(a) If you own or operate an existing affected source as specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(1), then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(1)(i) by January 23, 2007.
(b) If you own or operate a new affected source as specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(2), then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart as specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(2)(i) by the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) If you start up a new affected source on or before January 23, 2007, you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart not later than January 23, 2007.
(2) If you start up a new affected source after January 23, 2007, but before or on May 20, 2011, then you must achieve compliance with the provisions in this subpart upon startup of your affected source.
(c) If you own or operate an existing affected source as specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(1), then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(1)(iii) by April 17, 2015.
(d) If you own or operate an affected source that commenced construction or reconstruction between October 6, 2006, and May 20, 2011, then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(3) by April 17, 2015.
(e) If you own or operate a new affected source as specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(4), then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart specified in Sec. 63.11140(b)(4)(i) by the dates in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) If you start up your affected source between May 20, 2011, and April 17, 2012, then you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart not later than April 17, 2012.
(2) If you start up your affected source after April 17, 2012, then you must achieve compliance with the provisions in this subpart upon startup of your affected source. [77 FR 22905, Apr. 17, 2012]
Standards and Compliance Requirements