(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for Maine under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards or other requirements under the Clean Air Act.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to September 1, 2008, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after September 1, 2008, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to September 1, 2008, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after September 1, 2008, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 1 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of September 1, 2008.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, New England Regional Office, 5 Post Office Square--Suite 100, Boston, MA 02109-3912; Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number (202) 566-1742. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal--register/code--of--federal--regulations/ibr--locations.html.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA-Approved Maine Regulations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
State EPA Approval Date
State citation Title/Subject effective EPA approval date Explanations
date and citation \1\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1....................... Regulations for the 05/20/1985 03/23/1993, 58 FR Portions of
Processing of 15422. Chapter 1. EPA
Applications. did not approve
the following
sections of
Chapter One:
Section 1(A)
through 1(Q), and
1(U) through
1(EE); Section 2;
Section 4 (C) and
(D); last
sentence of
Section 5(B);
last sentence of
Section 6(B);
Section 6(D);
Section 7(B)(1),
(B)(2), and
(B)(4) through
(B)(11); Section
8(A), and 8(E)
through 8(L);
Sections 9, 10
and 11; Section
13; and Sections
15 and 16.Chapter 100..................... Definitions............. 12/01/2005 11/21/2007, 72 FR
65462.Chapter 101..................... Visible Emissions....... 10/10/1979 02/17/1982, 47 FR
6829.Chapter 102..................... Open Burning............ 03/17/2005 02/21/2008, 73 FR
9459.Chapter 103..................... Fuel Burning Equipment 01/24/1983 02/26/1985, 50 FR
Particular Emission 7770.
Standard.Chapter 104..................... Incinerator Particulate 01/31/1972 05/31/1972, 37 FR
Emission Standard. 10842.Chapter 105..................... General Process Source 01/31/1972 05/31/1972, 37 FR
Particulate Emission 10842.
Standard.Chapter 106..................... Low Sulfur Fuel 02/08/1978 01/08/1982, 47 FR
Regulations. 947.Chapter 107..................... Sulfur Dioxide Emission 01/31/1972 05/31/1972, 37 FR
Standards for Sulfate 10842.
Pulp Mills.Chapter 109..................... Emergency Episode 08/14/1991 01/12/1995, 60 FR
Regulation. 2885.Chapter 110..................... Ambient Air Quality 8/6/2012 6/24/14, 79 FR
Standards. 35698.Chapter 111..................... Petroleum Liquid Storage 9/29/1999 11/5/2014, 79 FR
Vapor Control. 65589.Chapter 112..................... Bulk Terminal Petroleum 2/22/1998 11/5/2014, 79 FR
Liquid Transfer 65589.
Requirements.Chapter 113..................... Growth Offset Regulation 06/22/1994 02/14/1996, 61 FR
5690.Chapter 114..................... Classification of Air 8/29/2012 6/24/14, 79 FR
Quality Control Regions. 35698.Chapter 115..................... Emission License 06/22/1994 02/14/1996, 61 FR
Regulation. 5690.Chapter 116..................... Prohibited Dispersion 10/25/1989 03/23/1993, 58 FR
Techniques. 15422.Chapter 117..................... Source Surveillance..... 08/09/1988 03/21/1989, 54 FR
Chapter 118..................... Gasoline Dispensing 07/19/1995 10/15/1996, 61 FR
Facilities. 53636.Chapter 119..................... Motor Vehicle Fuel 06/01/2000 03/06/2002, 67 FR Controls fuel
Volatility Limit. 10099. volatility in the
state. 7.8 psi
RVP fuel required
in 7 southern
counties.Chapter 120..................... Gasoline Tank Trucks.... 06/22/1994 06/29/1995, 60 FR
33730.Chapter 123..................... Control of Volatile 05/18/2010 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Organic Compounds from 30216..
Paper, Film, and Foil
Coating Operations.Chapter 126..................... Capture Efficiency Test 05/22/1991 03/22/1993, 58 FR
Procedures. 15281.Chapter 126 Appendix A.......... Capture Efficiency Test 05/22/1991 03/22/1993, 58 FR Appendix.
Procedures. 15281.Chapter 127 and Appendix A...... New Motor Vehicle 12/31/2000 04/28/2005, 70 FR Including Appendix
Emission Standards. 21959. A. Low emission
vehicle program,
with no ZEV
Program achieves
90% of full LEV
benefits. Chapter
127 Basis
included in the
material.Chapter 129..................... Surface Coating 04/16/2011 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Facilities. 30216..Chapter 129 Appendix A.......... Surface Coating 01/06/1993 06/17/1994, 59 FR Appendix.
Facilities. 31154.Chapter 130..................... Solvent Cleaners........ 06/17/2004 05/26/2005, 70 FR
30367.Chapter 131..................... Cutback Asphalt and 09/15/2009 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Emulsified Asphalt. 30216..Chapter 132..................... Graphic Arts: 01/06/1993 06/17/1994, 59 FR
Rotogravure and 31154.
Flexography.Chapter 132 Appendix A.......... Graphic Arts: 01/06/1993 06/17/1994, 59 FR Appendix.
Rotogravure and 31154.
Flexography.Chapter 133..................... Gasoline Bulk Plants.... 06/22/1994 06/29/1995, 60 FR
33730.Chapter 134..................... Reasonably Available 02/08/1995 04/18/2000, 65 FR Regulations fully
Control Technology for 20749. approved for the
Facilities that Emit following
Volatile Organic counties: York,
Compounds. Sagadahoc,
Kennebec, Knox,
Lincoln, Hancock,
Waldo, Aroostock,
Franklin, Oxford,
and Piscataquis.
granted a limited
approval for
Somerset, and
Counties.Chapter 137..................... Emission Statements..... 07/06/2004 11/21/2007, 72 FR Revised to
65462. incorporate
changes required
by EPA's
reporting rule.
The entire rule
is approved with
the exception of
HAP and
greenhouse gas
which were not
included in the
State's SIP
revision request.Chapter 138..................... Reasonably Available 08/03/1994 09/09/2002, 67 FR Affects sources in
Control Technology for 57148. York, Cumberland,
Facilities that Emit Sagadahoc,
Nitrogen Oxides. Androscoggin,
Lincoln, and Knox
counties.Chapter 139..................... Transportation 09/19/2007 02/08/2008, 73 FR
Conformity. 7465.Chapter 141..................... Conformity of General 04/19/2007 02/20/2008, 73 FR
Federal Actions. 9203.
Chapter 145..................... NOX Control Program..... 06/21/2001 03/10/2005, 70 FR
11879.Chapter 148..................... Emissions from Smaller- 07/15/2004 05/26/2005, 70 FR
Scale Electric 30373.
Generating Resources.Chapter 150..................... Control of Emissions 4/11/2010 4/24/2012, 77 FR
from Outdoor Wood 24385.
Boilers.Chapter 151..................... Architectural and 10/06/2005 03/17/2006, 71 FR
Industrial Maintenance 13767.
(AIM) Coatings.Chapter 152..................... Control of Volatile 12/15/2007 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Organic Compounds from 30216..
Consumer Products.Chapter 153..................... Mobile Equipment Repair 02/05/2004 05/26/2005, 70 FR
and Refinishing. 30367.Chapter 154..................... Control of Volatile 7/20/2010 11/5/2014, 79 FR
Organic Compounds from 65589.
Flexible Package
Printing.Chapter 155..................... Portable Fuel Container 07/14/2004 02/07/2005, 70 FR With the exception
Spillage Control. 6352. of the word
``or'' in
Subsection 7C
which Maine did
not submit as
part of the SIP
revision.Chapter 159..................... Control of Volatile 6/2/2014 11/5/2014, 79 FR
Organic Compounds from 65589.
Adhesives and Sealants.Chapter 161..................... Graphic Arts--Offset 04/06/2010 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Lithography and 30216..
Letterpress Printing.Vehicle I/M..................... Vehicle Inspection and 07/09/1998 01/10/2001, 66 FR ``Maine Motor
Maintenance. 1871. Vehicle
Manual,'' revised
in 1998, pages 1-
12 through 1-14,
and page 2-14,
D.1.g.Vehicle I/M..................... Vehicle Inspection and 07/09/1998 01/10/2001, 66 FR Maine Motor
Maintenance. 1871. Vehicle
Inspection and
effective July 9,
1998 and entitled
L.D. 2223, ``An
Act to Reduce Air
Pollution from
Motor Vehicles
and to Meet
Requirements of
the Federal Clean
Air Act.''38 MRSA Sec. 603-A sub Sec. ``An Act To Improve 9/12/2009 4/24/2012, 77 FR Only approving
2(A). Maine's Air Quality and 24385. Sec. 1. 38 MRSA
Reduce Regional Haze at Sec. 603-A, sub-
Acadia National Park Sec. 2, (2)
and Other Federally Prohibitions.
Designated Class I
Areas''.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ In order to determing the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the
Federal Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision.
(d) EPA-approved State Source specific requirements.
EPA-Approved Maine Source Specific Requirements----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of source Permit number effective EPA approval Explanations
date date \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Central Maine Power, W.F. Wyman Department Finding of 01/01/1977 01/08/1982, 47
Station, Cousins Island, Yarmouth, Fact and Order Air FR 947
Maine. Emission License.Lincoln Pulp and Paper Company, Air Emission License 03/09/1983 05/01/1985, 50
Kraft Pulp Mill, (Lincoln, Maine). Renewal; and New FR 18483
License for No. 6
Boiler.JJ Nissen Baking Company, Air Emission License A- 02/27/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Cumberland County, Portland Maine. 440-74-C-A. FR 20749 issued by Maine
Department of
Protection (ME DEP)
on February 25, 1997.
Prime Tanning Company, York County, Air Emission License 03/23/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Berwick, Maine. Amendment 5 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-376-72-E-A. July 23, 1997.Prime Tanning Company, York County, Air Emission License 10/28/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Berwick, Maine. Amendment 6 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-376-72-F-M. October 27, 1997.Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, York Air Emission License 07/25/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Kittery, Maine. Amendment 4 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-452-71-F-M. July 25, 1997.Dexter Shoe Company, Penobscot Air Emission License A- 12/05/1996 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Dexter, Maine. 175-72-H-A/R. FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
December 5, 1996.Dexter Shoe Company, Penobscot Air Emission License 10/22/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Dexter, Maine. Amendment 1 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-175-71-I-M. October 20, 1997.Pioneer Plastics Corporation, Air Emission License 06/16/1997 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Androscoggin County, Auburn, Maine. Amendment 3 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-448-71-P-A. June 16, 1997.Georgia Pacific Corporation, Air Emission License 01/05/1996 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Washington County, Woodland, Maine. Minor Revision/ FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
Amendment 10 January 4, 1996.
A-215-71-T-M.Champion International Corporation, Air Emission License 01/19/1996 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Hancock County, Bucksport, Maine. Amendment 5 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-22-71-K-A. January 18, 1996.International Paper Company, Air Emission License 10/04/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Franklin County, Jay, Maine. Amendment 8 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-203-71-R-A. October 4, 1995.International Paper Company, Air Emission License 12/13/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Franklin County, Jay, Maine. Amendment 9 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-203-71-S-M. December 13, 1995.James River Corporation, Penobscot Air Emission License 12/11/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Old Town, Maine. Minor Revision/ FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
Amendment 6 December 8, 1995.
A-180-71-R-M.Lincoln Pulp and Paper Company, Air Emission License 12/19/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Penobscot County, Lincoln, Maine. Amendment 8 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-177-71-J-M. December 18, 1995.S.D. Warren Paper Company, Air Emission License 12/19/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
Cumberland County, Westbrook, Minor Revision/ FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
Maine. Amendment 14 December 18, 1995.
A-29-71-Z-M.S.D. Warren Paper Company, Somerset Air Emission License 10/04/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Skowhegan, Maine. Amendment 14 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-19-71-W-M. October 4, 1995.S.D. Warren Paper Company, Somerset Air Emission License 01/10/1996 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Skowhegan, Maine. Amendment 15 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-19-71-Y-M. January 9, 1996.Boise Cascade Corporation, Oxford Air Emission License 12/21/1995 04/18/2000, 65 VOC RACT Determination
County, Rumford, Maine. Amendment 11 FR 20749 issued by ME DEP on
A-214-71-X-A. December 20, 1995.Bath Iron Works Corporation, Departmental Finding 04/11/2001 05/20/2002, 67 VOC RACT determination
Sagadahoc County, Bath, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 35439 for Bath Iron Works.
Emission License
Amendment 10
A-333-71-M-M.United Technologies Pratt & Departmental Finding 04/26/2001 05/20/2002, 67 VOC RACT determination
Whitney, York County, North of Fact and Order Air FR 35439 for Pratt & Whitney.
Berwick, Maine. Emission License
Amendment 6
A-453-71-N-M.United Technologies Pratt & Departmental Finding 07/02/2001 05/20/2002, 67 VOC RACT determination
Whitney, York County, North of Fact and Order Air FR 35439 for Pratt & Whitney.
Berwick, Maine. Emission License
Amendment 7
A-453-71-O-M.Moosehead Manufacturing Company, Departmental Finding 05/10/2001 05/20/2002, 67 VOC RACT determination
Piscataquis County, Dover- of Fact and Order Air FR 35439 for Moosehead
Foxcroft, Maine. Emission License Manufacturing's Dover-
Amendment 2 Foxcroft plant.
A-338-71-F-M.Moosehead Manufacturing Company, Departmental Finding 05/10/2001 05/20/2002, 67 VOC RACT determination
Piscataquis County, Monson, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 35439 for Moosehead
Emission License Manufacturing's
Amendment 2 Monson plant.
Central Maine Power Company, W.F. Departmental Finding 05/18/1995 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Wyman Station, Cumberland County, of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Yarmouth, Maine. Emission License license A-388-71-C-A,
Amendment 1 Amendment 1,
A-388-71-C-A. condition (q) for FPL
Energy's (formerly
Central Maine Power)
W.F. Wyman Station.Central Maine Power Company, W.F. Departmental Finding 02/16/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Wyman Station, Cumberland County, of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Yarmouth, Maine. Emission License license A-388-71-D-M,
Amendment 1 amendment 1,
A-388-71-D-M. conditions 19 and 23
for FPL Energy's
(formerly Central
Maine Power) W.F.
Wyman Station.Tree Free Fiber Company, LLC, Departmental Finding 06/12/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Kennebec County, Augusta, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-195-71-G-M,
Amendment 1 Amendment 1,
A-195-71-G-M. for Tree Free Fiber
Company, LLC,
(formerly Statler
Industries Inc.).Tree Free Fiber Company, LLC, Departmental Finding 06/16/1995 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Kennebec County, Augusta, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-195-71-D-A/
Amendment 1 R, section (II)(D),
A-195-71-D-A/R. paragraphs (II)(F)(1)
and (3), and
conditions 12(A),
12(C), (13), (14) and
(15) for Tree Free
Fiber Company, LLC,
(formerly Statler
Industries Inc.).Pioneer Plastics Corporation, Departmental Finding 08/23/1995 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Androscoggin County, Auburn, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License A- license A-448-72-K-A/
448-72-K-A/R. R, paragraphs
(II)(D)(3) and
conditions (13)(f)
and 14(k) for Pioneer
Plastics Corporation.Pioneer Plastics Corporation, Departmental Finding 03/10/1997 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Androscoggin County, Auburn, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-448-71-O-M,
Amendment 2 Amendment 2,
A-448-71-O-M. condition (14)(k),
for Pioneer Plastics
Corporation.Scott Paper Company, Kennebec Departmental Finding 11/15/1995 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Winslow, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-188-72-E-A,
Amendment 2 Amendment 2,
A-188-72-E-A. conditions 8,
paragraph 1, and 9,
paragraphs 1, 2 and
4, for Scott Paper
Company.The Chinet Company, Kennebec Departmental Finding 01/18/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Waterville, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License A- license A-416-72-B-A,
416-72-B-A. conditions (l) 1, 2,
3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, and
(m) for The Chinet
Company.FMC Corporation-Food Ingredients Departmental Finding 02/07/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Division, Knox County, Rockland, of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Maine. Emission License license A-366-72-H-A,
Amendment 5 Amendment 5,
A-366-72-H-A. conditions 3, 4, 5,
7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16,
and 18 for FMC
Ingredients Division.Dragon Products Company, Inc., Knox Departmental Finding 06/05/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Thomaston, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT.
Emission License
Amendment 5
A-326-72-N-A.Dragon Products Company, Inc., Knox Departmental Finding 03/05/1997 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Thomaston, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT.
Emission License
Amendment 7
S.D. Warren Paper Company, Departmental Finding 06/12/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Cumberland County, Westbrook, of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Maine. Emission License license A-29-71-Y-A,
Amendment 13 Amendment 13, conditions
(k)2, (k)3, (q)8 and
(p) for S.D. Warren
Company.Mid-Maine Waste Action Corporation, Departmental Finding 10/16/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
Androscoggin County, Auburn, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT.
Emission License
Amendment 2
A-378-72-E-A.Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, York Departmental Finding 10/21/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Kittery, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-452-71-D-A,
Amendment 2 Amendment 2,
A-452-71-D-A. conditions 3, 4, 5,
7, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18,
19, and 20 for
Portsmouth Naval
Shipyard.Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, York Departmental Finding 07/25/1997 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Kittery, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT. Air emission
Emission License license A-452-71-F-M,
Amendment 4 Amendment 4,
A-452-71-F-M. condition 4 for
Portsmouth Naval
Shipyard.Maine Energy Recovery Company, York Departmental Finding 11/12/1996 09/09/2002, 67 Case-specific NOX
County, Biddeford, Maine. of Fact and Order Air FR 57148 RACT.
Emission License
Amendment 4
A-46-71-L-A.Katahdin Paper Company............. A-406-77-3-M.......... 7/8/2009 4/24/2012, 77 Approving license
FR 24385 conditions (16) A, B,
G, and H.Rumford Paper Company.............. A-214-77-9-M.......... 1/8/2010 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385Verso Bucksport, LLC............... A-22-77-5-M........... 11/2/2010 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385Woodland Pulp, LLC................. A-214-77-2-M.......... 11/2/2010 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385FPL Energy Wyman, LLC & Wyman IV, A-388-77-2-M.......... 11/2/2010 4/24/2012, 77
LLC. FR 24385S. D. Warren Company............... A-19-77-5-M........... 11/2/2010 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385Verso Androscoggin, LLC............ A-203-77-11-M......... 11/2/2010 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385Red Shield Environmental, LLC...... A-180-77-1-A.......... 11/29/2007 4/24/2012, 77
FR 24385McCain Foods USA, Inc., Tatermeal Amendment 2 03/19/2003 05/22/2012, 77
Facility. of Air Emission FR 30216.
License A-459-72-B-R.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\2\ In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the
Federal Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision.
(e) Nonregulatory.
Maine Non Regulatory----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applicable State submittal
Name of non regulatory SIP geographic or date/effective EPA approved date Explanations
provision nonattainment area date \3\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Impact of Projected Growth for Maine's Standard 06/26/1974 04/29/1975, 40 FR
Next 10 Years on Air Quality Metropolitan 18726.
for Maine Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Statistical Areas.Incinerator Emission Standard-- Maine.............. 05/21/1975 04/10/1978, 43 FR Revision to
Regulation Implementation Plan 14964. incinerator
Change, Findings of Fact and particulate
Order. emission standard
which would
exempt wood waste
cone burners from
the plan until
Incinerator Emission Standard-- Maine.............. 09/24/1975 04/10/1978, 43 FR Revision to
Regulation and Implementation 14964. incinerator
Plan Change, Findings of Fact particulate
and Order. emission standard
which would
exempt municipal
waste cone
burners from the
plan until 1980.Air Quality Surveillance........ Maine.............. 03/10/1978 03/23/1979, 44 FR Revision to
17674. Chapter 5 of the
SIP.New Sources and Modifications... Maine.............. 03/10/1978 03/23/1979, 44 FR Revision to
17674. Chapter 6 of the
SIP.Review of New Sources and Maine.............. 12/19/1979 01/30/1980, 45 FR Revision to
Modifications. 6784. Chapter 6 of the
SIP.Revisions to State Air Maine.............. 03/28/1979 02/19/1980, 45 FR Includes Control
Implementation Plan as Required 10766. Strategies for
by the Federal Clean Air Act. Particulates,
Carbon Monoxide,
and ozone.Plan for Public Involvement in Maine.............. 05/28/1980 09/09/1980, 45 FR A plan to provide
Federally Funded Air Pollution 59314. for public
Control Activities. involvement in
federally funded
air pollution
activities.Air Quality Surveillance........ Maine.............. 07/01/1980 01/22/1981, 46 FR Revision to
6941. Chapter 5 of the
SIP.Attain and Maintain the NAAQS Maine.............. 11/05/1980 08/27/1981, 46 FR Control Strategy
for Lead. 43151. for Lead.
Revision to
Chapter 2.5.Establishment of Air Quality Metropolitan 10/30/1975 01/08/1982, 47 FR Department
Control Sub-Region. Portland Air 947. Findings of Fact
Quality Control and Order--Sulfur
Region. Dioxide Control
Strategy.Sulfur Dioxide Control Strategy-- Portland-Peninsula 10/30/1975 01/08/1982, 47 FR Department
Low Sulfur Fuel Regulation. Air Quality 947. Findings of Fact
Control Region. and Order--
Plan Revision.Letter from the Maine DEP Maine.............. 06/03/1991 02/03/1992, 57 FR
documenting the December 1990 3046..
survey conducted to satisfy the
5 percent demonstration
requirement in order to justify
the 3500 gallon capacity cut-
off in Chapter 112.Withdrawal of Air Emission Maine.............. 10/03/1990 02/03/1992, 57 FR Department of
Licenses for: Pioneer Plastics; 3046. Environmental
Eastern Fine Paper; and S.D. Protection Letter
Warren, Westbrook. dated December 5,
1989, withdrawing
three source-
specific licenses
as of October 3,
1990.Portions of Chapter 1 entitled Maine.............. 02/08/1984 03/23/1993, 58 FR
``Regulations for the 15422..
Processing of Applications''.Review of New Sources and Maine.............. 11/06/1989 03/23/1993, 58 FR Revision to
Modifications. 15422. Chapter 6 of the
SIP.Letter from the Maine DEP Maine.............. 05/01/1989 03/23/1993, 58 FR
regarding implementation of 15422..
BACT.Review of New Sources and Maine.............. 11/02/1990 03/18/1994, 59 FR Revision to
Modifications. 12853. Chapter 6 of the
SIP.Joint Memorandum of City of Presque 03/11/1991 01/12/1995, 60 FR Part B of the MOU
Understanding (MOU) Among: City Isle, Maine. 2885. which the Maine
of Presque Isle; ME DOT and ME Department of
DEP. Environmental
Protection (ME
DEP) entered into
with the City of
Presque Isle, and
the Maine
Department of
(ME DOT).Maine State Implementation Plan City of Presque 08/14/1991 01/12/1995, 60 FR An attainment plan
to Attain the NAAQS for Isle, Maine. 2885. and demonstration
Particulate Matter (PM10) which outlines
Presque Isle Maine. Maine's control
strategy for
attainment of the
PM10 NAAQS and
implement RACM
and RACT
requirements for
Presque Isle.
Memorandum of Understanding City of Presque 05/25/1994 08/30/1995, 60 FR Revisions to Part
among: City of Presque Isle; ME Isle, Maine. 45056. B of the MOU
DOT and ME DEP. which the ME DEP
entered into (and
effective) on May
25, 1994, with
the City of
Presque Isle, and
the ME DOT.Maintenance Demonstration and City of Presque 04/27/1994 08/30/1995, 60 FR A maintenance
Contingency Plan for Presque Isle, Maine. 45056. demonstration and
Isle. contingency plan
which outline
Main's control
maintenance of
the PM10 NAAQS
and contingency
measures and
provision for
Presque Isle.Letter from the Maine DEP dated Maine.............. 07/07/1994 09/12/1995, 60 FR Letter from the
July 7, 1994, submitting Small 47285. Maine Department
Business Technical Assistance of Environmental
Program. Protection
submitting a
revision to the
Maine SIP.Revisions to the SIP for the Maine Statewide.... 05/12/1994 09/12/1995, 60 FR Revisions to the
Small Business Stationary 47285. SIP for the Small
Source Technical and Business
Environmental Compliance Stationary Source
Assistance Program. Technical and
Program Dated
July 12, 1994 and
effective on May
11, 1994.Corrected page number 124 of the Maine.............. 08/16/1994 09/12/1995, 60 FR Letter from ME DEP
Small Business Stationary 47285. dated August 16,
Source Technical and 1994 submitting a
Environmental Compliance corrected page to
Assistance Program SIP. the July 12, 1994
SIP revision.Negative Declaration for Maine Statewide.... 11/15/1994 04/18/2000, 65 FR Letter from ME DEP
Synthetic Organic Chemical 20749. dated November
Manufacturing Industry 15, 1994 stating
Distillation and Reactors a negative
Control Technique Guideline declaration for
Categories. the Synthetic
Organic Chemical
Distillation and
Reactors Control
Categories.Letter from the Maine Department Greater Portland 11/19/1998 01/10/2001, 66 FR Letter from the
of Environmental Protection Metropolitan 1875. Maine Department
regarding Control of Motor Statistical Area. of Environmental
Vehicle Pollution (Inspection Protection dated
and Maintenance Program). November 19, 1998
submitting a
revision to the
Maine SIP.State of Maine Implementation Greater Portland 11/11/1998 01/10/2001, 66 FR Maine Motor
Plan for Inspection/Maintenance Metropolitan 1875. Vehicle
dated November 11, 1998. Statistical Area. Inspection and
Program.Letter from the Maine DEP Southern Maine..... 05/29/2001 03/06/2002, 67 FR Letter from the
submitting additional technical 10099. Maine Department
support and an enforcement plan of Environmental
for Chapter 119 as an amendment Protection dated
to the SIP. May 29, 2001
technical support
and an
enforcement plan
for Chapter 119
as an amendment
to the State
Plan.Application for a Waiver of Southern Maine..... 05/25/2001 03/06/2002, 67 FR Additional
Federally-Preempted Gasoline 10099. technical
Standards. support.Letter from the Maine DEP dated Maine.............. 07/01/1997 09/09/2002, 67 FR Letter from the
July 1, 1997, submitting case- 57148. Maine Department
specific NOX RACT of Environmental
determinations. Protection
submitting a
revision to the
Maine SIP.Letter from the Maine DEP dated Maine.............. 10/09/1997 09/09/2002, 67 FR Letter from the
October 9, 1997, submitting 57148. Maine Department
case-specific NOX RACT of Environmental
determinations. Protection
submitting a
revision to the
Maine SIP.
Letter from the Maine DEP dated Maine.............. 08/14/1998 09/09/2002, 67 FR Letter from the
August 14, 1998, submitting 57148. Maine Department
case-specific NOX RACT of Environmental
determinations. Protection
submitting a
revision to the
Maine SIP.Chapter 127 Basis Statement..... Maine.............. 12/31/2000 04/28/2005, 70 FR
21959..Correspondence from Maine DEP Maine.............. 06/06/2006 11/21/2007, 72 FR Correspondence
indicating which portions of 65462. from David W.
Chapter 137 should not be Wright of the
incorporated into the State's Maine DEP
SIP. indicating which
portions of
Chapter 137
Statements should
not be
incorporated into
the State's SIP.State of Maine MAPA 1 form for Maine nonattainment 09/10/2007 02/08/2008, 73 FR Certification that
Chapter 139 Transportation areas, and 7465. the Attorney
Conformity. attainment areas General approved
with a maintenance the Rule as to
plan. form and
legality.Amendment to Chapter 141 Maine nonattainment 04/19/2007 02/20/2008, 73 FR Maine Department
Conformity of General Federal areas, and 9203. of Environmental
Actions. attainment areas Protection
with a maintenance amended its
plan. incorporation-by-
reference within
Chapter 141.2 to
reflect EPA's
revision to the
Federal General
Conformity Rule
for fine
promulgated on
July 17, 2006 (71
FR 40420-40427);
specifically 40
CFR 51.852
Definitions and
40 CFR 51.853
Applicability.State of Maine MAPA 1 form for Maine.............. 01/03/2003 02/21/2008, 73 FR Certification that
Chapter 102 Open Burning 9459. the Attorney
Regulation. General approved
the Rule as to
form and
legality.Submittal to meet Clean Air Act State of Maine..... January 3, 2008 July 8, 2011...... This action
Section 110(a)(2) 76 FR 40258....... addresses the
Infrastructure Requirements for following Clean
the 1997 8-Hour Ozone National Air Act
Ambient Air Quality Standard. requirements:
(B), (C),
(D)(ii), (E),
(F), (G), (H),
(J), (K), (L),
and (M).Maine Regional Haze SIP and its Statewide.......... 12/9/2010 4/24/2012, 77 FR
supplements. supplements 24385.
submitted 9/14/
2011 11/9/2011Reasonably Available Control Statewide.......... Submitted 08/27/ 05/22/2012, 77 FR
Technology Demonstration (RACT) 2009 30216..
for the 1997 8-hour Ozone
National Ambient Air Quality
Standard.Submittal to meet Section Statewide.......... 9/10/2008; 10/16/2012, 77 FR This submittal is
110(a)(2) Infrastructure supplement 63228. approved with
Requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 submitted 6/1/ respect to the
NAAQS. 2011 following CAA
elements or
portions thereof:
110(a)(2) (B),
(C) (enforcement
program only),
only), (E)(i),
(E)(iii), (F),
(G), (H), (J)
(consultation and
only), (K), (L),
and (M).Submittal to meet Section Statewide.......... 7/27/2009; 10/16/2012, 77 FR This submittal is
110(a)(2) Infrastructure supplement 63228. approved with
Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 submitted 6/1/ respect to the
NAAQS. 2011 following CAA
elements or
portions thereof:
110(a)(2) (B),
(C) (enforcement
program only),
only), (E)(i),
(E)(iii), (F),
(G), (H), (J)
(consultation and
only), (K), (L),
and (M).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\3\ In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the
Federal Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision. [73 FR 56973, Oct. 1, 2008, as amended at 76 FR 40257, July 8, 2011; 76 FR 49671, Aug. 11, 2011; 77 FR 24390, Apr. 24, 2012; 77 FR 30217, May 22, 2012; 77 FR 63232, Oct. 16, 2012; 79 FR 35698, June 24, 2014; 79 FR 65589, Nov. 5, 2014]