(a) If you manufacture multi-component kits as defined in Sec. 59.503, then the Kit PWR must not exceed the Total Reactivity Limit.
(b) You must calculate the Kit PWR and the Total Reactivity Limit as follows:
(1) KIT PWR = (PWR(1) x W1) + (PWR(2) x W2) +. ...+ (PWR(n) x Wn)
(2) Total Reactivity Limit = (RL1 x W1) + (RL2 x W2) +...+ (RLn x Wn).
(3) Kit PWR 4Total Reactivity Limit. Where: W = the weight of the product contents (excluding container).RL = the PWR Limit specified in Table 1 of this subpart.Subscript 1 denotes the first component product in the kit.Subscript 2 denotes the second component product in the kit.Subscript n denotes any additional component product.