Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 55  /  Sec. 55.15 Specific designation of corresponding onshore areas.

(a) California.

(1) The South Coast Air Quality Management District is designated as the COA for the following OCS facilities: Edith, Ellen, Elly, and Eureka.

(2) The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District is designated as the COA for the following OCS facilities: Grace, Gilda, Gail and Gina.

(3) The Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District is designated as the COA for the following OCS facilities: Habitat, Hacienda, Harmony, Harvest, Heather, Henry, Heritage, Hermosa, Hidalgo, Hillhouse, Hogan, Houchin, Hondo, Irene, Independence (formerly Iris), the OS and T, and Union A, B, and C.

(b) [Reserved] [58 FR 14159, Mar. 16, 1993]

Sec. Appendix A to Part 55--Listing of State and Local Requirements

Incorporated by Reference Into Part 55, by State

This appendix lists the titles of the State and local requirements that are contained within the documents incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 55.


(a) State requirements.

(1) The following State of Alaska requirements are applicable to OCS Sources, December 9, 2010, Alaska Administrative Code--Department of Environmental Conservation. The following sections of Title 18, Chapter 50:

Article 1. Ambient Air Quality Management 18 AAC 50.005. Purpose and Applicability of Chapter (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.010. Ambient Air Quality Standards (effective 04/01/2010)18 AAC 50.015. Air Quality Designations, Classification, and Control Regions (effective 12/09/2010) except (b)(1), (b)(3) and (d)(2)

Table 1. Air Quality Classifications 18 AAC 50.020. Baseline Dates and Maximum Allowable Increases (effective 07/25/2008)

Table 2. Baseline Dates

Table 3. Maximum Allowable Increases 18 AAC 50.025. Visibility and Other Special Protection Areas (effective 06/21/1998)18 AAC 50.030. State Air Quality Control Plan (effective 10/29/2010)18 AAC 50.035. Documents, Procedures, and Methods Adopted by Reference (effective 04/01/2010)18 AAC 50.040. Federal Standards Adopted by Reference (effective12/09/2010) except (h)(2)18 AAC 50.045. Prohibitions (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.050. Incinerator Emissions Standards (effective 07/25/2008)

Table 4. Particulate Matter Standards for Incinerators 18 AAC 50.055. Industrial Processes and Fuel-Burning Equipment (effective 12/09/2010) except (a)(3) through (a)(9), (b)(2)(A), (b)(3) through (b)(6), (e) and (f)18 AAC 50.065. Open Burning (effective 01/18/1997)18 AAC 50.070. Marine Vessel Visible Emission Standards (effective 06/21/1998)18 AAC 50.075. Wood-Fired Heating Device Visible Emission Standards (effective 05/06/2009)18 AAC 50.080. Ice Fog Standards (effective 01/18/1997)18 AAC 50.085. Volatile Liquid Storage Tank Emission Standards (effective 01/18/1997)18 AAC 50.090. Volatile Liquid Loading Racks and Delivery Tank Emission Standards (effective 07/25/2008)18 AAC 50.100. Nonroad Engines (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.110. Air Pollution Prohibited (effective 05/26/1972)

Article 2. Program Administration 18 AAC 50.200. Information Requests (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.201. Ambient Air Quality Investigation (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.205. Certification (effective 10/01/2004) except (b)18 AAC 50.215. Ambient Air Quality Analysis Methods (effective 10/29/2010)

Table 5. Significant Impact Levels (SILs) 18 AAC 50.220. Enforceable Test Methods (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.225 Owner-Requested Limits (effective 12/09/2010) except (c) through (g)18 AAC 50.230. Preapproved Emission Limits (effective 07/01/2010) except (d)18 AAC 50.235. Unavoidable Emergencies and Malfunctions (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.240. Excess Emissions (effective 10/01/2004)18 AAC 50.245. Air Episodes and Advisories (effective 10/01/2004)

Table 6. Concentrations Triggering an Air Episode

(i)(3), (j)(5), (j)(6), (k)(1), (k)(3), (k)(5), and (k)(6)18 AAC 50.345. Construction, Minor and Operating Permits: Standard Permit Conditions (effective 11/09/2008)18 AAC 50.346. Construction and Operating Permits: Other Permit Conditions (effective 12/09/2010)

(1), (k)(3), (k)(5), and (k)(6)18 AAC 50.345. Construction, Minor and Operating Permits: Standard Permit Conditions (effective 11/09/2008)18 AAC 50.346. Construction and Operating Permits: Other Permit Conditions (effective 12/09/2010)

Table 7. Standard Operating Permit Condition

(a)(2), (a)(5), (j)(2) through (j)(5), (j)(8), and (j)(13)18 AAC 50.403. Negotiated Service Agreements (effective 07/01/2010)18 AAC 50.410. Emission Fees (effective 07/10/2010)18 AAC 50.499. Definition for User Fee Requirements (effective 01/29/2005)

(1) through (b)(3), (b)(5), (d)(1)(A) and (d)(2)(A)18 AAC 50.508. Minor Permits Requested by the Owner or Operator (effective 12/07/2010)18 AAC 50.510. Minor Permit--Title V Permit Interface (effective 12/09/2010)18 AAC 50.540. Minor Permit: Application (effective 12/09/2010)18 AAC 50.542. Minor Permit: Review and Issuance (effective 12/09/2010) except (a), (b), (c), and (d)18 AAC 50.544. Minor Permits: Content (effective 12/09/2010)18 AAC 50.560. General Minor Permits (effective 10/01/2004) except (b)

Article 9. General Provisions 18 AAC 50.990. Definitions (effective 12/09/2010)


(a) State requirements.

(1) The following requirements are contained in State of California Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2006:

Barclays California Code of Regulations

The following sections of Title 17 Subchapter 6: 17 Sec. 92000--Definitions (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92100--Scope and Policy (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92200--Visible Emission Standards (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92210--Nuisance Prohibition (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92220--Compliance with Performance Standards (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92400--Visible Evaluation Techniques (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92500--General Provisions (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92510--Pavement Marking (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92520--Stucco and Concrete (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92530--Certified Abrasive (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 92540--Stucco and Concrete (Adopted 5/31/91)17 Sec. 93115--Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Stationary Compression

Ignition Engines (Adopted 2/26/04)

Health and Safety Code

The following section of Division 26, Part 4, Chapter 4, Article 1:

Health and Safety Code Sec. 42301.13 of seq. Stationary sources: demolition or removal (chaptered 7/25/96)

(b) Local requirements.

(1)-(4) [Reserved]

(5) The following requirements are contained in San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2000:Rule 103 Conflicts Between District, State and Federal Rules (Adopted 8/6/76)Rule 105 Definitions (Adopted 1/24/96) Rule 106 Standard Conditions (Adopted 8/6/76)Rule 108 Severability (Adopted 11/13/84)Rule 113 Continuous Emissions Monitoring, except F. (Adopted 7/5/77)Rule 201 Equipment not Requiring a Permit, except A.1.b. (Revised 4/26/95)Rule 202 Permits, except A.4. and A.8. (Adopted 11/5/91)Rule 203 Applications, except B. (Adopted 11/5/91)Rule 204 Requirements, except B.3. and C. (Adopted 8/10/93)Rule 209 Provision for Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 11/5/91)Rule 210 Periodic Inspection, Testing and Renewal of Permits to Operate (Adopted 11/5/91)Rule 213 Calculations, except E.4. and F. (Adopted 8/10/93)Rule 302 Schedule of Fees (Adopted 6/18/97)Rule 305 Fees for Major Non-Vehicular Sources (Adopted 9/15/92)Rule 401 Visible Emissions (Adopted 8/6/76)Rule 403 Particulate Matter Emissions (Adopted 8/6/76)Rule 404 Sulfur Compounds Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Revised 12/6/76)Rule 405 Nitrogen Oxides Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 11/16/93)Rule 406 Carbon Monoxide Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 11/14/84)Rule 407 Organic Material Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 5/22/96)Rule 411 Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 1/28/98)Rule 416 Degreasing Operations (Adopted 6/18/79)Rule 417 Control of Fugitive Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (Adopted 2/9/93)Rule 419 Petroleum Pits, Ponds, Sumps, Well Cellars, and Wastewater Separators (Revised 7/12/94)Rule 422 Refinery Process Turnarounds (Adopted 6/18/79)Rule 425 Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds (Adopted 7/12/94)Rule 427 Marine Tanker Loading (Adopted 4/26/95)Rule 429 Oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Electric Power Generation Boilers (Revised 11/12/97)Rule 430 Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial, Institutional, Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 7/26/95)Rule 431 Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 11/13/96)Rule 501 General Burning Provisions (Adopted 1/10/89)Rule 503 Incinerator Burning, except B.1.a. (Adopted 2/7/89)Rule 601 New Source Performance Standards (Adopted 5/28/97)

(6) The following requirements are contained in Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources: Rule 102 Definitions (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 103 Severability (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 106 Notice to Comply for Minor Violations (Repealed 01/01/2001)Rule 107 Emergencies (Adopted 04/19/01)Rule 201 Permits Required (Adopted 06/19/08)Rule 202 Exemptions to Rule 201 (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 203 Transfer (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 204 Applications (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 205 Standards for Granting Permits (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 206 Conditional Approval of Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate (Adopted 10/15/91)Rule 207 Denial of Application (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 210 Fees (Adopted 03/17/05)Rule 212 Emission Statements (Adopted 10/20/92)Rule 301 Circumvention (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 302 Visible Emissions (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 304 Particulate Matter-Northern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 305 Particulate Matter Concentration-Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 306 Dust and Fumes-Northern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 307 Particulate Matter Emission Weight Rate-Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 308 Incinerator Burning (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 309 Specific Contaminants (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 310 Odorous Organic Sulfides (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 311 Sulfur Content of Fuels (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 312 Open Fires (Adopted 10/02/90)Rule 316 Storage and Transfer of Gasoline (Adopted 01/15/09)Rule 317 Organic Solvents (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 318 Vacuum Producing Devices or Systems-Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 321 Solvent Cleaning Operations (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 322 Metal Surface Coating Thinner and Reducer (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 323 Architectural Coatings (Adopted 11/15/01)Rule 324 Disposal and Evaporation of Solvents (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 325 Crude Oil Production and Separation (Adopted 07/19/01)Rule 326 Storage of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids (Adopted 01/18/01)Rule 327 Organic Liquid Cargo Tank Vessel Loading (Adopted 12/16/85) Rule 328 Continuous Emission Monitoring (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 330 Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 331 Fugitive Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (Adopted 12/10/91)Rule 332 Petroleum Refinery Vacuum Producing Systems, Wastewater Separators and Process Turnarounds (Adopted 06/11/79)Rule 333 Control of Emissions from Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 06/19/08)Rule 342 Control of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) from Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters) (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 343 Petroleum Storage Tank Degassing (Adopted 12/14/93)Rule 344 Petroleum Sumps, Pits, and Well Cellars (Adopted 11/10/94)Rule 346 Loading of Organic Liquid Cargo Vessels (Adopted 01/18/01)Rule 349 Polyester Resin Operations (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 352 Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Residential Water Heaters (Adopted 10/20/11)Rule 353 Adhesives and Sealants (Adopted 06/21/12)Rule 359 Flares and Thermal Oxidizers (Adopted 06/28/94)Rule 360 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Large Water Heaters and Small Boilers (Adopted 10/17/02)Rule 361 Small Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 01/17/08)Rule 370 Potential to Emit--Limitations for Part 70 Sources (Adopted 01/20/11)Rule 505 Breakdown Conditions Sections A.,B.1,. and D. only (Adopted 10/23/78)Rule 603 Emergency Episode Plans (Adopted 06/15/81)Rule 702 General Conformity (Adopted 10/20/94)Rule 801 New Source Review (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 802 Nonattainment Review (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 803 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 804 Emission Offsets (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 805 Air Quality Impact Analysis and Modeling (Adopted 04/17/97)Rule 808 New Source Review for Major Sources of Hazardous Air Pollutants (Adopted 05/20/99)Rule 810 Federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) (Adopted 01/20/11)Rule 1301 Part 70 Operating Permits--General Information (Adopted 01/20/11)Rule 1302 Part 70 Operating Permits--Permit Application (Adopted 11/09/93)Rule 1303 Part 70 Operating Permits--Permits (Adopted 11/09/93)Rule 1304 Part 70 Operating Permits--Issuance, Renewal, Modification and Reopening (Adopted 11/09/93)Rule 1305 Part 70 Operating Permits--Enforcement (Adopted 11/09/93)

(7) The following requirements are contained in South Coast Air Quality Management District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources (Parts I, II and III): Rule 102 Definition of Terms (Adopted 12/3/04)Rule 103 Definition of Geographical Areas (Adopted 01/9/76)Rule 104 Reporting of Source Test Data and Analyses (Adopted 01/9/76)Rule 108 Alternative Emission Control Plans (Adopted 04/6/90)Rule 109 Recordkeeping for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions (Adopted 08/18/00)Rule 112 Definition of Minor Violation and Guidelines for Issuance of Notice to Comply (Adopted 11/13/98)Rule 118 Emergencies (Adopted 12/07/95)Rule 201 Permit to Construct (Adopted 12/03/04)Rule 201.1 Permit Conditions in Federally Issued Permits to Construct (Adopted 12/03/04)Rule 202 Temporary Permit to Operate (Adopted 12/03/04)Rule 203 Permit to Operate (Adopted 12/03/04)Rule 204 Permit Conditions (Adopted 03/6/92)Rule 205 Expiration of Permits to Construct (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 206 Posting of Permit to Operate (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 207 Altering or Falsifying of Permit (Adopted 01/09/76)Rule 208 Permit and Burn Authorization for Open Burning (Adopted 12/21/01)Rule 209 Transfer and Voiding of Permits (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 210 Applications (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 212 Standards for Approving Permits (Adopted 12/07/95) except (c)(3) and (e)Rule 214 Denial of Permits (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 217 Provisions for Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 01/05/90)Rule 218 Continuous Emission Monitoring (Adopted 05/14/99)Rule 218.1 Continuous Emission Monitoring Performance Specifications (Adopted 05/14/99)Rule 218.1 Attachment A--Supplemental and Alternative CEMS Performance Requirements (Adopted 05/14/99)Rule 219 Equipment Not Requiring a Written Permit Pursuant to Regulation II (Adopted 6/1/07)Rule 220 Exemption--Net Increase in Emissions (Adopted 08/07/81)Rule 221 Plans (Adopted 01/04/85)Rule 301 Permitting and Associated Fees (Adopted 5/2/08) except (e)(7)and Table IVRule 303 Hearing Board Fees (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 304 Equipment, Materials, and Ambient Air Analyses (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 304.1 Analyses Fees (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 305 Fees for Acid Deposition (Rescinded 6/9/06) Rule 306 Plan Fees (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 309 Fees for Regulation XVI (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 313 Authority to Adjust Fees and Due Dates (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 401 Visible Emissions (Adopted 11/09/01)Rule 403 Fugitive Dust (Adopted 06/03/05)Rule 404 Particulate Matter--Concentration (Adopted 02/07/86)Rule 405 Solid Particulate Matter--Weight (Adopted 02/07/86)Rule 407 Liquid and Gaseous Air Contaminants (Adopted 04/02/82)Rule 408 Circumvention (Adopted 05/07/76)Rule 409 Combustion Contaminants (Adopted 08/07/81)Rule 429 Start-Up and Shutdown Exemption Provisions for Oxides of Nitrogen (Adopted 12/21/90)Rule 430 Breakdown Provisions, (a) and (b) only (Adopted 07/12/96)Rule 431.1 Sulfur Content of Gaseous Fuels (Adopted 06/12/98)Rule 431.2 Sulfur Content of Liquid Fuels (Adopted 09/15/00)Rule 431.3 Sulfur Content of Fossil Fuels (Adopted 05/7/76)Rule 441 Research Operations (Adopted 05/7/76)Rule 442 Usage of Solvents (Adopted 12/15/00)Rule 444 Open Burning (Adopted 12/21/01)Rule 463 Organic Liquid Storage (Adopted 05/06/05)Rule 465 Refinery Vacuum-Producing Devices or Systems (Adopted 08/13/99)Rule 468 Sulfur Recovery Units (Adopted 10/08/76)Rule 473 Disposal of Solid and Liquid Wastes (Adopted 05/07/76)Rule 474 Fuel Burning Equipment-Oxides of Nitrogen (Adopted 12/04/81)Rule 475 Electric Power Generating Equipment (Adopted 08/07/78)Rule 476 Steam Generating Equipment (Adopted 10/08/76)Rule 480 Natural Gas Fired Control Devices (Adopted 10/07/77) Addendum to Regulation IV (Effective 1977)Rule 518 Variance Procedures for Title V Facilities (Adopted 08/11/95)Rule 518.1 Permit Appeal Procedures for Title V Facilities (Adopted 08/11/95)Rule 518.2 Federal Alternative Operating Conditions (Adopted 12/21/01)Rule 701 Air Pollution Emergency Contingency Actions (Adopted 06/13/97)Rule 702 Definitions (Adopted 07/11/80)Rule 708 Plans (Rescinded 09/08/95)

Regulation IX Standard of Performance For New Stationary Sources (Adopted 4/4/08)

Regulation X National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Adopted 4/4/08)Rule 1105.1 Reduction of PM 10 And Ammonia Emissions From Fluid Catalytic Cracking Units (Adopted 11/07/03)Rule 1106 Marine Coating Operations (Adopted 01/13/95)Rule 1107 Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 1/6/06)Rule 1109 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen for Boilers and Process Heaters in Petroleum Refineries (Adopted 08/05/88)Rule 1110 Emissions from Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (Demonstration) (Repealed 11/14/97)Rule 1110.1 Emissions from Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (Rescinded 06/03/05)Rule 1110.2 Emissions from Gaseous-and Liquid Fueled Engines (Adopted 2/1/08)Rule 1113 Architectural Coatings (Adopted 7/13/07)Rule 1116.1 Lightering Vessel Operations-Sulfur Content of Bunker Fuel (Adopted 10/20/78)Rule 1121 Control of Nitrogen Oxides from Residential-Type Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters (Adopted 09/03/04)Rule 1122 Solvent Degreasers (Adopted 10/01/04)Rule 1123 Refinery Process Turnarounds (Adopted 12/07/90)Rule 1129 Aerosol Coatings (Rescinded 03/08/96)Rule 1132 Further Control of VOC Emissions from High-Emitting Spray Booth Facilities (Adopted 5/5/06)Rule 1134 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Stationary Gas Turbines (Adopted 08/08/97)Rule 1136 Wood Products Coatings (Adopted 06/14/96)Rule 1137 PM10 Emission Reductions from Woodworking Operations (Adopted 02/01/02)Rule 1140 Abrasive Blasting (Adopted 08/02/85)Rule 1142 Marine Tank Vessel Operations (Adopted 07/19/91)Rule 1146 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial, Institutional, and Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 9/5/08)Rule 1146.1 Emission of Oxides of Nitrogen from Small Industrial, Institutional, and Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 9/5/08)Rule 1146.2 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Large Water Heaters and Small Boilers (Adopted 5/5/06)Rule 1148 Thermally Enhanced Oil Recovery Wells (Adopted 11/05/82)Rule 1149 Storage Tank Cleaning And Degassing (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 1162 Polyester Resin Operations (Adopted 7/8/05)Rule 1168 Adhesive and Sealant Applications (Adopted 01/07/05)Rule 1171 Solvent Cleaning Operations (Adopted 2/1/08)Rule 1173 Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Leaks and Releases From Components At Petroleum Facilities and Chemical Plants (Adopted 6/1/07)Rule 1176 VOC Emissions from Wastewater Systems (Adopted 09/13/96) Rule 1178 Further Reductions of VOC Emissions from Storage Tanks at Petroleum Facilities (Adopted 4/7/06)Rule 1301 General (Adopted 12/07/95)Rule 1302 Definitions (Adopted 12/06/02)Rule 1303 Requirements (Adopted 12/06/02)Rule 1304 Exemptions (Adopted 06/14/96)Rule 1306 Emission Calculations (Adopted 12/06/02)Rule 1309.1 Priority Reserve (Replaced 8/3/07)Rule 1313 Permits to Operate (Adopted 12/07/95)Rule 1315 Federal New Source Review Tracking System (Readopted) (Adopted 8/3/07)Rule 1403 Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities (Adopted 10/5/07)Rule 1470 Requirements for Stationary Diesel-Fueled Internal Combustion and Other Compression Ignition Engines (Adopted 6/1/07)Rule 1472 Requirements for Facilities with Multiple Stationary Emergency Standby Diesel-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 3/7/08)Rule 1605 Credits for the Voluntary Repair of On-Road Motor Vehicles Identified Through Remote Sensing Devices (Adopted 10/11/96)Rule 1612 Credits for Clean On-Road Vehicles (Adopted 07/10/98)Rule 1612.1 Mobile Source Credit Generation Pilot Program (Adopted 03/16/01)Rule 1620 Credits for Clean Off-Road Mobile Equipment (Adopted 07/10/98)Rule 1701 General (Adopted 08/13/99)Rule 1702 Definitions (Adopted 08/13/99)Rule 1703 PSD Analysis (Adopted 10/07/88)Rule 1704 Exemptions (Adopted 08/13/99)Rule 1706 Emission Calculations (Adopted 08/13/99)Rule 1713 Source Obligation (Adopted 10/07/88)Regulation XVII Appendix (effective 1977)Rule 1901 General Conformity (Adopted 09/09/94)Regulation XX Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (Reclaim)Rule 2000 General (Adopted 05/06/05)Rule 2001 Applicability (Adopted 05/06/05)Rule 2002 Allocations for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) and Oxides of Sulfur (SOX) (Adopted 01/07/05)Rule 2004 Requirements (Adopted 4/6/07) except (l)Rule 2005 New Source Review for RECLAIM (Adopted 05/06/05) except (i)Rule 2006 Permits (Adopted 05/11/01)Rule 2007 Trading Requirements (Adopted 4/6/07)Rule 2008 Mobile Source Credits (Adopted 10/15/93)Rule 2009 Compliance Plan for Power Producing Facilities (Adopted 01/07/05)Rule 2010 Administrative Remedies and Sanctions (Adopted 4/6/07)Rule 2011 Requirements for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Sulfur (SOX) Emissions (Adopted 05/06/05)Appendix A Volume IV--(Protocol for Oxides of Sulfur) (Adopted 05/06/05)Rule 2012 Requirements for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) Emissions (Adopted 05/06/05)Appendix A Volume V--(Protocol for Oxides of Nitrogen) (Adopted 05/06/05)Rule 2015 Backstop Provisions (Adopted 06/04/04) except (b)(1)(G) and (b)(3)(B)Rule 2020 RECLAIM Reserve (Adopted 05/11/01)Rule 2100 Registration of Portable Equipment (Adopted 07/11/97)Rule 2449 Controls of Oxides of Nitrogen Emissions from Off-Road Diesel Vehicles (Adopted 5/2/08)Rule 2506 Area Source Credits for NOX and SOX (Adopted 12/10/99)XXX Title V PermitsRule 3000 General (Adopted 11/14/97)Rule 3001 Applicability (Adopted 11/14/97)Rule 3002 Requirements (Adopted 11/14/97)Rule 3003 Applications (Adopted 03/16/01)Rule 3004 Permit Types and Content (Adopted 12/12/97)Rule 3005 Permit Revisions (Adopted 03/16/01)Rule 3006 Public Participation (Adopted 11/14/97)Rule 3007 Effect of Permit (Adopted 10/08/93)Rule 3008 Potential To Emit Limitations (Adopted 03/16/01)XXXI Acid Rain Permit Program (Adopted 02/10/95)

(8) The following requirements are contained in Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources: Rule 2 Definitions (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 5 Effective Date (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 6 Severability (Adopted 11/21/78)Rule 7 Zone Boundaries (Adopted 06/14/77)Rule 10 Permits Required (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 11 Definition for Regulation II (Adopted 03/14/06)Rule 12 Applications for Permits (Adopted 06/13/95)Rule 13 Action on Applications for an Authority to Construct (Adopted

06/13/95)Rule 14 Action on Applications for a Permit to Operate (Adopted 06/13/

95)Rule 15.1 Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 10/12/93)Rule 16 BACT Certification (Adopted 06/13/95)Rule 19 Posting of Permits (Adopted 05/23/72)Rule 20 Transfer of Permit (Adopted 05/23/72)Rule 23 Exemptions from Permits (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 24 Source Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Emission Statements

(Adopted 09/15/92) Rule 26 New Source Review--General (Adopted 03/14/06)Rule 26.1 New Source Review--Definitions (Adopted 11/14/06)Rule 26.2 New Source Review--Requirements (Adopted 05/14/02)Rule 26.3 New Source Review--Exemptions (Adopted 03/14/06)Rule 26.6 New Source Review--Calculations (Adopted 03/14/06)Rule 26.8 New Source Review--Permit To Operate (Adopted 10/22/91)Rule 26.10 New Source Review--PSD (Repealed 06/28/11)Rule 26.11 New Source Review--ERC Evaluation At Time of Use (Adopted 05/

14/02)Rule 26.12 Federal Major Modifications (Adopted 06/27/06)Rule 26.13 New Source Review--Prevention of Significant Deterioration

(Adopted 06/28/11)Rule 28 Revocation of Permits (Adopted 07/18/72)Rule 29 Conditions on Permits (Adopted 03/14/06)Rule 30 Permit Renewal (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 32 Breakdown Conditions: Emergency Variances, A., B.1., and D.

only. (Adopted 02/20/79)Rule 33 Part 70 Permits--General (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 33.1 Part 70 Permits--Definitions (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 33.2 Part 70 Permits--Application Contents (Adopted 04/10/01)Rule 33.3 Part 70 Permits--Permit Content (Adopted 09/12/06)Rule 33.4 Part 70 Permits--Operational Flexibility (Adopted 04/10/01)Rule 33.5 Part 70 Permits--Time frames for Applications, Review and

Issuance (Adopted 10/12/93)Rule 33.6 Part 70 Permits--Permit Term and Permit Reissuance (Adopted

10/12/93)Rule 33.7 Part 70 Permits--Notification (Adopted 04/10/01)Rule 33.8 Part 70 Permits--Reopening of Permits (Adopted 10/12/93)Rule 33.9 Part 70 Permits--Compliance Provisions (Adopted 04/10/01)Rule 33.10 Part 70 Permits--General Part 70 Permits (Adopted 10/12/93)Rule 34 Acid Deposition Control (Adopted 03/14/95)Rule 35 Elective Emission Limits (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 36 New Source Review--Hazardous Air Pollutants (Adopted 10/06/98)Rule 42 Permit Fees (Adopted 04/12/11)Rule 44 Exemption Evaluation Fee (Adopted 04/08/08)Rule 45 Plan Fees (Adopted 06/19/90)Rule 45.2 Asbestos Removal Fees (Adopted 08/04/92)Rule 47 Source Test, Emission Monitor, and Call-Back Fees (Adopted 06/

22/99)Rule 50 Opacity (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 52 Particulate Matter--Concentration (Grain Loading) (Adopted 04/

13/04)Rule 53 Particulate Matter--Process Weight (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 54 Sulfur Compounds (Adopted 06/14/94)Rule 56 Open Burning (Adopted 11/11/03)Rule 57 Incinerators (Adopted 01/11/05)Rule 57.1 Particulate Matter Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment

(Adopted 01/11/05)Rule 62.7 Asbestos--Demolition and Renovation (Adopted 09/01/92)Rule 63 Separation and Combination of Emissions (Adopted 11/21/78)Rule 64 Sulfur Content of Fuels (Adopted 04/13/99)Rule 67 Vacuum Producing Devices (Adopted 07/05/83)Rule 68 Carbon Monoxide (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 71 Crude Oil and Reactive Organic Compound Liquids (Adopted 12/13/

94)Rule 71.1 Crude Oil Production and Separation (Adopted 06/16/92)Rule 71.2 Storage of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids (Adopted 09/26/

89)Rule 71.3 Transfer of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids (Adopted 06/16/

92)Rule 71.4 Petroleum Sumps, Pits, Ponds, and Well Cellars (Adopted 06/08/

93)Rule 71.5 Glycol Dehydrators (Adopted 12/13/94)Rule 72 New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) (Adopted 09/9/08)Rule 73 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

(NESHAPS) (Adopted 09/9/08)Rule 74 Specific Source Standards (Adopted 07/06/76)Rule 74.1 Abrasive Blasting (Adopted 11/12/91)Rule 74.2 Architectural Coatings (Adopted 01/12/10)Rule 74.6 Surface Cleaning and Degreasing (Adopted 11/11/03--effective

07/01/04)Rule 74.6.1 Batch Loaded Vapor Degreasers (Adopted 11/11/03--effective

07/01/04)Rule 74.7 Fugitive Emissions of Reactive Organic Compounds at Petroleum

Refineries and Chemical Plants (Adopted 10/10/95)Rule 74.8 Refinery Vacuum Producing Systems, Waste-water Separators and

Process Turnarounds (Adopted 07/05/83)Rule 74.9 Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 11/08/05)Rule 74.10 Components at Crude Oil Production Facilities and Natural Gas

Production and Processing Facilities (Adopted 03/10/98)Rule 74.11 Natural Gas-Fired Residential Water Heaters--Control of

NOX (Adopted 05/11/10)Rule 74.11.1 Large Water Heaters and Small Boilers (Adopted 09/14/99)Rule 74.12 Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 04/08/

08) Rule 74.15 Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters (Adopted 11/08/

94)Rule 74.15.1 Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters (Adopted 06/

13/00)Rule 74.16 Oil Field Drilling Operations (Adopted 01/08/91)Rule 74.20 Adhesives and Sealants (Adopted 01/11/05)Rule 74.23 Stationary Gas Turbines (Adopted 1/08/02)Rule 74.24 Marine Coating Operations (Adopted 11/11/03)Rule 74.24.1 Pleasure Craft Coating and Commercial Boatyard Operations

(Adopted 01/08/02)Rule 74.26 Crude Oil Storage Tank Degassing Operations (Adopted 11/08/

94)Rule 74.27 Gasoline and ROC Liquid Storage Tank Degassing Operations

(Adopted 11/08/94)Rule 74.28 Asphalt Roofing Operations (Adopted 05/10/94)Rule 74.30 Wood Products Coatings (Adopted 06/27/06)Rule 75 Circumvention (Adopted 11/27/78)Rule 101 Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 05/23/72)Rule 102 Source Tests (Adopted 04/13/04)Rule 103 Continuous Monitoring Systems (Adopted 02/09/99)Rule 154 Stage 1 Episode Actions (Adopted 09/17/91)Rule 155 Stage 2 Episode Actions (Adopted 09/17/91)Rule 156 Stage 3 Episode Actions (Adopted 09/17/91)Rule 158 Source Abatement Plans (Adopted 09/17/91)Rule 159 Traffic Abatement Procedures (Adopted 09/17/91)Rule 220 General Conformity (Adopted 05/09/95)Rule 230 Notice to Comply (Adopted 9/9/08)


(a) State requirements.

(1) The following State of Delaware requirements are applicable to OCS Sources, December 19, 2008, State of Delaware--Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. The following sections of 7 DE Admin. Code 1100--Air Quality Management Section:

7 DE Admin. Code 1101: Definitions and Administrative Principles Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 09/11/1999)Section 3.0: Administrative Principles (02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Abbreviations (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1102: Permits Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 06/11/2006)Section 2.0: Applicability (Effective 06/11/2006)Section 3.0: Application/Registration Prepared by Interested Party (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 4.0: Cancellation of Construction Permits (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 5.0: Action on Applications (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 6.0: Denial, Suspension or Revocation of Operating Permits (Effective 06/11/2006)Section 7.0: Transfer of Permit/Registration Prohibited (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 8.0: Availability of Permit/Registration (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 9.0: Registration Submittal (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 10.0: Source Category Permit Application (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 11.0: Permit Application (Effective 06/11/2006)Section 12.0: Public Participation (Effective 06/11/2006)Section 13.0: Department Records (Effective 06/01/1997)Section 1102: Appendix A (Effective 06/11/2006)

7 DE Admin. Code 1103: Ambient Air Quality Standards Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 09/11/1999)Section 2.0: General Restrictions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 3.0: Suspended Particulates (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Sulfur Dioxide (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 5.0: Carbon Monoxide (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 6.0: Ozone (Effective 09/11/1999)Section 7.0: Hydrocarbons (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 8.0: Nitrogen Dioxide (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 9.0: Hydrogen Sulfide (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 10.0: Lead (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 11.0: PM10 and PM2.5 Particulates (Effective 2/11/2003) 7 DE Admin. Code 1104: Particulate Emissions From Fuel Burning Equipment Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 2.0: Emission Limits (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1105: Particulate Emissions From Industrial Process

Operations Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981) Section 2.0: General Restrictions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 3.0: Restrictions on Hot Mix Asphalt Batching Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Restrictions on Secondary Metal Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 5.0: Restrictions on Petroleum Refining Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 6.0: Restrictions on Prill Tower Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 7.0: Control of Potentially Hazardous Particulate Matter (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1106: Particulate Emissions From Construction and

Materials Handling Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 2.0: Demolition (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 3.0: Grading, Land Clearing, Excavation and Use of Non-Paved Roads (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Material Movement (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 5.0: Sandblasting (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 6.0: Material Storage (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1107: Emissions From Incineration of Noninfectious

Waste Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 2.0: Restrictions (Effective 10/13/1989)

7 DE Admin. Code 1108: Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Fuel Burning

Equipment Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 12/08/1983)Section 2.0: Limit on Sulfur Content of Fuel (Effective 05/09/1985)Section 3.0: Emission Control in Lieu of Sulfur Content Limits of 2.0 of This Regulation (Effective 05/09/1985)

7 DE Admin. Code 1109: Emissions of Sulfur Compounds From Industrial

Operations Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 05/09/1985)Section 2.0: Restrictions on Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 3.0: Restriction on Sulfuric Recovery Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Stack Height Requirements (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1110: Emissions of Sulfur Compounds From Industrial

Operations Section 1.0: Requirements for Existing Sources of Sulfur Dioxide (Effective 01/18/1981)Section 2.0: Requirements for New Sources of Sulfur Dioxide (Effective 02/01/1981) 7 DE Admin. Code 1111: Carbon Monoxide Emissions From Industrial Process

Operations, New Castle County Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 2.0: Restrictions on Petroleum Refining Operations (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1112: Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Section 1.0: Applicability (Effective 11/24/1993)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 11/24/1993)Section 3.0: Standards (Effective 11/24/1993)Section 4.0: Exemptions (Effective 11/24/1993)Section 5.0: Alternative and Equivalent RACT Determinations (11/24/1993)Section 6.0: RACT Proposals (11/24/1993)Section 7.0: Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements (Effective 11/24/1993)

7 DE Admin. Code 1113: Open Burning Section 1.0: Purpose (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 2.0: Applicability (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 3.0: Definitions (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 4.0: Prohibitions and Related Provisions (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 5.0: Season and Time Restrictions (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 6.0: Allowable Open Burning (Effective 04/11/2007)Section 7.0: Exemptions (Effective 04/11/2007)

7 DE Admin. Code 1114: Visible Emissions Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 2.0: Requirements (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 3.0: Alternate Opacity Requirements (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 4.0: Compliance With Opacity Standards (Effective 07/17/1984)

7 DE Admin. Code 1115: Air Pollution Alert and Emergency Plan Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 2.0: Stages and Criteria (Effective 03/29/1988)Section 3.0: Required Actions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 4.0: Standby Plans (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1116: Sources Having an Interstate Air Pollution

Potential Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 2.0: Limitations (Effective 02/01/1981)Section 3.0: Requirements (Effective 02/01/1981)

7 DE Admin. Code 1117: Source Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Section 1.0: Definitions and Administrative Principals (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 2.0: Sampling and Monitoring (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 3.0: Minimum Emissions Monitoring Requirements For Existing Sources (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 4.0: Performance Specifications (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 5.0: Minimum Data Requirements (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 6.0: Data Reduction (Effective 07/17/1984)Section 7.0: Emission Statement (Effective 01/11/1993)

7 DE Admin. Code 1120: New Source Performance Standards Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 12/07/1988)Section 2.0: Standards of Performance for Fuel Burning Equipment (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 3.0: Standards of Performance for Nitric Acid Plants (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 5.0: Standards of Performance for Asphalt Concrete Plants (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 6.0: Standards of Performance for Incinerators (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 7.0: Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 8.0: Standards of Performance for Sulfuric Acid Plants (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 9.0: Standards of Performance for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units for Which Construction is Commenced After September 18, 1978 (Effective 04/18/1983)Section 10.0: Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines (Effective 11/27/1985)Section 11.0: Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries (Effective 11/27/1985)Section 12.0: Standards of Performance for Steel Plants: Electric Arc Furnaces (Effective 11/27/1985)Section 20.0: Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline Terminals (Effective 11/27/1985)Section 22.0: Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks at Petroleum Refineries (Effective 11/27/1985)Section 27.0: Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced after July 23, 1984 (Effective 12/07/1988)Section 29.0: Standards of Performance for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (Effective 09/11/1998)

7 DE Admin. Code 1122: Restriction on Quality of Fuel in Fuel Burning

Equipment Section 1.0: Prohibition of Waste Oil (Effective 11/27/1985)

7 DE Admin. Code 1124: Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 01/11/2002)Section 3.0: Applicability (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 4.0: Compliance, Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Coating Sources (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 5.0: Compliance, Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements for Non-Coating Sources (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 6.0: General Recordkeeping (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 7.0: Circumvention (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 8.0: Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 9.0: Compliance, Permits, Enforceability (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 10.0: Aerospace Coatings (Effective 08/11/2002)Section 11.0: Mobile Equipment Repair and Refinishing (Effective 11/11/2001)Section 12.0: Surface Coating of Plastic Parts (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 13.0: Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Coating Operations (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 14.0: Can Coating (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 15.0: Coil Coating (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 16.0: Paper Coating (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 17.0: Fabric Coating (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 18.0: Vinyl Coating (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 19.0: Coating of Metal Furniture (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 20.0: Coating of Large Appliances (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 21.0: Coating of Magnet Wire (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 22.0: Coating of Miscellaneous Parts (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 23.0: Coating of Flat Wood Paneling (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 24.0: Bulk Gasoline Plants (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 25.0: Bulk Gasoline Terminals (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 26.0: Gasoline Dispensing Facility Stage I Vapor Recovery (Effective 01/11/2002) Section 27.0: Gasoline Tank Trucks (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 28.0: Petroleum Refinery Sources (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 29.0: Leaks from Petroleum Refinery Equipment (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 30.0: Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 31.0: Petroleum Liquid Storage in Fixed Roof Tanks (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 32.0: Leaks from Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing Equipment (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 33.0: Solvent Cleaning and Drying (Effective 11/11/2001)Section 34.0: Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 35.0: Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 36.0: Stage II Vapor Recovery (Effective 01/11/2002)Section 37.0: Graphic Arts Systems (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 38.0: Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 40.0: Leaks from Synthetic Organic Chemical, Polymer, and Resin Manufacturing Equipment (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 41.0: Manufacture of High-Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene Resins (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 42.0: Air Oxidation Processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (Effective 01/11/1993)Section 43.0: Bulk Gasoline Marine Tank Vessel Loading Facilities (Effective 08/08/1994)Section 44.0: Batch Processing Operations (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 45.0: Industrial Cleaning Solvents (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 46.0: Crude Oil Lightering Operations (Effective 05/11/2007)Section 47.0: Offset Lithographic Printing (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 48.0: Reactor Processes and Distillation Operations in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 49.0: Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Effective 11/29/1994)Section 50.0: Other Facilities that Emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (Effective 11/29/1994)

7 DE Admin. Code 1124: Control of Organic Compound Emissions Appendix A: General Provisions: Test Methods and Compliance Procedures (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix B: Determining the Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Coatings and Inks (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix C: Alternative Compliance Methods for Surface Coating (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix D: Emission Capture and Destruction or Removal Efficiency and Monitoring Requirements (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30: Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30A: Volatile Organic Compounds Content in Liquid Input Stream (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30B: Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30C: Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Captured Stream (Dilution Technique) (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30D: Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Fugitive Stream from Temporary Total Enclosure (Effective 11/29/1994)Method 30E: Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions in Fugitive Stream from Building Enclosure (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix E: Determining the Destruction or Removal Efficiency of a Control Device (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix F: Leak Detection Methods for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix G: Performance Specifications for Continuous Emissions Monitoring of Total Hydrocarbons (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix H: Quality Control Procedures for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix I: Method to Determine Length of Rolling Period for Liquid/Liquid Material Balance (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix K: Emissions Estimation Methodologies (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix L: Method to Determine Total Organic Carbon for Offset Lithographic Solutions (Effective 11/29/1994)Appendix M: Test Method for Determining the Performance of Alternative Cleaning Fluids (Effective 11/29/1994)

7 DE Admin. Code 1125: Requirements for Preconstruction Review Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 08/11/2005)Section 2.0: Emission Offset Provisions (EOP) (Effective 08/11/2005)Section 3.0: Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (Effective 08/11/2005)Section 4.0: Minor New Source Review (MNSR) (Effective 08/11/2005)

7 DE Admin. Code 1127: Stack Heights Section 1.0: General Provisions (Effective 07/06/1982)Section 2.0: Definitions Specific to this Regulation (Effective 12/07/1988) Section 3.0: Requirements for Existing and New Sources (Effective 02/18/1987)Section 4.0: Public Notification (Effective 02/18/1987)

7 DE Admin. Code 1129: Emissions From Incineration of Infectious Waste Section 1.0: General Provisions (10/13/1989)Section 2.0: Exemptions (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 3.0: Permit Requirements (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 4.0: Methods of Treatment and Disposal (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 5.0: Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 6.0: Evidence of Effectiveness of Treatment (Effective 10/13/1989)Section 7.0: Incineration (Effective 10/13/1989)

7 DE Admin. Code 1130: Title V State Operating Permit Program Section 1.0: Program Overview (Effective 11/15/1993)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 11/15/1993)Section 3.0: Applicability (Effective 11/15/1993)Section 5.0: Permit Applications (Effective 11/15/1993)Section 6.0: Permit Contents (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 7.0: Permit Issuance, Renewal, Reopening, And Revisions (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 8.0: Permit Review by EPA and Affected States (Effective 11/15/1993)Section 9.0: Permit Fees (Effective 11/15/1993)Appendix A: Insignificant Activities (Effective 11/15/1993)

7 DE Admin. Code 1132: Transportation Conformity Section 1.0: Purpose (Effective 11/11/2007)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 11/11/2007)Section 3.0: Consultation (Effective 11/11/2007)Section 4.0: Written Commitments for Control and Mitigation Measures (Effective 11/11/2007)

7 DE Admin Code 1134: Emission Banking and Trading Program Section 1.0: Program Overview (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 3.0: Applicability (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 4.0: Generating an Emission Reduction (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 5.0: Application for Certification of an Emission Reduction as an ERC (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 6.0: Source Baseline (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 7.0: Post-Reduction Emission rate (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 8.0: Certification of an Emission Reduction (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 9.0: Trading and Use of ERCs (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 10.0: Record Keeping Requirements (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 11.0: ERC Banking System (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 12.0: Fees (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 13.0: Enforcement (Effective 10/06/1997)Section 14.0: Program Evaluation and Individual Audits (Effective 10/06/1997)

7 DE Admin. Code 1135: Conformity of General Federal Actions to the

State Implementation Plans Section 1.0: Purpose (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 3.0: Applicability (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 4.0: Conformity Analysis (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 5.0: Reporting Requirements (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 6.0: Public Participation and Consultation (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 7.0: Frequency of Conformity Determinations (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 8.0: Criteria for Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 9.0: Procedures for Conformity Determinations of General Federal Actions (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 10.0: Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts (Effective 08/14/1996)Section 11.0: Savings Provisions (Effective 08/14/1996)

7 DE Admin. Code 1139: Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Budget Trading

Program Section 1.0: Purpose (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 2.0: Emission Limitation (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 3.0: Applicability (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 4.0: Definitions (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 5.0: General Provisions (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 6.0: NOX Authorized Account Representative for NOX Budget Sources (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 7.0: Permits (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 8.0: Monitoring and Reporting (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 9.0: NATS (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 10.0: NOX Allowance Transfers (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 11.0: Compliance Certification (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 12.0: End-of-Season Reconciliation (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 13.0: Failure to Meet Compliance Requirements (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 14.0: Individual Units Opt-Ins (Effective 12/11/2000)Section 15.0: General Accounts (Effective 12/11/2000) Appendix A: Allowance Allocations to NOX Budget Units under and of DE Admin. Code 1139 (Effective 02/11/2000)Appendix B: 7 DE Admin. Code 1137--7 DE Admin. Code 1139 Program Transition (Effective 02/11/2000)

7 DE Admin. Code 1140: Delaware's National Low Emission Vehicle (NLEV)

Regulation Section 1.0: Applicability (Effective 09/11/1999)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 09/11/1999)Section 3.0: Program Participation (Effective 09/11/1999)

7 DE Admin. Code 1142: Specific Emission Control Requirements Section 1.0: Control of NOX Emissions from Industrial Boilers (Effective 12/12/2001)

7 DE Admin. Code 1143: Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Standards Section 1.0: On Road Heavy Duty Diesel Requirements for Model Years 2005 and 2006 (Effective 02/11/2005)Section 2.0: On Road Heavy Duty Diesel Requirements for Model Year 2007 and Later (Effective 02/11/2005)

7 DE Admin. Code 1144: Control of Stationary Generator Emissions \1\---------------------------------------------------------------------------

\1\ All sections for 7 DE Admin. Code 1144: Control of Stationary Generator Emissions shall be incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 55 except for all references to Carbon Dioxide (CO2).--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1.0: General (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 3.0: Emissions (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 4.0: Operating Requirements (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 5.0: Fuel Requirements (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 7.0: Emissions Certification, Compliance, and Enforcement (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 8.0: Credit for Concurrent Emissions Reductions (Effective 01/11/2006)Section 9.0: DVFA Member Companies (Effective 01/11/2006)

7 DE Admin. Code 1145: Excessive Idling of Heavy Duty Vehicles Section 1.0: Applicability (Effective 04/11/2005)Section 2.0: Definitions (Effective 04/11/2005)Section 3.0: Severability (Effective 04/11/2005)Section 4.0: Operational Requirements for Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles (Effective 04/11/2005)Section 5.0: Exemptions (Effective 04/11/2005)Section 6.0: Enforcement and Penalty (Effective 04/11/2005)

7 DE Admin. Code 1146: Electric Generating Unit (EGU) Multi-Pollutant

Regulation Section 1.0: Preamble (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 2.0: Applicability (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 3.0: Definitions (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 4.0: NOX Emissions Limitations (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 5.0: SO2 Emissions Limitations (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 6.0: Mercury Emissions Limitations (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 7.0: Recordkeeping and Reporting (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 8.0: Compliance Plan (Effective 12/11/2006)Section 9.0: Penalties (Effective 12/11/2006) 7 DE Admin. Code 1148: Control of Stationary Combustion Turbine Electric

Generating Unit Emissions Section 1.0: Purpose (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 2.0: Applicability (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 3.0: Definitions (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 4.0: NOX Emissions Limitations (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 5.0: Monitoring and Reporting (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 6.0: Recordkeeping (Effective 07/11/2007)Section 7.0: Penalties (Effective 07/11/2007)(2) [Reserved]


(a) State requirements.

(1) The following requirements are contained in State of Florida Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, January 2, 2008: Florida Administrative Code--Department of Environmental Protection. The following sections of Chapter 62: