(a) The following rules and regulations are disapproved because they relax the control on emissions from fuel burning equipment without any accompanying analyses demonstrating that these relaxations will not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
(1) Mountain Counties Intrastate AQCR:
(i) Amador County APCD.
(A) Rules 209, submitted on April 21, 1976 and October 15, 1979, are disapproved; and Regulation V, Rule 19, previously approved in the June 30, 1972 submittal, is retained.
(B) Rule 210(B)(1), submitted on October 15, 1979, is disapproved; and Rules 11 and 210, previously approved in the June 30, 1972 and April 21, 1976 submittals, are retained.
(ii) Calaveras County APCD.
(A) Rule 209, Fossil Fuel-Steam Generator Facility, submitted on October 13, 1977, is disapproved; and Rule 408, Fuel Burning Equipment, previously approved in the June 30, 1972, submittal, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.
(iii) Tuolumne County APCD.
(A) Rule 210, submitted on October 15, 1979, is disapproved; and Rule 407, previously approved in the June 30, 1972 submittal, is retained.
(iv) Placer County APCD.
(A) Rule 210, submitted on October 15, 1979, is disapproved, and Rule 210, previously approved in the October 13, 1977 submittal, is retained.
(2) Sacramento Valley Intrastate AQCR:
(i) Yolo-Solano APCD.
(A) Rule 2.16, Fuel Burning Heat or Power Generators, submitted on July 19, 1974 is disapproved; and Rule 2.16, Fuel Burning Equipment, submitted on June 30, 1972 and previously approved as part of the SIP in 40 CFR 52.223, is retained.
(3) Southeast Desert Intrastate AQCR.
(i) San Bernardino County Desert APCD.
(A) Rule 474, Fuel Burning Equipment--Oxides of Nitrogen, submitted November 4, 1977, is disapproved. Rule 68 (same title) submitted June 30, 1972 and approved in 40 CFR 52.223 is retained.
(b) The deletion of the following rules or portions of rules from the State implementation plan is disapproved since their deletion represents a relaxation of the control strategy and an adequate demonstration showing that the relaxation will not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards has not been submitted:
(1) Southeast Desert Intrastate Region:
(i) Imperial County APCD.
(A) Rule 131, Fuel Burning Equipment, submitted on February 21, 1972 and previously approved under 40 CFR 52.223.
(ii) San Bernardino County.
(A) Rule 67, Fuel Burning Equipment as applied to new sources. The emission limit of Rule 67 is retained and is applicable only to existing sources already granted a permit.
(c) The emission limits of Rules 67 and 72 are partially retained, applicable only to (existing) sources granted permits prior to June 17, 1981.
(1) South Coast Air Quality Management District.
(i) Rules 67, Fuel Burning Equipment, and 72, Fuel Burning Equipment, submitted on November 19, 1979. [43 FR 25677, 25684 June 14, 1978, as amended at 43 FR 35696, Aug. 11, 1978; 43 FR 51774, Nov. 7, 1978; 43 FR 59490, Dec. 21, 1978; 44 FR 5664, Jan. 29, 1979; 46 FR 3889, Jan. 16, 1981; 46 FR 27116, 27118, May 18, 1981; 47 FR 25016, June 9, 1982]