(a) Plan disapprovals. The provisions of this section are applicable to any State implementation plan which has been disapproved for not meeting the requirements of 40 CFR 51.306 regarding the development, periodic review, and revision of visibility long-term strategies. Specific disapprovals are listed where applicable in Subparts B through DDD of this part. The provisions of this section have been incorporated into the applicable implementation plan for various States, as provided in Subparts B through DDD of this part.
(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, all terms shall have the meaning as ascribed to them in the Clean Air Act, or in the protection of visibility program (40 CFR 51.301).
(c) Long-term strategy. (1) A long-term strategy is a 10- to 15-year plan for making reasonable progress toward the national goal specified in Sec. 51.300(a). This strategy will cover any existing impairment certified by the Federal land manager and any integral vista which has been identified according to Sec. 51.304.
(1) A long-term strategy is a 10- to 15-year plan for making reasonable progress toward the national goal specified in Sec. 51.300(a). This strategy will cover any existing impairment certified by the Federal land manager and any integral vista which has been identified according to Sec. 51.304.
(2) The Administrator shall review, and revise if appropriate, the long-term strategies developed for each visibility protection area. The review and revisions will be completed no less frequently than every 3 years from November 24, 1987.
(3) During the long-term strategy review process, the Administrator shall consult with the Federal land managers responsible for the appropriate mandatory Class I Federal areas, and will coordinate long-term strategy development for an area with existing plans and goals, including those provided by the Federal land managers.
(4) The Administrator shall prepare a report on any progress made toward the national visibility goal since the last long-term strategy revisions. A report will be made available to the public not less frequently than 3 years from November 24, 1987. This report must include an assessment of:
(i) The progress achieved in remedying existing impairment of visibility in any mandatory Class I Federal area;
(ii) The ability of the long-term strategy to prevent future impairment of visibility in any mandatory Class I Federal area;
(iii) Any change in visibility since the last such report, or in the case of the first report, since plan approval;
(iv) Additional measures, including the need for SIP revisions, that may be necessary to assure reasonable progress toward the national visibility goal;
(v) The progress achieved in implementing best available retrofit technology (BART) and meeting other schedules set forth in the long-term strategy;
(vi) The impact of any exemption granted under Sec. 51.303;
(vii) The need for BART to remedy existing visibility impairment of any integral vista identified pursuant to Sec. 51.304.
(d) Delegation of authority. The Administrator may delegate with respect to a particular visibility protection area any of his functions under this section, except the making of regulations, to any State or local air pollution control agency of any State whose boundaries encompass that area. [52 FR 45137, Nov. 24, 1987]