appendix N revised...............................................327751 Actions on petitions.............................................221051.100 (s)(1) introductory text amended........9828, 11108, 53033, 62455
Regulation at 78 FR 11108 withdrawn............................2314951.166 (i)(10) added................................................3281
(i)(5)(i)(c) amended; (k)(2) removed...........................7370251.919 Added.......................................................3423451.1100 (o) through (aa) added.....................................3423451.1104 Added......................................................3423451.1105 Added......................................................3423451.1106 Added......................................................3423451.1107 Added......................................................3423451.1108 Added......................................................3423451.1109 Added......................................................3423451.1110 Added......................................................3423451.1111 Added......................................................3423451.1112 Added......................................................3423451.1113 Added......................................................3423451.1114 Added......................................................3423451.1115 Added......................................................3423451.1116 Added......................................................3423451.1117 Added......................................................3423451.1118 Added......................................................3423451.1119 Added......................................................34234
(5)(i)(c) amended; (k)(2) removed...........................7370251.919 Added.......................................................3423451.1100 (o) through (aa) added.....................................3423451.1104 Added......................................................3423451.1105 Added......................................................3423451.1106 Added......................................................3423451.1107 Added......................................................3423451.1108 Added......................................................3423451.1109 Added......................................................3423451.1110 Added......................................................3423451.1111 Added......................................................3423451.1112 Added......................................................3423451.1113 Added......................................................3423451.1114 Added......................................................3423451.1115 Added......................................................3423451.1116 Added......................................................3423451.1117 Added......................................................3423451.1118 Added......................................................3423451.1119 Added......................................................34234
(i)(c) amended; (k)(2) removed...........................7370251.919 Added.......................................................3423451.1100 (o) through (aa) added.....................................3423451.1104 Added......................................................3423451.1105 Added......................................................3423451.1106 Added......................................................3423451.1107 Added......................................................3423451.1108 Added......................................................3423451.1109 Added......................................................3423451.1110 Added......................................................3423451.1111 Added......................................................3423451.1112 Added......................................................3423451.1113 Added......................................................3423451.1114 Added......................................................3423451.1115 Added......................................................3423451.1116 Added......................................................3423451.1117 Added......................................................3423451.1118 Added......................................................3423451.1119 Added......................................................34234
2014 40 CFR
79 FR
PageChapter I51 Policy statement................................................60343 51.100 (s)(1) introductory text amended............................1704351.121 (r)(2) amended; interim.....................................7167151.123 (ff)(1) introductory text, (2), (3) and (4) amended;
interim....................................................7167151.124 (s)(1) introductory text and (2) amended; interim...........7167151 Appendix M amended.......................................11235, 18453
(Regulations published from January 1, 2015, through July 1, 2015) 40 CFR
80 FR
PageChapter I50.10 (c) revised..................................................1231251.10 Removed.......................................................879551.15 (a)(2), (3), (4), (b)(2), (3) and (4) revised; (c) and (d)
amended; (a)(5) and (e) removed.............................879551.20 (b) and (d) revised...........................................879551.30 Revised.......................................................879651.35 Revised.......................................................879651.40 Revised.......................................................879651.50 Revised.......................................................879651.1--51.50 (Subpart A) Appendix A amended..........................879751.103 Revised......................................................734051.122 (a), (c)(1)(i), (2), (3), (f) and (g) revised; (d) removed
879951.165 (a)(11) revised; (a)(12) added..............................1231851.166 (i)(2) revised..............................................1231851.372 (b)(2) revised..............................................1231851.900 (v) added....................................................879951.915 Revised......................................................879951.919 Added.......................................................1231251.1100 (o) through (cc) added.....................................1231251.1103 Heading and (a) Table 1 revised............................1231351.1105 Added......................................................1231451.1106 Added......................................................1231451.1107 Added......................................................1231451.1108 Added......................................................1231451.1110 Added......................................................1231451.1112 Added......................................................1231451.1113 Added......................................................1231451.1114 Added......................................................1231451.1115 Added......................................................1231451.1116 Added......................................................1231451.1117 Added......................................................1231451.1118 Added......................................................1231451.1119 Added......................................................1231451 Appendix V amended...............................................7340
Appendix S amended.............................................12317
[all] [Title 40 CFR ][Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) - July 1, 2015 Edition][From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
Title 40 Protection of Environment ________________________ Part 52 (Sec. Sec. 52.01 to 52.1018)
Revised as of July 1, 2015
Containing a codification of documents of general
applicability and future effect
As of July 1, 2015
Published by the Office of the Federal Register
National Archives and Records Administration as a
Special Edition of the Federal Register
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U.S. Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC
Phone: toll-free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800
Table of Contents
Explanation................................................. v
Title 40:
Chapter I--Environmental Protection Agency
(Continued) 3
Finding Aids:
Table of CFR Titles and Chapters........................ 957
Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR...... 977
List of CFR Sections Affected........................... 987
Cite this Code: CFR
To cite the regulations in
this volume use title,
part and section number.
Thus, 40 CFR 52.01 refers
to title 40, part 52,
section 01.
The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued on a quarterly basis approximately as follows: Title 1 through Title of January 1Title 17 through Title of April 1Title 28 through Title of July 1Title 42 through Title of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume. LEGAL STATUS
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44 U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510). HOW TO USE THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to determine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date (in this case, July 1, 2015), consult the ``List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),'' which is issued monthly, and the ``Cumulative List of Parts Affected,'' which appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any given rule. EFFECTIVE AND EXPIRATION DATES
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Register since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usually not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-off date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following the text. OMB CONTROL NUMBERS
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-511) requires Federal agencies to display an OMB control number with their information collection request. Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amendments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements. PAST PROVISIONS OF THE CODE
Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of the revision date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find the text of provisions in effect on any given date in the past by using the appropriate List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). For the convenience of the reader, a ``List of CFR Sections Affected'' is published at the end of each CFR volume. For changes to the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume, consult previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to 2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published for 1949-1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000. ``[RESERVED]'' TERMINOLOGY
The term ``[Reserved]'' is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a ``[Reserved]'' location at any time. Occasionally ``[Reserved]'' is used editorially to indicate that a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a printing or computer error. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE
What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regulations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published elsewhere. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the material is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C. 552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force of law.
What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are:
(a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material published in the Federal Register.
(b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process.
(c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorporation by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or call 202-741-6010. CFR INDEXES AND TABULAR GUIDES
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR Index and Finding Aids. This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.
An index to the text of ``Title 3--The President'' is carried within that volume.
The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index is based on a consolidation of the ``Contents'' entries in the daily Federal Register.
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the revision dates of the 50 CFR titles. REPUBLICATION OF MATERIAL
There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Code of Federal Regulations. INQUIRIES
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume, contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency's name appears at the top of odd-numbered pages.
For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 202-741-6000 or write to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail SALES
The Government Publishing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution of the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 866-512-1800, or DC area, 202-512-1800, M-F 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. e.s.t. or fax your order to 202-512-2104, 24 hours a day. For payment by check, write to: US Government Publishing Office - New Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. ELECTRONIC SERVICES
The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic format via For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail,
The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) World Wide Web site for public law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect to NARA's web site at
The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal Register and the Government Publishing Office. It is available at
John Hyrum Martinez,
Acting Director,
Office of the Federal Register.
July 1, 2015.
Title 40--Protection of Environment is composed of thirty-three volumes. The parts in these volumes are arranged in the following order: Parts 1-49, parts 50-51, part 52 (52.01-52.1018), part 52 (52.1019-52.2019), part 52 (52.2020-end of part 52), parts 53-59, part 60 (60.1-end of part 60, sections), part 60 (Appendices), parts 61-62, part 63 (63.1-63.599), part 63 (63.600-63.1199), part 63 (63.1200-63.1439), part 63 (63.1440-63.6175), part 63 (63.6580-63.8830), part 63 (63.8980-end of part 63), parts 64-71, parts 72-80, parts 81-84, parts 85-86, parts 87-95, parts 96-99, parts 100-135, parts 136-149, parts 150-189, parts 190-259, parts 260-265, parts 266-299, parts 300-399, parts 400-424, parts 425-699, parts 700-789, parts 790-999, and part 1000 to end. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations codified under this title of the CFR as of July 1, 2015.
Chapter I--Environmental Protection Agency appears in all thirty-three volumes. Regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality, including an Index to Parts 1500 through 1508, appear in the volume containing part 1000 to end. The OMB control numbers for title 40 appear in Sec. 9.1 of this chapter.
For this volume, Bonnie Fritts was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regulations publication program is under the direction of John Hyrum Martinez, assisted by Stephen J. Frattini.
(This book contains part 52, Sec. Sec. 52.01 to 52.1018)
Part chapter i--Environmental Protection Agency (Continued)...... 52