In addition to this subpart, the regulations referenced in Table 1 also apply to asbestos and may be applicable to those sources specified in Secs. 61.142 through 61.151, 61.154, and 61.155 of this subpart. These cross-references are presented for the reader's information and to promote compliance with the cited regulations.
Table 1--Cross-Reference to Other Asbestos Regulations------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agency CFR citation Comment------------------------------------------------------------------------EPA 40 CFR part 763, Requires schools to inspect
subpart E. for asbestos and implement
response actions and
submit asbestos management
plans to States. Specifies
use of accredited
inspectors, air sampling
methods, and waste
disposal procedures.
40 CFR part 427........ Effluent standards for
asbestos manufacturing
source categories.
40 CFR part 763, Protects public employees
subpart G. performing asbestos
abatement work in States
not covered by OSHA
asbestos standard.OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1001....... Worker protection measures-
engineering controls,
worker training, labeling,
respiratory protection,
bagging of waste,
permissible exposure
29 CFR 1926.1101....... Worker protection measures
for all construction work
involving asbestos,
including demolition and
renovation-work practices,
worker training, bagging
of waste, permissible
exposure level.MSHA 30 CFR part 56, subpart Specifies exposure limits,
D. engineering controls, and
respiratory protection
measures for workers in
surface mines.
30 CFR part 57, subpart Specifies exposure limits,
D. engineering controls, and
respiratory protection
measures for workers in
underground mines.DOT 49 CFR parts 171 and Regulates the
172. transportation of asbestos-
containing waste material.
Requires waste containment
and shipping papers.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [55 FR 48432, Nov. 20, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 31920, June 19, 1995; 68 FR 54793, Sept. 18, 2003; 69 FR 43324, July 20, 2004]