(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emissions limit that applies to you by conducting performance testing.
(b) If you are subject to an operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart, you demonstrate initial compliance with HAP metals or filterable PM emission limit(s) through performance stack tests and you elect to use a PM CPMS to demonstrate continuous performance, or if, for a liquid oil-fired unit, and you use quarterly stack testing for HCl and HF plus site-specific parameter monitoring to demonstrate continuous performance, you must also establish a site-specific operating limit, in accordance with Table 4 to this subpart, Sec. 63.10007, and Table 6 to this subpart. You may use only the parametric data recorded during successful performance tests (i.e., tests that demonstrate compliance with the applicable emissions limits) to establish an operating limit.
(c)(1) If you use CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring systems to measure a HAP (e.g., Hg or HCl) directly, the first 30-boiler operating day (or, if alternate emissions averaging is used for Hg, the 90-boiler operating day) rolling average emission rate obtained with certified CEMS after the applicable date in Sec. 63.9984 (or, if applicable, prior to that date, as described in Sec. 63.10005(b)(2)), expressed in units of the standard, is the initial performance test. Initial compliance is demonstrated if the results of the performance test meet the applicable emission limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.
(1) If you use CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring systems to measure a HAP (e.g., Hg or HCl) directly, the first 30-boiler operating day (or, if alternate emissions averaging is used for Hg, the 90-boiler operating day) rolling average emission rate obtained with certified CEMS after the applicable date in Sec. 63.9984 (or, if applicable, prior to that date, as described in Sec. 63.10005(b)(2)), expressed in units of the standard, is the initial performance test. Initial compliance is demonstrated if the results of the performance test meet the applicable emission limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.
(2) For a unit that uses a CEMS to measure SO2 or PM emissions for initial compliance, the first 30 boiler operating day average emission rate obtained with certified CEMS after the applicable date in Sec. 63.9984 (or, if applicable, prior to that date, as described in Sec. 63.10005(b)(2)), expressed in units of the standard, is the initial performance test. Initial compliance is demonstrated if the results of the performance test meet the applicable SO2 or filterable PM emission limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.
(d) For candidate LEE units, use the results of the performance testing described in Sec. 63.10005(h) to determine initial compliance with the applicable emission limit(s) in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart and to determine whether the unit qualifies for LEE status.
(e) You must submit a Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration, according to Sec. 63.10030(e).
(f)(1) You must determine the fuel whose combustion produces the least uncontrolled emissions, i.e., the cleanest fuel, either natural gas or distillate oil, that is available on site or accessible nearby for use during periods of startup or shutdown.
(1) You must determine the fuel whose combustion produces the least uncontrolled emissions, i.e., the cleanest fuel, either natural gas or distillate oil, that is available on site or accessible nearby for use during periods of startup or shutdown.
(2) Your cleanest fuel, either natural gas or distillate oil, for use during periods of startup or shutdown determination may take safety considerations into account.
(g) You must follow the startup or shutdown requirements as given in Table 3 to this subpart for each coal-fired, liquid oil-fired, or solid oil-derived fuel-fired EGU.
(1) You may use the diluent cap and default electrical load values, as described in Sec. 63.10007(f), during startup periods or shutdown periods.
(2) You must operate all CMS, collect data, calculate pollutant emission rates, and record data during startup periods or shutdown periods.
(3) You must report the information as required in Sec. 63.10031.
(4) If you choose to use paragraph (2) of the definition of ``startup'' in Sec. 63.10042 and you find that you are unable to safely engage and operate your particulate matter (PM) control(s) within 1 hour of first firing of coal, residual oil, or solid oil-derived fuel, you may choose to rely on paragraph (1) of definition of ``startup'' in Sec. 63.10042 or you may submit a request to use an alternative non-opacity emissions standard, as described below.
(i) As mentioned in Sec. 63.6(g)(1), the request will be published in the Federal Register for notice and comment rulemaking. Until promulgation in the Federal Register of the final alternative non-opacity emission standard, you shall comply with paragraph (1) of the definition of ``startup'' in Sec. 63.10042. You shall not implement the alternative non-opacity emissions standard until promulgation in the Federal Register of the final alternative non-opacity emission standard.
(ii) The request need not address the items contained in Sec. 63.6(g)(2).
(iii) The request shall provide evidence of a documented manufacturer-identified safely issue.
(iv) The request shall provide information to document that the PM control device is adequately designed and sized to meet the PM emission limit applicable to the EGU.
(v) In addition, the request shall contain documentation that:
(A) The EGU is using clean fuels to the maximum extent possible to bring the EGU and PM control device up to the temperature necessary to alleviate or prevent the identified safety issues prior to the combustion of primary fuel in the EGU;
(B) The EGU has explicitly followed the manufacturer's procedures to alleviate or prevent the identified safety issue; and
(C) Identifies with specificity the details of the manufacturer's statement of concern.
(vi) The request shall specify the other work practice standards the EGU owner or operator will take to limit HAP emissions during startup periods and shutdown periods to ensure a control level consistent with the work practice standards of the final rule.
(vii) You must comply with all other work practice requirements, including but not limited to data collection, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements. [77 FR 9464, Feb. 16, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 23404, Apr. 19, 2012; 79 FR 68790, Nov. 19, 2014]
Continuous Compliance Requirements