In addition to other requirements in Sec. Sec. 51.100 through 51.116 the following requirements apply to lead. To the extent they conflict, there requirements are controlling over those of the proceeding sections.
(a) Control strategy demonstration. Each plan must contain a demonstration showing that the plan will attain and maintain the standard in the following areas:
(1) Areas in the vicinity of the following point sources of lead: Primary lead smelters, Secondary lead smelters, Primary copper smelters, Lead gasoline additive plants, Lead-acid storage battery manufacturing plants that produce 2,000 or more batteries per day. Any other stationary source that actually emits 25 or more tons per year of lead or lead compounds measured as elemental lead.
(2) Any other area that has lead air concentrations in excess of the national ambient air quality standard concentration for lead, measured since January 1, 1974.
(b) Time period for demonstration of adequacy. The demonstration of adequacy of the control strategy required under Sec. 51.112 may cover a longer period if allowed by the appropriate EPA Regional Administrator.
(c) Special modeling provisions. (1) For urbanized areas with measured lead concentrations in excess of 4.0 [micro]g/m\3\, quarterly mean measured since January 1, 1974, the plan must employ the modified rollback model for the demonstration of attainment as a minimum, but may use an atmospheric dispersion model if desired, consistent with requirements contained in Sec. 51.112(a). If a proportional model is used, the air quality data should be the same year as the emissions inventory required under the paragraph e.
(1) For urbanized areas with measured lead concentrations in excess of 4.0 [micro]g/m\3\, quarterly mean measured since January 1, 1974, the plan must employ the modified rollback model for the demonstration of attainment as a minimum, but may use an atmospheric dispersion model if desired, consistent with requirements contained in Sec. 51.112(a). If a proportional model is used, the air quality data should be the same year as the emissions inventory required under the paragraph e.
(2) For each point source listed in Sec. 51.117(a), that plan must employ an atmospheric dispersion model for demonstration of attainment, consistent with requirements contained in Sec. 51.112(a).
(3) For each area in the vicinity of an air quality monitor that has recorded lead concentrations in excess of the lead national standard concentration, the plan must employ the modified rollback model as a minimum, but may use an atmospheric dispersion model if desired for the demonstration of attainment, consistent with requirements contained in Sec. 51.112(a).
(d) Air quality data and projections. (1) Each State must submit to the appropriate EPA Regional Office with the plan, but not part of the plan, all lead air quality data measured since January 1, 1974. This requirement does not apply if the data has already been submitted.
(1) Each State must submit to the appropriate EPA Regional Office with the plan, but not part of the plan, all lead air quality data measured since January 1, 1974. This requirement does not apply if the data has already been submitted.
(2) The data must be submitted in accordance with the procedures and data forms specified in Chapter 3.4.0 of the ``AEROS User's Manual'' concerning storage and retrieval of aerometric data (SAROAD) except where the Regional Administrator waives this requirement.
(3) If additional lead air quality data are desired to determine lead air concentrations in areas suspected of exceeding the lead national ambient air quality standard, the plan may include data from any previously collected filters from particulate matter high volume samplers. In determining the lead content of the filters for control strategy demonstration purposes, a State may use, in addition to the reference method, X-ray fluorescence or any other method approved by the Regional Administrator.
(e) Emissions data. (1) The point source inventory on which the summary of the baseline for lead emissions inventory is based must contain all sources that emit 0.5 or more tons of lead per year.
(1) The point source inventory on which the summary of the baseline for lead emissions inventory is based must contain all sources that emit 0.5 or more tons of lead per year.
(2) Each State must submit lead emissions data to the appropriate EPA Regional Office with the original plan. The submission must be made with the plan, but not as part of the plan, and must include emissions data and information related to point and area source emissions. The emission data and information should include the information identified in the Hazardous and Trace Emissions System (HATREMS) point source coding forms for all point sources and the area source coding forms for all sources that are not point sources, but need not necessarily be in the format of those forms. [41 FR 18388, May 3, 1976, as amended at 58 FR 38822, July 20, 1993; 73 FR 67057, Nov. 12, 2008]