The following table presents the latest dates by which the national standards are to be attained. The dates reflect the information presented in Connecticut's plan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Air quality control region SO2
------------------------ PM10 NO2 CO O3
Primary Secondary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AQCR 41: Eastern Connecticut Intrastate (See 40 CFR (\a\) (\b\) (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\d\)
81.183)............................................AQCR 42: Hartford-New Haven-Springfield Interstate
Area (See 40 CFR 81.26)............................
All portions except City of New Haven........... (\a\) (\b\) (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\d\)
City of New Haven............................... (\a\) (\b\) (\c\) (\a\) (\a\) (\d\)AQCR 43: New Jersey-New York-Connecticut Interstate (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\d\)
Area (See 40 CFR 81.13)............................AQCR 44: Northwestern Connecticut Intrastate (See 40 (\a\) (\b\) (\a\) (\a\) (\a\) (\d\)
CFR 81.184)........................................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. Air quality levels presently below primary standards or area is unclassifiable.b. Air quality levels presently below secondary standards or area is unclassifiable.c. December 31, 1996 (two 1-year extensions granted).d. November 15, 2007. [45 FR 84787, Dec. 23, 1980, as amended at 61 FR 38576, July 25, 1996; 62 FR 14331, Mar. 26, 1997; 64 FR 12013, Mar. 10, 1999; 66 FR 663, Jan. 3, 2001]