(a) This section identified the original ``State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan'' and all revisions submitted by Oregon that were federally approved prior to September 1, 2013.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 25, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Amendments to the implementation plan including ORS chapters 449, 192, and 340 submitted on May 3, 1972, by the Governor.
(2) Transportation control strategy for oxidants and carbon monoxide in the Oregon portion of the Portland Interstate Region submitted on October 26, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) Compliance schedules submitted on February 9, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(4) Revision to the transportation control plan submitted on April 13, 1973, by the Governor.
(5) Compliance schedules submitted on May 30, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(6) Compliance schedules submitted on June 8, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(7) Compliance schedules submitted on June 22, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(8) Compliance schedules submitted on June 25, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(9) Compliance schedules submitted on July 31, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(10) Compliance schedules submitted on August 3, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(11) Request for an extension to May 31, 1976, of the attainment date for carbon monoxide and photochemical oxidants and miscellaneous additions (Nonregulatory) to the transportation control plan submitted on September 21, 1973, by the Governor.
(12) Miscellaneous additions (Nonregulatory) to the transportation control plan submitted on August 20, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(13) Plan for maintenance of the national standards submitted on August 27, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(14) Revision to Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, sections 25-105 through 25-130,--Hot Mix Asphalt Plans and sections 25-155 through 25-195 Kraft Pulp Mills submitted on February 8, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(15) Change to regulations for the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority submitted on February 13, 1973, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(16) Special air pollution control rules for Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah and Washington Counties and certification of the dissolution of regulations for the Columbia-Willamette Air Pollution Authority submitted on January 17, 1974, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(17) Revision to Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, sections 12-030 through 12-055 Civil Penalties submitted on February 19, 1975, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(18) Oregon Revised Statute 468.095 for public availability of emission data submitted on August 1, 1975, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(19) Indirect Source Regulation (OAR, Chapter 340 sections 20-100 through 20-135) submitted on July 24, 1975, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(20) Indirect Source Regulation (Title 20--Indirect Sources), of the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Rules and Regulations, submitted November 18, 1975 by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(21) Air Contaminant Discharge Permits (Oregon Administrative Rules 340-20-140 through 340-20-185) submitted February 17, 1976.
(22) Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Regulation, Title 22--Permits, submitted June 7, 1976.
(23) Oregon Revised Statutes sections 468.450 through 468.485 submitted on August 1, 1975, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(24) Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, sections 26-005 through 26-025, submitted on February 17, 1976, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(25) Request for an extension to May 31, 1978, of the attainment date for particulate matter national secondary ambient air quality standards in the Eugene/Springfield Air Quality Maintenance Area.
(26) Revision to the field burning regulations submitted on June 28, 1979; September 13, 1979, October 10, 1979; and March 11, 1980, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(27) On June 20 and 29, 1979, the Governor submitted: (i) Carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) attainment plans for the Oregon portion of the Portland-Vancouver AQMA, Salem, and Medford-Ashland AQMA, and (ii) a carbon monoxide (CO) attainment plan for the Eugene-Springfield AQMA.
(28) On June 20, 1979, the Governor requested an extension beyond 1982 for the attainment of carbon monoxide (CO) in Portland, Eugene-Springfield and Medford.
(29) On June 29, 1979, the Governor requested an extension beyond 1982 for the attainment of ozone (O3) in Portland.
(30) On February 14, 1980, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted its official response to EPA's proposed SIP actions which were published in the Federal Register on January 21, 1980 (45 FR 3929).
(31) On May 6, 1980, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted recodified portions of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 449 which authorize Oregon's automobile inspection/maintenance program. This submittal, requested by EPA, included chapters ORS 468.360 through 468.420, 481.190, 481.200, 483.800, 483.820, and 483.825.
(32) Revisions to the program for controlling the open burning of grass seed fields submitted on April 22, 1980, by the Department of Environmental Quality.
(33) Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, sections 24-300 through 24-350 for the vehicle inspection and maintenance program, submitted on July 26, 1980, by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
(34) On December 27, 1979, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of Air Quality Monitoring 40 CFR part 58, subpart C Sec. 58.20.
(35) On December 31, 1980, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted an Oregon Air Containment Discharge Permit No. 36-6041 Addendum No. 1 issued to Spaulding Pulp and Paper Company on December 11, 1980; Oregon Air Discharge Containment Discharge Permit No. 26-3025, issued to Industrial Laundry Dry Cleaners, Inc., on December 1980 and Oregon Environmental Quality Commission Stipulation and Consent Final Order concerning Vanply, Inc., dated December 30, 1980.
(36) On September 8, October 16, December 5, December 19, 1980, May 29, 1981 and September 9, 1981, DEQ submitted revisions to the SIP designed to satisfy the conditions of approval published by EPA on June 24, 1980 (45 FR 42265).
(37) Specific air pollution control rules for the Medford AQMA (OAR 340-30-005 through 340-30-070) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on May 26, 1978, and revisions submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on February 14, 1980 (OAR-340-010 and 340-30-020), October 29, 1980 (OAR 340-30-016, 340-30-035 and 340-30-045), May 22, 1981 (OAR 340-30-010, 340-30-030 and 340-30-045) and September 9, 1981 (OAR 340-30-060).
(38) Revisions to the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority rules submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on March 14, 1977 (Title 22, Sections 010 and 020 and Table A), June 29, 1979 (Title 11, Section 015; Title 12, Sections 005 and 010; Title 13; Title 20, Sections 110, 115, 120, 125, 129 and 130; Title 21, Sections 010 and 030; Title 32, Sections 005 and 010; Title 33, Sections 005, 010, 015 and 065; Title 36; Title 42; Title 43; Title 44; and Title 45), November 6, 1979 (Title 22,Section 020 and Table A), and January 30, 1980 (Title 36).
(39) Conditions 5 and 6 of the Air Contaminant Discharge Permit for the Weyerhaeuser Company plant in Bly, Oregon (Permit Number: 18-0037) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on March 24, 1981.
(40) Condition 4, 5, and 6 of the Air Contaminant Discharge Permit for the Weyerhaeuser Company plant in North Bend, Oregon (Permit Number: 06-0007) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on March 27, 1981.
(41) Revisions to the agricultural open field burning rules (OAR 340-26-005 through 340-26-030) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on April 23, 1981, and amended ``Smoke Management Program Operational Guidelines'' submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on July 8, 1981.
(42) Revisions to the rules for sulfite pulp mills (OAR 340-25-350 through 340-25-390) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on June 2, 1980.
(43) Revisions to the Air Quality Schedule of Civil Penalties (OAR 340-12-050) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on February 14, 1980.
(44) Revision to the ambient air quality standard for ozone (OAR 340-31-030) submitted by the Department of Environmental Quality on June 20, 1979.
(45) On March 24, 1981, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted control strategies for the Portland secondary total suspended particulates nonattainment area.
(46) On March 23, 1981, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted control strategies for the Eugene-Springfield secondary total suspended particulates nonattainment area.
(47) On October 16, 1980, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the control strategies for the Salem ozone nonattainment area.
(48) On August 17, 1981, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to the operating rules for the Portland motor vehicle inspection program (OAR 340-24-300 through 350).
(49) On March 11, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted three revisions to the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority rules. They are:
(i) Title 11 Definitions (Section 015.013, Air Conveying Systems),
(ii) Title 22 Permits (Section 020, Fees),
(iii) Title 32 Emission Standards (Section 800, Air Conveying System).
(50) On March 11, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to their State ambient air quality standard for ozone (from 0.08 ppm to 0.12 ppm.
(51) Amendments to the Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Rules submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on February 15, 1977 (OAR 340-20-140 through 185), July 24, 1979 (OAR 340-20-155 Table A, 165, 175 and 180) and May 22, 1981 (OAR 340-20-155 Table A).
(52) Prevention of Significant Deterioration Rules (OAR 340-31-100, 105 subsections (12), (15) and (16), 110, 115, 120 and 130) submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on June 20, 1979, and September 9, 1981.
(53) New Source Review Rules (OAR 340-20-220 to 275, except Section 225 subsections 7 and 11), except to the extent that they apply to marine vessel emissions, submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on September 9, 1981, and deletion of Special Permit Requirements for Sources Locating In or Near Nonattainment Areas (OAR 340-20-190 through 195).
(54) Plant Site Emission Limit Rules (OAR 340-20-300 through 320) submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on September 9, 1981, and deletion of the Plant Site Emission Limit Rules (OAR 340-20-196 and 197).
(55) On July 20, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted: (i) Carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3) attainment plans for Portland which build upon those plans submitted in June 1979 and (ii) a request to extend the Portland CO and O3 attainment dates to December 31, 1985, and December 31, 1987, respectively.
(56) On August 9, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to remove the Mid-Willamette Valley Air Pollution Authority Regulations from the Oregon state implementation plan.
(57) Amendments to the rules for primary aluminum plants submitted by the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality on February 21, 1974 (OAR 340-25-255 to 290), February 14, 1980 (OAR 340-25-265(4)(b) and 265(5)) and August 9, 1982 (OAR 340-25-255 to 285).
(58) Amendments to the rules for equipment burning salt laden wood waste from logs stored in salt water (OAR 340-21-020) and removal of Conditions 4, 5, and 6 of the Air Contaminant Discharge Permit for the Weyerhaeuser Company plant in North Bend, Oregon (Permit Number: 06-0007) submitted by the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality on October 18, 1982.
(59) On August 16, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to OAR 340-24-300 to 24-350 (Vehicle Inspection Program Rules).
(60) On January 24, 1983, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to add a lead strategy to the Oregon Implementation Plan and revise the State lead ambient air quality standard to agree with the Federal standard.
(61) On December 13, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted two revisions to the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority rules. The revisions are: (1) Title 32, Emission Standards (Section 800, Air Conveying Systems)--revision to compliance date and (2) Title 33, Prohibited Practices and Control of Special Classes (Section 070, Kraft Pulp Mills)--new rules.
(62) Title 22 ``PERMITS'' of the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Rules, except to the extent that they apply to marine vessel emissions and except the definitions of ``dispersion technique'' and ``good engineering practice stack height'', and Title 32 ``EMISSION STANDARDS'' Sections 32-100 through 32-104 of the Lane Regional Authority Rules, submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on March 2, 1983; clarifying letter dated June 20, 1984.
(63) On May 6, 1983, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to its rules as follows:
(A) Revisions to the ``New Source Review'' rule consisting of an amended section OAR 340-20-225, specifically, the deletion of the definitions of ``Dispersion Technique'' (OAR 340-20-225(7)) and ``Good Engineering Practice Stack Height'' (OAR 340-20-225(11)), the renumbering of OAR 340-20-225, the revision of the definition of ``Nonattainment Area'' (OAR 340-20-225(14)), and changes to numerous references to coincide with the new numbering; the deletion of subsection OAR 340-20-240(7) ``Growth Increments'' and the addition of a new section OAR 340-20-241 ``Growth Increments;'' an amended section OAR 340-20-245, specifically, revised subsections OAR 340-20-245(2)(c) and OAR 340-20-245(4), and changes to numerous references to coincide with the new numbering of the definitions in OAR 340-20-225; and amendment to subsection )AR 340-20-260(2); a revised reference in OAR 340-20-265(6) to coincide with the new numbering of a definition; and the deletion of section OAR 340-20-275 ``Stack Heights''.
(B) The addition of a new ``Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques'' rule (OAR 340-20-340 and 345);
(C) Revisions to the ``Portable Hot Mix Asphalt Plants'' rule (OAR 340-25-120; and
(D) The deletion of OAR 340-22-108 ``Applicability of Alternative Control Systems.''
(64) Amendments to the fees in the ``Air Contaminant Discharge Permit'' rule (OAR 340-20-155 Table 1 and OAR 340-20-165) submitted by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on June 3, 1983.
(65) On October 26, 1983, and December 14, 1983, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted four separate revisions to their plan. On October 26, 1983, the State submitted a revised air emergency episode plan (OAR 340-27-005 through 340-27-030 (effective October 7, 1983), revisions to gasoline marketing rules for the Medford-Ashland ozone nonattainment area (OAR 340-22-110(1)(a), effective October 7, 1983, and a revised ozone ambient air quality standard for the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (Section 31-035 Ozone, effective July 12, 1983). On December 14, 1983, the State submitted revisions to the automobile inspection and maintenance program for Portland (OAR 340-24-306 through 340-24-350, effective November 18, 1983). EPA is also approving OAR 340-27-035 which requires an ``operation and maintenance manual'' for administering the provisions of the Emergency Episode Plan (effective October 7, 1983).
(66) On October 20, 1982, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to the Medford, Oregon, Carbon Monoxide Attainment Plan which is contained in the Oregon State Implementation Plan. This plan builds upon the plan submitted in June 1979.
(67) On April 25, 1983, the State Department of Environmental Quality submitted Section 4.10, ``Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter.''
(68) Amendments to the Open Burning Rules (OAR 340-23-022 through 115), submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on June 5, 1984.
(69) Amendments to the Refuse Burning Equipment Limitations rules, specifically OAR 340-21-005 (1) and (4), OAR 340-21-025(2)(b), and OAR 340-21-027, were submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on January 16, 1984; and amendments to the Open Field Burning rules, specifically, the addition of new sections 340-21-001, 340-26-003, 340-26-031, 340-26-035, 340-26-040 and 340-21-045, revisions to sections 340-26-005, 340-26-013, 340-26-015, 340-26-010 and replacing it with a new section 340-26-010, the deletion of the existing section 340-26-011 and 340-26-020, were submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on March 14, 1984.
(70) On December 10, 1984, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to its Civil Penalty Rules (OAR 340-12) which deleted Sections 005 through 025 and 052 through 068; amended Sections 030, 040 and 050; and added Sections 070 and 075. Sections 035 and 045 were retained.
(71) Revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan were submitted by the Director on July 26, 1984, and August 7, 1984. Revisions are woodstove certification program rules (OAR 340-21-100 to 340-21-190), Oregon Revised Statutes 468.630 to 468.655 and amendment to field burning introduction (OAR 340-26-001) and repeal the field burning rules relating to tax credits (OAR 340-26-030).
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Woodstove certification program rules (OAR 340-21-100 to 340-21-190) as published in the Oregon Administrative Rules, November 1984.
(B) The Oregon Revised Statutes 468.630 to 468.655 as signed by the Governor on July 5, 1984.
(C) Amendment to the field burning rule introduction (OAR 340-60-001) as adopted by the Oregon Environmental Commission on June 29, 1984.
(72) Revisions to the Oregon SIP were submitted by the Director on May 6, 1985. Revisions are: Definitions to the Vehicle Inspection Operating Rules (OAR 340-24-305 (20) and (22)) and the Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Method (OAR 340-24-310 through 350 as amended).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Amendments to OAR (340-24-305 (20) and (22)) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 2, 1984.
(B) Amendments to OAR 340-24-310 through 350 as amended as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 19, 1985.
(73) Amendments to the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Rules for Air Conveying Systems (Title 32, section 800) were submitted by the State Department of Environmental Quality on May 6, 1985.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter of May 6, 1985, to EPA from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and Amendments to Title 32, section 800 of the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA) as part of the Oregon State Implementation Plan. Revisions were approved at the LRAPA Board of Directors meeting on January 8, 1985, and approved by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 19, 1985.
(74) On September 25, 1984, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted an amendment to OAR 340-20-047, specifically Section 5.2 ``VISIBILITY PROTECTION PLAN FOR CLASS I AREAS.'' On September 25, 1984, October 22, 1985, and March 19, 1986, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to the ``New Source Review'' rules, specifically, amendments to OAR 340-20-225, OAR 340-20-230(1)(e) and (f), OAR 340-20-245(5), and OAR 340-20-245(7) (submitted on 9/25/84), amendments to OAR 340-20- 245(3) (submitted on 9/25/84 and 10/22/85), OAR 340-20-276 (submitted on 9/25/84), and amendments to OAR 340-20-276(1) (submitted on 10/22/85 and 3/19/86).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter of September 25, 1984, from the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 14, 1984, as follows:
(1) OAR 340-20-047, Section 5.2 ``VISIBILITY PROTECTION PLAN FOR CLASS I AREAS,'' except for ``Reserved'' subsections 5.2.5 ``Best Available Retrofit Technology,'' 5.2.6 ``Integral Vistas,'' and 5.2.7 ``Control Strategies;''
(2) OAR 340-20-225 ``Definitions'' as amended;
(3) OAR 340-20-230 ``Procedural Requirements,'' subsection (1) ``Information Required,'' paragraphs (e) and (f) as amended;
(4) OAR 340-20-245 ``Requirements for Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration),'' subsection (5) ``Air Quality Monitoring,'' paragraph (a) as amended;
(5) OAR 340-20-245 ``Requirements for Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration),'' subsection (7) ``Sources Impacting Class I areas'' as amended.
(B) Letter of October 22, 1985, from the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 27, 1985, as follows:
(1) OAR 340-20-245 ``Requirements for Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration),'' subsection (3) ``Exemption for Sources Not Significantly Impacting Designated Nonattainment Areas,'' paragraph (a) as amended.
(C) Letter of March 19, 1986, from the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 22, 1985, as follows:
(1) OAR-340-20-276 ``Visibility Impact'' as amended.
(75) A revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan was submitted by the Director of Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on October 9, 1985, and supplemented with technical appendices on February 13, 1986. This revision adds a mandatory vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program to the existing Medford Carbon Monoxide plan, modifies the Oregon I/M regulations for underhood inspections by eliminating tampering checks of 1974 and older model vehicles and removes the existing section 110(a)(2)(I) construction moratorium.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) A letter dated October 9, 1985, from Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(B) A letter dated February 13, 1986, from Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(C) OAR 340-24-301 (Boundary Designations), OAR 340-24-320 (Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria), and OAR 340-24-325 (Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria), which were adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 27, 1985.
(D) October 20, 1982 letter to EPA from the Department of Environmental Quality and section (Emission Reduction Necessary for Attainment) of the Control Strategy for Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area 1982 State Implementation Plan Revision for Carbon Monoxide as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 15, 1982.
(E) Section (Reasonable Further Progress) of the Control Strategy for Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area 1982 State Implementation Plan Revision for Carbon Monoxide as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 15, 1982.
(F) Section (Conformity of Federal Actions) of the Control Strategy for Medford-Ashland Quality Maintenance Area 1982 State Implementation Plan Revision for Carbon Monoxide as adopted by the Enviromental Quality Commission on October 15, 1982.
(G) Section 4.9.4 (Control Strategy) of the Control Strategy for Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area 1982 State Implementation Plan Revision for the Carbon Monoxide as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 15, 1982.
(76) Revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan were submitted by the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality on August 5, 1985. Revisions are: Extension of existing emission standards for veneer dryers (OAR 340-25-315) to include sources located in special problem areas, and the deletion of any references to the implementation of compliance dates which have already passed.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter of August 5, 1985, from the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA and Amendments to OAR 340-25-315, Veneer and Plywood Operations Rule, as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on July 19, 1985.
(77) On February 28, 1985, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a request to EPA to redesignate the Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA) from nonattainment to attainment for the primary O3 standard and a plan to maintain that standard.
(i) Incorporation by reference:
(A) Letter of February 28, 1985, from Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, Section 4.8 ``Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area Plan for Maintenance of Ozone Standard,'' adopted by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission on January 25, 1985.
(78) On May 30, 1986, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a new rule, OAR 340-20-037 ``Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques'' and requested the deletion of the existing rules, OAR 340-20-340 and 345 ``Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques''. On October 23, 1987, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a letter indicating how this new rule will be implemented until a definition of the terms ``emission limitation'' and ``emission stan
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter of May 30, 1986, from the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, Section 037 ``Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques'', adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 25, 1986.
(B) Letter of October 23, 1987, from the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(79) Revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan were submitted by the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality of October 15, 1986. Revisions are: OAR 340-24-330 (Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Cutpoints or Standards) and OAR 340-24-335 (Heavy Duty Gasoline Motor Vehicle Emission Control Emission Standards).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated October 15, 1986 from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(B) OAR 340-24-330 (Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Cutpoints or Standards) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 12, 1986.
(C) OAR 340-24-335 (Heavy Duty Gasoline Motor Vehicle Emission Control Emission Standards) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 12, 1986.
(80) On May 23, 1986, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a new paragraph (12), of OAR 340-20-165 ``Fees'', as a revision to the State Implementation Plan. This paragraph allows regional air pollution authorities to set a permit fee schedule for sources within their jurisdiction.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated May 23, 1986, from the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 340, Division 20, Section 340-20-165 ``Fees'', paragraph (12), adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on March 14, 1986.
(81) Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, Division 20, Sections 200 through 215 (Conflict of Interest) submitted by the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality on May 30, 1986. These rules apply only to the Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental Quality Commission, and not to the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority and its Board of Directors.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated May 20, 1986, from the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, Sections 200, 205, 210, and 215 (Conflict of Interest) which was adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 25, 1986.
(82) On November 24, 1986, and supplemented on January 8, 1987, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted the Grants Pass carbon monoxide control strategy as a revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated November 24, 1986, from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(B) State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan Section 4.11 Grants Pass Carbon Monoxide Control Strategy as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 24, 1986.
(ii) Additional information.
(A) Letter dated January 8, 1987, from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region X.
(B) Technical appendices for the Grants Pass Carbon Monoxide Control Strategy, Appendix 4.11.1 through 10.
(83) On March 3, 1987, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to the Oregon visibility protection program as a revisions to the Oregon state implementation plan, specifically OAR 340-20-047, section 5.2 ``Visibility Protection Plan for Class I Areas,'' OAR 629-43-043 ``Smoke Management Plan,'' and Directive 1-4-1-601 ``Operational Guidance for the Oregon Smoke Management Program.''
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Two letters dated March 3, 1987, from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 establishing the effective dates for Oregon Administrative Rules referenced in paragraphs (c)(83)(i) (B), (C), and (D) of this section.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 340, Division 20, section 047, section 5.2 ``Visibility Protection Plan for Class I Areas'' as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 24, 1986.
(C) Oregon Administrative Rule, Chapter 629, Division 43, section 043 ``Smoke Management Plan'' as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on December 12, 1986.
(D) Directive 1-4-1-601 ``Operational Guidance for the Oregon Smoke Management Program'' as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on December 12, 1986.
(84) On September 28, 1988, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Section 12-025 ``Conflict of Interest,'' of Title 12, ``Duties and Powers of Board and Director,'' adopted as Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, Section 047, as a revision to the State implementation plan.
(1) Incorporation by reference.
(i) September 28, 1988, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(ii) Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Section 12-025 ``Conflict of Interest,'' of Title 12, ``Duties and Powers of Board and Director,'' as adopted as Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20, Section 047. This rule was adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 9, 1988.
(85) On February 17, 1989, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to the Procedures for Issuance, Denial, Modification, and Revocation of Permits (OAR 340-14-007, 010, 020 (and 025), Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Notice Policy (OAR 340-20-150), and the New Source Review Procedural Requirements (OAR 340-20-230).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) February 17, 1989, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 14 (Procedures for Issuance, Denial, Modification, and Revocation of Permits), section -007 (Exceptions); -010 (Definitions) (3); -020 (Application for a Permit) (1), (4)(b), and (5); -025 (Issuance of a Permit) (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 10, 1988.
(C) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20 (Air Pollution Control, Air Contaminant Discharge Permit), Section -150 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Notice Policy) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 10, 1988.
(D) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20 (Air Pollution Control, New Source Review), Section -230 (Procedural Requirements) (3)(D) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 10, 1988.
(86) Revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan were submitted by the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality on February 24, 1989. The revision is to OAR-340-24-300 through 350 (Vehicle Inspection Program Operating Rules, Test Procedures and Licensed Exhaust Analyzer).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated February 24, 1989, from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10.
(B) OAR 340-24-301 [Boundary Designations] (2); OAR 340-24-310 [Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Method] (6); OAR 340-24-320 (Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria) (3)(a) introductory text, (3)(b)(4), (5), and (6)(a); OAR 340-24-325 [Heavy Duty Gasoline Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria] (3)(a) introductory text, (4), and (5); OAR 340-24-330 (Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Cutpoints or Standards) (3); and OAR 340-24-350 (Gas Analytical System Licensing Criteria) (1)(a)(C), (1)(a)(E), and (1)(c) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 9, 1988.
(87) On May 30, 1986, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to Volume 2 ``The Federal Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (and Other State Regulations)'' and on July 11, 1986, a revised Section 3 ``Statewide Regulatory Provisions'' `Subsection 3.1 Oregon Administrative Rule--Chapter 340' (OAR 340-30-015, 030, 031, 040, and 055) as revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 30, 1986, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) July 11, 1986, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(C) Volume 2 ``The Federal Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (and Other State Regulations)'' Section 1 (Introduction); Section 2 (General Administration); Section 3 (Statewide Regulatory Provisions) Introduction; Section 4 (Control Strategies for Nonattainment Areas) Introduction; Section 5 (Control Strategies for Attainment and Nonattainment Areas) Introduction and Section 5.2 (Prevention of Significant Deterioration); Section 6 (Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program); Section 8 (Public Involvement); and Section 9 (Plan Revisions and Reporting), dated January 1986, as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 25, 1986.
(D) Volume 2 ``The Federal Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (and Other State Regulations),'' Section 3 (Statewide Regulatory Provisions), Subsection 3.1 Oregon Administrative Rule--Chapter 340 (OAR 340-14-005 to 050 [Procedures for Issuance, Denial, Modification, and Revocation of Permits] dated 10-1-89, OAR 340-20-046 [Records; Maintaining and Reporting] effective 10-1-72, OAR 340-20-047 [State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan] effective 9-30-85, OAR 340-30-015 [Wood Waste Boilers] effective 10-29-80, and OAR 340-31-105 [Definitions]) effective 9-8-81.
(E) Volume 2 ``The Federal Clean Air Act Implementation Plan (and Other State Regulations),'' Section 3 ``(Statewide Regulatory Provisions)'', Subsection 3.1 Oregon Administrative Rule--Chapter 340, Division 30 (Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for the Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area), Section 015 (Wood Waste Boilers); Section 030 (Wood Particle Dryers at Particleboard Plants); Section 031 (Hardboard Manufacturing Plants); Section 040 (Charcoal Processing Plants); and Section 055 (Source Testing) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 13, 1986.
(88) A revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan was submitted by the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on September 14, 1989. The revision OAR-340-22-300 (Standard for Automotive Gasoline) is approved in full with the exception of section 300 (6). EPA only approves the sampling procedures and test methods specified in 40 CFR part 80 and is taking no action on the other test procedures referenced in section 300 (6) specifically the ASTM D323 method and the California Air Resources rule methods.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated September 14, 1989, from the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10. (B) Oregon Administrative Rule, chapter 340, Division 22 (General Gaseous Emissions), section 300 (standard for Automotive Gasoline) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 2, 1989.
(89) On January 2, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (the Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations) as follows: OAR chapter 340, Division 20, Sections 350 to 380 (Excess Emissions). The Department of Environmental Quality also repealed OAR 340-21-070 and OAR 340-21-075 from the state of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) January 2, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20 (General); -350 (Purpose and Applicability); -355 (Definitions); -360 (Planned Startup and Shutdown); -365 (Scheduled Maintenance); -370 (Upsets and Breakdowns); -375 (Reporting Requirements); and -380 (Enforcement Action Criteria) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on may 25, 1990, and were effective on January 2, 1991.
(90) On January 14, 1991, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to the Parking Offsets in the Portland Central business District (OAR-340-20-405 through 340-20-430) in the State of Oregon Air Quality Control Program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated January 4, 1991, from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting an amendment to the Oregon Implementation Plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 20 (Air Pollution) Control), section 405 through 430 (Parking Offsets in the Portland Central Business district). These rules were adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on December 14, 1990.
(91) On September 14, 1989, the State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted an amendment to the rules for Notice of Construction and Approval of Plans (OAR-340-20-030).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 14, 1989, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 20 (Air Pollution Control, Notice of Construction and Approval of Plans) Section -030 (Procedure), (4)(a) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 14, 1989.
(92) On November 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (the Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations) as follows: Division 34--Residential Woodheating in OAR Chapter 340 which contains OAR 340-34-001 to 34-115 (Oregon Woodstove Certification--previously Division 21-100 to 21-190 of OAR Chapter 340); a new section OAR 340-34-150 to 34-175 (Woodburning Curtailment); and a new section OAR 340-34-200 to 34-215 (Woodstove Removal Contingency Program for PM10 Nonattainment Areas). Also OAR 340-23-030, 043, & 090 (Rules for Open Burning).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 34 (Residential Wood Heating), section--001 (Purpose); -005 (Definitions); -010 (Requirements for the Sale of Woodstoves); -015 (Exemptions); -020 (Civil Penalties); -050 (Emission Performance Standards & Certification); -055 (Efficiency Testing Criteria & Procedures); -060 (General Certification Procedures); -065 (Changes in Woodstove Design); -070 (Labelling Requirements); -075 (Removal Label); -080 (Label Approval); -085 (Laboratory Accreditation Requirements); -090 (Accreditation Criteria); -095 (Application for Laboratory Efficiency Accreditation); -100 (On-Site Laboratory Inspection and Stove Testing Proficiency Demonstration); -105 (Accreditation Application Deficiency, Notification and Resolution); -110 (Final Department Administrative Review and Certificate of Accreditation); -115 (Revocation and Appeals); -150 (Applicability); -155 (Determination of Air Stagnation Conditions); -160 (Prohibition on Woodburning During Periods of Air Stagnation); -165 (Public Information Program); -170 (Enforcement); -175 (Suspension of Department Program); -200 (Applicability); -205 (Removal and Destruction of Uncertified Stove Upon Sale of Home); -210 (Home Seller's Responsibility to Verify Stove Destruction); -215 (Home Seller's Responsibility to Disclose) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991 and effective on November 13, 1991.
(C) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 23 (Rules for Open Burning), section -030 (Definitions); -043 (Open Burning Schedule); and -090 (Coos, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991 and effective on November 13, 1991.
(93) On November 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations) as follows: Division 21--General Emission Standards for Particulate Matter in Chapter 340 which contains OAR 340-21-200 to -245.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon State implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, chapter 340, Division 21 (General Emission Standards for Particulate Matter) section Industrial Contingency Requirements for PM-10 Nonattainment Areas; -200 (Purpose); -205 (Relation to Other Rules); -210 (Applicability); -215 (Definitions); -220 (Compliance Schedule for Existing Sources); -225 (Wood-Waste Boilers); -230 (Wood Particulate Dryers at Particleboard Plants); -235 (Hardboard Manufacturing Plants) -240 (Air Conveying Systems); and -245 (Fugitive Emissions) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991 and effective on November 13, 1991.
(94) On May 30, 1986, and on November 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations) as follows: Division 25--Board Products Industries in OAR Chapter 340 which contains OAR 340-25-305 to 315.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 25 (Specific Industrial Standards) section-305 (Definitions); and -315 (Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing Operations) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991 and effective on November 13, 1991.
(C) May 30, 1986, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(95) On May 20, 1988, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations) as follows: Chapter 340 Division 27 (Air Pollution Emergencies) section -005, -010, and -012.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 20, 1988, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, chapter 340, Division 27 (Air Pollution Emergencies) section -005 (Introduction); -010 (Episode Stage Criteria for Air Pollution Emergencies) and -012 (Special Conditions) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 29, 1988, and effective on May 19, 1988.
(96) On May 30, 1986, December 5, 1986, May 8, 1987, March 3, 1989, March 12, 1990, June 8, 1990, and November 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air State Implementation Plan and Other State Regulations). The revisions updated the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority rules by adding new Titles 12, 14, 34, 38, and 47; revising existing Titles 11, 12, 15 (previously Title 13), 32, 33, 50 (previously Title 31), and 51; rescinding existing Titles 21, 22, and 36; and removing existing Titles 20, 42, 44, and 45 from the EPA-approved state implementation plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 30, 1986, letter from the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 11 (Policy and General Provisions), Title 12 (General Duties and Powers of Board and Director), Title 14 (Definitions), Title 32 (Emission Standards) and Title 33 (Prohibited Practices and Control of Special Classes), Title 34 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits), Title 38 (New Source Review), and Title 47 (Rules for Open Outdoor Burning) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 25, 1986, and state effective on May 8, 1986.
(B) December 5, 1986, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 14 (Definitions) and Title 38 (New Source Review) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 24, 1986, and state effective on October 24, 1986.
(C) May 8, 1987, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 34 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on April 17, 1987, and state effective on April 22, 1987.
(D) March 3, 1989, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 34 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits), as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 4, 1988, and state effective on December 20, 1988.
(E) March 3, 1989, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 14 (Definitions), Title 31 which was revised and repromulgated as Title 50 (Ambient Air Standards), Title 38 (New Source Review), and Title 51 (Air Pollution Emergencies), as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 4, 1988, and state effective on December 20, 1988.
(F) March 12, 1990, letter from ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 34 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on March 2, 1990, and state effective on February 14, 1991.
(G) June 8, 1990, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were to: Title 13 (Enforcement Procedures) which was revised and repromulgated as Title 15 (Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalties) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on May 25, 1990, and state effective on February 14, 1991.
(H) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendment to the Oregon state implementation plan. Revisions were a new Title 12 (Definitions), and changes to Title 34 (Air Contaminant Discharge Permits) and Title 38 (New Source Review) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991, and state effective on November 13, 1991.
(I) August 26, 1993, supplemental information letter from ODEQ to EPA Region 10 assuring EPA that draft and proposed regulations submitted from Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA) as final versions of the rules were in fact made final with no change.
(97) On October 13, 1989, and November 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to OAR chapter 340 Division 30 (Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for Areas With Unique Air Quality Control Needs) as revisions to the State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air State Implementation Plan and Other State Regulations).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) October 13, 1989, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(C) Oregon Administrative Rule 340 Division 30 (Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area and the Grants Pass Urban Growth Area) -010 (Definitions); -015 (Wood Waste Boilers) (except for (3)(c)); -025 (Air Conveying Systems); -040 (Charcoal Producing Plants); -043 (Control of Fugitive Emissions (Medford-Ashland AQMA Only); -044 (Requirement for Operating and Maintenance Plans (Medford-Ashland AQMA Only); -045 (Compliance Schedules); -046 (Emission Limits Compliance Schedules); -050 (Continuous Monitoring); -055 (Source Testing; -065 (New Source); -067 (Rebuilt Sources); as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 7, 1989, and effective on September 7, 1989.
(D) Oregon Administrative Rule 340 Division 30 (Specific Air Pollution Control Rules for Areas with Unique Air Quality Control Needs) section -005 (Purpose and Application; -010 (Definitions); -012 (Application); -015 (Wood Waste Boilers) (except for (3)(c)); -021 (Veneer Dryer Emission Limitations); -030 (Wood Particle Dryers At Particleboard Plants); -043 (Control of Fugitive Emissions (Medford-Ashland AQMA Only); -044 (Requirements for Operating and Maintenance Plans (Medford-Ashland AQMA Only); -046 (Emission Limits Compliance Schedules); -050 (Continuous Monitoring); -055 (Source Testing); -065 (New Sources); -067 (Rebuilt Sources); -115 (Dual Fuel Feasibility Study for Wood-Waste Boilers); -200 (Application), -205 (Compliance Schedule for Existing Sources), -210 (Woodwaste Boilers); -215 (Wood Particle Dryers At Particleboard Plants); -220 (Hardboard Manufacturing Plants); -225 (Air Conveying System), and -230 (Fugitive Emissions) as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991, and effective on November 13, 1991.
(98) On October 14, 1992, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to Oregon's Sampling Manual (Volumes I and II) and the inclusion of a new Continuous Emission Monitoring Manual as revision to the State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air State Implementation Plan and Other State Regulations).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) October 14, 1992, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) Oregon's Sampling Manual (Volumes I and II) as adopted by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission on January 23, 1992, and effective on January 23, 1992.
(C) Continuous Emission Monitoring Manual as adopted by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission on January 23, 1992, and effective on February 4, 1992.
(99) On November 21, 1990, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter, Grants Pass, Oregon, Moderate Nonattainment Area, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10. On November 15, 1991, the Director of ODEQ submitted an Addendum to the November 21, 1990 submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 21, 1990, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(B) November 15, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to the Oregon state implementation plan.
(C) State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter, Grants Pass, Oregon Nonattainment Area, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10 dated November 1990, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 2, 1990 and effective on November 2, 1990.
(D) PM10 Control Strategy for Particulate Matter (Addendum) Grants Pass, Oregon Nonattainment Area, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10 dated October 1991, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991, and effective on November 13, 1991.
(100) On May 15, 1991, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the State of Oregon Implementation plans for volatile organic compound emissions (OAR 340-22-100 through 340-22-220, General Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds), to bring about attainment of the National ambient air quality standards in ozone nonattainment areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 15, 1991, letter from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting the VOC nonattainment area state implementation plan for Oregon.
(B) OAR 340-22-100 through 340-22-220, General Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds, as adopted on May 14, 1991, and became effective on May 16, 1991.
(101) On July 28, 1989, the state of Oregon, through the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, submitted a maintenance plan and a request to redesignate Eugene-Springfield to attainment for carbon monoxide (CO).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) July 28, 1989, letter from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting a maintenance plan and a redesignation request for the Eugene-Springfield CO Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA). This plan was submitted as an amendment to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan and adopted by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Commission on December 9, 1988.
(B) Attainment Demonstration and Maintenance Plan for the Eugene-Springfield AQMA for CO.
(C) Letter from Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority and Lane Council of Governments, dated February 27, 1992, to EPA Region 10, committing to submit a contingency plan if a violation of the CO NAAQS occurs.
(102) On November 16, 1992, and on November 15, 1993, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality submitted Emission Statement Rules as amendments to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan. The November 15, 1993, Emission Statement Rules revision to OAR chapter 340, Division 28, State of Oregon Implementation Plan, superseded the November 16, 1992 submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 16, 1992, letter from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting the emission statement SIP revision. This revision was submitted as an amendment to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan and adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 10, 1992.
(B) Emission Statement Rules submitted as an amendment to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan, effective November 12, 1992.
(C) November 15, 1993, letter from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting a revision to the Emission Statement Rules. This revision was submitted as an amendment to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan and adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on September 10 and October 29, 1993.
(D) Emission Statement Rules submitted as an amendment to the State of Oregon Implementation Plan, revising the air quality regulations in OAR, Chapter 340, Division 28, effective September 24, 1993.
(E) December 20, 1993, Completeness Determination letter to Oregon Department of Environmental Quality from EPA Region 10, advising that the November 15, 1993, Emission Statement Rules submittal is a technically and administratively complete SIP revision.
(103) On May 14, 1993, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a committal state implementation plan (SIP) for a basic inspection and maintenance (I/M) program for Portland and Medford-Ashland CO nonattainment areas. On November 15, 1993, ODEQ submitted the basic I/M program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 14, 1993, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting a committal SIP for the I/M program.
(B) November 15, 1993, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting the I/M program for moderate CO nonattainment areas.
(C) OAR 340-24-309 through 350, ``Motor Vehicles,'' adopted on October 29, 1993, and effective on November 4, 1993.
(104) On November 16, 1992, the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality submitted the formal SIP revision to Oregon's Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-20-136 and 340-22-440 through 340-22-640, adopted as part of the state of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan through OAR 340-20-047. This revision establishes and requires the implementation of an oxygenated gasoline program in the Clackamas, Jackson, Multnomah, Washington and Yamhill counties, and an eleven by twelve mile area surrounding Klamath Falls and a nine mile by nine mile area surrounding Grants Pass.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The November 16, 1992, letter from the Director of the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to the Oregon SIP.
(B) Revisions to the Oregon SIP: Rules on Oxygenated Fuels, OAR 340-20-136 and 340-22-440 through 340-22-640, adopted as part of the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan through OAR 340-20-047, effective November 1, 1992.
(105) On November 15, 1993, the Director of ODEQ submitted Oregon's contingency measure plan as a revision to Oregon's SIP for carbon monoxide (CO) for Grants Pass, Medford, Portland, and Klamath Falls, Oregon.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1993, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon SIP.
(B) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340-22-440 through 340-22-650, Vol. 2, Sections 4.2, 4.9, 4.ll, Carbon Monoxide Control Strategies, effective November 4, 1993.
(106) On February 4, 1994, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted the formal SIP revision to Oregon's Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-34-005 through 340-34-115 (Residential Woodheating and Woodstove Certification Program). This revision includes the repeal of OAR 340-34-55, OAR 340-34-65 as well as OAR 340-34-075 through 340-34-115.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) February 4, 1994, letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting a revision to the Woodstove Certification and Efficiency Testing Program.
(B) OAR 340-34-005 through 115, Residential Woodheating and Woodstove Certification Program, adopted on December 10, 1993, and effective on January 3, 1994.
(107) On November 15, 1991, the ODEQ submitted a PM-10 nonattainment area SIP for La Grande, Oregon.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1991 letter from ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting the PM-10 nonattainment area SIP for La Grande, Oregon.
(B) PM-10 Control Strategy for Particulate Matter, October 1991, La Grande, Oregon Nonattainment Area, as adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on November 8, 1991.
(108) On November 15, 1991 the Director of ODEQ submitted amendments to Oregon's SIP to include a PM-10 control strategy for Eugene-Springfield and LRAPA title 39.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 15, 1991 letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon SIP.
(B) The PM-10 control strategy for Eugene-Springfield, adopted by the OEQC on January 31, 1991, and LRAPA title 39 (Contingency for PM-10 sources in the Eugene-Springfield nonattainment area), adopted by the OEQC on November 8, 1991.
(C) April 13, 1994 letter from the Director of ODEQ to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Oregon SIP.
(D) Amendments to Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Rules as a revision to the Oregon SIP (title 16), adopted by the OEQC on March 11, 1994.
(109) On October 27, 1993, the Director of ODEQ submitted OAR 340-24-307, Motor Vehicle Inspection Program Fee Schedule, as an amendment to the Oregon SIP. On November 15, 1993, the Director of ODEQ submitted Section 3.1, OAR 340-24-309 through 340-24-350 and section 5.4, Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Plan, as amendments to the Oregon SIP. On June 14, 1994 EPA's Regional Administrator, Chuck Clarke, received Section 3.1, OAR 340-24-309 through 340-24-355 and section 5.4, Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Plan, from the Director of ODEQ as amendments to the Oregon SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) October 27, 1993 letter from the Director of ODEQ to the Regional Administration of EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon SIP, Motor Vehicle Inspection Program Fee Schedule.
(B) November 15, 1993 letter from the Director of ODEQ to the Regional Administrator of EPA submitting revisions to the Oregon SIP, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
(C) June 13, 1994 letter from the Director of ODEQ to the Regional Administrator of EPA submitting revisions to the Oregon SIP, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
(D) Oregon's Motor Vehicle Inspection Program Fee Schedule, OAR 340-24-307, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on January 29, 1993.
(E) Oregon's Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, OAR 340-24-309, 310, 315, 320, 330, 335, 340, 350, and Volume 2 Section 5.4, Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Plan, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on October 29, 1993.
(F) Oregon's Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Section 3.1, OAR 340-24-300 through 340-24-355, and Section 5.4, adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission on June 3, 1994.
(110) On May 28, 1993, the Director of ODEQ submitted two separate sets of revisions to its air quality regulations, OAR, Chapter 340, Division 25. One submittal was housekeeping amendments affecting all of Division 25; the second submittal was specifically Kraft Pulp Mill rules (OAR 340-25-150 through -205) and Neutral Sulfite Semi-Chemical Pulp Mill regulations (OAR 340-25-220 through -234). On November 15, 1993, the Director of ODEQ submitted a revision to OAR, Chapter 340, Division 25. On April 13, 1994, the Director of ODEQ submitted revisions to the Oregon SIP for LRAPA's Title 47, Outdoor Open Burning.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) EPA received on May 28, 1993, two letters from the Director, ODEQ, to the Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting housekeeping amendments to Division 25: Housekeeping amendments to Division 25 (OAR 340-25-005 through 025 and OAR 340-25-105 through 340-25-430), effective March 10, 1993; and revisions to the Oregon SIP for Kraft Pulp Mill Amendments and Neutral Sulfite Semi-Chemical Pulp Mill Regulations: Kraft Pulp Mill Rules (OAR 340-25-150 through 205) and the Neutral Sulfite Semi-Chemical Pulp Mill Pulp Mills (OAR 340-25-220 through 234), excluding all references to total reduced sulfur, effective January 24, 1990.
(B) November 15, 1993, letter from the Director, ODEQ, to the Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting revisions to the Oregon SIP for OAR, Chapter 340, Division 25: Amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 25 (OAR 340-25-160, 340-25-222, 340-25-275, 230-25-310, 340-25-420), effective November 4, 1993.
(C) April 13, 1994, letter from the Director, ODEQ, to the Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting revisions to LRAPA, Title 47: Title 47, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority, August 11, 1992, Outdoor Open Burning, effective January 1, 1993.
(111) The EPA approves a revision to the State of Oregon's Air Quality Control Plan Volume 2 (The Federal Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan and other State Regulations), specifically a revision to Section 2.2--Legal Authority and a revision to Chapters 468 and 468A of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) On July 29, 1992 and August 30, 1994, ODEQ submitted to EPA a revision to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), Chapter 468 (1993 Edition), and Chapter 468A (1993 Edition), both of which were amended and adopted through August 1993 and in effect on November 4, 1993; and a revised Section 2.2--Legal Authority, including subsections 2.2.1 through 2.2.9, dated and revised July 29, 1992, the date of the official attached transmittal letter.
(112) On November 16, 1992, the Director for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted the Oregon State Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program and on May 16, 1995, the Administrator for ODEQ submitted the Small Business Assistance Program Confidentiality Option as revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The November 16, 1992 letter from the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitting the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program to EPA; The Oregon Air Quality Small Business Assistance Program State Implementation Plan Revision adopted on October 16, 1992, and evidence that the State has the necessary legal authority, Oregon Revised Statutes 468A.330 (Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program).
(B) The May 16, 1995 letter from the Administrator of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division, submitting the Small Business Assistance Program confidentiality option to EPA; The Air Quality Guidance, Restriction of Information Obtained by the AQ Small Business Assistance Program adopted on May 16, 1995.
(113) On April 14, 1995, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a revision to its SIP for the State of Oregon to include the Transportation Conformity: OAR 340-20-710 through 340-20-1080.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) April 14, 1995 letter from ODEQ director Lydia Taylor to EPA Regional Administrator Chuck Clarke submitting a revision to the Oregon SIP to include the Transportation Conformity: OAR 340-20-710 through 340-20-1080; Division 20, Air Pollution Control, Criteria and Procedures for Determining Conformity to State or Federal Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects Funded or Approved Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Act, effective March 29, 1995.
(114) On November 20, 1995, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a Reasonably Available Control Technology Standards (RACT) determination for VOC emissions from the Intel Corporation facility in Portland, Oregon.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The letter dated November 20, 1995, from the Director of ODEQ submitting a SIP revision for a RACT determination contained in Intel's Oregon Title V Operating Permit for VOC emissions, consisting of permit 34-2681 expiration date 10-31-99, page 11 of 32 pages, effective date September 24, 1993 (State-effective date of the Oregon Title V Program).
(115) A minor revision consisting of clarification of existing air quality control regions and nonattainment and maintenance areas of Oregon (the revision did not change any existing boundaries) was submitted to EPA from ODEQ for inclusion into the Oregon SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated September 20, 1995 from the Director of the ODEQ to the EPA Regional Administrator submitting a revision to better define Oregon's existing air quality boundaries found in State regulations OAR 340-23-065 through 340-23-075 (Rules for Open Burning), OAR 340-31-120 (Air Pollution Control Standards for Air Purity and Quality), and OAR 340-31-500 through 340-31-530 (The Air Quality Control Regions and Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas of Oregon), effective May 25, 1995.
(116) On May 27, 1993, September 27, 1995, and October 8, 1996, the Director of ODEQ submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA revisions to its Oregon SIP: the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), Housekeeping Amendments (Chapter 340, Divisions 21 through 24, 26, 27, 30, and 34); OAR, Division 22, General Gaseous Emissions (340-22-100, -130, and -137); and OAR, Divisions 20, 21, 22, 25, 27 and 30).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 27, 1993, letter from ODEQ to EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules: Housekeeping Amendments, Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Divisions 21 through 24, 26, 27, 30, and 34, State-effective on March 10, 1993.
(B) September 27, 1995, letter from ODEQ to EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules: Permits and Fees for Stage I Vapor Recovery Program, Division 22, General Gaseous Emissions, Sections 100, 130, and 137, State-effective on November 2, 1994.
(C) October 8, 1996, letter from ODEQ to EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules: OAR 340-020-0047 (State-effective on September 24, 1996); OAR 340-21-0005, -0015, -0020, -0025, -0030, -0035, -0045, -0050, and -0235 (State-effective on January 29, 1996); OAR 340-022-0102 (State-effective on March 29, 1996), and -0130 (State-effective on December 6, 1995); OAR 340-025-0260 and -0265 (State-effective on December 6, 1995), -0280 (State-effective on December 6, 1995), -0320 and -0325 (State-effective on January 29, 1996); OAR -027-0005 (State-effective on September 24, 1996); OAR 030-0007, -0010 and -0031 (State-effective on January 29, 1996).
(D) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on February 16, 2001, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 23 ``Rules for Open Burning,'' as effective March 10, 1993, is removed from the SIP.
(117) On November 20, 1996, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted source-specific Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) determinations to EPA as SIP revisions for VOC emissions standards.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Two letters dated November 20, 1995, from Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitting SIP revisions for RACT determinations for VOC emissions for: Cascade General, Inc., a ship repair yard in Portland, Oregon, Permit No. 26-3224 (issued to the Port of Portland), dated October 4, 1995; and, White Consolidated, Inc. (doing business as Schrock Cabinet Co.), a wood cabinet manufacturing facility in Hillsboro, Oregon, Permit No. 34-2060, dated August 1, 1995.
(118) On October 13, 1989, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted an amendment to OAR Chapter 340, Division 30. On May 28, 1993, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 14, and Division 31. On November 15, 1993, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 14, Division 20, and Division 31, and a new Division 28. On November 14, 1994, June 1, 1995, October 8, 1996, and January 22, 1997, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 28. On September 27, 1995, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 31.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) OAR 340-14-005, -010, -015, -020, -025, -030, -035, -040, -045, and -050, effective March 10, 1993; and OAR 340-14-007, effective September 24, 1993.
(B) OAR 340-28-500, -510, -520, -810, -1030, -1040, -1120, -1130, -1400, -1450, -1520, -1600, -1700, -1710, and -1920, effective September 24, 1993; OAR 340-28-100, -200, -300, -700, -800, -820, -900, -1000, -1020, -1100, -1110, -1140, -1420, -1440, -1500, -1510, -1730, -1740, -1750, -1760, -1770, -1900, -1940, -1950, -1960, -1970, -1980, -1990, and -2000, effective November 4, 1993; OAR 340-28-600, -610, -620, and -640, effective January 1, 1994; OAR 340-28-1910 and -2270, effective October 29, 1994; OAR 340-28-1930, effective May 1, 1995; OAR 340-28-1060, effective January 29, 1996; OAR 340-28-1410 and -1430, effective September 24, 1996; and OAR 340-28-110, -400, -630, -1010 and -1720, effective October 22, 1996.
(C) OAR 340-30-111, effective September 26, 1989.
(D) OAR 340-31-010, 340-31-015, 340-31-020, 340-31-025, 340-31-030, 340-31-040, 340-31-055, 340-31-100, 340-31-115, and 340-31-130, effective March 10, 1993; and OAR 340-31-005, OAR 340-31-110, and 340-31-120, effective July 12, 1995.
(119) November 15, 1991, and September 20, 1995, letters from the Director, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, to the Region 10 Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting the PM-10 Klamath Falls, Oregon, PM-10 Control Plan and amendments as revisions to its SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State Implementation Plan for PM-10 in Klamath Falls, dated October 1991 and revised August 1995; and Appendix 4: Ordinances and Commitments, Ordinance No. 6630 (adopted September 16, 1991), and Ordinance No. 63 (adopted July 31, 1991)--Chapters 170 and 406.
(120) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) submitted Maintenance Plans that demonstrate continued attainment of the NAAQS for O3 and requested redesignation of the Pdx/Van interstate nonattainment area from nonattainment to attainment for O3. The SIP revision requests were submitted by the WDOE on June 13, 1996, and by ODEQ on August 30, 1996. A number of other O3 supporting revisions were included in this submittal, such as: the 1990 O3 Emission Inventories; changes to the NSR programs; regulations implementing the hybrid low enhanced I/M programs; an expanded vehicle inspection boundary; minor RACT rule changes (Vancouver only); Employee Commute Options rule (Portland only); Voluntary Parking Ratio rule (Portland only); PSEL management rules (Portland only); and local area source supporting rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Ozone Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request for the Portland/Vancouver AQMA (Oregon Portion) effective August 14, 1996.
(B) Oregon Inspection and Maintenance SIP revision to Section 5.4; OAR 340-024-0100, -0300, -0305, -0306, -0307, -0308, -0309, -0312 (with the exception of all language in (4) (a) referring to a ``sixth hill extrapolation''), -0314 , -0318, -0320, -0325, -0330, -0332, -0335, -0337, -0340, -0355, -0357, and -0360, State effective on November 26, 1996.
(C) New Source Review: OAR 340-020-0047; OAR 340-028-0110, 1900 through 1940, 1960, 1970, and 2000; OAR 340-030-0111, State effective on November 26, 1996.
(D) Supporting Regulations approved as part of the Ozone non-attainment redesignation package: OAR 340-022-0400, -0401, -0402, -0403, -0700, -0710, -0720, -0730, -0740, -0750, -0760, -0800, -0810, -0820, -0830, -0840, -0850, -0860, -0900, -0910, -0920, -0930, -0940, -0950, -1000, -1010, -1020, -1030, -1040, -1050, -1100, -1110, -1120, -1130, State effective on 8/14/96; OAR 340-024-0301, State effective on 8/12/96; OAR 340-030-0700, -0710, -0720, -0730, -0740, -0800, -0810, -0820, -0830, -0840, -0850, -0860, -0870, -0880, -0890, -0900, -0910, -0920, -0930, -0940, -0950, -0960, -0970, -0980, -0990, -1000, -1010, -1020, -1030, -1040, -1050, -1060, -1070, -1080, -1100, -1110, -1120, -1130, -1140, -1150, -1160, -1170, -1180, -1190, State effective on 8/14/96; and OAR 340-031-0500, -0520, -0530, State effective on 8/19/96.
(121) On April 7, 1997, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) determination for VOC emissions from PCC Structurals, Inc., Large Parts Campus, at 4600 SE Harney Drive, Portland, Oregon.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The letter dated April 7, 1997, from the Director of ODEQ submitting a SIP revision for a RACT determination contained in PCC Structurals, Inc.'s Oregon Title V Operating Permit for VOC emissions, consisting of permit 26-1867, expiration date 4-1-2000, effective date April 4, 1997. Only conditions 19, 20, and 21 in PCC Structurals' Addendum No. 2 to permit 26-1867 are incorporated into the SIP.
(122) On August 30, 1996, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan for the Portland area containing a Maintenance Plan that demonstrated continued attainment of the NAAQS for carbon monoxide through the year 2007.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated August 30, 1996, from Oregon to EPA requesting the redesignation of the Portland carbon monoxide nonattainment area to attainment and submitting the Maintenance Plan; Revision to the State Implementation Plan: Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request for the Portland Metro Area, adopted July 12, 1996.
(B) Letter dated April 17, 1997, from Oregon to EPA submitting replacement pages to the Maintenance Plan and appendices.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Appendices to the Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request for Portland (Metro) Area--State Implementation Plan Revision for Carbon Monoxide, dated July 12, 1996: Appendix D2-1 (Volume 3), CO Air Monitoring Network; Appendix D2-2 (Volume 3), Meteorological Analysis; Appendix D2-3 (Volume 3), Review of Bag Study Results Which Demonstrates The DEQ Network of Sites Records Higher CO Concentrations Than Screened Intersections; Appendix D2-4 (Volume 3), Emission Inventory and Forecast Portland (Metro) Area (Carbon Monoxide); Appendix D2-4-1 (Volume 3), Base Year (1990) Emission Inventory Portland (Metro) Area (Carbon Monoxide); Appendix D2-4-2 (Volume 3), Attainment Year (1991) Emission Inventory Portland (Metro) Area (Carbon Monoxide); Appendix D2-4-3 (Volume 3), Regional Emission Forecast Portland (Metro) Area; Appendix D2-4-4 (Volume 3), Subregional Emission Inventories and Forecast Portland (Metro) Area (Carbon Monoxide); Appendix D2-4-5 (Volume 3), Metro Model Assumptions, Link-Based Emissions Calculation Methodology, and Travel Demand Forecasting Model Summary; Appendix D2-5 (Volume 3), Conformity Process; Appendix D2-6 (Volume 3), Historical and Projected Population and Households; Appendix D2-7 (Volume 3), Metro Council Resolution Concerning Portland CO Maintenance Plan, Emission Budgets, and Contingency Plan; Appendix D2-8 (Volume 3), CCTMP Zoning Codes Incorporated Into the Portland Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan; Appendix D2-9 (Volume 3), Motor Vehicle Inspection Program Changes; Appendix D2-10 (Volume 3), Land-Use Measures and TCM Substitution; Appendix D2-11 (Volume 3), New Source Review Program Changes; Appendix D2-12 (Volume 3), Rollforward Analysis; Appendix D2-13 (Volume 3), CCTMP Zoning Codes Used as Supporting Documentation in the Portland Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan; Appendix D2-14 (Volume 3), Miscellaneous Oregon Administrative Rule Amendments--Supporting Rules, OAR Chapter 340, Section 340-020-0047 (State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan); and Sections 340-031-0520 and 340-031-0530 (Maintenance Area Designation).
(123) On May 22, 1997, ODEQ submitted changes to the definition of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) consistent with changes made in the federal definition and delisted certain compounds no longer considered VOCs under the new definition. On November 13, 1997, ODEQ submitted changes in the OAR that increased Air Contaminant Discharge Permit Fees for stationary sources to recover costs of operating the state permit program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rules 340-022-0102(73) and 340-028-0110(129), effective May 9, 1997; Oregon Administrative Rule 340-028-1750, effective August 27, 1997.
(124) On October 30, 1997 the director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a source specific Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) determination as a SIP revision for VOC emissions and standards.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated October 30, 1997 from the Director of ODEQ submitting a SIP revision for Dura Industries, Inc., an architectural surface coating operation in Portland, Oregon--permit 26-3112 dated September 14, 1995.
(125) On June 1, 1995 and January 22, 1997, the Director of ODEQ submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA new sections to Division 30 and revisions to Divisions 20, 21, 22, 25, and 30.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) OAR-340-020-0047; OAR-340-022-0170; OAR-340-022-0840; OAR-340-022-0930; OAR-340-022-0055; OAR-340-028-0110; OAR-340-028-0400; OAR-340-028-0630; OAR-340-028-1010; OAR-340-028-1720; OAR-340-030-0015; OAR-340-030-0044; OAR-340-030-0050; OAR-340-030-0055; OAR-340-030-0320; OAR-340-030-0330: These rules were all state adopted on October 11, 1996.
(126) On August 31, 1995, and October 8, 1996, the Director of ODEQ submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA revisions to its Oregon SIP: the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, Division 25, Specific Industrial Standards (OAR 340-25-305, 320 and 325).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) August 31, 1995, letter from ODEQ to EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR); OAR 340-25-305, State effective on February 17, 1995.
(B) October 8, 1996, letter from ODEQ to EPA submitting a revision to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR); OAR 340-25-320 and OAR 340-25-325, State effective on January 29, 1996.
(127) December 9, 1996, letter from the Director, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, to the Region 10 Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting the Attainment Plan for the Oakridge, Oregon PM-10 nonattainment area as a revision to its SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State Implementation Plan for PM-10 in Oakridge, dated August 1996, and Appendices XII, XIII and XIV.
(ii) Additional Material: Appendix I through VI and VIII through XI of the State Implementation Plan for PM-10 in Oakridge dated August 1996.
(128) On June 1, 1995 the State of Oregon submitted to EPA an attainment plan for the Lakeview PM10 nonattainment area. This SIP revision is designed to bring about the attainment of the PM10 NAAQS in Lakeview and satisfy Federal requirements applicable to moderate PM10 nonattainment areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) June 1, 1995 letter from the Director, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Governor's designee, to Region 10 Regional Administrator, EPA, submitting the Lakeview, Oregon PM10 Control Plan.
(B) Revision to the Oregon State Implementation Plan: Lakeview, Oregon PM10 Control Plan; Appendix 3, Lakeview Detailed Emissions Inventories; Appendix 4, Ordinances and Commitments; Appendix 5, Demonstration of Attainment; Appendix 9, Woodburning Curtailment Survey Protocol; Appendix 10, Legal Description of Lakeview PM10 Nonattainment Area.
(C) Supporting regulations approved as part of the revision, state effective May 1, 1995: OAR 340-20-047; OAR 340-21-010, -012, -025, -200; OAR 340-30-043, -300, -310, -340; OAR 340-34-150, -200, -210.
(129) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves various amendments to the Oregon State Air Quality Control Plan contained in a submittal to EPA, dated October 8, 1997.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) EPA is approving or taking no action on the modified Oregon Transportation Conformity Rules submitted on October 8, 1998. EPA is approving: OAR 340-20-710, 340-20-720, 340-20-730, 340-20-750, 340-20-760 340-20-770, 340-20-780, 340-20-790, 340-20-800, 340-20-810, 340-20-820, 340-20-830, 340-20-840, 340-20-850, 340-20- 860 340-20-870, 340-20-880, 340-20-890, 340-20-900, 340-20-910 340-20-1000, 340-20-1010, 340-20-1020, 340-20-1030, 340-20-1040, 340-20-1050, 340-20-1060 and 340-20-1070, effective September 23, 1998.
(B) EPA is taking no action on sections OAR 340-020-730(3), 340-020-750(4), 340-020-750(4)(b), 340-020-800(3)-(6), 340-020-890(5), 340-020-900(6)(c), 340-020-910(1)(b), 340-020-1000(1)(a) and (2), and 340-020-1030(2).
(C) EPA approves the changes made to certain sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules: ``Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State and Federal Implementation Plans' found in: OAR 340-020-1510, 340-020-1520, 340-020-1530, 340-020-1570, 340-020-1580, and 340-020-1590, effective September 23, 1998.
(130) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves various amendments to the Oregon State RACT rules for volatile organic compounds which are contained in a submittal to EPA, dated December 7, 1998.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) EPA is approving the revised Oregon Regulations, as effective October 12, 1998: OAR 340-022-0100; OAR 340-022-0102; OAR 340-022-0104; OAR 340-022-0106; OAR 340-022-0107; OAR 340-022-110; OAR 340-022-0120; OAR 340-022-0125; OAR 340-022-0130; OAR 340-022-0170; OAR 340-022-0175; OAR 340-022-0180; OAR 340-022-0300; OAR 340-022-0400; OAR 340-022-0401; and OAR 340-022-0402.
(B) EPA is repealing/removing the following provision from the current incorporation by reference: OAR 340-022-0403, as effective August 14, 1996.
(131) On December 3, 1998, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a revision to the definition section of the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), as effective October 14, 1998.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) OAR 340-028-0110, as effective October 14, 1998, except for the following: (16) Capture system, (25) Continuous compliance determination method, (27) Control device, (29) Data, (39)(b) Emission Limitation and Emission Standard, (47) Exceedance, (48) Excursion, (55) Inherent process equipment, (67) Monitoring, (86) Pollutant-specific emissions unit, (88) Predictive emission monitoring system (PEMS), Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
(B) Remove the following provision from the current incorporation by reference: OAR 340-028-0110, as effective October 6, 1995, except for Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
(132) On June 18, 1999, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted a SIP revision to repeal the Consumer Products Rules, repeal the Architectural Coatings Rules, revise and partially repeal the Motor Vehicle Refinishings Rules, and revise the Volatile Organic Compounds definitions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-022-0102 (73) and OAR 340-028-0110 (139), as effective May 21, 1999; and OAR 340-022-0700, OAR 340-022-0710, OAR 340-022-0740, and OAR 340-022-0760, as effective July 12, 1999.
(B) Remove the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference: OAR 340-022-0102 (73), as effective May 9, 1997; OAR 340-028-0110 (139), as effective October 14, 1998; OAR 340-022-0800, OAR 340-022-0820, OAR 340-022-0830, OAR 340-022-0850, and OAR 340-022-0860, OAR 340-022-0700, OAR 340-022-0720, OAR 340-022-0730, OAR 340-022-0740, OAR 340-022-0750, OAR 340-022-0760, OAR 340-022-1000, OAR 340-022-1020, OAR 340-022-1030, OAR 340-022-1040, and OAR 340-022-1050 as effective May 25, 1995; OAR 340-022-0840, as effective October 22, 1996; and OAR 340-022-710, OAR 340-022-810, OAR 340-022-1010, as effective August 14, 1996.
(133) On November 10, 1999, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requested the redesignation of Grants Pass to attainment for carbon monoxide. The State's maintenance plan and base year emissions inventory are complete and the redesignation satisfies all the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-204-0030, OAR 340-204-0040, and OAR 340-204-0090, as effective October 22, 1999.
(B) Remove without replacement the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference of the State Implementation Plan: OAR 340-031-0520 and OAR 340-031-0530, as effective August 19, 1996 and OAR 340-022-0470, as effective November 4, 1993.
(134) On December 12, 1996, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted revisions to Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAPA) Title 32 and Title 33, as effective on November 20, 1994. On August 26, 1998, the Director of ODEQ submitted revisions to LRAPA Title 12, Title 30, and Title 33, as effective on March 8, 1994. On February 23, 2001, the Director of ODEQ submitted revisions to LRAPA Title 34, as effective June 13, 2000.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title 12, as effective March 8, 1994; Title 30, as effective March 8, 1994, except for Section 30-020(2), Section 30-020(8), Section 30-025(9), Section 30-030(1)(I), Section 30-030(2)(E), and Section 30-045(3); Title 32, as effective November 10, 1994, except for Section 32-075, Section 32-080, Section 32-095, Section 32-100, Section 32-101, Section 32-102, Section 32-103, and Section 32-104; Title 33, as effective November 10, 1994, except for Section 33-005, Section 33-020, Section 33-055, Section 33-070(1)(Definitions for Non-Condensibles, Other Sources, and Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS)), Section 33-070(3)(A), Section 33-070(6)(B), Section 33-070(7)(A), Section 33-070(7)(B), Section 33-070(8)(C)(1)(a), Section 33-070(8)(C)(2)(a), Section 33-080, and Section 33-085; and Title 34, as effective June 13, 2000, except for Section 34-025, Section 34-035, Section 34-060(6), Section 34-060(8), Section 34-080, Section 34-160, Section 34-170, Section 34-180, Section 34-190, Section 34-200, Section 34-210, Section 34-220, and Section 34-230.
(B) Remove the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference: Section 12-005, Section 12-010, Section 12-020, and Section12-035 of Title 12, as effective November 8, 1983; Section 12-025 of Title 12, as effective September 9, 1988; Title 12, as effective February 13, 1990; Title 14, as effective July 12, 1988; Title 15, as effective February 13, 1990; Section 32-005, Section 32-010, Section 32-025, Section 32-030, Section 32-035, Section 32-040, Section 32-045, Section 32-055, Section 32-065, Section 32-100, Section 32-101, Section 32-102, and Section 32-103 of Title 32, as effective 9-14-82; Section 32-800 of Title 32, as effective 1-8-85; Section 32-104 and Section 32-990 of Title 32, as effective 11-8-83; Section 33-020, Section 33-025, Section 33-030, Section 33-045, Section 33-055, Section 33-060, and Section 33-065 of Title 33, as effective 5-15-79; Section 33-070 of Title 33, as effective 9-14-82; Section 34-001, Section 34-010, Section 34-015, Section 34-020, Section 34-025, Section 34-030, Section 34-035, Section 34-040, Section 34-045, Section 34-050, and Table A of Title 34, as effective 1-9-90; and Section 34-005 of Title 34, as effective 2-13-90.
(ii) Additional Material:
(A) Title 15, Enforcement Procedure and Civil Penalties, as effective June 13, 1995.
(135) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a Visibility SIP revision on August 26, 1993, smoke management provisions on August 26, 1993, revisions to the Oregon field burning program on July 3, 1997, and amendments to the smoke management program regarding the Blue Mountains rules on September 27, 1995. EPA approves these revisions with the exception of the provision that changes the review period of the Visibility SIP from every three years to every 5 years (OAR 340-20-047 Section and OAR 340-20-047 Section
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) OAR 629-24-301 effective August 1, 1987.
(B) OAR 629-43-043 effective April 13, 1987.
(C) ORS 477.515 effective 1971.
(D) Directive 1-4-1-601, Operational Guidance for the Oregon Smoke Management Program, effective October 23, 1992.
(E) OAR 340-26-0035 and 340-26-0040, effective March 10, 1993; OAR 340-26-0001, 340-26-0031, 340-26-0033, and 340-26-0045, effective May 11, 1993; 340-26-0003, 340-26-0005, 340-26-0010, 340-26-0012, 340-26-0013, 340-26-0015, and 340-26-0055, effective May 31, 1994.
(F) OAR 837-110-0010, 837-110-0020, 837-110-0030, 837-110-0040, 837-110-0070, 837-110-0080, 837-110-0090, 837-110-0110, 837-110-0120, 837-110-0130, and 837-110-0150, effective February 7, 1994; 837-110-0160, effective August 11, 1993; and 837-110-0050, 837-110-0060, and 837-110-0140, effective February 7, 1989.
(G) Union County Ordinance 1992-4 effective July 1, 1992.
(H) Jefferson County Ordinance -0-58-89 effective May 31, 1989.
(I) Remove the following provision from the current incorporation by reference: OAR 340-26-025 effective March 7, 1984.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) OAR 340-20-047 Section 5.2 effective August 11, 1992 (except section and section introductory paragraph)
(B) ``Oregon Smoke Management Plan, Appendix 5, Operational Guidance for the Oregon Smoke Management Program, Criteria for National Forest and Bureau of Land Management Lands in the Blue Mountains of NE Oregon (Volume 3, Section A1)'', effective July 12, 1995.
(136) On November 20, 2000, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requested the redesignation of Klamath Falls to attainment for carbon monoxide. The State's maintenance plan and base year emissions inventory are complete and the redesignation satisfies all the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-204-0030, OAR 340-204-0040, and OAR 340-204-0090, as effective October 25, 2000.
(137) On May 31, 2001, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requested the redesignation of Medford to attainment for carbon monoxide. The State's maintenance plan, base/attainment year emissions inventory, and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rules 340-204-0090, as effective March 27, 2001.
(138) On December 15, 1998, the Director of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a SIP revision to repeal the rule for parking offsets in the Portland Central Business District, as state effective September 23, 1998.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Remove the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference: OAR 340-020-0400, 340-020-0405, 340-020-0410, 340-020-0420, and 340-020-0430.
(139) On November 5, 1999, March 7, 2000, June 26, 2001, and November 4, 2002, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted numerous amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rules as revisions to the Oregon State implementation plan. The revisions included a rule recodification, a marine vapor loading rule, and permitting rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of Oregon Administrative Rule 340: 200-0030, 202-0200, 204-0010, 204-0020, 204-0050, 204-0060, 204-0070, 204-0080, 206-0010, 206-0020, 206-0030, 206-0040, 206-0050, 206-0060, 206-0070, 210-0010, 210-0020, 212-0010, 212-0110, 214-0100, 214-0120, 222-0030, 224-0020, 226-0200, 228-0010, 228-0020, 228-0100, 228-0110, 228-0120, 228-0130, 228-0200, 228-0210, 232-0010, 232-0020, 232-0040, 232-0050, 232-0060, 232-0070, 232-0080, 232-0085, 232-0090, 232-0100, 232-0120, 232-0130, 232-0140, 232-0150, 232-0160, 232-0170, 232-0180, 232-0190, 232-0200, 232-0210, 232-0220, 232-0230, 234-0010 (except paragraphs (25), (28)(a) & (46)), 234-0100, 234-0110, 234-0120, 234-0130, 234-0140, 234-0200, 234-0210 (except paragraph (1)), 234-0220, 234-0230, 234-0240 (except paragraph (2)), 234-0250 (except pargraphs (1) & (2)), 234-0260 (except paragraphs (3)(a)(A) & (3)(b)(A)), 234-0270, 234-0300, 234-0310 (except paragraph (1)), 234-0320 (except paragraph (2)), 234-0330, 234-0340 (except paragraph (2)), 234-0350 (except paragraph (1)), 234-0360 (except paragraph (3)(a)(A)), 234-0400, 234-0410, 234-0420, 234-0430, 234-0500, 234-0510, 234-0520, 234-0530, 236-0010, 236-0100, 236-0110, 236-0120 (except paragraphs (1)(a), (3)(a), & (3)(e)), 236-0130, 236-0140 (except the words ``gaseous and particulate fluorides and'' in paragraph (1), paragraph (1)(b), the sentence ``A schedule for measurement of fluoride levels in forage for new plants and ambient air for new and existing plants shall be submitted.'' in paragraph (1)(c), the words ``and Method 13A or 13B and Method 14 or Method 14A for fluorides or other alternative method in 40 CFR 63.849'' in paragraph (3)), 236-0150 (except paragraphs (1)(d) and (1)(e)), 236-0200, 236-0210, 236-0220, 236-0230, 236-0400, 236-0410, 236-0420, 236-0430, 236-0440, 240-0010, 240-0100, 240-0300, 242-0010, 242-0020, 242-0030, 242-0040, 242-0050, 242-0060, 242-0070, 242-0080, 242-0090, 242-0100, 242-0110, 242-0120, 242-0130, 242-0140, 242-0150, 242- 0160, 242-0170, 242-0180, 242-0190, 242-0200, 242-0210, 242-0220, 242-0230, 242-0240, 242-0250, 242-0260, 242-0270, 242-0280, 242-0290, 242-0300, 242-0310, 242-0320, 242-0330, 242-0340, 242-0350, 242-0360, 242-0370, 242-0380, 242-0390, 242-0400, 242-0410, 242-0420, 242-0430, 242-0440, 242-0500, 242-0510, 242-0520, 242-0600, 242-0610, 242-0620, 242-0630, 242-0700, 242-0710, 242-0720, 242-0730, 242-0740, 242-0750, 242-0760, 242-0770, 242-0780, 242-0790, 250-0010, 250-0020, 250-0030, 250-0040, 250-0050, 250-0060, 250-0070, 250-0080, 250-0090, 250-0100, 252-0010, 252-0020 (except paragraph (3)), 252-0030, 252-0040, 252-0050 (except paragraphs (4) & (5)(b)), 252-0060, 252-0070, 252-0080, 252-0090, 252-0100 (except paragraphs (3) through (6)), 252-0110, 252-0120, 252-0130, 252-0140, 252-0150, 252-0160, 252-0170, 252-0180, 252-0190 (except paragraph (5)), 252-0200 (except paragraph (6)(c)), 252-0210 (except paragraph (1)(b)), 252-0220 (except paragraphs (1)(a) & (2)), 252-0230, 252-0240, 252-0250 (except paragraph (2)), 252-0260, 252-0270, 252-0280, 252-0290, 258-0010, 258-0100, 258-0110, 258-0120, 258-0130, 258-0140, 258-0150, 258-0160, 258-0170, 258-0180, 258-0190, 258-0200, 258-0210, 258-0220, 258-0230, 258-0240, 258-0250, 258-0260, 258-0270, 258-0280, 258-0290, 258-0300, 258-0310, 258-0400, 262-0010, 262-0020, 262-0030, 262-0040, 262-0100, 262-0110, 262-0120, 262-0130, 262-0200, 262-0210, 262-0220, 262-0230, 262-0240, 262-0250, 262-0300, 262-0310, 262-0320, 262-0330, 266-0010, 266-0020, 266-0030, 266-0040, 266-0050, 266-0060, 266-0070, 266-0080, 266-0090, 266-0100, 266-0110, 266-0120, 266-0130, and 268-0020, as effective October 14, 1999; 204-0040, as effective October 25, 2000; 204-0090, as effective March 27, 2001; 232-0030 and 232-0110 as effective June 1, 2001; 200-0010, 200-0020 (except paragraph (58)), 200-0025, 202-0010, 202-0050, 202-0060, 202-0070, 202-0080, 202-0090, 202-0100, 202-0130, 202-0210, 202-0220, 204-0030, 209-0010, 209-0020, 209-0030, 209-0040, 209-0050, 209-0060, 209-0070, 209-0080, 210-0100, 210-0110, 210-0120, 210-0205, 210-0215, 210-0225, 210-0230, 210-0240, 210-0250, 212-0120, 212-0130, 212-0140, 212-0150, 212-0200, 212-0210, 212-0220, 212-0230, 212-0240, 212-0250, 212-0260, 212-0270, 212-0280, 214-0010, 214-0110, 214-0114, 214-0130, 214-0200, 214-0210, 214-0220, 216-0010, 216-0020, 216-0025, 216-0030, 216-0040, 216-0052, 216-0054, 216-0056, 216-0060, 216-0064, 216-0066, 216-0070, 216-0082, 216-0084, 216-0090, 216-0094, 222-0010, 222-0020, 222-0040, 222-0042, 222-0043, 222-0045, 222-0070, 222-0080, 222-0090, 224-0010, 224-0030, 224-0040, 224-0050, 224-0080, 224-0100, 225-0010, 225-0020(10), 225-0030, 225-0040, 225-0070, 225-0090(1)(c), 226-0010, 226-0100, 226-0110, 226-0120, 226-0130, 226-0140, 226-0210, 226-0300, 226-0310, 226-0320, 226-0400, 240-0020, 240-0030, 240-0110, 240-0120, 240-0130, 240-0140, 240-0150, 240-0160, 240-0170, 240-0180, 240-0190, 240-0200, 240-0210, 240-0220, 240-0230, 240-0240, 240-0250, 240-0270, 240-0310, 240-0320, 240-0330, 240-0340, 240-0350, 240-0360, 240-0400, 240-0410, 240-0420, 240-0430, 240-0440, 268-0010, and 268-0030, as effective July 1, 2001; 222-0041, 224-0060, 224-0070, 225-0020 (except paragraph (10)), 225-0045, 225-0050, 225-0060, and 225-0090 (except paragraph (1)(c)), as effective October 8, 2002; 225-0020(10) and 225-0090(1)(c), as effective October 8, 2002, through April 6, 2003.
(B) Remove the following old divisions of Oregon Administrative Rule 340 from the current incorporation by reference: 12, 14, 20, 21 (except for sections 21-015, 21-050, 21-055, 21-060, 21-200, 21-205, 21-210, 21-215, 21-220, 21-225, 21-230, 21-235, 21-240, and 21-245), 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 (except for 28-1400, 28-1410, 28-1420, 28-1430, 28-1440, and 28-1450), 30, 31, and 34.
(C) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on October 6, 2010, and later supplemented in a letter submitted by the state on August 31, 2011, the following provisions from Oregon's Adminstrative Rules (OAR), Division 252, ``Transportation Conformity,'' are removed from the SIP.
(1) The following provisions, as effective October 14, 1999, are replaced by revised provisions effective March 5, 2010, Rules 340: 252-0030, 252-0060, 252-0070 (except the last two sentences), and 252-0230.
(2) The following provisions, as effective October 14, 1999, are removed without replacement, Rules 340: 252-0020 (except paragraph (3)), 252-0040, 252-0050 (except paragraphs (4) & (5)(b)), 252-0080, 252-0090, 252-0100 (except paragraphs (3) through (6)), 252-0110, 252-0120, 252-0130, 252-0140, 252-0150, 252-0160, 252-0170, 252-0180, 252-0190 (except paragraph (5)), 252-0200 (except paragraph (6)(c)), 252-0210 (except paragraph (1)(b)), 252-0220 (except paragraphs (1)(a) & (2)), 252-0240, 252-0250 (except paragraph (2)), 252-0260, 252-0270, 252-0280, and 252-0290.
(D) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on October 5, 2011, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 262 ``Residential Woodheating,'' as effective October 14, 1999, the following provisions are removed from the SIP: 262-0010, 262-0020, 262-0030, 262-0040, 262-0100, 262-0110, 262-0120, 262-0130, 262-0200, 262-0210, 262-0220, 262-0230, 262-0240, 262-0250, 262-0300, 262-0310, 262-0320, 262-0330.
(E) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on June 8, 2012, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 210 ``Stationary Source Notification Requirements,'' as effective October 8, 2002, the following provisions are removed from the SIP and replaced by revised provisions effective May 17, 2012: 210-0100, 210-0110, 210-0120, 210-0250.
(ii) Additional Material:
(A) The following sections of Oregon Administrative Rule 340: Division 12, 200-0100, 200-0110, 200-0120, as effective July 1, 2001; and 262-0050, as effective October 14, 1999.
(140) On November 4, 2002, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requested the redesignation of Klamath Falls to attainment for PM-10. The State's maintenance plan and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rule 340-204-0040(3)(b) as effective October 8, 2002.
(141) On November 4, 2002, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requested the redesignation of Grants Pass to attainment for PM-10. The State's maintenance plan and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rules 340-204-0030 (except Notes) and 340-204-0040 (except Notes), as effective October 8, 2002.
(142) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approves various amendments to the Oregon State Implementation Plan which are contained in four separate submittals to EPA, dated November 5, 1999, November 27, 2000, January 10, 2003 and April 19, 2004 which include revisions to the inspection and maintenance program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules 340: 256-0200, 256-0310, 256-0330, 256-0340, 256-0350, 256-0370, 256-0380, 256-0390, 256-0400, 256-0410, 256-0420, 256-0450, 256-0460, and 256-0470, as effective October 14, 1999; 256-0355, 256-0440, and 256-0465, as effective October 25, 2000; 256-0356, as effective October 4, 2001; and 256-0010, 256-0300, as effective October 24, 2003.
(B) Remove the following old sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules 340 from the current incorporation by reference: 024-100, 024-300, 024-301, 024-305, 024-306, 024-307, 024-308, 024-309, 024-312, 024-314, 024-318, 024-320, 024-325, 024-330, 024-332, 024-335, 024-337, 024-340, 024-355, 024-357, and 024-360.
(ii) Additional Material:
(A) Oregon SIP Volume 2, Section 5.4, as effective October 24, 2003.
(143) On December 2, 2002, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a SIP revision to repeal the Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning rule and revise related parts of the Introduction and Definitions sections of Division 232.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules 340: 232-0010 and 232-0030, as effective December 26, 2001.
(144) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a Visibility SIP revision on January 22, 2003. EPA approves these revisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) OAR 340-200-0040, Sections 5.2-5.11, effective May 3, 2002.
(145) On December 27, 2004, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA, the Second Portland Area Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan that demonstrates continued attainment of the NAAQS for carbon monoxide through the year 2017.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340: 240-0090 and 240-0440, as effective December 15, 2004.
(146) On October 25, 2005, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a PM10 maintenance plan and requested redesignation of the La Grande PM10 nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. The State's maintenance plan and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Oregon Administrative Rule 340-204-0030 and 0040, as effective September 9, 2005.
(147) On October 25, 2005, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a PM10 maintenance plan and requested redesignation of the Lakeview PM10 nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. The State's maintenance plan and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of Oregon Administrative Rule 340: 204-0030, 204-0040, 224-0060 (2)(d) and 225-0020(8), as effective September 9, 2005.
(148) On March 10, 2005, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a PM10 attainment and maintenance plan and requested redesignation of the Medford-Ashland PM10 nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. On May 14, 2004, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Divisions 224 and 225 to clarify the requirements for creating and using emission offsets and to make other minor revisions. The State's attainment and maintenance plan, redesignation request, and rule revisions meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of Oregon Administrative Rules 340: 204-0010, 224-0070, 225-0045, 225-0090, 240-0030, 240-0100, 240-0110, 240-0120, 240-0130, 240-0140, 240-0150, 240-0180, 240-0190, 240-0210, 240-0220, and 240-0230 as effective January 4, 2005; 224-0010, 224-0030, 224-0050, 224-0080, and 225-0050 as effective April 14, 2004 and; 224-0060, and 225-0020 as effective September 9, 2005.
(B) The following sections of the Codified Ordinances of Jackson County: 1810.01, as effective May 2, 1990; 1810.02, as effective August 22, 2001; 1810.03, as effective December 20, 1989; 1810.04, as effective May 2, 1990; 1810.05, as effective May 2, 1990; 1810.06, as effective December 4, 1985; 1810.07, as effective August 22, 2001; 1810.08, as effective December 20, 1989; Exhibit A, as effective May 2, 1990; Exhibit B, as effective May 2, 1990; Exhibit C, as effective May 2, 1990; and Exhibit D, as effective May 2, 1990.
(C) The following sections of the Code of the City of Medford, Oregon: 5.550 as effective March 16, 2000; 7.220, as effective September 17, 1998; 7.222, as effective September 17, 1998; 7.224, as effective September 17, 1998; 7.240 as effective August 2, 1990, and 7.242 as effective September 17, 1998.
(D) The following sections of the City of Central Point Municipal Code: 8.01.010, 8.01.012, 8.01.014, 8.01.020, 8.01.030, and 8.01.032 as effective 1998; 8.04.040 H., as effective 1979; and 8.04.095 as effective 1994.
(E) The following sections of the City of Ashland Municipal Code: 10.30.005 and 10.30.010 as effective 1998; 10.30.020, as effective 2000; 10.30.030 and 10.30.040, as effective 1993; 9.24.010, 9.24.020, 9.24.030, 9.24.040, and 9.24.050 as effective 1998.
(F) The following sections of the City of Talent ordinances: Ordinance 565, as effective August 20, 1992; and Ordinance 98-635-0, as effective March 4, 1998.
(G) The following sections of the City of Phoenix code: 8.16.040, as effective 1982; 8.16.050, as effective 1982; 8.16.090, as effective 1982; 8.20.010, as effective 1998; 8.20.020, as effective 1998; 8.20.030 as effective 1998; 8.20.040, as effective 1998; and 8.20.050 as effective 1998.
(H) The following sections of the City of Jacksonville code: Ordinance 375, amending 8.08.100 of the Jacksonville Municipal Code as effective April 21, 1992; City of Jacksonville Code Chapter 8.10, as effective February 1992.
(I) The following sections of the City of Eagle Point Code: 8.08.160, as effective 2000; 8.08.170, as effective 1990; 8.08.180, as effective 1990; 8.08.190 as effective 1990; and 8.08.200 as effective 1990.
(J) Remove the following old sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules 340 from the current incorporation by reference: 240-0200, 240-0240, and 240-0270.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) The following sections of the Codified Ordinances of Jackson County: 1810.09 as effective December 20, 1989, and 1810.99, as effective October 29, 2003.
(B) The following sections of the Code of the City of Medford, Oregon: 7.226, as effective November 20, 1989; and 7.300 as effective April 6, 2000.
(C) The following sections of the City of Central Point Municipal Code: 8.04.100, 8.04.110, 8.04.120, 8.04.130, and 8.04.140 as effective 1966, and 8.04.150 as effective 1995.
(D) The following sections of the City of Ashland Municipal Code: 10.30.050, as effective 1993; and 9.24.060, as effective 1998.
(149) On August 9, 2007, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a CO maintenance plan and requested redesignation of the Salem CO nonattainment area to attainment for CO. The State's maintenance plan and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rule 340: 204-0030 Designation of Nonattainment Areas (1) and (2) and 204-0040 Designation of Maintenance Areas (except (2)(c)), as effective June 28, 2007.
(150) [Reserved]
(151) On December 20, 2010, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a SIP revision to meet the regional haze requirements of Clean Air Act section 169A and the interstate transport requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) as it applies to visibility for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS and 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) December 10, 2010, letter from ODEQ to the Oregon Secretary of State requesting filing of permanent rule amendments to OAR 340-223.
(B) December 10, 2010, filed copy of State ``Certificate and Order for Filing'' verifying the effective date of December 10, 2010, for OAR 340-223-0010, OAR 340-223-0020, OAR 340-223-0030, OAR 340-223-0040, OAR 340-223-0050 and OAR 340-223-0080.
(C) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340:
(1) 340-223-0010 Purpose of Rules, effective December 10, 2010.
(2) 340-223-0020 Definitions, effective December 10, 2010.
(3) 340-223-0030 BART and Additional Regional Haze Requirements for the Foster-Wheeler Boiler at the Boardman Coal-Fired Power Plant (Federal Acid Rain Program Facility ORISPL Code 6106), effective December 10, 2010.
(4) 340-223-0040 Federally Enforceable Permit Limits, effective December 10, 2010.
(5) 340-223-0050 Alternative Regional Haze Requirements for the Foster-Wheeler Boiler at the Boardman Coal-Fired Power Plant (Federal Acid Rain Program Facility ORISPL Code 6106), effective December 10, 2010.
(6) 340-223-0080 Alternative Requirements for the Foster-Wheeler Boiler at the Boardman Coal-Fired Power Plant (Federal Acid Rain Program Facility ORISPL code 6106) Based Upon Permanently Ceasing the Burning of Coal Within Five Years of EPA Approval of the Revision to the Oregon Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan Incorporating OAR Chapter 340, Division 223, effective December 10, 2010.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) The portion of the SIP revision relating to statewide inventory of emissions of pollutants that are reasonably anticipated to cause or contribute to visibility impairment in any mandatory Class I Federal Area and the calculation of baseline and natural visibility conditions in Oregon Class I areas, and determination of current and 2018 visibility conditions in Oregon Class I areas.
(B) The remaining portions of the December 20, 2010, SIP revision, which relate to establishing reasonable progress goals, and a long term strategy to achieve these reasonable progress goals.
(152) On August 9, 2005, and May 22, 2007, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan. The revisions provide an ozone maintenance plan under section 110(a)(1) of the CAA for the Portland portion of the Portland-Vancouver Air Quality Maintenance Area and the Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study Air Quality Area, and phase out of the State's VIP enhanced BAR-31 test, the elimination of the Gas Cap Pressure Test and the Evaporative Purge Test. The State's maintenance plan revisions meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective April 12, 2007:
(1) Division 200, General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions: Rule 0025, Abbreviations and Acronyms;
(2) Division 202, Ambient Air Quality Standards and PSD Increments: Rule 0090, Ozone;
(3) Division 204, Designation of Air Quality Areas: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0030, Designation of Nonattainment Areas, the undesignated introductory text, (2); Rule 0040, Designation of Maintenance Areas, the undesignated introductory text, (2);
(4) Division 224, Major New Source Review: Rule 0050, Requirements for Sources in Nonattainment Areas; Rule 0060, Requirements for Sources in Maintenance Areas;
(5) Division 225, Air Quality Analysis Requirements; Rule 0090, Requirements for Demonstrating a Net Air Quality Benefit;
(6) Division 232, Emission Standards for VOC Point Sources: Rule 0010, Introduction; Rule 0020, Applicability;
(7) Division 242, Rules Applicable to the Portland Area, Employee Commute Options Program: Rule 0010, What is the Employee Commute Options Program?; Rule 0020, Who is Subject to ECO?; Rule 0030, What Does ECO require?; Rule 0040, How Does the Department Enforce ECO?; Rule 0050, Definitions of Terms Used in These Rules; Rule 0070, What are the Major Requirements of ECO?; Rule 0080, What are the Registration Requirements?; Rule 0090, What are the Requirements for an Employee Survey?; Rule 0110, What if an Employer Does Not Meet the Target Auto Trip Rate?; Rule 0120, How Will Employers Demonstrate Progress Toward the Target Auto Trip Rate?; Rule 0160, What Should Be Included in an Auto Trip Reduction Plan?; Rule 0180, What is a Good Faith Effort?; Rule 0190, How Does the ECO Program Affect New Employees, Expanding Employers and Employers Relocating within the Portland AQMA?; Rule 0200, Can a New or Relocating Employer Comply with ECO Through Restricted Parking Ratios?; Rule 0210, Can an Existing Employer Comply with ECO Through Restricted Parking Ratios?; Rule 0220, What if an Employer Has More Than One Work Site Within the Portland AQMA?; Rule 0240, Are There Alternatives to Trip Reduction?; Rule 0260, Can Employers Get Credit for Existing Trip Reduction Programs?; Rule 0270, Are Exemptions Allowed if an Employer is Unable to Reduce Trips or Take Advantage of Alternate Compliance Options?; Rule 0280, Participation in the Industrial Emission Management Program; Rule 0290, What Kind of Records Must be Kept and for How Long?;
(8) Division 242, Rules Applicable to the Portland Area, Industrial Emission Management Program: Rule 0400, Applicability; Rule 0410, Definition of Terms; Rule 0420, Unused PSEL Donation Program; Rule 0430, Industrial Growth Allowances; Rule 0440, Industrial Growth Allowance Allocation.
(B) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective July 12, 2005;
(1) Division 256, Motor Vehicles, Rule 0010, Definitions;
(2) Division 256, Motor Vehicles, Visible Emissions: Rule 0100, Visible Emissions--General Requirements, Exclusions; Rule 0130, Motor Vehicle Fleet Operation;
(3) Division 256, Motor Vehicles, Emission Control System Inspection: Rule 0300, Scope; Rule 0310, Government-Owned Vehicle, Permanent Fleet Vehicle and United States Government Vehicle Testing Requirements; Rule 0340, Light Duty Motor Vehicle and Heavy Duty Gasoline Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Method for Basic Program; Rule 0350, Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Method for Enhanced Program; Rule 0380, Light Duty Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria for Basic Program; Rule 0390, Heavy Duty Gasoline Motor Vehicle Emission Control Test Criteria.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) SIP Volume 2 Section 5.4.7: Test Procedures and Standards, as effective July 12, 2005.
(153) On October 8, 2008, October 10, 2008, March 17, 2009, June 23, 2010, December 22, 2010, and May 5, 2011, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted numerous amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rules as revisions to the Oregon State implementation plan. The revisions include updating Oregon's new source review rules to be consistent with current Federal regulations and streamlining Oregon's air quality rules by clarifying requirements, removing duplicative rules, and correcting errors.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective February 5, 2001:
(1) Division 208, Visible Emissions and Nuisance Requirements: Rule 0100, Visible Emissions, Applicability; Rule 0200, Fugitive Emission Requirements, Applicability; Rule 0210, Fugitive Emission Requirements, Requirements.
(B) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective November 8, 2007:
(1) Division 200, General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions: Rule 0010, General, Purpose and Application;
(2) Division 208, Visible Emissions and Nuisance Requirements: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0110, Visible Emissions, Visible Air Contaminant Limitations;
(3) Division 209, Public Participation: Rule 0040, Public Notice Information; Rule 0070, Hearing and Meeting Procedures; Rule 0080, Issuance or Denial of a Permit;
(4) Division 214, Stationary Source Reporting Requirements: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0300, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Purpose and Applicability; Rule 0310, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Planned Start-up and Shutdown; Rule 0320, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Scheduled Maintenance; Rule 0330, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, All Other Excess Emissions; Rule 0340, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Reporting Requirements; Rule 0350, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Enforcement Action Criteria; Rule 0360, Excess Emissions and Emergency Provision, Emergency as an Affirmative Defense;
(5) Division 216, Air Contaminant Discharge Permits: Rule 0082, Termination or Revocation of an ACDP;
(6) Division 228, Requirements for Fuel Burning Equipment and Fuel Sulfur Content: Rule 0020, Definitions; Rule 0200, General Emission Standards for Fuel Burning Equipment, Sulfur Dioxide Standards; Rule 0210, General Emission Standards for Fuel Burning Equipment, Grain Loading Standards;
(7) Division 232, Emission Standards for VOC Point Sources: Rule 0010, Introduction;
(8) Division 234, Emission Standards for Wood Products Industries: Rule 0010, Definitions (except for paragraphs (24), (26)(a) and (44)); Rule 0100, Wigwam Waste Burners, Wigwam Waste Burners; Rule 0140, Wigwam Waste Burners, Existing Administrative Agency Orders; Rule 0210, Kraft Pulp Mills, Emission Limitations (except for paragraph (1)); Rule 0240, Kraft Pulp Mills, Monitoring (except for paragraph (1)); Rule 0250, Kraft Pulp Mills, Reporting (except for paragraphs (1) and (2)); Rule 0500, Board Products Industries (Veneer, Plywood, Particleboard, Hardboard), Applicability and General Provisions; Rule 0510, Board Products Industries (Veneer, Plywood, Particleboard, Hardboard), Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing Operations; Rule 0520, Board Products Industries (Veneer, Plywood, Particleboard, Hardboard), Particleboard Manufacturing Operations; Rule 0530, Board Products Industries (Veneer, Plywood, Particleboard, Hardboard), Hardboard Manufacturing Operations;
(9) Division 236, Emission Standards for Specific Industries: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0410, Hot Mix Asphalt Plants, Control Facilities Required.
(C) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective August 29, 2008:
(1) Division 222, Stationary Source Plant Site Emission Limits: Rule 0020, Applicability.
(D) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective September 17, 2008:
(1) Division 200, General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions: Rule 0030, General, Exceptions;
(2) Division 210, Stationary Source Notification Requirements: Rule 0205, Notice of Construction and Approval of Plans, Applicability;
(3) Division 264, Rules for Open Burning: Rule 0040, Exemptions, Statewide.
(E) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective May 21, 2010:
(1) Division 202, Ambient Air Quality Standards and PSD Increments: Rule 0090, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Ozone; Rule 0130, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead;
(2) Division 204, Designation of Air Quality Areas: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0030, Designation of Nonattainment Areas;
(3) Division 206, Air Pollution Emergencies: Rule 0010, Introduction; Rule 0030, Episode Stage Criteria for Air Pollution Emergencies (including Table 2, Air Pollution Episode Warning Conditions Emission Reduction Plan).
(F) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, effective May 1, 2011:
(1) Division 200, General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions: Rule 0020, General, General Air Quality Definitions (including Table 1, Significant Air Quality Impact; Table 2, Significant Emission Rates; Table 3, Significant Emission Rates for the Medford-Ashland Air Quality Maintenance Area; Table 4, De minimis Emission Levels; Table 5, General PSELs); Rule 0025, General, Abbreviations and Acronyms;
(2) Division 202, Ambient Air Quality Standards and PSD Increments: Rule 0010, Definitions; Rule 0060, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Suspended Particulate Matter; Rule 0210, Prevention of Significant Deterioration Increments, Ambient Air Increments (including Table 1, Maximum Allowable Increase);
(3) Division 216, Air Contaminant Discharge Permits: Rule 0020, Applicability (including Table 1, Air Contaminant Discharge Permits; Table 2, Part 1 Initial Permitting Application Fees, Part 2 Annual Fees, Part 3 Specific Activity Fees, Part 4 Late Fees); Rule 0040, Application Requirements; Rule 0060, General Air Contaminant Discharge Permits; Rule 0064, Simple ACDP;
(4) Division 224, Major New Source Review: Rule 0010, Applicability and General Prohibitions; Rule 0050, Requirements for Sources in Nonattainment Areas; Rule 0060, Requirements for Sources in Maintenance Areas, Rule 0070, Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements for Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas;
(5) Division 225, Air Quality Analysis Requirements: Rule 0020, Definitions (including Table 1, Constant K for Range of Influence Calculation); Rule 0030, Procedural Requirements; Rule 0045, Requirements for Analysis in Maintenance Areas; Rule 0050, Requirements for Analysis in PSD Class II and Class III Areas; Rule 0060, Requirements for Demonstrating Compliance With Standards and Increments in PSD Class I Areas; and Rule 0090, Requirements for Demonstrating a Net Air Quality Benefit (except paragraph (2)(a)(C)).
(G) Remove the following rules from section 340 to the OAR from the current incorporation by reference: Divisions 21, Rules 015, 050, 055 and 060; and Division 28. See paragraph(s) (c)(116)(i)(A), (c)(116)(i)(C), (c)(118)(i)(B) and (c)(139)(i)(B) of this section.
(H) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on June 8, 2012, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 200 ``General Air Pollution Procedures and Definitions,'' the following provision 340-200-0020, as effective May 1, 2011, is removed from the SIP and replaced by revised provision 340-200-0020 as effective May 17, 2012.
(I) Based on a SIP revision submitted by Oregon on June 8, 2012, Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, Division 228 ``Requirements for Fuel Burning Equipment and Fuel Sulfur Content,'' the following provisions 228-0020, 228-0200, 228-0210, as effective November 8, 2007, are removed from the SIP and replaced by revised provisions 228-0020, 228-0200, 228-0210, as effective May 17, 2012.
(154) On October 10, 2008, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted a SIP revision to repeal outdated rules governing wigwam waste burners with a statewide prohibition on their use, and to repeal redundant kraft pulp mill rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Remove the following rules of section 340 of the OAR from the current incorporation by reference: Division 234, Rules 0110, 0120, 0130, 0230 and 0260. See paragraph (c)(139)(i)(A) of this section.
(155) On January 13, 2012, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted the Eugene-Springfield PM10 Limited Maintenance Plan and requested redesignation of the Eugene-Springfield nonattainment area to attainment for the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The State also submitted revisions to rules in the Federally-approved SIP to reflect the requested redesignation. The State's Limited Maintenance Plan, redesignation request, and rule revisions meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following revised sections of the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, effective December 21, 2011: Division 204, Designation of Air Quality Areas: Rule 0010 Definitions; Rule 0030 Designation of Nonattainment Areas; and Rule 0040 Designation of Maintenance Areas.
(B) Letter from Merlyn Hough, dated January 8, 2013, certifying that Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) adopted LRAPA provisions from Titles 29 and 32 on September 26, 2011 as described in the LRAPA Board meeting minutes.
(C) Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Board meeting minutes, dated September 26, 2011.
(D) The following revised sections of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Rules, Title 29 Designation of Air Quality Areas, adopted September 26, 2011: Section 29-0010 Definitions (except paragraphs 1 through 5, and 7 through 14); Section 29-0030 Designation of Nonattainment Areas; and Section 29-0040 Designation of Maintenance Areas.
(E) The following revised sections of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Rules Title 32 Emission Standards, adopted September 26, 2011: Section 32-060 Air Conveying Systems; and Section 32-065 Sulfur Content of Fuels (except paragraphs 1 and 2).
(156) On February 16, 2001, May 13, 2005, March 29, 2006, and March 20, 2008, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340 as revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan (SIP). The submissions relate to Oregon's open burning rules, enforcement procedures, civil penalties, and procedures in contested cases (appeals).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of the OAR Chapter 340, Division 264, effective December 15, 2000: Division 264, Rules For Open Burning: Rule 0010 How to Use These Open Burning Rules; Rule 0020 Policy; Rule 0030 Definitions; Rule 0040 Exemptions, Statewide; Rule 0050 General Requirements Statewide; Rule 0060 General Prohibitions Statewide; Rule 0070 Open Burning Conditions; Rule 0075 Delegation of Authority; Rule 0078 Open Burning Control Areas; Rule 0080 County Listing of Specific Open Burning Rules; Rule 0100 Open Burning Requirements, Baker, Clatsop, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Lincoln, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and Wheeler Counties; Rule 0110 Open Burning Requirements, Benton, Linn, Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties; Rule 0120, Open Burning Requirements, Clackmas County; Rule 0130, Open Burning Requirements, Multnomah County; Rule 0140 Open Burning Requirements, Washington County; Rule 0150 Open Burning Requirements, Columbia County; Rule 0160 Open Burning Requirements, Lane County; Rule 0170 Open Burning Requirements, Coos, Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties; Rule 0180 Open Burning Requirements, Letter Permits, Rule 0190 Open Burning Requirements, Forced-Air Pit Incinerators.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Additional Material:
(A) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340 effective May 13, 2005: Division 12 Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalties: Rule 0026 Policy, Rule 0028 Scope of Applicability, Rule 0030 Definitions, Rule 0038 Warning Letters, Pre-Enforcement Notices and Notices of Permit Violation, Rule 0041 Formal Enforcement Action, Rule 0042 Determination of Base Penalty, Rule 0045 Civil Penalty Determination Procedure, Rule 0145 Determination of Aggravating or Mitigating Factors, Rule 0150 Determination of Economic Benefit, Rule 0160 Department Discretion Regarding Penalty Assessment, Rule 0162 Inability to Pay the Penalty, Rule 0165 Stipulated Penalties, Rule 0170 Compromise or Settlement of Civil Penalty by Department.
(B) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340 effective March 29, 2006: Division 12 Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalties: Rule 0027 Rule Effective Date, Rule 0053 Violations that Apply to all Programs, Rule 0054 Air Quality Classification of Violations, Rule 0073 Environmental Cleanup Classification of Violation, Rule 0082 Contingency Planning Classification of Violations, Rule 0130 Determination of Violation Magnitude, Rule 0135 Selected Magnitude Categories, Rule 0140 Determination of Base Penalty, Rule 0155 Additional or Alternate Civil Penalties.
(C) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340 effective March 20, 2008: Division 11, Rules of General Applicability and Organization, Rule 0005 Definitions, Rule 0009 Incorporation of Attorney General's Uniform and Model Rules, Rule 0510 Agency Representation by Environmental Law Specialist, Rule 0515 Authorized Representative of Respondent other than a Natural Person in a Contested Case Hearing, Rule 0573 Proposed Orders in Contested Cases, Rule 0575 Review of Proposed Orders in Contested Cases.
(157) On October 5, 2011, June 8, 2012, and November 28, 2012, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340 as revisions to the Oregon State Implementation Plan (SIP). The submissions relate to Oregon's Heat Smart program, enforcement procedures and civil penalties, general air pollution definitions, rules for stationary source notification requirements, and requirements for fuel burning.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following sections of the OAR Chapter 340, Division 262, effective March 15, 2011: Division 262, Heat Smart Program for Residential Woodstoves and Other Solid Fuel Heating Devices: Rule 0400 Purpose and Applicability of Rules; Rule 0500 Certification of Solid Fuel Burning Devices for Sale as New; Rule 0700 Removal and Destruction of Used Solid Fuel Burning Devices; Rule 0800 Wood Burning and Other Heating Devices Curtailment Program; Rule 0900 Materials Prohibited from Burning.
(B) The following sections of the OAR Chapter 340, Division 262, effective May 17, 2012: Division 262, Heat Smart Program for Residential Woodstoves and Other Solid Fuel Heating Devices: Rule 0450 Definitions; Rule 0600 New and Used Solid Fuel Burning Devices Sold in Oregon.
(ii) Additional Material:
(A) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, effective November 10, 2008: Division 12 Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalties: Rule 0030 Definitions, Rule 0038 Warning Letters, Pre-Enforcement Notices and Notices of Permit Violation, Rule 0155 Additional or Alternate Civil Penalties, Rule 0170 Compromise or Settlement of Civil Penalty by Department.
(B) The following revised sections of Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340, effective March 15, 2011: Division 12 Enforcement Procedures and Civil Penalties: Rule 0054 Air Quality Classifications and Violations, Rule 0140 Determination of Base Penalty. [Redesignated at 78 FR 74040, Dec. 10, 2013] Sec. Sec. 52.1975-52.1976 [Reserved]