(a) Approval. On November 16, 2007, the California Air Resources Board submitted the ``Interstate Transport State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the 1997 8-hour Ozone Standard and PM2.5 to satisfy the Requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the State of California (September 21, 2007)'' (``2007 Transport SIP''). The 2007 Transport SIP and the additional plan elements listed below meet the following specific requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 1997 8-hour ozone and 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS (``1997 standards'').
(1) The requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) regarding interference with other states' measures to protect visibility for the 1997 standards are met by chapter 3 (Emissions Inventory), chapter 4 (California 2018 Progress Strategy), and chapter 8 (Consultation) of the ``California Regional Haze Plan,'' adopted January 22, 2009.
(2) The requirements of CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) regarding significant contribution to nonattainment of the 1997 standards in any other State and interference with maintenance of the 1997 standards by any other State.
(3) The requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) regarding interference with any other state's measures required under title I, part C of the Clean Air Act to prevent significant deterioration of air quality, except that these requirements are not fully met in the Air Pollution Control Districts (APCDs) or Air Quality Management Districts (AQMDs) listed in ths paragraph.
(i) Amador County APCD
(ii) Butte County AQMD
(iii) Calaveras County APCD
(iv) Feather River AQMD
(v) Northern Sierra AQMD
(vi) Mariposa County APCD
(vii) Tuolumne County APCD
(viii) North Coast Unified AQMD
(ix) All other areas in California that are subject to the Federal PSD program as provided in 40 CFR 52.270.
(b) [Reserved] [76 FR 34611, June 14, 2011, as amended at 76 FR 34876, June 15, 2011; 76 FR 48006, Aug. 8, 2011]