Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 52  /  Sec. 52.1225 Review of new sources and modifications.

(a) Part D--Approval. The State of Minnesota has satisfied the requirements of sections 173 and 189(a)(1)(A) for permitting of major new sources and modifications in nonattainment areas.

(b)-(d) [Reserved]

(e) The State of Minnesota has committed to conform to the Stack Height Regulations, as set forth in 40 CFR part 51. In a January 14, 1987, letter to David Kee, USEPA, Thomas J. Kalitowski, Executive Director, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, stated:

Minnesota does not currently have a stack height rule, nor do we intend to adopt such a rule. Instead, we will conform with the Stack Height Regulations as set forth in the July 8, 1985, Federal Register in issuing permits for new or modified sources. In cases where that rule is not clear, we will contact USEPA Region V and conform to the current federal interpretation of the item in question. [53 FR 17037, May 13, 1988, as amended at 59 FR 21941, Apr. 28, 1994; 60 FR 21451, May 2, 1995] Sec. Sec. 52.1226-52.1229 [Reserved]