The following table presents the latest dates by which the national standards are to be attained. The dates reflect the information presented in Kentucky's plan, except where noted. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Air quality control region Particulate matter Sulfur oxides
-------------------------------------------- Nitrogen Carbon Ozone
Primary Secondary Primary Secondary dioxide monoxide----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Appalachian Intrastate:
a. Bell County................... g h b b b b b
b. Perry County.................. g h b b b b b
c. Whitley County................ g h b b b b b
d. Rest of AQCR.................. c c b b b b bBluegrass Intrastate:
a. Fayette County................ a c b b b b g
b. Madison County................ g h b b b b b
c. Rest of AQCR.................. a c b b b b bEvansville (Indiana)-Ownsboro-
Henderson (Kentucky) Interstate:
a. Daviess County................ g i g g b b b
b. Henderson County.............. g i a e b b g
c. Webster County................ c c g g b b b
d. Rest of AQCR.................. c c a e b b bHuntington (West Virginia)-Ashland
(Ohio) Interstate:
a. Boyd County................... g i g b b b g
b. Lawrence County............... g h b b b b b
c. Rest of AQCR.................. c c b b b b bLouisville Interstate.............. g i j j b h hMetropolitan Cincinnati Interstate:
a. Boone County.................. c c a d b d h
b. Campbell County............... g h a d b d h
c. Kenton County................. c c a d b d h
d. Rest of AQCR.................. c c a d b d cNorth Central Kentucky Intrastate:
a. Bullitt County................ g h b b b b b
b. Rest of AQCR.................. a c b b b b bPaducah (Kentucky) Cairo (Illinois)
a. McCracken County.............. g h g f b b b
b. Marshall County............... c g a f b b b
c. Muhlenberg County............. g h g g b b b
d. Rest of AQCR.................. c c a f b b b
South Central Kentucky Intrastate.. b b b b b b b----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See Sec. 81.318 of this chapter to identify the specific nonattainment area.
Note: Dates or footnotes in italics are prescribed by the Administrator because the plan did not provide a
specific date or the dates provided were not acceptable. Sources subject to plan requirements and attainment
dates established under section 110(a)(2)(A) prior to the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments remain obligated to
comply with those requirements by the earlier deadlines. The earlier attainment dates are set out at 40 CFR
52.926 (1979 edition).
a. Air quality levels presently below primary standards or area is unclassifiable.b. Air quality levels presently below secondary standards or area is unclassifiable.c. April 1975.d. July 1975.e. July 1977.f. July 1978.g. December 31, 1982.h. December 31, 1987.i. 18 month extension for plan submittal granted: attainment date not yet established.j. January 1, 1985. [45 FR 85002, Dec. 24, 1980]