Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 52  /  Sec. 52.1982 Control strategy: Ozone.

(a) Part D--Approval. (1) The Salem/ Portland and Medford/Ashland area attainment plans are approved as satisfying Part D requirements with the following clarification as to their implementation:

(1) The Salem/ Portland and Medford/Ashland area attainment plans are approved as satisfying Part D requirements with the following clarification as to their implementation:

(i) DEQ source test method 24 will be used in conjunction with method 25 for determining compliance of surface coating operations.

(ii) The phrase ``in most cases'' in rule OAR 340-232-0060(1) applies to approximately 1,200 gasoline service stations where compliance is determined by observing whether specific emission control equipment, selected from a specific list on file at DEQ, is in place and operating properly. [46 FR 54940, Nov. 5, 1981, as amended at 68 FR 2909, Jan. 22, 2003] Sec. Sec. 52.1983-52.1986 [Reserved]