The following table identifies the State regulations which have been approved by EPA and incorporated by reference into the Rhode Island State Implementation Plan. This table is for informational purposes only and does not have any independent regulatory requirements for a specific situation consult the plan identified in Sec. 52.2070. To the extent that this table conflicts with Sec. 52.2070, Sec. 52.2070 governs.
Table 52.2081--EPA-Approved Rules and Regulations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date Date Comments/
State Title/subject adopted by approved by FR citation 52.2070 Unapproved
citation State EPA sections----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Air pollution
regulation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 1....... Visible emissions. 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/28/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 2....... Handfiring of soft 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/28/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 3....... Particulate 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
emissions from
2/28/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 4....... Open fires........ 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
10/01/71 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 5....... Fugitive dust..... 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 6....... Opacity monitors.. 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)....
11/22/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 6.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 7....... Emission of air 8/02/67 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
detrimental to
persons or
7/19/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 8....... Sulfur content of 10/01/71 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
5/28/74 11/03/75 40 FR 51044........ (c)(8)
........... 1/21/81 46 FR 5980......... (c)(13).... Narragansett
Electric Bubble.
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
........... 12/30/81 46 FR 63043........ (c)(14).... Temporary
Relaxation for
Bradford Dye.
........... 11/10/82 47 FR 50866........ (c)(16).... Temporary
Relaxation for
Kenyon Piece Dye
10/05/82 3/29/83 48 FR 13027........ (c)(17).... Conversion/
5/15/84 49 FR 20493 (c)(21)............ URI Bubble.
8/29/83 7/27/84 49 FR 30177........ (c)(23).... Narragansett
Electric (South
5/02/85 1/8/86 51 FR 756.......... (c)(24).... Requires sampling
12/16/85 8/1/86 51 FR 27538........ (c)(25).... Temporary
relaxation for
Seville Dyeing
Corporation in
3/17/87 9/19/89 54 FR 38518........ (c)(34).... URI bubble
renewal.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 9....... Approval to 10/03/71 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
construct, modify
or operate.
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
4/12/81 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12).... No action on
9.2.3(b) and
4/05/82 6/28/83 48 FR 29690........ (c)(18).... NSR fully
approved, 9.12
Emission Banking
2/13/84 7/6/84 49 FR 27749........ (c)(22).... PSD fully
5/02/85 1/8/86 51 FR 756.......... (c)(24).... Additional BACT
5/20/91 10/7/91 56 FR 50516........ (c)(38).... Addition of PSD
NO2 increments.
Air Pollution 3/4/93 2/6/96 61 FR 4356......... (c)(41).... Addition of NSR
Control Permits. and other CAAA
under Amended
Regulation No. 9
except for
Chapters 9.13,
9.14, 9.15, and
Appendix A.
Air Pollution 7/30/96 6/2/99 64 FR 29566........ (c)(54).... 5
Control Permits.
Air Pollution 7/30/96 6/2/99 64 FR 29563........ (c)(54).... Changes in 9.1.7,
Control Permits. 9.1.18, and
9.5.1(c) to add
Dual Source
Changes in
9.5.1(d) and
9.5.1(f) to
Changes in 9.1.6
to revise BACT
definition.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 10...... Air pollution 2/28/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842........ (b)
10/11/75 11/03/75 40 FR 51043........ (c)(6)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 11...... Petroleum liquids 2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
marketing and
7/05/79 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
4/22/81 4/26/82 47 FR 17817........ (c)(15)
1/20/87 9/1/87 52 FR 32920........ (c)(30).... Amended Regulation
No. 11,
11/07/88, 6/2/89 54 FR 23661........ (c)(33).... Approves a
04/24/89 limitation on
volatility of
gasoline from
June 30 to Sept.
15, 1989, and May
1 to Sept. 15 in
subsequent years
at Subsections
11.7.1 and
12/10/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 11.
1/11/93 12/17/93 58 FR 65933........ (c)(39).... Regulation revised
to add new Stage
II vapor recovery
requirements.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 12...... Incinerators...... 2/28/72 6/22/73 38 FR 16351........ (c)(3)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
4/22/81 4/26/82 47 FR 17817........ (c)(15)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 13...... Particulate 1/17/73 10/23/73 38 FR 29296........ (c)(14)
emissions from
fossil fuel fired
steam or hot
water generating
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
7/05/79 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
........... 11/10/82 47 FR 50866........ (c)(16).... Temporary
Relaxation for
Kenyon Piece Dye
10/05/82 3/29/83 48 FR 13027........ (c)(17).... Conversion/
Incentive.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 14...... Record keeping and 5/14/73 1/15/76 41 FR 2231......... (c)(10)
2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
7/05/79 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
1/11/93 1/10/95 60 FR 2526......... (c)(42)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 15...... Control of organic 8/21/75 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
solvent emissions.
3/14/83 7/06/83 48 FR 31026........ (c)(19).... Includes 100 TPY
RACT Reg/Generic
Bubble Rule.
6/6/85 12/11/86 51 FR 44605........ (c)(27).... RACT for Stanley
Bostitch under
11/24/87 3/10/89 54 FR 10147........ (c)(32).... Consent Agreement
imposing RACT on
Tech Industries
under 15.5
(Provisions 7 and
8 not approved).
6/5/90 8/31/90 55 FR 35625........ (c)(36).... RACT determination
for Tillotson-
Pearson under
4/24/90 9/6/90 55 FR 36638........ (c)(35).... RACT determination/
Bubble for
Metallizing under
12/10/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 15, except
15.1.16 and
15.2.2.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 16...... Operation of air 2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
pollution control
system.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 17...... Odors............. 2/22/77 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No. 18...... Control of 7/5/79 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12)
emissions from
solvent metal
4/22/81 4/26/82 47 FR 17817........ (c)(15)
12/10/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 18, except
18.1.8, 18.2.1,
18.3.3(f), and
18.5.2.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 19...... Control of VOCs 11/13/79 5/07/81 46 FR 25446........ (c)(12).... Conditional
from surface approval.
4/05/82 7/06/83 48 FR 31026........ (c)(19).... Removes Conditions/
Generic Bubble
9/12/85 8/31/87 52 FR 32794........ (c)(28).... Compliance date
extension for
Keene Corporation
under 19.3.
1/20/87 9/1/87 52 FR 32920........ (c)(30).... Amended Regulation
No. 19,
5/29/85 9/28/87 52 FR 36250........ (c)(26).... Compliance date
extension for
James River Corp.
in Johnston.
12/31/86 2/10/88 53 FR 3890......... (c)(29).... Alternative RACT
for Kenyon
Industries under
12/10/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 19, except
19.1.11, 19.2.2,
and 19.3.2(a).
10/30/92 10/18/94 59 FR 52429........ (c)(40).... All of No. 19 is
approved with the
exception of
19.2.2, and the
last sentence of
19.1.1, which
Rhode Island did
not submit as
part of the SIP
revision. No. 19
was amended to
applicability and
to add emission
limitations for
metal coil
coating, metal
coating, magnet
wire coating,
large appliance
metal parts
coating, wood
products coating,
and flat wood
paneling coating.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 21...... Control of VOCs 4/05/82 7/06/83 48 FR 31026........ (c)(19).... Generic Bubble
from printing Rule.
1/20/87 9/1/87 52 FR 32920........ (c)(30).... Amended Regulation
No. 21,
12/10/89 9/30/91 56 FR 49416........ (c)(37).... Amended Regulation
No. 21, except
21.1.15 and
21.2.2, and
portion of
21.5.2(h) which
``equivalent to''
in the
No. 25...... Control of 10/30/92 10/18/94 59 FR 52429........ (c)(40).... All of No. 25 is
Volatile Organic approved, with
Compound the exception of
Emissions from 25.2.2, which was
Cutback and not submitted by
Emulsified Rhode Island as
Asphalt. part of the SIP
revision.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 26...... Control of Organic 10/30/92 10/18/94 59 FR 52429........ (c)(40).... All of No. 26 is
Solvent Emissions approved, with
from Manufacture the exception of
of Synthesized 26.2.3, which was
Pharmaceutical not submitted by
Products. Rhode Island as
part of the SIP
revision.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 27...... Control of 9/2/97 6/2/99 64 FR 29570........ (c)(55).... Establishes
Nitrogen Oxides alternative NOx
Emissions. RACT for Rhode
Island Economic
Corporation in
North Kingstown,
RI.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 29.3.... EMISSIONS......... 4/28/95 3/22/96 61 FR 11735........ (c)(45).... This rule limits a
potential to
emit, therefore
avoiding RACT,
title V operating
permits.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 30...... Control of VOC 6/27/95 2/2/96 61 FR 3827......... (c)(44).... Control of VOC
from Automobile From Automobile
Refinishing Refinishing
Operations. Operations.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 31...... Consumer and 3/11/94 10/30/96 61 FR 55903........ (c)(47).... VOC control reg.
Commercial submitted as part
Products. of State's
Contingency Plan.
Section 31.2.2
not approved.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 32...... Marine Vessels.... 3/11/94 4/4/96 60 FR 14978........ (c)(43).... All of No. 32 is
approved with the
exception of
Section 32.2.2
which Rhode
Island did not
submit as part of
the SIP revision.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 33...... Architectural and 3/11/94 10/30/96 61 FR 55903........ (c)(47).... VOC control reg.
Industrial submitted as part
Maintenance of State's
Coatings. Contingency Plan
Section 33.2.2
not approved.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 38...... Nitrogen Oxides 5/21/98 6/2/99 64 FR 29570........ (c)(55).... Adds ozone season
Allowance Program. NOx emission
limitations at
sources.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [50 FR 770, Jan. 7, 1985]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 52.2081, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at Sec. 52.2082 [Reserved]