Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 40  /  Part 63  /  Sec. 63.11503 Who implements and enforces this subpart?

(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by the U.S. EPA or a delegated authority such as a State, local, or tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA Administrator has delegated authority to a State, local, or tribal agency pursuant to 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, then that Agency has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You should contact your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if this subpart is delegated to a State, local, or tribal agency within your State.

(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency under 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, the approval authorities contained in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section are retained by the Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are not transferred to the State, local, or tribal agency.

(1) Approval of an alternative non-opacity emissions standard under Sec. 63.6(g).

(2) Approval of a major change to a test method. A ``major change to test method'' is defined in Sec. 63.90.

(3) Approval of a major change to monitoring under Sec. 63.8(f). A ``major change to monitoring'' is defined in Sec. 63.90.

(4) Approval of a major change to recordkeeping/reporting under Sec. 63.10(f). A ``major change to recordkeeping/reporting'' is defined in Sec. 63.90. Sec. Table 1 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Hazardous Air Pollutants Used

To Determine Applicability of Chemical Manufacturing Operations

As required in Sec. 63.11494(a), chemical manufacturing operations that process, use, or produce the HAP shown in the following table are subject to subpart VVVVVV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type of HAP Chemical name CAS No.------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Organic compounds........... a. 1,3-butadiene....... 106990

b. 1,3-dichloropropene. 542756

c. Acetaldehyde........ 75070

d. Chloroform.......... 67663

e. Ethylene dichloride. 107062

f. Hexachlorobenzene... 118741

g. Methylene chloride.. 75092

h. Quinoline........... 912252. Metal compounds............. a. Arsenic compounds...

b. Cadmium compounds...

c. Chromium compounds..

d. Lead compounds......

e. Manganese compounds.

f. Nickel compounds....3. Others...................... a. Hydrazine........... 302012------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 2 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Batch Process Vents

As required in Sec. 63.11496, you must comply with the requirements for batch process vents as shown in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

For * * * You must * * * Except * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Batch process vents in a a. Reduce collective i. Compliance may be

CMPU at an existing source uncontrolled total based on either

for which the total organic organic HAP total organic HAP

HAP emissions are equal to emissions from the or total organic

or greater than 10,000 lb/ sum of all batch carbon (TOC); and

yr. process vents by ii. As specified in

"85 percent by Sec. 63.11496(g).

weight or to 420

ppmv by routing

emissions from a

sufficient number

of the batch

process vents

through a closed

vent system to any

combination of

control devices

(except a flare) in

accordance with the

requirements of

Sec. 63.982(c) and

the requirements

referenced therein;


b. Route emissions i. Not applicable.

from batch process

vents containing at

least 85 percent of

the uncontrolled

total organic HAP

through a closed-

vent system to a

flare (except that

a flare may not be

used to control

halogenated vent

streams) in

accordance with the

requirements of

Sec. 63.982(b) and

the requirements

referenced therein;


c. Comply with the i. As specified in

alternative Sec. 63.11496(e)

standard specified of this subpart.

in Sec. 63.2505

and the


referenced therein;


d. Comply with i. The information

combinations of the specified above for

requirements in Items a., b., and

Items a., b., and c., as applicable.

c. of this Table

for different

groups of batch

process vents.2. Batch process vents in a a. Comply with any i. The information

CMPU at a new source for of the emission specified above for

which the total organic HAP limits in Items 1.a Items 1.a., 1.b.,

emissions are equal to or through 1.d of this 1.c., and 1.d, as

greater than 10,000 lb/yr. Table, except 90 applicable.

percent reduction

applies instead of

85 percent

reduction in Item

1.a, and 90 percent

of the emissions

must be routed to a

flare instead of 85

percent in Item 1.b.3. Halogenated batch process a. Comply with the

vent stream at a new or requirements for

existing source that is halogen scrubbers

controlled through in Sec.

combustion. 63.11496(d).------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 3 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Continuous Process Vents

[As required in Sec. 63.11496, you must comply with the requirements for continuous process vents as shown in

the following table]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For. . . You must. . . Except. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each continuous process vent with a a. Reduce emissions of total organic HAP i. Compliance may be based

TRE 41.0 by "95 percent by weight ("85 percent on either total organic

by weight for periods of startup or HAP or TOC; and

shutdown) or to 420 ppmv by routing ii. As specified in Sec.

emissions through a closed vent system 63.11496(g).

to any combination of control devices

(except a flare) in accordance with the

requirements of Sec. 63.982(c) and the

requirements referenced therein; or

b. Reduce emissions of total organic by i. Not applicable.

HAP by routing all emissions through a

closed-vent system to a flare (except

that a flare may not be used to control

halogenated vent streams) in accordance

with the requirements of Sec.

63.982(b) and the requirements

referenced therein, or

c. Comply with the alternative standard i. As specified in Sec.

specified in Sec. 63.2505 and the 63.11496(e).

requirements referenced therein2. Halogenated vent stream that is a. Comply with the requirements for

controlled through combustion halogen scrubbers in Sec. 63.11496(d).

3. Each continuous process vent with a a. Comply with the requirements of Sec. ...........................

TRE >1.0 but 44.0 63.982(e) and the requirements

specified therein if a recovery device,

as defined in Sec. 63.11502, is used

to maintain a TRE >1.0 but 44.0.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [77 FR 75760, Dec. 21, 2012]

Sec. Table 4 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Metal HAP Process Vents

As required in Sec. 63.11496(f), you must comply with the requirements for metal HAP process vents as shown in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

For * * * You must * * * Except * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------Each CMPU with total metal Reduce collective Not applicable.

HAP emissions "400 lb/yr. uncontrolled

emissions of total

metal HAP emissions

by "95 percent by

weight by routing

emissions from a

sufficient number

of the metal

process vents

through a closed-

vent system to any

combination of

control devices,

according to the

requirements of

Sec. 63.11496(f)(3

), (4), or (5).------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 5 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Storage Tanks

As required in Sec. 63.11497, you must comply with the requirements for storage tanks as shown in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

For each * * * You must * * * Except * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Storage tank with a a. Comply with the i. All required

design capacity "40,000 requirements of seals must be

gallons, storing liquid subpart WW of this installed by the

that contains organic HAP part; compliance date in

listed in Table 1 to this Sec. 63.11494.

subpart, and for which the

maximum true vapor pressure

(MTVP) of total organic HAP

at the storage temperature

is "5.2 kPa and <76.6 kPa..

b. Reduce total i. Compliance may be

organic HAP based on either

emissions by "95 total organic HAP

percent by weight or TOC;

by operating and ii. When the term

maintaining a storage vessel is

closed-vent system used in subpart SS

and control device of this part, the

(other than a term storage tank,

flare) in surge control

accordance with vessel, or bottoms

Sec. 63.982(c); or receiver, as

defined in Sec.

63.11502 of this

subpart, applies;


iii. The

requirements do not

apply during

periods of planned

routine maintenance

of the control

device, as

specified in Sec.


c. Reduce total HAP i. The requirements

emissions by do not apply during

operating and periods of planned

maintaining a routine maintenance

closed-vent system of the flare, as

and a flare in specified in Sec.

accordance with 63.11497(b); and

Sec. 63.982(b); or ii. When the term

storage vessel is

used in subpart SS

of this part, it

means storage tank,

surge control

vessel, or bottoms

receiver, as

defined in Sec.

63.11502 of this


d. Vapor balance in i. To comply with

accordance with Sec. 63.1253(f)(6)

Sec. 63.2470(e); (i), the owner or

or operator of an

offsite cleaning or

reloading facility

must comply with

Sec. 63.11494 and

Sec. 63.11502

instead of

complying with Sec.


except as specified

in item 1.d.ii and

1.2.iii of this


ii. The reporting

requirements in

Sec. 63.11501 do

not apply to the

owner or operator

of the offsite

cleaning or

reloading facility.

iii. As an

alternative to

complying with the


recordkeeping, and


provisions in Secs.

63.11494 through

63.11502, the owner

or operator of an

offsite cleaning or

reloading facility

may comply as

specified in Sec.

63.11500 with any

other subpart of

this part 63 which

has monitoring,

recordkeeping, and


provisions as

specified in Sec.


e. Route emissions i. When the term

to a fuel gas storage vessel is

system or process used in subpart SS

in accordance with of this part, it

the requirements in means storage tank,

Sec. 63.982(d) and surge control

the requirements vessel, or bottoms

referenced therein. receiver, as

defined in Sec.

63.11502.2. Storage tank with a a. Comply with one i. The information

design capacity "20,000 of the options in specified above for

gallons and <40,000 Item 1 of this Items 1.a., 1.b.,

gallons, storing liquid table. 1.c., 1.d, and 1.e,

that contains organic HAP as applicable.

listed in Table 1 to this

subpart, and for which the

MTVP of total organic HAP

at the storage temperature

is "27.6 kPa and <76.6 kPa.3. Storage tank with a a. Comply with i. The information

design capacity "20,000 option b, c, d, or specified above for

gallons, storing liquid e in Item 1 of this Items 1.b., 1.c.,

that contains organic HAP table. 1.d, and 1.e, as

listed in Table 1 to this applicable.

subpart, and for which the

MTVP of total organic HAP

at the storage temperature

is "76.6 kPa.4. Storage tank described by a. Reduce emissions

Item 1, 2, or 3 in this of hydrogen halide

table and emitting a and halogen HAP by

halogenated vent stream "95 percent by

that is controlled with a weight, or to 40.45

combustion device. kg/hr, or to 420

ppmv by using a

halogen reduction

device after the

combustion device

according to the

requirements in

Sec. 63.11496(d);


b. Reduce the

halogen atom mass

emission rate to

40.45 kg/hr or to

420 ppmv by using a

halogen reduction

device before the

combustion device

according to the

requirements in

Sec. 63.11496(d).------------------------------------------------------------------------ [74 FR 56041, Oct. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 75760, Dec. 21, 2012]

Sec. Table 6 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Wastewater Systems

[As required in Sec. 63.11498, you must comply with the requirements for wastewater systems as shown in the

following table]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For each. . . You must. . . And you must. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Wastewater stream................. a. Discharge to onsite or offsite i. Maintain records

wastewater treatment or hazardous waste identifying each wastewater

treatment stream and documenting the

type of treatment that it

receives. Multiple

wastewater streams with

similar characteristics and

from the same type of

activity in a CMPU may be

grouped together for

recordkeeping purposes.

2. Wastewater stream containing a. Use a decanter, steam stripper, thin i. For the water phase,

partially soluble HAP at a film evaporator, or distillation unit comply with the requirements

concentration "10,000 ppmw and to separate the water phase from the in Item 1 of this table, and

separate organic and water phases. organic phase(s); or ii. For the organic phase(s),

recycle to a process, use as

fuel, or dispose as

hazardous waste either

onsite or offsite, and

iii. Keep records of the

wastewater streams subject

to this requirement and the

disposition of the organic


b. Hard pipe the entire wastewater stream i. Keep records of the

to onsite treatment as a hazardous waste, wastewater streams subject

or hard pipe the entire wastewater stream to this requirement and the

to a point of transfer to onsite or disposition of the

offsite hazardous waste treatment. wastewater streams.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [77 FR 75761, Dec. 21, 2012]

Sec. Table 7 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Partially Soluble HAP

As required in Sec. 63.11498(a), you must comply with emission limits for wastewater streams that contain the partially soluble HAP listed in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Partially soluble HAP name CAS No.------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)................. 715562. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane................................. 793453. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane..................................... 790054. 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride)................ 753545. 1,2-Dibromoethane......................................... 1069346. 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride).................. 1070627. 1,2-Dichloropropane....................................... 788758. 1,3-Dichloropropene....................................... 5427569. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol..................................... 9595410. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene...................................... 10646711. 2-Nitropropane........................................... 7946912. 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK).............................. 10810113. Acetaldehyde............................................. 7507014. Acrolein................................................. 10702815. Acrylonitrile............................................ 10713116. Allyl chloride........................................... 10705117. Benzene.................................................. 7143218. Benzyl chloride.......................................... 10044719. Biphenyl................................................. 9252420. Bromoform (tribromomethane).............................. 7525221. Bromomethane............................................. 7483922. Butadiene................................................ 10699023. Carbon disulfide......................................... 7515024. Chlorobenzene............................................ 10890725. Chloroethane (ethyl chloride)............................ 7500326. Chloroform............................................... 6766327. Chloromethane............................................ 7487328. Chloroprene.............................................. 12699829. Cumene................................................... 9882830. Dichloroethyl ether...................................... 11144431. Dinitrophenol............................................ 5128532. Epichlorohydrin.......................................... 10689833. Ethyl acrylate........................................... 14088534. Ethylbenzene............................................. 10041435. Ethylene oxide........................................... 7521836. Ethylidene dichloride.................................... 7534337. Hexachlorobenzene........................................ 11874138. Hexachlorobutadiene...................................... 8768339. Hexachloroethane......................................... 6772140. Methyl methacrylate...................................... 8062641. Methyl-t-butyl ether..................................... 163404442. Methylene chloride....................................... 7509243. N-hexane................................................. 11054344. N,N-dimethylaniline...................................... 12169745. Naphthalene.............................................. 9120346. Phosgene................................................. 7544547. Propionaldehyde.......................................... 12338648. Propylene oxide.......................................... 7556949. Styrene.................................................. 10042550. Tetrachloroethylene (per- chloroethylene)................ 12718451. Tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride)................ 5623552. Toluene.................................................. 10888353. Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-)................................ 12082154. Trichloroethylene........................................ 7901655. Trimethylpentane......................................... 54084156. Vinyl acetate............................................ 10805457. Vinyl chloride........................................... 7501458. Xylene (m)............................................... 10838359. Xylene (o)............................................... 9547660. Xylene (p)............................................... 106423------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sec. Table 8 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Emission Limits and

Compliance Requirements for Heat Exchange Systems

[As required in Sec. 63.11499, you must comply with the requirements for heat exchange systems as shown in the

following table]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For. . . You must. . . Except. . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Each heat exchange system with a a. Comply with the monitoring requirements i. The reference to monthly

cooling water flow rate "8,000 gal/ in Sec. 63.104(c), the leak repair monitoring for the first 6

min and not meeting one or more of requirements in Sec. 63.104(d) and (e), months in Sec. 63.104(b)(1)

the conditions in Sec. 63.104(a). and the recordkeeping and reporting and (c)(1)(iii) does not

requirements in Sec. 63.104(f); or apply. Monitoring shall be

no less frequent than


ii. The reference in Sec.

63.104(f)(1) to record

retention requirements in

Sec. 63.103(c)(1) does not

apply. Records must be

retained as specified in

Secs. 63.10(b)(1) and

63.11501(c); and

iii. The reference in Sec.

63.104(f)(2) to ``the next

semi-annual periodic report

required by Sec.

63.152(c)'' means the next

semi-annual compliance

report required by Sec.


b. Comply with the heat exchange system i. Not applicable.

requirements in Sec. 63.104(b) and the

requirements referenced therein.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [77 FR 75762, Dec. 21, 2012]

Sec. Table 9 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63--Applicability of General

Provisions to Subpart VVVVVV

As required in Sec. 63.11501(a), you must comply with the requirements of the NESHAP General Provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A) as shown in the following table. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Applies to Subpart

Citation Subject VVVVVV? Explanation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63.1(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), Applicability......... Yes...................

(a)(6), (a)(10)-(a)(12) (b)(1),

(6), (a)(10)-(a)(12) (b)(1),

(b)(3), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(5),

(3), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(5),

(e).63.1(a)(5), (a)(7)-(a)(9), (b)(2), Reserved.............. No....................

(c)(3), (c)(4), (d).63.2............................... Definitions........... Yes...................63.3............................... Units and Yes...................

(3), (c)(4), (d).63.2............................... Definitions........... Yes...................63.3............................... Units and Yes...................

Abbreviations.63.4............................... Prohibited Activities Yes...................

and Circumvention.63.5............................... Preconstruction Review Yes...................

and Notification

Requirements.63.6(a), (b)(1)-(b)(5), (b)(7), Compliance with Yes...................

(c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(5), Standards and

(1), (c)(2), (c)(5), Standards and

(e)(1)(iii), (g), (i), (j). Maintenance

(1)(iii), (g), (i), (j). Maintenance

(iii), (g), (i), (j). Maintenance

Requirements.63.6(b)(6), (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), Reserved.............. No....................

(h)(3), (h)(5)(iv).63.6(e)(1)(i) and (ii), (e)(3), and SSM Requirements...... No.................... See Sec. 63.11495(d) for

(3), (h)(5)(iv).63.6(e)(1)(i) and (ii), (e)(3), and SSM Requirements...... No.................... See Sec. 63.11495(d) for

(f)(1). general duty requirement.63.6(h)(1)-(h)(4), (h)(5)(i)- ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

(1). general duty requirement.63.6(h)(1)-(h)(4), (h)(5)(i)- ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

(h)(5)(iii), (h)(6)-(h)(9). include opacity or visible

(5)(iii), (h)(6)-(h)(9). include opacity or visible

(iii), (h)(6)-(h)(9). include opacity or visible

emissions (VE) standards

or require a continuous

opacity monitoring system

(COMS).63.7(a)(1), (a)(3), (a)(4), (c), Performance Testing Yes...................

(e)(4), and (f)-(h). Requirements.63.7(a)(2), (b), (d), (e)(2)-(e)(3) Performance Testing Yes/No................ Requirements apply if

(4), and (f)-(h). Requirements.63.7(a)(2), (b), (d), (e)(2)-(e)(3) Performance Testing Yes/No................ Requirements apply if

Schedule, conducting test for metal

Notification of HAP control; requirements

Performance Test, in Secs. 63.997(c)(1),

Performance Testing (d), (e), and 63.999(a)(1)

Facilities, and apply, as referenced in

Conduct of Sec. 63.11496(g), if

Performance Tests. conducting test for

organic HAP or hydrogen

halide and halogen HAP

control device.

63.7(e)(1)......................... Performance Testing... No.................... See Sec.

63.11496(f)(3)(ii) if

conducting a test for

metal HAP emissions. See

Secs. 63.11496(g) and

63.997(e)(1) if conducting

a test for continuous

process vents or for

hydrogen halide and

halogen emissions. See

Secs. 63.11496(g) and

63.2460(c) if conducting a

test for batch process

vents.63.8(a)(1), (a)(4), (b), Monitoring Yes...................

(c)(1)(ii), (c)(2)-(c)(3), (f)(1)- Requirements.

(1)(ii), (c)(2)-(c)(3), (f)(1)- Requirements.

(ii), (c)(2)-(c)(3), (f)(1)- Requirements.

(5).63.8(a)(2)......................... Monitoring No....................

Requirements.63.8(a)(3)......................... Reserved.............. No....................63.8(c)(1)(i)...................... General Duty to No....................

Minimize Emissions

and CMS Operation.63.8(c)(1)(iii).................... Requirement to Develop No....................

SSM Plan for CMS.63.8(c)(4)......................... ...................... Yes................... Only for CEMS. CPMS

requirements in 40 CFR

part 63, subpart SS are

referenced from Sec.

63.11496. Requirements for

COMS do not apply because

subpart VVVVVV does not

require COMS.63.8(c)(5)......................... ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

require COMS.63.8(c)(6)-(c)(8), (d)(1)-(d)(2), ...................... Yes................... Requirements apply only if

(e), (f)(6). you use a continuous

emission monitoring system

(CEMS) to demonstrate

compliance with the

alternative standard in

Sec. 63.11496(e).63.8(d)(3)......................... Written Procedures for Yes................... Requirement applies except

CMS. for last sentence, which

refers to an SSM plan. SSM

plans are not required.63.8(g)(1)-(g)(4).................. ...................... Yes................... Data reduction requirements

apply only if you use CEMS

to demonstrate compliance

with alternative standard

in Sec. 63.11496(e). COMS

requirements do not apply.

Requirement in Sec.

63.8(g)(2) does not apply

because data reduction for

CEMS are specified in 40

CFR part 63, subpart FFFF.63.8(g)(5)......................... ...................... No.................... Data reduction requirements

for CEMS are specified in

Sec. 63.2450(j)(4), as

referenced from Sec.

63.11496. CPMS

requirements are specified

in 40 CFR part 63, subpart

SS, as referenced from

Sec. 63.11496.63.9(a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(4), Notification Yes...................

(b)(5), (c), (d), (e), (i). Requirements.63.9(b)(3), (h)(4)................. Reserved.............. No....................63.9(f)............................ ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

(5), (c), (d), (e), (i). Requirements.63.9(b)(3), (h)(4)................. Reserved.............. No....................63.9(f)............................ ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

contain opacity or VE

limits.63.9(g)............................ ...................... Yes................... Additional notification

requirement applies only

if you use CEMS to

demonstrate compliance

with alternative standard

in Sec. 63.11496(e).63.9(h)(1)-(h)(3), (h)(5)-(h)(6)... ...................... Yes................... Except subpart VVVVVV does

not contain opacity or VE

limits.63.9(i)............................ ...................... Yes...................63.9(j)............................ Change in Information No.................... Notification of process

Already Provided. changes that affect a

compliance determination

are required in Sec.

63.11501(d)(4).63.10(a)........................... Recordkeeping Yes...................

Requirements.63.10(b)(1)........................ ...................... Yes...................63.10(b)(2)(i)..................... Recordkeeping of No.................... See Sec. 63.11501(c)(8)

Occurrence and for recordkeeping of

Duration of Startups occurrence and duration of

and Shutdowns. each startup and shutdown

for continuous process

vents that are subpart to

Table 3 to this subpart.63.10(b)(2)(ii).................... Recordkeeping of No.................... See Sec.

Malfunctions. 63.11501(c)(1)(vii) and

(viii) for recordkeeping

of (1) date, time,

duration, and volume of

excess emissions and (2)

actions taken during


63.10(b)(2)(iii)................... Maintenance Records... Yes...................63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v)............ Actions Taken to No....................

Minimize Emissions

During SSM.63.10(b)(2)(vi), (x), (xi), (xiii). ...................... Yes................... Apply only if you use CEMS

to demonstrate compliance

with alternative standard

in Sec. 63.11496(e).63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(b)(2)(ix), ...................... Yes...................

(b)(2)(xii), (b)(2)(xiv).63.10(b)(3)........................ ...................... Yes...................63.10(c)(1), (c)(5)-(c)(6), (c)(13)- ...................... Yes................... Apply only if you use CEMS

(2)(xii), (b)(2)(xiv).63.10(b)(3)........................ ...................... Yes...................63.10(c)(1), (c)(5)-(c)(6), (c)(13)- ...................... Yes................... Apply only if you use CEMS

(xii), (b)(2)(xiv).63.10(b)(3)........................ ...................... Yes...................63.10(c)(1), (c)(5)-(c)(6), (c)(13)- ...................... Yes................... Apply only if you use CEMS

(c)(14). to demonstrate compliance

(14). to demonstrate compliance

with alternative standard

in Sec. 63.11496(e).63.10(c)(7)-(8).................... Additional Yes...................


Requirements for CMS--


Exceedances and

Excess Emissions.63.10(c)(10)....................... Recordkeeping Nature No.................... See Sec.

and Cause of 63.11501(c)(1)(vii) and

Malfunctions. (viii) for malfunctions


requirements.63.10(c)(11)....................... Recording Corrective No.................... See Sec.

Actions. 63.11501(c)(1)(vii) and

(viii) for malfunctions


requirements.63.10(c)(12)....................... ...................... Yes...................63.10(c)(15)....................... Use of SSM Plan....... No....................63.10(c)(2)-(c)(4), (c)(9)......... Reserved.............. No....................63.10(d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(4), Reporting Requirements Yes...................

(e)(1), (e)(2), (f).63.10(d)(3)........................ ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

(1), (e)(2), (f).63.10(d)(3)........................ ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

include opacity or VE

limits.63.10(d)(5)........................ SSM Reports........... No.................... See Sec. 63.11501(d)(8)

for reporting requirements

for malfunctions.63.10(e)(1)-(e)(2)................. ...................... Yes................... Apply only if you use CEMS

to demonstrate compliance

with alternative standard

in Sec. 63.11496(e).63.10(e)(3)........................ ...................... Yes...................63.10(e)(4)........................ ...................... No.................... Subpart VVVVVV does not

include opacity or VE

limits.63.11.............................. Control Device Yes...................

Requirements.63.12.............................. State Authorities and Yes...................

Delegations.63.13.............................. Addresses............. Yes...................63.14.............................. Incorporations by Yes...................

Reference.63.15.............................. Availability of Yes...................

Information and

Confidentiality.63.16.............................. Performance Track Yes...................

Provisions.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [74 FR 56041, Oct. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 75762, Dec. 21, 2012] Subpart WWWWWW_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants:

Area Source Standards for Plating and Polishing Operations

Source: 73 FR 37741, July 1, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

Applicability and Compliance Dates