Chemical preparation means a target HAP-containing product, or intermediate used in the manufacture of other products, manufactured in a process operation described by the NAICS code 325998 if the operation manufactures target HAP-containing products or intermediates other than indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink. Indelible ink, India ink, writing ink, and stamp pad ink manufacturing operations are subject to regulation by the paints and allied products area source rule (40 CFR part 63, subpart CCCCCCC).
Chemical preparations facility means any facility-wide collection of chemical preparation operations.
Chemical preparations operation means the collection of mixing, blending, milling, and extruding equipment used to manufacture chemical preparations. A chemical preparation operation may include all, or only some, of the equipment listed above, depending on the chemical preparation being manufactured. Mixing and blending equipment may be used to process either wet or dry materials, or a combination of wet and dry materials. Milling equipment includes, but is not limited to, various types of rolling mills, rotary mills, and grinders. Extruding equipment, for the purposes of this subpart, includes direct and indirect extruders, spray driers, and prilling towers.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or management practice established by this subpart;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement a requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Fails to meet any emissions limit.
In target HAP service means that equipment in the chemical preparation operation either contains, contacts, or is processing target HAP-containing materials.
Leak means a break in the integrity of the vent collection or control device system (i.e., in the duct work, piping, etc.) such that visual particulate emissions, liquids or residue form outside the vent collection system or control device.
Process vent stream means a gas stream from any equipment in target HAP service at the point where that gas stream is discharged from a vent collection system to the atmosphere, or inlet of a control device, if any.
Research and development equipment means any equipment whose primary purpose is to conduct research and development to develop new processes and products, where such equipment is operated under the close supervision of technically trained personnel and is not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale in commerce, except in a de minimis manner.
Responsible official means one of the following:
(1) For a corporation: A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation, or a duly authorized representative of such person if the representative is responsible for the overall operation of one or more chemical preparations facilities;
(2) For a partnership: A general partner;
(3) For a sole proprietorship: The owner; or
(4) For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: Either a principal executive officer or ranking official.
Target HAP means metal compounds for chromium, lead, manganese, and nickel.
Target HAP-containing means raw materials, intermediates, or products that contain one or more target HAP. Any material that contains compounds of chromium (VI), lead, or nickel in amounts greater than or equal to 0.1 percent by weight (as the metal), or manganese or chromium (III) compounds in amounts greater than or equal to 1.0 percent by weight (as the metal) is considered to be target HAP-containing. Target HAP content is shown in the formulation data provided by the manufacturer or supplier, such as the Material Safety Data Sheet for the material.
Unsafe or difficult to inspect means the equipment cannot be inspected without elevating the inspection personnel more than two meters above a support surface or it is not accessible at anytime in a safe manner.
Vent collection system means hoods, enclosures, ductwork and fans utilized to remove particulate emissions from chemical preparations operations work areas.
Sec. Table 1 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--Emission Reduction and PM
Concentration Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For each * * * You must * * * Using * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Process Vent Stream from Route the process Vent collection
equipment in target HAP vent stream to a PM system and PM
service. control device control device,
with: such as a wet
a. A PM percent scrubber or fabric
reduction filter, that are
efficiency of 95 maintained and
percent (98 percent operated per
for new sources), manufacturer's
or. recommendations.
b. An outlet
concentration of
0.03 gr/dscf or
Sec. Table 2 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--Initial Compliance
Demonstration Methods With the Emission Reduction and PM Concentration
Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
You must demonstrate initial
If you are demonstrating compliance by one of the following
compliance with the * * * methods * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Requirement to route all a. Perform a PM emissions test using
process vent streams from the methods listed in Table 3 to
equipment in target HAP service this subpart; or
to a PM control device with a PM b. Provide performance guarantee
percent reduction efficiency of information from the control device
95 percent (98 percent for new manufacturer that certifies the
sources) or an outlet device is capable of reducing PM
concentration of 0.03 gr/dscf or concentrations by 95 percent (98
less.. percent for new sources) or
achieves an outlet concentration of
0.03 gr/dscf or less; or
c. Provide engineering calculations,
such as mass balance and flow rate
calculations, that demonstrate that
the control device is capable of
reducing PM concentration from the
chemical preparations operation
process vent streams by 95 percent
(98 percent for new sources) or
achieving an outlet concentration
of 0.03 gr/dscf or less.2. Certification that all process a. Perform a PM emissions test using
vent streams from equipment in the methods listed in Table 3 to
target HAP service will not this subpart; or
contain a PM concentration b. Provide engineering calculations,
greater than 0.03 gr/dscf. such as mass balance and flow rate
calculations, that demonstrate that
the PM concentration from the
chemical preparations operation
process vent streams will not be
greater than 0.03 gr/dscf.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 3 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--Test Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------
For * * * You must use * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Selecting the sampling EPA test method 1 or 1A in appendix
locations \a\ and the number of A to part 60.
traverse points.2. Determining the velocity and EPA test method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F,
volumetric flow rate. or 2G, as appropriate, in appendix
A to part 60.3. Determining the gas molecular EPA test method 3, 3A, 3B, as
weight used for flow rate appropriate, in appendix A to part
determination. 60.4. Measuring the moisture content EPA test method 4 in appendix A to
of the stack gas. part 60.5. Measuring the PM emissions..... EPA test method 5 in appendix A to
part 60.------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ The sampling locations must be located at the outlet of the process
equipment (or control device, if applicable), prior to any releases to
the atmosphere.
Sec. Table 4 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--Continuous Compliance
Demonstration Methods With the Emission Reduction and PM Concentration
Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are demonstrating You must demonstrate continuous
compliance with the * * * compliance by * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Requirement to route all Using one of the following
process vent streams from monitoring methods:
equipment in target HAP service a. A bag leak detector and alarm
to a PM control device with a PM system, that notifies operators
percent reduction efficiency of when a leak in the filter media is
95 percent (98 percent for new detected.
sources) or an outlet b. A control device parameter
concentration of 0.03 gr/dscf or monitor and alarm system, that
less. notifies operators when the control
device is operating outside of the
upper or lower thresholds
established by the control device
manufacturer. Monitored parameters
may include electricity supply to
vent collection system fans,
pressure drop across the control
device, or scrubber liquor flow to
the control device, as appropriate
to the particulate matter control
device being used.
c. A CPMS, and maintaining records
of data verifying that the vent
collection system and control
device were operated within the
range of parameters established to
comply with the emission reduction
or 0.03 gr/dscf PM concentration
requirements (i.e., according to
manufacturer's recommendations or
at the conditions used during the
most recent performance test) while
the chemical preparations operation
was in target HAP service. The
control device monitoring data are
averaged over a 24-hour period or
an overall average per batch,
whichever is less, while the
chemical preparations operation is
in target HAP service. Monitored
parameters may include electricity
supply to vent collection system
fans, pressure drop across the
control device, or scrubber liquor
flow to the control device, as
appropriate to the particulate
matter control device being used.2. Certification that all process a. Conducting monthly visual
vent streams from equipment in inspections of the vent collection
target HAP service will not system ductwork for leaks.
contain a PM concentration
greater than 0.03 gr/dscf.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Table 5 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--Reporting Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are demonstrating You must submit a compliance report
compliance with the * * * as follows * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Requirement to route all a. An initial notice of compliance
process vent streams from status report (NOCSR) as specified
equipment in target HAP service in Sec. 63.11585(b)(3), and then
to a PM control device with a PM as follows in (b) or (c) as
percent reduction efficiency of applicable to you:
95 percent (98 percent for new b. If there were no deviations
sources) or an outlet during the reporting period, you
concentration of 0.03 gr/dscf or must submit an annual report
less. containing:
1. A statement that there were no
deviations from the requirement to
route all process vent streams from
equipment in target HAP service to
a PM control device that achieves a
PM percent reduction efficiency of
95 percent (98 percent for new
sources) or an outlet concentration
of 0.03 gr/dscf or less during the
reporting period.
2. If there were no periods during
which the process vent collection
system and control device was not
operating normally (i.e., according
to manufacturer's recommendations
or at the conditions used during
the most recent performance test),
a statement that the vent
collection system and control
device were operated normally at
all times during the reporting
c. If you have a deviation from the
requirement to route all process
vent streams from equipment in
target HAP service to a PM control
device that achieves a PM percent
reduction efficiency of 95 percent
(98 percent for new sources) or to
an outlet concentration of 0.03 gr/
dscf or less, or periods where the
vent collection system or control
device were not operated normally,
then you must submit a semi-annual
report for that reporting period.
The report must contain the
information specified in Sec.
63.11585(c).2. Certification that all process a. An initial NOCSR as specified in
vent streams from equipment in Sec. 63.11585(b)(3) that contains
target HAP service will not the following items:
contain a PM concentration 1. A statement certifying that all
greater than 0.03 gr/dscf. process vent streams from equipment
in target HAP service will not
contain a PM concentration greater
than 0.03 gr/dscf. The statement
shall contain that official's name,
title, and signature, certifying
the truth, accuracy, and
completeness of the certification
2. Test results or engineering
calculations that demonstrate
process vent streams covered by the
certification will not contain a PM
concentration greater than 0.03 gr/
Sec. Table 6 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63--General Provisions ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applies to
Citation Subject subpart BBBBBBB------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 63.1.................... Applicability......... Yes.Sec. 63.2.................... Definitions........... Yes.Sec. 63.3.................... Units and Yes.
Abbreviations.Sec. 63.4.................... Prohibited Activities. Yes.Sec. 63.5.................... Construction/ Yes.
Reconstruction.Sec. 63.6(a)-(d)............. Compliance with Yes.
Standards and
Requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(i)-(ii)...... Operation and No.
Requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(iii)......... Operation and Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.6(e)(2).............. [Reserved]............Sec. 63.6(e)(3).............. Startup, Shutdown, and No. Subpart
Malfunction Plan. BBBBBBB does
not require
shutdown, and
plans.Sec. 63.6(f)(1).............. Compliance with Non- No. The emission
Opacity Emissions limits apply at
Standards--Applicabil all times.
ity.Sec. 63.6(f)(2)-(3).......... Methods for Yes.
Compliance and
Finding of Compliance.Sec. 63.6(g)................. Use of an Alternative Yes.
Non-Opacity Emission
Standard.Sec. 63.6(h)................. Opacity/Visible No. Subpart
Emission (VE) BBBBBBB does
Standards. not contain
opacity or VE
standards.Sec. 63.6(i)................. Compliance Extension.. Yes.Sec. 63.6(j)................. Presidential Yes.
Compliance Exemption.Sec. 63.7(a)-(d)............. Performance Testing Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.7(e)(1).............. Performance Testing No. Subpart
Requirements. BBBBBBB
specifies the
under which
tests must be
conducted.Sec. 63.7(e)(2)-(4).......... Conduct of Performance Yes.
Tests and Data
Reduction.Sec. 63.7(f)-(h)............. Use of Alternative Yes.
Test Method; Data
Recordkeeping, and
Reporting; and Waiver
of Performance Tests.Sec. 63.8(a)(1).............. Applicability of Yes.
Requirements.Sec. 63.8(a)(2).............. Performance No. Subpart
Specifications. BBBBBBB does
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.8(a)(3).............. [Reserved]............Sec. 63.8(a)(4).............. Monitoring with Flares No.Sec. 63.8(b)(1).............. Monitoring............ Yes.Sec. 63.8(b)(2)-(3).......... Multiple Effluents and Yes.
Multiple Monitoring
Systems.Sec. 63.8(c)(1).............. Monitoring System Yes.
Operation and
Maintenance.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i)........... CMS maintenance....... Yes.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii).......... Spare Parts for CMS Yes.
Malfunction.Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii)......... Compliance with No. Subpart
Operation and BBBBBBB does
Maintenance not require
Requirements. startup,
shutdown, and
plans.Sec. 63.8(c)(2)-(3).......... Monitoring System Yes.
Installation.Sec. 63.8(c)(4).............. CMS Requirements...... No. Subpart
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.8(c)(5).............. COMS Minimum No. Subpart
Procedures. BBBBBBB does
not contain
opacity or VE
standards.Sec. 63.8(c)(6).............. CMS Requirements...... Yes, for CPMS
only. Subpart
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.8(c)(7)-(8).......... CMS Requirements...... No. Subpart
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.8(d)................. CMS Quality Control... No. Subpart
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.8(e)-(g)............. CMS Performance No. Subpart
Evaluation. BBBBBBB does
not require
compliance.Sec. 63.9.................... Notification Yes. Except
Requirements. Initial
shall be
submitted in
accordance with
the schedule in
Sec. 63.11585.Sec. 63.10(a),(b)(1), Recordkeeping and Yes.
(b)(2)(viii)-(xi),(c), Reporting
(2)(viii)-(xi),(c), Reporting
(viii)-(xi),(c), Reporting
(e)(1), (e)(2)(i), (f). Requirements.Sec. 63.11................... Control Device and Yes.
(1), (e)(2)(i), (f). Requirements.Sec. 63.11................... Control Device and Yes.
Work Practice
Requirements.Sec. 63.12................... State Authority and Yes.
Delegations.Sec. 63.13................... Addresses of State Air Yes.
Pollution Control
Agencies and EPA
Regional Offices.
Sec. 63.14................... Incorporations by Yes.
Reference.Sec. 63.15................... Availability of Yes.
Information and
Confidentiality.Sec. 63.16................... Performance Track No.
Provisions.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subpart CCCCCCC_National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Area Sources: Paints and Allied Products Manufacturing
Source: 74 FR 63525, Dec. 3, 2009, unless otherwise noted.
Applicability and Compliance Dates