(a) This section applies to any variance, exception, exemption, alternative emission limitation, bubble, alternative sampling or testing method, compliance schedule revision, alternative compliance schedule, or any other substantial change to a provision of the state implementation plan, granted by the Department of Ecology, the Department of Natural Resources, the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council, or a local air pollution control agency in accordance with any discretionary authority granted under its statutes or regulations, regardless of whether such statutes or regulations are part of the state implementation plan.
(b) Any change to a provision of the state implementation plan described in paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted by the state for approval by EPA in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 51.104.
(c) Any change to a provision of the state implementation plan described in paragraph (a) of this section does not modify the requirements of the federally-approved state implementation plan or a federally-promulgated implementation plan until approved by EPA as a revision to the state implementation plan in accordance with section 110 of the Clean Air Act. [56 FR 24136, May 29, 1991] Sec. 52.2477 .Original identification of plan section.
(a) This section identified the original ``Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Washington'' and all revisions submitted by Washington that were federally approved prior to December 7, 2012.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 28, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Contingency request for a two year extension for carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in the Puget Sound Intrastate Region and for carbon monoxide in the Eastern Washington-Northern Idaho Interstate Region submitted on January 28, 1972, by the Governor.
(2) Request for a two year extension, delegation of legal authority and amendments to the implementation plan submitted on May 5, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) Notices of public hearings and certifications that hearings were held regarding implementation plan matters submitted on July 18, 1972, by the Department of Ecology.
(4) Clarifying submission (Non-regulatory) to the implementation plan submitted on September 11, 1972, by the Governor.
(5) Compliance schedules submitted on December 12, 1972, by the Washington Department of Ecology.
(6) Compliance schedules, revisions to WAC 18-04, 18-12 and 18-40, and a new regulation WAC 18-06 submitted on February 15, 1973, by the Governor.
(7) Transportation control plan submitted on April 13, 1973, by the Governor.
(8) Revisions to the transportation control plan submitted on May 31, 1973, by the Governor.
(9) Compliance schedules submitted on July 25, 1973, by the Department of Ecology.
(10) Indirect source plan submitted on October 11, 1973, by the Department of Ecology.
(11) Indirect source regulation (WAC 18-24) submitted on June 14, 1974, by the Governor.
(12) Air quality maintenance area designation submitted on May 31, 1974, by the Washington Department of Ecology.
(13) Revisions to the State and local agency open burning regulations submitted on September 10, 1973, by the Department of Ecology.
(14) Information regarding the approval of the revised open burning regulations submitted on May 23, 1975, by the Department of Ecology.
(15) Revision to section 9.05(c) of Regulation I of the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority submitted November 6, 1975 by the Governor.
(16) On April 4, 1979 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a request to extend for eighteen months the date for plan submission for all secondary total suspended particulate nonattainment areas.
(17) On June 26, 1975 the Governor submitted amendments to WAC 18-24 ``State jurisdiction over Motor Vehicles'' which repealed the program for preconstruction review and approval of indirect sources, leaving only Sections 020--Definitions and 030--Assumption of Jurisdiction. On April 27, 1979 the Governor submitted revisions required by Part D of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977, specifically: plans for the Seattle primary total suspended particulate (TSP) nonattainment area, the Tacoma primary TSP nonattainment area, the Seattle-Tacoma carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone nonattainment areas (along with a request for an extension of the attainment dates to beyond December 31, 1982), the Spokane primary TSP nonattainment area, the Clarkston primary TSP nonattainment area, the Vancouver primary TSP nonattainment area, and the Yakima CO nonattainment area; revisions to State and local regulations for nonattainment areas (WAC 173-400-010, 173-400-020, 173-400-030, 173-400-040 (except (13)), 173-400-050, 173-400-060, 173-400-070, 173-400-090, 173-400-100, 173-400-110, and 173-400-120; WAC 173-420; WAC 173-425, WAC 173-490 (except 173-150); Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation I, Articles 1, 3, 6, 9 (Sections 9.02, 9.02A, 9.03, 9.04, 9.05, 9.06, 9.07(d), 9.07(e), and 9.09); Northwest Air Pollution Control Authority Regulation Section 455.11; and Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Regulation Article IV, Section 4.01); and the rescission of State and local agency regulations which duplicated applicable Federal or State regulations for nonattainment areas (WAC 18-04-010, 18-04-020, 18-04-030, 18-04-040, 18-04-050, 18-04-060, 18-04-070, 18-04-090, 18-04-100, 18-04-110, and 18-04-120; WAC 18-06; WAC 18-12; WAC 18-20; WAC 18-24; WAC 18-28; WAC 18-32; WAC 18-40; WAC 18-44; WAC 18- 46; WAC 18-48; WAC 18-56; WAC 18-60; Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation I, Articles 5, 9 (Sections 9.07(a), 9.07(b), 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15, and 9.16), and 11; Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Regulations I and II (except Article IV, Section 4.01); Northwest Air Pollution Authority Regulations 1 and 2 and Section 501 Southwest Air Pollution Control Agency Regulations 1 and 2; Olympic Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation I; Yakima County Clean Air Authority Regulation 1; Grant County Clean Air Authority Regulation; Benton-Franklin-Walla Walla Air Pollution Control Agency Regulation; and Douglas County Air Pollution Control Commission Article V, Section 5.01). On May 18, 1979 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted corrections to the Puget Sound area emission inventory in the April 27, 1979 submittal. On June 20, 1979 the Governor submitted the plan for the Vancouver ozone nonattainment area including a request for an extension of the attainment date to beyond December 31, 1982. On December 21, 1979 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted statutory authority for an automobile inspection and maintenance program and a detailed schedule for its implementation. On May 1, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revised statutory language pertaining to State legal authority.
(18) On April 1, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the regulations for Kraft Pulping Mills (WAC 173-405-011; 173-405-021; 173-405-031(1), (4), (5) and (6); 173-405-036(1), (2) and (4); 173-405-061; 173-405-071(2), (3), (4)(d), (4)(e) and (5); 173-405-077; 173-405-078; 173-405-086; and 173-405-101), Sulfite Pulping Mills (WAC 173-410-011; 173-410-021; 173-410-031; 173-410-036(1), (2) and (4); 173-410-041; 173-410-061 (1) through (8); 173-410-067; 173-410-071; 173-410-086; and 173-410-091), and Primary Aluminum Plants (WAC 18-52-010; 18-52-016; 18-52-021; 18-52-031 (2) and (4); 18-52-036(1); 18-52-056; 18-52-061; 18-52-071(1)(c), (1)(f), and (2); 18-52-077; and 18-52-086) and rescission of old regulations (WAC 18-36-010, 18-36-020, 18-36-030, 18-36-040, 18-36-050, 18-36-060, 18-36-070, 18-36-080, 18-36-090 and 18-36-100; WAC 18-38-010, 18-38-020, 18-38-030, 18-38-040, 18-38-050, 18-38-060, 18-38-070, 18-38-080 and 18-38-090; and WAC 18-52-015, 18-52-020, 18-52-030 (except (3)), 18-52-040, 18-52-060, 18-52-070 and 18-52-080) to satisfy the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act.
(19) On April 27, 1979 the Governor submitted the plan for the Spokane carbon monoxide (CO) nonattainment area. On September 10, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a revised transportation control plan for the Spokane CO nonattainment area.
(20) On March 5, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of 40 CFR part 58, subpart C, Sec. 58.20 Air Quality Monitoring.
(21) On April 27, 1979 the Governor submitted a provision for maintenance of pay (WAC 173-400-160).
(22) On June 24, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a new regulation WAC 173-402 ``Civil Sanctions Under Washington Clean Air Act''. On July 30, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to WAC 173-400 (specifically 173-020; 173-030; 173-040 (except (13)); 173-050; 173-060; 173-070; 173-090; 173-100; 173-110; and 173-120), WAC 173-405 (specifically 173-012; 173-021; 173-040 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (17); 173-072(1), (4) and (5); 173-077, 173-086; and 173-101; and rescission of 173-011; 173-031 (1), (4), (5) and (6); 173-036 (1), (2) and (4); 173-061; 173-071 (2), (3), (4)(d), (4)(e) and (5); and 173-078), WAC 173-410 (specifically 173-012; 173-021; 173-040 (1), (2), (3), (5) and (16); 173-062 (1), (2) and (3); 173-067; 173-086; 173-090; and 173-091; and rescission of 173-011; 173-031; 173-036 (1), (2) and (4); 173-041; 173-061 (1) through (8); and 173-071), WAC 173-415 (specifically 173-010; 173-020; 173-030(2)(b), (4), (5), (7) and (11); 173-050; 173-060(1)(c) and (2); 173-070; and 173-090), WAC 173-490 (specifically 173-010; 173-020; 173-025; 173-030; 173-040; 173-070; 173-071; and 173-080), rescission of old WAC 18-52 (specifically 18-010; 18-016; 18-021; 18-030(3); 18-031 (2) and (4); 18-036(1); 18-056; 18-061; 18-071(1)(c), (1)(f) and (2); 18-077; and 18-086), and revisions to the Seattle-Tacoma carbon monoxide, Seattle-Tacoma ozone, Vancouver ozone, Seattle primary total suspended particulate (TSP), Tacoma primary TSP, Vancouver primary TSP, Spokane primary TSP and Clarkston primary TSP nonattainment area plans, in order to satisfy the conditions of approval published on June 5, 1980 and July 31, 1980. On November 7, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted clarifying information, including the designated ``no burn'' areas for the Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane TSP nonattainment areas to satisfy the conditions of approval published on June 5, 1980. On January 13, 1981 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted further revisions to WAC 173-400-110 and WAC 173-490-020 and 173-490-040 in order to satisfy the conditions of approval published on June 5, 1980.
(23) On August 17, 1979 and July 30, 1980 the Governor submitted revisions to the State of Washington Implementation Plan to provide authority to the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council to implement the plan required by section 110 of the Clean Air Act for energy facilities, specifically, statutory authority (80.50 RCW), applicable regulations (WAC 463-39-010; 463-39-020; 463-39-030 (except (4), (7), (10), (24), (25), (30), (35) and (36)); 463-39-040 (except introductory paragraph); 463-39-050; 463-39-060; 463-39-080; 463-39-100; 463-39-110 (except (1), first two sentences of (3)(b), (3)(c), (3)(d) and (3)(e)); 463-39-120; 463-39-130; 463-39-135; 463-39-150; and 463-39-170), and a Memorandum of Agreement between the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council and the State of Washington Department of Ecology describing program implementation. On May 28, 1981, the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council submitted an Attorney General's opinion certifying that 80.50 RCW provided sufficient enabling authority to meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(24) On November 17, 1981 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a revision to the plan for the Spokane carbon monoxide nonattainment area, including a schedule for the implementation of an expanded transit service to satisfy the condition of approval published on December 24, 1980.
(25) On July 30, 1980 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the regulations for sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC), specifically WAC 173-490-200, 173-490-201, 173-490-202, 173-490-203, 173-490-204, 173-490-205 (except (d)), 173-490-206 and 173-490-207. On January 13, 1981 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a further revision to WAC 173-490-203. On June 25, 1981 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted VOC source test methods. On November 13, 1981 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted clarifying information on the regulations for sources of VOC.
(26) On July 16, 1982 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted an attainment plan for the Vancouver ozone nonattainment area and amendments to the regulations for sources of volatile organic compounds (WAC-490-020, 490-025, 490-9040, 490-080, 490-203, 490-204, 490-205 and 490-208, and rescission of 490-206).
(27) On July 16, 1982 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted attainment plans for the Seattle-Tacoma ozone nonattainment area and the Seattle carbon monoxide (CO) nonattainment area, including regulations for motor vehicle emission inspection (WAC 173-422) and the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency regulation for sources of volatile organic compounds (Regulation II). On December 1, 1982 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted procedures by which conformity of Federal projects with the Seattle-Tacoma ozone and Seattle CO plans will be determined.
(28) Amendments to page III-D-2 (TABLE 8--DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY SOURCE TEST METHODS WHICH ARE USED FOR COMPLIANCE) of the Washington State Implementation Plan, submitted by the State Department of Ecology on July 23, 1984.
(29) On September 13, 1983 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a revision to add a lead strategy to the Washington Implementation Plan.
(30) On June 15, 1984 the Washington Department of Ecology submitted a demonstration of attainment of the lead standard for the area around a primary copper smelter in Tacoma, Washington.
(31) On June 16, 1983, the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted to EPA, the Tacoma carbon monoxide attainment plan as an official SIP revision. This plan builds upon the July 16, 1982, Ozone SIP for the Puget Sound area.
(32) On September 27, 1984 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a revision to the approved lead SIP which revised the demonstration of attainment for the secondary lead smelter in Seattle.
(33) On January 16, 1984 the Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the approved SIP which added the PSAPCA emission offset and banking program to the approved SIP regulations. The revisions consisted of new section 1.07(s), 1.07(rr), 1.07(xx), 6.07(b)(7) and 6.08 of PSAPCA Regulation I.
(34) A revision to the Washington State Implementation Plan was submitted by the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology on September 27, 1984. The revision adds a mandatory Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance program to the Spokane Carbon Monoxide Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(a) Amendments to Chapter 173-422 Washington Administrative Code, Motor Vehicle Emission Inspection, which was published on April 18, 1984.
(ii) Additional material. (a) Technical Support Document as prepared by the Washington State Department of Ecology in support of approval dated January 11, 1985.
(35) On February 21, 1985 the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to Regulation II, specifically, Sec. Sec. 1.02, 2.13, 3.11 and 4.02, and ``Monitoring and Reporting Procedures for VOC Sources'' as adopted in Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Resolution 568.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated February 21, 1985 from the Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10.
(B) Resolution 568--Revisions to Regulation II and ``Monitoring and Reporting Procedures for VOC Sources'' as adopted by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency on December 13, 1984.
(36) Washington State's Visibility Protection Program, except Section V. B. New Source Review, Appendix A--Proposed Best Available Retrofit Technology Regulation and Appendix B--Proposed New Source Review Regulations, submitted by the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology on January 5, 1984; certain provisions of 173-403 WAC Implementation of Regulations for Air Contaminant Sources, specifically, WAC 173-403-030(2), (9), (11), (24), (25), (31), (42), (46), (51), and (52), submitted by the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology on April 1, 1985; WAC 173-403-090, submitted by the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology on September 6, 1983; and the State of Washington Department of Natura1 Resources Smoke Management Program, submitted by the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology on April 27, 1979, and January 5, 1984.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated April 1, 1985, from the Director of the State of Washington Department of Ecology to EPA. Provisions of WAC 173-403-030 (Definitions) introductory text, (2), (9), (11), (24), (25), (31), (42), (46), (51), and (52), adopted by the State of Washington Department of Ecology on February 14, 1985.
(B) Letter dated September 6, 1983, from the Director of the State of Washington Department of Ecology to EPA. WAC 173-403-090 (``Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection''), adopted by the State of Washington Department of Ecology on August 25, 1983.
(C) Letter dated January 5, 1984, from the Director of the State of Washington Department of Ecology to EPA. ``Washington State's Visibility Protection Program (10/3/83),'' except Section V. B. ``New Source Review,'' Appendix A--``Proposed Best Available Retrofit Technology Regulation'' and Appendix B--``Proposed New Source Review Regulations'' adopted by the State of Washington Department of Ecology on January 5, 1984;
(D) Appendix K (``The State of Washington Department of Natural Resources Air Quality-Prescribed Burning Smoke Management Program'') revised June 1975.
(37) On April 28, 1983, the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted amendments to the State of Washington sulfur dioxide emission limitation. These amendments clarify the averaging time for the sulfur dioxide emission limitation in WAC 173-400-040(6).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated April 28, 1983, from the Director of the Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 amending the State of Washington State Implementation Plan.
(B) Washington Administrative Code [WAC] Chapter 173-400 [General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources], -040 [General Standard for Maximum Emissions], (6) [Sulfur Dioxide] introductory sentence adopted into state law by the State of Washington Department of Ecology on March 30, 1983 and became effective on May 11, 1983.
(38) On January 23, 1989 and May 14, 1991 the Director of the Department of Ecology submitted amended regulations as revisions to the Washington state implementation plan. EPA has approved the following as revisions to the implementation plan: WAC 173-400 (except for -040(1) (c) and (d); -040(2); -040(4); the second paragraph of -040(6); the exception provision in -050(3); -070(7); -075; -115; -120; -131; -136; -141; and -180) as in effect on March 22, 1991; the repeal of WAC 173-403 as in effect on March 22, 1991; WAC 173-405 (except for -033; -035; -040(1)(b); -040(1)(c); -040(3)(b); -040(3)(c); -040(4); -040(7); -040(8); -040(9); and -072(2)) as in effect on March 22, 1991; WAC 173-410 (except for -035; the exception provision in -040(3); and -040(5)) as in effect on March 22, 1991; WAC 173-415 (except for -020(1); -020(2); -030(1); -030(3)(b); -040; and -060(1) (a), (b), and (d)) as in effect on March 22, 1991; WAC 173-425 as in effect on October 18, 1990; WAC 173-430 as in effect on October 18, 1990; WAC 173-433 as in effect on October 18, 1990; WAC 173-434 (except for -110, -120, and -130(2)) as in effect on October 18, 1990; WAC 173-435 (except for -070(1)); as in effect on January 3, 1989; WAC 173-440 as in effect on October 18, 1990; WAC 173-470 (except for -110 and -150) as in effect on January 3, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) January 23, 1989, letter from the Director of the Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Washington state implementation plan.
(B) May 14, 1991, letter from the Director of the Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Washington state implementation plan.
(C) Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400 (General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources) (except for -040(1) (c) and (d), -040(2), -040(4), the second paragraph of -040(6), the exception provision in -050(3), -070(7), -075, -115, -120, -131, -136, -141, and -180) as in effect 3/22/91; Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-405 (Kraft Pulp Mills) (except for -033; -035; -040(1)(b), (1)(c), (3)(b), (3)(c), and (4); -040 (7), (8), and (9); and -072(2)) as in effect 3/22/91; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-410 (Sulfite Pulping Mills) (except for 035; the exception provision in -040(3); and -040(5)) as in effect 3/22/91; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-415 (Primary Aluminum Plants) (except for -020 (1) and (2); -030(1); -030(3)(b); -040; and -060(1) (a), (b), and (d)) as in effect 3/22/91; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-425 (Open Burning) as in effect 10/18/90; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-430 (Burning of Field and Forage and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed) as in effect 10/18/90; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-433 (Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards) as in effect 10/18/90; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-434 (except for -110, -120, and -130(2)) as in effect 10/18/90; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-435 (Emergency Episode Plan) (except for-070(1)) as in effect 1/3/89; Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-440 (Sensitive Areas) as in effect 10/18/90; and Washington Administrative Code Chapter 173-470 (Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter) (except for -110 and -150) as in effect 1/3/89.
(39) On May 14, 1991, the Director of the Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the State of Washington Implementation plans for volatile organic compound emissions (WAC 173-490 ``Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Compounds'') attainment from stationary sources in ozone nonattainment areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 14, 1991, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting the VOC nonattainment area state implementation plan for Washington.
(B) WAC 173-490 ``Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Compounds'' as adopted on February 19, 1991, and became effective on March 22, 1991.
(40) On November 15, 1991, EPA received the Washington Department of Ecology submission for a PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Kent, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 5, 1990, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Kent, Washington.
(B) The PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Kent, Washington as adopted by the Washington Department of Ecology on November 3, 1990, and effective on November 3, 1991.
(C) December 27, 1990, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting an addendum to the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Kent, Washington.
(D) PM10 SIP addendum, dated June 5, 1990, to the PM10 Kent, Washington state implementation plan.
(E) November 15, 1991, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting a supplement to the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Kent, Washington.
(F) PM10 SIP supplement, dated November 1991, to the PM10 Kent, Washington state implementation plan.
(41) On February 17, 1989, and November 15, 1991, the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan revisions for Thurston County, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) February 17, 1989, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Thurston County, Washington.
(B) The PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Thurston County, Washington, as adopted by the Washington Department of Ecology on February 8, 1989.
(C) November 15, 1991, letter from Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Thurston County, Washington.
(D) Revision to the PM10 nonattainment area state implementation plan for Thurston County, Washington, as adopted by the Washington Department of Ecology on November 14, 1991.
(42) On January 22, 1993, the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan for the State of Washington addressing the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for carbon monoxide in the King, Pierce, Snohomish, Clark and Spokane Counties.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) January 22, 1993, letters from the State of Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting amendments to the Washington State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide in the King, Pierce, Snohomish, Clark, and Spokane Counties.
(B) Supplements to the State Implementation Plan for Washington State--a plan for attaining and maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the Spokane Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, Vancouver Air Quality Maintenance Area, and Puget Sound Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, adopted on January 22, 1993.
(C) State Regulations Appendix B-Part 2, ``Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline, Chapter 173-492 WAC,'' of the Washington State SIP appendices, adopted October 6, 1992.
(D) State Policies and Guidelines Appendix D, ``Oxygenated Gasoline Program, Implementation Guidelines, Washington State Department of Ecology, September 1992.''
(43) On September 11, 1992 and October 8, 1993 the Director of the WDOE submitted revisions to PSAPCA's rules for the control of air pollution in Pierce, King, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties, Washington as revisions to the Washington SIP. These revisions superseded and replaced previously submitted rules by PSAPCA.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 11, 1992 letter from the Director of WDOE to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to PSAPCA's rules for the control of air pollution in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties, Washington, for inclusion into the Washington SIP.
(B) Regulations I, II, and III as adopted by the Board of Directors, PSAPCA, and submitted through the WDOE to EPA Region 10, as a revision to the SIP, with a WDOE adopted date of September 16, 1992.
(C) October 8, 1993 letter from the Director of WDOE to EPA Region 10 submitting revisions to PSAPCA's rules for the control of air pollution in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap Counties, Washington, for inclusion into the Washington SIP.
(D) Regulations I, II, and III as adopted by the Board of Directors, PSAPCA, and submitted through WDOE to EPA Region 10, as a revision to the SIP, with a WDOE adopted date of October 18, 1993.
(44) On September 22, 1993, the state of Washington, through the Washington State Department of Ecology, submitted a request to redesignate Tacoma to attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 22, 1993 letter from Washington State Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting a redesignation request for the Tacoma SO2 Air Quality Maintenance Area (AQMA).
(45) On November 16, 1992 the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted ``State Implementation Plan for the Washington State Business Assistance Program,'' adopted November 13, 1992, as a revision to the Washington SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 13, 1992 letter from the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology submitting ``State Implementation Plan for the Washington State Business Assistance Program'' to EPA.
(B) State Implementation Plan for the Washington State Business Assistance Program, including Appendix B, Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70.94.035; Appendix D, Washington Administrative Code 173-400-180; Appendix E, RCW 70.94.181; and Appendix F, Business Assistance Program Guidelines (and exluding Appendices A, C, and G), dated November 1992, and adopted November 13, 1992.
(46) On January 28, 1993 the State of Washington submitted a SIP revision for the purpose of implementing an emission statement program for stationary sources within the Vancouver Air Quality Maintenance Area and the Central Puget Sound Ozone Nonattainment Area. The implementation plan was submitted by the State to satisfy the Federal requirements for an emission statement program as part of the SIP for Washington State.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated January 22, 1993 from the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 amending the Washington SIP for both the Vancouver and Central Puget Sound areas.
(B) ``Supplement to the SIP for Washington State, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone in Central Puget Sound,'' sections 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2, adopted January 22, 1993.
(C) ``Supplement to the SIP for Washington State, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone in the Vancouver Air Quality Maintenance Area,'' sections 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3, adopted January 22, 1993.
(47) On November 5, 1990, December 27, 1990, November 15, 1991 and May 11, 1994 the Director of WDOE submitted to EPA SIP revisions for the purpose of bringing about attainment of the National ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM-10). The implementation plan was submitted by the State to satisfy certain Federal Clean Air Act requirements for an approvable moderate nonattainment area PM-10 SIP for Seattle, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated November 5, 1990, December 27, 1990, November 13, 1991 and May 2, 1994, from WDOE to EPA submitting the revisions to the SIP for the State of Washington.
(B) Revisions to the Washington SIP for the purpose of bringing about attainment of the National ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM-10):
(1) A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM-10 in the Seattle Duwamish Valley, September 1989, adopted November 3, 1990;
(2) Resolution No. 639 (amendments to the PM-10 attainment and maintenance strategy), adopted December 8, 1988;
(3) State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter in the Seattle Duwamish Valley, Supplement, dated November 199l, adopted November 14, 1991; and
(4) State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter in the Seattle Duwamish Valley, Supplement, dated January 1, 1994, adopted May 4, 1994.
(48) On November 15, 1991, the Director of WDOE submitted to EPA a PM-10 nonattainment area SIP revision for the purpose of bringing about attainment of the National ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM-10). The implementation plan was submitted by the State to satisfy certain Federal Clean Air Act requirements for an approvable moderate nonattainment area PM-10 SIP for Tacoma, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated November 13, 1991 and June 30, 1994 from WDOE to EPA submitting revisions to the State of Washington SIP.
(B) State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter in the Tacoma Tideflats, Pierce County, including appendices A-F, dated November 1991, and adopted November 14, 1991.
(49) On November 10, 1993, the State of Washington Department of Ecology submitted a CO State Implementation Plan for Clark County, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 10, 1993 letter from the State of Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting the CO State Implementation Plan for Clark County, Washington.
(B) Supplement to a Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide in the Vancouver Air Quality Maintenance Area, Replacement Pages, as adopted by the Washington State Department of Ecology on November 15, 1993.
(50) By a letter dated December 29, 1993, the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Washington SIP updating the regulations from the Northwest Air Pollution Authority.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The December 29, 1993 letter from the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology submitting the Northwest Air Pollution Authority Regulations as a revision to the Washington SIP.
(B) Regulations of the Northwest Air Pollution Authority--sections 100, 101, 102, 103, 104.1, 105, 106, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 140, 145, 150, 180, 200, 300, 301, 302, 303, 310, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 340, 341, 342, 360, 365, 366, 400, 401, 410, 420, 421, 424, 450, 451, 452 (except for 452.5.), 455, 458, 460, 462, 466, 510, 520, 550, 560, and 580, effective on September 8, 1993.
(51) On April 11, 1994 the Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) submitted the Southwest Air Pollution Control Authority (SWAPCA) 400 General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources as a revision to the Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) April 11, 1994 letter from the Director of WDOE to EPA Region 10 submitting the Southwest Air Pollution Control Authority SWAPCA 400 Regulation, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources.
(B) Regulations of the Southwest Air Pollution Control Authority--Sections 010; 020; 030 except the second sentences of (14) and (43); 040 except (1)(c) and (1)(d) (2) (4) and the exception provision of (6)(a); 050 except the exception provision of (3); 052; 060; 070 except (7); 081; 090; 100 except the first sentence of (3)(a)(iv) and (5); 101; 105; 107; 110; 112; 113; 114; 151; 161; 171; 190; 200; 205; 210; 220; 230; 240; 250; and 260, effective on November 8, 1993.
(52) On December 6, 1994, the Director of WDOE submitted to EPA a contingency measure SIP revision for the Puget Sound Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area to satisfy certain applicable requirements of the Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated November 30, 1994 from WDOE to EPA submitting the CO revision for the Puget Sound area and, ``A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the Puget Sound Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area,'' replacement pages 10-1 through 10-3, dated November 16, 1994, adopted November 29, 1994, and Attachment B of Addendum E, ``Contingency Measure Plan Element for the Central Puget Sound Region Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan--Final Plan,'' pages 1-15, dated May 26, 1994, and adopted November 29, 1994.
(53) Various minor revisions consisting of amended regulations affecting a local air agency, the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, and a recodified Table of Contents for the SIP were submitted to EPA from WDOE for inclusion into the Washington SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated April 28, May 25, and December 5, 1994 from the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology to the EPA Regional Administrator submitting minor revisions to PSAPCA's regulations for inclusion into the SIP: Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulations I, II, and III, adopted on May 4, 1994; Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulations I, II, and III, adopted on May 25, 1994; and Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulations I, II, and III, adopted on December 8, 1994.
(B) Letter dated January 26, 1995 from the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology to the EPA Regional Administrator submitting the Recodified SIP Table of Contents, dated January 1995, and adopted on February 1, 1995.
(54) On March 8, 1994, the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA numerous revisions to the State of Washington Implementation Plan which included updated new source review regulations and provisions for voluntary limits on a source's potential to emit. The revisions were submitted in accordance with the requirements of section 110 and Part D of the Clean Air Act (hereinafter the Act).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) March 8, 1994 and May 8, 1995 letters from WDOE to EPA submitting requests for revisions to the Washington SIP consisting of an amended state regulation; Chapter 173-400 Washington Administrative Code General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources, adopted on August 20, 1993, in its entirety with the exception of the following sections: -040(1)(c) and (d); -040(2); -040(4); the second paragraph of -040(6); the exception provision in -050(3); -070(7); -075; -112(8); -113(5); -114; -115; -120; -131; -136; -141; and -180.
(55) On January 22, 1993 the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology (WDOE) submitted the amendment to the Washington SIP for Carbon Monoxide (CO) in the King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties' Urbanized Areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The January 22, 1993 letter from the Director of the WDOE submitting the Amendment to the Washington SIP for Carbon Monoxide in the King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties' Urbanized Areas to EPA, ``Supplement to the SIP for Washington State, Puget Sound Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, January 1993,'' Section 6.0 Vehicle Miles Traveled Forecasting and Tracking, adopted on January 22, 1993.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) VMT supplements to include the VMT Tracking Report data required for the Puget Sound CO Nonattainment Areas, dated October 13, 1994 and September 19, 1994.
(56) On February 14, 1995, the Director for the Washington State Department of Ecology (WDOE) submitted amended regulations for the Northwest Air Pollution Authority (NWAPA) as a revision to the Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The February 7, 1995 letter from the Director of WDOE submitting the amended NWAPA regulations to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the Northwest Air Pollution Authority Regulations (approving sections 104.1, 132, 133, 200, 300, 301, 302, 322, 324 (except for 324.121), 340, 451, 462, 580) adopted on February 10, 1995.
(57) On May 2, 1995, WDOE submitted to EPA revisions to the Washington SIP addressing the conditional approval of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for particulate matter (PM10) in the Tacoma TIdeflats PM10 Nonattainment Area.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) May 2, 1995 letter from WDOE to EPA Region submitting the SIP revision for Particulate Matter in the Tacoma Tideflats, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM10, Supplement May 1995, adopted on May 4, 1995.
(58) On February 21, 1995 and May 11, 1994, WDOE submitted to EPA revisions to the Washington SIP addressing the contingency measures for the Seattle and Kent PM-10 nonattainment plans.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) February 21, 1995 letter from the Washington Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting PSAPCA Section 13.07--Contingency Plan, adopted December 8, 1994, as a revision to the Seattle PM-10 attainment plan and the Washington SIP.
(B) May 11, 1994 letter from WDOE to EPA Region 10 submitting clarifying documentation to the contingency measure for Kent Valley PM-10 attainment plan.
(59) Various minor revisions consisting of amended regulations affecting a local air agency, PSAPCA, were submitted to EPA from the WDOE for inclusion into the Washington SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated May 17, and September 7, 1995 from the Director of the WDOE to the EPA Regional Administrator submitting minor revisions to PSAPCA's regulations for inclusion into the SIP: PSAPCA, Regulation I adopted on May 22, 1995; PSAPCA, Regulation III adopted on September 11, 1995.
(60) On November 29, 1995 the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Regulations (EFSEC) as a revision to the Washington State Implementation Plan (SIP).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The November 29, 1995 letter from WDOE to EPA submitting requests for revisions to the Washington SIP to include the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Regulations; EFSEC Regulation Chapter 463-39 Washington Administrative Code General and Operating Permit Regulations for Air Pollution Sources, (excluding the following sections: 005 (2) through (4); -070; -090; -105; -115; -140; those portions of -005(1), -020, -030, -095, -100, and -120 containing any reference to regulations or provisions of regulations in Chapters 173-400, 173-401, 173-406, 173-460, or 463-58a) adopted on November 16, 1995.
(61) SIP revisions received from WDOE on August 21, 1995, requiring vehicle owners to comply with its I/M program in the two Washington ozone nonattainment areas classified as ``marginal'' and in the three carbon monoxide nonattainment areas classified as ``moderate''. This revision applies to the Washington counties of Clark, King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Spokane.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) July 26, 1995 letter from Director of WDOE to the Regional Administrator of EPA submitting revisions to WDOE's SIP consisting of the July 1995 Washington State Implementation Plan for the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program (including Appendices A through F), adopted August 1, 1995, and a supplement letter and ``Tools and Resources'' table dated May 10, 1996.
(62) On September 30, 1994, the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan for, among other things, the CO attainment demonstration for the Central Puget Sound carbon monoxide nonattainment area. This was submitted to satisfy federal requirements under section 187(a)(7) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, as a revision to the carbon monoxide State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 30, 1994, letter from WDOE to EPA submitting an attainment demonstration revision for the Central Puget Sound CO nonattainment area (adopted on September 30, 1994); a supplement letter and document from WDOE, ``Reexamination of Carbon Monoxide Attainment Demonstration for the Tacoma Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Site for the Supplement to the State Implementation Plan for Washington State, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide in the Puget Sound Nonattainment Area,'' dated May 10, 1996; and a supplement letter and document from WDOE, ``Revisions to the May 1996 Reexamination of Carbon Monoxide Attainment Demonstration for the Tacoma Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Site'', dated September 12, 1996.
(63) On September 30, 1994, the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the carbon monoxide State Implementation Plan for, among other things, the 1990 and 1995 Emission Inventories for Area, Nonhighway Mobile, and On-Road Mobile Sources.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) September 30, 1994, letter from WDOE to EPA submitting emission inventories for the Puget Sound CO nonattainment area (adopted on September 30, 1994); NonHighway Mobile Sources Emission Inventory for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties Base Year 1990, dated December 1993; Stationary Area Sources Emission Inventory for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties Base Year 1990, dated December 1993; Stationary Area Sources Emission Inventory for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties Projection Year 1995, dated September 1994; Supplement to the SIP, ``Puget Sound Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area,'' Replacement Pages, dated September 1994; Non-Road Mobile Sources Emission Inventory for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties, Base Year 1990, dated September 1994; Non-Highway Mobile Sources Projections for 1995 Emission Inventory for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone for King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties, dated September 1994; Seattle-Tacoma Urban Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area 1990 Base Year On Road Mobile Source Emissions Inventory, dated August 1994; and Seattle-Tacoma Urban Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area 1995 Projected Year On Road Mobile Source Emissions Inventory, dated August 1994.
(64) Minor revisions consisting of amended regulations affecting WDOE and a local air agency, PSAPCA, were submitted to EPA from WDOE for inclusion into the Washington SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated January 26, 1995 and December 27, 1995 from the Director of the WDOE to the EPA Regional Administrator which included deletion of two regulations from the Washington SIP (Chapter 173-402 WAC Civil Sanctions under Washington Clean Air Act, and Chapter 173-440 WAC Sensitive Areas), adopted on February 1, 1995, and the following revisions to PSAPCA's regulations for inclusion into the SIP: Regulation I, Section 3.11 Civil Penalties, Section 5.07 Registration Fees, and Section 5.11 Registration of Oxygenated Gasoline Blenders; and Regulation III, Section 1.01 Policy, all adopted on September 14, 1995.
(65) Several minor revisions consisting of amended regulations affecting a local air agency, the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, were submitted to EPA from the Washington State Department of Ecology for inclusion into the Washington State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated May 24, 1996 from the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology to the EPA Regional Administrator submitting revisions to the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency regulations for inclusion into the State Implementation Plan: Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulation I, Article 8, Outdoor Fires, sections 8.02, Outdoor Fires-Prohibited Types, and 8.05, Agricultural Burning, effective 3/14/96; Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulation III, Article 3, Source-Specific Emission Standards, section 3.03, Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners, effective 12/14/95.
(66) On March 4, 1996 the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Ozone State Implementation Plan for the Puget Sound area requesting the Puget Sound Nonattainment Area be reclassified to attainment and containing a maintenance plan that demonstrates continued attainment of the NAAQS for ozone. The emission inventory projections are included in the maintenance plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter submitted on March 4, 1996 from the Washington State Department of Ecology requesting the redesignation and submitting the maintenance plan; Central Puget Sound Region Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Ambient Ozone Standard adopted on Febuary 6, 1996.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Appendices to the Central Puget Sound Region Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Ambient Ozone Standard, November 1995: Appendix A, Technical Analysis Protocol; Appendix B, Ozone Air Quality Monitoring Site Network; Appendix C, Ambient Ozone Monitoring Data; Appendix D, Historical and Projected Puget Sound Region VMT and Employment; Appendix E, 1993-2010 Emission Inventory Projection; Appendix F, Transportation Conformity Process; Appendix G, Outline of Puget Sound Tropospheric Ozone Research Plan; and Appendix H, Prospective Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (Vehicle I/M) Program Evaluation Outline.
(67) On February 29, 1996 the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan for the Central Puget Sound area containing a maintenance plan that demonstrated continued attainment of the NAAQS for carbon monoxide through the year 2010 and also containing an oxygenated fuels program as a contingency measure to be implemented if the area violates the CO NAAQS.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The February 29, 1996 letter from WDOE to EPA requesting the redesignation of the Puget Sound carbon monoxide nonattainment area to attainment and submitting the maintenance plan; the Central Puget Sound Region Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Ambient Carbon Monoxide Standard dated January 1996.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated May 2, 1996, to EPA from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, subject ``Carbon Monoxide SIP Applicability on Indian Lands;'' and Appendices to the Puget Sound Region Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Ambient Carbon Monoxide Standard dated January 1996: Appendix A, Technical Analysis Protocol; Appendix B, Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Data Monitoring Network; Appendix C, Ambient Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Data; Appendix D, Historical and Projected Puget Sound Region VMT and Employment; Appendix E, Emission Inventory Projection; Appendix F, Analysis of the Probability of Continued CO Attainment in Puget Sound; and Appendix G, Transportation Conformity Process.
(68) On March 19, 1996, the Director of Washington State Department of Ecology (Washington) submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan for the Vancouver area containing a maintenance plan that demonstrated continued attainment of the NAAQS for carbon monoxide through the year 2006 and also containing an oxygenated fuels program as a contingency measure to be implemented if the area violates the CO NAAQS.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated March 19, 1996 from Washington to EPA requesting the redesignation of the Vancouver carbon monoxide nonattainment area to attainment and submitting the maintenance plan; the ``Supplement to the State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide (CO) in Vancouver, WA--Redesignation Request for Vancouver, WA as Attainment for CO,'' dated December 19, 1995, and adopted on February 29, 1996.
(B) Letters dated January 22, 1993 and April 22, 1994 from Washington to EPA submitting a revision and replacement pages to the State Implementation Plan; enclosure dated November 1992 entitled ``Portland-Vancouver Carbon Monoxide Non-attainment Area (Washington State Portion), 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory,'' together with the emission inventory replacement pages for carbon monoxide in Vancouver, dated December 1993.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Appendices to the Vancouver Area Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Ambient Carbon Monoxide Standard dated December 1995: Appendix A, Technical Analysis Protocol; Appendix B, Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Data Monitoring Network; Appendix C, Carbon Monoxide Saturation Study; Appendix D, Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Monitoring Data; Appendix E, Emission Inventory; Appendix F, Conformity Process; Appendix G, Historical and Projected Population, Employment and Households; Appendix H, Portland/Vancouver Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area Separation Documentation; Appendix I, Washington Department of Ecology Vancouver Carbon Monoxide Study; and Appendix J, Maintenance Planning Process.
(69) EPA received from the Washington Department of Ecology PM10 nonattainment area plans for Wallula and Spokane, Washington, as revisions to the Washington state implementation plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) November 13, 1991 letter from Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) to EPA Region 10 submitting the State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter in the Wallula Study Area, A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM10 (including Appendices ``D'' (Exceptional Events Analysis), ``E'' (Reasonably Available Control Measure Analysis), ``F'' (Reasonably Available Control Technical Analysis of Boise Cascade, Wallula), and ``H'' (Discussion of Modified Attainment Demonstration)), adopted November 14, 1991; May 18, 1993 letter from WDOE forwarding a report titled, ``Addendum to the State Implementation Plan for the Wallula PM-10 Nonattainment Area, Reasonably Available Control Measure Analysis'', further describing the control measures being implemented in the area; June 23, 1994 letter from WDOE providing additional information describing the status of the control measures and forwarding an analysis of windblown dust in the area; April 28 and May 18, 1995, letters from WDOE to EPA Region 10, providing additional information on the allowable and fugitive emissions for point sources and air quality dispersion modeling; June 1, 1995, letter from WDOE providing information on allowable emissions; and a September 6, 1995, letter from WDOE forwarding a revised emission inventory for point sources within the Wallula nonattainment area.
(B) December 9, 1994, letter from WDOE submitting the Spokane PM10 Attainment Plan (including Appendices ``C'' (Analysis of PM10 Data/Exceedances of the 24-Hour Standard), ``E'' (Detailed Analysis of Dust Storms/Analysis of the Impact of Biogenic PM10 Sources), ``F'' (Analysis of PM10 Data/Exceedances of the 24-Hour Standard, Excluding Dust Storms), ``I'' (Reasonable Available Control Measures Analysis), ``J,'' (Additional Controls/Contingency Measures), ``K,'' (Dispersion Modelling and Attainment Demonstration), and ``L,'' (Demonstration of Attainment of the Annual Standard)), dated December 1994, and adopted December 12, 1994;
(C) Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA) Order No. 91-01 providing for an alternate opacity limit for the Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Trentwood aluminum facility; SCAPCA Orders 96-03, 96-04, 96-05 and 96-06 (all dated April 24, 1996) lowering the potential to emit for the Kaiser Aluminum--Trentwood facility; and
(D) SCAPCA regulations: Article VI, section 6.05, ``Particulate Matter and Preventing Particulate Matter from Becoming Airborne,'' section 6.14, ``Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Paved Surfaces,'' and section 6.15, ``Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Unpaved Roads;'' (effective November 12, 1993); and Article VIII, ``Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards,'' (adopted April 7, 1988).
(ii) Additional material.
(A) SCAPCA's zoning ordinance provisions requiring the paving of new parking lots (4.17.059 and 4.802.080 of the Zoning Code of Spokane County, dated 5/24/90).
(70) On January 24, 1996 the Director of WDOE submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA regulations of the SWAPCA for the control of air pollution in Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Skamania and Wahkiakum Counties, Washington (SWAPCA 400--General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The January 24, 1996, letter from WDOE to EPA submitting requests for revisions to the Washington SIP to include regulations of the SWAPCA for the control air of pollution in Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Skamania and Wahkiakum Counties, Washington, as revisions to the Washington SIP, State-effective September 21, 1995. EPA is approving the following sections of SWAPCA 400--General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources: 010; 020; 030 except the second sentence of (14), (45) and (80); 040 except (1)(c), (1)(d), (2), (4) and (6)(a); 050 except the exception provision of (3); 052; 060; 070 except (5); 074; 081; 091; 100 except the first sentence of (3)(a)(iv) and (4); 101; 105; 107; 109 except for (3)(b), (3)(c), (3)(g), (3)(h), and (3)(i), 110; 112; 113; 114; 151; 161; 171; 190; 200; 205; 210; 220; 230; 240; 250; 260; 270; and 280.
(71) On March 6, 1996, the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA a revision to the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulations, Regulations I, II, and III.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated August 6, 1996 from the Department of Ecology to EPA revising the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency Regulations; Regulation II Section 3.11 (Coatings and Ink Manufacturing), effective on May 16, 1996; and Regulation III Section 3.01 (Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing), effective on July 18, 1996.
(72) On November 26, December 3, and December 11, 1996, the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Washington) submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA revisions to the State Implementation Plan consisting of amendments to Washington regulations which remove the requirement for oxygenated gasoline in the Vancouver and Central Puget Sound areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Chapter 173-492, Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline, adopted December 5, 1996; Southwest Air Pollution Control Authority (SWAPCA) 492, Oxygenated Fuels, effective November 21, 1996; and Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Regulation II, Section 2.09, Oxygenated Gasoline Contingency Measure and Fee Schedule, revised July 11, 1996.
(73) The Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) submitted Maintenance Plans that demonstrate continued attainment of the NAAQS for O3 and requested redesignation of the Pdx/Van interstate nonattainment area from nonattainment to attainment for O3. The SIP revision requests were submitted by the WDOE on June 13, 1996, and by ODEQ on August 30, 1996. A number of other O3 supporting revisions are included in this submittal they are: the 1990 O3 Emission Inventories; changes to the NSR programs; regulations implementing the hybrid low enhanced I/M programs; an expanded vehicle inspection boundary; minor RACT rule changes (Vancouver only); Employee Commute Options rule (Portland only); Voluntary Parking Ratio rule (Portland only); PSEL management rules (Portland only); and local area source supporting rules.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Vancouver, Washington Ozone Maintenance Plan and Redesignation Request--state adopted June, 17, 1996.
(B) Washington Inspection and Maintenance SIP revision WAC 173 422-030, -050, -060, -070, -170, -190--State adopted November 9, 1996.
(C) NSR: SWAPCA 400-030 (except for the second sentence of subsections (14) and (49), and subsection (84)), 101, 109 (except subsections (3)(b), (3)(c), (3)(g), (3)(h), and (3)(i)), 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, and 190, effective November 21, 1996.
(D) Supporting Rules.
(1) SWAPCA 491-010, -015, -020, -030, -040, -050, -060,--State-effective on November 1, 1996.
(2) SWAPCA 490-010, -020, -025, -030, -040, -080, -090, -200, -201, -202, -203, -204, -205, -207, -208--State effective November 21, 1996.
(3) SWAPCA 493-100, 493-200-010, -020, -030, -040, -050, -060, 493-300-010, -020, -030, -040, -050, -060, 493-400-010, -020, -030, -040, -050, -060, -070, 493-500-010, -020, -030, -040,--State effective May 26, 1996.
Editorial Note: At 62 FR 42217, Aug. 6, 1997, the following paragraph (c)(73) was added to Sec. 52.2470; however, paragraph (c)(73) already exists in the 1997 edition.
(73) On November 26, 1996 and April 7, 1997, the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Washington) submitted to the Regional Administration of EPA revisions to the State Implementation Plan consisting of minor amendments to Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) Regulations I and III.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) PSAPC Regulations approved--Regulation I, Sections 3.11, 3.23, 5.02, 5.05, 5.07, 6.03, 7.09--State-adopted 9/12/96. Regulation III, Section 4.03--State-adopted 9/12/96. Regulation I, Sections 5.03 and 6.04--State-adopted 12/12/96. Regulation III, Sections 1.11, 2.01, and 2.05--State-adopted 12/12/96.
(74) On November 26, 1996 and April 7, 1997, the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology (Washington) submitted to the Regional Administration of EPA revisions to the State Implementation Plan consisting of minor amendments to Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) Regulations I and III.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) PSAPCA Regulations approved--Regulation I, Sections 3.11, 3.23, 5.02, 5.05, 5.07, 6.03, 7.09--State-adopted 9/12/96. Regulation III, Section 4.03--State-adopted 9/12/96. Regulation I, Sections 5.03 and 6.04--State-adopted 12/12/96. Regulation III, Sections 1.11, 2.01 and 2.05--State-adopted 12/12/96.
(75) On January 22, 1993, September 14, 1993, and April 30, 1996, the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology submitted to the Regional Administrator of EPA four revisions to the SIP consisting of amendments to the Spokane CO SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated January 22, 1993, from Washington to EPA requesting approval of revisions to the Spokane CO portion of the Washington State Implementation Plan; the ``Supplement to the State Implementation Plan for Washington State, Spokane Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area,'' dated January 1993, Sections 6.0, 6.1, 6.3, and 6.4.
(B) Letter dated September 14, 1993, from Washington to EPA providing supplementary information to that submitted on January 22, 1993; ``Spokane County Carbon Monoxide Non-attainment Area 1990 Base Year Emissions Inventory,'' dated November 1992.
(C) Two letters dated April 30, 1996, from Washington to EPA submitting two revisions to the SIP; ``Supplement to A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the Spokane Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area,'' dated March 1995; and ``Supplement to the State Implementation Plan for Washington State, Spokane County Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, Supplement 1 of 2,'' replacement pages for Sections 2.5 and 6.2 of Section 4.5.2.CO.1 of the State Implementation Plan, dated January 1996; ``Supplement to the State Implementation Plan for Washington State, Spokane County Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, Supplement 2 of 2,'' new Section 10.0, Contingency Measures, of Section 4.5.2.CO.1 of the State Implementation Plan, dated January 1996; and Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline, Regulation I, Article VI, Section 6.16, adopted July 6, 1995.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter of September 29, 1995, submitting CO Periodic Emission Inventory Reports; ``Spokane County Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area, 1993 Periodic Update Emissions Inventory,'' dated September 1995.
(76) On March 24, 1989, the Washington Department of Ecology submitted a plan for attaining and maintaining the NAAQS for PM10 in the Yakima PM10 moderate nonattainment area requesting EPA's review and approval. The plan was amended with additional submittals between 1992 and 1995.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The attainment plan is contained in the following documents: a submittal of March 24, 1989, adopted that same date, from Washington State Department of Ecology, titled, State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter--Yakima Area A Plan for Attaining and Maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM10; a supplement to the plan adopted August 19, 1992, titled, Supplement State Implementation Plan for Particulate Matter (PM10) in Yakima, WA and an addendum adopted February 3, 1994 on contingency measures.
(B) Portions of Restated Regulation I of the Yakima County Clean Air Authority, effective December 15, 1995, including Article I; Article II except Section 2.01; Article III; Article IV; Article V except Section 5.09; Article VIII; Article IX; Article XI; Article XII except Section 12.02; and, Article XIII except Sections 13.04 and 13.05.
(ii) Additional material:
(A) August 19, 1992: A modeling and inventory supplement to the original plan.
(B) March 10, 1995: A supplemental information package primarily on emissions and modeling.
(C) June 27, 1995: A supplemental letter on monitoring, public notice and emissions.
(D) August 17, 1995: A supplemental emissions analysis.
(E) November 3, 1995: More emissions analysis and the maintenance demonstration.
(77) On December 30, 1997, the Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted to the Regional Administration of EPA revisions to the State Implementation Plan consisting of minor amendments to Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) Regulation I.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) PSAPCA Regulations approved--Regulation I, Sections 3.11, 5.05, 5.07, 6.04, 6.10--State-adopted 9/11/97.
(78) EPA approves a minor revision to the SIP dated January 8, 1998 to include a variance to a permit issued to the U.S. Army for the operation of three heat recovery incinerators located at Fort Lewis by local air pollution control agency, the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency, Notice of Construction No. 7216, Date: Nov 25, 1997.
(79) February 22, 1999, letter from WDOE submitting a revision and replacement pages to the State Implementation Plan for the Spokane PM-10 Attainment Plan that will preserve the applicability of Section 6.14 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Paved Surfaces, and Section 6.15 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Unpaved Roads, should the area be redesignated as attainment or the pre-existing PM-10 standard is revoked for Spokane.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority's Regulation I., Article VI: Section 6.14 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Paved Surfaces and; Section 6.15 Standards for Control of Particulate Matter on Unpaved Roads, effective February 13, 1999.
(80) On August 16, 1999, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted a maintenance plan and redesignation request for the Thurston County PM-10 nonattainment area (dated June 11, 1997). EPA approves the Thurston County, Washington PM-10 area maintenance plan and the redesignation to attainment.
(81) On August 23, 1999, the Washington State Department of Ecology requested the redesignation of Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma PM-10 nonattainment areas to attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for particulate matter. EPA approves the State's PM-10 maintenance plan for Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma and request for redesignation to attainment.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70.94.477(2), dated 1995.
(B) RCW 70.94.457, dated 1995.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) August 23, 1999, letter from Washington State Department of Ecology to EPA Region 10 submitting the PM-10 maintenance plan for Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma nonattainment areas of Washington.
(82) On November 5, 1999, the State of Washington, Department of Ecology submitted a revision to the Visibility SIP. EPA approves all provisions to the November 5, 1999 Visibility SIP revision including, but not limited to the 1998 Smoke Management Plan, and South West Air Pollution Control Agency, Reasonably Available Control Technology order on the Centralia Power plant. EPA is taking no action on Section VIII. Identification and Analysis for Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) and Section X, New Source Review, of the November 5, 1999, Visibility SIP revision.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) South West Air Pollution Control Agency (SWAPCA) regulatory order, SWAPCA 97-2057R1, Regulatory Order to Establish RACT Limits and Order of Approval, Adopted February 26, 1998.
(B) [Reserved]
(83) On December 17, 2003, the Washington Department of Ecology submitted carbon monoxide and ozone second 10-year maintenance plans. The State's maintenance plans, meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Regulation I, Section 8.06, Outdoor Burning Ozone Contingency Measure, as in effect December 19, 2002.
(B) Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Regulation II, Section 2.09, Oxygenated Gasoline Carbon Monoxide Contingency Measures and Fee Schedule, as in effect December 19, 2002.
(C) Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Regulation II, Section 2.10, Gasoline Station Ozone Contingency Measure, as in effect December 19, 2002.
(84) On September 24, 2001 and February 9, 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted amendments to Puget Sound Clean Air Agency's regulations (Regulation I, II, and III) as revisions to the Washington State implementation plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following new and revised sections of Puget Sound Clean Air Agency's Regulations: Regulation I, Sections 1.01, Policy; 1.03, Name of Agency; and 1.05, Short Title, adopted September 9, 1999; 3.04, Reasonably Available Control Technology [except (e)], adopted March 11, 1999; 3.06 Credible Evidence, adopted October 8, 1998; 5.03, Registration Required [except (a)(5)], adopted July 8, 1999; 5.05 General Reporting Requirements for Registration, adopted September 10, 1998; 7.09, General Reporting Requirements for Operating Permits, adopted September 10, 1998; 8.04, General Conditions for Outdoor Burning; 8.05, Agricultural Burning; 8.09, Description of King County No-Burn Area; 8.10, Description of Pierce County No-Burn Area; and 8.11, Description of Snohomish County No-Burn Area, adopted November 9, 2000; and 8.12, Description of Kitsap County No-Burn Area, adopted October 24, 2002; 9.03, Emission of Air Contaminant: Visual Standard [except (e)], adopted March 11, 1999; 9.04, Opacity Standards for Equipment with Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems [except (d)(2) and (f)], adopted April 9, 1998; 9.09, Particulate Matter Emission Standards, adopted April 9, 1998; 9.15, Fugitive Dust Control Measures, adopted March 11, 1999; 9.16, Spray-Coating Operations, adopted July 12, 2001; 12.01, Applicability and 12.03, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems [except (b)(2)], adopted April 9, 1998; 13.01, Policy and Purpose, adopted September 9, 1999; and 13.02, Definitions, adopted October 8, 1998; Regulation II, Sections 1.01, Purpose; 1.02, Policy; 1.03, Short Title; and 1.05, Special Definitions, adopted September 9, 1999; 2.01, Definitions, adopted July 8, 1999; 2.07, Gasoline Stations, adopted December 9, 1999; 2.08, Gasoline Transport Tanks, adopted July 8, 1999; and 3.02, Volatile Organic Compound Storage Tanks, adopted July 8, 1999.
(B) The following Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Notice of Construction (NOC) Order of Approvals: Holnam, Inc., Ideal Division (now known as LaFarge North America, Inc.) NOC Order of Approval No. 5183, effective date February 9, 1994; and Saint-Gobain Containers LLC, NOC Order of Approval No. 8244, effective date September 30, 2004.
(C) Remove the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference: Regulation I, Sections 3.01, Duties and Powers of the Control Officer; 3.05, Investigations by the Control Officer; 3.07, Compliance Tests; 3.09, Violations--Notice; 3.11, Civil Penalties; 3.13, Criminal Penalties; 3.15, Additional Enforcement; 3.17, Appeal of Orders; 3.19, Confidential Information; 3.21, Separability; 3.23, Alternate Means of Compliance; 5.07, Registration Fees; 8.02, Outdoor Fires-Prohibited Types; 8.03, Outdoor Fires-Prohibited Areas; 9.03(e), Emission of Air Contaminant: Visual Standard; 9.09(c), Particulate Matter Emission Standards; 9.11, Emission of Air Contaminant: Detriment to Person or Property; 9.13, Emission of Air Contaminant: Concealment and Masking Restricted; 11.01, Ambient Air Quality Standards; 11.02, Ambient Air Monitoring; 12.02, Continuous Emission Monitoring Requirements; and 12.04, Recordkeeping and Report Requirements; Regulation II, Sections 2.04, Volatile Organic Compound Storage Tanks; and 3.07, Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaning Systems; and Regulation III.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) The following sections of Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Regulation I: Sections 3.01, Duties and Powers of the Control Officer, adopted September 9, 1999; 3.05, Investigations by the Control Officer, adopted February 10, 1994; 3.07, Compliance Tests, adopted February 9, 1995; 3.09, Violations--Notice, adopted August 8, 1991; 3.11, Civil Penalties, adopted September 26, 2002; 3.13, Criminal Penalties, adopted August 8, 1991; 3.15, Additional Enforcement, adopted August 8, 1991; 3.17, Appeal of Orders, adopted October 8, 1998; 3.19, Confidential Information, adopted August 8, 1991; and 3.21, Separability, adopted August 8, 1991.
(85) On November 15, 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted a PM10 Limited Maintenance Plan and requested the redesignation of the Spokane County PM10 Nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. The State's Limited Maintenance Plan, attainment year emissions inventory, and the redesignation request meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. EPA approves the State's Limited Maintenance Plan and Moderate Area Plan requirements for the Spokane PM10 nonattainment area and request for redesignation to attainment.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority (SCAPCA) orders 96-03 (modified October 4, 2000), 96-05 (modified October 4, 2000) and 96-06 (modified October 19, 2000) to regulate particulate matter emissions from the specific emission units of the Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation, Trentwood aluminum facility.
(86) On November 30, 2004, the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) submitted a serious area plan for the Wallula serious nonattainment area for PM10,
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following terms and conditions limiting particulate matter emissions in the following permits or administrative orders:
(1) Washington Department of Ecology Administrative Order No. 02AQER-5074 for IBP, Inc. (now known as Tyson Foods Inc.) dated December 6, 2002 except for the following: Finding number 4 (``T-BACT''), found on page 5 of document and item 3.3 of Approval Condition number 3 (``Emission Limits and Test Methods'') found on page 7 of the document.
(2) Washington State Department of Ecology Air Operating Permit for Boise White Paper, L.L.C. Permit No. 000369-7, dated December 1, 2004, the following condition only: 1.Q.1 (``Particulate-fugitive dust'') of item Q (``Landfill/Compost Operation'').
(3) Washington State Department of Ecology Administrative Order for Boise Cascade Corporation, Wallula Mill, Order No. 1614-AQ04, dated August 19, 2004 and effective September 15, 2004, the following condition only: No. 1 (``Approval Conditions'') and Appendix A (``Dust Control Plan'' for Boise Paper--Wallula Mill, ``Landfill and Composting Areas'') dated February 18, 2004.
(4) Fugitive Dust Control Plan for Simplot Feeders Limited Partnership, dated December 1, 2003.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Washington State Department of Ecology Columbia Plateau Windblown Dust Natural Events Action Plan, dated 2003.
(B) Washington State Department of Ecology Fugitive Dust Control Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots and Best Management Practices, dated December 13, 1995.
(87) On September 20, 2001, and November 22, 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted revisions to the Washington State Implementation Plan consisting of A Plan for Attaining Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the Spokane Serious Nonattainment Area. On September 26, 2001, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted minor revisions to the Washington State Inspection and Maintenance Program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation Administrative Order No. DE 01AQIS-3285 dated October 24, 2001, and Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation Administrative Order No. DE 01AQIS-3285, Amendment 1 dated April 9, 2003.
(B) Washington Administrative Code 173-422-031, ``Vehicle emission inspection schedules,'' and Washington Administrative Code 173-422-170, ``Exemptions,'' as effective 12/2/2000.
(ii) Additional material. A Plan for Attaining Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the Spokane Serious Nonattainment Area, adopted September 19, 2001, and November 17, 2004.
(88) On March 1, 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted amendments to WAC Ch. 173-434, Solid Waste Incinerator Facilities, as revisions to the Washington State implementation plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The following new and revised sections of WAC Ch. 173-434, Solid Waste Incinerator Facilities: WAC 173-434-020, Applicability and Compliance; -030, Definitions; -110, Standards of Performance [except (1)(a)]; -130, Emission Standards [except (2)]; -160, Design and Operation; -170, Monitoring and Reporting; -190, Changes in Operation; and -200, Emission Inventory, State effective January 22, 2004.
(B) Remove the following provisions from the current incorporation by reference: WAC 173-434-050, New Source Review (NSR);-070, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD); and -100, Requirement of BACT, State effective October 18, 1990.
(89) On December 29, 2011, the Washington State Department of Ecology submitted a Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) determination and revised BART Order 6426 for the TransAlta Centralia Generating LLC facility in Centralia, Washington.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State of Washington, Department of Ecology, Order 6426, first revision, ``BART Emission Limitations,'' issued to TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC, dated December 13, 2011, except the undesignated introductory text, the section titled ``Findings,'' and the undesignated text following condition 13. [37 FR 10900, May 31, 1972, as amended at 77 FR 72744, Dec. 6, 2012. Redesignated and amended at 78 FR 17110, 17123, Mar. 20, 2013] Sec. Sec. 52.2478-52.2494 [Reserved]