Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.10906 What definitions apply to this subpart?

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in Sec. 63.2, and in this section.

Annual metal melt capacity means the lower of the total metal melting furnace equipment melt rate capacity assuming 8,760 operating hours per year summed for all metal melting furnaces at the foundry or, if applicable, the maximum permitted metal melt production rate for the iron and steel foundry calculated on an annual basis. Unless otherwise specified in the permit, permitted metal melt production rates that are not specified on an annual basis must be annualized assuming 24 hours per day, 365 days per year of operation. If the permit limits the operating hours of the furnace(s) or foundry, then the permitted operating hours are used to annualize the maximum permitted metal melt production rate.

Annual metal melt production means the quantity of metal melted in a metal melting furnace or group of all metal melting furnaces at the iron and steel foundry in a given calendar year. For the purposes of this subpart, metal melt production is determined on the basis on the quantity of metal charged to each metal melting furnace; the sum of the metal melt production for each furnace in a given calendar year is the annual metal melt production of the foundry.

Bag leak detection system means a system that is capable of continuously monitoring relative particulate matter (dust) loadings in the exhaust of a baghouse to detect bag leaks and other upset conditions. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, electrodynamic, light scattering, light transmittance, or other effect to continuously monitor relative particulate matter loadings.

Binder chemical means a component of a system of chemicals used to bind sand together into molds, mold sections, and cores through chemical reaction as opposed to pressure.

Capture system means the collection of components used to capture gases and fumes released from one or more emissions points and then convey the captured gas stream to a control device or to the atmosphere. A capture system may include, but is not limited to, the following components as applicable to a given capture system design: Duct intake devices, hoods, enclosures, ductwork, dampers, manifolds, plenums, and fans.

Chlorinated plastics means solid polymeric materials that contain chlorine in the polymer chain, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC copolymers.

Control device means the air pollution control equipment used to remove particulate matter from the effluent gas stream generated by a metal melting furnace.

Cupola means a vertical cylindrical shaft furnace that uses coke and forms of iron and steel such as scrap and foundry returns as the primary charge components and melts the iron and steel through combustion of the coke by a forced upward flow of heated air.

Deviation means any instance in which an affected source or an owner or operator of such an affected source:

(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart including, but not limited to, any emissions limitation (including operating limits), management practice, or operation and maintenance requirement;

(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any iron and steel foundry required to obtain such a permit; or

(3) Fails to meet any emissions limitation (including operating limits) or management standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart.

Electric arc furnace means a vessel in which forms of iron and steel such as scrap and foundry returns are melted through resistance heating by an electric current flowing through the arcs formed between the electrodes and the surface of the metal and also flowing through the metal between the arc paths.

Electric induction furnace means a vessel in which forms of iron and steel such as scrap and foundry returns are melted though resistance heating by an electric current that is induced in the metal by passing an alternating current through a coil surrounding the metal charge or surrounding a pool of molten metal at the bottom of the vessel.

Exhaust stream means gases emitted from a process through a conveyance as defined in this subpart.

Foundry operations mean all process equipment and practices used to produce metal castings for shipment. Foundry operations include: Mold or core making and coating; scrap handling and preheating; metal melting and inoculation; pouring, cooling, and shakeout; shotblasting, grinding, and other metal finishing operations; and sand handling.

Free liquids means material that fails the paint filter liquids test by EPA Method 9095B, Revision 2, November 1994 (incorporated by reference--see Sec. 63.14). That is, if any portion of the material passes through and drops from the filter within the 5-minute test period, the material contains free liquids.

Fugitive emissions means any pollutant released to the atmosphere that is not discharged through a system of equipment that is specifically designed to capture pollutants at the source, convey them through ductwork, and exhaust them using forced ventilation. Fugitive emissions include pollutants released to the atmosphere through windows, doors, vents, or other building openings. Fugitive emissions also include pollutants released to the atmosphere through other general building ventilation or exhaust systems not specifically designed to capture pollutants at the source.

Furfuryl alcohol warm box mold or core making line means a mold or core making line in which the binder chemical system used is that system commonly designated as a furfuryl alcohol warm box system by the foundry industry.

Iron and steel foundry means a facility or portion of a facility that melts scrap, ingot, and/or other forms of iron and/or steel and pours the resulting molten metal into molds to produce final or near final shape products for introduction into commerce. Research and development facilities, operations that only produce non-commercial castings, and operations associated with nonferrous metal production are not included in this definition.

Large foundry means, for an existing affected source, an iron and steel foundry with an annual metal melt production greater than 20,000 tons. For a new affected source, large foundry means an iron and steel foundry with an annual metal melt capacity greater than 10,000 tons.

Mercury switch means each mercury-containing capsule or switch assembly that is part of a convenience light switch mechanism installed in a vehicle.

Metal charged means the quantity of scrap metal, pig iron, metal returns, alloy materials, and other solid forms of iron and steel placed into a metal melting furnace. Metal charged does not include the quantity of fluxing agents or, in the case of a cupola, the quantity of coke that is placed into the metal melting furnace.

Metal melting furnace means a cupola, electric arc furnace, electric induction furnace, or similar device that converts scrap, foundry returns, and/or other solid forms of iron and/or steel to a liquid state. This definition does not include a holding furnace, an argon oxygen decarburization vessel, or ladle that receives molten metal from a metal melting furnace, to which metal ingots or other material may be added to adjust the metal chemistry.

Mold or core making line means the collection of equipment that is used to mix an aggregate of sand and binder chemicals, form the aggregate into final shape, and harden the formed aggregate. This definition does not include a line for making greensand molds or cores.

Motor vehicle means an automotive vehicle not operated on rails and usually is operated with rubber tires for use on highways.

Motor vehicle scrap means vehicle or automobile bodies, including automobile body hulks, that have been processed through a shredder. Motor vehicle scrap does not include automobile manufacturing bundles, or miscellaneous vehicle parts, such as wheels, bumpers, or other components that do not contain mercury switches.

Nonferrous metal means any pure metal other than iron or any metal alloy for which an element other than iron is its major constituent in percent by weight.

On blast means those periods of cupola operation when combustion (blast) air is introduced to the cupola furnace and the furnace is capable of producing molten metal. On blast conditions are characterized by both blast air introduction and molten metal production.

Responsible official means responsible official as defined in Sec. 63.2.

Scrap preheater means a vessel or other piece of equipment in which metal scrap that is to be used as melting furnace feed is heated to a temperature high enough to eliminate volatile impurities or other tramp materials by direct flame heating or similar means of heating. Scrap dryers, which solely remove moisture from metal scrap, are not considered to be scrap preheaters for purposes of this subpart.

Scrap provider means the person (including a broker) who contracts directly with an iron and steel foundry to provide motor vehicle scrap. Scrap processors such as shredder operators or vehicle dismantlers that do not sell scrap directly to a foundry are not scrap providers.

Scrubber blowdown means liquor or slurry discharged from a wet scrubber that is either removed as a waste stream or processed to remove impurities or adjust its composition or pH.

Small foundry means, for an existing affected source, an iron and steel foundry that has an annual metal melt production of 20,000 tons or less. For a new affected source, small foundry means an iron and steel foundry that has an annual metal melt capacity of 10,000 tons or less.

Total metal HAP means, for the purposes of this subpart, the sum of the concentrations of compounds of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, and selenium as measured by EPA Method 29 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8). Only the measured concentration of the listed analytes that are present at concentrations exceeding one-half the quantitation limit of the analytical method are to be used in the sum. If any of the analytes are not detected or are detected at concentrations less than one-half the quantitation limit of the analytical method, the concentration of those analytes will be assumed to be zero for the purposes of calculating the total metal HAP for this subpart. Sec. Table 1 to Subpart ZZZZZ of Part 63--Performance Test Requirements

for New and Existing Affected Sources Classified as Large Foundries

As required in Sec. 63.10898(c) and (h), you must conduct performance tests according to the test methods and procedures in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

According to the

For. . . You must. . . following

requirements. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each metal melting a. Select sampling Sampling sites must

furnace subject to a PM or port locations and be located at the

total metal HAP limit in the number of outlet of the

Sec. 63.10895(c). traverse points in control device (or

each stack or duct at the outlet of

using EPA Method 1 the emissions

or 1A (40 CFR part source if no

60, appendix A). control device is

b. Determine present) prior to

volumetric flow any releases to the

rate of the stack atmosphere.

gas using Method 2, i. Collect a minimum

2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or sample volume of 60

2G (40 CFR part 60, dscf of gas during

appendix A). each PM sampling

c. Determine dry run. The PM

molecular weight of concentration is

the stack gas using determined using

EPA Method 3, 3A, only the front-half

or 3B (40 CFR part (probe rinse and

60, appendix A).\1\. filter) of the PM

d. Measure moisture catch.

content of the ii. For Method 29,

stack gas using EPA only the measured

Method 4 (40 CFR concentration of

part 60, A). the listed metal

e. Determine PM HAP analytes that

concentration using are present at

EPA Method 5, 5B, concentrations

5D, 5F, or 5I, as exceeding one-half

applicable or total the quantification

metal HAP limit of the

concentration using analytical method

EPA Method 29 (40 are to be used in

CFR part 60, the sum. If any of

appendix A). the analytes are

not detected or are

detected at

concentrations less

than one-half the


limit of the

analytical method,

the concentration

of those analytes

is assumed to be

zero for the

purposes of

calculating the

total metal HAP.

iii. A minimum of

three valid test

runs are needed to

comprise a PM or

total metal HAP

performance test.

iv. For cupola metal

melting furnaces,

sample PM or total

metal HAP only

during times when

the cupola is on


v. For electric arc

and electric

induction metal

melting furnaces,

sample PM or total

metal HAP only

during normal melt


conditions, which

may include, but

are not limited to

the following


Charging, melting,

alloying, refining,

slagging, and


vi. Determine and

record the total

combined weight of

tons of metal

charged during the

duration of each

test run. You must

compute the process-

weighted mass

emissions of PM

according to

Equation 1 of Sec.

63.10898(d) for an

individual furnace

or Equation 2 of

Sec. 63.10898(e)

for the group of

all metal melting

furnaces at the

foundry.2. Fugitive emissions from a. Using a certified i. The certified

buildings or structures observer, conduct observer may

housing any iron and steel each opacity test identify a limited

foundry emissions sources according to EPA number of openings

subject to opacity limit in Method 9 (40 CFR or vents that

Sec. 63.10895(e). part 60, appendix A- appear to have the

4) and 40 CFR highest opacities

63.6(h)(5). and perform opacity

observations on the

identified openings

or vents in lieu of


observations for

each opening or

vent from the

building or


Alternatively, a

single opacity

observation for the

entire building or

structure may be

performed, if the

fugitive release

points afford such

an observation.

ii. During testing

intervals when PM

or total metal HAP

performance tests,

if applicable, are

being conducted,

conduct the opacity

test such that the


observations are

recorded during the

PM or total metal

HAP performance


b. As alternative to i. The observer may

Method 9 identify a limited

performance test, number of openings

conduct visible or vents that

emissions test by appear to have the

Method 22 (40 CFR highest visible

part 60, appendix A- emissions and

7). The test is perform

successful if no observations on the

visible emissions identified openings

are observed for 90 or vents in lieu of

percent of the performing

readings over 1 observations for

hour. If VE is each opening or

observed greater vent from the

than 10 percent of building or

the time over 1 structure.

hour, then the Alternatively, a

facility must single observation

conduct another for the entire

performance test as building or

soon as possible, structure may be

but no later than performed, if the

15 calendar days fugitive release

after the Method 22 points afford such

test, using Method an observation.

9 (40 CFR part 60, ii. During testing

appendix A-4). intervals when PM

or total metal HAP

performance tests,

if applicable, are

being conducted,

conduct the visible

emissions test such

that the

observations are

recorded during the

PM or total metal

HAP performance

tests.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ You may also use as an alternative to EPA Method 3B (40 CFR part 60,

appendix A), the manual method for measuring the oxygen, carbon

dioxide, and carbon monoxide content of exhaust gas, ANSI/ASME PTC

19.10-1981, ``Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses'' (incorporated by

reference--see Sec. 63.14).

Sec. Table 2 to Subpart ZZZZZ of Part 63--Procedures for Establishing

Operating Limits for New Affected Sources Classified as Large Foundries

As required in Sec. 63.10898(k), you must establish operating limits using the procedures in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

For. . . You must. . .------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each wet scrubber subject Using the CPMS required in Sec.

to the operating limits in 63.10897(b), measure and record the

Sec. 63.10895(d)(1) for pressure drop and scrubber water flow

pressure drop and scrubber rate in intervals of no more than 15

water flow rate. minutes during each PM or total metal

HAP test run. Compute and record the

average pressure drop and average

scrubber water flow rate for all the

valid sampling runs in which the

applicable emissions limit is met.2. Each electrostatic Using the CPMS required in Sec.

precipitator subject to 63.10897(c), measure and record voltage

operating limits in Sec. and secondary current (or total power

63.10895(d)(2) for voltage input) in intervals of no more than 15

and secondary current (or minutes during each PM or total metal

total power input). HAP test run. Compute and record the

minimum hourly average voltage and

secondary current (or total power input)

from all the readings for each valid

sampling run in which the applicable

emissions limit is met.------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 3 to Subpart ZZZZZ of Part 63--Applicability of General

Provisions to New and Existing Affected Sources Classified as Large


As required in Sec. 63.10900(a), you must meet each requirement in the following table that applies to you: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Applies to large

Citation Subject foundry? Explanation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63.1................................ Applicability.......... Yes.63.2................................ Definitions............ Yes.63.3................................ Units and abbreviations Yes.63.4................................ Prohibited activities.. Yes.63.5................................ Construction/ Yes.

reconstruction.63.6(a)-(g)......................... Compliance with Yes.

standards and


requirements.63.6(h)............................. Opacity and visible Yes.

emissions standards.63.6(i)(i)-(j)...................... Compliance extension Yes.

and Presidential

compliance exemption.63.7(a)(3), (b)-(h)................. Performance testing Yes.

requirements.63.7(a)(1)-(a)(2)................... Applicability and No Subpart ZZZZZ specifies

performance test dates. applicability and

performance test

dates.63.8(a)(1)-(a)(3), (b), (c)(1)- Monitoring requirements Yes.

(c)(3), (c)(6)-(c)(8), (d), (e),

(3), (c)(6)-(c)(8), (d), (e),

(f)(1)-(f)(6), (g)(1)-(g)(4).

(1)-(f)(6), (g)(1)-(g)(4).

63.8(a)(4).......................... Additional monitoring No.

requirements for

control devices in

Sec. Continuous monitoring No.

system (CMS)

requirements.63.8(c)(5).......................... Continuous opacity No.

monitoring system

(COMS) minimum

procedures.63.8(g)(5).......................... Data reduction......... No.63.9................................ Notification Yes.

requirements.63.10(a), (b)(1)-(b)(2)(xii) - Recordkeeping and Yes.

(b)(2)(xiv), (b)(3), (d)(1)-(2), reporting requirements.

(2)(xiv), (b)(3), (d)(1)-(2), reporting requirements.

(xiv), (b)(3), (d)(1)-(2), reporting requirements.

(e)(1)-(2), (f).63.10(c)(1)-(6), (c)(9)-(15)........ Additional records for No.

(1)-(2), (f).63.10(c)(1)-(6), (c)(9)-(15)........ Additional records for No.

continuous monitoring

systems.63.10(c)(7)-(8)..................... Records of excess Yes.

emissions and

parameter monitoring

exceedances for CMS.63.10(d)(3)......................... Reporting opacity or Yes.

visible emissions

observations.63.10(e)(3)......................... Excess emissions Yes.

reports.63.10(e)(4)......................... Reporting COMS data.... No.63.11............................... Control device No.

requirements.63.12............................... State authority and Yes.

delegations.63.13-63.16......................... Addresses of State air Yes.

pollution control

agencies and EPA

regional offices.

Incorporation by


Availability of

information and


Performance track

provisions.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sec. Table 4 to Subpart ZZZZZ of Part 63--Compliance Certifications for

New and Existing Affected Sources Classified as Large Iron and Steel


As required by Sec. 63.10900(b), your notification of compliance status must include certifications of compliance according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your notification of compliance status

required by Sec. 63.9(h) must include

For. . . this certification of compliance, signed

by a responsible official:------------------------------------------------------------------------Each new or existing affected ``This facility has prepared, and will

source classified as a large operate by, written material

foundry and subject to scrap specifications for metallic scrap

management requirements in according to Sec. 63.10885(a)(1)'' and/

Sec. 63.10885(a)(1) and/or or ``This facility has prepared, and

(2). will operate by, written material

specifications for general iron and

steel scrap according to Sec.

63.10885(a)(2).''Each new or existing affected ``This facility has prepared, and will

source classified as a large operate by, written material

foundry and subject to specifications for the removal of

mercury switch removal mercury switches and a site-specific

requirements in Sec. plan implementing the material

63.10885(b). specifications according to Sec.

63.10885(b)(1)'' and/or ``This facility

participates in and purchases motor

vehicles scrap only from scrap providers

who participate in a program for removal

of mercury switches that has been

approved by the EPA Administrator

according to Sec. 63.10885(b)(2) and

have prepared a plan for participation

in the EPA approved program according to

Sec. 63.10885(b)(2)(iv)'' and/or ``The

only materials from motor vehicles in

the scrap charged to a metal melting

furnace at this facility are materials

recovered for their specialty alloy

content in accordance with Sec.

63.10885(b)(3) which are not reasonably

expected to contain mercury switches''

and/or ``This facility complies with the

requirements for scrap that does not

contain motor vehicle scrap in

accordance with Sec. 63.10885(b)(4).''Each new or existing affected ``This facility complies with the no

source classified as a large methanol requirement for the catalyst

foundry and subject to Sec. portion of each binder chemical

63.10886. formulation for a furfuryl alcohol warm

box mold or core making line according

to Sec. 63.10886.''Each new or existing affected ``This facility operates a capture and

source classified as a large collection system for each emissions

foundry and subject to Sec. source subject to this subpart according

63.10895(b). to Sec. 63.10895(b).''Each existing affected source ``This facility complies with the PM or

classified as a large total metal HAP emissions limit in Sec.

foundry and subject to Sec. 63.10895(c) for each metal melting

63.10895(c)(1). furnace or group of all metal melting

furnaces based on a previous performance

test in accordance with Sec.

63.10898(a)(1).''Each new or existing affected ``This facility has prepared and will

source classified as a large operate by an operation and maintenance

foundry and subject to Sec. plan according to Sec. 63.10896(a).''


Each new or existing (if ``This facility has prepared and will

applicable) affected source operate by a site-specific monitoring

classified as a large plan for each bag leak detection system

foundry and subject to Sec. and submitted the plan to the

63.10897(d). Administrator for approval according to

Sec. 63.10897(d)(2).''------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subpart AAAAAA [Reserved] Subpart BBBBBB_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants,

and Pipeline Facilities

Source: 73 FR 1933, Jan. 10, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

What This Subpart Covers