(a) For liquid oil-fired, solid oil-derived fuel-fired and coal-fired EGUs and IGCC units using PM CPMS to monitor continuous performance with an applicable emission limit as provided for under Sec. 63.10000(c), you must conduct all applicable performance tests according to Table 5 to this subpart and Sec. 63.10007 at least every year.
(b) For affected units meeting the LEE requirements of Sec. 63.10005(h), you must repeat the performance test once every 3 years (once every year for Hg) according to Table 5 and Sec. 63.10007. Should subsequent emissions testing results show the unit does not meet the LEE eligibility requirements, LEE status is lost. If this should occur:
(1) For all pollutant emission limits except for Hg, you must conduct emissions testing quarterly, except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1).
(2) For Hg, you must install, certify, maintain, and operate a Hg CEMS or a sorbent trap monitoring system in accordance with appendix A to this subpart, within 6 calendar months of losing LEE eligibility. Until the Hg CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring system is installed, certified, and operating, you must conduct Hg emissions testing quarterly, except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1). You must have 3 calendar years of testing and CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring system data that satisfy the LEE emissions criteria to reestablish LEE status.
(c) Except where paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section apply, or where you install, certify, and operate a PM CEMS to demonstrate compliance with a filterable PM emissions limit, for liquid oil-, solid oil-derived fuel-, coal-fired and IGCC EGUs, you must conduct all applicable periodic emissions tests for filterable PM, individual, or total HAP metals emissions according to Table 5 to this subpart, Sec. 63.10007, and Sec. 63.10000(c), except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1).
(d) Except where paragraph (b) of this section applies, for solid oil-derived fuel- and coal-fired EGUs that do not use either an HCl CEMS to monitor compliance with the HCl limit or an SO2 CEMS to monitor compliance with the alternate equivalent SO2 emission limit, you must conduct all applicable periodic HCl emissions tests according to Table 5 to this subpart and Sec. 63.10007 at least quarterly, except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1).
(e) Except where paragraph (b) of this section applies, for liquid oil-fired EGUs without HCl CEMS, HF CEMS, or HCl and HF CEMS, you must conduct all applicable emissions tests for HCl, HF, or HCl and HF emissions according to Table 5 to this subpart and Sec. 63.10007 at least quarterly, except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1), and conduct site-specific monitoring under a plan as provided for in Sec. 63.10000(c)(2)(iii).
(f) Unless you follow the requirements listed in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, performance tests required at least every 3 calendar years must be completed within 35 to 37 calendar months after the previous performance test; performance tests required at least every year must be completed within 11 to 13 calendar months after the previous performance test; and performance tests required at least quarterly must be completed within 80 to 100 calendar days after the previous performance test, except as otherwise provided in Sec. 63.10021(d)(1).
(g) If you elect to demonstrate compliance using emissions averaging under Sec. 63.10009, you must continue to conduct performance stack tests at the appropriate frequency given in section (c) through (f) of this section.
(h) If a performance test on a non-mercury LEE shows emissions in excess of 50 percent of the emission limit and if you choose to reapply for LEE status, you must conduct performance tests at the appropriate frequency given in section (c) through (e) of this section for that pollutant until all performance tests over a consecutive 3-year period show compliance with the LEE criteria.
(i) If you are required to meet an applicable tune-up work practice standard, you must conduct a performance tune-up according to Sec. 63.10021(e).
(1) For EGUs not employing neural network combustion optimization during normal operation, each performance tune-up specified in Sec. 63.10021(e) must be no more than 36 calendar months after the previous performance tune-up.
(2) For EGUs employing neural network combustion optimization systems during normal operation, each performance tune-up specified in Sec. 63.10021(e) must be no more than 48 calendar months after the previous performance tune-up.
(j) You must report the results of performance tests and performance tune-ups within 60 days after the completion of the performance tests and performance tune-ups. The reports for all subsequent performance tests must include all applicable information required in Sec. 63.10031. [77 FR 9464, Feb. 16, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 23403, Apr. 19, 2012; 78 FR 24085, Apr. 24, 2013]