State regulation State effective date EPA approved date Comments----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title 7, Chapter 26
Subchapter 2A, ``Additional, June 1, 1987........... June 29, 1990, 55 FR
Specific Disposal Regulations for 26689.
Sanitary Landfills.''Title 7, Chapter 27
Subchapter 1, ``General Provisions'' May 1, 1956............ June 29, 1990, 55 FR
26689.Subchapter 2, ``Control and June 8, 1981........... Sept. 30, 1981, 46 FR
Prohibition of Open Burning''. 47779.Subchapter 3, ``pontrol and Oct. 12, 1977.......... Jan. 27, 1984, 49 FR
Prohibition of Smoke from 3465.
Combustion of Fuel''.Subchapter 4, ``Control and April 20, 2009......... August 3, 2010, 75 FR
Prohibition of Particles from 45483.
Combustion of Fuel.''.Subchapter 5, ``Prohibition of Air Oct. 12, 1977..........
Pollution.Subchapter 6, ``Control and May 23, 1977........... Jan. 26, 1979, 44 FR Section 6.5,
Prohibition of Particles From 5427. ``Variances,'' is not
Manufacturing Processes'' (except approved (40 CFR
section 6.5). 52.1570(c)(20) and
52.1604(a)). Any State-
issued variances must
be formally
incorporated as SIP
revisions if EPA is to
be bound to their
provisions (40 CFR
52.1604(a)).Subchapter 7, ``Sulfur''............ Mar. 1, 1967........... May 31, 1972, 37 FR
10880.Subchapter 8, ``Permits and Apr. 5, 1985........... Nov. 25, 1986, 51 FR
Certificates, Hearings, and 42573.
Confidentiality''.Section 8.11........................ Mar. 2, 1992........... Apr. 15, 1994, 59 FR
17935.Sections 8.1 and 8.2................ June 20, 1994.......... August 7, 1997, 62 FR
42414.Subchapter 9, ``Sulfur in Fuels``... Sept. 9, 2010.......... 1/3/12, 77 FR 19........ Sulfur dioxide
``bubble'' permits
issued by the State
pursuant to Sec. 9.2
and not waived under
the provisions of Sec.
9.4 become
applicable parts of
the SIP only after
receiving EPA approval
as a SIP revision.Subchapter 10, ``Sulfur in Solid April 20, 2009......... August 3, 2010, 2009, 75 Notification of ``large
Fuels.''. FR 45483. zone 3 coal
conversions'' must be
provided to EPA (40
CFR 52.1601(b)).Subchapter 11, ``Incinerators''..... Aug. 15, 1968.......... May 31, 1972, 37 FR
10880.Subchapter 12, ``Prevention and Mar. 27, 1972..........
Control of Air Pollution
Emergencies''.Subchapter 13, ``Ambient Air Quality June 25, 1985.......... Nov. 25, 1986, 51 FR
Standards''. 42573.Subchapter 14, ``Control and ....................... ........................ On September 15, 1997,
Prohibition of Air Pollution from section 14.2 was re-
Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles''. numbered to 14.6. The
State did not submit
this change as a SIP
revision. Therefore,
the July 1, 1985,
version of section
14.2 will continue to
be the EPA-approved
regulation.Sections 14.1-14.3.................. July 1, 1985........... June 13, 1986...........Section 14.1........................ July 2, 2007........... April 17, 2009, 74 FR
17781..Section 14.2........................ September 15, 1997..... April 17, 2009, 74 FR
17781..Section 14.3........................ July 2, 2007........... April 17, 2009, 74 FR
Subchapter 15, ``Subchapter 15, November 16, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
``Control and Prohibition of Air 15363.
Pollution From Gasoline-Fueled
Motor Vehicles.''.Subchapter 16, ``Control and April 20, 2009......... August 3, 2010, 75 FR
Prohibition of Air Pollution by 45483.
Volatile Organic Compounds.''.Subchapter 17, ``Control and June 20, 1994.......... August 7, 1997, 62 FR Subchapter 17 is
Prohibition of Air Pollution by 42414. included in the SIP
Toxic Substances''. only as it relates to
the control of
perchloroethylene.Subchapter 18, ``Control and Mar. 15, 1993.......... July 25, 1996........... See July 25, 1996, for
Prohibition of Air Pollution from items not included in
New or Altered Sources Affecting this limited approval.
Ambient Air Quality (Emission
Offset Rules).''.Subchapter 19, ``Control and April 20, 2009, as August 3, 2010, 75 FR Subchapter 19 is
Prohibition of Air Pollution from corrected on June 15, 45483. approved into the SIP
Oxides of Nitrogen.''. 2009 and July 6, 2009. except for the
following provisions:
(1) Phased compliance
plan through
repowering in Sec.
19.21 that allows for
implementation beyond
May 1, 1999; and (2)
phased compliance plan
through the use of
innovative control
technology in Sec.
19.23 that allows for
implementation beyond
May 1, 1999.Subchapter 21, ``Emission April 20, 2009......... August 3, 2010, 75 FR Section 7:27-21.3(b)(1)
Statements.''. 45483. and 7:27-21.3(b)(2) of
New Jersey's Emission
Statement rule
requires facilities to
report on the
following pollutants
to assist the State in
air quality planning
needs: hydrochloric
acid, hydrazine,
methylene chloride,
tetrachlorethylene, 1,
1, 1 trichloroethane,
carbon dioxide and
methane. EPA will not
take SIP-related
enforcement action on
these pollutants.Subchapter 23, ``Prevention of Air December 29, 2008...... December 22, 2010, 75 FR
Pollution From Architectural 80340.
Coatings.''Subchapter 24, ``Prevention of Air December 29, 2008...... December 22, 2010, 75 FR
Pollution From Consumer Products.'' 80340.Subchapter 25, ``Control and December 29, 2008...... December 22, 2010, 75 FR
Prohibition of Air Pollution by 80340.
Vehicular Fuels.''Subchapter 26, ``Prevention of Air December 29, 2008...... December 22, 2010, 75 FR
Pollution From Adhesives, Sealants, 80340.
Adhesive Primers and Sealant
Primers.''Subchapter 29, ``Low Emission January 17, 2006....... February 13, 2008, 73 FR In Section 29.13(g),
Vehicle (LEV) Program''. 8202. Title 13, Chapter 1,
Article 2, Section
1961.1 of the
California Code of
Regulations relating
to greenhouse gas
emission standards, is
not incorporated into
the SIP.Subchapter 30, ``Clean Air July 16, 2007.......... October 1, 2007, 72 FR
Interstate Rule (CAIR) NOX Trading 55672.
Program.''.Subchapter 31, ``NOX Budget July 16, 2007.......... October 1, 2007, 72 FR
Program.''. 55672.Subchapter 34, ``TBAC Emissions December 29, 2008...... December 22, 2010, 75 FR
Reporting.''. 80340.
Title 7, Chapter 27B
Subchapter 3, ``Air Test Method 3: June 20, 1994.......... August 7, 1997, 62 FR
Sampling and Analytic Procedures 42414.
for the Determination of Volatile
Organic Compounds from Source
Subchapter 5, ``Air Test Method 5: November 16, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Testing Procedures For Gasoline- 15363.
Fueled Vehicles.''.
Title 13, Chapter 20:
Subchapter 7, ``Vehicle November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Inspection.'' Sections: 7.1. 7.2, 15363.
7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6.Subchapter 24, November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
``Motorcycles.''Section 20. 15363.Subchapter 26, ``Compliance With November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Diesel Emission Standards and 15363.
Equipment, Periodic Inspection
Program for Diesel Emissions, and
Self-Inspection of Certain Classes
of Motor Vehicles.'' Section: 26.2,
26.16.Subchapter 28, ``Inspection of New November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Motor Vehicles.'' Sections: 28.3, 15363.
28.4, 28.6.Subchapter 29, ``Mobile Inspection November 19, 2009...... March 15, , 77 FR 15363.
Unit.''Sections: 29.1, 29.2, 29.3.Subchapter 32, ``Inspection November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Standards and Test Procedures To Be 15363.
Used By Official Inspection
Facilities.''Subchapter 33, ``Inspection November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Standards and Test Procedures To Be 15363.
Used By Licensed Private Inspection
Facilities.''Subchapter 43, ``Enhanced Motor November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance 15363.
Program.''Subchapter 44, ``Private Inspection November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Facility Licensing.'' 15363.Subchapter 45, ``Motor Vehicle November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Emission Repair Facility 15363.
Registration.''Chapter 21Subchapter 5, ``Registrations.''.... Dec. 6, 1999........... January 22, 2002, 67 FR
2813.Section: 5.12.......................Subchapter 15, ``New Jersey Licensed November 19, 2009...... March 15, 2012, 77 FR
Motor Vehicle Dealers.'' Sections 15363.
15.8 and 15.12.
Title 16, Chapter 53
``Autobus Specifications''.......... Sept. 26, 1983......... June 13, 1986........... Only Sections 3.23,
3.24, 3.27, 6.15,
6.21, 6.30, 7.14,
7.17, 7.23, 8.15,
8.22, 8.25 are
approved.Title 39, Chapter 8 Subchapters 1, 2 July 1, 2010........... March 15, 2012, 2012, 77
and 3. FR 15363.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [46 FR 57677, Nov. 25, 1981]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 52.1605, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
Editorial Note: At 72 FR 55672, Oct. 1, 2007, Sec. 52.1605 was amended by revising the entry in the table for Subchapter 31 under Title 7, Chapter 27; the amendment was incorporated, however there was no Subchapter 31 of that portion of the table to revise.