The following table identifies the State regulations which have been submitted to and approved by EPA as revisions to the Massachusetts State Implementation Plan. This table is for informational purposes only and does not have any independent regulatory effect. To determine regulatory requirements for a specific situation consult the plan identified in Sec. 52.1120. To the extent that this table conflicts with Sec. 52.1120, Sec. 52.1120 governs.
Table 52.1167--EPA-Approved Rules and Regulations
[See Notes at end of Table]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date Date Federal
State citation Title/subject submitted approved by Register 52.1120(c) Comments/unapproved
by State EPA citation sections----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------310 CMR 6.04........ Standards.......... 7/25/90 10/04/02 67 FR 62187 120 Adopt PM10 as the
criteria pollutant
for particulates.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 2/14/85 9/25/85 50 FR 38804 64 Motor vehicle fuel.
2/21/86; 8/31/87 52 FR 32792 73 Two new definitions
2/25/86; and one amended
6/23/86 definition.
Statutory 11/5/86; 11/19/87 52 FR 44395 74 Approving the
authority; legend; 12/10/86 addition of
preamble; definitions for
definitions. synthetic organic
component, in gas
service, light
liquid, in light
liquid service,
leak, leaking
monitor, repair,
unit turnaround,
in VOC service,
quarterly, and
pressure relief
valve.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 7/18/88 5/4/89 54 FR 19184 78 Includes bulk plant
and terminal,
gasoline market.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 1/30/91 10/8/92 57 FR 46312 96 Definitions of no-
build alternative,
project area,
project roadway,
and tunnel
310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 05/17/90, 12/14/92 57 FR 58996 97 Added ``motor
06/07/91 vehicle fuel,''
``motor vehicle
fuel dispensing
and ``vapor
collection and
control system.''310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approving the
6/7/91 following amended
or additional
Application area,
automobile, bottom
filling, bulk
terminal, coating
compliance, crude
oil, department,
end sealing
compound, exterior
base coat, extreme
flashoff area,
freeboard height,
freeboard ratio,
organic compound,
interior base
coat, interior
body spray, knife
coating, lease
custody transfer,
light duty truck,
metal parts and
overvarnish, paper
surface coating,
penetrating prime
coat, petroleum
liquids, prime
coat, publication
printing, quench
area, refrigerated
chiller, Reid
vapor pressure,
roll printing,
roll coating,
single coat,
solids, specialty
printing, splash
filling, standard
submerged filling,
three piece can
side seam spray,
topcoat, transfer
efficiency, two
piece can exterior
end coating, vinyl
surface coating,
volatile organic
compound, waxy,
heavy pour crude
oil. The
definitions of
system'' and
``bulk plants and
terminals'' have
been deleted.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 8/27/82, 2/23/93 58 FR 10970 84 Approving the
6/22/87, definitions of
12/27/89 ``stationary
source'' and
facility, or
installation.''310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 6/7/91 6/30/93 58 FR 34911 58 Definitions: Bulk
plants, vapor
balance systems.
310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 12/9/91 10/4/94 59 FR 50498 101 Definitions of
baseline roadway
conditions, high
occupancy vehicle,
high occupancy
vehicle lane, peak
hour, performance
standard, and
roadway threshold
standard.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 11/15/93 2/1/95 60 FR 6030 103 Approving
05/11/94 additional
definitions for.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 7/30/93 10/15/96 61 FR 53632 111 Adding or amending
the following
definitions: motor
vehicle parking
space; off-peak
parking spaces;
remote parking
spaces; and
restricted use
parking.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48303 c(117)310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 7/30/96 4/11/00 65 FR 19326 115 Definition of
``volatile organic
revised.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 1/11/95 4/11/00 65 FR 19326 121 Definitions
3/29/95 associated with
marine vessel
rule.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 07/25/95 12/18/00 65 FR 78976 116 Definitions
08/09/00 associated with
9/11/00 State II vapor
recovery rule.310 CMR 7.00 Emission Offsets 7/15/94 10/27/00 65 FR 64363 (c)(127) Approving 1990 CAAA
Appendix A. and Nonattainment and 4/14/ revisions and
Review. 95 general NSR permit
requirements310 CMR 7.00 Emissions Banking, 2/9/94 8/8/96 61 FR 41338 112 Replaces earlier
Appendix B (except Trading, and 3/29/95 emissions
310 CMR 7.00 Averaging. averaging rules
Appendix with emissions
B(3)(e)5.h). banking, trading,
and averaging.310 CMR 7.00 and 2/14 and 9/25/85 50 FR 38806 64 Motor vehicle fuel
7.02(12)(c). 5/22/85 tank trucks.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 7/25/90 10/04/02 67 FR 62187 120 Add a definition of
PM10.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 8/9/01 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Approved the
definition for
310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Approving the
effective 9/23/05:
adhesion promoter,
anti-glare safety
coating, aqueous
facility, bakery,
efficiency, CEMS,
CFR, combined
cycle combustion
turbine, dry
bottom, duct
coating, emergency
or standby engine
, emission
statement, energy
input capacity,
EPA, existing
facility, face
firing, facility,
federal potential
to emit or federal
emissions, ferrous
cupola foundry,
four-stage coating
system, fuel cell,
emissions, glass,
glass melting
organic compound,
hazardous air
pollutant (HAP),
heat release rate,
impact resistant
coating, lean burn
engine, lowest
emission rate
maximum achievable
maximum design
capacity, mobile
equipment, MW,
natural draft
review, non-
emissions or
potential to emit,
pretreatment wash
primer, primer
sealer, primer
surfacer, reducer,
simple cycle
turbine, single-
stage topcoat,
soap, specialty
combustion engine,
stencil coating,
stoker, surface
tangential firing,
coating system,
touch-up coating,
two-stage topcoat,
underbody coating,
uniform finish
310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Approving the
following amended
or added
effective 6/2/06:
water hold-out
coating, weld-
through primer,
VOC composite
partial pressure.310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 12/13/06 07/31/08 73 FR 44654 136 Addition of the
term, ``Boston
12/13/06 07/31/08 73 FR 44654 136 Massachusetts
Regulation Filing,
dated November 16,
December 1, 2006,
State effective
date for amended
310 CMR 7.00
(addition of term
which appears on
the replaced page
173 of the State's
Code of
Regulations.).310 CMR 7.00........ Definitions........ 8/9/12 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Approving the
definition of
``Sulfur in
Fuel.''310 CMR 7.00........ Table of MA cities 11/13/07 4/24/14 79 FR 22774 140
and towns with
corresponding DEP
Regional offices.310 CMR 7.02........ Plans and approval 4/27/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 2
and emission
8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
5/27/82 1/10/84 49 FR 1187 60 7.02(2)(b)(4) and
9/9/82 7.02(2)(5) for new
source review.
12/3/85 11/25/86 51 FR 42564 69 Adds the word
1/31/86 ``major'' before
2/11/86 the word
at 7.02(2)(b).310 CMR 7.02........ Plans and approval
and emission
11/21/86 3/10/89 54 FR 10148 72 7.02(2)(b) 4, 5 and
1/15/87 6-new source
review.310 CMR 7.02(11).... Emission 2/1/78 3/15/79 44 FR 15704 18 Adds an emission
limitations for limitation for
incinerators. sewage sludge
incinerators.310 CMR 7.02(12).... U Organic Material. 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 310 CMR 7.02(12)
has been
recodified and
relocated in 310
CMR 7.24, ``U
Organic Material
Storage and
All subsections
and references in
310 CMR 7.02(12)
have been
accordingly.310CMR 7.02(12)..... U Restricted 6/6/94 4/5/95 60 FR 17229 105 This rule limits a
Emission Status. source's potential
to emit, therefore
avoiding RACT,
title V operating
permits310 CMR Organic material, 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
7.02(12)(a)(b). bulk plants and 5/16/79
terminals handling
organic material.
310 CMR Gasoline liquid 12/2/83 3/8/84 49 FR 8611 56 Approved for
7.02(12)(a)1e. storage in secondary seals or
external floating equivalent weather
roof tanks. roofs.310 CMR 7.02(12)(b)2 Stage I vapor 5/20/77 5/25/78 43 FR 22356 15 Provisions for
recovery. Pioneer APCD Stage
I vapor recovery.
12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
3/25/83 7/7/83 48 FR 31200 55 Exempt Berkshire
APCD.310 CMR 7.02(12)(b)3 Stage I vapor 11/21/86 3/10/89 54 FR 10148 72 7.02(12)(b)3 is
recovery. 1/15/87 deleted.310 CMR 7.02(12) (c) Gasoline Tank 2/14/85 9/25/85 50 FR 38804 64 Tank trucks.
and (d). Trucks. 5/22/85310 CMR 7.02(12)(d). Test Methods 11/21/86 3/10/89 54 FR 10148 72 Requires EPA
applicable to 310 1/15/87 approved test
CMR 7.02(12). methods or EPA
alternatives.310 CMR 7.02(12)(e). Gasoline Volatility 7/18/88 5/4/89 54 FR 19184 78 Approves a
9/15/88 limitation on
4/12/89 volatility of
gasoline from June
30 for Sept. 15,
1989, and May 1 to
Sept. 15 in
subsequent years.310 CMR 7.03(13).... Paint spray booths. 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48303 c(117) Adds the following
plastic parts
surface coating,
leather surface
coating, wood
product surface
coating, and flat
wood paneling
surface coating.310 CMR 7.04(2)..... U Fossil fuel 11/13/07 4/24/14 79 FR 22774 140 Clarifies new
Utilization applicability
Facilities. requirements for
smoke density
instrument removal
for certain
facilities.310 CMR 7.04(4)(a).. U Fossil Fuel 11/13/07 4/24/14 79 FR 22774 140 Requires
Utilization inspection,
Facilities. maintenance
testing at
facilities with
heat inputs over 3
MMBtu/ hr
turbines and
engines); requires
posting of test
results near
facilities.310 CMR 7.04(5)..... Fuel oil viscosity. 12/28/78 6/17/80 45 FR 40987 29 For Cambridge
Electric Light
Company's Kendal
Station, and
12/28/78 10/18/80 45 FR 48131 29 Correction notice.310 CMR 7.05........ Sulfur-in-fuel..... 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23058 4
7/5/78 2/7/79 44 FR 7712 17 Approves the
burning of coal/
oil slurry at New
England Power
Company, Salem
Harbor Station,
MA.310 CMR 7.05........ U Fuels All 8/9/12 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Approves the sulfur
Districts. content of fuel
oil. The following
sections were not
submitted as part
of the SIP:
(1)(a)(3), (2),
(3), (4), (7),
(8), (9).310 CMR 7.05(1)(a).. Sulfur content of 4/14/77 3/24/78 43 FR 12324 13 Approves the
fuels and control burning of 1% for
thereof for all but: Crane and
Berkshire APCD. Company Inc., and
Division, Kimberly
Clark Corporation,
Columbia Mill.
4/14/77 3/7/79 44 FR 12422 13 Approves the
8/11/78 burning of 2.2% at
8/31/78 Crane & Co., Inc.,
and Schweitzer
Division, Kimberly-
Clark Corp.,
Columbia Mill.
11/8/82 4/28/83 48 FR 19172 54 Approves burning of
2.2% at Esleek
Company, Inc.,
provided the fuel
firing rate does
not exceed 137.5
gallons per hour.310 CMR 7.05(1)(b).. Sulfur content of 6/25/76 2/15/77 42 FR 9176 10 Approves the
fuels and control burning of 2.2%
thereof for until 7/1/78 for
Central APCD. 100 mBtu sources
listed in 52.1126.
3/29/76 5/19/77 42 FR 25730 11 Approves burning of
5/25/76 2.2% at James
River Associates,
Inc. and part of
Fitchburg Paper
Company, April
through October.
November through
March, they are
limited to burning
1% sulfur-in-fuel
6/25/76 6/21/78 43 FR 26573 10 Extends expiration
8/22/77 date to 6/21/78.
3/2/79 7/16/79 44 FR 41180 24 Permanent extension
for certain
sources to burn
2.2% under
Sulfur content of 9/28/79 6/17/80 45 FR 40987 24 Approves the
fuels and control burning of 2.2% at
thereof for Fitchburg Paper
central APCD. (55 Meter stacks
only) for James
Inc., year round.
3/20/80 9/10/80 45 FR 59578 31 Approves the
temporary burning
of 2.2% at Seaman
Paper Co.,
3/2/79 9/17/81 46 FR 46133 33 Approves the
5/5/81 burning of 2.2% at
Millers Falls
Paper Co.310 CMR 7.05(1)(c).. Sulfur content of 6/4/76 12/30/76 41 FR 56804 8 Approves the
fuels and control burning of 2.2%
thereof for except at those
Merrimack Valley. sources listed in
1/28/76 7/12/77 42 FR 35830 8 Approves burning of
12/30/76 1.4% at Haverhill
Paperboard Corp.,
Haverhill, MA.
1/28/76 ........... ............ ..........
8/22/77 6/21/78 43 FR 26573 8 Extends expiration
12/30/76 date to 7/1/79.
12/28/78 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 20 Permanent extension
to burn 2.2%.310 CMR 7.05(1)(d).. Sulfur content of 7/11/75 12/5/75 40 FR 56889 6 Approves burning of
fuels and control 9/16/75 1% for large
thereof for electric
Metropolitan generating
Boston APCD. facilities in
certain cities and
towns and 2.2% for
Effective 7/1/75
to 7/1/77.
7/11/75 8/22/77 42 FR 42218 6 Extends expiration
4/1/77 date from 7/1/77
to 7/1/78 except
for Eastman
Gelatin Corp.,
which must burn
4/20/78 11/30/78 43 FR 56040 6 Extends expiration
date from 7/1/78
to 7/1/79.
Sulfur content of 12/28/78 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 20 Permanent extension
fuels and control to burn 2.2%.
thereof for
Boston APCD.
4/25/80 1/27/81 46 FR 8476 34 Approves the
burning of 2.2% at
Natick Paperboard
11/25/80 8/11/81 46 FR 40688 38 Approves the
increase to 2.2%
at Boston Edison
Mystic Generating
Station for 30
months from 8/11/
81 (expires 2/11/
7/14/81 12/16/81 46 FR 61123 41 Approves burning of
2.2% at Haverhill
Paper Corp.
11/27/79 12/15/80 45 FR 82251 32 Allows the burning
of 2.2% at Proctor
and Gamble.
9/24/81 12/15/81 46 FR 61118 43 Approves burning of
2.2% at Eastman
Gelatin Corp.
12/7/83 9/25/84 49 FR 37592 65 Approves burning of
2.2% at Boston
Edison Mystic
Generating Station
until 3/25/87.310 CMR 7.05(1)(e).. Sulfur content of 7/22/77 2/1/77 42 FR 5957 9 Approves 2.2%
fuels and control except for sources
thereof for listed in 52.1125.
Pioneer Valley
7/22/76 ........... ............ ..........
8/22/77 6/21/78 43 FR 26573 9 Extends expiration
12/27/77 date to 7/1/79.
1/3/79 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 21 Permanent extension
to burn 2.2%
3/2/80 1/19/81 45 FR 4918 33 Approves the
burning of 2.2% at
all sources in
Franklin and
Hampshire Counties
rated at less than
100 mBtu except
Manufacturing Co.,
and Millers Falls
Paper Co.
10/13/81 2/10/82 47 FR 6011 45 Approves the
burning of 2.2% at
Holyoke Gas and
Holyoke, MA.
7/18/84 2/15/90 55 FR 5449 77 Approves the
4/17/85 burning of 2.2%
3/16/87 and imposes fuel
11/25/87 use limits at
American Fiber and
Finishing Co.,
Erving Paper Co.,
and Westfield
River Paper Co.310 CMR 7.05(1)(f).. Sulfur content of 12/30/76 9/2/77 42 FR 44235 12 Approves burning of
fuels and control 2.2% for sources
thereof for listed in 52.1126,
Southeastern APCD. all others must
continue to burn
12/30/76 9/8/78 43 FR 40010 12 Extends expiration
1/31/78 date from 5/1/78
to 7/1/79.
1/31/79 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 22 Permanent extension
to burn 2.2%.310 CMR 7.05(2)..... U Fuels All 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Removed landfill
Districts; U Use gas from
of Residual Fuel requirements of
Oil or Hazardous section.
Waste Fuel.310 CMR 7.05(4)..... Ash content of 1/3/79 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 21
fuels for Pioneer
Valley for APCD.
Ash content of 7/20/79 5/21/79 44 FR 29453 23
fuels for
Boston APCD.
Ash content of 12/3/85 11/25/86 51 FR 42564 69 Includes Berkshire
fuels. 1/31/86 Air Pollution
2/11/86 Control District
to 7.05(4)(b)(2)
so facilities in
that district can
apply to burn
fossil fuel with
an ash content in
excess of 9 pct
bydry weight.310 CMR 7.06........ Visible emissions.. 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
7/5/78 2/7/79 44 FR 7712 17 Approves New
England Power
Company, Salem
Harbor Station to
burn a coal oil
12/28/79 8/12/80 45 FR 53476 17 Extension of
temporary revision
to allow
exceedance of 20%
capacity limit at
New England Power
Company's Salem
Harbor Station,
Salem, MA Unit 1
so can burn 30%
coal/70% oil
mixture until 12/
31/80.310 CMR 7.07........ Open burning....... 12/9/77 9/29/78 43 FR 44841 16 Two revisions with
conditions to
permit open
burning of brush
cane, driftwood
and forest debris
for 2 months of
the year.
Open burning....... 9/28/79 6/17/80 45 FR 40987 27 Approves open
burning (as in (c)
16) from 1/15 to 5/
1 in certain areas
of the State.310 CMR 7.08........ Incinerators....... 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4310 CMR 7.08(2), MWC NOX 1/11/99 9/2/99 64 FR 48098 119 Only approved NOX
except sections: requirements. related
(a); the definition requirements of
of ``Material state plan for
Separation Plan'' MWCs. The
in (c); (d)1; (d)2; following sections
(d)3; (d)4; (d)5; were not submitted
(d)6; (d)8; (f)1; as part of the
(f)2; (f)5; (f)6; SIP: (a), the
(f)7; (g)1; (g)2; definition of
(g)3; (g)4; (h)2.a; ``Material
(h)2.b; (h)2.d; Separation Plan''
(h)2.e; (h)2.g; in (c), (d)1,
(h)2.h; (h)4; (d)2, (d)3, (d)4,
(h)5.a; (h)5.c; (d)5, (d)6, (d)8,
(h)5.d; (h)9; (f)1, (f)2, (f)5,
(h)10; (h)13; (f)6, (f)7, (g)1,
(i)1.b; (i)1.g; (g)2, (g)3, (g)4,
(i)2.c; (i)2.d; (h)2.a, (h)2.b,
(i)2.e; and (k)3.. (h)2.d, (h)2.e,
(h)2.g, (h)2.h,
(h)4, (h)5.a,
(h)5.c, (h)5.d,
(h)9, (h)10,
(h)13, (i)1.b,
(i)1.g, (i)2.c,
(i)2.d, (i)2.e,
and (k)3.310 CMR 7.08(2)..... MWC NOX 8/9/12 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Facility specific
requirements. MWC Emission
Control Plan for
Saugus revises the
NOX limits to 185
ppm by volume at
7% O2 dry basis
(30-day rolling
average).310 CMR 7.09........ Dust and odor...... 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
12/9/77 9/29/78 43 FR 44841 16 Adds a requirement
that mechanized
street sweeping
equipment must be
equipped and
operated with a
suitable dust
collector or
system.310 CMR 7.12........ Inspection 6/28/90; 3/21/96 61 FR 11560 106 The 6/28/90 and 9/
Certificate Record 9/30/92; 30/92 submittals
Keeping and 7/15/94 deal with the
Reporting. permitting
process. The 7/15/
94 submittal
develops 7.12 to
comply with
emission statement
requirements.310 CMR 7.12........ U Source 5/31/01, 4/24/14 79 FR 22774 140 Revises
Registration. 8/23/05 & applicability
11/13/07 threshold emission
levels, expands
list of sources
required to report
emissions, and
clarifies types of
reported.310 CMR 7.14(2)..... Continuous 11/21/86 3/10/89 54 FR 10148 72 References 40 CFR
Emissions 1/15/85 part 51, Appendix
Monitoring. P.310 CMR 7.14(3)..... Continuous 11/21/86 3/10/89 54 FR 10148 72 Establishes
Emissions 1/15/87 compliance date
Monitoring. for meeting the
requirements of
7.14(2).310 CMR 7.15........ Asbestos 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
application.310 CMR 7.16........ Reduction to single 5/20/77 5/25/78 43 FR 22356 15 For Pioneer Valley
passenger commuter APCD.
vehicle use.
12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 .......... Reduction of single
5/16/79 occupant commuter
vehicles.310 CMR 7.17........ Coal conversion.... 9/7/78 5/14/79 44 FR 27991 19 Brayton Point
Station, New
England Power
1/22/82 6/9/82 47 FR 25007 49 Mount Tom Plant,
Holyoke, MA
Holyoke Water
Power Company.310 CMR 7.18(1)..... U Applicability and 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
Requirements. (c), (d) and (e).310 CMR 7.18(1)(a), U Applicability and 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added requirements
(c)-(f).. Handling for proper storage
Requirements. of volatile
organic compounds.310 CMR 7.18(2)..... U Compliance with 8/27/82; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
Emission 8/17/89; 7.18(2), (2)(a),
Limitations. 6/7/91 (2)(b), (2)(c) and
(2)(e).310 CMR 7.18(2)..... Compliance with 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds an exemption
emission for coatings used
limitations. in small amounts,
and a section on
daily weighted
averaging.310 CMR 7.18(2)..... U Compliance with 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Addition of daily
Emission weighted averaging
Limitations. provision.310 CMR 7.18(2)(b).. Generic VOC bubble 3/6/81 3/29/82 47 FR 13143 42 Includes surface
for surface 11/12/81 coating of metal
coaters. cans, large
appliances, magnet
wire insulation,
automobiles, paper
fabric and vinyl.
Generic VOC bubble 6/24/80 7/12/82 47 FR 30060 47 Adds metal coils.
for surface
Generic VOC bubble 3/29/95 8/8/96 61 FR 41338 112 Replaces earlier
for surface emissions
coaters. averaging rules
for surface
7/21/81 6/2/82 47 FR 23927 48 Adds miscellaneous
3/10/81 metal parts and
products and
graphic arts-
rotogravure and
9/9/82 2/3/83 48 FR 5014 53 Adds metal
furniture.310 CMR 7.18 (2)(e). Compliance with ......... 3/6/89 54 FR 9213 .......... Testing
emission requirements for
limitations. plan approvals
issued under 310
CMR 7.18(17).310 CMR 7.18(3)..... Metal furniture 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
surface coating. 5/16/79
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(3)..... U Metal Furniture 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Surface Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(3).310 CMR 7.18(3)(a).. U Metal Furniture 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Minor wording
Coating. change.310 CMR 7.18(4)..... Metal can surface 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
coating. 5/16/79
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(4)..... U Metal Can Surface 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(4).310 CMR 7.18(4)(a).. U Metal Can Surface 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Minor wording
Coating. change.310 CMR 7.18(5)..... Large appliances 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
surface coating. 5/16/79
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(5)..... U Large Appliance 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Surface Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(5).310 CMR 7.18(6)..... Magnet wire 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
insulation surface 5/16/79
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(6)..... U Magnet Wire 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Insulation Surface 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(6).
Coating.310 CMR 7.18(7)..... Automobile surface 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
coating. 5/16/79
9/9/82 11/9/83 45 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(7)..... Automobile Surface 8/17/89, 10/8/92 57 FR 46316 92
Coating. 6/7/91310 CMR 7.18(7)..... Automobile surface 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Revises a limit for
coating. primer surface
coating.310 CMR 7.18(8)..... Solvent metal 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30 Conditional
degreasing. 5/16/79 approval requiring
controls for small
solvent metal
8/13/83 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Approves public
education program
for small
degreasers and
approval.310 CMR 7.18(8)..... Solvent Metal 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds a
Degreasing. typographical
correction.310 CMR 7.18(8)..... U Solvent Metal 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
Degreasing. 7.18(8), (8)(d),
(8)(d)1., (8)(e),
(d)1., (8)(e),
(8)(f) and (8)(g).310 CMR 7.18(8)..... U Solvent Metal 6/7/91 6/30/93 58 FR 34911 58 Approval of 310 CMR
Degreasing. 7.18 (8), (8)(a),
(8)(a)6., (8)(b),
(8)(b)13., (8)(c),
(8)(d)2., (8)(d)3.
(d)2., (8)(d)3.
310 CMR 7.18(8)..... Solvent Metal 6/1/10 9/13/2013 78 FR 54960 138
Degreasing.310 CMR 7.18(9)..... Cutback asphalt.... 12/31/78 9/16/80 45 FR 61293 30
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds an exemption.310 CMR 7.18(9)..... U Cutback Asphalt.. 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
CMR 7.18(9).310 CMR 7.18(10).... Surface coating of 6/24/80 7/12/82 47 FR 30060 47 Approves and adds
metal coils. to 310 CMR
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods
and removes
schedule.310 CMR 7.18(10).... U Metal Coil 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(10).310 CMR 7.18(11).... Surface coating of 7/21/81 6/2/82 47 FR 23927 48 Adds to 310 CMR
miscellaneous 3/10/82 7.18(2)(b).
metal parts and
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(11).... Surface coating of 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Revises a
miscellaneous reference.
metal parts and
products.310 CMR 7.18(11).... U Surface Coating 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
of Miscellaneous 7.18(11), (11)(b),
Metal Parts and (11)(c), (11)(d)
Products. and (11)(e).310 CMR 7.18(11).... U Surface Coating 6/7/91 6/30/93 58 FR 34911 58 Approval of 310 CMR
of Miscellaneous 7.18 (11),
Metal Parts and (11)(a),
Products. (11)(a)1.,
(11)(a)3.310 CMR 7.18(11)(a)- U Surface Coating 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Wording revision to
(d)4.. of Miscellaneous clarify exemption
Metal Parts and requirements.
Products.310 CMR 7.18(12).... Graphic arts....... 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Amends
applicability to
50 tons per year
VOC.310 CMR 7.18(12).... Graphic arts- 7/21/81 6/2/82 47 FR 23927 48 Adds to 310 CMR
rotogravure and 3/10/82 7.18(2)(b).
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53310 CMR 7.18(12).... U Graphic Arts..... 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
6/7/91 CMR 7.18(12).310 CMR 7.18(13).... Perchloroethylene 7/21/81 6/2/82 47 FR 23927 48
dry cleaning 3/10/82
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(13).... U Dry Cleaning 8/17/89 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
Systems-Percholor- 7.18(13), (13)(c),
ethylene. (13)(d) and
(13)(e). 310 CMR
7.18(13)(a) 8. has
been deleted.310 CMR 7.18(14).... Paper surface 3/6/81 3/8/82 47 FR 9836 40
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(14).... U Paper Surface 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(14).310 CMR 7.18(15).... Fabric surface 3/6/81 3/8/82 47 FR 9836 40
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(15).... U Fabric Surface 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(15).310 CMR 7.18(16).... Vinyl surface 3/6/81 3/8/82 47 FR 9836 40
9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 Adds test methods.310 CMR 7.18(16).... U Vinyl Surface 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Coating. 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(16).310 CMR 7.18(17).... RACT............... 9/9/82 11/9/83 48 FR 51480 53 All 100 ton per
year sources not
covered by a CTG.
RACT............... ......... 3/6/89 54 FR 9213 .......... Enforceability of
plan approvals
issued under 310
CMR 7.18(17).
6/20/89 11/3/89 54 FR 46388 81 RACT for Cranston
Print Works
Company dated June
20, 1989.
7/12/89 11/8/89 54 FR 46895 80 RACT for Spalding
Corporation Plan
Approval dated
October 7, 1985
and amended Plan
Approval dated
July 12, 1989.
8/8/89 11/8/89 54 FR 46897 82 RACT for Duro
Textile Printers
6/20/89 2/21/90 55 FR 5990 79 RACT Compliance
Plan Conditional
Approval for
Monsanto Chemical
Company in Indian
Orchard dated 6/20/
11/17/89 8/3/90 55 FR 31590 85 RACT for Boston
Whaler in Norwell.
Amended Plan
Approval 4P89005
dated October 19,
1989 and Plan
Approval 4P89005
Correction dated
Nov. 17, 1989.
11/17/89 8/3/90 55 FR 31593 86 RACT for Boston
Whaler in
Rockland. Amended
Plan Approval
(4P89006) dated
October 19, 1989
and Plan Approval
4P89006 Correction
dated November 17,
Non-CTG RACT 11/2/89 11/27/90 55 FR 34915 87 RACT for Philips
determination. Lighting Company
in Lynn, MA, dated
November 2, 1989.
RACT............... 7/9/90 2/19/91 56 FR 6569 89 RACT for General
Motors Corporation
in Framingham.
Amended Plan
Approval dated
June 8, 1990.
RACT............... 6/13/90 2/27/91 56 FR 8132 88 RACT for Acushnet
Company, Titleist
Golf Division,
Plant A in New
Bedford. Amended
Plan Approval
dated June 1,
RACT............... 10/16/90 3/20/91 56 FR 11677 90 RACT for Erving
Paper Mills.
RACT............... 4/22/90 10/8/91 56 FR 50660 91 RACT amendment for
Erving.310 CMR 7.18(17).... RACT............... 5/13/91 12/14/92 57 FR 58993 95 RACT for Dartmouth
Corporation.310 CMR 7.18(17).... U Reasonable 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Approval of 310 CMR
Available Control 6/7/91 7.18(17), (17)(a),
Technology. (17)(b), (17)(c),
(17)(d), (17)(e)
(d), (17)(e)
and (17)(f).310 CMR 7.18(17).... RACT............... 5/22/92 7/28/94 59 FR 38374 (99) RACT Approval for
S. Bent & Bros.310 CMR 7.18(17).... RACT............... 7/19/93 1/6/95 60 FR 2017 100 RACT Approval for
1993 Nichols & Stone
Co.310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonably 3/31/94 3/6/95 60 FR 12125 104 RACT for Brittany
Available Control Dyeing and
Technology. Finishing of New
Bedford, MA.
310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds new VOC RACT
available control requirements in
technology. the Springfield,
Mass. ozone
nonattainment area
only.310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 2/17/93 10/4/02 67 FR 62183 129 Approves VOC RACT
Available Control requirements for
Technology. the eastern
area. (These
requirements were
approved for the
area.)310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 10/7/99 10/4/02 67 FR 62183 129 VOC RACT plan
Available Control approval for
Technology. Gilette.310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 10/7/99 10/4/02 67 FR 62183 129 VOC RACT plan
Available Control approval for
Technology. Norton.310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 4/16/99 10/4/02 67 FR 62183 129 VOC RACT plan
Available Control approval for Rex.
Technology.310 CMR 7.18(17).... Reasonable 4/16/99 10/4/02 67 FR 62183 129 VOC RACT plan
Available Control Available for
Technology. Barnet.310 CMR 7.18(18).... Polystyrene Resin 2/21/86; 8/31/87 52 FR 32792 73 Regulation pursuant
Manufacture. 2/25/86; to Group III CTG,
6/23/86 ``Control of VOC
Emissions from the
Manufacture of
Resins''.310 CMR 7.18(18).... U Polystyrene Resin 8/17/89; 1/11/93 58 FR 3495 93 Replacement of 310
Manufacturing 6/7/91 CMR 7.18(18).
Technology.310 CMR 7.18(19).... Synthetic organic 11/5/86; 11/19/87 52 FR 44395 74
chemical 12/10/86
manufacture.310 CMR 7.18(19)(h), Synthetic Organic 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Clarification of
(i). Chemical quarterly
Manufacture. reporting
submittal date.310 CMR 7.18(20).... Emission Control 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds new VOC RACT
Plans for requirements.
implementa-tion of
available control
technology.310 CMR 7.18(20).... Emission Control 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Clarification of
Plans for exemption
Implementation requirements, and
Reasonably inclusion of
Available Control provision allowing
Technology. for additional
requirements such
as stack testing
or emissions
monitoring.310 CMR 7.18(21).... Surface coating of 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
plastic parts. plastic parts
surface coating.310 CMR 7.18(21)(a)- Surface Coating of 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(d), (f)-(i). Plastic Parts. strengthening
obligations.310 CMR 7.18(22).... Leather surface 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
coating. leather surface
coating.310 CMR 7.18(22)(a)- Leather Surface 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(c). Coating. strengthening
obligations.310 CMR 7.18(23).... Wood products 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
surface coating. wood product
surface coating.310 CMR 7.18(23)(b)- Wood Products 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(i). Surface Coating. strengthening
310 CMR 7.18(24).... Flat wood paneling 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
surface coating. flat wood paneling
surface coating.310 CMR 7.18(24)(a)- Flat Wood Paneling 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(c), (h), (i). Surface Coating. strengthening
obligations.310 CMR 7.18(25).... Offset lithographic 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
printing. offset
printing.310 CMR 7.18(25)(a)- Offset Lithographic 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(c). Printing. strengthening
obligations.310 CMR 7.18(26).... Textile finishing 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
textile finishing.310 CMR 7.18(26)(c)- Textile Finishing.. 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Added language
(i). strengthening
obligations.310 CMR 7.18(27).... Coating mixing 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Adds VOC RACT for
tanks. coating mixing
tanks.310 CMR 7.18(27).... Coating Mixing 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Minor wording
Tanks. changes to improve
clarity of
regulation.310 CMR 7.18(28).... Automotive 01/09/95 2/14/96 61 FR 5699 109 Reasonably
Refinishing. Available Control
Requirement (RACT)
for automotive
refinishing.310 CMR 7.18(28).... Automotive 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 New emission
Refinishing. limits, labeling,
requirements, and
exemptions added.310 CMR 7.18(29).... Bakeries........... 03/29/95 7/5/00 65 FR 41346 110 Reasonably
Available Control
Requirement (RACT)
for bakeries.310 CMR Bakeries........... 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Updated cross
7.18(29)(c)(2). reference.310 CMR 7.19........ Interim sulfur-in- 9/12/80 3/19/81 46 FR 17551 37 Energy/environment
fuel limitations initiative.
for fossil fuel
facilities pending
conversion to an
alternate fuel or
implementation of
permanent energy
12/29/81 4/13/82 47 FR 15790 46 ATF Davidson
Northbridge, MA
temporary sulfur-
in-fuel revision
until 12/1/83.
9/28/82 12/1/82 47 FR 54072 52 Polaroid Corp.,
Waltham, MA
temporary sulfur/
in/fuel relaxation
until 6/1/85.
......... 6/2/83 48 FR 24689 52 Correction notice.
9/29/82 11/23/82 47 FR 52704 51 Northeast Petroleum
Corp., Chelsea, MA
sulfur content
increase from 0.28
to 0.55 lbs/mBtu
heat release
4/4/83 3/23/84 49 FR 11092 59 Stanley Woolen Co.,
Uxbridge, to burn
2.2% until 9/23/
10/31/83 3/23/84 49 FR 11091 61 Reed and Barton
Taunton, to burn
2.2% until 9/23/
11/16/83 7/30/84 49 FR 30306 62 ATF Davidson
Northbridge, to
burn 2.2%
2/2/84 6/15/84 49 FR 24723 63 American Biltrite
Chelsea, to burn
1.0% until 12/15/
7/11/84 9/25/84 49 FR 37591 67 James River
Corporation, Hyde
Park Mill, Boston
to burn 2.2% until
2/8/85, 4/1/86 51 FR 11021 68 Phillips Academy,
10/23/85 Andover, MA to
burn 2.2% until
September 1, 1988.
Interim sulfur-in- 2/19/86 8/12/86 51 FR 28814 70 Mary Ellen
fuel limitations McCormick and
for fossil fuel Malverick Family
utilities pending Development
conversion to an facilities in the
alternative fuel Boston Housing
or implementation Authority, Boston
of permanent to burn 2.2% until
energy February 12, 1989.
5/12/86 11/25/86 51 FR 42565 71 Mission Hill
Extension Family
facility, in the
Boston Housing
Authority, Boston,
MA to burn 2.2%
until May 25,
1989.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 7/15/94 9/2/99 64 FR 48098 119 NOX RACT
regulations.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 10/4/96 9/2/99 64 FR 48098 119 Facility specific
Incorporated.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 12/2/96 9/2/99 64 FR 48098 119 Facility specific
Monsanto Company's
Indian Orchard
facility.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 4/16/99 9/2/99 64 FR 48098 119 Facility specific
Turners Falls
Energy Services
Turners Falls,
Inc., in Montague.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 4/16/99 9/2/99 64 FR 48099 119 Facility specific
Medusa Minerals
Company in Lee.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 4/16/99 9/2/99 64 FR 48099 119 Approval of the
replacement of
section 310 CMR
(1)(c)8, (2)(b),
(c)8, (2)(b),
(3)(a), (3)(c)2,
(7)(a)4, (9),
(13)(a), (13)(a)3,
(13)(a)9, and
(13)(a)13.310 CMR 7.19........ NOX RACT........... 12/30/11 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Facility specific
General Electric
Aviation Boiler
No. 3 to cap
annual SO2 and NOX
emissions at 249.0
tons each.310 CMR NOX RACT........... 8/9/01; 1/ 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Updates to sections
7.19(1)(c)(9), 18/02 pertaining to
(4)(b)(3)d, (f), applicability,
(5)d. large boilers, and
medium size
boilers.310 CMR 7.19 (2)(d). Generic NOX 3/29/95 8/8/96 61 FR 41338 112 Adds credit
bubbling and creation option
trading for RACT for NOX RACT
sources. sources.310 CMR 7.19 (2)(g). Generic NOX 3/29/95 8/8/96 61 FR 41338 112 Adds credit use
bubbling and option for NOX
trading for RACT RACT sources.
sources.310 CMR 7.19(13)(a), NOX RACT........... 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Updates to
(c). applicability and
stack testing
310 CMR 7.19(13)(b). Continuous 11/19/99 12/27/00 65 FR 81747 124 revisions to
Emissions regulatory
Monitoring Systems. language.310 CMR 7.19 (14)... Generic NOX 3/29/95 8/8/96 61 FR 41338 112 Adds
bubbling for RACT quantification,
sources. testing,
monitoring, record
reporting, and
emission control
plan requirements
for averaging NOX
RACT sources.310 CMR 7.24........ U Organic Material 6/7/91, 6/30/93 58 FR 34911 58 Replacement of 310
Storage and 11/13/92, CMR 7.24, 7.24(1),
Distribution. 2/17/93 7.24(2), 7.24(3),
and 7.24(4).310 CMR 7.24(1)..... U Organic Material 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Updates to
Storage and requirements for
Distribution. organic material
storage tanks,
effective 9/23/05.310 CMR 7.24(3)..... Distribution of 2/17/93 9/3/1999 64 FR 48304 c(117) Amends distribution
motor vehicle fuel. of motor fuel
recordkeeping and
requirements.310 CMR 7.24(4)..... U Organic Material 9/14/06 5/29/14 79 FR 30737 141 Updates to
Storage and requirements for
Distribution. motor vehicle fuel
tank trucks,
effective 6/2/06.310 CMR 7.24(5)(b)2. Revision to 10/16/89 4/19/90 55 FR 14832 83 *****
volatility testing
regulation.310 CMR 7.24(6)..... ``Dispensing of 05/17/90, 12/14/92 57 FR 58996 97
Motor Vehicle 06/07/91
Fuel'' (Stage II).310 CMR 7.24(6)..... Dispensing of motor 2/17/93 9/15/93 58 FR 48318 98 Previous version of
vehicle fuel. rule approved as
strengthening the
Massachusetts SIP.
Revised rule being
approved as
meeting the Clean
Air Act
requirements.310 CMR 7.24(6)..... Dispensing Motor 08/09/00 12/18/00 65 FR 78976 116 Rule revised to
Vehicle Fuel. 09/11/00 include annual
compliance testing
and certification.310 CMR 7.24(6)..... Dispensing of Motor 6/1/10 9/13/2013 78 FR 54960 138
Vehicle Fuel.310 CMR 7.24(8)..... Marine Volatile 10/17/97 4/11/00 65 FR 19326 115
Organic Liquid
Transfer.310 CMR 7.25........ Best available 11/18/94 12/19/95 60 FR 65242 108 Includes
controls for architectural &
consumer and industrial
commercial maintenance
products. coatings.310 CMR 7.25........ Best Available 7/30/96 4/11/00 65 FR 19327 115 Definition of
Controls for ``waterproofing
Consumer and sealer'' revised.
Products.310 CMR 7.26........ Industry 12/30/11 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Only approving the
Performance Outdoor Hydronic
Standards. Heaters (50)-(54).310 CMR 7.26(30)- Industry 11/13/07 4/24/14 79 FR 22774 140 Sets standards for
(37). Performance certain types of
Standards--U new boilers:
Boilers. replaces
requirements to
obtain a plan
approval under 310
CMR 7.02(2).310 CMR 7.27........ NOX Allowance 12/19/97 6/2/99 64 FR 29569 (c)(118) Approval of NOx cap
Program. and allowance
11/19/99 12/27/00 65 FR 81747 124 adding paragraphs
7.27(11)(p) and
7.27(15)(e).310 CMR 7.28........ NOX Allowance January 12/27/00 65 FR 81747 124
Trading Program. 7, 2000310 CMR 7.28........ NOX Allowance 03/30/07 12/3/07 72 FR 67854 135
Trading Program.
................... 03/30/07 12/3/07 72 FR 67854 135 Massachusetts
Regulation Filing,
dated April 19,
2007, sub-
stantiating May 4,
2007, State
effective date for
amended 310 CMR
7.28 ``NOX
Allowance Trading
Program.''310 CMR 7.29........ Emissions Standards 8/9/2012 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Only approving the
for Power Plants. SO2 and NOX
requirements.310 CMR 7.29........ Emission Standards 8/9/2012 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Facility specific
for Power Plants. Emission Control
Plan requirement
for Brayton Point
Station Unit 1, 2,
3, and 4 which
disallows the use
of 310 CMR 7.29
SO2 Early
Reduction Credits
or Federal Acid
Rain allowances
for compliance
with 310 CMR 7.29
after June 1,
2014.310 CMR 7.29........ Emission Standards 8/9/2012 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Facility specific
for Power Plants. Emission Control
Plan requirement
for Mt. Tom
Station which
disallows the use
of 310 CMR 7.29
SO2 Early
Reduction Credits
or Federal Acid
Rain allowances
for compliance
with 310 CMR 7.29
after October 1,
2009.310 CMR 7.29........ Emission Standards 8/9/2012 9/19/13 78 FR 57487 137 Facility specific
for Power Plants. Emission Control
Plan for Salem
Harbor Station
Units 1, 2, 3, and
4 which limits NOX
emissions from
Unit 1 to 276 tons
per rolling 12
month period
starting 1/1/2012,
limits NOX
emissions for Unit
2 to 50 tons per
rolling 12 month
period starting 1/
1/2012, limits SO2
emissions form
Unit 2 to 300 tons
per rolling 12
month period
starting 1/1/2012,
shuts down units 3
and 4 effective 6/
1/2014.310 CMR 7.30........ Massport/Logan 12/26/00 March 12, 66 FR 14319 130 Applies to the
Airport Parking 2001 parking of motor
Freeze. vehicles on
Massport property.310 CMR 7.31........ City of Boston/East 12/26/00 March 12, 66 FR 14319 130 Applies to the
Boston Parking 2001 parking of motor
Freeze. vehicles within
the area of East
Boston.310 CMR 7.32........ Massachusetts Clean 03/30/07 12/3/07 72 FR 67854 135
Air Interstate
Rule (Mass CAIR).
................... 03/30/07 12/3/07 72 FR 67854 135 Mass-achusetts
Regulation Filing,
dated April 19,
2007, sub-
stantiating May 4,
2007, State
effective date for
adopted 310 CMR
7.32 `` Mass-
achusetts Clean
Air Interstate
Rule (Mass
CAIR).''310 CMR 7.33........ City of Boston/ 7/30/93 10/15/96 61 FR 53633 111 Applies to the
South Boston parking of motor
Parking Freeze. vehicles within
the area of South
Boston, including
Massport property
in South Boston.310 CMR 7.36........ Transit system 12/9/91 10/4/94 59 FR 50498 101 Transit system
improvements improvement
regulations. regulation for
metropolitan area.310 CMR 7.36........ Transit system 12/13/06 07/31/08 73 FR 44654 136 Amendments to
improvements Transit System
regulation. Improvements
................... 12/13/06 07/31/08 73 FR 44654 136 Massachusetts
Regulation Filing,
dated November 16,
December 1, 2006,
State effective
date for amended
310 CMR 7.36
entitled ``Transit
Improvements.''310 CMR 7.37........ High occupancy 12/9/91 10/4/94 59 FR 50498 101 High occupancy
vehicle lanes vehicle lanes
regulation. regulation for
metropolitan area.310 CMR 7.38........ Tunnel vent 1/30/91 10/8/92 57 FR 46312 96 Tunnel ventilation
certification certification
regulation. regulation for
metropolitan area.310 CMR 7.38........ Tunnel vent 7/12/06 2/15/08 73 FR 8818 134 Amendments to
certification Certification of
regulation. Tunnel Ventilation
Systems in the
Boston Air
Pollution Control
7/12/06 2/15/08 73 FR 8818 134 Massachusetts
Regulation Filing,
dated December 13,
December 30, 2005,
State effective
date for amended
310 CMR 7.38
``Certification of
Tunnel Ventilation
Systems in the
Boston Air
Pollution Control
District.''310 CMR 7.40........ Low emission 11/15/93 2/1/95 60 FR 6030 103 Substitute for
vehicle. 05/11/94 CFFP.310 CMR 7.40........ Low Emission 12/24/99 12/23/02 67 FR 78181 132 ``Low Emission
Vehicle Program. Vehicle Program''
(LEV II) except
for 310 CMR
7.40(2)(a)5, 310
CMR 7.40(2)(a)6,
310 CMR
7.40(2)(c)3, 310
CMR 7.40(10), and
310 CMR 7.40(12)310 CMR 7.50........ Variances, 9/14/74 10/8/76 41 FR 44395 7
regulations for
control of air
pollution in the
six MA APCDs.
9/14/74 2/4/77 42 FR 6812 7 Correction.
310 CMR 7.51........ Hearings relative 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
to orders and
approvals.310 CMR 7.52........ Enforcement 8/28/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 4
provisions.310 CMR 8........... Regulations for the 2/22/72 10/28/72 37 FR 23085 1
prevention and/or
abatement of air
pollution episode
and air pollution
12/30/76 9/2/77 42 FR 44235 12 Changes significant
harm and alert
levels.310 CMR 8.02........ Definitions........ 7/25/90 10/04/02 67 FR 62187 120 Add a definition of
PM10.310 CMR 8.03........ Criteria........... 7/25/90 10/04/02 67 FR 62187 120 Make PM10 the
criteria for
emergeny episodes.310 CMR 60.02....... Massachusetts Motor 6/1/09 1/25/13 78 FR 5300 137 Revises enhanced I/
Vehicle Emissions M test
Inspection and requirements to
Maintenance consist of ``OBD2-
Program. only'' testing
program. Approving
regulation with
the exception of
subsection 310 CMR
60.02(24)(f).540 CMR 4.00........ Annual Safety and 6/1/09 1/25/13 78 FR 5300 137 Revises
Combined Safety requirements for
and Emissions inspections and
Inspection of All enforcement of I/M
Motor Vehicles, program.
Trailers, Semi-
trailers and
Converter Dollies.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes:1. This table lists regulations adopted as of 1972. It does not depict regulatory requirements which may have
been part of the Federal SIP before this date.2. The regulations are effective statewide unless stated otherwise in comments or title section. [49 FR 49454, Dec. 20, 1984]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 52.1167, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at