(a) If you have an existing affected source, you must achieve compliance with applicable provisions in this subpart by January 23, 2007. If you startup a new sintering machine at an existing affected source after January 23, 2007, you must achieve compliance with the applicable provisions in this subpart not later than 180 days after startup.
(b) If you have a new affected source, you must achieve compliance with applicable provisions in this subpart according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) If you startup a new affected source on or before January 23, 2007, you must achieve compliance with applicable provisions in this subpart not later than January 23, 2007.
(2) If you startup a new affected source after January 23, 2007, you must achieve compliance with applicable provisions in this subpart upon initial startup.
Primary Zinc Production Facilities