(a) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on April 1, 1999, and supplemented on June 25, 1999 and September 9, 1999. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the rate of progress requirements of sections 182(b)(1) and 182(c)(2)(B) of the Clean Air Act for the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area.
(b) Approval--Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on July 27, 1998, October 1, 1998 and August 13, 1999. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(c)(2)(A) of the Clean Air Act, for the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) serious ozone nonattainment area. The revision establishes an attainment date of December 31, 2003 for the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area. This revision establishes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2003 of 23.77 tons per day of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and 49.11 tons per day of nitrogen oxides (NOX) to be used in transportation conformity in the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area.
(c) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on April 10, 2002 and amended on July 26, 2002. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the rate of progress requirements of sections 182(b)(1) and 182(c)(2)(B) of the Clean Air Act for the Massachusetts portion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester serious ozone nonattainment area.
(d) Approval--Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection on July 27, 1998, and September 6, 2002. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the one-hour ozone attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(c)92)(A) pof the Clean Air Act, for the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattiainment area. The revision establishes a one-hour attainment date of November 15, 2007l, for the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattainment area. This revision establishes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2007 of 86.7 tons per day of volatile organic compounds and 226.363 tons per day of nitrogen oxides to be used in transportation conformity in the Massachusets portion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattainment area.
(e) Determination of Attainment for the One-Hour Ozone Standard. Effective May 30, 2012, EPA is determining that the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) one-hour ozone nonattainment area did not meet its applicable one-hour ozone attainment date of December 31, 2003, based on 2001-2003 complete, quality-assured ozone monitoring data. Separate from and independent of this determination, EPA is determining that the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) one-hour ozone nonattainment area met the one-hour ozone standard, based on 2007-2009 complete, quality-assured ozone monitoring data at all monitoring sites in the area. EPA's review of the ozone data shows that the area began attaining the one-hour ozone standard during the 2007-2009 monitoring period, and has continued attaining the one-hour standard through the 2008-2010 and 2009-2011 monitoring periods.
(f) Determination of Attainment for the One-Hour Ozone Standard. Effective June 28, 2012, EPA is determining that the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH one-hour ozone nonattainment area met the one-hour ozone standard, by the area's applicable attainment date of November 15, 2007, based on 2005-2007 complete, certified, quality-assured ozone monitoring data at all monitoring sites in the area.
(g) Determination of Attainment. (1) Determination of Attainment by Attainment Date; and
(1) Determination of Attainment by Attainment Date; and
(2) Determination of Attainment. Effective June 28, 2012.
(i) Determination of Attainment by the Area's Attainment Date. EPA is determining that the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA eight-hour ozone nonattainment area met the applicable June 15, 2010 attainment deadline for the 1997 eight-hour ozone standard.
(ii) EPA is determining that the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA eight-hour ozone nonattainment area has attained the 1997 eight-hour ozone standard. Under the provisions of EPA's ozone implementation rule (see 40 CFR 51.918), this determination suspends the reasonable further progress and attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(b)(1) and related requirements of section 172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act for as long as the area continues to attain the 1997 eight-hour ozone standard. If EPA determines, after notice-and comment rulemaking, that the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA area no longer meets the 1997 ozone NAAQS, this determination shall be withdrawn.
(h) Determinations of Attainment: Effective July 19, 2012.
(1) Determination of Attainment. EPA is determining that the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) 8-hour ozone nonattainment area has attained the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. Under the provisions of EPA's ozone implementation rule (see 40 CFR 51.918), this determination suspends the reasonable further progress and attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(b)(1) and related requirements of section 172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act for as long as the area continues to attain the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. If EPA determines, after notice-and comment rulemaking, that the Western Massachusetts area no longer meets the 1997 ozone NAAQS, this determination shall be withdrawn.
(2) Determination of Attainment by the Area's Attainment Date. EPA has determined that the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) 8-hour ozone nonattainment area met the applicable June 15, 2010 attainment deadline for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard.
(i) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on January 31, 2008. These revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the rate of progress requirement of section 182(b)(1) from 2002 through 2008, and the contingency measure requirement of sections 172(c)(9) and of the Clean Air Act, for the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester (E. MA) moderate 8-hour ozone nonattainment area, and the Springfield (W. MA) moderate 8-hour ozone nonattainment area. These revisions establish motor vehicle emission budgets for 2008 of 68.30 tons per day of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and 191.30 tons per day of nitrogen oxides (NOX) to be used in transportation conformity in the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester (E. MA) moderate 8-hour ozone nonattainment area. These revisions also establish motor vehicle emission budgets for 2008 for the Springfield (W. MA) moderate 8-hour ozone nonattainment area of 11.80 tons per day for VOCs, and 31.30 tons per day for NOX.
(j) Approval--Reasonably Available Control Technology Demonstration for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on January 31, 2008. The revision consists of the state's certification that with regard to the 1997 8-hour ozone standard, Reasonably Available Control Technology controls have been implemented for all sources in the state covered by EPA's Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG) and for all major sources of volatile organic compound and nitrogen oxide emissions. The submittal also includes negative declaration for several CTG categories. [65 FR 68898, Nov. 15, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 693, Jan. 3, 2001; 67 FR 55125, Aug. 28, 2002; 67 FR 72579, Dec. 6, 2002; 77 FR 25363, Apr. 30, 2012; 77 FR 31498, May 29, 2012; 77 FR 36405, June 19, 2012; 77 FR 50601, Aug. 22, 2012; 78 FR 54961, Sept. 9, 2013] Sec. 52.1130 [Reserved]