(a) Title of plan: ``New Jersey State Implementation Plan to meet National Air Quality Standards.''
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 26, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on April 17, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(2) List of permits issued to sources allowing them particulate emissions in excess of 25 tons per year submitted on May 15, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(3) Legal opinion of State Attorney General on State's authority to make available to the public emission data reported by sources submitted on June 23, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety.
(4) Copies of the permits and certificates issued to sources exceeding 25 tons per year of particulate emissions submitted on July 6, 1972, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(5) Revisions correcting deficiencies in the new source review procedure submitted on March 22, 1973, by the Governor.
(6) Legal opinion of the State Attorney General on the State's authority to deny a permit to construct or modify a source submitted on April 18, 1973, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(7) Revision to sulfur-in-fuel regulation, section 7:1-3.1 of New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, submitted on November 20, 1973, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(8) Revision to the control of open burning regulation, section 7:27-2.1 of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, submitted on November 19, 1975, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(9) Letter, dated January 16, 1976, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection stating that there would be no net increase in hydrocarbon emissions as a result of the revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-2.1.
(10) Regulation entitled: ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-16.1 et seq., submitted on January 8, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(11) Technical justification supporting N.J.A.C. 7:27-16 et seq. submitted on March 3, 1976.
(12) Revisions consisting of 16 administrative orders issued pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a) and technical support for these orders received on April 27, 1976 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(13) An administrative order directed to Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc. in Bridgeton, Cumberland County and issued pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a), dated June 15, 1976, and technical support for this order received by EPA on April 27, 1976, both from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(14) Revision to the Permits and Certificates regulation of the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Code, N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.1 et seq., submitted on June 8, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(15) Revision consisting of an administrative order issued on September 14, 1976 to Owens Illinois, Inc., Cumberland County, New Jersey pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.5(a) and submitted on September 17, 1976 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(16) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of an October 27, 1976 letter indicating the extension, to July 12, 1977, of ``variances'' to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 18 facilities; and supplemental technical information submitted in a November 22, 1976 letter. The extended ``variances'' including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State Implementation Plan. The facilities affected by these ``variances'', their location and applicable sulfur in fuel oil limitation until July 12, 1977 are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfur in
fuel oil
Source Location limitation
by weight)------------------------------------------------------------------------National Bottle Corp................ Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Deepwater, Salem 1.5
County.Heinz-USA........................... Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co.......... Pedricktown, Salem 1.5
County.Anchor Hocking Corp................. Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric Deepwater Penns Grove, Salem 1.5
Station. County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Carney's Point, Salem 1.5
County.Mannington Mills, Inc............... Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric B. L. England Beesley Point, Cape 2.0
Station. May County.Hunt Wesson Foods, Inc.............. Bridgeton City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp....... Millville City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Vineland City, 2.5
Products Division. Cumberland County.Leone Industries.................... Bridgeton City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Owens Illinois, Inc................. ......do.............. 1.5Progresso Food Corp................. Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Bridgeton Dying & Finishing Corp.... Bridgeton City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Whitehead Bros. Co.................. Haleyville, Cumberland 2.5
County.Vineland Chemical Co................ Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of a January 10, 1978 letter indicating the extension, to July 12, 1978, of ``variances'' to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27--9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 17 facilities and accompanying supplemental information. The extended ``variances'' including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State implementation plan. The facilities affected by these ``variances,'' their locations, and applicable sulfur-in-fuel-oil limitations until July 12, 1978 are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfur in
fuel oil
Source Location limitation
by weight)------------------------------------------------------------------------National Bottle Corp................ Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Deepwater, Salem 1.5
County.Heinz-U.S.A......................... Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co.......... Pedricktown, Salem 1.5
County.Anchor Hocking Corp................. Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric, Deepwater Penns Grove, Salem 1.5
Station. County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Carney's Point, Salem 1.5
County.Mannington Mills, Inc............... Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric, B. L. Beesley Point, Cape 2.0
England Station. May County.Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp....... Millville City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Vineland City, 2.5
Products Division. Cumberland County.Leone Industries.................... Bridgeton, Cumberland 2.5
Progresso Food Corp................. Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Bridgeton Dyeing & Finishing Corp... Bridgeton City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Vineland Chemical Co................ Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc.............. Bridgeton, Cumberland 2.5
County.Owens Illinois, Inc................. ......do.............. 1.5------------------------------------------------------------------------
(18) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of a June 26, 1978 letter indicating the extension, to January 12, 1979 or until such time as the State places into effect revised permanent sulfur-in-fuel-oil regulations, of ``variances'' to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuel, for 17 facilities and accompanying supplemental information. The extended ``variances'' including all their terms and conditions are made a part of the New Jersey State Implementation Plan. The facilities affected by these ``variances'', their locations, and applicable sulfur-in-fuel-oil limitations until January 12, 1979 or until such time as the State places into effect and EPA approves revised permanent sulfur-in-fuel-oil regulations are as follow: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfur in
fuel oil
Source Location limitation
by weight)------------------------------------------------------------------------National Bottle Corp................ Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Deepwater, Salem 1.5
County.Heinz--U.S.A........................ Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co.......... Pedricktown, Salem 1.5
County.Anchor Hocking Corp................. Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric, Deepwater Penns Grove, Salem 1.5
Station. County.E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co....... Carney's Point, Salem 1.5
County.Mannington Mills, Inc............... Salem City, Salem 2.0
County.Atlantic City Electric, B. L. Beesley Point, Cape 2.0
England Station. May County.Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp....... Milville City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Owens Illinois, Inc., Kimble Vineland City, 2.5
Products Division. Cumberland County.Leone Industries.................... Bridgeton, Cumberland 2.5
County.Progresso Food Corp................. Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Bridgeton Dyeing and Finishing Corp. Bridgeton City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Vineland Chemical Co................ Vineland City, 2.5
Cumberland County.Hunt-Wesson Foods, Inc.............. Bridgeton, Cumberland 2.5
County.Owens Illinois, Inc................. ......do.............. 1.5------------------------------------------------------------------------
(19) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on July 6, 1978 consisting of amendments to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-10.1 et seq., Sulfur in Coal, and accompanying supplemental information.
(20) A revision consisting of all but one of the sections of the revised regulation, N.J.A.C. 7:27-6.1 et seq., submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection with a March 31, 1977 cover letter which also transmitted the basis and background document and the Report of the Public Hearing. The one section that is not approved as submitted by the State is Section 6.5, ``Variances.''
(21) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on August 10, 1978 consisting of amendments to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuels, and accompanying supplemental information.
(22) A comprehensive revision for nonattainment areas entitled, ``Proposed New Jersey State Implementation Plan for the Attainment and Maintenance of Air Quality Standards,'' submitted, as required by Part D of the Clean Air Act, on December 29, 1978 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(23) Supplementary submittals, pertaining to the plan revision for nonattainment areas required by Part D of the Clean Air Act, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection as follows:
A package dated April 17, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA entitled, ``N.J. SIP Supplement 1,'' and covering the State's schedule for future actions, expected costs and sources of funding, ongoing consultation process, graphical representation of reasonable further progress, schedule for promulgation of emission offset rule, commitment to adoption of tall stack policy and comments on EPA's proposed tall stack policy, discussion and schedule for resolution of the Bridgeton particulate downwash problem, summary of particulate emissions inventories for non-attainment areas, request for extension for submittal of SIP for secondary TSP standard, and expanded explanation of current I/M program.
A Supplement 2 to the proposed SIP revision consisting of a cover letter dated June 20, 1979 and four attachments from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering a proposed version of the State's new source review regulation, a discussion of reasonable further progress with respect to volatile organic substance sources, the design values for ozone in the Metropolitan New York and Metropolitan Philadelphia Interstate Air Quality Control Regions, and a proposed version of the State's regulation for the control of volatile organic substances (VOS).
A submittal dated July 5, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering the State's draft regulation controlling VOS, operating and maintenance procedures for open top tanks and surface cleaners covered under the State's draft VOS control regulation, and evaporative losses from VOS storage tanks.
A package consisting of a cover letter dated October 3, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA and an accompanying report covering an analysis of the Bridgeton particulates downwash problem and the State's effort to execute memoranda of understanding with its Metropolitan Planning Organization.
A cover letter received by EPA dated October 19, 1979 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection together with the State's adopted regulation for control of VOS, N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq., and ``Report of Public Hearing and Basis for promulation .
A package consisting of a letter dated January 9, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to EPA covering the conditions on SIP approval which were listed by EPA in the proposed rulemaking notice for the SIP revision and four references covering the October 3, 1979 Bridgeton particulates analysis, an updated Bridgeton particulates analysis, and an energy analysis of certain VOS controls called for in N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq. justifying the State's position on seasonal variances for certain VOS sources.
(24) A supplementary submittal, dated February 27, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of five memoranda of understanding among the New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation and the following metropolitan planning organizations: Atlantic County Urban Area Transportation StudyCumberland County Urban Area Transportation StudyDelaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionPhilipsburg Urban Area Transportation StudyWilmington Metropolitan Area Planning Council
(25) Supplementary submittals, dated March 5, April 9 and April 10 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of test methods to be used in determining compliance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:27-16.1 et seq., ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances.''
(26) A supplementary submittal, dated April 22, 1980, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Department of Transportation consisting of three documents entitled ``The Transportation Planning Process in New Jersey,'' ``Summary of Financial Resources for Transportation-Air Quality Planning,'' and ``Program for Selection of Needed Transportation Control Measures, April 1980.''
(27) A supplementary submittal dated August 5, 1980 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of revisions to Subchapter 18 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled, ``Control and Prohibitions of Air Pollution from Ambient Air Quality in Nonattainment Areas'' (Emission Offset Rule), N.J.A.C. 7:27-18.1 et seq.
(28) A supplementary submittal from the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, consisting of an Ambient Air Quality Monitoring SIP revision dated August 1.
(29) A June 30, 1980 submittal by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) consisting of an Amended Consent Order entered into by NJDEP and the Atlantic City Electric Company. This revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan establishes a construction and testing schedule designed to bring units 1 and 2 at Atlantic City Electric Company's B.L. England Generating Station at Beesley's Point, New Jersey, into compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-3.1 et seq., Control and Prohibition of Smoke from Combustion of Fuel; N.J.A.C. 7:27-4.1 et seq., Control and Prohibition of Particulates from Combustion of Fuel; and N.J.A.C. 7:27-10.1 et seq., Sulfur in Coal, by March 31, 1982 and June 1, 1982, respectively.
(30) A supplementary submittal dated April 27, 1981, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of newly adopted revisions to a regulation concerning the Control and Prohibition of Open Burning, N.J.A.C. 7:27-21 et seq., an Order of Adoption, the Report of Public Hearing, and the Basis for the Proposed Amendments.
(31) A supplementary submittal dated July 8, 1981, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection consisting of newly adopted revisions to Subchapter 10, Sulfur in Solid Fuels, N.J.A.C. 7:27-10.1 et seq., an Order of Adoption, the Report of Public Hearing, and the Basis for the Proposed Amendments.
(32) Revisions submitted on March 17, 1982 and April 27, 1982 by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection which grant ``cullet variances'' to furnace number 2 of the Anchor Hocking Corporation's Salem plant and furnaces G, Y, J, K, L, M, R of the Owens-Illinois, Inc. Vineland plant. The ``cullet variances'' will remain in effect for up to two years from August 10, 1982.
(33) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on December 16, 1982 consisting of amendments to the provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 7:27-9.1 et seq., Sulfur in Fuels, to provide for ``sulfur dioxide bubbles'' and ``clean conversion incentives.''
(34) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan submitted on November 23, 1982, January 18, 1983, February 14, 1983, July 11, 1983, July 28, 1983 and September 26, 1983 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(35) A supplementary submittal dated July 11, 1983, from the Department of Environmental Protection consisting of adopted revisions to: Subchapter 3--``Control and Prohibition of Smoke from Combustion of Fuel,'' dated October 12, 1977, Subchapter 4--``Control and Prohibition of Particles from Combustion of Fuel,'' dated October 12, 1977, and Subchapter 5--``Prohibition of Air Pollution,'' dated October 12, 1977, of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code; the proposed Regulatory Amendments; the Report of the Public Hearing; and the Order of Adoption.
(36) A revision submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to allow U.S. Gypsum Co. temporarily to burn fuel oil with a sulfur content of 2.0 percent, by weight, at either Boiler 1, 2, or 3 at its Clark, New Jersey plant. The New Jersey submittal consists of an April 14, 1983 letter transmitting a State issued February 14, 1983 Public Notice and a letter dated March 14, 1983 transmitting an Administrative consent order detailing procedures to be used by the State to determine compliance. This revision will remain in effect until March 31, 1985 or until Boiler 4 is ready to burn coal, whichever occurs first.
(37) Three permanently adopted regulations were submitted on January 27, 1984 and February 1, 1984 regarding the operation of the inspection and maintenance program. These regulations pertain specifically to operating procedures for private inspection stations (New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 13:20-33.1, 33.2, 33.50, and 33.51.), mechanic certification requirements (N.J.A.C. 13:20-32.4, 32.14, and 32.15), and specifications for exhaust gas analyzers (N.J.A.C. 7:27-15.1).
(38) The New Jersey State Implementation Plan for attainment and maintenance of the lead standards was submitted on May 1 and August 15, 1984, and on April 22, April 29, May 17, and July 16, 1985 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-8, ``Permits and Certificates,'' effective April 5, 1985.
(B) Revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-13, ``Ambient Air Quality Standards,'' effective June 25, 1985.
(C) Revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-18, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from New or Altered Sources Affecting Ambient Air Quality (Emission Offset Rule),'' effective March 11, 1985.
(D) A July 16, 1985 letter from the Department of Environmental Protection; with attachment of letter dated July 15, 1985, contains schedules for revising N.J.A.C. 7:27-6, ``Control and Prohibition of Particles from Manufacturing Process,'' to incorporate maximum allowable emission rates for lead and for adopting a new section, N.J.A.C. 7:27-19, to govern the combustion of liquid fuels, if necessary.
(E) ``RACT-plus studies'' to determine strategies to eliminate violation of the lead standards in the vicinity of Heubach, Inc., Newark and Delco Remy, New Brunswick will be completed by November 1, 1985 and control measures will be selected by January 1986.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Narrative submittal of the Lead SIP, including attainment demonstration, air quality data and summary of both current and projected lead emissions.
(39) A revision to the plan for attainment of the particulate matter standards submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on February 21, March 14, and November 18, 1985.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to N.J.A.C. 7:27-14, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles,'' effective July 1, 1985.
(B) Adoption of a new section of N.J.A.C. 7:27B-4 entitled ``Air Test Method 4, Testing Procedures for Motor Vehicles,'' effective July 1, 1985.
(C) The following sections of N.J.A.C. 16:53 ``Autobus Specifications which was effective on October 17, 1983: Subchapter 3, Autobus Specifications
3.23 Certificate of Inspection
3.24 Maintenance and inspection
3.27 Exhaust SystemsSubchapter 6, Autobus Specifications for Small Bus
6.15 Exhaust System
6.21 Certificate of Inspection
6.30 Maintenance and inspectionSubchapter 7, Specifications for Special Autobus Type Recreational Vehicles
7.14 Exhaust Systems
7.17 Certificate of Inspection
7.23 Maintenance and inspectionSubchapter 8, Specifications for Sedan Type Autobuses
8.15 Exhaust System
8.22 Certificate of Inspection
8.25 Maintenance and inspection
(40) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for attainment and maintenance of the ozone standards was submitted on April 22, 1985 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Table 2 in section 18.4(b) of N.J.A.C. 7:27-18, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from New or Altered Sources Affecting Ambient Air Quality (Emission Offset Rule),'' effective March 11, 1985.
(41) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for lead was submitted on December 1, 1986, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following operating permit amendments for the Delco Remy facility in New Brunswick: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Permit amendment numbers Permit amendment dates------------------------------------------------------------------------286-1166 through 286-1184................. All permits effective 9/24/
(B) The following operating permit amendments for the Heubach Inc. facility in Newark: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Permit amendment numbers Permit amendment dates------------------------------------------------------------------------286-0523 through 286-0531................. All permits effective 4/30/
86.286-0286, 286-0287, 286-0289, 286-0290.... All permits effective 2/26/
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Technical documentation of ambient modeling and monitoring for lead in the vicinity of Delco Remy, New Brunswick.
(B) Technical documentation of ambient modeling and monitoring for lead in the vicinity of Heubach Inc., Newark.
(42) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for lead submitted on July 23, 1987 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and finalized on September 25, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) A March 4, 1986 Administrative Order and Notice of Civil Administrative Penalty Assessment (Log A860244) from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to the United States Metals Refining Company (USMR).
(B) Letter of March 11, 1987 from Greenberg and Prior, attorneys for USMR, to Anthony J. McMahon, Department of Environmental Protection, Trenton, New Jersey.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) July 1987 Modeling Analysis for the Anchor Abrasives facility.
(B) Summary of public comments and response to comments for the revision of the N.J. SIP for lead in the vicinity of USMR.
(C) USMR's comments on the revised N.J. SIP for lead in the vicinity of USMR.
(43) [Reserved]
(44) A revision to the State Implementation Plan for Ozone submitted on October 13, 1987 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Subchapter 2A of chapter 26, title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, ``Additional, Specific Disposal Regulations for Sanitary Landfills,'' effective June 1, 1987.
(ii) Additional material.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection memorandum on landfill gas emissions and control, dated October 7, 1987.
(45) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone submitted on January 27, 1989 by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) for its state gasoline volatility program, including any waivers that may be granted under the program by the state. In 1989, the control period will begin on June 30.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Subchapter 25 of chapter 27, title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Vehicular Fuels,'' adopted on January 27, 1989 and effective on February 21, 1989.
(ii) Additional material. April 27, 1989 letter from Christopher Daggett, NJDEP, to William Muszynski, EPA Region II.
(46) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning motor vehicle refueling controls dated February 22, 1988, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference: Amendments to sections 16.1 and 16.3 of subchapter 16 of title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective January 19, 1988.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) February 22, 1988 letter from Jorge Berkowitz, NJDEP, to Conrad Simon, EPA, requesting EPA approval of the amendments to subchapter 16.
(B) April 18, 1988 letter from Jorge Berkowitz, NJDEP, to Conrad Simon, EPA, providing copies of the test methods and permit approval conditions applicable to Stage II vapor recovery systems in New Jersey.
(47) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program dated March 6, 1987, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to title 7, chapter 27, subchapter 15 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution From Gasoline-Fueled Motor Vehicles,'' effective January 21, 1985.
(B) Amendments to title 13, chapter 20, subchapter 28 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Enforcement Service Inspection of New Passenger Vehicles and New Motorcycles,'' effective January 21, 1985.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) July 24, 1990 letter from David West, NJDEP, to Rudolph Kapichak, EPA, submitting the results of the study by Pacific Environmental Services on the health risks of performing the fuel inlet restrictor inspections.
(B) July 1, 1990 letter from David West, NJDEP, to Rudolph Kapichak, EPA, notifying of the resumption of fuel inlet restrictor inspections.
(48) A revision submitted on June 3, 1988 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to revise its implementation plan to include revised testing procedures.
(i) Incorporation by reference: New Jersey Administrative Code 7:27B-3, ``Air Test Method 3--Sampling and Analytical Procedures for the Determination of Volatile Organic Substances from Source Operations,'' effective 9/8/86.
(ii) Additional material: October 15, 1990 letter from William O'Sullivan, NJDEP to William S. Baker, EPA.
(49) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of fugitive gasoline vapors resulting from the loading of marine transport vessels, dated June 20, 1990, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 16 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective February 6, 1989.
(B) Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 16 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective December 4, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) June 20, 1990, letter from Anthony J. McMahon, NJDEPE, to Conrad Simon, EPA, requesting EPA approval of the amendments to subchapter 16.
(50) Regulation entitled ``Volatile Organic Substances in Consumer Products'' N.J.A.C. 7-27-23.1 et seq., dated July 30, 1990, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 23 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Volatile Organic Substances in Consumer Products'' effective February 21, 1989.
(B) Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 23 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Volatile Organic Substances in Consumer Products'' effective December 12, 1989.
(C) Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 23 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Volatile Organic Substances in Consumer Products'' effective August 9, 1990.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) July 30, 1990 letter from Anthony J. McMahon, NJDEPE, to Conrad Simon, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapter 23.
(51) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of volatile organic compounds from stationary sources, dated March 31, 1987, December 7, 1989, and March 13, 1992, submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (NJDEPE).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective September 22, 1986,
(B) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Substances,'' effective June 19, 1989,
(C) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code: Subchapter 8, ``Permits and Certificates, Hearings, and Confidentiality,'' effective March 2, 1992; Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds,'' effective March 2, 1992, Subchapter 17, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Toxic Substances,'' effective March 2, 1992; Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air Pollution by Architectural Coatings and Consumer Products,'' effective March 2, 1992; Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Vehicular Fuels,'' effective March 2, 1992; and Subchapter 3, ``Air Test Method 3: Sampling and Analytic Procedures for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds from Source Operations,'' effective March 2, 1992.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) March 31, 1987, letter from Jorge Berkowitz, NJDEP, to Conrad Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
(B) December 7, 1989, letter from Anthony McMahon, NJDEP, to Conrad Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
(C) March 13, 1992, letter from Nancy Wittenberg, NJDEPE, to Conrad Simon, EPA requesting EPA approval of the amendments to Subchapter 16.
(52) Amendments submitted on April 21, 1993 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy to New Jersey Air Code 7:27-25 revising the testing requirements to gasoline providers in New Jersey are subject.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Vehicular Fuels,'' effective September 3, 1991.
(53) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for an Emission Statement Program dated February 19, 1993, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 21, of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled, ``Emission Statements,'' effective March 15, 1993.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) May 24, 1993 letter from John Elston to Conrad Simon, EPA, transmitting supporting documentation necessary for approval of the SIP revisions. These items included:
(1) Notice of Adoption, March 15, 1993.
(2) Justification of Gasoline Dispensing Facility Exemption.
(B) October 29, 1993 letter from John Elston to Conrad Simon, EPA, transmitting legislative language to reflect change in New Jersey's Air Pollution Control Act regarding confidentiality provisions.
(C) February 3, 1994 letter from John Elston to Conrad Simon, EPA, requesting the use of EPA's Emission Statement waiver provision.
(54) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for carbon monoxide concerning the control of carbon monoxide from mobile sources, dated November 15, 1992 and November 21, 1994 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 18, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from New or Altered Sources Affecting Ambient Air Quality (Emission Offset Rules),'' effective March 15, 1993.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) November 21, 1994, Technical update to the New Jersey Carbon Monoxide SIP.
(55)-(56) [Reserved]
(57) The redesignation and maintenance plan for Camden County and the Nine not-classified areas (the City of Trenton, the City of Burlington, the Borough of Penns Grove (part), the Borough of Freehold, the City of Morristown, the City of Perth Amboy, the City of Toms River, the Borough of Somerville, and the City of Atlantic City) submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on September 28, 1995, as part of the New Jersey SIP. The 1990 Baseline CO Emission Inventory for the State of New Jersey was submitted on November 15, 1992 and a Technical Update was submitted on November 21, 1994.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) ``New Jersey Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Redesignation And Maintenance Plan For Camden County,'' section 5.f, effective date September 28, 1995.
(B) ``New Jersey Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Redesignation and Maintenance Plan for the Nine Not-Classified Nonattainment Areas,'' section 5.f, effective date September 28, 1995.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) ``New Jersey Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Redesignation And Maintenance Plan For Camden County'' with appendices, September 28, 1995.
(B) ``New Jersey Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Redesignation and Maintenance Plan for the Nine Not-Classified Nonattainment Areas'' with appendices, September 28, 1995.
(58) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for carbon monoxide concerning the oxygen content of motor vehicle gasoline, dated November 15, 1992 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Chapter 27, Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Vehicular Fuels,'' effective October 5, 1992 (as limited in Sec. 52.1605).
(59) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on May 26, 1995, November 8, 1995, January 10, 1996 and October 10, 1996.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Conditions of Approval Documents (COAD):
The following facilities have been issued conditions of approval documents by New Jersey:
(1) Edgeboro Disposal's landfill gas flares, Middlesex County, NJ COAD approval dated April 13, 1995, revised October 19, 1995 (effective November 6, 1995).
(2) E.I. duPont DeNemours and Co.'s carbon regeneration furnace, Salem County, NJ COAD approval dated June 7, 1995.
(3) Hoeganaes Corp.'s electric arc furnace and tunnel kiln, Burlington County, NJ COAD approval dated February 3, 1995.
(4) E.I. duPont DeNemours and Co.'s hazardous waste incinerator, Salem County, NJ COAD approval dated July 7, 1995.
(5) Rollins Environmental Services' hazardous waste incinerator, Gloucester County, NJ COAD approval dated May 25, 1995.
(6) American Ref-Fuel's Municipal Waste Incinerator, Essex County, NJ NOX RACT approval dated February 6, 1995.
(7) Union County Utilities Authority's Municipal Waste Incinerator, Union County; NJ NOX RACT approval dated May 10, 1994 with an attached permit to construct, operate, and a PSD permit dated December 29, 1989.
(8) PSE&G;'s Hudson Station Unit No. 2 utility boiler, Hudson County, NJ COAD approval dated May 9, 1995.
(9) Algonquin Gas Transmission Co.'s simple cycle combustion turbines, Morris County, NJ COAD approval dated March 31, 1995.
(10) Hoffmann-La Roche's combined cycle combustion turbines, Essex County, NJ COAD approval dated May 8, 1995.
(11) International Flavors and Fragrances' non-utility boiler Number 5, Monmouth County, NJ COAD approval dated June 9, 1995.
(12) Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Sewer Authority's sewage sludge incinerators, Morris County, NJ COAD approval dated October 13, 1995.
(13) Johnson Matthey's multi-chamber metals recovery furnace, Gloucester County, NJ COAD approval dated June 13, 1995.
(14) 3M Company's rotary kiln and dryers, Somerset County, NJ COAD approval dated May 4, 1995.
(15) Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation's trash fired boiler, Morris County, NJ COAD approval dated March 23, 1995.
(16) General Motors Corporation's non-utility boiler (No.4), Mercer County, NJ COAD approval dated June 22, 1995.
(17) General Motors Corporation's Topcoat system, Union County, NJ COAD approval dated November 6, 1995.
(18) United States Pipe and Foundry Company's cupolas and annealing ovens (No. 2 and No. 3), Burlington County, NJ COAD approval dated October 16, 1995.
(19) Griffin Pipe Products Company's cupola and annealing furnace, Burlington County, NJ COAD approval dated December 14, 1995.
(2.) Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation's internal combustion engines, Hunterdon County, NJ COAD approval dated May 9, 1995.
(2.) Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation's internal combustion engines, Union County, NJ COAD approval dated May 9, 1995.
(ii) Additional information. Documentation and information to support NOX RACT facility-specific emission limits or alternative emission limits in four letters addressed to Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox from New Jersey Commissioner Robert C. Shinn, Jr. dated:
(A) May 26, 1995 for two SIP revisions;
(B) November 8, 1995 for eight SIP revisions;
(C) January 10, 1996 for ten SIP revisions; and
(D) October 10, 1996 for two SIP revisions.
(60) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone for adoption of rules for application of reasonably available control technology (RACT) for oxides of nitrogen (NOX dated November 15, 1993, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 19, of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Oxides of Nitrogen,'' effective December 20, 1993.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) November 15, 1993 letter from Jeanne Fox, NJDEPE, to William J. Muszynski, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapter 19.
(61) [Reserved]
(62) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of volatile organic compounds from consumer and commercial products, dated January 25, 1996 submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 24, of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Volatile Organic Compounds from Consumer and Commercial Products'' effective November 6, 1995.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) January 25, 1996 letter from Robert C. Shinn, Jr., NJDEP, to Jeanne M. Fox, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapter 24.
(63) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of volatile organic compounds from stationary sources, dated November 15, 1993 and two revisions dated June 21, 1996 submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amendments effective December 20, 1993 to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(B) Amendments effective June 20, 1994 to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code: Subchapter 8, ``Permits and Certificates'' (sections 8.1 and 8.2), Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds,'' Subchapter 17, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Toxic Substances,'' Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Architectural Coatings and Consumer Products,'' and Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Vehicular Fuels.'' Amendments effective June 20, 1994 to Title 7, Chapter 27B, Subchapter 3 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Air Test Method 3--``Sampling and Analytical Procedures for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds from Source Operations.''
(C) Amendments effective December 5, 1994 to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(D) Amendments effective May 15, 1995 to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(E) Amendments effective July 17, 1995 to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 16, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(ii) Additional material:
(A) November 15, 1993 letter from Jeanne Fox, NJDEP, to William J. Muszynski, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapter 16.
(B) June 21, 1996 letter from Robert C. Shinn, Jr., NJDEP, to Jeanne M. Fox, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapters 8, 16, 17, 23, 25 and Air Test Method 3.
(C) June 21, 1996 letter from Robert C. Shinn, Jr., NJDEP, to Jeanne M. Fox, EPA, requesting EPA approval of Subchapter 16.
(64) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on June 18, 1996, July 10, 1996, December 17, 1996 and May 2, 1997.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Conditions of Approval Documents (COAD) or Facility Wide Permit. The following facilities have been issued COADs or facility wide permits by New Jersey:
(1) Geon Company's direct-fired dryers, Salem County, NJ facility wide permit dated January 30, 1997. Incorporation by reference includes only the pages with permit limits related to the dryers.
(2) PQ Corporation/Industrial Chemicals' Sodium Silicate Furnace, Middlesex County, NJ COAD approval dated December 2, 1994.
(3) Air Products and Chemicals' Hazardous Waste Incinerator, Gloucester County, NJ COAD approval dated January 25, 1996.
(4) Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority's sewage sludge incinerators, Mercer County, NJ COAD approval dated October 27, 1995 and modified on May 16, 1996.
(5) Township of Wayne, Mountain View Water Pollution Control Facility's sewage sludge incinerators, Passaic County, NJ COAD approval dated September 20, 1996.
(6) Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Company's cupola and annealing oven, Warren County, NJ COAD approval dated November 22, 1994.
(7) Warren County Resource Recovery Facility's Municipal Waste Incinerators, Warren County, NJ COAD dated August 1, 1996.
(8) Hercules Incorporated's Nitration System, Acid Concentrators, and Open Pit Burner, Union County, NJ COAD dated May 1, 1996.
(9) US Department of Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division's jet engine test cells, Mercer County, NJ COAD approval dated October 31, 1995.
(10) Atlantic Electric Company's Utility Boiler 8, Salem County, NJ COAD approval dated February 25, 1997.
(11) U.S. Generating Company--Carneys Point Generating Plant's auxiliary boiler, Salem County, NJ COAD approval dated February 2, 1996.
(12) U.S. Generating Company--Logan Generating Plant's auxiliary boiler, Salem County, NJ COAD approval dated February 2, 1996.
(13) Schering Corporation's heat recovery steam generator with duct burner, Union County, NJ COAD approval dated January 5, 1996.
(14) [Reserved]
(15) Elizabethtown Water Company's internal combustion engines, Somerset County, NJ COAD approval dated May 8, 1996.
(ii) Additional information--Documentation and information to support NOX RACT facility-specific emission limits, alternative emission limits, or repowering plan in four letters addressed to Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox from New Jersey Commissioner Robert C. Shinn, Jr. dated:
(A) June 18, 1996 for four SIP revisions,
(B) July 10, 1996 for three SIP revisions,
(C) December 17, 1996 for five SIP revisions,
(D) May 2, 1997 for three SIP revisions.
(65) Revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone, submitting a New Jersey Clean Fleets program with Ozone Transport Commission Low Emission Vehicle (OTC-LEV) program as an effective backstop, substituted for the Clean Fuel Fleet program, dated February 15, 1996, March 29, 1996, and March 6, 1997, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference. Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 26, ``Ozone Transport Commission Low Emission Vehicles Program,'' effective December 18, 1995.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated February 15, 1996 from NJDEP Commissioner Shinn to Region 2 Administrator Jeanne M. Fox transmitting first version of NJCF program.
(B) Letter dated March 29, 1996 from NJDEP Commissioner Shinn to Region 2 Administrator Jeanne M. Fox supplementing February 15, 1996 submittal.
(C) ``SIP Revision for the Attainment and Maintenance of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, New Jersey Clean Fleets (NJCF) SIP,'' March 6, 1997.
(1) NJCF Appendix D: ``New Jersey Clean Fleets (NJCF) Program (1996 Action Plan Recommendations).''
(2) NJCF Appendix H: Response to Public Comments, NJCF Program, dated February 14, 1997.
(3) February 20, 1998 letter from Sharon Haas, Principal Environmental Specialist, NJDEP, to George Krumenacker, Transportation Services Specialist I, Bureau of Transportation Services, New Jersey Department of Treasury.
(4) March 25, 1998 Memo from Colleen Woods, Acting Director, Motor Vehicle Services, to Sharon Haas, Principal Environmental Specialist, NJDEP.
(66) A revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning revisions to the rule for requiring reasonably available control technology (RACT) for sources emitting oxides of nitrogen (NOX) dated March 24, 1995, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 19, of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Oxides of Nitrogen,'' effective April 17, 1995.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) June 21, 1996 letter from Robert C. Shinn, Jr., NJDEP, to Jeanne M. Fox, EPA, requesting EPA approval of revisions to Subchapter 19.
(67) Revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone, submitting amended New Jersey Ozone Transport Commission--Low Emission Vehicle (OTC-LEV) program, Opting into the National Low Emission Vehicle (National LEV) Program, dated February 22, 1999, submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference: Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 26, ``Ozone Transport Commission--Low Emission Vehicles Program,'' effective March 1, 1999.
(ii) Additional information: Letter from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shinn, dated February 22, 1999, submitting a revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for the National Low Emission Vehicle program.
(68) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for carbon monoxide concerning the oxyfuel program, dated August 7, 1998, submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference: Amendments to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Vehicular Fuels,'' effective August 17, 1998 (as limited in section 52.1605).
(69) A revision to the State Implementation Plan submitted on April 26, 1999 and supplemented on July 31, 2000 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that establishes the NOX Budget Trading Program.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 31, of the New Jersey Administrative code entitled ``NOX Budget Program'' adopted on June 17, 1998, and effective on July 20, 1998.
(ii) Additional information.
(A) Letter from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated April 26, 1999, submitting the NOX Budget Trading Program as a revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for ozone.
(B) Letter from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated July 29, 1999, committing to correcting the violation definition deficiency within one year of EPA's final action.
(C) Letter from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated July 31, 2000, supplementing the April 26, 1999 SIP submittal with the amended violation provisions.
(D) Guidance for Implementation of Emissions Monitoring Requirements for the NOX Budget Program, dated January 28, 1997.
(E) NOX Budget Program Monitoring Certification and Reporting Requirements, dated July 3, 1997.
(F) Electronic Data Reporting, Acid Rain/NOX Budget Program, dated July 3, 1997.
(G) Measurement Protocol for Commercial, Industrial and Residential Facilities, April 28, 1993.
(70) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on December 10, 1999 and July 31, 2000 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that establishes the NOX Budget Trading Program, a 2007 Statewide NOX emissions budget, and a commitment by New Jersey to comply with the section 51.122 reporting requirements.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 31 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``NOX Budget Program,'' adopted on July 31, 2000 and effective on August 21, 2000.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated December 10, 1999, requesting EPA approval of the Ozone SIP, entitled ``State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision for the Attainment and Maintenance of the Ozone and Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Meeting the Requirements of the Regional NOX Cap Program and Transportation Conformity Budgets Related to the Attainment of the Ozone and Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards; December 1, 1999,'' as a revision to the State of New Jersey Implementation Plan for ozone.
(B) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated July 31, 2000, requesting EPA approval of the NOX Budget Program as a revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan for ozone. This submittal also contains 2007 State-wide NOX emissions budget information that is supplemental to the December 10, 1999 SIP submittal.
(71) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) concerning the Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program, submitted on August 20, 2001 by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amendments to Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC) Subchapter 15, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution From Gasoline-Fueled Motor Vehicles,'' effective November 15, 1999.
(B) Amendments to Title 7, Chapter 27B of the NJAC Subchapter 4, ``Air Test Method 4: Testing Procedures for Motor Vehicles,'' effective November 15, 1999.
(C) Amendments to Title 13, Chapter 20 of the NJAC Subchapter 28, ``Inspection of New Motor Vehicles'' (Sections: 28.3, 28.4, 28.6), effective December 6, 1999.
(D) Title 13, Chapter 20 of the NJAC: Subchapter 7, ``Vehicle Inspection'' (Sections: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6); Subchapter 24, ``Motorcycles'' (Section: 24.20); Subchapter 26, ``Compliance With Diesel Emission Standards and Equipment, Periodic Inspection Program for Diesel Emissions, and Self-Inspection of Certain Classes of Motor Vehicles'' (Section: 26.16); Subchapter 29, ``Mobile Inspection Unit'' (Sections: 29.1, 29.2, 29.3); Subchapter 32, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Official Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 33, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Licensed Private Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 43, ``Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program''; Subchapter 44, ``Private Inspection Facility Licensing''; and Subchapter 45, ``Motor Vehicle Emission Repair Facility Registration'', effective December 6, 1999.
(E) Title 13, Chapter 21 Subchapter 5, ``Registrations'' (Section: 5.12) and Subchapter 15, ``New Jersey Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers'' (Section: 15.7), effective December 6, 1999.
(72) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) concerning the Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program, submitted on December 3, 2002 by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) New Jersey Revised Statutes.
(1) Public Law 2002, Chapter 34, paragraph 15 amending N.J.S.A. 39:8-2.c, enacted on July 1, 2002.
(73) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on January 21, 1998, June 12, 1998 and April 26, 1999; and a letter which notified EPA of a revised permit limit submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on February 21, 2001.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Conditions of Approval Documents (COAD) or modified prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permit: The following facilities have been issued COADs or modified PSD permit by New Jersey:
(1) American Ref-Fuel Company/Essex County Resource Recovery Facility, Newark, Essex County, NJ PSD permit modification dated July 29, 1997. Incorporation by reference includes only the NOX emission limits in section A.6 of the July 29, 1997 PSD permit.
(2) Co-Steel Corporation's (formerly New Jersey Steel Corporation) electric arc furnace/melt shop and billet reheat furnace, Sayreville, Middlesex County, NJ COAD approval dated September 3, 1997.
(3) Co-Steel Raritan Corporation's electric arc furnace/ladle metallurgy system and billet reheat furnace, Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ COAD approval dated June 22, 1998.
(4) Homasote Company's natural gas dryer (wet fibreboard mat dryer), West Trenton, Mercer County, NJ COAD approval dated October 19, 1998.
(5) Milford Power Limited Partnership's combined cycle cogeneration facility, Milford, Hunterdon County, NJ COAD approval dated August 21, 1997.
(6) University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey's cogeneration units and Cleaver Brooks non-utility boilers, Newark, Essex County, NJ COAD dated June 26, 1997.
(7) Roche Vitamins Inc's cogeneration facility and Boiler No. 1, Belvidere, Warren County, NJ COAD dated June 10, 1998. The cogeneration facility consists of one reciprocal engine (21.5 MW) and one heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) equipped with a duct burner (Boiler No. 6).
(8) Township of Wayne, Mountain View Water Pollution Control Facility's sewage sludge incinerators, Passaic County, NJ permit revision dated December 21, 2000.
(ii) Additional information--Documentation and information to support NOX RACT facility-specific emission limits, alternative emission limits, or repowering plan in three SIP revisions addressed to Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox from New Jersey Commissioner Robert C. Shinn, Jr. and one letter addressed to Acting Regional Administrator William J. Muszynski from Dr. Iclal Atay, Chief Bureau of Air Quality Engineering dated:
(A) January 21, 1998 SIP revision for two sources,
(B) June 12, 1998 SIP revision for one source,
(C) April 26, 1999 SIP revision for four sources,
(D) February 21, 2001 for a revised permit limit for one source.
(74) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on June 4, 2003 and January 6, 2004 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that establishes control programs for mobile equipment repair and refinishing operations, solvent cleaning operations and refueling of motor vehicles at gasoline service stations.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 16 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds,'' adopted on April 30, 2003 and effective on June 29, 2003.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated June 4, 2003, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the Ozone SIP which contains amendments to the Subchapter 16 ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(B) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated January 6, 2004 providing a compiled version of Subchapter 16 which include the amendments.
(75) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on January 23, 2003 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of enhancing an existing Emission Statement Program for stationary sources in New Jersey. The SIP revision was submitted by New Jersey to satisfy the Clean Air Act requirements for stationary sources to report annually to the State on their emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO), in order for the State to make this data available to EPA and the public.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amended Regulation Subchapter 21 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Emission Statements,'' adopted on January 23, 2003 and effective on February 18, 2003.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated January 23, 2003, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the Ozone and CO SIP which contains amendments to the Subchapter 21 ``Emission Statements.''
(76) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) concerning the Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program, submitted on August 13, 2003 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 13, Chapter 20 of the NJAC: Subchapter 7, ``Vehicle Inspections'' (Section: 7.1); Subchapter 26, ``Compliance With Diesel Emission Standards and Equipment, Periodic Inspection Program for Diesel Emissions, and Self-Inspection of Certain Classes of Motor Vehicles'' (Sections: 26.2, 26.16); Subchapter 28, ``Inspection of New Motor Vehicles'' (Section 28.3); Subchapter 29, ``Mobile Inspection Unit'' (Section: 29.2); Subchapter 32, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Official Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 33, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Licensed Private Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 43, ``Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program''; Subchapter 44, ``Private Inspection Facility Licensing''; and Subchapter 45, ``Motor Vehicle Emission Repair Facility Registration,'' effective May 19, 2003.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated August 13, 2003, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program SIP which contains amendments to the Subchapter 16 ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Volatile Organic Compounds.''
(77) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on July 1, 1999 and supplemented on September 12, 2002, September 26, 2002, April 3, 2003 and May 8, 2003.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
Conditions of Approval Document: Conditions of Approval Document issued by New Jersey on July 1, 1999 to Repauno Products, LLC's sodium nitrite manufacturing plant, Gibbstown, Gloucester County.
(ii) Additional information--Documentation and information to support NOX RACT facility-specific emission limits in SIP revision addressed to Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox from New Jersey Commissioner Robert C. Shinn, Jr.:
(A) July 1, 1999 SIP revision,
(B) September 12, 2002, September 26, 2002, April 3, 2003 and May 8, 2003 supplemental information to the SIP revision,
(C) May 14, 2004 commitment letter from New Jersey.
(78) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on July 28, 2004 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that establishes an expanded control program for architectural coatings.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 23 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Architectural Coatings,'' adopted on May 21, 2004 and effective on July 20, 2004.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated July 28, 2004, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the Ozone SIP which contains amendments to the Subchapter 23 ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Architectural Coatings.''
(79) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on June 22, 2004 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that establishes an expanded control program for consumer products including portable fuel containers.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 24 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Consumer Products,'' adopted on April 7, 2004 and effective on June 6, 2004.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) Letter from State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection dated June 22, 2004, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the Ozone SIP which contains amendments to the Subchapter 24 ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Consumer Products.''
(80) Revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of nitrogen oxides from the Schering Corporation's CoGEN II cogeneration facility located in Union County submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), dated March 31, 2005.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Conditions of Approval, Alternative Maximum Emission Rate For NOX, Schering Corporation, Union, Union County, New Jersey facility identification number 40084 approved March 9, 2005.
(81) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan for ozone dated December 16, 2005 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that establishes revised control measures for achieving additional reductions of NOX emissions from stationary combustion sources.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 19, of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Oxides of Nitrogen,'' effective October 17, 2005 and Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 16 of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds,'' effective October 17, 2005.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) December 16, 2005 letter from Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell, NJDEP, to Alan J. Steinberg, EPA, requesting EPA approval of revisions to Subchapters 8, 16, 19, and 22.
(82) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on June 2, 2006, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection which consists of the adoption of California's second generation Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) program.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 29 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program,'' except sections 29.6, 29.7, and 29.13(g) (incorporation by reference of Title 13, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 1961.1 and 1962 of the California Code of Regulations only), adopted on November 28, 2005.
(83) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan and submitted on February 6, 2007 as proposed, and subsequently adopted and submitted on July 9, 2007 by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that establishes rules for the allowance allocation of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) for the annual and ozone season Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOX Cap and Trade Programs. The submission also establishes a date when the CAIR NOX Trading Programs will replace the State's NOX Budget Program, and satisfies New Jersey's 110(a)(2)(D)(i) obligations to submit a SIP revision that contains adequate provisions to prohibit air emissions from adversely affecting another state's air quality through interstate transport.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 30 of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOX Trading Program,'' effective July 16, 2007 and Title 7, Chapter 27, Subchapter 31, Section 23 of the New Jersey Administrative Code entitled ``NOX Budget Program,'' effective July 16, 2007.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) February 2, 2007 letter from Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson, NJDEP, to Alan J. Steinberg, EPA, submitting proposed SIP revision, and request for parallel processing.
(B) June 26, 2007 letter from Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson, NJDEP, to Alan J. Steinberg, EPA, submitting SIP revision.
(C) December 29, 2006 letter from Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson, NJDEP, to Alan J. Steinberg, EPA, indicating how New Jersey has addressed the required elements of 110(a)(2)(D)(i).
(84) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on June 2, 2006, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection which consists of the adoption of California's Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) provisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 29 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program,'' sections 29.6, 29.7, and the incorporation of California Section 1962, ``Zero Emission Vehicle Standards for 2005 and Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks and Medium-Duty Vehicles,'' within section 29.13(g), effective on January 17, 2006.
(85) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of nitrogen oxides from Trigen-Trenton Energy Co., L.P., dated August 7, 2007 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) a letter from Lisa P. Jackson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, addressed to Alan J. Steinberg, USEPA, dated August 7, 2007, and Attachment 1 to the letter, titled ``Conditions of Approval, Alternative Maximum Emission Rate for NOX for Two (2) Cooper Bessemer Distillate Oil or Dual Fuel Fired 4-Stroke Diesel Internal Combustion Engines,'' Trigen-Trenton Energy Company L.P., Trenton, NJ. APC Plant ID No. 61015, approved January 11, 2007.
(86) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for particulate matter granting a variance from Subchapter 6, Control and Prohibition of Particles from Manufacturing Processes for the cooling tower at the PSEG Nuclear LLC Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations located in Lower Alloways Creek Township, Salem County dated November 2, 2007 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) which establishes hourly emission limits for TSP and PM-10 (total) of less than or equal to 42 pounds per hour and annual emission limits for TSP and PM-10 (total) of less than or equal to 65.9 tons per year.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) A letter from Lisa P. Jackson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, addressed to Alan J. Steinberg, Regional Administrator, EPA, dated November 2, 2007 submitting the variance for PSEG Nuclear LLC Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations without the attachments.
(B) Section J, Facility Specific Requirements, Emission Unit U24 Cooling Tower, (Significant Modification Approval date August 7, 2007) contained in the Air Pollution Control Operating Permit, Significant Modification and Preconstruction Approval, PSEG Nuclear LLC Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations, Permit Activity Number: BOP05003.
(d) Plan revisions were submitted on September 26, 1972.
(87) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted on September 13, 2007, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection which consists of the State's revised diesel idling rule.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Regulation Subchapter 14 of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, entitled ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles,'' section 14.1, effective on July 2, 2007, section 14.2, effective on September 15, 1997, and section 14.3, effective on July 2, 2007.
(88) A revision submitted on April 21, 2009, as supplemented on May 7, 2010, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that establishes revised control measures for achieving additional reductions of NOx, SO2, fine particulate, and VOC emissions from stationary sources that will help achieve attainment of the national ambient air quality standard for ozone and fine particles, as well as help to reduce regional haze.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 7, Chapter 27 (NJAC 7:27): Subchapter 4 ``Control and Prohibition of Particles from Combustion of Fuel'' with an effective date of April 20, 2009; Subchapter 10 ``Sulfur in Solid Fuels'' with an effective date of April 20, 2009; Subchapter 16 ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Volatile Organic Compounds'' with an effective date of April 20, 2009; Subchapter 19 ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Oxides of Nitrogen'' with an effective date of April 20, 2009 (including two Administrative Corrections published in the New Jersey Register on June 15, 2009 and July 6, 2009); and Subchapter 21 ``Emission Statements'' with an effective date of April 20, 2009.
(ii) Additional information:
(A) Letter dated April 21, 2009 from Acting Commissioner Mark N. Mauriello, NJDEP, to George Pavlou, Acting Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2, submitting the SIP revision for Subchapters 4, 8, 10, 16, 19 and 21.
(B) Letter dated May 7, 2010 from Director William O'Sullivan, NJDEP, to Barbara Finazzo, Director, Division of Environmental Planning and Protection, EPA Region 2, submitting supplemental SIP information for Subchapter 19.
(89) A revision submitted on April 9, 2009, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that establishes new and revised control measures for achieving additional reductions of VOC emissions that will help achieve attainment of the national ambient air quality standard for ozone.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) New rules contained in New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 7, Chapter 27 (NJAC 7:27) with effective date of December 1, 2008 and Operative date of December 29, 2008:
(1) Subchapter 26, ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Adhesives, Sealants, Adhesive Primers and Sealant Primers,'' and
(2) Subchapter 34, ``TBAC Emissions Reporting.''
(B) Amendments to NJAC 7:27 with effective date of December 1, 2008 and Operative date of December 29, 2008:
(1) Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Architectural Coatings,'' 23.2 Definitions;
(2) Subchapter 24, ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Consumer Products,'' 24.1 Definitions, 24.2 Applicability, 24.4 Chemically formulated consumer products: standards, 24.5 Chemically formulated consumer products: registration and labeling, 24.6 Chemically formulated consumer products: recordkeeping and reporting, 24.7 Chemically formulated consumer products: testing, 24.8 Portable fuel containers and spill-proof spouts: certification requirements, 24.9 Portable fuel containers and spill proof spouts: labeling, 24.10 Portable fuel containers and spill proof spouts: recordkeeping and reporting, 24.12 Penalties and other requirements imposed for failure to comply; and
(3) Subchapter 25, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution by Vehicular Fuels,'' 25.1 Definitions.
(C) Repeal to NJAC 7:27 with effective date of December 1, 2008 and Operative date of December 29, 2008: Subchapter 24, ``Prevention of Air Pollution From Consumer Products,'' section 24.11 Portable fuel containers and spill-proof spouts: testing, repealed without replacement and reserved.
(ii) Additional information.
(A) Letter dated April 9, 2009 from Acting Commissioner Mark N. Mauriello, NJDEP, to George Pavlou Acting Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2, submitting the SIP revision containing Subchapters 23, 24, 25, 26, and 34.
(90) Revision to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) for ozone concerning the control of nitrogen oxides from Naval Weapons Station Earle dated May 14, 2009 and supplementary information dated May 21, 2009 submitted by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) A letter from Mr. Frank Steitz, Chief, Bureau of Air Permits, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, addressed to Captain G.A. Maynard, Commanding Officer, Naval Weapons Station Earle titled ``Alternative Maximum Emission Rate (AEL) for Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:27-19.13 and Significant Modification of Operating Permit,'' dated and approved May 21, 2009 including Attachment 1 ``Conditions of Approval Alternative Maximum Emission Rate For NOX For Two (2) Detroit Diesel Distillate Oil Fuel Fired 2-Stroke Diesel Internal Combustion Engines, Naval Weapons Station Earle.''
(91) A revision submitted on July 28, 2009, as supplemented on December 9, 2010, March 2, 2011 and December 7, 2011, by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that addresses the regional haze requirements of Clean Air Act section 169A. The December 9, 2010 submittal also addresses an element of the PM2.5 SIP revision.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amendments to New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 7, Chapter 27 (NJAC 7:27) Subchapter 9, ``Sulfur In Fuels,'' Section 9.2 Sulfur content standards, with effective date of September 20, 2010 and operative date of October 25, 2010.
(B) The following Air Pollution Control Operating Permit, Significant Modifications and Preconstruction Approvals:
(1) PSEG Fossil LLC Hudson Generating Station dated March 8, 2011, Permit BOP110001, Program Interest 12202 for units: U1-OS Summary, U1-OS1, U1-OS2, U2-OS Summary, U15-OS Summary and U16-OS Summary.
(2) Chevron Products Company dated March 4, 2011, Permit BOP100001, Program Interest 18058 for unit 15, process heaters: OS Summary (E1501 and E1502).
(3) ConocoPhillips (Linden City) dated September 21, 2011, Permit BOP110001, Program Interest 41805 for unit 3, process heaters: OS Summary, OS1-E241, OS2-E243, OS3-E245, OS4-E246, OS5-E247, OS6-E248, OS7-E249, OS8-E250, OS11-E242, OS13-E253, and OS15-E258.
(4) Vineland Municipal Electric Utility--Howard M. Down dated September 26, 2011, Permit BOP110001, Program Interest 75507 for units: U10-OS Summary, U10-OS2, U10-OS3, and U22-OS Summary.
(5) BL England Generating Station dated December 16, 2010, Permit BOP100003, Program Interest 73242 for units: GR2 U2, U1-OS Summary, U1-OS1, U2-OS Summary, U2-OS1, U3-OS Summary, U3-OS1, U6-OS Summary, U6-OS1, U7-OS1, U7-OS2, U7-OS4, U7-OS5, U7-OS6, U7-OS7, U7-OS10, U7-OS11, U7-OS12, U8-OS Summary, and U8-OS1.
(ii) Additional information.
(A) Letter dated December 9, 2010 from Commissioner Bob Martin, NJDEP, to Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck, EPA Region 2, submitting the SIP revision containing Subchapter 9.
(B) December 7, 2011, letter from Director William O'Sullivan, NJDEP, to Acting Director John Filippelli, Division of Environmental Planning and Protection, EPA Region 2, submitting a supplement to the 2009 Regional Haze SIP which contains the Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) determinations and enforceable BART emission limits for five facilities.
(92) Revisions to the New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for New Jersey's enhanced inspection and maintenance (I/M) program, dated December 15, 2009.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Amendments to Chapter 27, Title 7 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, Subchapter 15, ``Control and Prohibition of Air Pollution from Gasoline-Fueled Motor Vehicles,'' effective November 16, 2009, and Appendix B-5, ``Air Test Method 5: Testing Procedures for Gasoline-Fueled Motor Vehicles,'' effective November 16, 2009.
(B) Amendments to Chapter 20, Title 13 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, Subchapter 7, ``Vehicle Inspection'' (Sections: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6); Subchapter 24, ``Motorcycles'' (Section: 24.20); Subchapter 26, ``Compliance With Diesel Emission Standards and Equipment, Periodic Inspection Program for Diesel Emissions, and Self-Inspection of Certain Classes of Motor Vehicles'' (Sections: 26.2 and 26.16); Subchapter 28, ``Inspection of New Motor Vehicles'' (Sections 28.3, 28.4 and 28.6); Subchapter 29, ``Mobile Inspection Unit'' (Sections: 29.1, 29.2, 29.3); Subchapter 32, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Official Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 33, ``Inspection Standards and Test Procedures To Be Used By Licensed Private Inspection Facilities''; Subchapter 43, ``Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program''; Subchapter 44, ``Private Inspection Facility Licensing''; and Subchapter 45, ``Motor Vehicle Emission Repair Facility Registration,'' all effective October 19, 2009.
(C) Amendments to Chapter 21, Title 13 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, Subchapter 15, ``New Jersey Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers'' (Sections: 15.8 and 15.12), effective October 19, 2009.
(D) Amendments to Chapter 8, Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey at R.S. 39:8-1, 39:8-2, and 39:8-3, effective July 1, 2010.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) December 15, 2009, letter from Mark N. Mauriello, Acting Commissioner, NJDEP, to Judith A. Enck, Regional Administrator, EPA, requesting EPA approval of a revision to the State of New Jersey's I/M program SIP.
(B) October 12, 2010, letter from Bob Martin, Commissioner, NJDEP, to Judith A. Enck, Regional Administrator, EPA, requesting EPA approval of the supplemental revision to the State of New Jersey's I/M program SIP.
(C) July 8, 2010, letter from Bob Martin, Commissioner, NJDEP, to Judith A. Enck, Regional Administrator, EPA, requesting EPA approval of the supplemental revision to the State of New Jersey's I/M program SIP. [37 FR 10880, May 31, 1972]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 52.1570, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.