(a) For the purpose of this section, ``dry cleaning operation'' means that process by which an organic solvent is used in the commercial cleaning of garments and other fabric materials.
(b) This section is applicable in the Metropolitan Los Angeles, Sacramento Valley, and San Joaquin Valley Intrastate Air Quality Control Regions (the ``Regions''), as described in 40 CFR part 81, dated July 1, 1979, except as follows:
(1) In the following portions of the Sacramento Valley Region, this section is rescinded:
(i) Sacramento County APCD.
(ii) Placer County APCD (Mountain Counties Air Basin portion).
(iii) Yuba County APCD.
(iv) Sutter County APCD.
(2) In the following portions of the Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region, this section is rescinded:
(i) Ventura County APCD.
(3) In the following portions of the San Joaquin Valley Intrastate Region, this section is rescinded:
(i) San Joaquin County APCD.
(ii) Stanislaus County APCD.
(iii) Tulare County APCD.
(iv) Fresno County APCD.
(c) Any dry cleaning establishment that uses solvents containing 4 percent or more by volume of any reactive organic material listed under paragraphs (k) (1), (2), and (3) of Sec. 52.254 except perchloroethylene or any saturated halogenated hydrocarbon shall reduce the emissions of the discharged organics by 90 percent by use of activated carbon adsorption, or other appropriate means, not later than January 1, 1975.
(d) If incineration is used as a control technique, 90 percent or more of the carbon in the organic compounds being incinerated must be oxidized to carbon dioxide. [38 FR 31246, Nov. 12, 1973, as amended at 42 FR 41122, Aug. 15, 1977; 42 FR 42226, Aug. 22, 1977; 47 FR 15586, Apr. 12, 1982; 47 FR 18856, May 3, 1982; 47 FR 26385, June 18, 1982; 47 FR 28622, July 1, 1982; 47 FR 29670, July 8, 1982; 47 FR 50865, Nov. 10, 1982]